
100 lines
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# needs description
#AtC Elastic Coupling
echo both
units real
atom_style atomic
# create domain
#lattice type reduced density rho* = 4*(sigma/a)^3, where N=4 for fcc, s = 3.405 A (Wagner) and a = 5.25 A (Ashcroft & Mermin, p. 70)
lattice fcc 5.2582305 origin 0.25 0.25 0.25
# create atoms
region simRegion block -12 12 -3 3 -3 3
region atomRegion block -8 8 -3 3 -3 3
region mdRegion block -6 6 -3 3 -3 3
boundary f p p
create_box 1 simRegion
create_atoms 1 region atomRegion
mass 1 39.95
# specify interal/ghost atoms
region mdInternal block -6 6 -3 3 -3 3
region leftghost block -8 -6 -3 3 -3 3
region rightghost block 6 8 -3 3 -3 3
group internal region mdInternal
group Lghost region leftghost
group Rghost region rightghost
group ghosts union Lghost Rghost
pair_style lj/cut 13.
#pair_coeff 1 1 0.010323166 3.405 13.5
pair_coeff 1 1 .2381 3.405 13.
neighbor 5. bin
neigh_modify every 10 delay 0 check no
# define layer
# ID group atc PhysicsType ParameterFile
fix AtC internal atc elastic Ar_elastic.mat
# ID part keywords nx ny nz region
fix_modify AtC mesh create 12 1 1 simRegion f p p
# initial conditions
fix_modify AtC initial displacement x all 0.0
fix_modify AtC initial displacement y all 0.0
fix_modify AtC initial displacement z all 0.0
fix_modify AtC initial velocity x all 0.0
fix_modify AtC initial velocity y all 0.0
fix_modify AtC initial velocity z all 0.0
fix_modify AtC time_integration fractional_step
fix_modify AtC internal_atom_integrate off
fix iNVE internal nve
# set node sets and bcs
# ID mesh create_nodeset tag xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset lbc -12.1 -11.9 -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset rbc 11.9 12.1 -INF INF -INF INF
fix_modify AtC fix velocity x rbc 0.00000004
fix_modify AtC fix displacement x lbc 0.
fix_modify AtC fix velocity x lbc 0.
# specify atom types
#fix_modify AtC boundary Lghost
#fix_modify AtC boundary Rghost
fix_modify AtC boundary ghosts
fix_modify AtC internal_quadrature off
fix_modify AtC control localized_lambda on
fix_modify AtC control momentum flux interpolate
#fix_modify AtC control momentum hoover # tested in this mode
#fix_modify AtC filter type exponential
#fix_modify AtC filter scale 1000.0
#fix_modify AtC filter on
# run to extension
#fix_modify AtC output bar1d_frac_step_initFE 50 text binary
#dump D1 all atom 50 bar1d_frac_step_init.dmp
timestep 5
thermo 100
run 1000
# reset time
fix_modify AtC reset_time 0.
reset_timestep 0
# change nodes to fixed
fix_modify AtC fix velocity x rbc 0.
fix_modify AtC fix displacement x rbc 0.0002
fix_modify AtC output bar1d_frac_stepFE 500 text #binary
#fix_modify AtC output index step
#undump D1
#dump D1 all atom 500 bar1d_frac_step.dmp
# run to equilibrium
timestep 5
thermo 100
run 5000