forked from lijiext/lammps
200 lines
6.8 KiB
200 lines
6.8 KiB
/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
|, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef LMP_FORCE_H
#define LMP_FORCE_H
#include "pointers.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class Force : protected Pointers {
double boltz; // Boltzmann constant (eng/degree-K)
double hplanck; // Planck's constant (energy-time)
double mvv2e; // conversion of mv^2 to energy
double ftm2v; // conversion of ft/m to velocity
double mv2d; // conversion of mass/volume to density
double nktv2p; // conversion of NkT/V to pressure
double qqr2e; // conversion of q^2/r to energy
double qe2f; // conversion of qE to force
double vxmu2f; // conversion of vx dynamic-visc to force
double xxt2kmu; // conversion of xx/t to kinematic-visc
double dielectric; // dielectric constant
double qqrd2e; // q^2/r to energy w/ dielectric constant
double e_mass; // electron mass
double hhmrr2e; // conversion of (hbar)^2/(mr^2) to energy
double mvh2r; // conversion of mv/hbar to distance
// hbar = h/(2*pi)
double angstrom; // 1 angstrom in native units
double femtosecond; // 1 femtosecond in native units
double qelectron; // 1 electron charge abs() in native units
double qqr2e_lammps_real; // different versions of this constant
double qqr2e_charmm_real; // used by new CHARMM pair styles
int newton,newton_pair,newton_bond; // Newton's 3rd law settings
class Pair *pair;
char *pair_style;
class Bond *bond;
char *bond_style;
class Angle *angle;
char *angle_style;
class Dihedral *dihedral;
char *dihedral_style;
class Improper *improper;
char *improper_style;
class KSpace *kspace;
char *kspace_style;
typedef Pair *(*PairCreator)(LAMMPS *);
typedef Bond *(*BondCreator)(LAMMPS *);
typedef Angle *(*AngleCreator)(LAMMPS *);
typedef Dihedral *(*DihedralCreator)(LAMMPS *);
typedef Improper *(*ImproperCreator)(LAMMPS *);
typedef KSpace *(*KSpaceCreator)(LAMMPS *,int,char**);
typedef std::map<std::string,PairCreator> PairCreatorMap;
typedef std::map<std::string,BondCreator> BondCreatorMap;
typedef std::map<std::string,AngleCreator> AngleCreatorMap;
typedef std::map<std::string,DihedralCreator> DihedralCreatorMap;
typedef std::map<std::string,ImproperCreator> ImproperCreatorMap;
typedef std::map<std::string,KSpaceCreator> KSpaceCreatorMap;
PairCreatorMap *pair_map;
BondCreatorMap *bond_map;
AngleCreatorMap *angle_map;
DihedralCreatorMap *dihedral_map;
ImproperCreatorMap *improper_map;
KSpaceCreatorMap *kspace_map;
// index [0] is not used in these arrays
double special_lj[4]; // 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 prefactors for LJ
double special_coul[4]; // 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 prefactors for Coulombics
int special_angle; // 0 if defined angles are ignored
// 1 if only weight 1,3 atoms if in an angle
int special_dihedral; // 0 if defined dihedrals are ignored
// 1 if only weight 1,4 atoms if in a dihedral
int special_extra; // extra space for added bonds
Force(class LAMMPS *);
void init();
void setup();
void create_pair(const char *, int);
class Pair *new_pair(const char *, int, int &);
class Pair *pair_match(const char *, int, int nsub=0);
char *pair_match_ptr(Pair *);
void create_bond(const char *, int);
class Bond *new_bond(const char *, int, int &);
class Bond *bond_match(const char *);
void create_angle(const char *, int);
class Angle *new_angle(const char *, int, int &);
class Angle *angle_match(const char *);
void create_dihedral(const char *, int);
class Dihedral *new_dihedral(const char *, int, int &);
class Dihedral *dihedral_match(const char *);
void create_improper(const char *, int);
class Improper *new_improper(const char *, int, int &);
class Improper *improper_match(const char *);
void create_kspace(int, char **, int);
class KSpace *new_kspace(int, char **, int, int &);
class KSpace *kspace_match(const char *, int);
void store_style(char *&, const char *, int);
void set_special(int, char **);
void bounds(const char *, int, char *, int, int &, int &, int nmin=1);
void boundsbig(const char *, int, char *, bigint, bigint &, bigint &, bigint nmin=1);
double numeric(const char *, int, char *);
int inumeric(const char *, int, char *);
bigint bnumeric(const char *, int, char *);
tagint tnumeric(const char *, int, char *);
FILE *open_potential(const char *);
const char *potential_name(const char *);
void potential_date(FILE *, const char *);
bigint memory_usage();
template <typename T> static Pair *pair_creator(LAMMPS *);
template <typename T> static Bond *bond_creator(LAMMPS *);
template <typename T> static Angle *angle_creator(LAMMPS *);
template <typename T> static Dihedral *dihedral_creator(LAMMPS *);
template <typename T> static Improper *improper_creator(LAMMPS *);
template <typename T> static KSpace *kspace_creator(LAMMPS *, int, char **);
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:
E: Unknown pair style
The choice of pair style is unknown.
E: Unknown bond style
The choice of bond style is unknown.
E: Unknown angle style
The choice of angle style is unknown.
E: Unknown dihedral style
The choice of dihedral style is unknown.
E: Unknown improper style
The choice of improper style is unknown.
E: Cannot yet use KSpace solver with grid with comm style tiled
This is current restriction in LAMMPS.
E: Unknown kspace style
The choice of kspace style is unknown.
E: Illegal ... command
Self-explanatory. Check the input script syntax and compare to the
documentation for the command. You can use -echo screen as a
command-line option when running LAMMPS to see the offending line.
E: Numeric index is out of bounds
A command with an argument that specifies an integer or range of
integers is using a value that is less than 1 or greater than the
maximum allowed limit.