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<CENTER><A HREF = "">LAMMPS WWW Site</A> - <A HREF = "Manual.html">LAMMPS Documentation</A> - <A HREF = "Section_commands.html#comm">LAMMPS Commands</A>
<H3>package command
<PRE>package style args
<UL><LI>style = <I>gpu</I> or <I>cuda</I> or <I>omp</I>
<LI>args = arguments specific to the style
<PRE> <I>gpu</I> args = mode first last split
mode = force or force/neigh
first = ID of first GPU to be used on each node
last = ID of last GPU to be used on each node
split = fraction of particles assigned to the GPU
<I>cuda</I> args = one or more keyword/value pairs may be appended
keywords = <I>gpu/node</I> or <I>gpu/node/special</I> or <I>timing</I> or <I>test</I> or <I>override/bpa</I>
gpu/node values = N
N = number of GPUs to be used per node
gpu/node/special values = N gpu1 .. gpuN
N = number of GPUs to be used per node
gpu1 .. gpuN = N IDs of the GPUs to use
timing values = none
test values = id
id = atom-ID of a test particle
override/bpa values = flag
flag = 0 for TpA algorithm, 1 for BpA algorithm
<I>omp</I> args = Nthreads mode
Nthreads = # of OpenMP threads to associate with each MPI process
mode = force or force/neigh (optional)
<PRE>package gpu force 0 0 1.0
package gpu force 0 0 0.75
package gpu force/neigh 0 0 1.0
package gpu force/neigh 0 1 -1.0
package omp * force/neigh
package omp 4 force
<P>This command invokes package-specific settings. Currently the
following packages use it: GPU, USER-CUDA, and USER-OMP.
<P>To use the accelerated GPU and USER-OMP styles, the use of the package
command is required. However, as described in the "Defaults" section
below, if you use the "-sf gpu" or "-sf omp" <A HREF = "Section_start.html#start_6">command-line
options</A> to enable use of these styles,
then default package settings are enabled. In that case you only need
to use the package command if you want to change the defaults.
<P>To use the accelerate USER-CUDA styles, the package command is not
required as defaults are assigned internally. You only need to use
the package command if you want to change the defaults.
<P>See <A HREF = "Section_accelerate.html">this section</A> of the manual for more
details about using these various packages for accelerating LAMMPS
<P>The <I>gpu</I> style invokes options associated with the use of the GPU
<P>The <I>mode</I> setting specifies where neighbor list calculations will be
performed. If <I>mode</I> is force, neighbor list calculation is performed
on the CPU. If <I>mode</I> is force/neigh, neighbor list calculation is
performed on the GPU. GPU neighbor list calculation currently cannot
be used with a triclinic box. GPU neighbor list calculation currently
cannot be used with <A HREF = "pair_hybrid.html">hybrid</A> pair styles. GPU
neighbor lists are not compatible with styles that are not
GPU-enabled. When a non-GPU enabled style requires a neighbor list,
it will also be built using CPU routines. In these cases, it will
typically be more efficient to only use CPU neighbor list builds.
<P>The <I>first</I> and <I>last</I> settings specify the GPUs that will be used for
simulation. On each node, the GPU IDs in the inclusive range from
<I>first</I> to <I>last</I> will be used.
<P>The <I>split</I> setting can be used for load balancing force calculation
work between CPU and GPU cores in GPU-enabled pair styles. If 0 <
<I>split</I> < 1.0, a fixed fraction of particles is offloaded to the GPU
while force calculation for the other particles occurs simulataneously
on the CPU. If <I>split</I><0, the optimal fraction (based on CPU and GPU
timings) is calculated every 25 timesteps. If <I>split</I> = 1.0, all force
calculations for GPU accelerated pair styles are performed on the
GPU. In this case, <A HREF = "pair_hybrid.html">hybrid</A>, <A HREF = "bond_style.html">bond</A>,
<A HREF = "angle_style.html">angle</A>, <A HREF = "dihedral_style.html">dihedral</A>,
<A HREF = "improper_style.html">improper</A>, and <A HREF = "kspace_style.html">long-range</A>
calculations can be performed on the CPU while the GPU is performing
force calculations for the GPU-enabled pair style. If all CPU force
computations complete before the GPU, LAMMPS will block until the GPU
has finished before continuing the timestep.
<P>As an example, if you have two GPUs per node and 8 CPU cores per node,
and would like to run on 4 nodes (32 cores) with dynamic balancing of
force calculation across CPU and GPU cores, you could specify
<PRE>package gpu force/neigh 0 1 -1
<P>In this case, all CPU cores and GPU devices on the nodes would be
utilized. Each GPU device would be shared by 4 CPU cores. The CPU
cores would perform force calculations for some fraction of the
particles at the same time the GPUs performed force calculation for
the other particles.
<P>The <I>cuda</I> style invokes options associated with the use of the
USER-CUDA package.
<P>The <I>gpu/node</I> setting specifies the number <I>N</I> of GPUs to be used on
each node. An MPI process with rank <I>K</I> will use the GPU (K mod N).
This implies that processes should be assigned with successive ranks
on each node, which is the default with most (or even all) MPI
implementations. The default value for <I>N</I> is 2.
<P>The <I>gpu/node/special</I> setting also specifies the number (N) of GPUs
to be used on each node, but allows more control over their
specification. An MPI process with rank <I>K</I> will use the GPU <I>gpuI</I>
with l = (K mod N) + 1. This implies that processes should be assigned
with successive ranks on each node, which is the default with most (or
even all) MPI implementations. For example if you have three GPUs on
a machine, one of which is used for the X-Server (the GPU with the ID
1) while the others (with IDs 0 and 2) are used for computations you
would specify:
<PRE>package cuda gpu/node/special 2 0 2
<P>A main purpose of the <I>gpu/node/special</I> option is to allow two (or
more) simulations to be run on one workstation. In that case one
would set the first simulation to use GPU 0 and the second to use GPU
1. This is not necessary though, if the GPUs are in what is called
<I>compute exclusive</I> mode. Using that setting, every process will get
its own GPU automatically. This <I>compute exclusive</I> mode can be set
as root using the <I>nvidia-smi</I> tool which is part of the CUDA
<P>Note that if the <I>gpu/node/special</I> keyword is not used, the USER-CUDA
package sorts existing GPUs on each node according to their number of
multiprocessors. This way, compute GPUs will be priorized over
X-Server GPUs.
<P>Use of the <I>timing</I> keyword will output detailed timing information
for various subroutines.
<P>The <I>test</I> keyword will output info for the the specified atom at
several points during each time step. This is mainly usefull for
debugging purposes. Note that the simulation will be severly slowed
down if this option is used.
<P>The <I>override/bpa</I> keyword can be used to specify which mode is used
for pair-force evaluation. TpA = one thread per atom; BpA = one block
per atom. If this keyword is not used, a short test at the begin of
each run will determine which method is more effective (the result of
this test is part of the LAMMPS output). Therefore it is usually not
necessary to use this setting.
<P>The <I>omp</I> style invokes options associated with the use of the
USER-OMP package.
<P>The first argument allows to explicitly set the number of OpenMP
threads to be allocated for each MPI process. For example, if your
system has nodes with dual quad-core processors, it has a total of 8
cores per node. You could run MPI on 2 cores on each node (e.g. using
options for the mpirun command), and set the <I>Nthreads</I> setting to 4.
This would effectively use all 8 cores on each node. Since each MPI
process would spawn 4 threads (one of which runs as part of the MPI
process itself).
<P>For performance reasons, you should not set <I>Nthreads</I> to more threads
than there are physical cores (per MPI task), but LAMMPS cannot check
for this.
<P>An <I>Nthreads</I> value of '*' instructs LAMMPS to use whatever is the
default for the given OpenMP environment. This is usually determined
via the <I>OMP_NUM_THREADS</I> environment variable or the compiler
runtime. Please note that in most cases the default for OpenMP
capable compilers is to use one thread for each available CPU core
when <I>OMP_NUM_THREADS</I> is not set, which can lead to extremely bad
<P>Which combination of threads and MPI tasks gives the best performance
is difficult to predict and can depend on many components of your input.
Not all features of LAMMPS support OpenMP and the parallel efficiency
can be very different, too.
<P>The <I>mode</I> setting specifies where neighbor list calculations will be
multi-threaded as well. If <I>mode</I> is force, neighbor list calculation
is performed in serial. If <I>mode</I> is force/neigh, a multi-threaded
neighbor list build is used. Using the force/neigh setting is almost
always faster and should produce idential neighbor lists at the
expense of using some more memory (neighbor list pages are always
allocated for all threads at the same time and each thread works on
its own pages).
<P>This command cannot be used after the simulation box is defined by a
<A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A> or <A HREF = "create_box.html">create_box</A> command.
<P>The cuda style of this command can only be invoked if LAMMPS was built
with the USER-CUDA package. See the <A HREF = "Section_start.html#start_3">Making
LAMMPS</A> section for more info.
<P>The gpu style of this command can only be invoked if LAMMPS was built
with the GPU package. See the <A HREF = "Section_start.html#start_3">Making
LAMMPS</A> section for more info.
<P>The omp style of this command can only be invoked if LAMMPS was built
with the USER-OMP package. See the <A HREF = "Section_start.html#start_3">Making
LAMMPS</A> section for more info.
<P><B>Related commands:</B>
<P><A HREF = "suffix.html">suffix</A>
<P>If the "-sf gpu" <A HREF = "Section_start.html#start_6">command-line switch</A> is
used then it is as if the command "package gpu force/neigh 0 0 1" were
invoked, to specify default settings for the GPU package. If the
command-line switch is not used, then no defaults are set, and you
must specify the appropriate package command in your input script.
<P>The default settings for the USER CUDA package are "package cuda gpu
2". This is the case whether the "-sf cuda" <A HREF = "Section_start.html#start_6">command-line
switch</A> is used or not.
<P>If the "-sf omp" <A HREF = "Section_start.html#start_6">command-line switch</A> is
used then it is as if the command "package omp *" were invoked, to
specify default settings for the USER-OMP package. If the
command-line switch is not used, then no defaults are set, and you
must specify the appropriate package command in your input script.