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LAMMPS (27 Nov 2018)
using 1 OpenMP thread(s) per MPI task
# coarse grained SDS surfactant monolayer
units real
dimension 3
atom_style full
processors * * 1
pair_style hybrid/overlay lj/sdk 15.0 coul/long 26.5
bond_style harmonic
angle_style sdk
special_bonds lj/coul 0.0 0.0 1.0
read_data data.sds.gz
orthogonal box = (-27.713 -27.713 -200) to (193.991 83.139 200)
4 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
reading atoms ...
31280 atoms
reading velocities ...
31280 velocities
scanning bonds ...
1 = max bonds/atom
scanning angles ...
1 = max angles/atom
reading bonds ...
4096 bonds
reading angles ...
3072 angles
2 = max # of 1-2 neighbors
2 = max # of 1-3 neighbors
4 = max # of special neighbors
pair_coeff 1 4 coul/long # SO4 SOD
pair_coeff 4 4 coul/long # SOD SOD
pair_coeff 1 1 lj/sdk lj9_6 0.7000 4.3210 # SO4 SO4
pair_coeff 1 2 lj/sdk lj9_6 0.3830 4.4135 # SO4 CM
pair_coeff 1 3 lj/sdk lj9_6 0.4050 4.4530 # SO4 CT
pair_coeff 1 4 lj/sdk lj12_4 1.1000 4.1000 # SO4 SOD
pair_coeff 1 5 lj/sdk lj12_4 1.1000 4.1000 # SO4 W
pair_coeff 2 2 lj/sdk lj9_6 0.4200 4.5060 # CM CM
pair_coeff 2 3 lj/sdk lj9_6 0.4440 4.5455 # CT CM
pair_coeff 2 4 lj/sdk lj12_4 0.3400 4.4385 # SOD CM
pair_coeff 2 5 lj/sdk lj12_4 0.3400 4.4385 # W CM
pair_coeff 3 3 lj/sdk lj9_6 0.4690 4.5850 # CT CT
pair_coeff 3 4 lj/sdk lj12_4 0.3600 4.4780 # SOD CT
pair_coeff 3 5 lj/sdk lj12_4 0.3600 4.4780 # W CT
pair_coeff 4 4 lj/sdk lj12_4 0.3500 4.3710 # SOD SOD
pair_coeff 4 5 lj/sdk lj12_4 0.8950 4.3710 # SOD W
pair_coeff 5 5 lj/sdk lj12_4 0.8950 4.3710 # W W
group charged type 1 4
2048 atoms in group charged
atom_modify first charged
kspace_style pppm/cg 0.00001
kspace_modify order 3
comm_modify mode multi
neighbor 2.0 multi
neigh_modify delay 4 every 2 check yes
timestep 10.0
fix 1 all nvt temp 310.0 310.0 100.0
thermo 10
run 100
PPPM initialization ...
using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (src/kspace.cpp:321)
G vector (1/distance) = 0.0416781
grid = 8 4 12
stencil order = 3
estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 0.00248777
estimated relative force accuracy = 7.49185e-06
using double precision FFTs
3d grid and FFT values/proc = 525 96
Neighbor list info ...
update every 2 steps, delay 4 steps, check yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 28.5
ghost atom cutoff = 28.5
binsize = 8.5, bins = 27 14 48
2 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 2 0 0
(1) pair lj/sdk, perpetual
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: half/multi/newton
stencil: half/multi/3d/newton
bin: standard
(2) pair coul/long, perpetual, skip from (1)
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: skip
stencil: none
bin: none
PPPM/cg optimization cutoff: 1e-05
Total charged atoms: 6.5%
Min/max charged atoms/proc: 6.4% 6.7%
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 17.48 | 17.48 | 17.48 Mbytes
Step Temp E_pair E_mol TotEng Press
0 310.0934 -249339.72 2566.2036 -217861.41 -25.664516
10 310.88051 -249369.1 2549.1166 -217834.49 -29.095262
20 310.33025 -249325.09 2543.0138 -217847.89 -30.069751
30 308.24273 -249331.54 2604.3227 -217987.66 -28.033129
40 309.41339 -249363.5 2560.6727 -217954.13 -25.802838
50 309.16857 -249071.94 2571.9117 -217674.15 -17.946457
60 312.67237 -249288.77 2621.0185 -217515.19 -25.723545
70 310.13623 -249262.32 2595.874 -217750.35 -26.276067
80 310.60448 -249415.99 2596.6752 -217859.56 -27.942924
90 309.63209 -249403.14 2606.3186 -217927.73 -24.456575
100 309.40793 -249341.62 2599.6402 -217893.79 -22.554823
Loop time of 2.54454 on 4 procs for 100 steps with 31280 atoms
Performance: 33.955 ns/day, 0.707 hours/ns, 39.300 timesteps/s
98.9% CPU use with 4 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 1.8639 | 1.8913 | 1.9283 | 1.8 | 74.33
Bond | 0.0092797 | 0.0094567 | 0.0095828 | 0.1 | 0.37
Kspace | 0.018389 | 0.056616 | 0.084424 | 10.7 | 2.23
Neigh | 0.53553 | 0.53569 | 0.53605 | 0.0 | 21.05
Comm | 0.023819 | 0.02433 | 0.02506 | 0.3 | 0.96
Output | 0.00058866 | 0.00084978 | 0.0016243 | 0.0 | 0.03
Modify | 0.021841 | 0.022059 | 0.022308 | 0.1 | 0.87
Other | | 0.004233 | | | 0.17
Nlocal: 7820 ave 7866 max 7774 min
Histogram: 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Nghost: 9179.5 ave 9199 max 9157 min
Histogram: 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Neighs: 850419 ave 853627 max 846921 min
Histogram: 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Total # of neighbors = 3401676
Ave neighs/atom = 108.749
Ave special neighs/atom = 0.458312
Neighbor list builds = 10
Dangerous builds = 0
Please see the log.cite file for references relevant to this simulation
Total wall time: 0:00:02