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!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
! Steve Plimpton,, Sandia National Laboratories
! Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
! DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
! certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
! the GNU General Public License.
! See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Contributing author: Karl D. Hammond <>
! University of Tennessee, Knoxville (USA), 2012
!! LAMMPS, a Fortran 2003 module containing an interface between Fortran
!! programs and the C-style functions in library.cpp that ship with LAMMPS.
!! This file should be accompanied by LAMMPS-wrapper.cpp and LAMMPS-wrapper.h,
!! which define wrapper functions that ease portability and enforce array
!! dimensions.
!! Everything in this module should be 100% portable by way of Fortran 2003's
!! ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module. See the README for instructions for
!! compilation and use.
!! Here are the PUBLIC functions and subroutines included in this module.
!! subroutine lammps_open (command_line, communicator, ptr)
!! subroutine lammps_open_no_mpi (command_line, ptr)
!! subroutine lammps_close (ptr)
!! subroutine lammps_file (ptr, str)
!! subroutine lammps_command (ptr, str)
!! subroutine lammps_free (ptr)
!! subroutine lammps_extract_global (global, ptr, name)
!! subroutine lammps_extract_atom (atom, ptr, name)
!! subroutine lammps_extract_fix (fix, ptr, id, style, type, i, j)
!! subroutine lammps_extract_compute (compute, ptr, id, style, type)
!! subroutine lammps_extract_variable (variable, ptr, name, group)
!! function lammps_get_natoms (ptr)
!! subroutine lammps_gather_atoms (ptr, name, count, data)
!! subroutine lammps_scatter_atoms (ptr, name, data)
#define FLERR __FILE__,__LINE__
! The above line allows for similar error checking as is done with standard
! LAMMPS files.
module LAMMPS
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_binding, only : C_double, C_int, C_ptr, C_char, &
C_NULL_CHAR, C_loc, C_F_pointer, lammps_instance => C_ptr
implicit none
public :: lammps_open, lammps_open_no_mpi, lammps_close, lammps_file, &
lammps_command, lammps_free, lammps_extract_global, &
lammps_extract_atom, lammps_extract_compute, lammps_extract_fix, &
lammps_extract_variable, lammps_get_natoms, lammps_gather_atoms, &
public :: lammps_instance, C_ptr, C_double, C_int
!! Functions supplemental to the prototypes in library.h. {{{1
!! The function definitions (in C++) are contained in LAMMPS-wrapper.cpp.
!! I would have written the first in Fortran, but the MPI libraries (which
!! were written in C) have C-based functions to convert from Fortran MPI
!! handles to C MPI handles, and there is no Fortran equivalent for those
!! functions.
subroutine lammps_open_wrapper (argc, argv, communicator, ptr) &
bind (C, name='lammps_open_fortran_wrapper')
import :: C_int, C_ptr
integer (C_int), value :: argc
type (C_ptr), dimension(*) :: argv
integer, value :: communicator
type (C_ptr) :: ptr
end subroutine lammps_open_wrapper
subroutine lammps_actual_error_all (ptr, file, line, str) &
bind (C, name='lammps_error_all')
import :: C_int, C_char, C_ptr
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: file, str
integer (C_int), value :: line
end subroutine lammps_actual_error_all
function lammps_get_ntypes (ptr) result (ntypes) &
bind (C, name='lammps_get_ntypes')
import :: C_int, C_ptr
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
integer (C_int) :: ntypes
end function lammps_get_ntypes
function lammps_actual_extract_compute_vectorsize (ptr, id, style) &
result (vectorsize) bind (C, name='lammps_extract_compute_vectorsize')
import :: C_int, C_char, C_ptr
integer (C_int) :: vectorsize
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: id
integer (C_int), value :: style
end function lammps_actual_extract_compute_vectorsize
subroutine lammps_actual_extract_compute_arraysize (ptr, id, style, &
nrows, ncols) bind (C, name='lammps_extract_compute_arraysize')
import :: C_int, C_char, C_ptr
integer (C_int) :: arraysize
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: id
integer (C_int), value :: style
integer (C_int) :: nrows, ncols
end subroutine lammps_actual_extract_compute_arraysize
function lammps_actual_extract_fix_vectorsize (ptr, id, style) &
result (vectorsize) bind (C, name='lammps_extract_fix_vectorsize')
import :: C_int, C_char, C_ptr
integer (C_int) :: vectorsize
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: id
integer (C_int), value :: style
end function lammps_actual_extract_fix_vectorsize
subroutine lammps_actual_extract_fix_arraysize (ptr, id, style, &
nrows, ncols) bind (C, name='lammps_extract_fix_arraysize')
import :: C_int, C_char, C_ptr
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: id
integer (C_int), value :: style
integer (C_int) :: nrows, ncols
end subroutine lammps_actual_extract_fix_arraysize
end interface
!! Functions/subroutines defined in library.h and library.cpp {{{1
subroutine lammps_actual_open_no_mpi (argc, argv, ptr) &
bind (C, name='lammps_open_no_mpi')
import :: C_int, C_ptr
integer (C_int), value :: argc
type (C_ptr), dimension(*) :: argv
type (C_ptr) :: ptr
end subroutine lammps_actual_open_no_mpi
subroutine lammps_close (ptr) bind (C, name='lammps_close')
import :: C_ptr
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
end subroutine lammps_close
subroutine lammps_actual_file (ptr, str) bind (C, name='lammps_file')
import :: C_ptr, C_char
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: str
end subroutine lammps_actual_file
function lammps_actual_command (ptr, str) result (command) &
bind (C, name='lammps_command')
import :: C_ptr, C_char
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: str
type (C_ptr) :: command
end function lammps_actual_command
subroutine lammps_free (ptr) bind (C, name='lammps_free')
import :: C_ptr
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
end subroutine lammps_free
function lammps_actual_extract_global (ptr, name) &
bind (C, name='lammps_extract_global') result (global)
import :: C_ptr, C_char
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: name
type (C_ptr) :: global
end function lammps_actual_extract_global
function lammps_actual_extract_atom (ptr, name) &
bind (C, name='lammps_extract_atom') result (atom)
import :: C_ptr, C_char
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: name
type (C_ptr) :: atom
end function lammps_actual_extract_atom
function lammps_actual_extract_compute (ptr, id, style, type) &
result (compute) bind (C, name='lammps_extract_compute')
import :: C_ptr, C_char, C_int
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: id
integer (C_int), value :: style, type
type (C_ptr) :: compute
end function lammps_actual_extract_compute
function lammps_actual_extract_fix (ptr, id, style, type, i, j) &
result (fix) bind (C, name='lammps_extract_fix')
import :: C_ptr, C_char, C_int
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: id
integer (C_int), value :: style, type, i, j
type (C_ptr) :: fix
end function lammps_actual_extract_fix
function lammps_actual_extract_variable (ptr, name, group) &
result (variable) bind (C, name='lammps_extract_variable')
import :: C_ptr, C_char
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: name, group
type (C_ptr) :: variable
end function lammps_actual_extract_variable
function lammps_get_natoms (ptr) result (natoms) &
bind (C, name='lammps_get_natoms')
import :: C_ptr, C_int
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr
integer (C_int) :: natoms
end function lammps_get_natoms
subroutine lammps_actual_gather_atoms (ptr, name, type, count, data) &
bind (C, name='lammps_gather_atoms')
import :: C_ptr, C_int, C_char
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr, data
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: name
integer (C_int), value :: type, count
end subroutine lammps_actual_gather_atoms
subroutine lammps_actual_scatter_atoms (ptr, name, type, count, data) &
bind (C, name='lammps_scatter_atoms')
import :: C_ptr, C_int, C_char
type (C_ptr), value :: ptr, data
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*) :: name
integer (C_int), value :: type, count
end subroutine lammps_actual_scatter_atoms
end interface
! Generic functions for the wrappers below {{{1
interface lammps_extract_global
module procedure lammps_extract_global_i, &
end interface lammps_extract_global
interface lammps_extract_atom
module procedure lammps_extract_atom_ia, &
lammps_extract_atom_dpa, &
end interface lammps_extract_atom
interface lammps_extract_compute
module procedure lammps_extract_compute_dp, &
lammps_extract_compute_dpa, &
end interface lammps_extract_compute
interface lammps_extract_fix
module procedure lammps_extract_fix_dp, &
lammps_extract_fix_dpa, &
end interface lammps_extract_fix
interface lammps_extract_variable
module procedure lammps_extract_variable_dp, &
end interface lammps_extract_variable
interface lammps_gather_atoms
module procedure lammps_gather_atoms_ia, lammps_gather_atoms_dpa
end interface lammps_gather_atoms
interface lammps_scatter_atoms
module procedure lammps_scatter_atoms_ia, lammps_scatter_atoms_dpa
end interface lammps_scatter_atoms
contains !! Wrapper functions local to this module {{{1
subroutine lammps_open (command_line, communicator, ptr)
character (len=*), intent(in) :: command_line
integer, intent(in) :: communicator
type (C_ptr) :: ptr
integer (C_int) :: argc
type (C_ptr), dimension(:), allocatable :: argv
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(command_line)+1), target :: &
c_command_line = string2Cstring (command_line)
call Cstring2argcargv (c_command_line, argc, argv)
call lammps_open_wrapper (argc, argv, communicator, ptr)
deallocate (argv)
end subroutine lammps_open
subroutine lammps_open_no_mpi (command_line, ptr)
character (len=*), intent(in) :: command_line
type (C_ptr) :: ptr
integer (C_int) :: argc
type (C_ptr), dimension(:), allocatable :: argv
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(command_line)+1), target :: &
c_command_line = string2Cstring (command_line)
call Cstring2argcargv (c_command_line, argc, argv)
call lammps_actual_open_no_mpi (argc, argv, ptr)
deallocate (argv)
end subroutine lammps_open_no_mpi
subroutine lammps_file (ptr, str)
type (C_ptr) :: ptr
character (len=*) :: str
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(str)+1) :: Cstr
Cstr = string2Cstring (str)
call lammps_actual_file (ptr, Cstr)
end subroutine lammps_file
subroutine lammps_command (ptr, str)
type (C_ptr) :: ptr
character (len=*) :: str
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(str)+1) :: Cstr
type (C_ptr) :: dummy
Cstr = string2Cstring (str)
dummy = lammps_actual_command (ptr, Cstr)
end subroutine lammps_command
! lammps_extract_global {{{2
function lammps_extract_global_Cptr (ptr, name) result (global)
type (C_ptr) :: global
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(name)+1) :: Cname
Cname = string2Cstring (name)
global = lammps_actual_extract_global (ptr, Cname)
end function lammps_extract_global_Cptr
subroutine lammps_extract_global_i (global, ptr, name)
integer (C_int), pointer, intent(out) :: global
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
Cptr = lammps_extract_global_Cptr (ptr, name)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, global)
end subroutine lammps_extract_global_i
subroutine lammps_extract_global_dp (global, ptr, name)
real (C_double), pointer, intent(out) :: global
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
Cptr = lammps_extract_global_Cptr (ptr, name)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, global)
end subroutine lammps_extract_global_dp
! lammps_extract_atom {{{2
function lammps_extract_atom_Cptr (ptr, name) result (atom)
type (C_ptr) :: atom
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(name)+1) :: Cname
Cname = string2Cstring (name)
atom = lammps_actual_extract_atom (ptr, Cname)
end function lammps_extract_atom_Cptr
subroutine lammps_extract_atom_ia (atom, ptr, name)
integer (C_int), dimension(:), pointer, intent(out) :: atom
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
integer (C_int), pointer :: nelements
call lammps_extract_global_i (nelements, ptr, 'nlocal')
Cptr = lammps_extract_atom_Cptr (ptr, name)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, atom, (/nelements/))
end subroutine lammps_extract_atom_ia
subroutine lammps_extract_atom_dpa (atom, ptr, name)
real (C_double), dimension(:), pointer, intent(out) :: atom
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
integer (C_int), pointer :: nlocal
integer :: nelements
real (C_double), dimension(:), pointer :: Fptr
if ( name == 'mass' ) then
nelements = lammps_get_ntypes (ptr) + 1
else if ( name == 'x' .or. name == 'v' .or. name == 'f' .or. &
name == 'mu' .or. name == 'omega' .or. name == 'torque' .or. &
name == 'angmom' ) then
! We should not be getting a rank-2 array here!
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract those atom&
& data (' // trim(name) // ') into a rank 1 array.')
! Everything else we can get is probably nlocal units long
call lammps_extract_global_i (nlocal, ptr, 'nlocal')
nelements = nlocal
end if
Cptr = lammps_extract_atom_Cptr (ptr, name)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, Fptr, (/nelements/))
if ( name == 'mass' ) then
atom(0:) => Fptr
atom => Fptr
end if
end subroutine lammps_extract_atom_dpa
subroutine lammps_extract_atom_dp2a (atom, ptr, name)
real (C_double), dimension(:,:), pointer, intent(out) :: atom
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
type (C_ptr), pointer, dimension(:) :: Catom
integer (C_int), pointer :: nelements
if ( name /= 'x' .and. name /= 'v' .and. name /= 'f' .and. &
name /= 'mu' .and. name /= 'omega' .and. name /= 'tandque' .and. &
name /= 'angmom' ) then
! We should not be getting a rank-2 array here!
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract those atom&
& data (' // trim(name) // ') into a rank 2 array.')
end if
Cptr = lammps_extract_atom_Cptr (ptr, name)
call lammps_extract_global_i (nelements, ptr, 'nlocal')
! Catom will now be the array of void* pointers that the void** pointer
! pointed to. Catom(1) is now the pointer to the first element.
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, Catom, (/nelements/))
! Now get the actual array, which has its shape transposed from what we
! might think of it in C
call C_F_pointer (Catom(1), atom, (/3, nelements/))
end subroutine lammps_extract_atom_dp2a
! lammps_extract_compute {{{2
function lammps_extract_compute_Cptr (ptr, id, style, type) result (compute)
type (C_ptr) :: compute
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style, type
integer (kind=C_int) :: Cstyle, Ctype
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(id)+1) :: Cid
Cid = string2Cstring (id)
Cstyle = style
Ctype = type
compute = lammps_actual_extract_compute (ptr, Cid, Cstyle, Ctype)
end function lammps_extract_compute_Cptr
subroutine lammps_extract_compute_dp (compute, ptr, id, style, type)
real (C_double), pointer, intent(out) :: compute
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style, type
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
! The only valid values of (style,type) are (0,0) for scalar 'compute'
if ( style /= 0 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot pack per-atom/local&
& data into a scalar.')
end if
if ( type == 1 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a compute&
& vector (rank 1) into a scalar.')
else if ( type == 2 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a compute&
& array (rank 2) into a scalar.')
end if
Cptr = lammps_extract_compute_Cptr (ptr, id, style, type)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, compute)
end subroutine lammps_extract_compute_dp
subroutine lammps_extract_compute_dpa (compute, ptr, id, style, type)
real (C_double), dimension(:), pointer, intent(out) :: compute
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style, type
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
integer :: nelements
! Check for the correct dimensionality
if ( type == 0 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a compute&
& scalar (rank 0) into a rank 1 variable.')
else if ( type == 2 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a compute&
& array (rank 2) into a rank 1 variable.')
end if
nelements = lammps_extract_compute_vectorsize (ptr, id, style)
Cptr = lammps_extract_compute_Cptr (ptr, id, style, type)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, compute, (/nelements/))
end subroutine lammps_extract_compute_dpa
subroutine lammps_extract_compute_dp2a (compute, ptr, id, style, type)
real (C_double), dimension(:,:), pointer, intent(out) :: compute
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style, type
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
type (C_ptr), pointer, dimension(:) :: Ccompute
integer :: nr, nc
! Check for the correct dimensionality
if ( type == 0 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a compute&
& scalar (rank 0) into a rank 2 variable.')
else if ( type == 1 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a compute&
& array (rank 1) into a rank 2 variable.')
end if
call lammps_extract_compute_arraysize (ptr, id, style, nr, nc)
Cptr = lammps_extract_compute_Cptr (ptr, id, style, type)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, Ccompute, (/nr/))
! Note that the matrix is transposed, from Fortran's perspective
call C_F_pointer (Ccompute(1), compute, (/nc, nr/))
end subroutine lammps_extract_compute_dp2a
! lammps_extract_fix {{{2
function lammps_extract_fix_Cptr (ptr, id, style, type, i, j) &
result (fix)
type (C_ptr) :: fix
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style, type, i, j
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(id)+1) :: Cid
integer (kind=C_int) :: Cstyle, Ctype, Ci, Cj
Cid = string2Cstring (id)
Cstyle = style
Ctype = type
Ci = i - 1 ! This is for consistency with the values from f_ID[i],
Cj = j - 1 ! which is different from what library.cpp uses!
if ( (type >= 1 .and. Ci < 0) .or. &
(type == 2 .and. (Ci < 0 .or. Cj < 0) ) ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'Index out of range in&
& lammps_extract_fix')
end if
fix = lammps_actual_extract_fix (ptr, Cid, Cstyle, Ctype, Ci, Cj)
end function lammps_extract_fix_Cptr
subroutine lammps_extract_fix_dp (fix, ptr, id, style, type, i, j)
real (C_double), intent(out) :: fix
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style, type, i, j
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
real (C_double), pointer :: Fptr
! Check for the correct dimensionality
if ( style /= 0 ) then
select case (type)
case (0)
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'There is no per-atom or local&
& scalar data available from fixes.')
case (1)
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a fix''s &
&per-atom/local vector (rank 1) into a scalar.')
case (2)
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a fix''s &
&per-atom/local array (rank 2) into a scalar.')
case default
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'Invalid extract_fix style/&
&type combination.')
end select
end if
Cptr = lammps_extract_fix_Cptr (ptr, id, style, type, i, j)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, Fptr)
fix = Fptr
nullify (Fptr)
! Memory is only allocated for "global" fix variables
if ( style == 0 ) call lammps_free (Cptr)
end subroutine lammps_extract_fix_dp
subroutine lammps_extract_fix_dpa (fix, ptr, id, style, type, i, j)
real (C_double), dimension(:), pointer, intent(out) :: fix
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style, type, i, j
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
integer :: fix_len
! Check for the correct dimensionality
if ( style == 0 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You can''t extract the&
& whole vector from global fix data')
else if ( type == 0 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You can''t extract a fix&
& scalar into a rank 1 variable')
else if ( type == 2 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a fix&
& array into a rank 1 variable.')
else if ( type /= 1 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'Invalid type for fix extraction.')
end if
fix_len = lammps_extract_fix_vectorsize (ptr, id, style)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, fix, (/fix_len/))
! Memory is only allocated for "global" fix variables, which we should
! never get here, so no need to call lammps_free!
end subroutine lammps_extract_fix_dpa
subroutine lammps_extract_fix_dp2a (fix, ptr, id, style, type, i, j)
real (C_double), dimension(:,:), pointer, intent(out) :: fix
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style, type, i, j
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
type (C_ptr), pointer, dimension(:) :: Cfix
integer :: nr, nc
! Check for the correct dimensionality
if ( style == 0 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'It is not possible to extract the&
& entire array from global fix data.')
else if ( type == 0 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a fix&
& scalar (rank 0) into a rank 2 variable.')
else if ( type == 1 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'You cannot extract a fix&
& vector (rank 1) into a rank 2 variable.')
end if
call lammps_extract_fix_arraysize (ptr, id, style, nr, nc)
! Extract pointer to first element as Cfix(1)
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, Cfix, (/nr/))
! Now extract the array, which is transposed
call C_F_pointer (Cfix(1), fix, (/nc, nr/))
end subroutine lammps_extract_fix_dp2a
! lammps_extract_variable {{{2
function lammps_extract_variable_Cptr (ptr, name, group) result (variable)
type (C_ptr) :: ptr, variable
character (len=*) :: name
character (len=*), optional :: group
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(name)+1) :: Cname
character (kind=C_char), dimension(:), allocatable :: Cgroup
Cname = string2Cstring (name)
if ( present(group) ) then
allocate (Cgroup(len_trim(group)+1))
Cgroup = string2Cstring (group)
allocate (Cgroup(1))
Cgroup(1) = C_NULL_CHAR
end if
variable = lammps_actual_extract_variable (ptr, Cname, Cgroup)
deallocate (Cgroup)
end function lammps_extract_variable_Cptr
subroutine lammps_extract_variable_dp (variable, ptr, name, group)
real (C_double), intent(out) :: variable
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: group
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
real (C_double), pointer :: Fptr
if ( present(group) ) then
Cptr = lammps_extract_variable_Cptr (ptr, name, group)
Cptr = lammps_extract_variable_Cptr (ptr, name)
end if
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, Fptr)
variable = Fptr
nullify (Fptr)
call lammps_free (Cptr)
end subroutine lammps_extract_variable_dp
subroutine lammps_extract_variable_dpa (variable, ptr, name, group)
real (C_double), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: variable
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: group
type (C_ptr) :: Cptr
real (C_double), dimension(:), pointer :: Fptr
integer :: natoms
if ( present(group) ) then
Cptr = lammps_extract_variable_Cptr (ptr, name, group)
Cptr = lammps_extract_variable_Cptr (ptr, name)
end if
natoms = lammps_get_natoms (ptr)
allocate (variable(natoms))
call C_F_pointer (Cptr, Fptr, (/natoms/))
variable = Fptr
nullify (Fptr)
call lammps_free (Cptr)
end subroutine lammps_extract_variable_dpa
subroutine lammps_gather_atoms_ia (ptr, name, count, data)
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: count
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: data
type (C_ptr) :: Cdata
integer (C_int), dimension(:), pointer :: Fdata
integer (C_int) :: natoms
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(name)+1) :: Cname
integer (C_int), parameter :: Ctype = 0_C_int
integer (C_int) :: Ccount
natoms = lammps_get_natoms (ptr)
Cname = string2Cstring (name)
if ( count /= 1 .and. count /= 3 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'lammps_gather_atoms requires&
& count to be either 1 or 3')
Ccount = count
end if
allocate ( Fdata(count*natoms) )
allocate ( data(count*natoms) )
Cdata = C_loc (Fdata(1))
call lammps_actual_gather_atoms (ptr, Cname, Ctype, Ccount, Cdata)
data = Fdata
deallocate (Fdata)
end subroutine lammps_gather_atoms_ia
subroutine lammps_gather_atoms_dpa (ptr, name, count, data)
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: count
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: data
type (C_ptr) :: Cdata
real (C_double), dimension(:), pointer :: Fdata
integer (C_int) :: natoms
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(name)+1) :: Cname
integer (C_int), parameter :: Ctype = 1_C_int
integer (C_int) :: Ccount
natoms = lammps_get_natoms (ptr)
Cname = string2Cstring (name)
if ( count /= 1 .and. count /= 3 ) then
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'lammps_gather_atoms requires&
& count to be either 1 or 3')
Ccount = count
end if
allocate ( Fdata(count*natoms) )
allocate ( data(count*natoms) )
Cdata = C_loc (Fdata(1))
call lammps_actual_gather_atoms (ptr, Cname, Ctype, Ccount, Cdata)
data = Fdata(:)
deallocate (Fdata)
end subroutine lammps_gather_atoms_dpa
subroutine lammps_scatter_atoms_ia (ptr, name, data)
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: data
integer (kind=C_int) :: natoms, Ccount
integer (kind=C_int), parameter :: Ctype = 0_C_int
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(name)+1) :: Cname
integer (C_int), dimension(size(data)), target :: Fdata
type (C_ptr) :: Cdata
natoms = lammps_get_natoms (ptr)
Cname = string2Cstring (name)
Ccount = size(data) / natoms
if ( Ccount /= 1 .and. Ccount /= 3 ) &
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'lammps_gather_atoms requires&
& count to be either 1 or 3')
Fdata = data
Cdata = C_loc (Fdata(1))
call lammps_actual_scatter_atoms (ptr, Cname, Ctype, Ccount, Cdata)
end subroutine lammps_scatter_atoms_ia
subroutine lammps_scatter_atoms_dpa (ptr, name, data)
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: name
double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: data
integer (kind=C_int) :: natoms, Ccount
integer (kind=C_int), parameter :: Ctype = 1_C_int
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(name)+1) :: Cname
real (C_double), dimension(size(data)), target :: Fdata
type (C_ptr) :: Cdata
natoms = lammps_get_natoms (ptr)
Cname = string2Cstring (name)
Ccount = size(data) / natoms
if ( Ccount /= 1 .and. Ccount /= 3 ) &
call lammps_error_all (ptr, FLERR, 'lammps_gather_atoms requires&
& count to be either 1 or 3')
Fdata = data
Cdata = C_loc (Fdata(1))
call lammps_actual_scatter_atoms (ptr, Cname, Ctype, Ccount, Cdata)
end subroutine lammps_scatter_atoms_dpa
function lammps_extract_compute_vectorsize (ptr, id, style) &
result (vectorsize)
integer :: vectorsize
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style
integer (C_int) :: Cvectorsize, Cstyle
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(id)+1) :: Cid
Cid = string2Cstring (id)
Cstyle = int(style, C_int)
Cvectorsize = lammps_actual_extract_compute_vectorsize (ptr, Cid, Cstyle)
vectorsize = int(Cvectorsize, kind(vectorsize))
end function lammps_extract_compute_vectorsize
function lammps_extract_fix_vectorsize (ptr, id, style) &
result (vectorsize)
integer :: vectorsize
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style
integer (C_int) :: Cvectorsize, Cstyle
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(id)+1) :: Cid
Cid = string2Cstring (id)
Cstyle = int(style, C_int)
Cvectorsize = lammps_actual_extract_fix_vectorsize (ptr, Cid, Cstyle)
vectorsize = int(Cvectorsize, kind(vectorsize))
end function lammps_extract_fix_vectorsize
subroutine lammps_extract_compute_arraysize (ptr, id, style, nrows, ncols)
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style
integer, intent(out) :: nrows, ncols
integer (C_int) :: Cstyle, Cnrows, Cncols
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(id)+1) :: Cid
Cid = string2Cstring (id)
Cstyle = int (style, C_int)
call lammps_actual_extract_compute_arraysize (ptr, Cid, Cstyle, &
Cnrows, Cncols)
nrows = int (Cnrows, kind(nrows))
ncols = int (Cncols, kind(ncols))
end subroutine lammps_extract_compute_arraysize
subroutine lammps_extract_fix_arraysize (ptr, id, style, nrows, ncols)
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: id
integer, intent(in) :: style
integer, intent(out) :: nrows, ncols
integer (C_int) :: Cstyle, Cnrows, Cncols
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(id)+1) :: Cid
Cid = string2Cstring (id)
Cstyle = int (style, kind(Cstyle))
call lammps_actual_extract_fix_arraysize (ptr, Cid, Cstyle, &
Cnrows, Cncols)
nrows = int (Cnrows, kind(nrows))
ncols = int (Cncols, kind(ncols))
end subroutine lammps_extract_fix_arraysize
subroutine lammps_error_all (ptr, file, line, str)
type (C_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr
character (len=*), intent(in) :: file, str
integer, intent(in) :: line
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(file)+1) :: Cfile
character (kind=C_char), dimension(len_trim(str)+1) :: Cstr
integer (C_int) :: Cline
Cline = int(line, kind(Cline))
Cfile = string2Cstring (file)
Cstr = string2Cstring (str)
call lammps_actual_error_all (ptr, Cfile, Cline, Cstr)
end subroutine lammps_error_all
! Locally defined helper functions {{{1
pure function string2Cstring (string) result (C_string)
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_binding, only : C_char, C_NULL_CHAR
character (len=*), intent(in) :: string
character (len=1, kind=C_char) :: C_string (len_trim(string)+1)
integer :: i, n
n = len_trim (string)
forall (i = 1:n)
C_string(i) = string(i:i)
end forall
C_string(n+1) = C_NULL_CHAR
end function string2Cstring
subroutine Cstring2argcargv (Cstring, argc, argv)
!! Converts a C-style string to argc and argv, that is, words in Cstring
!! become C-style strings in argv. IMPORTANT: Cstring is modified by
!! this routine! I would make Cstring local TO this routine and accept
!! a Fortran-style string instead, but we run into scoping and
!! allocation problems that way. This routine assumes the string is
!! null-terminated, as all C-style strings must be.
character (kind=C_char), dimension(*), target, intent(inout) :: Cstring
integer (C_int), intent(out) :: argc
type (C_ptr), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: argv
integer :: StringStart, SpaceIndex, strlen, argnum
argc = 1_C_int
! Find the length of the string
strlen = 1
do while ( Cstring(strlen) /= C_NULL_CHAR )
strlen = strlen + 1
end do
! Find the number of non-escaped spaces
SpaceIndex = 2
do while ( SpaceIndex < strlen )
if ( Cstring(SpaceIndex) == ' ' .and. &
Cstring(SpaceIndex-1) /= '\' ) then
argc = argc + 1_C_int
! Find the next non-space character
do while ( Cstring(SpaceIndex+1) == ' ')
SpaceIndex = SpaceIndex + 1
end do
end if
SpaceIndex = SpaceIndex + 1
end do
! Now allocate memory for argv
allocate (argv(argc))
! Now find the string starting and ending locations
StringStart = 1
SpaceIndex = 2
argnum = 1
do while ( SpaceIndex < strlen )
if ( Cstring(SpaceIndex) == ' ' .and. &
Cstring(SpaceIndex-1) /= '\' ) then
! Found a real space => split strings and store this one
Cstring(Spaceindex) = C_NULL_CHAR ! Replaces space with NULL
argv(argnum) = C_loc(Cstring(StringStart))
argnum = argnum + 1
! Find the next non-space character
do while ( Cstring(SpaceIndex+1) == ' ')
SpaceIndex = SpaceIndex + 1
end do
StringStart = SpaceIndex + 1
else if ( Cstring(SpaceIndex) == ' ' .and. &
Cstring(SpaceIndex-1) == '\' ) then
! Escaped space => remove backslash and move rest of array
Cstring(SpaceIndex-1:strlen-1) = Cstring(SpaceIndex:strlen)
strlen = strlen - 1 ! Last character is still C_NULL_CHAR
end if
SpaceIndex = SpaceIndex + 1
end do
! Now handle the last argument
argv(argnum) = C_loc(Cstring(StringStart))
end subroutine Cstring2argcargv
! 1}}}
end module LAMMPS
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