forked from lijiext/lammps
581 lines
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581 lines
23 KiB
#ifndef FE_ENGINE_H
#define FE_ENGINE_H
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include "ATC_TypeDefs.h"
#include "Array.h"
#include "Array2D.h"
#include "FE_Mesh.h"
#include "PhysicsModel.h"
#include "OutputManager.h"
#include "MeshReader.h"
#include "mpi.h"
namespace ATC {
class ATC_Method;
class FE_Element;
class XT_Function;
class KernelFunction;
* @class FE_Engine
* @brief Base class for computing and assembling mass matrix
* and rhs vectors
class FE_Engine{
/** constructor/s */
FE_Engine(MPI_Comm comm);
/** destructor */
/** initialize */
void initialize();
MPI_Comm communicator() {return communicator_;}
void partition_mesh();
void departition_mesh();
bool is_partitioned() const { return feMesh_->is_partitioned(); }
int map_elem_to_myElem(int elemID) const
{ return feMesh_->map_elem_to_myElem(elemID); }
int map_myElem_to_elem(int myElemID) const
{ return feMesh_->map_myElem_to_elem(myElemID); }
// note: it is misleading to declare the following const
// because it touches the nIPsPer* data members, which
// are now declared mutable. Why? Well, set_quadrature
// has to be called from a const function, and all the
// matrices dependent on nIPsPer* are declared mutable
// as well (and have been). I think this is because a
// const engine needs to be able to deal with various
// quadratures and update its data members directly, which
// are really convenience-copies of data members that
// are more pertinent to other classes (FE_Interpolate,
// for the most part) that it uses temporarily for space/
// time speedups while doing it's computations.
// I approve of this usage of mutable, but the const/
// non-const member function declaring in this class is
// really all wrong to begin with.
/** set quadrature scheme, resize matrices if necessary as per
* initialize() */
void set_quadrature(FeIntQuadrature quadType, bool temp=true) const;
/** parser/modifier */
bool modify(int narg, char **arg);
/** finish up */
void finish();
/** print out the "global connectivity" of all elements */
void print_mesh() const;
/** \name output */
/** these assume the caller is handling the parallel collection */
void initialize_output(int rank, std::string outputPrefix, std::set<int> otypes);
/** write geometry */
void write_geometry(void);
/** write data: data is arrayed over _unique_ nodes
and then mapped by the engine */
void write_data(double time, FIELDS &soln, OUTPUT_LIST *data=nullptr);
void write_data(double time, OUTPUT_LIST *data);
void write_restart_file(std::string fileName, RESTART_LIST *data)
{ outputManager_.write_restart_file(fileName,data); }
void read_restart_file(std::string fileName, RESTART_LIST *data)
{ outputManager_.read_restart_file(fileName,data); }
void delete_elements(const std::set<int> &elementList);
void cut_mesh(const std::set<PAIR> &cutFaces, const std::set<int> &edgeNodes);
void add_global(const std::string name, const double value)
{ outputManager_.add_global(name,value); }
void add_field_names(const std::string field, const std::vector<std::string> & names)
{ outputManager_.add_field_names(field,names); }
void reset_globals() { outputManager_.reset_globals(); }
/** pass through to access output manager */
OutputManager *output_manager() { return &outputManager_; }
/** \name assembled matrices and vectors */
DENS_VEC interpolate_field(const DENS_VEC & x, const FIELD & f) const;
/** interpolate fields */
void interpolate_fields(const int ielem,
const FIELDS &fields,
AliasArray<int> &conn,
DIAG_MAT &weights,
std::map<FieldName,DENS_MAT> &fieldsAtIPs) const;
/** interpolate fields & gradients */
void interpolate_fields(const int ielem,
const FIELDS &fields,
AliasArray<int> &conn,
DIAG_MAT &weights,
FIELD_MATS &fieldsAtIPs,
GRAD_FIELD_MATS &grad_fieldsAtIPs) const;
/** compute a dimensionless stiffness matrix */
void stiffness_matrix(SPAR_MAT &matrix) const;
/** compute tangent matrix for a pair of fields - native quadrature */
void compute_tangent_matrix(
const RHS_MASK &rhsMask,
const std::pair<FieldName,FieldName> row_col,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
SPAR_MAT &tangent,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask=nullptr) const;
/** compute tangent matrix for a pair of fields - given quadrature */
void compute_tangent_matrix(const RHS_MASK &rhsMask,
const std::pair<FieldName,FieldName> row_col,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<std::set<int> > &pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
const SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN,
SPAR_MAT &tangent,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask=nullptr) const;
/** compute a consistent mass matrix for a field */
void compute_mass_matrix(
const Array<FieldName> &mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
CON_MASS_MATS &mass_matrix,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask=nullptr) const;
/** compute a dimensionless mass matrix */
void compute_mass_matrix(SPAR_MAT &mass_matrix) const;
/** computes a dimensionless mass matrix for the given-quadrature */
void compute_mass_matrix(const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
SPAR_MAT &mass_matrix) const;
/** compute a single dimensionless mass matrix */
void compute_lumped_mass_matrix(DIAG_MAT &lumped_mass_matrix) const;
/** compute lumped mass matrix = diag (\int \rho N_I dV) */
void compute_lumped_mass_matrix(
const Array<FieldName> &mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
MASS_MATS &mass_matrix,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask=nullptr) const;
/** compute dimensional lumped mass matrix using given quadrature */
void compute_lumped_mass_matrix(
const Array<FieldName> &mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<std::set<int> > &pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
MASS_MATS &mass_matrix) const;
/** compute an approximation to a finite difference gradient from mesh */
void compute_gradient_matrix(SPAR_MAT_VEC &grad_matrix) const;
/** compute energy */
void compute_energy(const Array<FieldName> &mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
FIELD_MATS &energy,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask=nullptr,
const IntegrationDomainType domain=FULL_DOMAIN) const;
/** compute residual or RHS of the dynamic weak eqn */
void compute_rhs_vector(
const RHS_MASK &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
FIELDS &rhs,
bool freeOnly=false,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask=nullptr) const;
/** compute RHS for given quadrature */
void compute_rhs_vector(const RHS_MASK &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<std::set<int> > &pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
const SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN,
FIELDS &rhs) const;
/** compute pointwise source for given quadrature */
void compute_source(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<std::set<int> > &pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
const SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN,
FIELD_MATS &sources) const;
/** compute flux in domain i.e. N^T B_integrand */
void compute_flux(const RHS_MASK &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask=nullptr) const;
/** compute the flux on the MD/FE boundary */
void compute_boundary_flux(const RHS_MASK &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
const std::set<PAIR> &faceSet,
FIELDS &rhs) const;
/** compute the flux on using an L2 interpolation of the flux */
void compute_boundary_flux(const RHS_MASK &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
const Array<std::set<int> > &pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
const SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN,
const DIAG_MAT &flux_mask,
FIELDS &rhs,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask=nullptr,
const std::set<int> *nodeSet=nullptr) const;
/** compute prescribed flux given an array of functions of x & t */
void add_fluxes(const Array<bool> &fieldMask,
const double time,
const SURFACE_SOURCE &sourceFunctions,
FIELDS &nodalSources) const;
void compute_fluxes(const Array<bool> &fieldMask,
const double time,
const SURFACE_SOURCE &sourceFunctions,
FIELDS &nodalSources) const
SURFACE_SOURCE::const_iterator src_iter;
for (src_iter=sourceFunctions.begin(); src_iter!=sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++) {
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
if (!fieldMask((int)_fieldName_)) continue;
if (nodalSources[_fieldName_].nRows()==0) {
add_fluxes(fieldMask, time, sourceFunctions, nodalSources);
/** compute robin flux given an array of functions of u, x & t */
void add_robin_fluxes(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const double time,
const ROBIN_SURFACE_SOURCE &sourceFunctions,
FIELDS &nodalSources) const;
void add_robin_tangent(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const double time,
const ROBIN_SURFACE_SOURCE &sourceFunctions,
SPAR_MAT &tangent) const;
/** compute open flux given a face set */
void add_open_fluxes(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const OPEN_SURFACE &openFaces,
FIELDS &nodalSources,
const FieldName velocity = ELECTRON_VELOCITY) const;
void add_open_tangent(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const OPEN_SURFACE &openFaces,
SPAR_MAT &tangent,
const FieldName velocity = ELECTRON_VELOCITY) const;
/** compute nodal vector of volume based sources */
void add_sources(const Array<bool> &fieldMask,
const double time,
const VOLUME_SOURCE &sourceFunctions,
FIELDS &nodalSources) const;
void add_sources(const Array<bool> &fieldMask,
const double time,
const FIELDS &sources,
FIELDS &nodalSources) const;
/** compute surface flux of a nodal field */
void field_surface_flux(const DENS_MAT &field,
const std::set<PAIR> &faceSet,
DENS_MAT &values,
const bool contour=false,
const int axis=2) const;
/** integrate a nodal field over an element set */
DENS_VEC integrate(const DENS_MAT &field, const ESET & eset) const;
/** integrate a nodal field over an face set */
DENS_VEC integrate(const DENS_MAT & /* field */, const FSET & /* fset */) const
{ throw ATC_Error(FILELINE,"unimplemented function"); }
/** \name shape functions */
/** evaluate shape function at a list of points in R^3 */
void evaluate_shape_functions(const MATRIX &coords,
SPAR_MAT &N) const;
/** evaluate shape function & derivatives at a list of points in R^3 */
void evaluate_shape_functions(const MATRIX &coords,
SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN) const;
/** evaluate shape function at a list of points in R^3 */
void evaluate_shape_functions(const MATRIX &coords,
const INT_ARRAY &pointToEltMap,
SPAR_MAT &N) const;
/** evaluate shape function & derivatives at a list of points in R^3 */
void evaluate_shape_functions(const MATRIX &coords,
const INT_ARRAY &pointToEltMap,
SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN) const;
/** evaluate shape derivatives at a list of points in R^3 */
void evaluate_shape_function_derivatives(const MATRIX &coords,
const INT_ARRAY &pointToEltMap,
SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN) const;
void shape_functions(const VECTOR &x,
DENS_VEC &shp,
Array<int> &node_list) const
{ feMesh_->shape_functions(x,shp,node_list); }
void shape_functions(const VECTOR & x,
DENS_VEC& shp,
DENS_MAT& dshp,
Array<int> &node_list) const
{ feMesh_->shape_functions(x,shp,dshp,node_list); }
void shape_functions(const VECTOR &x,
const int eltId,
DENS_VEC& shp,
Array<int> &node_list) const
{ feMesh_->shape_functions(x,eltId,shp,node_list); }
void shape_functions(const VECTOR &x,
DENS_VEC& shp,
Array<int> &node_list,
int &eltId) const
{ feMesh_->shape_functions(x,shp,node_list,eltId); }
void shape_functions(const VECTOR &x,
const int eltId,
DENS_VEC &shp,
DENS_MAT &dshp,
Array<int> &node_list) const
{ feMesh_->shape_functions(x,eltId,shp,dshp,node_list); }
/** \name kernel functions */
/** evaluate kernel function */
void evaluate_kernel_functions(const MATRIX &pt_coords,
SPAR_MAT &N) const;
/** kernel matrix bandwidth */
int kernel_matrix_bandwidth(const MATRIX &pt_coords) const;
/** \name nodeset */
/** pass through */
void create_nodeset(const std::string &name, const std::set<int> &nodeset)
{ feMesh_->create_nodeset(name,nodeset); }
/** \name accessors */
/** even though these are pass-throughs there is a necessary
* translation */
/** return number of unique nodes */
int num_nodes() const { return feMesh_->num_nodes_unique(); }
/** return number of total nodes */
int nNodesTotal() const { return feMesh_->num_nodes(); }
/** return number of elements */
int num_elements() const { return feMesh_->num_elements(); }
int my_num_elements() const { return feMesh_->my_num_elements(); }
/** return number of nodes per element */
int num_nodes_per_element() const { return feMesh_->num_nodes_per_element(); }
/** return element connectivity */
void element_connectivity(const int eltID,
Array<int> & nodes) const
{ feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(eltID, nodes); }
/** return face connectivity */
void face_connectivity(const PAIR &faceID,
Array<int> &nodes) const
{ feMesh_->face_connectivity_unique(faceID, nodes); }
/** in lieu of pass-throughs const accessors ... */
/** return const ptr to mesh */
const FE_Mesh* fe_mesh() const { return feMesh_; }
/** return number of spatial dimensions */
int nsd() const { return feMesh_->num_spatial_dimensions(); }
/** return if the FE mesh has been created */
int has_mesh() const { return feMesh_!=nullptr; }
/** get nodal coordinates for a given element */
void element_coordinates(const int eltIdx, DENS_MAT &coords)
{ feMesh_->element_coordinates(eltIdx,coords); }
/** get nodal coordinates for a given element */
void element_field(const int eltIdx, const DENS_MAT field,
DENS_MAT &local_field)
{ feMesh_->element_field(eltIdx, field, local_field); }
/** access list of elements to be deleted */
const std::set<int> &null_elements(void) const
{ return nullElements_; }
/** access to the amended nodal coordinate values */
const DENS_MAT &nodal_coordinates(void) const
{ return (*feMesh_->coordinates()); }
/** map global node numbering to unique node numbering for
* amended mesh */
int map_global_to_unique(const int global_id) const
{ return (*feMesh_->node_map())(global_id); }
int number_of_global_nodes(void) const { return nNodes_; }
/** set kernel */
void set_kernel(KernelFunction* ptr);
KernelFunction *kernel(int /* i */) { return kernelFunction_; }
KernelFunction *kernel() { return kernelFunction_; }
/** mesh setup commands (called from modify) */
MPI_Comm communicator_;
/** finite element mesh */
FE_Mesh *feMesh_;
/** auxiliary kernel function */
KernelFunction *kernelFunction_;
/** initialized flag */
bool initialized_;
void parse_partitions(int & argIdx, int narg, char ** arg,
int idof, Array<double> & dx ) const;
void print_partitions(double xmin, double xmax, Array<double> &dx) const;
/** create a uniform, structured mesh */
void create_mesh(Array<double> &dx,
Array<double> &dy,
Array<double> &dz,
const char *regionName,
Array<bool> periodic);
void create_mesh(int nx, int ny, int nz,
const char *regionName,
Array<bool> periodic);
/** read an unstructured mesh from a file */
void read_mesh(std::string meshFile, Array<bool> & periodicity);
/** data that can be used for a subset of original mesh */
std::set<int> nullElements_;
/** faces upon which nodes are duplicated */
std::set<PAIR> cutFaces_;
std::set<int> cutEdge_;
/** workspace */
int nNodesPerElement_;
int nSD_;
int nElems_;
int nNodes_; /** number of global nodes */
int nNodesUnique_; /** number of unique nodes */
mutable int nIPsPerElement_;
mutable int nIPsPerFace_;
mutable FeIntQuadrature quadrature_;
mutable FIELDS::const_iterator _fieldItr_;
mutable FieldName _fieldName_;
/** sized arrays */
mutable DIAG_MAT _weights_;
mutable DENS_MAT _N_, _Nw_;
mutable DENS_MAT_VEC _dN_, _dNw_;
mutable DIAG_MAT _fweights_;
mutable DENS_MAT _fN_;
mutable DENS_MAT_VEC _fdN_, _nN_;
/** unsized arrays */
mutable DENS_MAT _Nmat_;
mutable FIELD_MATS _fieldsAtIPs_;
mutable GRAD_FIELD_MATS _gradFieldsAtIPs_;
mutable DENS_MAT _Nfluxes_;
mutable AliasArray<int> _conn_;
mutable DENS_MAT_VEC _Bfluxes_;
/** output object */
OutputManager outputManager_;
}; // end namespace ATC