forked from lijiext/lammps
345 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
345 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# LAMMPS Documentation Utilities
# Converter of LAMMPS documentation format to Sphinx ReStructured Text
# Copyright (C) 2015 Richard Berger
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import re
import argparse
from lammpsdoc import lammps_filters
from lammpsdoc.txt2html import Markup, Formatting, TxtParser, TxtConverter
class RSTMarkup(Markup):
def __init__(self):
def bold_start(self):
return "**"
def bold_end(self):
return "**"
def italic_start(self):
return "*"
def italic_end(self):
return "*"
def bold(self, text):
""" RST requires a space after inline formats.
For words which only partially apply a format add a backslash and whitespace to create valid RST"""
text = re.sub(r'([^\s\\])\[([^\]\\]+)\]', r'\1\\ [\2]', text)
text = re.sub(r'([^\\]?)\[([^\]\\]+)\]([^\s])', r'\1[\2]\\ \3', text)
text = super().bold(text)
return text
def italic(self, text):
""" RST requires a space after inline formats.
For words which only partially apply a format add a backslash and whitespace to create valid RST"""
text = re.sub(r'([^\s\\])\{([^\}\\]+)\}', r'\1\\ {\2}', text)
text = re.sub(r'([^\\]?)\{([^\}\\]+)\}([^\s])', r'\1{\2}\\ \3', text)
text = super().italic(text)
return text
def convert(self, text):
text = super().convert(text)
text = self.inline_math(text)
return text
def inline_math(self, text):
start_pos = text.find("\\(")
end_pos = text.find("\\)")
while start_pos >= 0 and end_pos >= 0:
original = text[start_pos:end_pos+2]
formula = original[2:-2]
replacement = ":math:`" + formula.replace('\n', ' ').strip() + "`"
text = text.replace(original, replacement)
start_pos = text.find("\\(")
end_pos = text.find("\\)")
return text
def create_link(self, content, href):
content = content.strip()
content = content.replace('\n', ' ')
anchor_pos = href.find('#')
if anchor_pos >= 0:
href = href[anchor_pos+1:]
return ":ref:`%s <%s>`" % (content, href)
if href in self.references:
return ":ref:`%s <%s>`" % (content, href)
elif href in self.aliases:
href = "%s_" % href
elif href.endswith('.html') and not href.startswith('http') and 'USER/atc' not in href:
href = href[0:-5]
return ":doc:`%s <%s>`" % (content, href)
return "`%s <%s>`_" % (content, href)
class RSTFormatting(Formatting):
def __init__(self, markup):
def paragraph(self, content):
return content.strip() + "\n"
def center(self, content):
return content
def linebreak(self, content):
return content.strip()
def preformat(self, content):
return ".. parsed-literal::\n\n" + self.indent(content.rstrip())
def horizontal_rule(self, content):
return "\n----------\n\n" + content.strip()
def image(self, content, file, link=None):
if link and (link.lower().endswith('.jpg') or
link.lower().endswith('.jpeg') or
link.lower().endswith('.png') or
converted = ".. thumbnail:: " + link + "\n"
converted = ".. image:: " + file + "\n"
if link:
converted += " :target: " + link + "\n"
if "c" in self.current_command_list:
converted += " :align: center\n"
return converted + content.strip()
def named_link(self, paragraph, name):
return (".. _%s:\n\n" % name) + paragraph
def define_link_alias(self, paragraph, alias, value):
self.markup.add_link_alias(alias, value)
return (".. _%s: %s\n\n" % (alias, value)) + paragraph
def header(self, content, level):
header_content = content.strip()
header_content = re.sub(r'[0-9]+\.[0-9]*\s+', '', header_content)
header_underline = RSTFormatting.RST_HEADER_TYPES[level-1] * len(header_content)
return header_content + "\n" + header_underline + "\n"
def unordered_list_item(self, paragraph):
return "* " + paragraph.strip().replace('\n', '\n ')
def ordered_list_item(self, paragraph, index):
if index is None:
index = "#"
return str(index) + ". " + paragraph.strip().replace('\n', '\n ')
def definition_term(self, paragraph):
return paragraph.strip()
def definition_description(self, paragraph):
return self.indent(paragraph.strip())
def unordered_list_begin(self, paragraph):
return paragraph
def unordered_list_end(self, paragraph):
return paragraph
def ordered_list_begin(self, paragraph):
if paragraph.startswith('* '):
paragraph = '#. ' + paragraph[2:]
return paragraph
def definition_list_begin(self, paragraph):
return paragraph
def definition_list_end(self, paragraph):
return paragraph
def ordered_list_end(self, paragraph):
return paragraph
def all_breaks(self, paragraph):
indented = ""
for line in paragraph.splitlines():
indented += "| %s\n" % line
indented += "| \n"
return indented
def begin_document(self):
return ""
def end_document(self):
return ""
def raw_html(self, content):
raw_directive = ".. raw:: html\n\n"
return raw_directive + self.indent(content)
def indent(self, content):
indented = ""
for line in content.splitlines():
indented += " %s\n" % line
return indented
def get_max_column_widths(self, rows):
num_columns = max([len(row) for row in rows])
max_widths = [0] * num_columns
for columns in rows:
for col_idx, column in enumerate(columns):
max_widths[col_idx] = max(max_widths[col_idx], len(column.strip())+2)
return max_widths
def create_table_horizontal_line(self, max_widths):
cell_borders = ['-' * width for width in max_widths]
return '+' + '+'.join(cell_borders) + "+"
def table(self, paragraph, configuration):
paragraph = self.protect_rst_directives(paragraph)
if configuration['num_columns'] == 0:
rows = self.create_table_with_columns_based_on_newlines(paragraph, configuration['separator'])
rows = self.create_table_with_fixed_number_of_columns(paragraph, configuration['separator'],
column_widths = self.get_max_column_widths(rows)
max_columns = len(column_widths)
horizontal_line = self.create_table_horizontal_line(column_widths) + "\n"
tbl = horizontal_line
for row_idx in range(len(rows)):
columns = rows[row_idx]
tbl += "| "
for col_idx in range(max_columns):
if col_idx < len(columns):
col = columns[col_idx].strip()
col = ""
tbl += col.ljust(column_widths[col_idx]-2, ' ')
tbl += " |"
if col_idx < max_columns - 1:
tbl += " "
tbl += "\n"
tbl += horizontal_line
tbl = self.restore_rst_directives(tbl)
return tbl
def protect_rst_directives(self, content):
content = content.replace(":doc:", "0DOC0")
content = content.replace(":ref:", "0REF0")
return content
def restore_rst_directives(self, content):
content = content.replace("0DOC0", ":doc:")
content = content.replace("0REF0", ":ref:")
return content
def math(self, content):
eqs = content.split(r'\end{equation}')
text = ""
if len(eqs) > 1:
post = eqs[-1].strip()
eqs = eqs[0:-1]
post = ""
for eq in eqs:
if len(eq.strip()) == 0:
parts = eq.split(r'\begin{equation}')
assert(len(parts) == 1 or len(parts) == 2)
if len(parts) == 2:
start = parts[0].strip()
body = parts[1]
start = ""
body = parts[0]
if len(start) > 0:
text += start + "\n"
text += "\n.. math::\n\n"
text += self.indent(r'\begin{equation}' + body.strip('\n') + r'\end{equation}')
text += "\n"
return text + post
class Txt2Rst(TxtParser):
def __init__(self):
self.markup = RSTMarkup()
self.format = RSTFormatting(self.markup)
def register_filters(self):
def is_ignored_textblock_begin(self, line):
return line.startswith('<!-- HTML_ONLY -->')
def is_ignored_textblock_end(self, line):
return line.startswith('<!-- END_HTML_ONLY -->')
def is_raw_textblock_begin(self, line):
return line.startswith('<!-- RST')
def is_raw_textblock_end(self, line):
return line.startswith('END_RST -->')
class Txt2RstConverter(TxtConverter):
def get_argument_parser(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='converts a text file with simple formatting & markup into '
'Restructured Text for Sphinx.')
parser.add_argument('-x', metavar='file-to-skip', dest='skip_files', action='append')
parser.add_argument('files', metavar='file', nargs='+', help='one or more files to convert')
return parser
def create_converter(self, args):
return Txt2Rst()
def get_output_filename(self, path):
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
return filename + ".rst"
def main():
app = Txt2RstConverter()
if __name__ == "__main__":