forked from lijiext/lammps
114 lines
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114 lines
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/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright (2010) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the Simplified BSD License.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include "hip_kernel.h"
#include "hip_mat.h"
namespace ucl_hip {
inline hipError_t hipModuleGetTexRef(CUtexref* texRef, hipModule_t hmod, const char* name){
return hipCUResultTohipError(cuModuleGetTexRef(texRef, hmod, name));
inline hipError_t hipTexRefSetFormat(CUtexref tex, hipArray_Format fmt, int NumPackedComponents) {
return hipCUResultTohipError(cuTexRefSetFormat(tex, (CUarray_format)fmt, NumPackedComponents ));
inline hipError_t hipTexRefSetAddress(size_t* offset, CUtexref tex, hipDeviceptr_t devPtr, size_t size) {
return hipCUResultTohipError(cuTexRefSetAddress(offset, tex, devPtr, size));
/// Class storing a texture reference
class UCL_Texture {
UCL_Texture() {}
~UCL_Texture() {}
/// Construct with a specified texture reference
inline UCL_Texture(UCL_Program &prog, const char *texture_name)
{ get_texture(prog,texture_name); }
/// Set the texture reference for this object
inline void get_texture(UCL_Program &prog, const char *texture_name)
CU_SAFE_CALL(hipModuleGetTexRef(&_tex, prog._module, texture_name));
size_t _global_var_size;
CU_SAFE_CALL(hipModuleGetGlobal(&_device_ptr_to_global_var, &_global_var_size, prog._module, texture_name));
/// Bind a float array where each fetch grabs a vector of length numel
template<class numtyp>
inline void bind_float(UCL_D_Vec<numtyp> &vec, const unsigned numel)
{ _bind_float(vec,numel); }
/// Bind a float array where each fetch grabs a vector of length numel
template<class numtyp>
inline void bind_float(UCL_D_Mat<numtyp> &vec, const unsigned numel)
{ _bind_float(vec,numel); }
/// Bind a float array where each fetch grabs a vector of length numel
template<class numtyp, class devtyp>
inline void bind_float(UCL_Vector<numtyp, devtyp> &vec, const unsigned numel)
{ _bind_float(vec.device,numel); }
/// Bind a float array where each fetch grabs a vector of length numel
template<class numtyp, class devtyp>
inline void bind_float(UCL_Matrix<numtyp, devtyp> &vec, const unsigned numel)
{ _bind_float(vec.device,numel); }
/// Unbind the texture reference from the memory allocation
inline void unbind() { }
/// Make a texture reference available to kernel
inline void allow(UCL_Kernel &kernel) {
//#if CUDA_VERSION < 4000
//CU_SAFE_CALL(cuParamSetTexRef(kernel._kernel, CU_PARAM_TR_DEFAULT, _tex));
CUtexref _tex;
void* _device_ptr_to_global_var;
friend class UCL_Kernel;
template<class mat_typ>
inline void _bind_float(mat_typ &vec, const unsigned numel) {
#ifdef UCL_DEBUG
assert(numel!=0 && numel<5);
if (vec.element_size()==sizeof(float))
CU_SAFE_CALL(hipTexRefSetFormat(_tex, HIP_AD_FORMAT_FLOAT, numel));
else {
if (numel>2)
CU_SAFE_CALL(hipTexRefSetFormat(_tex, HIP_AD_FORMAT_SIGNED_INT32, numel));
CU_SAFE_CALL(hipTexRefSetAddress(NULL, _tex, vec.cbegin(), vec.numel()*vec.element_size()));
void* data_ptr = (void*)vec.cbegin();
CU_SAFE_CALL(hipMemcpyHtoD(hipDeviceptr_t(_device_ptr_to_global_var), &data_ptr, sizeof(void*)));
} // namespace