forked from lijiext/lammps
316 lines
16 KiB
316 lines
16 KiB
LAMMPS (18 Feb 2013)
# Cu2O crystal, qeq on, minimizes, then calculates elastic constants
units metal
atom_style charge
dimension 3
boundary p p p
read_data data.Cu2O
triclinic box = (0 0 0) to (25.62 25.62 25.62) with tilt (0 0 0)
1 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
1296 atoms
mass 1 63.54
group type1 type 1
864 atoms in group type1
compute charge1 type1 property/atom q
compute q1 type1 reduce ave c_charge1
mass 2 16.00
group type2 type 2
432 atoms in group type2
compute charge2 type2 property/atom q
compute q2 type2 reduce ave c_charge2
velocity all create 1.0 277387
pair_style comb
pair_coeff * * ffield.comb Cu O
neighbor 0.5 bin
neigh_modify every 20 delay 0 check no
timestep 0.00020
thermo_style custom step temp etotal pe evdwl ecoul c_q1 c_q2 lx ly lz vol
thermo_modify norm yes
thermo 1
fix 1 all nve
fix 2 all qeq/comb 1 0.0001
#dump 1 all cfg 1 *.cfg id type xs ys zs q f_2 vx vy vz fx fy fz
#dump_modify 1 element Cu O
run 2
Memory usage per processor = 6.58849 Mbytes
Step Temp TotEng PotEng E_vdwl E_coul q1 q2 Lx Ly Lz Volume
0 1 -3.8383547 -3.8384838 -1.1478494 -2.6906344 0.7228352 -1.4456704 25.62 25.62 25.62 16816.568
1 0.99939067 -3.8453114 -3.8454405 -0.98378996 -2.8616505 0.72283606 -1.4456721 25.62 25.62 25.62 16816.568
2 0.9975671 -3.8453114 -3.8454402 -0.98378316 -2.8616571 0.72283727 -1.4456745 25.62 25.62 25.62 16816.568
Loop time of 0.303714 on 1 procs for 2 steps with 1296 atoms
Pair time (%) = 0.10212 (33.6237)
Neigh time (%) = 0 (0)
Comm time (%) = 0.000129938 (0.042783)
Outpt time (%) = 5.00679e-05 (0.0164852)
Other time (%) = 0.201414 (66.317)
Nlocal: 1296 ave 1296 max 1296 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 8243 ave 8243 max 8243 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 810432 ave 810432 max 810432 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 810432
Ave neighs/atom = 625.333
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
unfix 1
fix 1 all box/relax aniso 0.0 vmax 0.001
minimize 1.0e-14 1.0e-20 1000 10000
WARNING: Resetting reneighboring criteria during minimization (min.cpp:173)
Memory usage per processor = 8.03809 Mbytes
Step Temp TotEng PotEng E_vdwl E_coul q1 q2 Lx Ly Lz Volume
2 0.9975671 -3.8453114 -3.8454402 -0.98377395 -2.8616663 0.72283727 -1.4456745 25.62 25.62 25.62 16816.568
3 0.9975671 -3.8453323 -3.8454611 -0.98048803 -2.8649731 0.72283727 -1.4456745 25.59438 25.59438 25.59438 16766.169
4 0.9975671 -3.8453323 -3.8454611 -0.98048803 -2.8649731 0.72283727 -1.4456745 25.59438 25.59438 25.59438 16766.169
Loop time of 0.777246 on 1 procs for 2 steps with 1296 atoms
Minimization stats:
Stopping criterion = linesearch alpha is zero
Energy initial, next-to-last, final =
-3.84544021729 -3.84546110694 -3.84546110694
Force two-norm initial, final = 14.2445 25.7657
Force max component initial, final = 8.22308 14.8753
Final line search alpha, max atom move = 1.64125e-08 2.44141e-07
Iterations, force evaluations = 2 14
Pair time (%) = 0.77299 (99.4524)
Neigh time (%) = 0 (0)
Comm time (%) = 0.000989199 (0.12727)
Outpt time (%) = 2.40803e-05 (0.00309815)
Other time (%) = 0.00324297 (0.417238)
Nlocal: 1296 ave 1296 max 1296 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 8243 ave 8243 max 8243 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 810432 ave 810432 max 810432 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 810432
Ave neighs/atom = 625.333
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
min_modify dmax 0.2 line quadratic
unfix 1
fix 1 all nve
run 1
Memory usage per processor = 6.91773 Mbytes
Step Temp TotEng PotEng E_vdwl E_coul q1 q2 Lx Ly Lz Volume
4 0.9975671 -3.8453323 -3.8454611 -0.98048803 -2.8649731 0.72283983 -1.4456797 25.59438 25.59438 25.59438 16766.169
5 0.99455526 -3.8453323 -3.8454607 -0.98046814 -2.8649926 0.72284124 -1.4456825 25.59438 25.59438 25.59438 16766.169
Loop time of 0.169949 on 1 procs for 1 steps with 1296 atoms
Pair time (%) = 0.0514941 (30.2997)
Neigh time (%) = 0 (0)
Comm time (%) = 6.67572e-05 (0.0392807)
Outpt time (%) = 2.5034e-05 (0.0147303)
Other time (%) = 0.118363 (69.6462)
Nlocal: 1296 ave 1296 max 1296 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 8243 ave 8243 max 8243 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 810432 ave 810432 max 810432 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 810432
Ave neighs/atom = 625.333
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
unfix 1
unfix 2
#undump 1
### copy lines after this to any input script for elastic calculations ###
## Elastic constants calculations: strain box, measure box stress
## strain x, measure s_x, s_y, s_z, s_yz:
## calculates C11, C12, C13 and C14
fix 2 all deform 1 x scale 1.0001 remap x
compute perfx all stress/atom pair
compute fx all reduce sum c_perfx[1] c_perfx[2] c_perfx[3] c_perfx[4] c_perfx[5] c_perfx[6]
thermo_style custom step lx ly lz xy xz yz c_fx[1] c_fx[2] c_fx[3] c_fx[4] c_fx[5] c_fx[6]
WARNING: New thermo_style command, previous thermo_modify settings will be lost (output.cpp:663)
run 10
Memory usage per processor = 7.17628 Mbytes
Step Lx Ly Lz Xy Xz Yz fx[1] fx[2] fx[3] fx[4] fx[5] fx[6]
5 25.59438 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -23809505 -23809514 -23809500 -57057.965 -66762.055 -48486.82
6 25.594636 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -23809505 -23809514 -23809500 -57057.965 -66762.055 -48486.82
7 25.594892 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -23480575 -23788468 -23788455 -57056.822 -66760.719 -48482.06
8 25.595148 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -23151645 -23767428 -23767415 -57055.68 -66759.384 -48477.299
9 25.595404 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -22822715 -23746393 -23746380 -57054.538 -66758.05 -48472.539
10 25.59566 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -22493785 -23725364 -23725351 -57053.397 -66756.716 -48467.778
11 25.595916 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -22164855 -23704340 -23704327 -57052.256 -66755.382 -48463.018
12 25.596172 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -21835925 -23683322 -23683309 -57051.116 -66754.048 -48458.258
13 25.596428 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -21506996 -23662310 -23662296 -57049.976 -66752.714 -48453.499
14 25.596684 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -21178067 -23641302 -23641289 -57048.836 -66751.379 -48448.74
15 25.59694 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -20849138 -23620300 -23620287 -57047.697 -66750.045 -48443.981
Loop time of 0.644403 on 1 procs for 10 steps with 1296 atoms
Pair time (%) = 0.64049 (99.3928)
Neigh time (%) = 0 (0)
Comm time (%) = 0.000681877 (0.105815)
Outpt time (%) = 0.00294185 (0.456523)
Other time (%) = 0.000288963 (0.044842)
Nlocal: 1296 ave 1296 max 1296 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 8243 ave 8243 max 8243 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 810432 ave 810432 max 810432 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 810432
Ave neighs/atom = 625.333
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
## strain z, measure s_z: calculates C33
fix 2 all deform 1 z scale 1.0001 remap x
compute perfz all stress/atom pair
compute fz all reduce sum c_perfz[1] c_perfz[2] c_perfz[3] c_perfz[4] c_perfz[5] c_perfz[6]
thermo_style custom step lx ly lz xy xz yz c_fz[1] c_fz[2] c_fz[3] c_fz[4] c_fz[5] c_fz[6]
run 10
Memory usage per processor = 7.69337 Mbytes
Step Lx Ly Lz Xy Xz Yz fz[1] fz[2] fz[3] fz[4] fz[5] fz[6]
15 25.59694 25.59438 25.59438 0 0 0 -20520209 -23599304 -23599291 -57046.557 -66748.711 -48439.223
16 25.59694 25.59438 25.594636 0 0 0 -20520209 -23599304 -23599291 -57046.557 -66748.711 -48439.223
17 25.59694 25.59438 25.594892 0 0 0 -20499216 -23578254 -23270413 -57040.958 -66747.376 -48438.253
18 25.59694 25.59438 25.595148 0 0 0 -20478228 -23557209 -22941536 -57035.359 -66746.041 -48437.283
19 25.59694 25.59438 25.595404 0 0 0 -20457246 -23536169 -22612658 -57029.76 -66744.706 -48436.313
20 25.59694 25.59438 25.59566 0 0 0 -20436270 -23515135 -22283781 -57024.162 -66743.371 -48435.343
21 25.59694 25.59438 25.595916 0 0 0 -20415299 -23494106 -21954904 -57018.563 -66742.035 -48434.374
22 25.59694 25.59438 25.596172 0 0 0 -20394333 -23473083 -21626027 -57012.964 -66740.7 -48433.404
23 25.59694 25.59438 25.596428 0 0 0 -20373373 -23452065 -21297150 -57007.366 -66739.366 -48432.435
24 25.59694 25.59438 25.596684 0 0 0 -20352419 -23431053 -20968274 -57001.768 -66738.031 -48431.466
25 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 0 -20331470 -23410046 -20639397 -56996.17 -66736.696 -48430.497
Loop time of 0.64448 on 1 procs for 10 steps with 1296 atoms
Pair time (%) = 0.640578 (99.3945)
Neigh time (%) = 0 (0)
Comm time (%) = 0.000667572 (0.103583)
Outpt time (%) = 0.00293732 (0.455765)
Other time (%) = 0.000297308 (0.0461315)
Nlocal: 1296 ave 1296 max 1296 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 8243 ave 8243 max 8243 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 810432 ave 810432 max 810432 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 810432
Ave neighs/atom = 625.333
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
## strain yz, measure s_yz: calculates C44
fix 2 all deform 1 yz erate 0.0001 remap x
compute perfyz all stress/atom pair
compute fyz all reduce sum c_perfyz[1] c_perfyz[2] c_perfyz[3] c_perfyz[4] c_perfyz[5] c_perfyz[6]
thermo_style custom step lx ly lz xy xz yz c_fyz[1] c_fyz[2] c_fyz[3] c_fyz[4] c_fyz[5] c_fyz[6]
run 10
Memory usage per processor = 8.21046 Mbytes
Step Lx Ly Lz Xy Xz Yz fyz[1] fyz[2] fyz[3] fyz[4] fyz[5] fyz[6]
25 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 0 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.572 -66735.361 -48429.528
26 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 5.1193879e-07 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.572 -66735.361 -48429.528
27 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 1.0238776e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.566 -66735.355 -48165.06
28 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 1.5358164e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.561 -66735.349 -47900.593
29 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 2.0477552e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.555 -66735.343 -47636.125
30 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 2.559694e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.549 -66735.337 -47371.657
31 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 3.0716328e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.544 -66735.331 -47107.19
32 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 3.5835716e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.538 -66735.325 -46842.722
33 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 4.0955103e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.532 -66735.319 -46578.254
34 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 4.6074491e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.527 -66735.313 -46313.787
35 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.521 -66735.307 -46049.319
Loop time of 0.644405 on 1 procs for 10 steps with 1296 atoms
Pair time (%) = 0.640508 (99.3953)
Neigh time (%) = 0 (0)
Comm time (%) = 0.00068593 (0.106444)
Outpt time (%) = 0.0029223 (0.453487)
Other time (%) = 0.000288725 (0.0448049)
Nlocal: 1296 ave 1296 max 1296 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 8243 ave 8243 max 8243 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 810432 ave 810432 max 810432 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 810432
Ave neighs/atom = 625.333
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
## strain xy, measure s_xy: calculates C66
fix 2 all deform 1 xy erate 0.0001 remap x
compute perfxy all stress/atom pair
compute fxy all reduce sum c_perfxy[1] c_perfxy[2] c_perfxy[3] c_perfxy[4] c_perfxy[5] c_perfxy[6]
thermo_style custom step lx ly lz xy xz yz c_fxy[1] c_fxy[2] c_fxy[3] c_fxy[4] c_fxy[5] c_fxy[6]
run 10
Memory usage per processor = 8.72755 Mbytes
Step Lx Ly Lz Xy Xz Yz fxy[1] fxy[2] fxy[3] fxy[4] fxy[5] fxy[6]
35 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 0 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.515 -66735.301 -45784.851
36 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 5.118876e-07 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56990.515 -66735.301 -45784.851
37 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 1.0237752e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56726.109 -66735.297 -45784.844
38 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 1.5356628e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56461.703 -66735.293 -45784.837
39 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 2.0475504e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -56197.297 -66735.289 -45784.83
40 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 2.559438e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -55932.891 -66735.285 -45784.823
41 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 3.0713256e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -55668.485 -66735.281 -45784.816
42 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 3.5832132e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -55404.079 -66735.277 -45784.809
43 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 4.0951008e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -55139.672 -66735.273 -45784.802
44 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 4.6069884e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -54875.266 -66735.269 -45784.795
45 25.59694 25.59438 25.59694 5.118876e-06 0 5.1193879e-06 -20310526 -23389045 -20310521 -54610.86 -66735.265 -45784.788
Loop time of 0.64518 on 1 procs for 10 steps with 1296 atoms
Pair time (%) = 0.641236 (99.3887)
Neigh time (%) = 0 (0)
Comm time (%) = 0.000692606 (0.107351)
Outpt time (%) = 0.00295544 (0.458079)
Other time (%) = 0.000295639 (0.0458227)
Nlocal: 1296 ave 1296 max 1296 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 8243 ave 8243 max 8243 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 810432 ave 810432 max 810432 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 810432
Ave neighs/atom = 625.333
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0