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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing authors: Mike Brown (SNL),
Peng Wang (Nvidia),
Paul Crozier (SNL),
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef NVC_DEVICE
#define NVC_DEVICE
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/// Class for looking at device properties
/** \note Calls to change the device outside of the class results in incorrect
* behavior
* \note There is no error checking for indexing past the number of devices
* \note init() at least once before using any of the routines **/
class NVCDevice {
/// Grabs the properties for all devices
/** \note init() must be called following construction before any routines **/
NVCDevice() {}
/// Collect properties for every GPU on the node and set active GPU to ID 0
void init();
/// Return the number of devices that support CUDA
inline int num_devices() { return _properties.size(); }
/// Set the CUDA device to the specified device number
void set(int num);
/// Get the current device number
inline int device_num() { return _device; }
/// Get the current CUDA device name
inline string name() { return name(_device); }
/// Get the CUDA device name
inline string name(const int i) { return string(_properties[i].name); }
/// Get the number of cores in the current device
inline unsigned cores() { return cores(_device); }
/// Get the number of cores
inline unsigned cores(const int i)
{ return _properties[i].multiProcessorCount*8; }
/// Get the gigabytes of global memory in the current device
inline double gigabytes() { return gigabytes(_device); }
/// Get the gigabytes of global memory
inline double gigabytes(const int i)
{ return static_cast<double>(_properties[i].totalGlobalMem)/1073741824; }
/// Get the bytes of global memory in the current device
inline size_t bytes() { return bytes(_device); }
/// Get the bytes of global memory
inline size_t bytes(const int i) { return _properties[i].totalGlobalMem; }
/// Return the GPGPU revision number for current device
inline double revision() { return revision(_device); }
/// Return the GPGPU revision number
inline double revision(const int i)
{ return static_cast<double>(_properties[i].minor)/10+_properties[i].major;}
/// Clock rate in GHz for current device
inline double clock_rate() { return clock_rate(_device); }
/// Clock rate in GHz
inline double clock_rate(const int i) { return _properties[i].clockRate*1e-6;}
/// List all devices along with all properties
void print_all(ostream &out);
int _device, _num_devices;
vector<cudaDeviceProp> _properties;