
590 lines
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// -*- c++ -*-
// This file is part of the Collective Variables module (Colvars).
// The original version of Colvars and its updates are located at:
// Please update all Colvars source files before making any changes.
// If you wish to distribute your changes, please submit them to the
// Colvars repository at GitHub.
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include "colvarmodule.h"
#include "colvarvalue.h"
/// \file colvarproxy.h
/// \brief Colvars proxy classes
/// This file declares the class for the object responsible for interfacing
/// Colvars with other codes (MD engines, VMD, Python). The \link colvarproxy
/// \endlink class is a derivative of multiple classes, each devoted to a
/// specific task (e.g. \link colvarproxy_atoms \endlink to access data for
/// individual atoms).
/// To interface to a new MD engine, the simplest solution is to derive a new
/// class from \link colvarproxy \endlink. Currently implemented are: \link
/// colvarproxy_lammps, \endlink, \link colvarproxy_namd, \endlink, \link
/// colvarproxy_vmd, \endlink.
// forward declarations
class colvarscript;
/// Methods for accessing the simulation system (PBCs, integrator, etc)
class colvarproxy_system {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarproxy_system();
/// \brief Value of the unit for atomic coordinates with respect to
/// angstroms (used by some variables for hard-coded default values)
virtual cvm::real unit_angstrom() = 0;
/// \brief Boltzmann constant
virtual cvm::real boltzmann() = 0;
/// \brief Target temperature of the simulation (K units)
virtual cvm::real temperature() = 0;
/// \brief Time step of the simulation (fs)
virtual cvm::real dt() = 0;
/// \brief Pseudo-random number with Gaussian distribution
virtual cvm::real rand_gaussian(void) = 0;
/// Pass restraint energy value for current timestep to MD engine
virtual void add_energy(cvm::real energy) = 0;
/// \brief Get the PBC-aware distance vector between two positions
virtual cvm::rvector position_distance(cvm::atom_pos const &pos1,
cvm::atom_pos const &pos2) = 0;
/// \brief Get the PBC-aware square distance between two positions;
/// may need to be reimplemented independently from position_distance() for optimization purposes
virtual cvm::real position_dist2(cvm::atom_pos const &pos1,
cvm::atom_pos const &pos2);
/// Tell the proxy whether total forces are needed (may not always be available)
virtual void request_total_force(bool yesno);
/// Are total forces being used?
virtual bool total_forces_enabled() const;
/// \brief Container of atomic data for processing by Colvars
class colvarproxy_atoms {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarproxy_atoms();
/// Prepare this atom for collective variables calculation, selecting it by
/// numeric index (1-based)
virtual int init_atom(int atom_number) = 0;
/// Check that this atom number is valid, but do not initialize the
/// corresponding atom yet
virtual int check_atom_id(int atom_number) = 0;
/// Select this atom for collective variables calculation, using name and
/// residue number. Not all programs support this: leave this function as
/// is in those cases.
virtual int init_atom(cvm::residue_id const &residue,
std::string const &atom_name,
std::string const &segment_id);
/// Check that this atom is valid, but do not initialize it yet
virtual int check_atom_id(cvm::residue_id const &residue,
std::string const &atom_name,
std::string const &segment_id);
/// \brief Used by the atom class destructor: rather than deleting the array slot
/// (costly) set the corresponding atoms_ncopies to zero
virtual void clear_atom(int index);
/// \brief Read atom identifiers from a file \param filename name of
/// the file (usually a PDB) \param atoms array to which atoms read
/// from "filename" will be appended \param pdb_field (optiona) if
/// "filename" is a PDB file, use this field to determine which are
/// the atoms to be set
virtual int load_atoms(char const *filename,
cvm::atom_group &atoms,
std::string const &pdb_field,
double const pdb_field_value = 0.0);
/// \brief Load the coordinates for a group of atoms from a file
/// (usually a PDB); if "pos" is already allocated, the number of its
/// elements must match the number of atoms in "filename"
virtual int load_coords(char const *filename,
std::vector<cvm::atom_pos> &pos,
const std::vector<int> &indices,
std::string const &pdb_field,
double const pdb_field_value = 0.0);
/// Clear atomic data
int reset();
/// Get the numeric ID of the given atom (for the program)
inline int get_atom_id(int index) const
return atoms_ids[index];
/// Get the mass of the given atom
inline cvm::real get_atom_mass(int index) const
return atoms_masses[index];
/// Get the charge of the given atom
inline cvm::real get_atom_charge(int index) const
return atoms_charges[index];
/// Read the current position of the given atom
inline cvm::rvector get_atom_position(int index) const
return atoms_positions[index];
/// Read the current total force of the given atom
inline cvm::rvector get_atom_total_force(int index) const
return atoms_total_forces[index];
/// Request that this force is applied to the given atom
inline void apply_atom_force(int index, cvm::rvector const &new_force)
atoms_new_colvar_forces[index] += new_force;
/// Read the current velocity of the given atom
inline cvm::rvector get_atom_velocity(int index)
cvm::error("Error: reading the current velocity of an atom "
"is not yet implemented.\n",
return cvm::rvector(0.0);
inline std::vector<int> *modify_atom_ids()
return &atoms_ids;
inline std::vector<cvm::real> *modify_atom_masses()
return &atoms_masses;
inline std::vector<cvm::real> *modify_atom_charges()
return &atoms_charges;
inline std::vector<cvm::rvector> *modify_atom_positions()
return &atoms_positions;
inline std::vector<cvm::rvector> *modify_atom_total_forces()
return &atoms_total_forces;
inline std::vector<cvm::rvector> *modify_atom_new_colvar_forces()
return &atoms_new_colvar_forces;
/// \brief Array of 0-based integers used to uniquely associate atoms
/// within the host program
std::vector<int> atoms_ids;
/// \brief Keep track of how many times each atom is used by a separate colvar object
std::vector<size_t> atoms_ncopies;
/// \brief Masses of the atoms (allow redefinition during a run, as done e.g. in LAMMPS)
std::vector<cvm::real> atoms_masses;
/// \brief Charges of the atoms (allow redefinition during a run, as done e.g. in LAMMPS)
std::vector<cvm::real> atoms_charges;
/// \brief Current three-dimensional positions of the atoms
std::vector<cvm::rvector> atoms_positions;
/// \brief Most recent total forces on each atom
std::vector<cvm::rvector> atoms_total_forces;
/// \brief Forces applied from colvars, to be communicated to the MD integrator
std::vector<cvm::rvector> atoms_new_colvar_forces;
/// Used by all init_atom() functions: create a slot for an atom not
/// requested yet; returns the index in the arrays
int add_atom_slot(int atom_id);
/// \brief Container of atom group data (allow collection of aggregated atomic
/// data)
class colvarproxy_atom_groups {
/// Contructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarproxy_atom_groups();
/// Clear atom group data
int reset();
/// \brief Whether this proxy implementation has capability for scalable groups
virtual int scalable_group_coms();
/// Prepare this group for collective variables calculation, selecting atoms by internal ids (0-based)
virtual int init_atom_group(std::vector<int> const &atoms_ids);
/// \brief Used by the atom_group class destructor
virtual void clear_atom_group(int index);
/// Get the numeric ID of the given atom group (for the MD program)
inline int get_atom_group_id(int index) const
return atom_groups_ids[index];
/// Get the mass of the given atom group
inline cvm::real get_atom_group_mass(int index) const
return atom_groups_masses[index];
/// Get the charge of the given atom group
inline cvm::real get_atom_group_charge(int index) const
return atom_groups_charges[index];
/// Read the current position of the center of mass given atom group
inline cvm::rvector get_atom_group_com(int index) const
return atom_groups_coms[index];
/// Read the current total force of the given atom group
inline cvm::rvector get_atom_group_total_force(int index) const
return atom_groups_total_forces[index];
/// Request that this force is applied to the given atom group
inline void apply_atom_group_force(int index, cvm::rvector const &new_force)
atom_groups_new_colvar_forces[index] += new_force;
/// Read the current velocity of the given atom group
inline cvm::rvector get_atom_group_velocity(int index)
cvm::error("Error: reading the current velocity of an atom group is not yet implemented.\n",
return cvm::rvector(0.0);
/// \brief Array of 0-based integers used to uniquely associate atom groups
/// within the host program
std::vector<int> atom_groups_ids;
/// \brief Keep track of how many times each group is used by a separate cvc
std::vector<size_t> atom_groups_ncopies;
/// \brief Total masses of the atom groups
std::vector<cvm::real> atom_groups_masses;
/// \brief Total charges of the atom groups (allow redefinition during a run, as done e.g. in LAMMPS)
std::vector<cvm::real> atom_groups_charges;
/// \brief Current centers of mass of the atom groups
std::vector<cvm::rvector> atom_groups_coms;
/// \brief Most recently updated total forces on the com of each group
std::vector<cvm::rvector> atom_groups_total_forces;
/// \brief Forces applied from colvars, to be communicated to the MD integrator
std::vector<cvm::rvector> atom_groups_new_colvar_forces;
/// Used by all init_atom_group() functions: create a slot for an atom group not requested yet
int add_atom_group_slot(int atom_group_id);
/// \brief Methods for SMP parallelization
class colvarproxy_smp {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarproxy_smp();
/// Whether threaded parallelization should be used (TODO: make this a
/// cvm::deps feature)
bool b_smp_active;
/// Whether threaded parallelization is available (TODO: make this a cvm::deps feature)
virtual int smp_enabled();
/// Distribute calculation of colvars (and their components) across threads
virtual int smp_colvars_loop();
/// Distribute calculation of biases across threads
virtual int smp_biases_loop();
/// Distribute calculation of biases across threads 2nd through last, with all scripted biased on 1st thread
virtual int smp_biases_script_loop();
/// Index of this thread
virtual int smp_thread_id();
/// Number of threads sharing this address space
virtual int smp_num_threads();
/// Lock the proxy's shared data for access by a thread, if threads are implemented; if not implemented, does nothing
virtual int smp_lock();
/// Attempt to lock the proxy's shared data
virtual int smp_trylock();
/// Release the lock
virtual int smp_unlock();
/// \brief Methods for multiple-replica communication
class colvarproxy_replicas {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarproxy_replicas();
/// \brief Indicate if multi-replica support is available and active
virtual bool replica_enabled();
/// \brief Index of this replica
virtual int replica_index();
/// \brief Total number of replica
virtual int replica_num();
/// \brief Synchronize replica
virtual void replica_comm_barrier();
/// \brief Receive data from other replica
virtual int replica_comm_recv(char* msg_data, int buf_len, int src_rep);
/// \brief Send data to other replica
virtual int replica_comm_send(char* msg_data, int msg_len, int dest_rep);
/// Method for scripting language interface (Tcl or Python)
class colvarproxy_script {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarproxy_script();
/// Convert a script object (Tcl or Python call argument) to a C string
virtual char *script_obj_to_str(unsigned char *obj);
/// Pointer to the scripting interface object
/// (does not need to be allocated in a new interface)
colvarscript *script;
/// is a user force script defined?
bool force_script_defined;
/// Do we have a scripting interface?
bool have_scripts;
/// Run a user-defined colvar forces script
virtual int run_force_callback();
virtual int run_colvar_callback(
std::string const &name,
std::vector<const colvarvalue *> const &cvcs,
colvarvalue &value);
virtual int run_colvar_gradient_callback(
std::string const &name,
std::vector<const colvarvalue *> const &cvcs,
std::vector<cvm::matrix2d<cvm::real> > &gradient);
/// Methods for data input/output
class colvarproxy_io {
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarproxy_io();
/// \brief Save the current frame number in the argument given
// Returns error code
virtual int get_frame(long int &);
/// \brief Set the current frame number (as well as colvarmodule::it)
// Returns error code
virtual int set_frame(long int);
/// \brief Returns a reference to the given output channel;
/// if this is not open already, then open it
virtual std::ostream *output_stream(std::string const &output_name,
std::ios_base::openmode mode =
/// \brief Flushes the given output channel
virtual int flush_output_stream(std::ostream *os);
/// \brief Closes the given output channel
virtual int close_output_stream(std::string const &output_name);
/// \brief Rename the given file, before overwriting it
virtual int backup_file(char const *filename);
/// \brief Rename the given file, before overwriting it
inline int backup_file(std::string const &filename)
return backup_file(filename.c_str());
/// \brief Prefix of the input state file
inline std::string & input_prefix()
return input_prefix_str;
/// \brief Prefix to be used for output restart files
inline std::string & restart_output_prefix()
return restart_output_prefix_str;
/// \brief Prefix to be used for output files (final system
/// configuration)
inline std::string & output_prefix()
return output_prefix_str;
/// \brief Prefix to be used for input files (restarts, not
/// configuration)
std::string input_prefix_str, output_prefix_str, restart_output_prefix_str;
/// \brief Currently opened output files: by default, these are ofstream objects.
/// Allows redefinition to implement different output mechanisms
std::list<std::ostream *> output_files;
/// \brief Identifiers for output_stream objects: by default, these are the names of the files
std::list<std::string> output_stream_names;
/// \brief Interface between the collective variables module and
/// the simulation or analysis program (NAMD, VMD, LAMMPS...).
/// This is the base class: each interfaced program is supported by a derived class.
/// Only pure virtual functions ("= 0") must be reimplemented to ensure baseline functionality.
class colvarproxy
: public colvarproxy_system,
public colvarproxy_atoms,
public colvarproxy_atom_groups,
public colvarproxy_smp,
public colvarproxy_replicas,
public colvarproxy_script,
public colvarproxy_io
/// Pointer to the main object
colvarmodule *colvars;
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
virtual ~colvarproxy();
/// \brief Reset proxy state, e.g. requested atoms
virtual int reset();
/// (Re)initialize required member data after construction
virtual int setup();
/// \brief Update data required by the colvars module (e.g. cache atom positions)
/// TODO Break up colvarproxy_namd and colvarproxy_lammps function into these
virtual int update_input();
/// \brief Update data based from the results of a module update (e.g. send forces)
virtual int update_output();
/// Print a message to the main log
virtual void log(std::string const &message) = 0;
/// Print a message to the main log and let the rest of the program handle the error
virtual void error(std::string const &message) = 0;
/// Print a message to the main log and exit with error code
virtual void fatal_error(std::string const &message) = 0;
/// \brief Restarts will be written each time this number of steps has passed
virtual size_t restart_frequency();
/// Whether a simulation is running (warn against irrecovarable errors)
inline bool simulation_running() const
return b_simulation_running;
/// Whether a simulation is running (warn against irrecovarable errors)
bool b_simulation_running;