forked from lijiext/lammps
58 lines
1.9 KiB
58 lines
1.9 KiB
#AtC Two temperature Coupling
# no atoms and FE regions with periodic boundary conditions.
# heating and then relaxation
echo both
#units real
units metal
atom_style atomic
lattice fcc 5.405 origin 0.25 0.25 0.25
region simRegion block -14 14 -3 3 -3 3
region feRegion block -12 12 -3 3 -3 3
# create atoms
region mdRegion block -12 12 -3 3 -3 3
boundary f p p
create_box 1 mdRegion
mass 1 39.95 # need to keep this
# ID group atc PhysicsType ParameterFile
fix AtC all atc two_temperature Cu_ttm.mat
timestep 0.002
thermo 20
# ID part keywords nx ny nz region
fix_modify AtC fem create mesh 12 1 1 feRegion f p p
# fix a temperature
fix_modify AtC transfer initial temperature all 20.0
#fix_modify AtC transfer initial electron_temperature all 30.0
fix_modify AtC transfer initial electron_temperature all gaussian 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 20 20
# relaxation
thermo_style custom step cpu f_AtC[1] f_AtC[2] f_AtC[3] f_AtC[4]
fix_modify AtC transfer output no_atomsFE 10 text
#fix_modify AtC extrinsic electron_integration subcycle 100
fix_modify AtC extrinsic electron_integration implicit
run 400
# heating
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset lbc -12.1 -11.9 -12 12 -12 12
fix_modify AtC mesh create_nodeset rbc 11.9 12.1 -12 12 -12 12
fix_modify AtC transfer fix electron_temperature lbc 20.
fix_modify AtC transfer fix electron_temperature rbc 20.
#fix_modify AtC extrinsic exchange off
#fix_modify AtC transfer fix temperature lbc 20.
#fix_modify AtC transfer fix temperature rbc 20.
#fix_modify AtC extrinsic electron_integration lockstep
#fix_modify AtC transfer source electron_temperature all 1000.0
fix_modify AtC transfer source electron_temperature all 0.521981
run 400
# relaxation
fix_modify AtC transfer remove_source electron_temperature all
run 400