forked from lijiext/lammps
566 lines
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566 lines
20 KiB
"""Contains the classes that deal with the different dynamics required in
different types of ensembles.
Copyright (C) 2013, Joshua More and Michele Ceriotti
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http.//>.
Holds the algorithms required for normal mode propagators, and the objects to
do the constant temperature and pressure algorithms. Also calculates the
appropriate conserved energy quantity for the ensemble of choice.
Ensemble: Base ensemble class with generic methods and attributes.
NVEEnsemble: Deals with constant energy dynamics.
NVTEnsemble: Deals with constant temperature dynamics.
NPTEnsemble: Deals with constant pressure dynamics.
ReplayEnsemble: Takes a trajectory, and simply sets the atom positions to
match it, rather than doing dynamics. In this way new properties can
be calculated on an old simulation, without having to rerun it from
__all__ = ['Ensemble', 'NVEEnsemble', 'NVTEnsemble', 'NPTEnsemble', 'ReplayEnsemble']
import numpy as np
import time
from ipi.utils.depend import *
from ipi.utils import units
from ipi.utils.softexit import softexit
from import read_xyz
from import read_pdb
from import xml_parse_file
from ipi.utils.units import Constants, unit_to_internal
from ipi.inputs.thermostats import InputThermo
from ipi.inputs.barostats import InputBaro
from ipi.engine.thermostats import *
from ipi.engine.barostats import *
class Ensemble(dobject):
"""Base ensemble class.
Gives the standard methods and attributes needed in all the
ensemble classes.
beads: A beads object giving the atoms positions.
cell: A cell object giving the system box.
forces: A forces object giving the virial and the forces acting on
each bead.
prng: A random number generator object.
nm: An object which does the normal modes transformation.
fixcom: A boolean which decides whether the centre of mass
motion will be constrained or not.
Depend objects:
econs: The conserved energy quantity appropriate to the given
ensemble. Depends on the various energy terms which make it up,
which are different depending on the ensemble.
temp: The system temperature.
dt: The timestep for the algorithms.
ntemp: The simulation temperature. Will be nbeads times higher than
the system temperature as PIMD calculations are done at this
effective classical temperature.
def __init__(self, dt, temp, fixcom=False):
"""Initialises Ensemble.
dt: The timestep of the simulation algorithms.
temp: The temperature.
fixcom: An optional boolean which decides whether the centre of mass
motion will be constrained or not. Defaults to False.
dset(self, "econs", depend_value(name='econs', func=self.get_econs))
dset(self, "temp", depend_value(name='temp', value=temp))
dset(self, "dt", depend_value(name='dt', value=dt))
self.fixcom = fixcom
def bind(self, beads, nm, cell, bforce, prng):
"""Binds beads, cell, bforce and prng to the ensemble.
This takes a beads object, a cell object, a forcefield object and a
random number generator object and makes them members of the ensemble.
It also then creates the objects that will hold the data needed in the
ensemble algorithms and the dependency network. Note that the conserved
quantity is defined in the init, but as each ensemble has a different
conserved quantity the dependencies are defined in bind.
beads: The beads object from whcih the bead positions are taken.
nm: A normal modes object used to do the normal modes transformation.
cell: The cell object from which the system box is taken.
bforce: The forcefield object from which the force and virial are
prng: The random number generator object which controls random number
# store local references to the different bits of the simulation
self.beads = beads
self.cell = cell
self.forces = bforce
self.prng = prng
self.nm = nm
# n times the temperature
dset(self,"ntemp", depend_value(name='ntemp',func=self.get_ntemp,
# dependencies of the conserved quantity
dget(self,"econs").add_dependency(dget(self.beads, "kin"))
dget(self,"econs").add_dependency(dget(self.forces, "pot"))
dget(self,"econs").add_dependency(dget(self.beads, "vpath"))
def get_ntemp(self):
"""Returns the PI simulation temperature (P times the physical T)."""
return self.temp*self.beads.nbeads
def pstep(self):
"""Dummy momenta propagator which does nothing."""
def qcstep(self):
"""Dummy centroid position propagator which does nothing."""
def step(self):
"""Dummy simulation time step which does nothing."""
def get_econs(self):
"""Calculates the conserved energy quantity for constant energy
return self.beads.vpath*self.nm.omegan2 + self.nm.kin + self.forces.pot
class NVEEnsemble(Ensemble):
"""Ensemble object for constant energy simulations.
Has the relevant conserved quantity and normal mode propagator for the
constant energy ensemble. Note that a temperature of some kind must be
defined so that the spring potential can be calculated.
ptime: The time taken in updating the velocities.
qtime: The time taken in updating the positions.
ttime: The time taken in applying the thermostat steps.
Depend objects:
econs: Conserved energy quantity. Depends on the bead kinetic and
potential energy, and the spring potential energy.
def __init__(self, dt, temp, fixcom=False):
"""Initialises NVEEnsemble.
dt: The simulation timestep.
temp: The system temperature.
fixcom: An optional boolean which decides whether the centre of mass
motion will be constrained or not. Defaults to False.
super(NVEEnsemble,self).__init__(dt=dt,temp=temp, fixcom=fixcom)
def rmcom(self):
"""This removes the centre of mass contribution to the kinetic energy.
Calculates the centre of mass momenta, then removes the mass weighted
contribution from each atom. If the ensemble defines a thermostat, then
the contribution to the conserved quantity due to this subtraction is
added to the thermostat heat energy, as it is assumed that the centre of
mass motion is due to the thermostat.
If there is a choice of thermostats, the thermostat
connected to the centroid is chosen.
if (self.fixcom):
pcom = np.zeros(3,float);
na3 = self.beads.natoms*3
nb = self.beads.nbeads
p = depstrip(self.beads.p)
m = depstrip(self.beads.m3)[:,0:na3:3]
M = self.beads[0].M
for i in range(3):
pcom[i] = p[:,i:na3:3].sum()
if hasattr(self,"thermostat"):
if hasattr(self.thermostat, "_thermos"):
self.thermostat._thermos[0].ethermo +=,pcom)/(2.0*M*nb)
self.thermostat.ethermo +=,pcom)/(2.0*M*nb)
# subtracts COM _velocity_
pcom *= 1.0/(nb*M)
for i in range(3):
self.beads.p[:,i:na3:3] -= m*pcom[i]
def pstep(self):
"""Velocity Verlet momenta propagator."""
self.beads.p += depstrip(self.forces.f)*(self.dt*0.5)
def qcstep(self):
"""Velocity Verlet centroid position propagator."""
self.nm.qnm[0,:] += depstrip(self.nm.pnm)[0,:]/depstrip(self.beads.m3)[0]*self.dt
def step(self):
"""Does one simulation time step."""
self.ptime = -time.time()
self.ptime += time.time()
self.qtime = -time.time()
self.qtime += time.time()
self.ptime -= time.time()
self.ptime += time.time()
self.ttime = -time.time()
self.ttime += time.time()
class NVTEnsemble(NVEEnsemble):
"""Ensemble object for constant temperature simulations.
Has the relevant conserved quantity and normal mode propagator for the
constant temperature ensemble. Contains a thermostat object containing the
algorithms to keep the temperature constant.
thermostat: A thermostat object to keep the temperature constant.
Depend objects:
econs: Conserved energy quantity. Depends on the bead kinetic and
potential energy, the spring potential energy and the heat
transferred to the thermostat.
def __init__(self, dt, temp, thermostat=None, fixcom=False):
"""Initialises NVTEnsemble.
dt: The simulation timestep.
temp: The system temperature.
thermostat: A thermostat object to keep the temperature constant.
Defaults to Thermostat()
fixcom: An optional boolean which decides whether the centre of mass
motion will be constrained or not. Defaults to False.
super(NVTEnsemble,self).__init__(dt=dt,temp=temp, fixcom=fixcom)
if thermostat is None:
self.thermostat = Thermostat()
self.thermostat = thermostat
def bind(self, beads, nm, cell, bforce, prng):
"""Binds beads, cell, bforce and prng to the ensemble.
This takes a beads object, a cell object, a forcefield object and a
random number generator object and makes them members of the ensemble.
It also then creates the objects that will hold the data needed in the
ensemble algorithms and the dependency network. Also note that the
thermostat timestep and temperature are defined relative to the system
temperature, and the the thermostat temperature is held at the
higher simulation temperature, as is appropriate.
beads: The beads object from whcih the bead positions are taken.
nm: A normal modes object used to do the normal modes transformation.
cell: The cell object from which the system box is taken.
bforce: The forcefield object from which the force and virial are
prng: The random number generator object which controls random number
super(NVTEnsemble,self).bind(beads, nm, cell, bforce, prng)
fixdof = None
if self.fixcom:
fixdof = 3
# first makes sure that the thermostat has the correct temperature, then proceed with binding it.
deppipe(self,"ntemp", self.thermostat,"temp")
deppipe(self,"dt", self.thermostat, "dt")
#decides whether the thermostat will work in the normal mode or
#the bead representation.
if isinstance(self.thermostat,ThermoNMGLE) or isinstance(self.thermostat,ThermoNMGLEG) or isinstance(self.thermostat,ThermoPILE_L) or isinstance(self.thermostat,ThermoPILE_G):
self.thermostat.bind(nm=self.nm,prng=prng,fixdof=fixdof )
self.thermostat.bind(beads=self.beads,prng=prng, fixdof=fixdof)
dget(self,"econs").add_dependency(dget(self.thermostat, "ethermo"))
def step(self):
"""Does one simulation time step."""
self.ttime = -time.time()
self.ttime += time.time()
self.ptime = -time.time()
self.ptime += time.time()
self.qtime = -time.time()
self.qtime += time.time()
self.ptime -= time.time()
self.ptime += time.time()
self.ttime -= time.time()
self.ttime += time.time()
def get_econs(self):
"""Calculates the conserved energy quantity for constant temperature
return NVEEnsemble.get_econs(self) + self.thermostat.ethermo
class NPTEnsemble(NVTEnsemble):
"""Ensemble object for constant pressure simulations.
Has the relevant conserved quantity and normal mode propagator for the
constant pressure ensemble. Contains a thermostat object containing the
algorithms to keep the temperature constant, and a barostat to keep the
pressure constant.
barostat: A barostat object to keep the pressure constant.
Depend objects:
econs: Conserved energy quantity. Depends on the bead and cell kinetic
and potential energy, the spring potential energy, the heat
transferred to the beads and cell thermostat, the temperature and
the cell volume.
pext: External pressure.
def __init__(self, dt, temp, pext, thermostat=None, barostat=None, fixcom=False):
"""Initialises NPTEnsemble.
dt: The simulation timestep.
temp: The system temperature.
pext: The external pressure.
thermostat: A thermostat object to keep the temperature constant.
Defaults to Thermostat().
barostat: A barostat object to keep the pressure constant.
Defaults to Barostat().
fixcom: An optional boolean which decides whether the centre of mass
motion will be constrained or not. Defaults to False.
super(NPTEnsemble,self).__init__(dt, temp, thermostat, fixcom=fixcom)
if barostat == None:
self.barostat = Barostat()
self.barostat = barostat
if not pext is None:
self.pext = pext
else: self.pext = 0.0
def bind(self, beads, nm, cell, bforce, prng):
"""Binds beads, cell, bforce and prng to the ensemble.
This takes a beads object, a cell object, a forcefield object and a
random number generator object and makes them members of the ensemble.
It also then creates the objects that will hold the data needed in the
ensemble algorithms and the dependency network. Also note that the cell
thermostat timesteps and temperatures are defined relative to the system
temperature, and the the thermostat temperatures are held at the
higher simulation temperature, as is appropriate.
beads: The beads object from whcih the bead positions are taken.
nm: A normal modes object used to do the normal modes transformation.
cell: The cell object from which the system box is taken.
bforce: The forcefield object from which the force and virial are
prng: The random number generator object which controls random number
fixdof = None
if self.fixcom:
fixdof = 3
super(NPTEnsemble,self).bind(beads, nm, cell, bforce, prng)
self.barostat.bind(beads, nm, cell, bforce, prng=prng, fixdof=fixdof)
deppipe(self,"ntemp", self.barostat, "temp")
deppipe(self,"dt", self.barostat, "dt")
deppipe(self,"pext", self.barostat, "pext")
dget(self,"econs").add_dependency(dget(self.barostat, "ebaro"))
def get_econs(self):
"""Calculates the conserved energy quantity for the constant pressure
return NVTEnsemble.get_econs(self) + self.barostat.ebaro
def step(self):
"""NPT time step.
Note that the barostat only propagates the centroid coordinates. If this
approximation is made a centroid virial pressure and stress estimator can
be defined, so this gives the best statistical convergence. This is
allowed as the normal mode propagation is approximately unaffected
by volume fluctuations as long as the system box is much larger than
the radius of gyration of the ring polymers.
self.ttime = -time.time()
self.ttime += time.time()
self.ptime = -time.time()
self.ptime += time.time()
self.qtime = -time.time()
self.qtime += time.time()
self.ptime -= time.time()
self.ptime += time.time()
self.ttime -= time.time()
self.ttime += time.time()
class ReplayEnsemble(Ensemble):
"""Ensemble object that just loads snapshots from an external file in sequence.
Has the relevant conserved quantity and normal mode propagator for the
constant energy ensemble. Note that a temperature of some kind must be
defined so that the spring potential can be calculated.
intraj: The input trajectory file.
ptime: The time taken in updating the velocities.
qtime: The time taken in updating the positions.
ttime: The time taken in applying the thermostat steps.
Depend objects:
econs: Conserved energy quantity. Depends on the bead kinetic and
potential energy, and the spring potential energy.
def __init__(self, dt, temp, fixcom=False, intraj=None):
"""Initialises ReplayEnsemble.
dt: The simulation timestep.
temp: The system temperature.
fixcom: An optional boolean which decides whether the centre of mass
motion will be constrained or not. Defaults to False.
intraj: The input trajectory file.
if intraj == None:
raise ValueError("Must provide an initialized InitFile object to read trajectory from")
self.intraj = intraj
if intraj.mode == "manual":
raise ValueError("Replay can only read from PDB or XYZ files -- or a single frame from a CHK file")
self.rfile = open(self.intraj.value,"r")
def step(self):
"""Does one simulation time step."""
self.ptime = self.ttime = 0
self.qtime = -time.time()
if (self.intraj.mode == "xyz"):
for b in self.beads:
myatoms = read_xyz(self.rfile)
myatoms.q *= unit_to_internal("length",self.intraj.units,1.0)
b.q[:] = myatoms.q
elif (self.intraj.mode == "pdb"):
for b in self.beads:
myatoms, mycell = read_pdb(self.rfile)
myatoms.q *= unit_to_internal("length",self.intraj.units,1.0)
mycell.h *= unit_to_internal("length",self.intraj.units,1.0)
b.q[:] = myatoms.q
self.cell.h[:] = mycell.h
elif (self.intraj.mode == "chk" or self.intraj.mode == "checkpoint"):
# reads configuration from a checkpoint file
xmlchk = xml_parse_file(self.rfile) # Parses the file.
from ipi.inputs.simulation import InputSimulation
simchk = InputSimulation()
mycell = simchk.cell.fetch()
mybeads = simchk.beads.fetch()
self.cell.h[:] = mycell.h
self.beads.q[:] = mybeads.q
softexit.trigger(" # Read single checkpoint")
except EOFError:
softexit.trigger(" # Finished reading re-run trajectory")
self.qtime += time.time()