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LAMMPS (18 Feb 2013)
# Pour granular particles into chute container, then induce flow
atom_style sphere
boundary p p fm
newton off
communicate single vel yes
region reg block -10 10 -10 10 -0.5 16 units box
create_box 1 reg
Created orthogonal box = (-10 -10 -0.5) to (10 10 16)
2 by 2 by 1 MPI processor grid
neighbor 0.2 bin
neigh_modify delay 0
# IMPORTANT NOTE: these values of stiffness (2000) and timestep (0.001)
# are used in this example file to produce a quick simulation and movie.
# More appropriate values for realistic simulations would be
# k = 2.0e5 and dt = 0.0001, as in bench/in.chute.
pair_style gran/hooke/history 2000.0 NULL 50.0 NULL 0.5 0
pair_coeff * *
timestep 0.001
fix 1 all nve/sphere
fix 2 all gravity 1.0 spherical 0.0 -180.0
fix zlower all wall/gran 2000.0 NULL 50.0 NULL 0.5 0 zplane 0.0 2000.0
region slab block -9.0 9.0 -9.0 9.0 10.0 15.0 units box
fix ins all pour 3000 1 300719 vol 0.13 50 region slab
Particle insertion: 402 every 3162 steps, 3000 by step 22135
compute 1 all erotate/sphere
thermo_style custom step atoms ke c_1 vol
thermo 1000
thermo_modify lost ignore norm no
compute_modify thermo_temp dynamic yes
#dump id all atom 1000 dump.pour
#dump 1 all image 1000 image.*.jpg type type # axes yes 0.8 0.02 view 80 -30
#dump_modify 1 pad 5
run 25000
Memory usage per processor = 9.33682 Mbytes
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
0 0 -0 0 6600
1000 402 779.98578 0 6600
2000 402 1424.4252 0 6600
3000 402 1425.0863 12.9927 6600
4000 804 1724.8627 47.36161 6600
5000 804 1599.9516 63.808734 6600
6000 804 1359.1774 63.495338 6600
7000 1206 1532.7896 68.602762 6600
8000 1206 1403.0157 62.695772 6600
9000 1206 1247.1412 52.224384 6600
10000 1608 1386.1699 50.718814 6600
11000 1608 1228.7495 56.267861 6600
12000 1608 1189.1544 43.443594 6600
13000 2010 1317.573 51.491142 6600
14000 2010 1185.3306 43.927099 6600
15000 2010 985.99454 42.308206 6600
16000 2412 1044.9221 43.454386 6600
17000 2412 1039.7494 36.063243 6600
18000 2412 911.55352 38.525857 6600
19000 2814 1013.9593 33.512188 6600
20000 2814 959.68861 39.700347 6600
21000 2814 744.30153 45.796008 6600
22000 2814 518.78148 40.865035 6600
23000 3000 418.32473 34.643341 6600
24000 3000 364.52165 21.06497 6600
25000 3000 216.23449 24.600132 6600
Loop time of 2.82073 on 4 procs for 25000 steps with 3000 atoms
Pair time (%) = 1.36596 (48.4257)
Neigh time (%) = 0.273009 (9.67867)
Comm time (%) = 0.360224 (12.7706)
Outpt time (%) = 0.000543416 (0.0192651)
Other time (%) = 0.820993 (29.1057)
Nlocal: 750 ave 760 max 738 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
Nghost: 388 ave 390 max 387 min
Histogram: 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Neighs: 3566.5 ave 3594 max 3538 min
Histogram: 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Total # of neighbors = 14266
Ave neighs/atom = 4.75533
Neighbor list builds = 1153
Dangerous builds = 0
unfix ins
fix 2 all gravity 1.0 chute 26.0
run 25000
Memory usage per processor = 10.1159 Mbytes
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
25000 3000 216.23449 24.600132 6600
26000 3000 108.39805 20.034719 6600
27000 3000 103.08805 11.62627 6600
28000 3000 193.88384 11.945176 6600
29000 3000 320.96581 14.507685 6600
30000 3000 490.74134 19.09055 6600
31000 3000 755.89878 24.20335 6600
32000 3000 1093.7602 32.036876 6600
33000 3000 1447.6165 37.970427 6600
34000 3000 1879.1719 41.830611 6600
35000 3000 2350.6451 54.069915 6600
36000 3000 2943.3616 63.590846 6600
37000 3000 3655.4973 69.25479 6600
38000 3000 4351.899 72.183547 6600
39000 3000 5056.2313 81.96612 6600
40000 3000 5833.5917 101.79198 6600
41000 3000 6698.392 107.53934 6600
42000 3000 7602.7265 119.87878 6600
43000 3000 8669.6298 134.41156 6600
44000 3000 9749.5781 144.67 6600
45000 3000 10835.643 160.22694 6600
46000 3000 11992.67 155.62346 6600
47000 3000 13262.167 178.56213 6600
48000 3000 14489.853 198.13017 6600
49000 3000 15940.443 200.18228 6600
50000 3000 17238.955 209.40216 6600
Loop time of 5.38506 on 4 procs for 25000 steps with 3000 atoms
Pair time (%) = 3.04231 (56.4954)
Neigh time (%) = 0.41015 (7.61644)
Comm time (%) = 0.572889 (10.6385)
Outpt time (%) = 0.000714064 (0.0132601)
Other time (%) = 1.359 (25.2364)
Nlocal: 750 ave 755 max 744 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Nghost: 405.25 ave 416 max 400 min
Histogram: 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Neighs: 3625.5 ave 3698 max 3577 min
Histogram: 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total # of neighbors = 14502
Ave neighs/atom = 4.834
Neighbor list builds = 807
Dangerous builds = 0