
280 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python
Snapshot a project into another project and perform the necessary repo actions
to provide a commit message that can be used to trace back to the exact point
in the source repository.
# Support svn
# Allow renaming of the source dir in the destination path
# Check if a new snapshot is necessary?
import sys
#check the version number so that there is a good error message when argparse is not available.
#This checks for exactly 2.7 which is bad, but it is a python 2 script and argparse was introduced
#in 2.7 which is also the last version of python 2. If this script is updated for python 3 this
#will need to change, but for now it is not safe to allow 3.x to run this.
if sys.version_info[:2] != (2, 7):
print "Error snapshot requires python 2.7 detected version is %d.%d." % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
import subprocess, argparse, re, doctest, os, datetime, traceback
def parse_cmdline(description):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=" [options] source destination", description=description)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-comit", action="store_false", dest="create_commit", default=True,
help="Do not perform a commit or create a commit message.")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose_mode", default=False,
help="Enable verbose mode.")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug_mode", default=False,
help="Enable debugging output.")
parser.add_argument("--no-validate-repo", action="store_true", dest="no_validate_repo", default=False,
help="Reduce the validation that the source and destination repos are clean to a warning.")
parser.add_argument("--source-repo", choices=["git","none"], default="",
help="Type of repository of the source, use none to skip all repository operations.")
parser.add_argument("--dest-repo", choices=["git","none"], default="",
help="Type of repository of the destination, use none to skip all repository operations.")
parser.add_argument("source", help="Source project to snapshot from.")
parser.add_argument("destination", help="Destination to snapshot too.")
options = parser.parse_args()
options = validate_options(options)
return options
#end parseCmdline
def validate_options(options):
#prevent user from accidentally giving us a path that rsync will treat differently than expected.
options.source = options.source.rstrip(os.sep)
options.destination = options.destination.rstrip(os.sep)
options.source = os.path.abspath(options.source)
options.destination = os.path.abspath(options.destination)
if os.path.exists(options.source):
apparent_source_repo_type, source_root = deterimine_repo_type(options.source)
raise RuntimeError("Could not find source directory of %s." % options.source)
options.source_root = source_root
if not os.path.exists(options.destination):
print "Could not find destination directory of %s so it will be created." % options.destination
apparent_dest_repo_type, dest_root = deterimine_repo_type(options.destination)
options.dest_root = dest_root
#error on svn repo types for now
if apparent_source_repo_type == "svn" or apparent_dest_repo_type == "svn":
raise RuntimeError("SVN repositories are not supported at this time.")
if options.source_repo == "":
#source repo type is not specified to just using the apparent type.
options.source_repo = apparent_source_repo_type
if options.source_repo != "none" and options.source_repo != apparent_source_repo_type:
raise RuntimeError("Specified source repository type of %s conflicts with determined type of %s" % \
(options.source_repo, apparent_source_repo_type))
if options.dest_repo == "":
#destination repo type is not specified to just using the apparent type.
options.dest_repo = apparent_dest_repo_type
if options.dest_repo != "none" and options.dest_repo != apparent_dest_repo_type:
raise RuntimeError("Specified destination repository type of %s conflicts with determined type of %s" % \
(options.dest_repo, apparent_dest_repo_type))
return options
#end validate_options
def run_cmd(cmd, options, working_dir="."):
cmd_str = " ".join(cmd)
if options.verbose_mode:
print "Running command '%s' in dir %s." % (cmd_str, working_dir)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=working_dir)
proc_stdout, proc_stderr = proc.communicate()
ret_val = proc.wait()
if options.debug_mode:
print "==== %s stdout start ====" % cmd_str
print proc_stdout
print "==== %s stdout end ====" % cmd_str
print "==== %s stderr ====" % cmd_str
print proc_stderr
print "==== %s stderr ====" % cmd_str
if ret_val != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Command '%s' failed with error code %d. Error message:%s%s%sstdout:%s" % \
(cmd_str, ret_val, os.linesep, proc_stderr, os.linesep, proc_stdout))
return proc_stdout, proc_stderr
#end run_cmd
def deterimine_repo_type(location):
apparent_repo_type = "none"
while location != "":
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, ".git")):
apparent_repo_type = "git"
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, ".svn")):
apparent_repo_type = "svn"
location = location[:location.rfind(os.sep)]
return apparent_repo_type, location
#end deterimine_repo_type
def rsync(source, dest, options):
rsync_cmd = ["rsync", "-ar", "--delete"]
if options.debug_mode:
if options.source_repo == "git":
run_cmd(rsync_cmd, options)
#end rsync
def create_commit_message(commit_id, commit_log, project_name, project_location):
eol = os.linesep
message = "Snapshot of %s from commit %s" % (project_name, commit_id)
message += eol * 2
message += "From repository at %s" % project_location
message += eol * 2
message += "At commit:" + eol
message += commit_log
return message
#end create_commit_message
def find_git_commit_information(options):
>>> class fake_options:
... source="."
... verbose_mode=False
... debug_mode=False
>>> myoptions = fake_options()
>>> find_git_commit_information(myoptions)[2:]
('sems', '')
git_log_cmd = ["git", "log", "-1"]
output, error = run_cmd(git_log_cmd, options, options.source)
commit_match = re.match("commit ([0-9a-fA-F]+)", output)
commit_id =
commit_log = output
git_remote_cmd = ["git", "remote", "-v"]
output, error = run_cmd(git_remote_cmd, options, options.source)
remote_match ="origin\s([^ ]*/([^ ]+))", output, re.MULTILINE)
if not remote_match:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find origin of repo at %s. Consider using none for source repo type." % (options.source))
source_location =
source_name =
if source_name[-1] == "/":
source_name = source_name[:-1]
return commit_id, commit_log, source_name, source_location
#end find_git_commit_information
def do_git_commit(message, options):
if options.verbose_mode:
print "Commiting to destination repository."
git_add_cmd = ["git", "add", "-A"]
run_cmd(git_add_cmd, options, options.destination)
git_commit_cmd = ["git", "commit", "-m%s" % message]
run_cmd(git_commit_cmd, options, options.destination)
git_log_cmd = ["git", "log", "--format=%h", "-1"]
commit_sha1, error = run_cmd(git_log_cmd, options, options.destination)
print "Commit %s was made to %s." % (commit_sha1.strip(), options.dest_root)
#end do_git_commit
def verify_git_repo_clean(location, options):
git_status_cmd = ["git", "status", "--porcelain"]
output, error = run_cmd(git_status_cmd, options, location)
if output != "":
if options.no_validate_repo == False:
raise RuntimeError("%s is not clean.%sPlease commit or stash all changes before running snapshot."
% (location, os.linesep))
print "WARNING: %s is not clean. Proceeding anyway." % location
print "WARNING: This could lead to differences in the source and destination."
print "WARNING: It could also lead to extra files being included in the snapshot commit."
#end verify_git_repo_clean
def main(options):
if options.verbose_mode:
print "Snapshotting %s to %s." % (options.source, options.destination)
if options.source_repo == "git":
verify_git_repo_clean(options.source, options)
commit_id, commit_log, repo_name, repo_location = find_git_commit_information(options)
elif options.source_repo == "none":
commit_id = "N/A"
commit_log = "Unknown commit from %s snapshotted at: %s" % (options.source,
repo_name = options.source
repo_location = options.source
commit_message = create_commit_message(commit_id, commit_log, repo_name, repo_location) + os.linesep*2
if options.dest_repo == "git":
verify_git_repo_clean(options.destination, options)
rsync(options.source, options.destination, options)
if options.dest_repo == "git":
do_git_commit(commit_message, options)
elif options.dest_repo == "none":
file_name = "snapshot_message.txt"
message_file = open(file_name, "w")
cwd = os.getcwd()
print "No commit done by request. Please use file at:"
print "%s%sif you wish to commit this to a repo later." % (cwd+"/"+file_name, os.linesep)
#end main
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
if ("--test" in sys.argv):
options = parse_cmdline(__doc__)
except RuntimeError, e:
print "Error occured:", e
if "--debug" in sys.argv: