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Generation of LAMMPS Documentation

The generation of all the documentation is managed by the Makefile inside the doc/ folder.


make html         # generate HTML using Sphinx
make pdf          # generate PDF using htmldoc
make clean        # remove generated RST files
make clean-all    # remove entire build folder and any cached data

Installing prerequisites

To run the documention build toolchain, Python 3 and virtualenv have to be installed. Here are instructions for common setups:


sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

Fedora (up to version 21), Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS (up to version 7.x)

sudo yum install python3-virtualenv

Fedora (since version 22)

sudo dnf install python3-virtualenv


Python 3

Download the latest Python 3 MacOS X package from and install it. This will install both Python 3 and pip3.


Once Python 3 is installed, open a Terminal and type pip3 install virtualenv. This will install virtualenv from the Python Package Index.