
107 lines
4.3 KiB

LAMMPS (30 Aug 2013)
units metal
variable E equal 0.1
variable L equal 10.0
#variable N equal 100
variable N equal 80
variable T equal 1000
variable n0 equal 0.0001
variable dn equal 2.0*${n0}
variable dn equal 2.0*0.00010000000000000000479
variable dt equal 0.0000001
variable s equal 1
timestep ${dt}
timestep 9.9999999999999995475e-08
atom_style atomic
lattice fcc 1.0
Lattice spacing in x,y,z = 1 1 1
variable a equal 0.5*$L
variable a equal 0.5*10
region simRegion block -$a $a 0 1 0 1
region simRegion block -5 $a 0 1 0 1
region simRegion block -5 5 0 1 0 1
boundary f p p
create_box 1 simRegion
Created orthogonal box = (-5 0 0) to (5 1 1)
4 by 1 by 1 MPI processor grid
mass 1 1.0 # need to keep this
atom_modify sort 0 1
# ID group atc PhysicsType ParameterFile
fix AtC all atc drift_diffusion-schrodinger SiGe_ddm_schrodinger.mat
ATC: constructing drift_diffusion-schrodinger coupling with parameter file SiGe_ddm_schrodinger.mat
ATC: version 2.0
ATC: peratom PE compute created with ID: 3
ATC: 2 materials defined from SiGe_ddm_schrodinger.mat
ATC: creating drift_diffusion extrinsic model
ATC: 2 materials defined from SiGe_ddm_schrodinger.mat
ATC: 2 materials defined from SiGe_ddm_schrodinger.mat
# ID part keywords nx ny nz region
fix_modify AtC mesh create $N 1 1 simRegion f p p
fix_modify AtC mesh create 80 1 1 simRegion f p p
ATC: created uniform mesh with 324 nodes, 81 unique nodes, and 80 elements
variable a equal 0.2*$L+0.001
variable a equal 0.2*10+0.001
fix_modify AtC mesh create_elementset well -$a $a -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_elementset well -2.0009999999999998899 $a -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_elementset well -2.0009999999999998899 2.0009999999999998899 -INF INF -INF INF
ATC: created elementset well with 32 elements
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset well -$a $a -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset well -2.0009999999999998899 $a -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset well -2.0009999999999998899 2.0009999999999998899 -INF INF -INF INF
ATC: created nodeset well with 33 nodes
fix_modify AtC material well Ge
variable b equal $a-0.002
variable b equal 2.0009999999999998899-0.002
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset lbc -$a -$b -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset lbc -2.0009999999999998899 -$b -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset lbc -2.0009999999999998899 -1.9989999999999998881 -INF INF -INF INF
ATC: created nodeset lbc with 1 nodes
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset rbc $b $a -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset rbc 1.9989999999999998881 $a -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset rbc 1.9989999999999998881 2.0009999999999998899 -INF INF -INF INF
ATC: created nodeset rbc with 1 nodes
# ics/bcs
fix_modify AtC initial temperature all 300.0
fix_modify AtC fix temperature all 300.0
fix_modify AtC initial electron_temperature all $T
fix_modify AtC initial electron_temperature all 1000
fix_modify AtC fix electron_temperature all $T
fix_modify AtC fix electron_temperature all 1000
fix_modify AtC initial electron_density all 0.0
#fix_modify AtC fix electron_density all -0.001
#fix_modify AtC fix electron_density well 0.002
fix_modify AtC initial electric_potential all 0.0
#fix_modify AtC fix electric_potential lbc 0.5
#fix_modify AtC fix electric_potential rbc 0.5
fix_modify AtC fix electric_potential lbc 0.0
fix_modify AtC fix electric_potential rbc 0.0
fix_modify AtC initial electron_wavefunction all 0.0
fix_modify AtC fix electron_wavefunction lbc 0.0
fix_modify AtC fix electron_wavefunction rbc 0.0
thermo $s
thermo 1
# f_AtC:1 thermal energy, 2 avg T, 3 electron energy, 4 avg Te, 5 total n
thermo_style custom step cpu f_AtC[1] f_AtC[2] f_AtC[3] f_AtC[4] f_AtC[5]
thermo_modify format 1 %5i format 2 %7.2g
fix_modify AtC output finite_wellFE $s text
fix_modify AtC output finite_wellFE 1 text
ATC: Warning : text output can create _LARGE_ files
ATC: output custom names:
fix_modify AtC extrinsic electron_integration implicit 3
fix_modify AtC extrinsic schrodinger_poisson_solver self_consistency 3 # 30
ERROR: Illegal fix_modify command (../fix.cpp:104)