forked from lijiext/lammps
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cslib | || | ||
Makefile.lammps.nozmq | ||
Makefile.lammps.zmq | ||
This directory contains the CSlib library which is required to use the MESSAGE package and its client/server commands in a LAMMPS input script. The CSlib libary is included in the LAMMPS distribution. A fuller version including documentation and test programs is available at It was developed by Steve Plimpton at Sandia National Laboratories. You can type "make lib-message" from the src directory to see help on how to build this library via make commands, or you can do the same thing by typing "python" from within this directory, or you can do it manually by following the instructions below. The CSlib can be optionally built with support for sockets using the open-source ZeroMQ (ZMQ) library. If it is not installed on your system, it is easy to download and install. Go to the ZMQ website for details: ----------------- Instructions: 1. Compile CSlib from within cslib/src with one of the following: % make lib_parallel # build parallel library with ZMQ socket support % make lib_serial # build serial library with ZMQ support % make lib_parallel zmq=no # build parallel lib with no ZMQ support % make lib_serial zmq=no # build serial lib with no ZMQ support 2. Copy the produced cslib/src/libcsmpi.a or libscnompi.a file to cslib/src/libmessage.a 3. Copy either lib/message/Makefile.lammps.zmq or Makefile.lammps.nozmq to lib/message/Makefile.lammps, depending on whether you build the library with ZMQ support or not. If your ZMQ library is not in a place your shell path finds, you can set the INCLUDE and PATH variables in Makefile.lammps to point to the dirs where the ZMQ include and library files are. ----------------- When these steps are complete you can build LAMMPS with the MESSAGAE package installed: % cd lammps/src % make yes-message % make mpi (or whatever target you wish) Note that if you download and unpack a new LAMMPS tarball, you will need to re-build the CSlib in this dir.