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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "pointers.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class NeighRequest : protected Pointers {
void *requestor; // class that made request
int id; // ID of request
// used to track multiple requests from one class
// which class is requesting the list, one flag is 1, others are 0
int pair;
int fix;
int compute;
int command;
// kind of list requested
// set by requesting class
int half; // 1 if half neigh list
int full; // 1 if full neigh list
int gran; // 1 if granular list
int granhistory; // 1 if granular history list
int respainner; // 1 if a rRESPA inner list
int respamiddle; // 1 if a rRESPA middle list
int respaouter; // 1 if a rRESPA outer list
int half_from_full; // 1 if half list computed from previous full list
// 0 if needed every reneighboring during run
// 1 if occasionally needed by a fix, compute, etc
// set by requesting class
int occasional;
// 0 if use force::newton_pair setting
// 1 if override with pair newton on
// 2 if override with pair newton off
int newton;
// 0 if user of list wants no encoding of special bond flags and all neighs
// 1 if user of list wants special bond flags encoded
int special;
// number of auxiliary floating point values to store, 0 if none
// set by requesting class
int dnum;
// 1 if also need neighbors of ghosts
int ghost;
// 1 if neighbor list build will be done on GPU
int cudable;
// set by neighbor and pair_hybrid after all requests are made
// these settings do not change kind value
int copy; // 1 if this list copied from another list
int skip; // 1 if this list skips atom types from another list
int *iskip; // iskip[i] if atoms of type I are not in list
int **ijskip; // ijskip[i][j] if pairs of type I,J are not in list
int otherlist; // other list to copy or skip from
// methods
NeighRequest(class LAMMPS *);
int identical(NeighRequest *);
int same_kind(NeighRequest *);
int same_skip(NeighRequest *);
void copy_request(NeighRequest *);