
281 lines
17 KiB

LAMMPS (24 Dec 2015)
# Al2O3 crystal, qeq on, minimizes, then calculates elastic constants
variable T_depart equal 300
variable dt equal 0.0002
variable rac3 equal sqrt(3.0)
variable rac1_2 equal sqrt(0.5)
variable rac3_2 equal sqrt(1.5)
variable a equal 4.05
variable nx equal 10
variable ny equal 7
variable nz equal 4
variable bx equal ${a}*${nx}*${rac1_2}
variable bx equal 4.05*${nx}*${rac1_2}
variable bx equal 4.05*10*${rac1_2}
variable bx equal 4.05*10*0.707106781186548
variable by equal ${a}*${ny}*${rac3_2}
variable by equal 4.05*${ny}*${rac3_2}
variable by equal 4.05*7*${rac3_2}
variable by equal 4.05*7*1.22474487139159
variable bz equal ${a}*${nz}*${rac3}
variable bz equal 4.05*${nz}*${rac3}
variable bz equal 4.05*4*${rac3}
variable bz equal 4.05*4*1.73205080756888
# =======================================================================
units metal
atom_style charge
dimension 3
boundary p p p
lattice sc 1.0
Lattice spacing in x,y,z = 1 1 1
region box_vide prism 0 ${bx} 0 ${by} 0 ${bz} 0.0 0.0 0.0
region box_vide prism 0 28.6378246380552 0 ${by} 0 ${bz} 0.0 0.0 0.0
region box_vide prism 0 28.6378246380552 0 34.7215171039516 0 ${bz} 0.0 0.0 0.0
region box_vide prism 0 28.6378246380552 0 34.7215171039516 0 28.0592230826159 0.0 0.0 0.0
create_box 1 box_vide
Created triclinic box = (0 0 0) to (28.6378 34.7215 28.0592) with tilt (0 0 0)
1 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
# Aluminium atoms z = [111]
lattice custom ${a} a1 ${rac1_2} 0.0 0.0 a2 0.0 ${rac3_2} 0.0 a3 0.0 0.0 ${rac3} basis 0.0 0.0 0.0 basis 0.5 0.5 0.0 basis 0.5 0.166666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.666666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.333333333 0.66667 basis 0.5 0.833333333 0.66667
lattice custom 4.05 a1 ${rac1_2} 0.0 0.0 a2 0.0 ${rac3_2} 0.0 a3 0.0 0.0 ${rac3} basis 0.0 0.0 0.0 basis 0.5 0.5 0.0 basis 0.5 0.166666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.666666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.333333333 0.66667 basis 0.5 0.833333333 0.66667
lattice custom 4.05 a1 0.707106781186548 0.0 0.0 a2 0.0 ${rac3_2} 0.0 a3 0.0 0.0 ${rac3} basis 0.0 0.0 0.0 basis 0.5 0.5 0.0 basis 0.5 0.166666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.666666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.333333333 0.66667 basis 0.5 0.833333333 0.66667
lattice custom 4.05 a1 0.707106781186548 0.0 0.0 a2 0.0 1.22474487139159 0.0 a3 0.0 0.0 ${rac3} basis 0.0 0.0 0.0 basis 0.5 0.5 0.0 basis 0.5 0.166666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.666666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.333333333 0.66667 basis 0.5 0.833333333 0.66667
lattice custom 4.05 a1 0.707106781186548 0.0 0.0 a2 0.0 1.22474487139159 0.0 a3 0.0 0.0 1.73205080756888 basis 0.0 0.0 0.0 basis 0.5 0.5 0.0 basis 0.5 0.166666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.666666667 0.33333 basis 0.0 0.333333333 0.66667 basis 0.5 0.833333333 0.66667
Lattice spacing in x,y,z = 2.86378 4.96022 7.01481
create_atoms 1 region box_vide
Created 1680 atoms
mass 1 26.98
velocity all create ${T_depart} 277387
velocity all create 300 277387
pair_style smtbq
pair_coeff * * ffield.smtbq.Al Al
Reading potential file ffield.smtbq.Al with DATE: 2015-10-22
neighbor 0.5 bin
neigh_modify every 20 delay 0 check yes
timestep ${dt}
timestep 0.0002
thermo_style custom step temp press pe ke etotal lx ly lz vol
thermo_modify flush yes
thermo 1
#dump 5 all custom 1 box_Al.lammpstrj id type q x y z
fix 3 all nve
run 10
Neighbor list info ...
1 neighbor list requests
update every 20 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 11.6714
ghost atom cutoff = 11.6714
binsize = 5.8357 -> bins = 5 6 5
Memory usage per processor = 4.52298 Mbytes
Step Temp Press PotEng KinEng TotEng Lx Ly Lz Volume
0 300 729.26605 -5600.8541 65.108335 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
1 299.98323 729.90439 -5600.8505 65.104695 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
2 299.93288 731.82072 -5600.8395 65.093767 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
3 299.84896 735.01448 -5600.8213 65.075556 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
4 299.7315 739.48472 -5600.7958 65.050064 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
5 299.58053 745.23012 -5600.7631 65.017299 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
6 299.39609 752.24896 -5600.723 64.977269 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
7 299.17822 760.5391 -5600.6757 64.929985 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
8 298.92698 770.098 -5600.6212 64.875459 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
9 298.64244 780.92261 -5600.5595 64.813707 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
10 298.32468 793.00943 -5600.4905 64.744743 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
Loop time of 5.10475 on 1 procs for 10 steps with 1680 atoms
Performance: 0.034 ns/day, 708.993 hours/ns, 1.959 timesteps/s
99.9% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 5.1037 | 5.1037 | 5.1037 | 0.0 | 99.98
Neigh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.00
Comm | 0.00044179 | 0.00044179 | 0.00044179 | 0.0 | 0.01
Output | 0.00024772 | 0.00024772 | 0.00024772 | 0.0 | 0.00
Modify | 0.00026011 | 0.00026011 | 0.00026011 | 0.0 | 0.01
Other | | 0.0001063 | | | 0.00
Nlocal: 1680 ave 1680 max 1680 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 7518 ave 7518 max 7518 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 638400 ave 638400 max 638400 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 638400
Ave neighs/atom = 380
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
unfix 3
#thermo 15
fix 1 all box/relax tri 0.0 vmax 0.001
minimize 1.0e-8 1.0e-10 1000 10000
WARNING: Resetting reneighboring criteria during minimization (../min.cpp:168)
Neighbor list info ...
1 neighbor list requests
update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 11.6714
ghost atom cutoff = 11.6714
binsize = 5.8357 -> bins = 5 6 5
Memory usage per processor = 5.64798 Mbytes
Step Temp Press PotEng KinEng TotEng Lx Ly Lz Volume
10 298.32468 793.00943 -5600.4905 64.744743 -5535.7458 28.637825 34.721517 28.059223 27900.653
11 298.32468 2483.3228 -5600.5212 64.744743 -5535.7764 28.617938 34.697425 28.039771 27842.617
12 298.32468 3102.6624 -5600.6242 64.744743 -5535.8795 28.594201 34.68783 28.048729 27820.715
13 298.32468 1681.0688 -5600.6477 64.744743 -5535.903 28.619779 34.708131 28.055945 27869.065
14 298.32468 949.90841 -5600.6635 64.744743 -5535.9187 28.648416 34.718691 28.044409 27893.966
15 298.32468 2009.1662 -5600.7072 64.744743 -5535.9625 28.652241 34.703261 28.01635 27857.391
16 298.32468 2867.1434 -5600.7192 64.744743 -5535.9744 28.626861 34.69005 28.022309 27828.038
17 298.32468 2480.3207 -5600.7238 64.744743 -5535.9791 28.618046 34.695106 28.040113 27841.2
18 298.32468 2482.4906 -5600.7249 64.744743 -5535.9802 28.614169 34.704237 28.036452 27841.119
19 298.32468 2495.6209 -5600.7261 64.744743 -5535.9813 28.616207 34.697481 28.039453 27840.662
20 298.32468 2210.2897 -5600.7271 64.744743 -5535.9823 28.620852 34.699678 28.042926 27850.393
21 298.32468 2464.137 -5600.734 64.744743 -5535.9893 28.625239 34.687085 28.040022 27841.67
22 298.32468 3091.7034 -5600.7471 64.744743 -5536.0024 28.623565 34.674943 28.02983 27820.181
23 298.32468 2334.9443 -5600.7598 64.744743 -5536.0151 28.634413 34.684598 28.037298 27845.891
24 298.32468 2462.2836 -5600.7767 64.744743 -5536.032 28.615834 34.692433 28.044664 27841.422
25 298.32468 2652.08 -5600.7914 64.744743 -5536.0466 28.61528 34.695645 28.035991 27834.85
26 298.32468 2365.4126 -5600.7923 64.744743 -5536.0476 28.618526 34.699347 28.039662 27844.623
27 298.32468 2334.9429 -5600.7934 64.744743 -5536.0486 28.61826 34.698136 28.041941 27845.656
28 298.32468 2501.1598 -5600.7937 64.744743 -5536.0489 28.616356 34.695993 28.039825 27839.982
29 298.32468 2506.0962 -5600.794 64.744743 -5536.0493 28.617255 34.699031 28.036317 27839.811
30 298.32468 2400.7588 -5600.7942 64.744743 -5536.0495 28.618372 34.698464 28.039299 27843.404
31 298.32468 2499.8528 -5600.7945 64.744743 -5536.0497 28.61702 34.69385 28.040945 27840.021
32 298.32468 2629.5393 -5600.7967 64.744743 -5536.0519 28.619399 34.691546 28.036003 27835.58
33 298.32468 2397.5939 -5600.7973 64.744743 -5536.0526 28.621863 34.69535 28.03848 27843.488
34 298.32468 2222.7714 -5600.8007 64.744743 -5536.056 28.609815 34.705091 28.048395 27849.426
35 298.32468 2748.5871 -5600.8042 64.744743 -5536.0594 28.600322 34.6998 28.043876 27831.457
36 298.32468 2661.1018 -5600.8166 64.744743 -5536.0719 28.615123 34.696499 28.034947 27834.344
37 298.32468 2255.4994 -5600.8185 64.744743 -5536.0737 28.618919 34.702261 28.040497 27848.173
38 298.32468 2260.815 -5600.8239 64.744743 -5536.0791 28.614993 34.70246 28.043972 27847.962
39 298.32468 2549.2876 -5600.8248 64.744743 -5536.0801 28.612892 34.697988 28.039725 27838.113
40 298.32468 2488.3825 -5600.8266 64.744743 -5536.0819 28.623347 34.695524 28.033557 27840.182
41 298.32468 2400.9714 -5600.8283 64.744743 -5536.0835 28.619176 34.695733 28.040468 27843.155
42 298.32468 2496.6566 -5600.8284 64.744743 -5536.0837 28.617629 34.694692 28.039536 27839.89
43 298.32468 2486.2773 -5600.8285 64.744743 -5536.0838 28.617585 34.697413 28.037736 27840.243
44 298.32468 2446.3916 -5600.8287 64.744743 -5536.0839 28.617115 34.696389 28.040393 27841.603
45 298.32468 2547.2311 -5600.8288 64.744743 -5536.0841 28.615267 34.694882 28.039956 27838.161
46 298.32468 2479.9982 -5600.8321 64.744743 -5536.0874 28.603008 34.71581 28.037344 27840.427
47 298.32468 2449.645 -5600.8444 64.744743 -5536.0997 28.612743 34.683541 28.054837 27841.375
48 298.32468 2682.7109 -5600.8695 64.744743 -5536.1248 28.617414 34.683477 28.042139 27833.265
49 298.32468 2350.1707 -5600.8711 64.744743 -5536.1263 28.619236 34.694213 28.043092 27844.6
50 298.32468 2486.1481 -5600.8719 64.744743 -5536.1271 28.615167 34.699435 28.038181 27839.955
51 298.32468 2498.3384 -5600.8721 64.744743 -5536.1274 28.616069 34.696071 28.039596 27839.537
52 298.32468 2443.1247 -5600.8722 64.744743 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
Loop time of 36.8807 on 1 procs for 42 steps with 1680 atoms
99.9% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
Minimization stats:
Stopping criterion = energy tolerance
Energy initial, next-to-last, final =
-5600.49050006 -5600.87213771 -5600.87218615
Force two-norm initial, final = 50.879 1.39888
Force max component initial, final = 29.3783 0.749036
Final line search alpha, max atom move = 0.0013373 0.00100168
Iterations, force evaluations = 42 71
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 36.86 | 36.86 | 36.86 | 0.0 | 99.95
Neigh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.00
Comm | 0.0032628 | 0.0032628 | 0.0032628 | 0.0 | 0.01
Output | 0.001102 | 0.001102 | 0.001102 | 0.0 | 0.00
Modify | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.00
Other | | 0.0159 | | | 0.04
Nlocal: 1680 ave 1680 max 1680 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 7518 ave 7518 max 7518 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 638400 ave 638400 max 638400 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 638400
Ave neighs/atom = 380
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
unfix 1
thermo 1
fix 3 all nve
run 10
Neighbor list info ...
1 neighbor list requests
update every 20 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 11.6714
ghost atom cutoff = 11.6714
binsize = 5.8357 -> bins = 5 6 5
Memory usage per processor = 4.52298 Mbytes
Step Temp Press PotEng KinEng TotEng Lx Ly Lz Volume
52 298.32468 2443.1247 -5600.8722 64.744743 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
53 298.28341 2444.4342 -5600.8632 64.735788 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
54 298.20852 2447.019 -5600.847 64.719534 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
55 298.1 2450.8786 -5600.8234 64.695982 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
56 297.95788 2456.0119 -5600.7926 64.665139 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
57 297.7822 2462.4173 -5600.7545 64.62701 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
58 297.57298 2470.0928 -5600.709 64.581604 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
59 297.33028 2479.0363 -5600.6564 64.528932 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
60 297.05416 2489.245 -5600.5964 64.469006 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
61 296.74469 2500.7159 -5600.5293 64.401842 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
62 296.40194 2513.4457 -5600.4549 64.327455 -5536.1274 28.617616 34.696737 28.039439 27841.421
Loop time of 5.13584 on 1 procs for 10 steps with 1680 atoms
Performance: 0.034 ns/day, 713.311 hours/ns, 1.947 timesteps/s
99.9% CPU use with 1 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 5.1346 | 5.1346 | 5.1346 | 0.0 | 99.98
Neigh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.00
Comm | 0.00047112 | 0.00047112 | 0.00047112 | 0.0 | 0.01
Output | 0.00036144 | 0.00036144 | 0.00036144 | 0.0 | 0.01
Modify | 0.00029016 | 0.00029016 | 0.00029016 | 0.0 | 0.01
Other | | 0.0001101 | | | 0.00
Nlocal: 1680 ave 1680 max 1680 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 7518 ave 7518 max 7518 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 0 ave 0 max 0 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs: 638400 ave 638400 max 638400 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total # of neighbors = 638400
Ave neighs/atom = 380
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
Total wall time: 0:00:49