
1708 lines
52 KiB

// -*- c++ -*-
// This file is part of the Collective Variables module (Colvars).
// The original version of Colvars and its updates are located at:
// Please update all Colvars source files before making any changes.
// If you wish to distribute your changes, please submit them to the
// Colvars repository at GitHub.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "colvar.h"
#include "colvarmodule.h"
#include "colvarvalue.h"
#include "colvarparse.h"
/// \brief Grid of values of a function of several collective
/// variables \param T The data type
/// Only scalar colvars supported so far: vector colvars are treated as arrays
template <class T> class colvar_grid : public colvarparse {
/// Number of dimensions
size_t nd;
/// Number of points along each dimension
std::vector<int> nx;
/// Cumulative number of points along each dimension
std::vector<int> nxc;
/// \brief Multiplicity of each datum (allow the binning of
/// non-scalar types such as atomic gradients)
size_t mult;
/// Total number of grid points
size_t nt;
/// Low-level array of values
std::vector<T> data;
/// Newly read data (used for count grids, when adding several grids read from disk)
std::vector<size_t> new_data;
/// Colvars collected in this grid
std::vector<colvar *> cv;
/// Do we request actual value (for extended-system colvars)?
std::vector<bool> use_actual_value;
/// Get the low-level index corresponding to an index
inline size_t address(std::vector<int> const &ix) const
size_t addr = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
addr += ix[i]*nxc[i];
if (cvm::debug()) {
if (ix[i] >= nx[i]) {
cvm::error("Error: exceeding bounds in colvar_grid.\n", BUG_ERROR);
return 0;
return addr;
/// Lower boundaries of the colvars in this grid
std::vector<colvarvalue> lower_boundaries;
/// Upper boundaries of the colvars in this grid
std::vector<colvarvalue> upper_boundaries;
/// Whether some colvars are periodic
std::vector<bool> periodic;
/// Whether some colvars have hard lower boundaries
std::vector<bool> hard_lower_boundaries;
/// Whether some colvars have hard upper boundaries
std::vector<bool> hard_upper_boundaries;
/// Widths of the colvars in this grid
std::vector<cvm::real> widths;
/// True if this is a count grid related to another grid of data
bool has_parent_data;
/// Whether this grid has been filled with data or is still empty
bool has_data;
/// Return the number of colvar objects
inline size_t num_variables() const
return nd;
/// Return the number of points in the i-th direction, if provided, or
/// the total number
inline size_t number_of_points(int const icv = -1) const
if (icv < 0) {
return nt;
} else {
return nx[icv];
/// Get the sizes in each direction
inline std::vector<int> const & sizes() const
return nx;
/// Set the sizes in each direction
inline void set_sizes(std::vector<int> const &new_sizes)
nx = new_sizes;
/// Return the multiplicity of the type used
inline size_t multiplicity() const
return mult;
/// \brief Request grid to use actual values of extended coords
inline void request_actual_value(bool b = true)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < use_actual_value.size(); i++) {
use_actual_value[i] = b;
/// \brief Allocate data
int setup(std::vector<int> const &nx_i,
T const &t = T(),
size_t const &mult_i = 1)
if (cvm::debug()) {
cvm::log("Allocating grid: multiplicity = "+cvm::to_str(mult_i)+
", dimensions = "+cvm::to_str(nx_i)+".\n");
mult = mult_i;
nx = nx_i;
nd = nx.size();
// setup dimensions
nt = mult;
for (int i = nd-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (nx[i] <= 0) {
cvm::error("Error: providing an invalid number of grid points, "+
cvm::to_str(nx[i])+".\n", BUG_ERROR);
nxc[i] = nt;
nt *= nx[i];
if (cvm::debug()) {
cvm::log("Total number of grid elements = "+cvm::to_str(nt)+".\n");
data.assign(nt, t);
return COLVARS_OK;
/// \brief Allocate data (allow initialization also after construction)
int setup()
return setup(this->nx, T(), this->mult);
/// \brief Reset data (in case the grid is being reused)
void reset(T const &t = T())
data.assign(nt, t);
/// Default constructor
colvar_grid() : has_data(false)
nd = nt = 0;
mult = 1;
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvar_grid()
/// \brief "Almost copy-constructor": only copies configuration
/// parameters from another grid, but doesn't reallocate stuff;
/// setup() must be called after that;
colvar_grid(colvar_grid<T> const &g) : colvarparse(),
/// \brief Constructor from explicit grid sizes \param nx_i Number
/// of grid points along each dimension \param t Initial value for
/// the function at each point (optional) \param mult_i Multiplicity
/// of each value
colvar_grid(std::vector<int> const &nx_i,
T const &t = T(),
size_t mult_i = 1)
: has_data(false)
this->setup(nx_i, t, mult_i);
/// \brief Constructor from a vector of colvars
colvar_grid(std::vector<colvar *> const &colvars,
T const &t = T(),
size_t mult_i = 1,
bool margin = false)
: has_data(false)
this->init_from_colvars(colvars, t, mult_i, margin);
int init_from_colvars(std::vector<colvar *> const &colvars,
T const &t = T(),
size_t mult_i = 1,
bool margin = false)
if (cvm::debug()) {
cvm::log("Reading grid configuration from collective variables.\n");
cv = colvars;
nd = colvars.size();
mult = mult_i;
size_t i;
if (cvm::debug()) {
cvm::log("Allocating a grid for "+cvm::to_str(colvars.size())+
" collective variables, multiplicity = "+cvm::to_str(mult_i)+".\n");
for (i = 0; i < cv.size(); i++) {
if (cv[i]->value().type() != colvarvalue::type_scalar) {
cvm::error("Colvar grids can only be automatically "
"constructed for scalar variables. "
"ABF and histogram can not be used; metadynamics "
"can be used with useGrids disabled.\n", INPUT_ERROR);
if (cv[i]->width <= 0.0) {
cvm::error("Tried to initialize a grid on a "
"variable with negative or zero width.\n", INPUT_ERROR);
// By default, get reported colvar value (for extended Lagrangian colvars)
// except if a colvar is specified twice in a row
// then the first instance is the actual value
// For histograms of extended-system coordinates
if (i > 0 && cv[i-1] == cv[i]) {
use_actual_value[i-1] = true;
if (margin) {
if (periodic[i]) {
// Shift the grid by half the bin width (values at edges instead of center of bins)
lower_boundaries.push_back(cv[i]->lower_boundary.real_value - 0.5 * widths[i]);
upper_boundaries.push_back(cv[i]->upper_boundary.real_value - 0.5 * widths[i]);
} else {
// Make this grid larger by one bin width
lower_boundaries.push_back(cv[i]->lower_boundary.real_value - 0.5 * widths[i]);
upper_boundaries.push_back(cv[i]->upper_boundary.real_value + 0.5 * widths[i]);
} else {
return this->setup();
int init_from_boundaries()
if (cvm::debug()) {
cvm::log("Configuring grid dimensions from colvars boundaries.\n");
// these will have to be updated
nt = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lower_boundaries.size(); i++) {
cvm::real nbins = ( upper_boundaries[i].real_value -
lower_boundaries[i].real_value ) / widths[i];
int nbins_round = (int)(nbins+0.5);
if (cvm::fabs(nbins - cvm::real(nbins_round)) > 1.0E-10) {
cvm::log("Warning: grid interval("+
cvm::to_str(lower_boundaries[i], cvm::cv_width, cvm::cv_prec)+" - "+
cvm::to_str(upper_boundaries[i], cvm::cv_width, cvm::cv_prec)+
") is not commensurate to its bin width("+
cvm::to_str(widths[i], cvm::cv_width, cvm::cv_prec)+").\n");
upper_boundaries[i].real_value = lower_boundaries[i].real_value +
(nbins_round * widths[i]);
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log("Number of points is "+cvm::to_str((int) nbins_round)+
" for the colvar no. "+cvm::to_str(i+1)+".\n");
return COLVARS_OK;
/// Wrap an index vector around periodic boundary conditions
/// also checks validity of non-periodic indices
inline void wrap(std::vector<int> & ix) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
if (periodic[i]) {
ix[i] = (ix[i] + nx[i]) % nx[i]; //to ensure non-negative result
} else {
if (ix[i] < 0 || ix[i] >= nx[i]) {
cvm::error("Trying to wrap illegal index vector (non-PBC) for a grid point: "
+ cvm::to_str(ix), BUG_ERROR);
/// Wrap an index vector around periodic boundary conditions
/// or detects edges if non-periodic
inline bool wrap_edge(std::vector<int> & ix) const
bool edge = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
if (periodic[i]) {
ix[i] = (ix[i] + nx[i]) % nx[i]; //to ensure non-negative result
} else if (ix[i] == -1 || ix[i] == nx[i]) {
edge = true;
return edge;
/// \brief Report the bin corresponding to the current value of variable i
inline int current_bin_scalar(int const i) const
return value_to_bin_scalar(use_actual_value[i] ? cv[i]->actual_value() : cv[i]->value(), i);
/// \brief Report the bin corresponding to the current value of variable i
/// and assign first or last bin if out of boundaries
inline int current_bin_scalar_bound(int const i) const
return value_to_bin_scalar_bound(use_actual_value[i] ? cv[i]->actual_value() : cv[i]->value(), i);
/// \brief Report the bin corresponding to the current value of item iv in variable i
inline int current_bin_scalar(int const i, int const iv) const
return value_to_bin_scalar(use_actual_value[i] ?
cv[i]->actual_value().vector1d_value[iv] :
cv[i]->value().vector1d_value[iv], i);
/// \brief Use the lower boundary and the width to report which bin
/// the provided value is in
inline int value_to_bin_scalar(colvarvalue const &value, const int i) const
return (int) cvm::floor( (value.real_value - lower_boundaries[i].real_value) / widths[i] );
/// \brief Report the fraction of bin beyond current_bin_scalar()
inline cvm::real current_bin_scalar_fraction(int const i) const
return value_to_bin_scalar_fraction(use_actual_value[i] ? cv[i]->actual_value() : cv[i]->value(), i);
/// \brief Use the lower boundary and the width to report the fraction of bin
/// beyond value_to_bin_scalar() that the provided value is in
inline cvm::real value_to_bin_scalar_fraction(colvarvalue const &value, const int i) const
cvm::real x = (value.real_value - lower_boundaries[i].real_value) / widths[i];
return x - cvm::floor(x);
/// \brief Use the lower boundary and the width to report which bin
/// the provided value is in and assign first or last bin if out of boundaries
inline int value_to_bin_scalar_bound(colvarvalue const &value, const int i) const
int bin_index = cvm::floor( (value.real_value - lower_boundaries[i].real_value) / widths[i] );
if (bin_index < 0) bin_index=0;
if (bin_index >=int(nx[i])) bin_index=int(nx[i])-1;
return (int) bin_index;
/// \brief Same as the standard version, but uses another grid definition
inline int value_to_bin_scalar(colvarvalue const &value,
colvarvalue const &new_offset,
cvm::real const &new_width) const
return (int) cvm::floor( (value.real_value - new_offset.real_value) / new_width );
/// \brief Use the two boundaries and the width to report the
/// central value corresponding to a bin index
inline colvarvalue bin_to_value_scalar(int const &i_bin, int const i) const
return lower_boundaries[i].real_value + widths[i] * (0.5 + i_bin);
/// \brief Same as the standard version, but uses different parameters
inline colvarvalue bin_to_value_scalar(int const &i_bin,
colvarvalue const &new_offset,
cvm::real const &new_width) const
return new_offset.real_value + new_width * (0.5 + i_bin);
/// Set the value at the point with index ix
inline void set_value(std::vector<int> const &ix,
T const &t,
size_t const &imult = 0)
data[this->address(ix)+imult] = t;
has_data = true;
/// Set the value at the point with linear address i (for speed)
inline void set_value(size_t i, T const &t)
data[i] = t;
/// \brief Get the change from this to other_grid
/// and store the result in this.
/// this_grid := other_grid - this_grid
/// Grids must have the same dimensions.
void delta_grid(colvar_grid<T> const &other_grid)
if (other_grid.multiplicity() != this->multiplicity()) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to subtract two grids with "
"different multiplicity.\n");
if ( != this->data.size()) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to subtract two grids with "
"different size.\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
data[i] =[i] - data[i];
has_data = true;
/// \brief Copy data from another grid of the same type, AND
/// identical definition (boundaries, widths)
/// Added for shared ABF.
void copy_grid(colvar_grid<T> const &other_grid)
if (other_grid.multiplicity() != this->multiplicity()) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to copy two grids with "
"different multiplicity.\n");
if ( != this->data.size()) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to copy two grids with "
"different size.\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
data[i] =[i];
has_data = true;
/// \brief Extract the grid data as they are represented in memory.
/// Put the results in "out_data".
void raw_data_out(T* out_data) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) out_data[i] = data[i];
/// \brief Input the data as they are represented in memory.
void raw_data_in(const T* in_data)
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) data[i] = in_data[i];
has_data = true;
/// \brief Size of the data as they are represented in memory.
size_t raw_data_num() const { return data.size(); }
/// \brief Get the binned value indexed by ix, or the first of them
/// if the multiplicity is larger than 1
inline T const & value(std::vector<int> const &ix,
size_t const &imult = 0) const
return data[this->address(ix) + imult];
/// \brief Get the binned value indexed by linear address i
inline T const & value(size_t i) const
return data[i];
/// \brief Add a constant to all elements (fast loop)
inline void add_constant(T const &t)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nt; i++)
data[i] += t;
has_data = true;
/// \brief Multiply all elements by a scalar constant (fast loop)
inline void multiply_constant(cvm::real const &a)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nt; i++)
data[i] *= a;
/// \brief Assign values that are smaller than scalar constant the latter value (fast loop)
inline void remove_small_values(cvm::real const &a)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nt; i++)
if(data[i]<a) data[i] = a;
/// \brief Get the bin indices corresponding to the provided values of
/// the colvars
inline std::vector<int> const get_colvars_index(std::vector<colvarvalue> const &values) const
std::vector<int> index = new_index();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
index[i] = value_to_bin_scalar(values[i], i);
return index;
/// \brief Get the bin indices corresponding to the current values
/// of the colvars
inline std::vector<int> const get_colvars_index() const
std::vector<int> index = new_index();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
index[i] = current_bin_scalar(i);
return index;
/// \brief Get the bin indices corresponding to the provided values of
/// the colvars and assign first or last bin if out of boundaries
inline std::vector<int> const get_colvars_index_bound() const
std::vector<int> index = new_index();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
index[i] = current_bin_scalar_bound(i);
return index;
/// \brief Get the minimal distance (in number of bins) from the
/// boundaries; a negative number is returned if the given point is
/// off-grid
inline cvm::real bin_distance_from_boundaries(std::vector<colvarvalue> const &values,
bool skip_hard_boundaries = false)
cvm::real minimum = 1.0E+16;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
if (periodic[i]) continue;
cvm::real dl = cvm::sqrt(cv[i]->dist2(values[i], lower_boundaries[i])) / widths[i];
cvm::real du = cvm::sqrt(cv[i]->dist2(values[i], upper_boundaries[i])) / widths[i];
if (values[i].real_value < lower_boundaries[i])
dl *= -1.0;
if (values[i].real_value > upper_boundaries[i])
du *= -1.0;
if ( ((!skip_hard_boundaries) || (!hard_lower_boundaries[i])) && (dl < minimum))
minimum = dl;
if ( ((!skip_hard_boundaries) || (!hard_upper_boundaries[i])) && (du < minimum))
minimum = du;
return minimum;
/// \brief Add data from another grid of the same type
/// Note: this function maps other_grid inside this one regardless
/// of whether it fits or not.
void map_grid(colvar_grid<T> const &other_grid)
if (other_grid.multiplicity() != this->multiplicity()) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to merge two grids with values of "
"different multiplicity.\n");
std::vector<colvarvalue> const &gb = this->lower_boundaries;
std::vector<cvm::real> const &gw = this->widths;
std::vector<colvarvalue> const &ogb = other_grid.lower_boundaries;
std::vector<cvm::real> const &ogw = other_grid.widths;
std::vector<int> ix = this->new_index();
std::vector<int> oix = other_grid.new_index();
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log("Remapping grid...\n");
for ( ; this->index_ok(ix); this->incr(ix)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
oix[i] =
value_to_bin_scalar(bin_to_value_scalar(ix[i], gb[i], gw[i]),
if (! other_grid.index_ok(oix)) {
for (size_t im = 0; im < mult; im++) {
this->set_value(ix, other_grid.value(oix, im), im);
has_data = true;
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log("Remapping done.\n");
/// \brief Add data from another grid of the same type, AND
/// identical definition (boundaries, widths)
void add_grid(colvar_grid<T> const &other_grid,
cvm::real scale_factor = 1.0)
if (other_grid.multiplicity() != this->multiplicity()) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to sum togetehr two grids with values of "
"different multiplicity.\n");
if (scale_factor != 1.0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
data[i] += scale_factor *[i];
// skip multiplication if possible
for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
data[i] +=[i];
has_data = true;
/// \brief Return the value suitable for output purposes (so that it
/// may be rescaled or manipulated without changing it permanently)
virtual inline T value_output(std::vector<int> const &ix,
size_t const &imult = 0)
return value(ix, imult);
/// \brief Get the value from a formatted output and transform it
/// into the internal representation (the two may be different,
/// e.g. when using colvar_grid_count)
virtual inline void value_input(std::vector<int> const &ix,
T const &t,
size_t const &imult = 0,
bool add = false)
if ( add )
data[address(ix) + imult] += t;
data[address(ix) + imult] = t;
has_data = true;
// /// Get the pointer to the binned value indexed by ix
// inline T const *value_p (std::vector<int> const &ix)
// {
// return &(data[address (ix)]);
// }
/// \brief Get the index corresponding to the "first" bin, to be
/// used as the initial value for an index in looping
inline std::vector<int> const new_index() const
return std::vector<int> (nd, 0);
/// \brief Check that the index is within range in each of the
/// dimensions
inline bool index_ok(std::vector<int> const &ix) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
if ( (ix[i] < 0) || (ix[i] >= int(nx[i])) )
return false;
return true;
/// \brief Increment the index, in a way that will make it loop over
/// the whole nd-dimensional array
inline void incr(std::vector<int> &ix) const
for (int i = ix.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (ix[i] >= nx[i]) {
if (i > 0) {
ix[i] = 0;
} else {
// this is the last iteration, a non-valid index is being
// set for the outer index, which will be caught by
// index_ok()
ix[0] = nx[0];
} else {
/// \brief Write the grid parameters (number of colvars, boundaries, width and number of points)
std::ostream & write_params(std::ostream &os)
size_t i;
os << "grid_parameters {\n n_colvars " << nd << "\n";
os << " lower_boundaries ";
for (i = 0; i < nd; i++)
os << " " << lower_boundaries[i];
os << "\n";
os << " upper_boundaries ";
for (i = 0; i < nd; i++)
os << " " << upper_boundaries[i];
os << "\n";
os << " widths ";
for (i = 0; i < nd; i++)
os << " " << widths[i];
os << "\n";
os << " sizes ";
for (i = 0; i < nd; i++)
os << " " << nx[i];
os << "\n";
os << "}\n";
return os;
/// Read a grid definition from a config string
int parse_params(std::string const &conf,
colvarparse::Parse_Mode const parse_mode = colvarparse::parse_normal)
if (cvm::debug()) cvm::log("Reading grid configuration from string.\n");
std::vector<int> old_nx = nx;
std::vector<colvarvalue> old_lb = lower_boundaries;
size_t nd_in = 0;
// this is only used in state files
colvarparse::get_keyval(conf, "n_colvars", nd_in, nd, colvarparse::parse_silent);
if (nd_in != nd) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to read data for a grid "
"that contains a different number of colvars ("+
cvm::to_str(nd_in)+") than the grid defined "
"in the configuration file("+cvm::to_str(nd)+
// underscore keywords are used in state file
colvarparse::get_keyval(conf, "lower_boundaries",
lower_boundaries, lower_boundaries, colvarparse::parse_silent);
colvarparse::get_keyval(conf, "upper_boundaries",
upper_boundaries, upper_boundaries, colvarparse::parse_silent);
// camel case keywords are used in config file
colvarparse::get_keyval(conf, "lowerBoundaries",
lower_boundaries, lower_boundaries, parse_mode);
colvarparse::get_keyval(conf, "upperBoundaries",
upper_boundaries, upper_boundaries, parse_mode);
colvarparse::get_keyval(conf, "widths", widths, widths, parse_mode);
// only used in state file
colvarparse::get_keyval(conf, "sizes", nx, nx, colvarparse::parse_silent);
if (nd < lower_boundaries.size()) nd = lower_boundaries.size();
if (! use_actual_value.size()) use_actual_value.assign(nd, false);
if (! periodic.size()) periodic.assign(nd, false);
if (! widths.size()) widths.assign(nd, 1.0);
bool new_params = false;
if (old_nx.size()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
if ( (old_nx[i] != nx[i]) ||
lower_boundaries[i])) > 1.0E-10) ) {
new_params = true;
} else {
new_params = true;
// reallocate the array in case the grid params have just changed
if (new_params) {
// data.clear(); // no longer needed: setup calls clear()
return this->setup(nx, T(), mult);
return COLVARS_OK;
/// \brief Check that the grid information inside (boundaries,
/// widths, ...) is consistent with the current setting of the
/// colvars
void check_consistency()
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
if ( (cvm::sqrt(cv[i]->dist2(cv[i]->lower_boundary,
lower_boundaries[i])) > 1.0E-10) ||
upper_boundaries[i])) > 1.0E-10) ||
widths[i])) > 1.0E-10) ) {
cvm::error("Error: restart information for a grid is "
"inconsistent with that of its colvars.\n");
/// \brief Check that the grid information inside (boundaries,
/// widths, ...) is consistent with that of another grid
void check_consistency(colvar_grid<T> const &other_grid)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
// we skip dist2(), because periodicities and the like should
// matter: boundaries should be EXACTLY the same (otherwise,
// map_grid() should be used)
if ( (cvm::fabs(other_grid.lower_boundaries[i] -
lower_boundaries[i]) > 1.0E-10) ||
(cvm::fabs(other_grid.upper_boundaries[i] -
upper_boundaries[i]) > 1.0E-10) ||
(cvm::fabs(other_grid.widths[i] -
widths[i]) > 1.0E-10) ||
(data.size() != ) {
cvm::error("Error: inconsistency between "
"two grids that are supposed to be equal, "
"aside from the data stored.\n");
/// \brief Read grid entry in restart file
std::istream & read_restart(std::istream &is)
size_t const start_pos = is.tellg();
std::string key, conf;
if ((is >> key) && (key == std::string("grid_parameters"))) {
is.seekg(start_pos, std::ios::beg);
is >> colvarparse::read_block("grid_parameters", conf);
parse_params(conf, colvarparse::parse_silent);
} else {
cvm::log("Grid parameters are missing in the restart file, using those from the configuration.\n");
is.seekg(start_pos, std::ios::beg);
return is;
/// \brief Write grid entry in restart file
std::ostream & write_restart(std::ostream &os)
return os;
/// \brief Write the grid data without labels, as they are
/// represented in memory
/// \param buf_size Number of values per line
std::ostream & write_raw(std::ostream &os,
size_t const buf_size = 3)
std::streamsize const w = os.width();
std::streamsize const p = os.precision();
std::vector<int> ix = new_index();
size_t count = 0;
for ( ; index_ok(ix); incr(ix)) {
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
os << " "
<< std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p)
<< value_output(ix, imult);
if (((++count) % buf_size) == 0)
os << "\n";
// write a final newline only if buffer is not empty
if ((count % buf_size) != 0)
os << "\n";
return os;
/// \brief Read data written by colvar_grid::write_raw()
std::istream & read_raw(std::istream &is)
size_t const start_pos = is.tellg();
for (std::vector<int> ix = new_index(); index_ok(ix); incr(ix)) {
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
T new_value;
if (is >> new_value) {
value_input(ix, new_value, imult);
} else {
is.seekg(start_pos, std::ios::beg);
cvm::error("Error: failed to read all of the grid points from file. Possible explanations: grid parameters in the configuration (lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, width) are different from those in the file, or the file is corrupt/incomplete.\n");
return is;
has_data = true;
return is;
/// \brief Write the grid in a format which is both human readable
/// and suitable for visualization e.g. with gnuplot
void write_multicol(std::ostream &os)
std::streamsize const w = os.width();
std::streamsize const p = os.precision();
// Data in the header: nColvars, then for each
// xiMin, dXi, nPoints, periodic
os << std::setw(2) << "# " << nd << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
os << "# "
<< std::setw(10) << lower_boundaries[i]
<< std::setw(10) << widths[i]
<< std::setw(10) << nx[i] << " "
<< periodic[i] << "\n";
for (std::vector<int> ix = new_index(); index_ok(ix); incr(ix) ) {
if (ix.back() == 0) {
// if the last index is 0, add a new line to mark the new record
os << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
os << " "
<< std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p)
<< bin_to_value_scalar(ix[i], i);
os << " ";
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
os << " "
<< std::setw(w) << std::setprecision(p)
<< value_output(ix, imult);
os << "\n";
/// \brief Read a grid written by colvar_grid::write_multicol()
/// Adding data if add is true, replacing if false
std::istream & read_multicol(std::istream &is, bool add = false)
// Data in the header: nColvars, then for each
// xiMin, dXi, nPoints, periodic flag
std::string hash;
cvm::real lower, width, x;
size_t n, periodic_flag;
bool remap;
std::vector<T> new_value;
std::vector<int> nx_read;
std::vector<int> bin;
if ( cv.size() != nd ) {
cvm::error("Cannot read grid file: missing reference to colvars.");
return is;
if ( !(is >> hash) || (hash != "#") ) {
cvm::error("Error reading grid at position "+
" in stream(read \"" + hash + "\")\n");
return is;
is >> n;
if ( n != nd ) {
cvm::error("Error reading grid: wrong number of collective variables.\n");
return is;
if (this->has_parent_data && add) {
remap = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++ ) {
if ( !(is >> hash) || (hash != "#") ) {
cvm::error("Error reading grid at position "+
" in stream(read \"" + hash + "\")\n");
return is;
is >> lower >> width >> nx_read[i] >> periodic_flag;
if ( (cvm::fabs(lower - lower_boundaries[i].real_value) > 1.0e-10) ||
(cvm::fabs(width - widths[i] ) > 1.0e-10) ||
(nx_read[i] != nx[i]) ) {
cvm::log("Warning: reading from different grid definition (colvar "
+ cvm::to_str(i+1) + "); remapping data on new grid.\n");
remap = true;
if ( remap ) {
// re-grid data
while (is.good()) {
bool end_of_file = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++ ) {
if ( !(is >> x) ) end_of_file = true;
bin[i] = value_to_bin_scalar(x, i);
if (end_of_file) break;
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
is >> new_value[imult];
if ( index_ok(bin) ) {
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
value_input(bin, new_value[imult], imult, add);
} else {
// do not re-grid the data but assume the same grid is used
for (std::vector<int> ix = new_index(); index_ok(ix); incr(ix) ) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i++ ) {
is >> x;
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
is >> new_value[imult];
value_input(ix, new_value[imult], imult, add);
has_data = true;
return is;
/// \brief Write the grid data without labels, as they are
/// represented in memory
std::ostream & write_opendx(std::ostream &os)
// write the header
os << "object 1 class gridpositions counts";
size_t icv;
for (icv = 0; icv < num_variables(); icv++) {
os << " " << number_of_points(icv);
os << "\n";
os << "origin";
for (icv = 0; icv < num_variables(); icv++) {
os << " " << (lower_boundaries[icv].real_value + 0.5 * widths[icv]);
os << "\n";
for (icv = 0; icv < num_variables(); icv++) {
os << "delta";
for (size_t icv2 = 0; icv2 < num_variables(); icv2++) {
if (icv == icv2) os << " " << widths[icv];
else os << " " << 0.0;
os << "\n";
os << "object 2 class gridconnections counts";
for (icv = 0; icv < num_variables(); icv++) {
os << " " << number_of_points(icv);
os << "\n";
os << "object 3 class array type double rank 0 items "
<< number_of_points() << " data follows\n";
os << "object \"collective variables scalar field\" class field\n";
return os;
/// \brief Colvar_grid derived class to hold counters in discrete
/// n-dim colvar space
class colvar_grid_count : public colvar_grid<size_t>
/// Default constructor
/// Destructor
virtual inline ~colvar_grid_count()
/// Constructor
colvar_grid_count(std::vector<int> const &nx_i,
size_t const &def_count = 0);
/// Constructor from a vector of colvars
colvar_grid_count(std::vector<colvar *> &colvars,
size_t const &def_count = 0,
bool margin = false);
/// Increment the counter at given position
inline void incr_count(std::vector<int> const &ix)
/// \brief Get the binned count indexed by ix from the newly read data
inline size_t const & new_count(std::vector<int> const &ix,
size_t const &imult = 0)
return new_data[address(ix) + imult];
/// \brief Get the value from a formatted output and transform it
/// into the internal representation (it may have been rescaled or
/// manipulated)
virtual inline void value_input(std::vector<int> const &ix,
size_t const &t,
size_t const &imult = 0,
bool add = false)
if (add) {
data[address(ix)] += t;
if (this->has_parent_data) {
// save newly read data for inputting parent grid
new_data[address(ix)] = t;
} else {
data[address(ix)] = t;
has_data = true;
/// \brief Return the log-gradient from finite differences
/// on the *same* grid for dimension n
inline cvm::real log_gradient_finite_diff(const std::vector<int> &ix0,
int n = 0)
int A0, A1, A2;
std::vector<int> ix = ix0;
// TODO this can be rewritten more concisely with wrap_edge()
if (periodic[n]) {
ix[n]--; wrap(ix);
A0 = value(ix);
ix = ix0;
ix[n]++; wrap(ix);
A1 = value(ix);
if (A0 * A1 == 0) {
return 0.; // can't handle empty bins
} else {
return (cvm::logn((cvm::real)A1) - cvm::logn((cvm::real)A0))
/ (widths[n] * 2.);
} else if (ix[n] > 0 && ix[n] < nx[n]-1) { // not an edge
A0 = value(ix);
ix = ix0;
A1 = value(ix);
if (A0 * A1 == 0) {
return 0.; // can't handle empty bins
} else {
return (cvm::logn((cvm::real)A1) - cvm::logn((cvm::real)A0))
/ (widths[n] * 2.);
} else {
// edge: use 2nd order derivative
int increment = (ix[n] == 0 ? 1 : -1);
// move right from left edge, or the other way around
A0 = value(ix);
ix[n] += increment; A1 = value(ix);
ix[n] += increment; A2 = value(ix);
if (A0 * A1 * A2 == 0) {
return 0.; // can't handle empty bins
} else {
return (-1.5 * cvm::logn((cvm::real)A0) + 2. * cvm::logn((cvm::real)A1)
- 0.5 * cvm::logn((cvm::real)A2)) * increment / widths[n];
/// \brief Return the gradient of discrete count from finite differences
/// on the *same* grid for dimension n
inline cvm::real gradient_finite_diff(const std::vector<int> &ix0,
int n = 0)
int A0, A1, A2;
std::vector<int> ix = ix0;
// FIXME this can be rewritten more concisely with wrap_edge()
if (periodic[n]) {
ix[n]--; wrap(ix);
A0 = value(ix);
ix = ix0;
ix[n]++; wrap(ix);
A1 = value(ix);
if (A0 * A1 == 0) {
return 0.; // can't handle empty bins
} else {
return cvm::real(A1 - A0) / (widths[n] * 2.);
} else if (ix[n] > 0 && ix[n] < nx[n]-1) { // not an edge
A0 = value(ix);
ix = ix0;
A1 = value(ix);
if (A0 * A1 == 0) {
return 0.; // can't handle empty bins
} else {
return cvm::real(A1 - A0) / (widths[n] * 2.);
} else {
// edge: use 2nd order derivative
int increment = (ix[n] == 0 ? 1 : -1);
// move right from left edge, or the other way around
A0 = value(ix);
ix[n] += increment; A1 = value(ix);
ix[n] += increment; A2 = value(ix);
return (-1.5 * cvm::real(A0) + 2. * cvm::real(A1)
- 0.5 * cvm::real(A2)) * increment / widths[n];
/// Class for accumulating a scalar function on a grid
class colvar_grid_scalar : public colvar_grid<cvm::real>
/// \brief Provide the associated sample count by which each binned value
/// should be divided
colvar_grid_count *samples;
/// Default constructor
/// Copy constructor (needed because of the grad pointer)
colvar_grid_scalar(colvar_grid_scalar const &g);
/// Destructor
/// Constructor from specific sizes arrays
colvar_grid_scalar(std::vector<int> const &nx_i);
/// Constructor from a vector of colvars
colvar_grid_scalar(std::vector<colvar *> &colvars,
bool margin = 0);
/// Accumulate the value
inline void acc_value(std::vector<int> const &ix,
cvm::real const &new_value,
size_t const &imult = 0)
// only legal value of imult here is 0
data[address(ix)] += new_value;
if (samples)
has_data = true;
/// \brief Return the gradient of the scalar field from finite differences
/// Input coordinates are those of gradient grid, shifted wrt scalar grid
/// Should not be called on edges of scalar grid, provided the latter has margins
/// wrt gradient grid
inline void vector_gradient_finite_diff( const std::vector<int> &ix0, std::vector<cvm::real> &grad)
cvm::real A0, A1;
std::vector<int> ix;
size_t i, j, k, n;
if (nd == 2) {
for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
ix = ix0;
A0 = value(ix);
ix[n]++; wrap(ix);
A1 = value(ix);
ix[1-n]++; wrap(ix);
A1 += value(ix);
ix[n]--; wrap(ix);
A0 += value(ix);
grad[n] = 0.5 * (A1 - A0) / widths[n];
} else if (nd == 3) {
cvm::real p[8]; // potential values within cube, indexed in binary (4 i + 2 j + k)
ix = ix0;
int index = 0;
for (i = 0; i<2; i++) {
ix[1] = ix0[1];
for (j = 0; j<2; j++) {
ix[2] = ix0[2];
for (k = 0; k<2; k++) {
p[index++] = value(ix);
// The following would be easier to read using binary literals
// 100 101 110 111 000 001 010 011
grad[0] = 0.25 * ((p[4] + p[5] + p[6] + p[7]) - (p[0] + p[1] + p[2] + p[3])) / widths[0];
// 010 011 110 111 000 001 100 101
grad[1] = 0.25 * ((p[2] + p[3] + p[6] + p[7]) - (p[0] + p[1] + p[4] + p[5])) / widths[0];
// 001 011 101 111 000 010 100 110
grad[2] = 0.25 * ((p[1] + p[3] + p[5] + p[7]) - (p[0] + p[2] + p[4] + p[6])) / widths[0];
} else {
cvm::error("Finite differences available in dimension 2 and 3 only.");
/// \brief Return the value of the function at ix divided by its
/// number of samples (if the count grid is defined)
virtual cvm::real value_output(std::vector<int> const &ix,
size_t const &imult = 0)
if (imult > 0) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to access a component "
"larger than 1 in a scalar data grid.\n");
return 0.;
if (samples) {
return (samples->value(ix) > 0) ?
(data[address(ix)] / cvm::real(samples->value(ix))) :
} else {
return data[address(ix)];
/// \brief Get the value from a formatted output and transform it
/// into the internal representation (it may have been rescaled or
/// manipulated)
virtual void value_input(std::vector<int> const &ix,
cvm::real const &new_value,
size_t const &imult = 0,
bool add = false)
if (imult > 0) {
cvm::error("Error: trying to access a component "
"larger than 1 in a scalar data grid.\n");
if (add) {
if (samples)
data[address(ix)] += new_value * samples->new_count(ix);
data[address(ix)] += new_value;
} else {
if (samples)
data[address(ix)] = new_value * samples->value(ix);
data[address(ix)] = new_value;
has_data = true;
/// \brief Return the highest value
cvm::real maximum_value() const;
/// \brief Return the lowest value
cvm::real minimum_value() const;
/// \brief Return the lowest positive value
cvm::real minimum_pos_value() const;
/// \brief Calculates the integral of the map (uses widths if they are defined)
cvm::real integral() const;
/// \brief Assuming that the map is a normalized probability density,
/// calculates the entropy (uses widths if they are defined)
cvm::real entropy() const;
/// Class for accumulating the gradient of a scalar function on a grid
class colvar_grid_gradient : public colvar_grid<cvm::real>
/// \brief Provide the sample count by which each binned value
/// should be divided
colvar_grid_count *samples;
/// \brief Provide the floating point weights by which each binned value
/// should be divided (alternate to samples, only one should be non-null)
colvar_grid_scalar *weights;
/// Default constructor
/// Destructor
virtual inline ~colvar_grid_gradient()
/// Constructor from specific sizes arrays
colvar_grid_gradient(std::vector<int> const &nx_i);
/// Constructor from a vector of colvars
colvar_grid_gradient(std::vector<colvar *> &colvars);
/// \brief Get a vector with the binned value(s) indexed by ix, normalized if applicable
inline void vector_value(std::vector<int> const &ix, std::vector<cvm::real> &v) const
cvm::real const * p = &value(ix);
if (samples) {
int count = samples->value(ix);
if (count) {
cvm::real invcount = 1.0 / count;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mult; i++) {
v[i] = invcount * p[i];
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < mult; i++) {
v[i] = 0.0;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < mult; i++) {
v[i] = p[i];
/// \brief Accumulate the value
inline void acc_value(std::vector<int> const &ix, std::vector<colvarvalue> const &values) {
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
data[address(ix) + imult] += values[imult].real_value;
if (samples)
/// \brief Accumulate the gradient based on the force (i.e. sums the
/// opposite of the force)
inline void acc_force(std::vector<int> const &ix, cvm::real const *forces) {
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
data[address(ix) + imult] -= forces[imult];
if (samples)
/// \brief Accumulate the gradient based on the force (i.e. sums the
/// opposite of the force) with a non-integer weight
inline void acc_force_weighted(std::vector<int> const &ix,
cvm::real const *forces,
cvm::real weight) {
for (size_t imult = 0; imult < mult; imult++) {
data[address(ix) + imult] -= forces[imult] * weight;
weights->acc_value(ix, weight);
/// \brief Return the value of the function at ix divided by its
/// number of samples (if the count grid is defined)
virtual inline cvm::real value_output(std::vector<int> const &ix,
size_t const &imult = 0)
if (samples)
return (samples->value(ix) > 0) ?
(data[address(ix) + imult] / cvm::real(samples->value(ix))) :
return data[address(ix) + imult];
/// \brief Get the value from a formatted output and transform it
/// into the internal representation (it may have been rescaled or
/// manipulated)
virtual inline void value_input(std::vector<int> const &ix,
cvm::real const &new_value,
size_t const &imult = 0,
bool add = false)
if (add) {
if (samples)
data[address(ix) + imult] += new_value * samples->new_count(ix);
data[address(ix) + imult] += new_value;
} else {
if (samples)
data[address(ix) + imult] = new_value * samples->value(ix);
data[address(ix) + imult] = new_value;
has_data = true;
/// Compute and return average value for a 1D gradient grid
inline cvm::real average()
size_t n = 0;
if (nd != 1 || nx[0] == 0) {
return 0.0;
cvm::real sum = 0.0;
std::vector<int> ix = new_index();
if (samples) {
for ( ; index_ok(ix); incr(ix)) {
if ( (n = samples->value(ix)) )
sum += value(ix) / n;
} else {
for ( ; index_ok(ix); incr(ix)) {
sum += value(ix);
return (sum / cvm::real(nx[0]));
/// \brief If the grid is 1-dimensional, integrate it and write the
/// integral to a file
void write_1D_integral(std::ostream &os);
/// Integrate (1D, 2D or 3D) gradients
class integrate_potential : public colvar_grid_scalar
virtual ~integrate_potential()
/// Constructor from a vector of colvars + gradient grid
integrate_potential (std::vector<colvar *> &colvars, colvar_grid_gradient * gradients);
/// \brief Calculate potential from divergence (in 2D); return number of steps
int integrate (const int itmax, const cvm::real & tol, cvm::real & err);
/// \brief Update matrix containing divergence and boundary conditions
/// based on new gradient point value, in neighboring bins
void update_div_neighbors(const std::vector<int> &ix);
/// \brief Set matrix containing divergence and boundary conditions
/// based on complete gradient grid
void set_div();
/// \brief Add constant to potential so that its minimum value is zero
/// Useful e.g. for output
inline void set_zero_minimum() {
add_constant(-1.0 * minimum_value());
// Reference to gradient grid
colvar_grid_gradient *gradients;
/// Array holding divergence + boundary terms (modified Neumann) if not periodic
std::vector<cvm::real> divergence;
// std::vector<cvm::real> inv_lap_diag; // Inverse of the diagonal of the Laplacian; for conditioning
/// \brief Update matrix containing divergence and boundary conditions
/// called by update_div_neighbors
void update_div_local(const std::vector<int> &ix);
/// Obtain the gradient vector at given location ix, if available
/// or zero if it is on the edge of the gradient grid
/// ix gets wrapped in PBC
void get_grad(cvm::real * g, std::vector<int> &ix);
/// \brief Solve linear system based on CG, valid for symmetric matrices only
void nr_linbcg_sym(const std::vector<cvm::real> &b, std::vector<cvm::real> &x,
const cvm::real &tol, const int itmax, int &iter, cvm::real &err);
/// l2 norm of a vector
cvm::real l2norm(const std::vector<cvm::real> &x);
/// Multiplication by sparse matrix representing Lagrangian (or its transpose)
void atimes(const std::vector<cvm::real> &x, std::vector<cvm::real> &r);
// /// Inversion of preconditioner matrix
// void asolve(const std::vector<cvm::real> &b, std::vector<cvm::real> &x);