
107 lines
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lmptype.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "fmt/format.h"
#include <string>
#include <exception>
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
using ::testing::Eq;
// this tests a subset of {fmt} that is most relevant to LAMMPS
TEST(FmtLib, insert_string) {
const char val[] = "word";
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word word"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_int) {
const int val = 333;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word 333"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_neg_int) {
const int val = -333;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word -333"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_bigint) {
if (sizeof(bigint) == 4) GTEST_SKIP();
const bigint val = 9945234592L;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word 9945234592"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_neg_bigint) {
if (sizeof(bigint) == 4) GTEST_SKIP();
const bigint val = -9945234592L;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word -9945234592"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_tagint) {
if (sizeof(tagint) == 4) GTEST_SKIP();
const tagint val = 9945234592L;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word 9945234592"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_neg_tagint) {
if (sizeof(tagint) == 4) GTEST_SKIP();
const tagint val = -9945234592L;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word -9945234592"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_imageint) {
if (sizeof(imageint) == 4) GTEST_SKIP();
const imageint val = 9945234592L;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word 9945234592"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_neg_imageint) {
if (sizeof(imageint) == 4) GTEST_SKIP();
const imageint val = -9945234592L;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word -9945234592"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_double) {
const double val = 1.5;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word 1.5"));
TEST(FmtLib, insert_neg_double) {
const double val = -1.5;
auto text = fmt::format("word {}",val);
ASSERT_THAT(text, Eq("word -1.5"));
TEST(FmtLib, int_for_double) {
const double val = -1.5;
ASSERT_THROW(fmt::format("word {:d}",val),std::exception);
TEST(FmtLib, double_for_int) {
const int val = 15;
ASSERT_THROW(fmt::format("word {:g}",val),std::exception);