forked from lijiext/lammps
123 lines
3.3 KiB
123 lines
3.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# tool to download, unpack, build, and link to the MS-CG library
# used to automate the steps described in the README file in this dir
import sys,os,re,commands
# help message
help = """
Syntax: python -h hpath hdir -g -b [suffix] -l
specify one or more options, order does not matter
-h = set home dir of MS-CG to be hpath/hdir
hpath can be full path, contain '~' or '.' chars
default hpath = . = lib/mscg
default hdir = MSCG-release-master = what GitHub zipfile unpacks to
-g = grab (download) zipfile from MS-CG GitHub website
unpack it to hpath/hdir
hpath must already exist
if hdir already exists, it will be deleted before unpack
-b = build MS-CG library in its src dir
optional suffix specifies which src/Make/Makefile.suffix to use
default suffix = g++_simple
-l = create 2 softlinks (includelink,liblink) in lib/mscg to MS-CG src dir
# settings
url = ""
zipfile = ""
zipdir = "MSCG-release-master"
# print error message or help
def error(str=None):
if not str: print help
else: print "ERROR",str
# expand to full path name
# process leading '~' or relative path
def fullpath(path):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
# parse args
args = sys.argv[1:]
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 0: error()
homepath = "."
homedir = zipdir
grabflag = 0
buildflag = 0
msuffix = "g++_simple"
linkflag = 0
iarg = 0
while iarg < nargs:
if args[iarg] == "-h":
if iarg+3 > nargs: error()
homepath = args[iarg+1]
homedir = args[iarg+2]
iarg += 3
elif args[iarg] == "-g":
grabflag = 1
iarg += 1
elif args[iarg] == "-b":
buildflag = 1
if iarg+1 < nargs and args[iarg+1][0] != '-':
msuffix = args[iarg+1]
iarg += 1
iarg += 1
elif args[iarg] == "-l":
linkflag = 1
iarg += 1
else: error()
homepath = fullpath(homepath)
if not os.path.isdir(homepath): error("MS-CG path does not exist")
homedir = "%s/%s" % (homepath,homedir)
# download and unpack MS-CG zipfile
if grabflag:
print "Downloading MS-CG ..."
cmd = "curl -L %s > %s/%s" % (url,homepath,zipfile)
print cmd
print commands.getoutput(cmd)
print "Unpacking MS-CG zipfile ..."
if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (homepath,zipdir)):
commands.getoutput("rm -rf %s/%s" % (homepath,zipdir))
cmd = "cd %s; unzip %s" % (homepath,zipfile)
if os.path.basename(homedir) != zipdir:
if os.path.exists(homedir): commands.getoutput("rm -rf %s" % homedir)
os.rename("%s/%s" % (homepath,zipdir),homedir)
# build MS-CG
if buildflag:
print "Building MS-CG ..."
cmd = "cd %s/src; cp Make/Makefile.%s .; make -f Makefile.%s" % \
txt = commands.getoutput(cmd)
print txt
# create 2 links in lib/mscg to MS-CG src dir
if linkflag:
print "Creating links to MS-CG include and lib files"
if os.path.isfile("includelink") or os.path.islink("includelink"):
if os.path.isfile("liblink") or os.path.islink("liblink"):
cmd = "ln -s %s/src includelink" % homedir
cmd = "ln -s %s/src liblink" % homedir