
154 lines
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LAMMPS (1 Oct 2006)
# 2d LJ crack simulation
dimension 2
boundary s s p
atom_style atomic
neighbor 0.3 bin
neigh_modify delay 5
# create geometry
lattice hex 0.93
region box block 0 100 0 40 -0.25 0.25
create_box 5 box
Created box = (0 0 -0.278569) to (111.428 77.1994 0.278569)
2 by 2 by 1 processor grid
create_atoms 1
Created 8141 atoms
mass 1 1.0
mass 2 1.0
mass 3 1.0
mass 4 1.0
mass 5 1.0
# LJ potentials
pair_style lj/cut 2.5
pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0 2.5
# define groups
region 1 block INF INF INF 1.25 INF INF
group lower region 1
302 atoms in group lower
region 2 block INF INF 38.75 INF INF INF
group upper region 2
302 atoms in group upper
group boundary union lower upper
604 atoms in group boundary
group mobile subtract all boundary
7537 atoms in group mobile
region leftupper block INF 20 20 INF INF INF
region leftlower block INF 20 INF 20 INF INF
group leftupper region leftupper
841 atoms in group leftupper
group leftlower region leftlower
841 atoms in group leftlower
set leftupper atom 2
841 settings made
set leftlower atom 3
841 settings made
set lower atom 4
302 settings made
set upper atom 5
302 settings made
# initial velocities
temperature new mobile full
velocity mobile create 0.01 887723 temp new
velocity upper set 0.0 0.02 0.0
velocity mobile ramp vy 0.0 0.02 y 1.25 38.75 sum yes
# fixes
fix 1 all nve
fix 2 boundary setforce NULL 0.0 0.0
# run
timestep 0.003
thermo 1000
thermo_modify temp new
neigh_modify exclude type 2 3
dump 1 all atom 250 dump.crack
run 50000
Memory usage per processor = 1.59725 Mbytes
Step Temp E_pair E_mol TotEng Press Volume
0 0.010256205 -3.2595015 0 -3.2500081 -0.10145136 4792.6107
1000 0.0050437246 -3.254635 0 -3.2499665 -0.12740271 4792.6107
2000 0.0051505282 -3.2543692 0 -3.2496018 -0.15978403 4805.4017
3000 0.0052701189 -3.2540454 0 -3.2491672 -0.17795883 4809.4575
4000 0.0050604962 -3.2533431 0 -3.2486589 -0.18962575 4812.2411
5000 0.0049888551 -3.2525578 0 -3.24794 -0.23962697 4815.939
6000 0.0049676582 -3.251678 0 -3.2470799 -0.30927631 4820.4945
7000 0.0051188772 -3.2507304 0 -3.2459922 -0.3909741 4828.8381
8000 0.0048922662 -3.2493836 0 -3.2448552 -0.47790517 4841.9077
9000 0.0049338477 -3.2480837 0 -3.2435168 -0.53340641 4849.3327
10000 0.0049211223 -3.2466777 0 -3.2421226 -0.55379297 4855.6764
11000 0.004895836 -3.2450776 0 -3.2405459 -0.56007065 4862.5721
12000 0.004847489 -3.2434006 0 -3.2389137 -0.57998486 4863.9277
13000 0.0047955582 -3.2415024 0 -3.2370635 -0.62542252 4870.6003
14000 0.0048552089 -3.2396028 0 -3.2351087 -0.697236 4879.871
15000 0.0048752032 -3.2375516 0 -3.233039 -0.76918523 4884.5734
16000 0.0046965458 -3.2352968 0 -3.2309496 -0.82908331 4893.1926
17000 0.0047868592 -3.2330762 0 -3.2286454 -0.85754888 4901.71
18000 0.0047852616 -3.2307132 0 -3.2262838 -0.86919067 4909.8698
19000 0.0047361082 -3.2281639 0 -3.2237801 -0.85109691 4912.5836
20000 0.0048659736 -3.2257135 0 -3.2212095 -0.83986478 4916.5374
21000 0.0049814043 -3.2232926 0 -3.2186817 -0.86128523 4923.9807
22000 0.0049472744 -3.2207762 0 -3.2161969 -0.90337572 4931.7271
23000 0.0053349592 -3.218575 0 -3.2136369 -0.97893232 4945.9715
24000 0.0057755443 -3.2162642 0 -3.2109182 -1.0095182 4956.3791
25000 0.0062190601 -3.2140052 0 -3.2082487 -1.0088874 4960.5377
26000 0.0068001305 -3.2117942 0 -3.2054998 -0.96727393 4962.4079
27000 0.0068225494 -3.2091441 0 -3.2028289 -0.91504959 4962.4468
28000 0.0069100602 -3.2064225 0 -3.2000264 -0.9131624 4963.4009
29000 0.0077073146 -3.2044225 0 -3.1972885 -0.97931905 4976.6434
30000 0.0085530911 -3.2023628 0 -3.1944458 -1.0335604 4991.859
31000 0.0090489847 -3.2000739 0 -3.191698 -1.0499238 5006.1205
32000 0.009457073 -3.197803 0 -3.1890493 -1.0415395 5007.1136
33000 0.0097449781 -3.1954191 0 -3.1863989 -0.97523426 5008.9351
34000 0.010638648 -3.1933196 0 -3.1834722 -0.90641914 5009.8972
35000 0.011724943 -3.1915042 0 -3.1806513 -0.86280832 5030.2601
36000 0.012543854 -3.1897197 0 -3.1781088 -0.84498685 5058.0726
37000 0.01425216 -3.1884117 0 -3.1752195 -0.89131599 5072.3266
38000 0.017711377 -3.188949 0 -3.1725549 -0.83909256 5084.0891
39000 0.022008898 -3.19099 0 -3.1706181 -0.75142283 5087.7576
40000 0.026220897 -3.1935289 0 -3.1692583 -0.62636117 5093.7415
41000 0.025508399 -3.1919886 0 -3.1683775 -0.42605643 5088.3384
42000 0.026889328 -3.192089 0 -3.1671996 -0.34017637 5066.1245
43000 0.028720644 -3.1925244 0 -3.1659399 -0.19561049 5083.1913
44000 0.031213331 -3.1937329 0 -3.1648411 -0.35065498 5095.7582
45000 0.031451475 -3.1922953 0 -3.1631831 -0.53502981 5109.9177
46000 0.030623132 -3.1903208 0 -3.1619753 -0.55300441 5125.4041
47000 0.031375 -3.1895766 0 -3.1605352 -0.5385838 5157.0846
48000 0.030875482 -3.1879308 0 -3.1593517 -0.48509753 5161.8136
49000 0.031761391 -3.1879906 0 -3.1585915 -0.44146775 5160.5089
50000 0.032235944 -3.1871767 0 -3.1573383 -0.38658394 5152.5279
Loop time of 71.1028 on 4 procs for 50000 steps with 8141 atoms
Pair time (%) = 45.4344 (63.8997)
Neigh time (%) = 0.87692 (1.23331)
Comm time (%) = 10.6446 (14.9707)
Outpt time (%) = 2.95593 (4.15726)
Other time (%) = 11.1909 (15.7391)
Nlocal: 2035.25 ave 2081 max 1974 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Nghost: 203.5 ave 245 max 162 min
Histogram: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Neighs: 17703.8 ave 18117 max 17273 min
Histogram: 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Total # of neighbors = 70815
Ave neighs/atom = 8.69856
Neighbor list builds = 467
Dangerous builds = 0