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! ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
! LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
!, Sandia National Laboratories
! Steve Plimpton,
! Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
! DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
! certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
! the GNU General Public License.
! See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
! Contributing author: Alexey N. Volkov, UA,
module TubePotTrue !********************************************************************************
! TMD Library: True tubular potential and transfer function
! Intel Fortran
! Alexey N. Volkov, University of Alabama,, Version 09.01, 2017
! This module implements calculation of the true potential and transfer functions for interaction
! between two cylinder segments of nanotubes by direct integration over the surfaces of both
! segments.
use TPMGeom
use TubePotBase
use iso_c_binding, only : c_int, c_double, c_char
implicit none
! Constants
integer(c_int), parameter :: TPTNXMAX = 257
integer(c_int), parameter :: TPTNEMAX = 128
! Types
type TPTSEG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real(c_double) :: X, Y, Z
real(c_double) :: Psi, Theta, Phi ! Euler's angles
real(c_double) :: R ! Segment radius
real(c_double) :: L ! Segment length
integer(c_int) :: NX, NE ! Number of nodes for numerical integration
real(c_double) :: DX, DE ! Spacings
real(c_double), dimension(0:2,0:2) :: M ! Transformation matrix
real(c_double), dimension(0:TPTNXMAX-1,0:TPTNXMAX-1,0:2) :: Rtab! Node coordinates
end type TPTSEG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Global variables
type(TPTSEG) :: TPTSeg1, TPTSeg2 ! Two segments
contains !******************************************************************************************
subroutine TPTSegAxisVector ( S, Laxis ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(TPTSEG), intent(in) :: S
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: Laxis
Laxis(0:2) = S%M(2,0:2)
end subroutine TPTSegAxisVector !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPTSegRadVector ( S, Lrad, Eps ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(TPTSEG), intent(in) :: S
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: Lrad
real(c_double), intent(in) :: Eps
real(c_double) :: Ce, Se
Ce = cos ( Eps )
Se = sin ( Eps )
Lrad(0) = Ce * S%M(0,0) + Se * S%M(1,0)
Lrad(1) = Ce * S%M(0,1) + Se * S%M(1,1)
Lrad(2) = Ce * S%M(0,2) + Se * S%M(1,2)
end subroutine TPTSegRadVector !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPTRadiusVector ( S, R, X, Eps ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(TPTSEG), intent(in) :: S
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: R
real(c_double), intent(in) :: X, Eps
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: Laxis, Lrad
call TPTSegAxisVector ( S, Laxis )
call TPTSegRadVector ( S, Lrad, Eps )
R(0) = S%X + X * Laxis(0) + S%R * Lrad(0)
R(1) = S%Y + X * Laxis(1) + S%R * Lrad(1)
R(2) = S%Z + X * Laxis(2) + S%R * Lrad(2)
end subroutine TPTRadiusVector !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPTCalcSegNodeTable ( S ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(TPTSEG), intent(inout) :: S
real(c_double) :: X, Eps
integer(c_int) :: i, j
X = - S%L / 2.0
call RotationMatrix3 ( S%M, S%Psi, S%Theta, S%Phi )
do i = 0, S%NX - 1
Eps = 0.0d+00
do j = 0, S%NE - 1
call TPTRadiusVector ( S, S%Rtab(i,j,0:2), X, Eps )
Eps = Eps + S%DE
end do
X = X + S%DX
end do
end subroutine TPTCalcSegNodeTable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPTSetSegPosition1 ( S, Rcenter, Laxis, L ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(TPTSEG), intent(inout) :: S
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: Rcenter, Laxis
real(c_double), intent(in) :: L
S%L = L
S%DX = L / ( S%NX - 1 )
call EulerAngles ( S%Psi, S%Theta, Laxis )
S%Phi= 0.0d+00
S%X = Rcenter(0)
S%Y = Rcenter(1)
S%Z = Rcenter(2)
call TPTCalcSegNodeTable ( S )
end subroutine TPTSetSegPosition1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPTSetSegPosition2 ( S, R1, R2 ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(TPTSEG), intent(inout) :: S
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: R1, R2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: R, Laxis
real(c_double) :: L
R = 0.5 * ( R1 + R2 )
Laxis = R2 - R1
L = S_V3norm3 ( Laxis )
Laxis = Laxis / L
call TPTSetSegPosition1 ( S, R, Laxis, L )
end subroutine TPTSetSegPosition2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
integer(c_int) function TPTCheckIntersection ( S1, S2 ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(TPTSEG), intent(in) :: S1, S2
integer(c_int) :: i, j
real(c_double) :: L1, L2, Displacement, D
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: Laxis, Q, R
L2 = S1%L / 2.0
L1 = - L2
call TPTSegAxisVector ( S1, Laxis )
R(0) = S1%X
R(1) = S1%Y
R(2) = S1%Z
do i = 0, S2%NX - 1
do j = 0, S2%NE - 1
call LinePoint ( Displacement, Q, R, Laxis, S2%Rtab(i,j,0:2) )
D = sqrt ( sqr ( Q(0) - S2%Rtab(i,j,0) ) + sqr ( Q(1) - S2%Rtab(i,j,1) ) &
+ sqr ( Q(2) - S2%Rtab(i,j,2) ) )
if ( Displacement > L1 .and. Displacement < L2 .and. D < S1%R ) then
TPTCheckIntersection = 1
end if
end do
end do
TPTCheckIntersection = 0
end function TPTCheckIntersection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
integer(c_int) function TPTCalcPointRange ( S, Xmin, Xmax, Re ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
type(TPTSEG), intent(in) :: S
real(c_double), intent(out) :: Xmin, Xmax
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: Re
real(c_double) :: Displacement, Distance
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: Laxis, Q, R
call TPTSegAxisVector ( S, Laxis )
R(0) = S%X
R(1) = S%Y
R(2) = S%Z
call LinePoint ( Displacement, Q, R, Laxis, Re )
Distance = sqrt ( sqr ( Q(0) - Re(0) ) + sqr ( Q(1) - Re(1) ) + sqr ( Q(2) - Re(2) ) ) - S%R
if ( TPBRcutoff < Distance ) then
Xmin = 0.0d+00
Xmax = 0.0d+00
TPTCalcPointRange = 0
end if
Distance = sqrt ( TPBRcutoff * TPBRcutoff - Distance * Distance )
Xmin = Displacement - Distance
Xmax = Displacement + Distance
TPTCalcPointRange = 1
end function TPTCalcPointRange !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subroutine TPTGetEnds ( R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_2, X1_1, X1_2, X2_1, X2_2, H, A ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_2
real(c_double), intent(in) :: X1_1, X1_2, X2_1, X2_2, H, A
R1_1(0) = 0.0d+00
R1_1(1) = 0.0d+00
R1_1(2) = X1_1
R1_2(0) = 0.0d+00
R1_2(1) = 0.0d+00
R1_2(2) = X1_2
R2_1(0) = H
R2_1(1) = - X2_1 * sin ( A )
R2_1(2) = X2_1 * cos ( A )
R2_2(0) = H
R2_2(1) = - X2_2 * sin ( A )
R2_2(2) = X2_2 * cos ( A )
end subroutine TPTGetEnds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Tubular potential
integer(c_int) function TPTPointPotential ( Q, U, F, R, S ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! This function returns the potential U and force F applied to an atom in position R and
! produced by the segment S.
real(c_double), intent(out) :: Q, U
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: F
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: R
type(TPTSEG), intent(in) :: S
integer(c_int) :: i, j
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: RR, FF
real(c_double) :: QQ, UU, UUU, FFF, Rabs
real(c_double) :: Coeff, Xmin, Xmax, X
TPTPointPotential = 0
Q = 0.0d+00
U = 0.0d+00
F = 0.0d+00
if ( TPTCalcPointRange ( S, Xmin, Xmax, R ) == 0 ) return
X = - S%L / 2.0
do i = 0, S%NX - 1
if ( X > Xmin .and. X < Xmax ) then
QQ = 0.0d+00
UU = 0.0d+00
FF = 0.0d+00
do j = 0, S%NE - 1
RR(0:2) = S%Rtab(i,j,0:2) - R(0:2)
Rabs = S_V3norm3 ( RR )
if ( Rabs < TPBRcutoff ) then
QQ = QQ + TPBQCalc0 ( Rabs )
call TPBUCalc1 ( UUU, FFF, Rabs )
FFF = FFF / Rabs
FF = FF + FFF * RR
TPTPointPotential = 1
end if
end do
if ( i == 0 .or. i == S%NX - 1 ) then
Q = Q + 0.5d+00 * QQ
U = U + 0.5d+00 * UU
F = F + 0.5d+00 * FF
Q = Q + QQ
U = U + UU
F = F + FF
end if
end if
X = X + S%DX
end do
Coeff = TPBD * S%DX * S%R * S%DE
Q = Q * S%DX * S%R * S%DE
U = U * Coeff
F = F * Coeff
end function TPTPointPotential !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
integer(c_int) function TPTSectionPotential ( Q, U, F, M, S, i, Ssource ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! This function returns the potential U, force F and torque M produced by the segment Ssource
! and applied to the i-th circular cross-section of the segment S.
real(c_double), intent(out) :: Q, U
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: F, M
type(TPTSEG), intent(in) :: S, Ssource
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: i
integer(c_int) :: j
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: R, Fp, Mp, Lrad
real(c_double) :: Qp, Up, Eps
real(c_double) :: Coeff
TPTSectionPotential = 0
Q = 0.0d+00
U = 0.0d+00
F = 0.0d+00
M = 0.0d+00
Eps = 0.0d+00
do j = 0, S%NE - 1
call TPTSegRadVector ( S, Lrad, Eps )
if ( TPTPointPotential ( Qp, Up, Fp, S%Rtab(i,j,0:2), Ssource ) == 1 ) then
Q = Q + Qp
U = U + Up
F = F + Fp
R(0) = S%Rtab(i,j,0) - S%X
R(1) = S%Rtab(i,j,1) - S%Y
R(2) = S%Rtab(i,j,2) - S%Z
call V3_V3xxV3 ( Mp, R, Fp )
M = M + Mp
TPTSectionPotential = 1
end if
Eps = Eps + S%DE
end do
Coeff = TPBD * S%R * S%DE
Q = Q * S%R * S%DE
U = U * Coeff
F = F * Coeff
M = M * Coeff
end function TPTSectionPotential !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
integer(c_int) function TPTSegmentPotential ( Q, U, F, M, S, Ssource ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! This function returns the potential U, force F and torque M produced by the segment
! Ssource and applied to the segment S.
real(c_double), intent(out) :: Q, U
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: F, M
type(TPTSEG), intent(in) :: S, Ssource
integer(c_int) :: i
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: Fc, Mc
real(c_double) :: Qc, Uc
TPTSegmentPotential = 0
Q = 0.0d+00
U = 0.0d+00
F = 0.0d+00
M = 0.0d+00
if ( TPTCheckIntersection ( S, Ssource ) == 1 ) then
TPTSegmentPotential = 2
end if
do i = 0, S%NX - 1
if ( TPTSectionPotential ( Qc, Uc, Fc, Mc, S, i, Ssource ) == 1 ) then
if ( i == 0 .or. i == S%NX - 1 ) then
Q = Q + 0.5d+00 * Qc
U = U + 0.5d+00 * Uc
F = F + 0.5d+00 * Fc
M = M + 0.5d+00 * Mc
Q = Q + Qc
U = U + Uc
F = F + Fc
M = M + Mc
end if
TPTSegmentPotential = 1
end if
end do
Q = Q * S%DX
U = U * S%DX
F = F * S%DX
M = M * S%DX
end function TPTSegmentPotential !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Forces
subroutine TPTSegmentForces ( F1, F2, F, M, Laxis, L ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: F1, F2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: F, M, Laxis
real(c_double), intent(in) :: L
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: MM, FF, FFF
FF = 0.5d+00 * F
MM = M / L
call V3_V3xxV3 ( FFF, MM, Laxis )
F1 = FF - FFF
F2 = FF + FFF
end subroutine TPTSegmentForces !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
integer(c_int) function TPTInteractionF ( Q, U, F1_1, F1_2, F2_1, F2_2, R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_2 )
! This function returns the potential and forces applied to the ends of segments.
real(c_double), intent(out) :: Q, U
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(out) :: F1_1, F1_2, F2_1, F2_2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2), intent(in) :: R1_1, R1_2, R2_1, R2_2
real(c_double), dimension(0:2) :: R1, R2, Laxis1, Laxis2, DR, F1, M1, F2, M2
real(c_double) :: L1, L2
R1 = 0.5 * ( R1_1 + R1_2 )
R2 = 0.5 * ( R2_1 + R2_2 )
Laxis1 = R1_2 - R1_1
Laxis2 = R2_2 - R2_1
L1 = S_V3norm3 ( Laxis1 )
L2 = S_V3norm3 ( Laxis2 )
Laxis1 = Laxis1 / L1
Laxis2 = Laxis2 / L2
DR = R2 - R1
call TPTSetSegPosition1 ( TPTSeg1, R1, Laxis1, L1 )
call TPTSetSegPosition1 ( TPTSeg2, R2, Laxis2, L2 )
TPTInteractionF = TPTSegmentPotential ( Q, U, F1, M1, TPTSeg1, TPTSeg2 )
if ( TPTInteractionF .ne. 1 ) return
call V3_V3xxV3 ( M2, DR, F1 )
F2 = - F1
M2 = - M1 - M2
call TPTSegmentForces ( F1_1, F1_2, F1, M1, Laxis1, L1 )
call TPTSegmentForces ( F2_1, F2_2, F2, M2, Laxis2, L2 )
end function TPTInteractionF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Initialization
subroutine TPTInit ( R1, R2, NX, NE ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
real(c_double), intent(in) :: R1, R2
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: NX, NE
TPTSeg1%X = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg1%Y = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg1%Z = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg1%Psi = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg1%Theta = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg1%Phi = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg1%R = R1
TPTSeg1%DE = M_2PI / NE
TPTSeg2%X = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg2%Y = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg2%Z = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg2%Psi = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg2%Theta = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg2%Phi = 0.0d+00
TPTSeg2%R = R2
TPTSeg2%DE = M_2PI / NE
end subroutine TPTInit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end module TubePotTrue !****************************************************************************