forked from lijiext/lammps
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! ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
! LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
!, Sandia National Laboratories
! Steve Plimpton,
! Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
! DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
! certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
! the GNU General Public License.
! See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
! Contributing author: Alexey N. Volkov, UA,
module TPMM0 !**************************************************************************************
! Combined/Weighted TPM potential of type 0.
! Direct application of SST potential to calculation of segment-segment interaction.
! Intel Fortran
! Alexey N. Volkov, University of Alabama,, Version 09.01, 2017
use TubePotMono
use iso_c_binding, only : c_int, c_double, c_char
implicit none
contains !******************************************************************************************
integer(c_int) function TPMInteractionFSS ( Q, U, F1_1, F1_2, F2_1, F2_2, R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_2, EType )
real(c_double), intent(inout) :: Q, U
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(inout) :: F1_1, F1_2, F2_1, F2_2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_2
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: EType
real(c_double) :: Qa, Ua, Fd, L2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: F1_1a, F1_2a, F2_1a, F2_2a, R2_3, R2, Laxis2, F
integer(c_int) :: IntSign
R2 = 0.5d+00 * ( R2_1 + R2_2 )
Laxis2 = R2_2 - R2_1
L2 = S_V3norm3 ( Laxis2 )
Laxis2 = Laxis2 / L2
if ( EType < 2 ) then
TPMInteractionFSS = TPMInteractionF ( Q, U, F1_1, F1_2, F2_1, F2_2, Fd, R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_2, 1 )
R2_3 = R2_2 + R2_2 - R2_1
IntSign = TPMInteractionF ( Qa, Ua, F1_1a, F1_2a, F2_1a, F2_2a, Fd, R1_1, R1_2, R2_2, R2_3, 1 )
if ( IntSign > 0 ) then
TPMInteractionFSS = 1
call TPMSegmentForces ( F2_1a, F2_2a, F1_1a, F1_2a, R1_1, R1_2, R2, Laxis2, L2 )
F = ( Fd - S_V3xV3 ( F2_2a, Laxis2 ) ) * Laxis2
F2_2a = F2_2a + F
F2_1a = F2_1a - F
end if
TPMInteractionFSS = TPMInteractionF ( Q, U, F1_1, F1_2, F2_1, F2_2, Fd, R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_2, 2 )
R2_3 = R2_1 + R2_1 - R2_2
IntSign = TPMInteractionF ( Qa, Ua, F1_1a, F1_2a, F2_1a, F2_2a, Fd, R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_3, 1 )
if ( IntSign > 0 ) then
TPMInteractionFSS = 1
call TPMSegmentForces ( F2_1a, F2_2a, F1_1a, F1_2a, R1_1, R1_2, R2, Laxis2, L2 )
F = ( - Fd - S_V3xV3 ( F2_1a, Laxis2 ) ) * Laxis2
F2_1a = F2_1a + F
F2_2a = F2_2a - F
end if
end if
if ( IntSign > 0 ) then
Q = Q - Qa
if ( Q < 0.0d+00 ) Q = 0.0d+00
U = U - Ua
F2_1 = F2_1 - F2_1a
F2_2 = F2_2 - F2_2a
F1_1 = F1_1 - F1_1a
F1_2 = F1_2 - F1_2a
end if
end function TPMInteractionFSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
integer(c_int) function TPMInteractionFW0 ( QQ, U, U1, U2, UU, F1, F2, F, G1, G2, R1, R2, N, NMAX, R )
real(c_double), intent(inout) :: U, U1, U2
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: N, NMAX
real(c_double), dimension(0:NMAX-1), intent(out) :: QQ, UU
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: F1, F2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2,0:NMAX-1), intent(out) :: F, G1, G2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: R1, R2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2,0:NMAX-1), intent(in) :: R
integer(c_int) :: i, SType2, GeomID, EType
real(c_double) :: Ua
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: F1_1a, F1_2a, F2_1a, F2_2a
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: R1a, R2a, Laxis1, Laxis2, L12, DR
real(c_double) :: L1, L2, D1, D2, H, cosA, D, Dmina, Dminb
QQ = 0.0d+00
U = 0.0d+00
U1 = 0.0d+00
U2 = 0.0d+00
UU = 0.0d+00
F1 = 0.0d+00
F2 = 0.0d+00
F = 0.0d+00
G1 = 0.0d+00
G2 = 0.0d+00
TPMInteractionFW0 = 0
do i = 0, N - 2
R1a = 0.5d+00 * ( R1 + R2 )
R2a = 0.5d+00 * ( R(0:2,i+1) + R(0:2,i) )
Laxis1 = R2 - R1
Laxis2 = R(0:2,i+1) - R(0:2,i)
L1 = S_V3norm3 ( Laxis1 )
L2 = S_V3norm3 ( Laxis2 )
Laxis1 = Laxis1 / L1
Laxis2 = Laxis2 / L2
L2 = 0.5d+00 * L2
L1 = 0.5d+00 * L1
GeomID = LineLine ( H, cosA, D1, D2, L12, R1a, Laxis1, R2a, Laxis2, TPGeomPrec )
DR = R1 - R(0:2,i)
call ApplyPeriodicBC ( DR )
Dmina = sqr ( DR(0) ) + sqr ( DR(1) ) + sqr ( DR(2) )
DR = R2 - R(0:2,i)
call ApplyPeriodicBC ( DR )
D = sqr ( DR(0) ) + sqr ( DR(1) ) + sqr ( DR(2) )
if ( D < Dmina ) Dmina = D
if ( GeomID == MD_LINES_NONPAR ) then
D = ( D2 - L2 ) * cosA
if ( D > D1 - L1 .and. D < D1 + L1 ) then
D = sqr ( D2 - L2 ) * ( 1.0d+00 - sqr ( cosA ) ) + sqr ( H )
if ( D < Dmina ) Dmina = D
end if
call LinePoint ( D, DR, R1, Laxis1, R(0:2,i) )
if ( D > 0.0d+00 .and. D < 2.0d+00 * L1 ) then
DR = DR - R(0:2,i)
call ApplyPeriodicBC ( DR )
D = sqr ( DR(0) ) + sqr ( DR(1) ) + sqr ( DR(2) )
if ( D < Dmina ) Dmina = D
end if
end if
DR = R1 - R(0:2,i+1)
call ApplyPeriodicBC ( DR )
Dminb = sqr ( DR(0) ) + sqr ( DR(1) ) + sqr ( DR(2) )
DR = R2 - R(0:2,i+1)
call ApplyPeriodicBC ( DR )
D = sqr ( DR(0) ) + sqr ( DR(1) ) + sqr ( DR(2) )
if ( D < Dminb ) Dminb = D
if ( GeomID == MD_LINES_NONPAR ) then
D = ( D2 + L2 ) * cosA
if ( D > D1 - L1 .and. D < D1 + L1 ) then
D = sqr ( D2 + L2 ) * ( 1.0d+00 - sqr ( cosA ) ) + sqr ( H )
if ( D < Dminb ) Dminb = D
end if
call LinePoint ( D, DR, R1, Laxis1, R(0:2,i+1) )
if ( D > 0.0d+00 .and. D < 2.0d+00 * L1 ) then
DR = DR - R(0:2,i+1)
call ApplyPeriodicBC ( DR )
D = sqr ( DR(0) ) + sqr ( DR(1) ) + sqr ( DR(2) )
if ( D < Dminb ) Dminb = D
end if
end if
if ( Dmina < Dminb ) then
EType = 1
EType = 2
end if
if ( TPMInteractionFSS ( QQ(i), Ua, F1_1a, F1_2a, F2_1a, F2_2a, R1, R2, R(0:2,i), R(0:2,i+1), &
EType ) > 0 ) then
TPMInteractionFW0 = 1
U = U + Ua
Ua = 0.25d+00 * Ua
U1 = U1 + Ua
U2 = U2 + Ua
UU(i) = UU(i) + Ua
UU(i+1) = UU(i+1) + Ua
F1 = F1 + F1_1a
F2 = F2 + F1_2a
F(0:2,i) = F(0:2,i) + F2_1a
F(0:2,i+1) = F(0:2,i+1) + F2_2a
G2(0:2,i) = F2_1a
G1(0:2,i+1) = F2_2a
end if
end do
end function TPMInteractionFW0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end module TPMM0 !**********************************************************************************