forked from lijiext/lammps
900 lines
28 KiB
900 lines
28 KiB
// **************************************************************************
// -------------------
// V. Nikolskiy (HSE)
// Device code for acceleration of the lj/tip4p/long pair style
// __________________________________________________________________________
// This file is part of the LAMMPS Accelerator Library (LAMMPS_AL)
// __________________________________________________________________________
// begin :
// email :
// ***************************************************************************
#ifdef NV_KERNEL
#include "lal_aux_fun1.h"
#define tagint int
#include "inttypes.h"
#define tagint int64_t
#define tagint int
texture<float4> pos_tex;
texture<float> q_tex;
texture<int4,1> pos_tex;
texture<int2> q_tex;
#define pos_tex x_
#define q_tex q_
ucl_inline int atom_mapping(const __global int *map, tagint glob) {
return map[glob];
ucl_inline int closest_image(int i, int j, const __global int* sametag,
const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_)
if (j < 0) return j;
numtyp4 xi; fetch4(xi,i,pos_tex); // = x[i];
numtyp4 xj; fetch4(xj,j,pos_tex);
int closest = j;
numtyp delx = xi.x - xj.x;
numtyp dely = xi.y - xj.y;
numtyp delz = xi.z - xj.z;
numtyp rsqmin = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
numtyp rsq;
while (sametag[j] >= 0) {
j = sametag[j];
delx = xi.x - xj.x;
dely = xi.y - xj.y;
delz = xi.z - xj.z;
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq < rsqmin) {
rsqmin = rsq;
closest = j;
return closest;
ucl_inline void compute_newsite(int iO, int iH1, int iH2,
__global numtyp4 *xM, numtyp q,
numtyp alpha, const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_) {
numtyp4 xO; fetch4(xO,iO,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xH1; fetch4(xH1,iH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xH2; fetch4(xH2,iH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 M;
numtyp delx1 = xH1.x - xO.x;
numtyp dely1 = xH1.y - xO.y;
numtyp delz1 = xH1.z - xO.z;
numtyp delx2 = xH2.x - xO.x;
numtyp dely2 = xH2.y - xO.y;
numtyp delz2 = xH2.z - xO.z;
numtyp ap = alpha * (numtyp)0.5;
M.x = xO.x + ap * (delx1 + delx2);
M.y = xO.y + ap * (dely1 + dely2);
M.z = xO.z + ap * (delz1 + delz2);
M.w = q;
*xM = M;
__kernel void k_lj_tip4p_long_distrib(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag, const int inum,
const int nbor_pitch, const int t_per_atom,
__global int *restrict hneigh,
__global numtyp4 *restrict m,
const int typeO, const int typeH,
const numtyp alpha,
const __global numtyp *restrict q_, const __global acctyp4 *restrict ansO) {
int tid, ii, offset;
int i = BLOCK_ID_X*(BLOCK_SIZE_X)+tid;
acctyp4 f;
f.x=(acctyp)0; f.y=(acctyp)0; f.z=(acctyp)0;
if (i<inum) {
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex);// = x_[i];
int itype = ix.w;
acctyp4 fM, vM;
acctyp eM;
if (itype == typeH) {
int iO = hneigh[i*4];
if (iO < inum) {
fM = ansO[iO];
f.x += fM.x * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
f.y += fM.y * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
f.z += fM.z * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
if (vflag > 0) {
vM = ansO[inum +iO];
engv[inum*2 + i] += vM.x * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
engv[inum*3 + i] += vM.y * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
engv[inum*4 + i] += vM.z * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
vM = ansO[inum*2+iO];
engv[inum*5 + i] += vM.x * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
engv[inum*6 + i] += vM.y * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
engv[inum*7 + i] += vM.z * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
} else {
fM = ansO[i];
int iH1 = hneigh[i*4 ];
int iH2 = hneigh[i*4+1];
f.x += fM.x * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
f.y += fM.y * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
f.z += fM.z * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
if (eflag > 0) {
eM = engv[i+inum];
engv[inum+i] = eM*(acctyp)(1 - alpha);
if (iH1 < inum) engv[inum+iH1] += eM * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
if (iH2 < inum) engv[inum+iH2] += eM * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
if (vflag > 0) {
vM = ansO[inum + i];
engv[inum*2 + i] += vM.x * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
engv[inum*3 + i] += vM.y * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
engv[inum*4 + i] += vM.z * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
vM = ansO[inum*2 + i];
engv[inum*5 + i] += vM.x * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
engv[inum*6 + i] += vM.y * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
engv[inum*7 + i] += vM.z * (acctyp)(1 - alpha);
acctyp4 old=ans[i];
} // if ii
__kernel void k_lj_tip4p_reneigh(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const int nall, const int inum,
const int nbor_pitch, const int t_per_atom,
__global int *restrict hneigh,
__global numtyp4 *restrict m,
const int typeO, const int typeH,
const __global tagint *restrict tag, const __global int *restrict map,
const __global int *restrict sametag) {
int tid, ii, offset;
int i = BLOCK_ID_X*(BLOCK_SIZE_X)+tid;
if (i<nall) {
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
int iH1, iH2, iO;
int itype = ix.w;
if(itype == typeO) {
iO = i;
if (hneigh[i*4+2] != -1) {
iH1 = atom_mapping(map, tag[i] + 1);
iH2 = atom_mapping(map, tag[i] + 2);
// set iH1,iH2 to closest image to O
iH1 = closest_image(i, iH1, sametag, x_);
iH2 = closest_image(i, iH2, sametag, x_);
hneigh[i*4 ] = iH1;
hneigh[i*4+1] = iH2;
hneigh[i*4+2] = -1;
} else {
if (hneigh[i*4+2] != -1) {
int iI, iH;
iI = atom_mapping(map,tag[i] - 1);
numtyp4 iIx; fetch4(iIx,iI,pos_tex); //x_[iI];
if ((int)iIx.w == typeH) {
iO = atom_mapping(map,tag[i] - 2);
iO = closest_image(i, iO, sametag, x_);
iH1 = closest_image(i, iI, sametag, x_);
iH2 = i;
} else { //if ((int)iIx.w == typeO)
iH = atom_mapping(map, tag[i] + 1);
iO = closest_image(i,iI,sametag, x_);
iH1 = i;
iH2 = closest_image(i,iH,sametag, x_);
hneigh[i*4+0] = iO;
hneigh[i*4+1] += -1;
hneigh[i*4+2] = -1;
__kernel void k_lj_tip4p_newsite(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
const int nall, const int inum,
const int nbor_pitch, const int t_per_atom,
__global int *restrict hneigh,
__global numtyp4 *restrict m,
const int typeO, const int typeH,
const numtyp alpha, const __global numtyp *restrict q_) {
int tid, ii, offset;
int i = BLOCK_ID_X*(BLOCK_SIZE_X)+tid;
if (i<nall) {
int iO, iH1, iH2;
iO = i;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
int itype = ix.w;
if (itype == typeO) {
int iH1, iH2, iO;
iH1 = hneigh[i*4 ];
iH2 = hneigh[i*4+1];
iO = i;
numtyp qO; fetch(qO,iO,q_tex);
compute_newsite(iO,iH1,iH2, &m[iO], qO, alpha, x_);
__kernel void k_lj_tip4p_long(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global numtyp4 *restrict lj1,
const __global numtyp4 *restrict lj3,
const int lj_types,
const __global numtyp *restrict sp_lj,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag, const int inum,
const int nbor_pitch, const int t_per_atom,
__global int *restrict hneigh,
__global numtyp4 *restrict m,
const int typeO, const int typeH,
const numtyp alpha,
const __global numtyp *restrict q_,
const __global numtyp *restrict cutsq,
const numtyp qqrd2e, const numtyp g_ewald,
const numtyp cut_coulsq, const numtyp cut_coulsqplus,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ansO) {
int tid, ii, offset;
const numtyp eq_zero = 1e-6;
acctyp energy = (acctyp)0;
acctyp e_coul = (acctyp)0;
acctyp4 f, fO;
f.x=(acctyp)0; f.y=(acctyp)0; f.z=(acctyp)0;
fO.x=(acctyp)0; fO.y=(acctyp)0; fO.z=(acctyp)0;
acctyp virial[6],vO[6];
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
if (ii<inum) {
int i, numj, nbor, nbor_end;
__local int n_stride;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
numtyp qtmp; fetch(qtmp,i,q_tex);
int itype = ix.w;
numtyp4 x1 = ix;
int non_local_oxy = 0;
int iH1, iH2, iO;
if(itype == typeO) {
iO = i;
iH1 = hneigh[i*4 ];
iH2 = hneigh[i*4+1];
x1 = m[iO];
} else {
iO = hneigh[i *4 ];
iH1 = hneigh[iO*4 ];
iH2 = hneigh[iO*4+1];
if (iO >= inum) {
non_local_oxy = 1;
for ( ; nbor<nbor_end; nbor+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor];
numtyp factor_lj,factor_coul;
factor_lj = sp_lj[sbmask(j)];
factor_coul = (numtyp)1.0-sp_lj[sbmask(j)+4];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
int jtype = jx.w;
// Compute r12
numtyp delx = ix.x-jx.x;
numtyp dely = ix.y-jx.y;
numtyp delz = ix.z-jx.z;
numtyp rsq = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
int mtype = itype*lj_types+jtype;
if (rsq < lj1[mtype].z) { // cut_ljsq
numtyp r2inv = ucl_recip(rsq);
numtyp r6inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
numtyp forcelj = r6inv*(lj1[mtype].x*r6inv-lj1[mtype].y);
forcelj *= r2inv*factor_lj;
f.x += delx*forcelj;
f.y += dely*forcelj;
f.z += delz*forcelj;
if (eflag>0) {
numtyp e = r6inv * (lj3[mtype].x*r6inv-lj3[mtype].y);
energy += factor_lj * (e - lj3[mtype].z);
if (vflag>0) {
virial[0] += delx*delx*forcelj;
virial[1] += dely*dely*forcelj;
virial[2] += delz*delz*forcelj;
virial[3] += delx*dely*forcelj;
virial[4] += delx*delz*forcelj;
virial[5] += dely*delz*forcelj;
} // if LJ
if (rsq < cut_coulsqplus) { //cut_coulsqplus
int jH1, jH2, jO;
numtyp qj; fetch(qj,j,q_tex);
numtyp4 x2 = jx;
if(itype == typeO || jtype == typeO) {
if (jtype == typeO) {
jO = j;
jH1 = hneigh[j*4 ];
jH2 = hneigh[j*4+1];
x2 = m[j];
delx = x1.x-x2.x;
dely = x1.y-x2.y;
delz = x1.z-x2.z;
rsq = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
if (rsq < cut_coulsq) {
numtyp r2inv = ucl_recip(rsq);
numtyp r = ucl_rsqrt(r2inv);
numtyp grij = g_ewald * r;
numtyp expm2 = ucl_exp(-grij*grij);
numtyp t = ucl_recip((numtyp)1.0 + EWALD_P*grij);
numtyp _erfc = t * (A1+t*(A2+t*(A3+t*(A4+t*A5)))) * expm2;
numtyp prefactor = qj;
prefactor *= qqrd2e*qtmp/r;
numtyp force_coul = r2inv*prefactor * (_erfc + EWALD_F*grij*expm2 - factor_coul);
if (itype == typeH) {
f.x += delx * force_coul;
f.y += dely * force_coul;
f.z += delz * force_coul;
f.w += 0;
} else {
fO.x += delx * force_coul;
fO.y += dely * force_coul;
fO.z += delz * force_coul;
fO.w += 0;
if (eflag>0) {
e_coul += prefactor*(_erfc-factor_coul);
if (vflag>0) {
acctyp4 fd;
fd.x = delx*force_coul;
fd.y = dely*force_coul;
fd.z = delz*force_coul;
if (itype == typeH) {
if (jtype == typeH) {
virial[0] += delx*fd.x;
virial[1] += dely*fd.y;
virial[2] += delz*fd.z;
virial[3] += delx*fd.y;
virial[4] += delx*fd.z;
virial[5] += dely*fd.z;
} else {
numtyp cO = 1 - alpha, cH = 0.5*alpha;
numtyp4 vdj;
numtyp4 xjH1; fetch4(xjH1,jH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xjH2; fetch4(xjH2,jH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xjO; fetch4(xjO,jO,pos_tex);
vdj.x = xjO.x*cO + xjH1.x*cH + xjH2.x*cH;
vdj.y = xjO.y*cO + xjH1.y*cH + xjH2.y*cH;
vdj.z = xjO.z*cO + xjH1.z*cH + xjH2.z*cH;
//vdj.w = vdj.w;
virial[0] += (ix.x - vdj.x)*fd.x;
virial[1] += (ix.y - vdj.y)*fd.y;
virial[2] += (ix.z - vdj.z)*fd.z;
virial[3] += (ix.x - vdj.x)*fd.y;
virial[4] += (ix.x - vdj.x)*fd.z;
virial[5] += (ix.y - vdj.y)*fd.z;
} else {
numtyp cO = 1 - alpha, cH = 0.5*alpha;
numtyp4 vdi, vdj;
numtyp4 xH1; fetch4(xH1,iH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xH2; fetch4(xH2,iH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xO; fetch4(xO,iO,pos_tex);
vdi.x = xO.x*cO + xH1.x*cH + xH2.x*cH;
vdi.y = xO.y*cO + xH1.y*cH + xH2.y*cH;
vdi.z = xO.z*cO + xH1.z*cH + xH2.z*cH;
//vdi.w = vdi.w;
if (jtype != typeH) {
numtyp4 xjH1; fetch4(xjH1,jH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xjH2; fetch4(xjH2,jH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xjO; fetch4(xjO,jO,pos_tex);
vdj.x = xjO.x*cO + xjH1.x*cH + xjH2.x*cH;
vdj.y = xjO.y*cO + xjH1.y*cH + xjH2.y*cH;
vdj.z = xjO.z*cO + xjH1.z*cH + xjH2.z*cH;
//vdj.w = vdj.w;
} else vdj = jx;
vO[0] += 0.5*(vdi.x - vdj.x)*fd.x;
vO[1] += 0.5*(vdi.y - vdj.y)*fd.y;
vO[2] += 0.5*(vdi.z - vdj.z)*fd.z;
vO[3] += 0.5*(vdi.x - vdj.x)*fd.y;
vO[4] += 0.5*(vdi.x - vdj.x)*fd.z;
vO[5] += 0.5*(vdi.y - vdj.y)*fd.z;
if (non_local_oxy == 1) {
if (iO == j) {
x2 = ix;
qj = qtmp;
numtyp4 x1m = m[iO];
delx = x1m.x-x2.x;
dely = x1m.y-x2.y;
delz = x1m.z-x2.z;
rsq = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
if (rsq < cut_coulsq) {
numtyp r2inv = ucl_recip(rsq);
numtyp r = ucl_rsqrt(r2inv);
numtyp grij = g_ewald * r;
numtyp expm2 = ucl_exp(-grij*grij);
numtyp t = ucl_recip((numtyp)1.0 + EWALD_P*grij);
numtyp _erfc = t * (A1+t*(A2+t*(A3+t*(A4+t*A5)))) * expm2;
numtyp prefactor = qj;
prefactor *= qqrd2e*x1m.w/r;
numtyp force_coul = r2inv*prefactor * (_erfc + EWALD_F*grij*expm2 - factor_coul);
numtyp cO = 1 - alpha, cH = 0.5*alpha;
numtyp4 fd;
fd.x = delx * force_coul * cH;
fd.y = dely * force_coul * cH;
fd.z = delz * force_coul * cH;
f.x += fd.x;
f.y += fd.y;
f.z += fd.z;
if (eflag>0) {
e_coul += prefactor*(_erfc-factor_coul) * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
if (vflag>0) {
numtyp4 xH1; fetch4(xH1,iH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xH2; fetch4(xH2,iH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xO; fetch4(xO,iO,pos_tex);
virial[0] += ((xO.x*cO + xH1.x*cH + xH2.x*cH) - x2.x) * fd.x;
virial[1] += ((xO.y*cO + xH1.y*cH + xH2.y*cH) - x2.y) * fd.y;
virial[2] += ((xO.z*cO + xH1.z*cH + xH2.z*cH) - x2.z) * fd.z;
virial[3] += ((xO.x*cO + xH1.x*cH + xH2.x*cH) - x2.x) * fd.y;
virial[4] += ((xO.x*cO + xH1.x*cH + xH2.x*cH) - x2.x) * fd.z;
virial[5] += ((xO.y*cO + xH1.y*cH + xH2.y*cH) - x2.y) * fd.z;
} // if cut_coulsqplus
} // for nbor
if (t_per_atom>1) {
#if (ARCH < 300)
__local acctyp red_acc[6][BLOCK_PAIR];
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) {
if (offset < s) {
for (int r=0; r<4; r++)
red_acc[r][tid] += red_acc[r][tid+s];
if (vflag>0) {
for (int r=0; r<6; r++) red_acc[r][tid]=vO[r];
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) {
if (offset < s) {
for (int r=0; r<6; r++)
red_acc[r][tid] += red_acc[r][tid+s];
for (int r=0; r<6; r++) vO[r]=red_acc[r][tid];
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) {
fO.x += shfl_xor(fO.x, s, t_per_atom);
fO.y += shfl_xor(fO.y, s, t_per_atom);
fO.z += shfl_xor(fO.z, s, t_per_atom);
fO.w += shfl_xor(fO.w, s, t_per_atom);
if (vflag>0) {
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) {
for (int r=0; r<6; r++)
vO[r] += shfl_xor(vO[r], s, t_per_atom);
if(offset == 0) {
ansO[i] = fO;
if (vflag>0) {
ansO[inum + i].x = vO[0];
ansO[inum + i].y = vO[1];
ansO[inum + i].z = vO[2];
ansO[inum*2 + i].x = vO[3];
ansO[inum*2 + i].y = vO[4];
ansO[inum*2 + i].z = vO[5];
} // if ii
__kernel void k_lj_tip4p_long_fast(const __global numtyp4 *restrict x_,
const __global numtyp4 *restrict lj1_in,
const __global numtyp4 *restrict lj3_in,
const int lj_types,
const __global numtyp *restrict sp_lj_in,
const __global int * dev_nbor,
const __global int * dev_packed,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ans,
__global acctyp *restrict engv,
const int eflag, const int vflag, const int inum,
const int nbor_pitch, const int t_per_atom,
__global int *restrict hneigh,
__global numtyp4 *restrict m,
const int typeO, const int typeH,
const numtyp alpha,
const __global numtyp *restrict q_,
const __global numtyp *restrict cutsq,
const numtyp qqrd2e, const numtyp g_ewald,
const numtyp cut_coulsq, const numtyp cut_coulsqplus,
__global acctyp4 *restrict ansO) {
int tid, ii, offset;
const numtyp eq_zero = 1e-6;
__local numtyp sp_lj[8];
if (tid<8)
if (eflag>0)
acctyp energy = (acctyp)0;
acctyp e_coul = (acctyp)0;
acctyp4 f, fO;
f.x=(acctyp)0; f.y=(acctyp)0; f.z=(acctyp)0;
fO.x=(acctyp)0; fO.y=(acctyp)0; fO.z=(acctyp)0;
acctyp virial[6],vO[6];
for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
if (ii<inum) {
int i, numj, nbor, nbor_end;
__local int n_stride;
numtyp4 ix; fetch4(ix,i,pos_tex); //x_[i];
numtyp qtmp; fetch(qtmp,i,q_tex);
int itype = ix.w;
numtyp4 x1 = ix;
int non_local_oxy = 0;
int iH1, iH2, iO;
if(itype == typeO) {
iO = i;
iH1 = hneigh[i*4 ];
iH2 = hneigh[i*4+1];
x1 = m[iO];
} else {
iO = hneigh[i *4 ];
iH1 = hneigh[iO*4 ];
iH2 = hneigh[iO*4+1];
if (iO >= inum) {
non_local_oxy = 1;
for ( ; nbor<nbor_end; nbor+=n_stride) {
int j=dev_packed[nbor];
numtyp factor_lj,factor_coul;
factor_lj = sp_lj[sbmask(j)];
factor_coul = (numtyp)1.0-sp_lj[sbmask(j)+4];
numtyp4 jx; fetch4(jx,j,pos_tex); //x_[j];
int jtype = jx.w;
// Compute r12
numtyp delx = ix.x-jx.x;
numtyp dely = ix.y-jx.y;
numtyp delz = ix.z-jx.z;
numtyp rsq = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
int mtype = itype*lj_types+jtype;
if (rsq < lj1[mtype].z) { // cut_ljsq
numtyp r2inv = ucl_recip(rsq);
numtyp r6inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
numtyp forcelj = r6inv*(lj1[mtype].x*r6inv-lj1[mtype].y);
forcelj *= r2inv*factor_lj;
f.x += delx*forcelj;
f.y += dely*forcelj;
f.z += delz*forcelj;
if (eflag>0) {
numtyp e = r6inv * (lj3[mtype].x*r6inv-lj3[mtype].y);
energy += factor_lj * (e - lj3[mtype].z);
if (vflag>0) {
virial[0] += delx*delx*forcelj;
virial[1] += dely*dely*forcelj;
virial[2] += delz*delz*forcelj;
virial[3] += delx*dely*forcelj;
virial[4] += delx*delz*forcelj;
virial[5] += dely*delz*forcelj;
} // if LJ
if (rsq < cut_coulsqplus) { //cut_coulsqplus
int jH1, jH2, jO;
numtyp qj; fetch(qj,j,q_tex);
numtyp4 x2 = jx;
if(itype == typeO || jtype == typeO) {
if (jtype == typeO) {
jO = j;
jH1 = hneigh[j*4 ];
jH2 = hneigh[j*4+1];
x2 = m[j];
delx = x1.x-x2.x;
dely = x1.y-x2.y;
delz = x1.z-x2.z;
rsq = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
if (rsq < cut_coulsq) {
numtyp r2inv = ucl_recip(rsq);
numtyp r = ucl_rsqrt(r2inv);
numtyp grij = g_ewald * r;
numtyp expm2 = ucl_exp(-grij*grij);
numtyp t = ucl_recip((numtyp)1.0 + EWALD_P*grij);
numtyp _erfc = t * (A1+t*(A2+t*(A3+t*(A4+t*A5)))) * expm2;
numtyp prefactor = qj;
prefactor *= qqrd2e*qtmp/r;
numtyp force_coul = r2inv*prefactor * (_erfc + EWALD_F*grij*expm2 - factor_coul);
if (itype == typeH) {
f.x += delx * force_coul;
f.y += dely * force_coul;
f.z += delz * force_coul;
f.w += 0;
} else {
fO.x += delx * force_coul;
fO.y += dely * force_coul;
fO.z += delz * force_coul;
fO.w += 0;
if (eflag>0) {
e_coul += prefactor*(_erfc-factor_coul);
if (vflag>0) {
acctyp4 fd;
fd.x = delx*force_coul;
fd.y = dely*force_coul;
fd.z = delz*force_coul;
if (itype == typeH) {
if (jtype == typeH) {
virial[0] += delx*fd.x;
virial[1] += dely*fd.y;
virial[2] += delz*fd.z;
virial[3] += delx*fd.y;
virial[4] += delx*fd.z;
virial[5] += dely*fd.z;
} else {
numtyp cO = 1 - alpha, cH = 0.5*alpha;
numtyp4 vdj;
numtyp4 xjH1; fetch4(xjH1,jH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xjH2; fetch4(xjH2,jH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xjO; fetch4(xjO,jO,pos_tex);
vdj.x = xjO.x*cO + xjH1.x*cH + xjH2.x*cH;
vdj.y = xjO.y*cO + xjH1.y*cH + xjH2.y*cH;
vdj.z = xjO.z*cO + xjH1.z*cH + xjH2.z*cH;
//vdj.w = vdj.w;
virial[0] += (ix.x - vdj.x)*fd.x;
virial[1] += (ix.y - vdj.y)*fd.y;
virial[2] += (ix.z - vdj.z)*fd.z;
virial[3] += (ix.x - vdj.x)*fd.y;
virial[4] += (ix.x - vdj.x)*fd.z;
virial[5] += (ix.y - vdj.y)*fd.z;
} else {
numtyp cO = 1 - alpha, cH = 0.5*alpha;
numtyp4 vdi, vdj;
numtyp4 xH1; fetch4(xH1,iH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xH2; fetch4(xH2,iH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xO; fetch4(xO,iO,pos_tex);
vdi.x = xO.x*cO + xH1.x*cH + xH2.x*cH;
vdi.y = xO.y*cO + xH1.y*cH + xH2.y*cH;
vdi.z = xO.z*cO + xH1.z*cH + xH2.z*cH;
//vdi.w = vdi.w;
if (jtype != typeH) {
numtyp4 xjH1; fetch4(xjH1,jH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xjH2; fetch4(xjH2,jH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xjO; fetch4(xjO,jO,pos_tex);
vdj.x = xjO.x*cO + xjH1.x*cH + xjH2.x*cH;
vdj.y = xjO.y*cO + xjH1.y*cH + xjH2.y*cH;
vdj.z = xjO.z*cO + xjH1.z*cH + xjH2.z*cH;
//vdj.w = vdj.w;
} else vdj = jx;
vO[0] += 0.5*(vdi.x - vdj.x)*fd.x;
vO[1] += 0.5*(vdi.y - vdj.y)*fd.y;
vO[2] += 0.5*(vdi.z - vdj.z)*fd.z;
vO[3] += 0.5*(vdi.x - vdj.x)*fd.y;
vO[4] += 0.5*(vdi.x - vdj.x)*fd.z;
vO[5] += 0.5*(vdi.y - vdj.y)*fd.z;
if (non_local_oxy == 1) {
if (iO == j) {
x2 = ix;
qj = qtmp;
numtyp4 x1m = m[iO];
delx = x1m.x-x2.x;
dely = x1m.y-x2.y;
delz = x1m.z-x2.z;
rsq = delx*delx+dely*dely+delz*delz;
if (rsq < cut_coulsq) {
numtyp r2inv = ucl_recip(rsq);
numtyp r = ucl_rsqrt(r2inv);
numtyp grij = g_ewald * r;
numtyp expm2 = ucl_exp(-grij*grij);
numtyp t = ucl_recip((numtyp)1.0 + EWALD_P*grij);
numtyp _erfc = t * (A1+t*(A2+t*(A3+t*(A4+t*A5)))) * expm2;
numtyp prefactor = qj;
prefactor *= qqrd2e*x1m.w/r;
numtyp force_coul = r2inv*prefactor * (_erfc + EWALD_F*grij*expm2 - factor_coul);
numtyp cO = 1 - alpha, cH = 0.5*alpha;
numtyp4 fd;
fd.x = delx * force_coul * cH;
fd.y = dely * force_coul * cH;
fd.z = delz * force_coul * cH;
f.x += fd.x;
f.y += fd.y;
f.z += fd.z;
if (eflag>0) {
e_coul += prefactor*(_erfc-factor_coul) * (acctyp)0.5 * alpha;
if (vflag>0) {
numtyp4 xH1; fetch4(xH1,iH1,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xH2; fetch4(xH2,iH2,pos_tex);
numtyp4 xO; fetch4(xO,iO,pos_tex);
virial[0] += ((xO.x*cO + xH1.x*cH + xH2.x*cH) - x2.x) * fd.x;
virial[1] += ((xO.y*cO + xH1.y*cH + xH2.y*cH) - x2.y) * fd.y;
virial[2] += ((xO.z*cO + xH1.z*cH + xH2.z*cH) - x2.z) * fd.z;
virial[3] += ((xO.x*cO + xH1.x*cH + xH2.x*cH) - x2.x) * fd.y;
virial[4] += ((xO.x*cO + xH1.x*cH + xH2.x*cH) - x2.x) * fd.z;
virial[5] += ((xO.y*cO + xH1.y*cH + xH2.y*cH) - x2.y) * fd.z;
} // if cut_coulsqplus
} // for nbor
if (t_per_atom>1) {
#if (ARCH < 300)
__local acctyp red_acc[6][BLOCK_PAIR];
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) {
if (offset < s) {
for (int r=0; r<4; r++)
red_acc[r][tid] += red_acc[r][tid+s];
if (vflag>0) {
for (int r=0; r<6; r++) red_acc[r][tid]=vO[r];
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) {
if (offset < s) {
for (int r=0; r<6; r++)
red_acc[r][tid] += red_acc[r][tid+s];
for (int r=0; r<6; r++) vO[r]=red_acc[r][tid];
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) {
fO.x += shfl_xor(fO.x, s, t_per_atom);
fO.y += shfl_xor(fO.y, s, t_per_atom);
fO.z += shfl_xor(fO.z, s, t_per_atom);
fO.w += shfl_xor(fO.w, s, t_per_atom);
if (vflag>0) {
for (unsigned int s=t_per_atom/2; s>0; s>>=1) {
for (int r=0; r<6; r++)
vO[r] += shfl_xor(vO[r], s, t_per_atom);
if(offset == 0) {
ansO[i] = fO;
if (vflag>0) {
ansO[inum + i].x = vO[0];
ansO[inum + i].y = vO[1];
ansO[inum + i].z = vO[2];
ansO[inum*2 + i].x = vO[3];
ansO[inum*2 + i].y = vO[4];
ansO[inum*2 + i].z = vO[5];
} // if ii