
449 lines
13 KiB

// -*- c++ -*-
// This file is part of the Collective Variables module (Colvars).
// The original version of Colvars and its updates are located at:
// Please update all Colvars source files before making any changes.
// If you wish to distribute your changes, please submit them to the
// Colvars repository at GitHub.
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include "colvarbias.h"
#include "colvargrid.h"
/// Metadynamics bias (implementation of \link colvarbias \endlink)
class colvarbias_meta
: public virtual colvarbias,
public virtual colvarbias_ti
/// Communication between different replicas
enum Communication {
/// One replica (default)
/// Hills added concurrently by several replicas
/// Communication between different replicas
Communication comm;
colvarbias_meta(char const *key);
virtual ~colvarbias_meta();
virtual int init(std::string const &conf);
virtual int init_well_tempered_params(std::string const &conf);
virtual int init_ebmeta_params(std::string const &conf);
virtual int clear_state_data();
virtual int update();
virtual int update_grid_params();
virtual int update_bias();
virtual int update_grid_data();
virtual int replica_share();
virtual int calc_energy(std::vector<colvarvalue> const &values =
virtual int calc_forces(std::vector<colvarvalue> const &values =
virtual std::string const get_state_params() const;
virtual int set_state_params(std::string const &state_conf);
virtual std::ostream & write_state_data(std::ostream &os);
virtual std::istream & read_state_data(std::istream &os);
virtual int setup_output();
virtual int write_output_files();
virtual void write_pmf();
virtual int write_state_to_replicas();
class hill;
typedef std::list<hill>::iterator hill_iter;
/// \brief width of a hill
/// The local width of each collective variable, multiplied by this
/// number, provides the hill width along that direction
cvm::real hill_width;
/// \brief Number of simulation steps between two hills
size_t new_hill_freq;
/// Write the hill logfile
bool b_hills_traj;
/// Logfile of hill management (creation and deletion)
std::ostream *hills_traj_os;
/// Name of the hill logfile
std::string const hills_traj_file_name() const;
/// \brief List of hills used on this bias (total); if a grid is
/// employed, these don't need to be updated at every time step
std::list<hill> hills;
/// \brief Iterator to the first of the "newest" hills (when using
/// grids, those who haven't been mapped yet)
hill_iter new_hills_begin;
/// \brief List of hills used on this bias that are on the boundary
/// edges; these are updated regardless of whether hills are used
std::list<hill> hills_off_grid;
/// \brief Same as new_hills_begin, but for the off-grid ones
hill_iter new_hills_off_grid_begin;
/// Regenerate the hills_off_grid list
void recount_hills_off_grid(hill_iter h_first, hill_iter h_last,
colvar_grid_scalar *ge);
/// Read a hill from a file
std::istream & read_hill(std::istream &is);
/// \brief Add a new hill; if a .hills trajectory is written,
/// write it there; if there is more than one replica, communicate
/// it to the others
virtual std::list<hill>::const_iterator create_hill(hill const &h);
/// \brief Remove a previously saved hill (returns an iterator for
/// the next hill in the list)
virtual std::list<hill>::const_iterator delete_hill(hill_iter &h);
/// \brief Calculate the values of the hills, incrementing
/// bias_energy
virtual void calc_hills(hill_iter h_first,
hill_iter h_last,
cvm::real &energy,
std::vector<colvarvalue> const &values = std::vector<colvarvalue>(0));
/// \brief Calculate the forces acting on the i-th colvar,
/// incrementing colvar_forces[i]; must be called after calc_hills
/// each time the values of the colvars are changed
virtual void calc_hills_force(size_t const &i,
hill_iter h_first,
hill_iter h_last,
std::vector<colvarvalue> &forces,
std::vector<colvarvalue> const &values = std::vector<colvarvalue>(0));
/// Height of new hills
cvm::real hill_weight;
/// \brief Bin the hills on grids of energy and forces, and use them
/// to force the colvars (as opposed to deriving the hills analytically)
bool use_grids;
/// \brief Rebin the hills upon restarting
bool rebin_grids;
/// \brief Should the grids be expanded if necessary?
bool expand_grids;
/// \brief How often the hills should be projected onto the grids
size_t grids_freq;
/// \brief Whether to keep the hills in the restart file (e.g. to do
/// meaningful accurate rebinning afterwards)
bool keep_hills;
/// \brief Dump the free energy surface (.pmf file) every restartFrequency
bool dump_fes;
/// \brief Dump the free energy surface (.pmf file) every restartFrequency
/// using only the hills from this replica (only applicable to more than one replica)
bool dump_replica_fes;
/// \brief Dump the free energy surface files at different
/// time steps, appending the step number to each file
bool dump_fes_save;
/// \brief Whether to use well-tempered metadynamics
bool well_tempered;
/// \brief Biasing temperature in well-tempered metadynamics
cvm::real bias_temperature;
// EBmeta parameters
bool ebmeta;
colvar_grid_scalar* target_dist;
std::string target_dist_file;
cvm::real target_dist_volume;
size_t ebmeta_equil_steps;
/// \brief Try to read the restart information by allocating new
/// grids before replacing the current ones (used e.g. in
/// multiple_replicas)
bool safely_read_restart;
/// Hill energy, cached on a grid
colvar_grid_scalar *hills_energy;
/// Hill forces, cached on a grid
colvar_grid_gradient *hills_energy_gradients;
/// \brief Project the selected hills onto grids
void project_hills(hill_iter h_first, hill_iter h_last,
colvar_grid_scalar *ge, colvar_grid_gradient *gf,
bool print_progress = false);
// Multiple Replicas variables and functions
/// \brief Identifier for this replica
std::string replica_id;
/// \brief File containing the paths to the output files from this replica
std::string replica_file_name;
/// \brief Read the existing replicas on registry
virtual void update_replicas_registry();
/// \brief Read new data from replicas' files
virtual void read_replica_files();
/// \brief Write data to other replicas
virtual int write_replica_state_file();
/// \brief Additional, "mirror" metadynamics biases, to collect info
/// from the other replicas
/// These are supposed to be synchronized by reading data from the
/// other replicas, and not be modified by the "local" replica
std::vector<colvarbias_meta *> replicas;
/// \brief Frequency at which data the "mirror" biases are updated
size_t replica_update_freq;
/// List of replicas (and their output list files): contents are
/// copied into replicas_registry for convenience
std::string replicas_registry_file;
/// List of replicas (and their output list files)
std::string replicas_registry;
/// List of files written by this replica
std::string replica_list_file;
/// Hills energy and gradients written specifically for other
/// replica (in addition to its own restart file)
std::string replica_state_file;
/// Whether a mirror bias has read the latest version of its state file
bool replica_state_file_in_sync;
/// If there was a failure reading one of the files (because they
/// are not complete), this counter is incremented
size_t update_status;
/// Explicit hills communicated between replicas
/// This file becomes empty after replica_state_file is rewritten
std::string replica_hills_file;
/// \brief Output stream corresponding to replica_hills_file
std::ostream *replica_hills_os;
/// Position within replica_hills_file (when reading it)
int replica_hills_file_pos;
/// \brief A hill for the metadynamics bias
class colvarbias_meta::hill {
/// Value of the hill function (ranges between 0 and 1)
cvm::real hill_value;
/// Scale factor, which could be modified at runtime (default: 1)
cvm::real sW;
/// Maximum height in energy of the hill
cvm::real W;
/// Center of the hill in the collective variable space
std::vector<colvarvalue> centers;
/// Widths of the hill in the collective variable space
std::vector<cvm::real> widths;
friend class colvarbias_meta;
/// Time step at which this hill was added
size_t it;
/// Identity of the replica who added this hill (only in multiple replica simulations)
std::string replica;
/// \brief Runtime constructor: data are read directly from
/// collective variables \param weight Weight of the hill \param
/// cv Pointer to the array of collective variables involved \param
/// replica (optional) Identity of the replica which creates the
/// hill
inline hill(cvm::real const &W_in,
std::vector<colvar *> &cv,
cvm::real const &hill_width,
std::string const &replica_in = "")
: sW(1.0),
for (size_t i = 0; i < cv.size(); i++) {
centers[i] = cv[i]->value();
widths[i] = cv[i]->width * hill_width;
if (cvm::debug())
cvm::log("New hill, applied to "+cvm::to_str(cv.size())+
" collective variables, with centers "+
cvm::to_str(centers)+", widths "+
cvm::to_str(widths)+" and weight "+
/// \brief General constructor: all data are explicitly passed as
/// arguments (used for instance when reading hills saved on a
/// file) \param it Time step of creation of the hill \param
/// weight Weight of the hill \param centers Center of the hill
/// \param widths Width of the hill around centers \param replica
/// (optional) Identity of the replica which creates the hill
inline hill(size_t const &it_in,
cvm::real const &W_in,
std::vector<colvarvalue> const &centers_in,
std::vector<cvm::real> const &widths_in,
std::string const &replica_in = "")
: sW(1.0),
/// Copy constructor
inline hill(colvarbias_meta::hill const &h)
: sW(1.0),
/// Destructor
inline ~hill()
/// Get the energy
inline cvm::real energy()
return W * sW * hill_value;
/// Get the energy using another hill weight
inline cvm::real energy(cvm::real const &new_weight)
return new_weight * sW * hill_value;
/// Get the current hill value
inline cvm::real const &value()
return hill_value;
/// Set the hill value as specified
inline void value(cvm::real const &new_value)
hill_value = new_value;
/// Get the weight
inline cvm::real weight()
return W * sW;
/// Scale the weight with this factor (by default 1.0 is used)
inline void scale(cvm::real const &new_scale_fac)
sW = new_scale_fac;
/// Get the center of the hill
inline std::vector<colvarvalue> & center()
return centers;
/// Get the i-th component of the center
inline colvarvalue & center(size_t const &i)
return centers[i];
/// Comparison operator
inline friend bool operator < (hill const &h1, hill const &h2)
if ( < return true;
else return false;
/// Comparison operator
inline friend bool operator <= (hill const &h1, hill const &h2)
if ( <= return true;
else return false;
/// Comparison operator
inline friend bool operator > (hill const &h1, hill const &h2)
if ( > return true;
else return false;
/// Comparison operator
inline friend bool operator >= (hill const &h1, hill const &h2)
if ( >= return true;
else return false;
/// Comparison operator
inline friend bool operator == (hill const &h1, hill const &h2)
if ( ( >= && (h1.replica == h2.replica) ) return true;
else return false;
/// Represent the hill ina string suitable for a trajectory file
std::string output_traj();
/// Write the hill to an output stream
inline friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &os,
hill const &h);