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<CENTER><A HREF = "">LAMMPS WWW Site</A> - <A HREF = "Manual.html">LAMMPS Documentation</A> - <A HREF = "Section_commands.html#comm">LAMMPS Commands</A>
<H3>atom_style command
<PRE>atom_style style args
<UL><LI>style = <I>angle</I> or <I>atomic</I> or <I>bond</I> or <I>charge</I> or <I>colloid</I> or <I>dipole</I> or <I>dpd</I> or <I>ellipsoid</I> or <I>full</I> or <I>granular</I> or <I>molecular</I> or <I>peri</I> or <I>hybrid</I>
<PRE> args = none for any style except <I>hybrid</I>
<I>hybrid</I> args = list of one or more sub-styles
<PRE>atom_style atomic
atom_style bond
atom_style full
atom_style hybrid charge bond
<P>Define what style of atoms to use in a simulation. This determines
what attributes are associated with the atoms. This command must be
used before a simulation is setup via a <A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A>,
<A HREF = "read_restart.html">read_restart</A>, or <A HREF = "create_box.html">create_box</A>
<P>Once a style is assigned, it cannot be changed, so use a style general
enough to encompass all attributes. E.g. with style <I>bond</I>, angular
terms cannot be used or added later to the model. It is OK to use a
style more general than needed, though it may be slightly inefficient.
<P>The choice of style affects what quantities are stored by each atom,
what quantities are communicated between processors to enable forces
to be computed, and what quantities are listed in the data file read
by the <A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A> command.
<P>These are the additional attributes of each style and the typical
kinds of physical systems they are used to model. All styles store
coordinates, velocities, atom IDs and types. See the
<A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A>, <A HREF = "create_atoms.html">create_atoms</A>, and
<A HREF = "set.html">set</A> commands for info on how to set these various
<TR><TD ><I>angle</I> </TD><TD > bonds and angles </TD><TD > bead-spring polymers with stiffness </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>atomic</I> </TD><TD > only the default values </TD><TD > coarse-grain liquids, solids, metals </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>bond</I> </TD><TD > bonds </TD><TD > bead-spring polymers </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>charge</I> </TD><TD > charge </TD><TD > atomic system with charges </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>colloid</I> </TD><TD > angular velocity </TD><TD > extended spherical particles </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>dipole</I> </TD><TD > charge and dipole moment </TD><TD > atomic system with dipoles </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>dpd</I> </TD><TD > default values, also communicates velocities </TD><TD > DPD models </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>ellipsoid</I> </TD><TD > quaternion for particle orientation, angular momentum </TD><TD > extended aspherical particles </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>full</I> </TD><TD > molecular + charge </TD><TD > bio-molecules </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>granular</I> </TD><TD > diameter, density, angular velocity </TD><TD > granular models </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>molecular</I> </TD><TD > bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers </TD><TD > uncharged molecules </TD></TR>
<TR><TD ><I>peri</I> </TD><TD > density, volume </TD><TD > mesocopic Peridynamic models
<P>All of the styles define point particles, except the <I>colloid</I>,
<I>dipole</I>, <I>ellipsoid</I>, <I>granular</I>, and <I>peri</I> styles. These define
finite-size particles. For <I>colloid</I>, <I>dipole</I>, and <I>ellipsoid</I>
systems, the <A HREF = "shape.html">shape</A> command is used to specify the size
and shape of particles on a per-type basis, which is spherical for
<I>colloid</I> and <I>dipole</I> particles and spherical or aspherical for
<I>ellipsoid</I> particles. For <I>granular</I> systems, the particles are
spherical and each has a per-particle specified diameter. For <I>peri</I>
systems, the particles are spherical and each has a per-particle
specified volume.
<P>All of the styles assign mass to particles on a per-type basis, using
the <A HREF = "mass.html">mass</A> command, except the <I>granular</I> and <I>peri</I> styles
which assign mass on a per-particle basis. For <I>granular</I> systems,
the specified diameter and density are used to calculate each
particle's mass. For <I>peri</I> systems, the speficied volume and density
are used to calculate each particle's mass.
<P>Only the <I>colloid</I>, <I>dpd</I>, and <I>granular</I> styles communicate
velocities and angular velocities (if defined) with ghost atoms; the
others do not. This is because the pairwise interactions calculated
by the pair styles that typically use these atom styles
(e.g. <A HREF = "pair_dpd.html">pair_style dpd</A> and <A HREF = "pair_gran.html">pair_style
granular</A>) require velocities of both particles.
<P>Typically, simulations require only a single (non-hybrid) atom style.
If some atoms in the simulation do not have all the properties defined
by a particular style, use the simplest style that defines all the
needed properties by any atom. For example, if some atoms in a
simulation are charged, but others are not, use the <I>charge</I> style.
If some atoms have bonds, but others do not, use the <I>bond</I> style.
<P>The only scenario where the <I>hybrid</I> style is needed is if there is no
single style which defines all needed properties of all atoms. For
example, if you want charged DPD particles, you would need to use
"atom_style hybrid dpd charge". When a hybrid style is used, atoms
store and communicate the union of all quantities implied by the
individual styles.
<P>LAMMPS can be extended with new atom styles; see <A HREF = "Section_modify.html">this
<P>This command cannot be used after the simulation box is defined by a
<A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A> or <A HREF = "create_box.html">create_box</A> command.
<P>The <I>angle</I>, <I>bond</I>, <I>full</I>, and <I>molecular</I> styles are part of the
"molecular" package. The <I>granular</I> style is part of the "granular"
package. The <I>dpd</I> style is part of the "dpd" package. The <I>colloid</I>
style is part of the "colloid" package. The <I>dipole</I> style is part of
the "dipole" package. The <I>ellipsoid</I> style is part of the "asphere"
package. The <I>peri</I> style is part of the "peri" package for
Peridynamics. They are only enabled if LAMMPS was built with that
package. See the <A HREF = "Section_start.html#2_3">Making LAMMPS</A> section for
more info.
<P><B>Related commands:</B>
<P><A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A>, <A HREF = "pair_style.html">pair_style</A>
<P>atom_style atomic