forked from lijiext/lammps
119 lines
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119 lines
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LAMMPS (27 Nov 2018)
using 1 OpenMP thread(s) per MPI task
# This example demonstrates the use of various fix qeq variants with
# that defines and uses charges, in this case pair_style buck/coul/long
units metal
atom_style charge
read_data data.aC
orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (25.1583 25.1583 28.0203)
1 by 2 by 2 MPI processor grid
reading atoms ...
1200 atoms
replicate 2 2 2
orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (50.3166 50.3166 56.0405)
1 by 2 by 2 MPI processor grid
9600 atoms
Time spent = 0.000675201 secs
pair_style buck/coul/long 12.0
pair_coeff 2 2 1388.77 .3623188 175.0
pair_coeff 1 2 18003 .2052124 133.5381
pair_coeff 1 1 0 .1 0
kspace_style ewald 1e-6
neighbor 1.0 bin
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes
group type1 type 1
3200 atoms in group type1
compute charge1 type1 property/atom q
compute q1 type1 reduce ave c_charge1
group type2 type 2
6400 atoms in group type2
compute charge2 type2 property/atom q
compute q2 type2 reduce ave c_charge2
variable qtot equal count(type1)*c_q1+count(type2)*c_q2
thermo_style custom step pe c_q1 c_q2 v_qtot spcpu
thermo 10
timestep 0.0001
velocity all create 300.0 1281937
fix 1 all nve
#fix 2 all qeq/point 1 10 1.0e-6 100 param.qeq2
#fix 2 all qeq/shielded 1 10 1.0e-6 100 param.qeq2
#fix 2 all qeq/slater 1 10 1.0e-6 100 param.qeq2
#fix 2 all qeq/dynamic 1 10 1.0e-4 100 param.qeq2
fix 2 all qeq/fire 1 10 1.0e-4 100 param.qeq2
run 100
Ewald initialization ...
using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (src/kspace.cpp:321)
G vector (1/distance) = 0.305064
estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 2.07629e-05
estimated relative force accuracy = 1.44191e-06
KSpace vectors: actual max1d max3d = 13556 20 34460
kxmax kymax kzmax = 18 18 20
Neighbor list info ...
update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
master list distance cutoff = 13
ghost atom cutoff = 13
binsize = 6.5, bins = 8 8 9
2 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 2 0 0
(1) pair buck/coul/long, perpetual
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: half/bin/atomonly/newton
stencil: half/bin/3d/newton
bin: standard
(2) fix qeq/fire, perpetual, copy from (1)
attributes: half, newton on
pair build: copy
stencil: none
bin: none
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 53.06 | 53.13 | 53.21 Mbytes
Step PotEng c_q1 c_q2 v_qtot S/CPU
0 -27457.215 0.85227886 -0.42613943 2.1373125e-11 0
10 -27626.057 0.85486228 -0.42743114 3.0468073e-11 2.4245312
20 -27975.085 0.85968531 -0.42984266 1.0095391e-10 2.0185316
30 -28552.627 0.86755661 -0.4337783 1.3096724e-10 1.9605335
40 -29133.643 0.87426387 -0.43713193 1.5279511e-10 1.9624139
50 -29697.01 0.8794039 -0.43970195 1.6461854e-10 1.8113263
60 -30342 0.88478594 -0.44239297 1.7826096e-10 1.9537722
70 -31081.139 0.89069733 -0.44534866 1.4733814e-10 2.058406
80 -31792.732 0.89506635 -0.44753317 1.3824319e-10 2.2160813
90 -32424.752 0.89714841 -0.44857421 1.2914825e-10 2.0952145
100 -32998.353 0.89755721 -0.44877861 1.4824764e-10 2.1292486
Loop time of 48.7541 on 4 procs for 100 steps with 9600 atoms
Performance: 0.018 ns/day, 1354.281 hours/ns, 2.051 timesteps/s
97.4% CPU use with 4 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads
MPI task timing breakdown:
Section | min time | avg time | max time |%varavg| %total
Pair | 2.9747 | 3.0315 | 3.0758 | 2.1 | 6.22
Kspace | 27.873 | 28.264 | 28.63 | 5.3 | 57.97
Neigh | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 | 0.00
Comm | 0.53835 | 0.8523 | 1.2286 | 28.2 | 1.75
Output | 0.0012984 | 0.001591 | 0.0024178 | 1.2 | 0.00
Modify | 16.58 | 16.59 | 16.601 | 0.3 | 34.03
Other | | 0.01409 | | | 0.03
Nlocal: 2400 ave 2400 max 2400 min
Histogram: 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nghost: 11550 ave 11550 max 11550 min
Histogram: 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Neighs: 735200 ave 740758 max 729642 min
Histogram: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total # of neighbors = 2940800
Ave neighs/atom = 306.333
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
Total wall time: 0:00:49