
221 lines
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing authors: Mike Brown (SNL),
Peng Wang (Nvidia),
Paul Crozier (SNL),
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Cell list version of LJ kernel */
template<bool eflag, bool vflag, int blockSize>
__global__ void kernel_lj_cell(float3 *force3,
float *energy, float3 *virial,
float3 *cell_list, unsigned int *cell_idx,
int *cell_type, int *cell_atom,
const int inum, const int nall, const int ncell,
const int ncellx, const int ncelly, const int ncellz)
// calculate 3D block idx from 2d block
int bx = blockIdx.x;
int by = blockIdx.y % ncelly;
int bz = blockIdx.y / ncelly;
int tid = threadIdx.x;
// compute cell idx from 3D block idx
int cid = bx + INT_MUL(by, ncellx) + INT_MUL(bz, INT_MUL(ncellx,ncelly));
__shared__ int typeSh[blockSize];
__shared__ float posSh[blockSize*3];
__shared__ float cutsqSh[MAX_SHARED_TYPES*MAX_SHARED_TYPES];
__shared__ float lj1Sh[MAX_SHARED_TYPES*MAX_SHARED_TYPES];
__shared__ float lj2Sh[MAX_SHARED_TYPES*MAX_SHARED_TYPES];
extern __shared__ float smem[];
__shared__ float *lj3Sh;
__shared__ float *lj4Sh;
__shared__ float *offsetSh;
// load force parameters into shared memory
for (int i = tid; i < MAX_SHARED_TYPES*MAX_SHARED_TYPES; i += blockSize) {
int itype = i/MAX_SHARED_TYPES;
int jtype = i%MAX_SHARED_TYPES;
cutsqSh[i] = _cutsq_<float>(itype,jtype);
lj1Sh[i] = _lj1_<float>(itype,jtype).x;
lj2Sh[i] = _lj1_<float>(itype,jtype).y;
// Only allocate shared memory when needed,
// this reduces shared memory limitation on occupancy
if (eflag || vflag) {
lj3Sh = smem;
for (int i = tid; i < MAX_SHARED_TYPES*MAX_SHARED_TYPES; i += blockSize) {
int itype = i/MAX_SHARED_TYPES;
int jtype = i%MAX_SHARED_TYPES;
lj3Sh[i] = _lj3_<float>(itype,jtype).x+0.01;
lj4Sh[i] = _lj3_<float>(itype,jtype).y;
offsetSh[i]= _offset_<float>(itype,jtype);
int nborz0 = max(bz-1,0), nborz1 = min(bz+1, ncellz-1),
nbory0 = max(by-1,0), nbory1 = min(by+1, ncelly-1),
nborx0 = max(bx-1,0), nborx1 = min(bx+1, ncellx-1);
for (int ii = 0; ii < ceil((float)(cell_atom[cid])/blockSize); ii++) {
float3 f = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
float ener = 0.0f;
float3 v0 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, v1 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
int itype;
float ix, iy, iz;
int i = tid + ii*blockSize;
unsigned int answer_pos = cell_idx[cid*blockSize+i];
// load current cell atom position and type into sMem
for (int j = tid; j < cell_atom[cid]; j += blockSize) {
int pid = cid*blockSize + j;
float3 pos = cell_list[pid];
posSh[j ] = pos.x;
posSh[j+ blockSize] = pos.y;
posSh[j+2*blockSize] = pos.z;
typeSh[j] = cell_type[pid];
if (answer_pos < inum) {
itype = typeSh[i];
ix = posSh[i ];
iy = posSh[i+ blockSize];
iz = posSh[i+2*blockSize];
// compute force from current cell
for (int j = 0; j < cell_atom[cid]; j++) {
if (j == i) continue;
float delx = ix - posSh[j ];
float dely = iy - posSh[j+ blockSize];
float delz = iz - posSh[j+2*blockSize];
int jtype = typeSh[j];
int mtype = itype + jtype*MAX_SHARED_TYPES;
float r2inv = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (r2inv < cutsqSh[mtype]) {
r2inv = 1.0f/r2inv;
float r6inv = r2inv * r2inv * r2inv;
float force = r2inv*r6inv*(lj1Sh[mtype]*r6inv - lj2Sh[mtype]);
f.x += delx * force;
f.y += dely * force;
f.z += delz * force;
if (eflag) {
float e = r6inv*(lj3Sh[mtype]*r6inv - lj4Sh[mtype]);
ener += (e - offsetSh[mtype]);
if (vflag) {
v0.x += delx*delx*force;
v0.y += dely*dely*force;
v0.z += delz*delz*force;
v1.x += delx*dely*force;
v1.y += delx*delz*force;
v1.z += dely*delz*force;
// compute force from neigboring cells
for (int nborz = nborz0; nborz <= nborz1; nborz++) {
for (int nbory = nbory0; nbory <= nbory1; nbory++) {
for (int nborx = nborx0; nborx <= nborx1; nborx++) {
if (nborz == bz && nbory == by && nborx == bx) continue;
// compute cell id
int cid_nbor = nborx + INT_MUL(nbory,ncellx) +
// load neighbor cell position and type into smem
for (int j = tid; j < cell_atom[cid_nbor]; j += blockSize) {
int pid = INT_MUL(cid_nbor,blockSize) + j;
float3 pos = cell_list[pid];
posSh[j ] = pos.x;
posSh[j+ blockSize] = pos.y;
posSh[j+2*blockSize] = pos.z;
typeSh[j] = cell_type[pid];
// compute force
if (answer_pos < inum) {
for (int j = 0; j < cell_atom[cid_nbor]; j++) {
float delx = ix - posSh[j ];
float dely = iy - posSh[j+ blockSize];
float delz = iz - posSh[j+2*blockSize];
int jtype = typeSh[j];
int mtype = itype + jtype*MAX_SHARED_TYPES;
float r2inv = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (r2inv < cutsqSh[mtype]) {
r2inv = 1.0f/r2inv;
float r6inv = r2inv * r2inv * r2inv;
float force = r2inv*r6inv*(lj1Sh[mtype]*r6inv - lj2Sh[mtype]);
f.x += delx * force;
f.y += dely * force;
f.z += delz * force;
if (eflag) {
float e=r6inv*(lj3Sh[mtype]*r6inv - lj4Sh[mtype]);
ener += (e-offsetSh[mtype]);
if (vflag) {
v0.x += delx*delx*force;
v0.y += dely*dely*force;
v0.z += delz*delz*force;
v1.x += delx*dely*force;
v1.y += delx*delz*force;
v1.z += dely*delz*force;
if (answer_pos < inum) {
force3[answer_pos] = f;
if (eflag)
energy[answer_pos] = ener;
if (vflag) {
virial[2*answer_pos] = v0;
virial[2*answer_pos+1] = v1;