forked from lijiext/lammps
188 lines
5.9 KiB
188 lines
5.9 KiB
# toolkit,
# Steve Plimpton,, Sandia National Laboratories
# Copyright (2005) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
# certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
# the GNU General Public License.
# cfg tool
oneline = "Convert LAMMPS snapshots to AtomEye CFG format"
docstr = """
c = cfg(d) d = object containing atom coords (dump, data)
| write all snapshots to tmp.cfg
|"new") write all snapshots to new.cfg
c.many() write snapshots to tmp0000.cfg, tmp0001.cfg, etc
c.many("new") write snapshots to new0000.cfg, new0001.cfg, etc
c.single(N) write snapshot for timestep N to tmp.cfg
c.single(N,"file") write snapshot for timestep N to file.cfg
# History
# 11/06, Aidan Thompson (SNL): original version
# ToDo list
# should decide if dump is scaled or not, since CFG prints in scaled coords
# this creates a simple AtomEye CFG format
# there is more complex format we could write out
# which allows for extra atom info, e.g. to do atom coloring on
# how to dump for a triclinic box, since AtomEye accepts this
# Variables
# data = data file to read from
# Imports and external programs
import sys
# Class definition
class cfg:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self,data):
| = data
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def one(self,*args):
if len(args) == 0: file = "tmp.cfg"
elif args[0][-4:] == ".cfg": file = args[0]
else: file = args[0] + ".cfg"
f = open(file,"w")
n = flag = 0
while 1:
which,time,flag =
if flag == -1: break
time,box,atoms,bonds,tris,lines =
xlen = box[3]-box[0]
ylen = box[4]-box[1]
zlen = box[5]-box[2]
print >>f,"Number of particles = %d " % len(atoms)
print >>f,"# Timestep %d \n#\nA = 1.0 Angstrom" % time
print >>f,"H0(1,1) = %20.10f A " % xlen
print >>f,"H0(1,2) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(1,3) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(2,1) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(2,2) = %20.10f A " % ylen
print >>f,"H0(2,3) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,1) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,2) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,3) = %20.10f A " % zlen
print >>f,"#"
for atom in atoms:
itype = int(atom[1])
xfrac = (atom[2]-box[0])/xlen
yfrac = (atom[3]-box[1])/ylen
zfrac = (atom[4]-box[2])/zlen
# print >>f,"1.0 %d %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f " % (itype,xfrac,yfrac,zfrac,atom[5],atom[6],atom[7])
print >>f,"1.0 %d %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f 0.0 0.0 0.0 " % (itype,xfrac,yfrac,zfrac)
print time,
n += 1
print "\nwrote %d snapshots to %s in CFG format" % (n,file)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def many(self,*args):
if len(args) == 0: root = "tmp"
else: root = args[0]
n = flag = 0
while 1:
which,time,flag =
if flag == -1: break
time,box,atoms,bonds,tris,lines =
if n < 10:
file = root + "000" + str(n)
elif n < 100:
file = root + "00" + str(n)
elif n < 1000:
file = root + "0" + str(n)
file = root + str(n)
file += ".cfg"
f = open(file,"w")
xlen = box[3]-box[0]
ylen = box[4]-box[1]
zlen = box[5]-box[2]
print >>f,"Number of particles = %d " % len(atoms)
print >>f,"# Timestep %d \n#\nA = 1.0 Angstrom" % time
print >>f,"H0(1,1) = %20.10f A " % xlen
print >>f,"H0(1,2) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(1,3) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(2,1) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(2,2) = %20.10f A " % ylen
print >>f,"H0(2,3) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,1) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,2) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,3) = %20.10f A " % zlen
print >>f,"#"
for atom in atoms:
itype = int(atom[1])
xfrac = (atom[2]-box[0])/xlen
yfrac = (atom[3]-box[1])/ylen
zfrac = (atom[4]-box[2])/zlen
# print >>f,"1.0 %d %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f " % (itype,xfrac,yfrac,zfrac,atom[5],atom[6],atom[7])
print >>f,"1.0 %d %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f 0.0 0.0 0.0 " % (itype,xfrac,yfrac,zfrac)
print time,
n += 1
print "\nwrote %s snapshots in CFG format" % n
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def single(self,time,*args):
if len(args) == 0: file = "tmp.cfg"
elif args[0][-4:] == ".cfg": file = args[0]
else: file = args[0] + ".cfg"
which =
time,box,atoms,bonds,tris,lines =
f = open(file,"w")
xlen = box[3]-box[0]
ylen = box[4]-box[1]
zlen = box[5]-box[2]
print >>f,"Number of particles = %d " % len(atoms)
print >>f,"# Timestep %d \n#\nA = 1.0 Angstrom" % time
print >>f,"H0(1,1) = %20.10f A " % xlen
print >>f,"H0(1,2) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(1,3) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(2,1) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(2,2) = %20.10f A " % ylen
print >>f,"H0(2,3) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,1) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,2) = 0.0 A "
print >>f,"H0(3,3) = %20.10f A " % zlen
print >>f,"#"
for atom in atoms:
itype = int(atom[1])
xfrac = (atom[2]-box[0])/xlen
yfrac = (atom[3]-box[1])/ylen
zfrac = (atom[4]-box[2])/zlen
# print >>f,"1.0 %d %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f " % (itype,xfrac,yfrac,zfrac,atom[5],atom[6],atom[7])
print >>f,"1.0 %d %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f 0.0 0.0 0.0 " % (itype,xfrac,yfrac,zfrac)