
859 lines
37 KiB

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
Original Version:, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
USER-CUDA Package and associated modifications:
Christian Trott,
Lars Winterfeld,
Theoretical Physics II, University of Technology Ilmenau, Germany
See the README file in the USER-CUDA directory.
This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define OFFSET 4096
__device__ int negativCUDA(float f)
return ((unsigned int)1 << 31 & (__float_as_int(f))) >> 31;
__device__ void reduceBlock(float* data)
int p2 = 1;
while(p2 * 2 < blockDim.x) p2 *= 2;
if(threadIdx.x < blockDim.x - p2)
data[threadIdx.x] += data[threadIdx.x + p2];
for(int i = 2; i <= p2; i *= 2) {
if(threadIdx.x < p2 / i)
data[threadIdx.x] += data[threadIdx.x + p2 / i];
__device__ void reduceBlock(double* data)
int p2 = 1;
while(p2 * 2 < blockDim.x) p2 *= 2;
if(threadIdx.x < blockDim.x - p2)
data[threadIdx.x] += data[threadIdx.x + p2];
for(int i = 2; i <= p2; i *= 2) {
if(threadIdx.x < p2 / i)
data[threadIdx.x] += data[threadIdx.x + p2 / i];
extern __shared__ PPPM_CFLOAT sharedmem[];
__global__ void setup_fkxyz_vg(PPPM_CFLOAT unitkx, PPPM_CFLOAT unitky, PPPM_CFLOAT unitkz, PPPM_CFLOAT g_ewald)
PPPM_CFLOAT my_fkx = unitkx * (int(threadIdx.x) - nx_pppm * (2 * int(threadIdx.x) / nx_pppm));
PPPM_CFLOAT my_fky = unitky * (int(blockIdx.y) - ny_pppm * (2 * int(blockIdx.y) / ny_pppm));
PPPM_CFLOAT my_fkz = unitkz * (int(blockIdx.x) - nz_pppm * (2 * int(blockIdx.x) / nz_pppm));
if((blockIdx.x == 0) && (blockIdx.y == 0)) fkx[threadIdx.x] = my_fkx;
if((blockIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.x == 0)) fky[blockIdx.y] = my_fky;
if((threadIdx.x == 0) && (blockIdx.y == 0)) fkz[blockIdx.x] = my_fkz;
if((blockIdx.x >= nzlo_fft) && (blockIdx.x <= nzhi_fft) &&
(blockIdx.y >= nylo_fft) && (blockIdx.y <= nyhi_fft) &&
(threadIdx.x >= nxlo_fft) && (threadIdx.x <= nxhi_fft)) {
int n = ((int(blockIdx.x) - nzlo_fft) * (nyhi_fft - nylo_fft + 1) + int(blockIdx.y) - nylo_fft) * (nxhi_fft - nxlo_fft + 1) + int(threadIdx.x) - nxlo_fft;
PPPM_CFLOAT sqk = my_fkx * my_fkx + my_fky * my_fky + my_fkz * my_fkz;
PPPM_CFLOAT vterm = (sqk == PPPM_F(0.0)) ? PPPM_F(0.0) : PPPM_F(-2.0) * (PPPM_F(1.0) / sqk + PPPM_F(0.25) / (g_ewald * g_ewald));
vg[6 * n + 0] = (sqk == PPPM_F(0.0)) ? PPPM_F(0.0) : PPPM_F(1.0) + vterm * my_fkx * my_fkx;
vg[6 * n + 1] = (sqk == PPPM_F(0.0)) ? PPPM_F(0.0) : PPPM_F(1.0) + vterm * my_fky * my_fky;
vg[6 * n + 2] = (sqk == PPPM_F(0.0)) ? PPPM_F(0.0) : PPPM_F(1.0) + vterm * my_fkz * my_fkz;
vg[6 * n + 3] = (sqk == PPPM_F(0.0)) ? PPPM_F(0.0) : vterm * my_fkx * my_fky;
vg[6 * n + 4] = (sqk == PPPM_F(0.0)) ? PPPM_F(0.0) : vterm * my_fkx * my_fkz;
vg[6 * n + 5] = (sqk == PPPM_F(0.0)) ? PPPM_F(0.0) : vterm * my_fky * my_fkz;
PPPM_CFLOAT sx, sy, sz;
sz = sy = sx = PPPM_F(0.0);
for(int l = order - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
sx = gf_b[l] + sx * x;
sy = gf_b[l] + sy * y;
sz = gf_b[l] + sz * z;
PPPM_CFLOAT s = sx * sy * sz;
return s * s;
__global__ void setup_greensfn(PPPM_CFLOAT unitkx, PPPM_CFLOAT unitky, PPPM_CFLOAT unitkz, PPPM_CFLOAT g_ewald,
int nbx, int nby, int nbz,
int nx, ny, nz, kper, lper, mper, k, l, m;
PPPM_CFLOAT snx, sny, snz, snx2, sny2, snz2;
PPPM_CFLOAT argx, argy, argz, wx, wy, wz, sx, sy, sz, qx, qy, qz;
PPPM_CFLOAT sum1, dot1, dot2;
PPPM_CFLOAT numerator, denominator;
PPPM_CFLOAT form = PPPM_F(1.0);
int n = (blockIdx.x * gridDim.y + blockIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
m = blockIdx.x;
l = blockIdx.y;
k = threadIdx.x;
mper = m - nz_pppm * (2 * m / nz_pppm);
snz = sin(PPPM_F(0.5) * unitkz * mper * zprd_slab / nz_pppm);
snz2 = snz * snz;
lper = l - ny_pppm * (2 * l / ny_pppm);
sny = sin(PPPM_F(0.5) * unitky * lper * yprd / ny_pppm);
sny2 = sny * sny;
kper = k - nx_pppm * (2 * k / nx_pppm);
snx = sin(PPPM_F(0.5) * unitkx * kper * xprd / nx_pppm);
snx2 = snx * snx;
sqk = pow(unitkx * kper, PPPM_F(2.0)) + pow(unitky * lper, PPPM_F(2.0)) +
pow(unitkz * mper, PPPM_F(2.0));
if(sqk != PPPM_F(0.0)) {
numerator = form * PPPM_F(12.5663706) / sqk;
denominator = gf_denom(snx2, sny2, snz2);
sum1 = PPPM_F(0.0);
for(nx = -nbx; nx <= nbx; nx++) {
qx = unitkx * (kper + nx_pppm * nx);
sx = exp(PPPM_F(-.25) * pow(qx / g_ewald, PPPM_F(2.0)));
wx = PPPM_F(1.0);
argx = PPPM_F(0.5) * qx * xprd / nx_pppm;
if(argx != PPPM_F(0.0)) wx = pow(sin(argx) / argx, order);
for(ny = -nby; ny <= nby; ny++) {
qy = unitky * (lper + ny_pppm * ny);
sy = exp(PPPM_F(-.25) * pow(qy / g_ewald, PPPM_F(2.0)));
wy = PPPM_F(1.0);
argy = PPPM_F(0.5) * qy * yprd / ny_pppm;
if(argy != PPPM_F(0.0)) wy = pow(sin(argy) / argy, order);
for(nz = -nbz; nz <= nbz; nz++) {
qz = unitkz * (mper + nz_pppm * nz);
sz = exp(PPPM_F(-.25) * pow(qz / g_ewald, PPPM_F(2.0)));
wz = PPPM_F(1.0);
argz = PPPM_F(0.5) * qz * zprd_slab / nz_pppm;
if(argz != PPPM_F(0.0)) wz = pow(sin(argz) / argz, order);
dot1 = unitkx * kper * qx + unitky * lper * qy + unitkz * mper * qz;
dot2 = qx * qx + qy * qy + qz * qz;
sum1 += (dot1 / dot2) * sx * sy * sz * pow(wx * wy * wz, PPPM_F(2.0));
greensfn[n] = numerator * sum1 / denominator;
} else greensfn[n] = PPPM_F(0.0);
__global__ void poisson_scale_kernel()
int i = (blockIdx.x * gridDim.y + blockIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
FFT_CFLOAT scaleinv = FFT_F(1.0) / (gridDim.x * gridDim.y * blockDim.x);
work1[2 * i] *= scaleinv * greensfn[i];
work1[2 * i + 1] *= scaleinv * greensfn[i];
__global__ void poisson_xgrad_kernel()
int i = (blockIdx.x * gridDim.y + blockIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
work2[2 * i] = fkx[threadIdx.x] * work1[2 * i + 1];
work2[2 * i + 1] = -fkx[threadIdx.x] * work1[2 * i];
__global__ void poisson_ygrad_kernel()
int i = (blockIdx.x * gridDim.y + blockIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
work2[2 * i] = fky[blockIdx.y] * work1[2 * i + 1];
work2[2 * i + 1] = -fky[blockIdx.y] * work1[2 * i];
__global__ void poisson_zgrad_kernel()
int i = (blockIdx.x * gridDim.y + blockIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
work2[2 * i] = fkz[blockIdx.x] * work1[2 * i + 1];
work2[2 * i + 1] = -fkz[blockIdx.x] * work1[2 * i];
__global__ void poisson_vdx_brick_kernel(int ilo, int jlo, int klo)
int k = blockIdx.x + klo;
k += nz_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * k) - nz_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (nz_pppm - k - 1));
int j = blockIdx.y + jlo;
j += ny_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * j) - ny_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (ny_pppm - j - 1));
int i = threadIdx.x + ilo;
i += nx_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * i) - nx_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (nx_pppm - i - 1));
vdx_brick[((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1) + threadIdx.x] = work3[2 * (((k) * ny_pppm + (j)) * nx_pppm + i)];
__global__ void poisson_vdy_brick_kernel(int ilo, int jlo, int klo)
int k = blockIdx.x + klo;
k += nz_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * k) - nz_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (nz_pppm - k - 1));
int j = blockIdx.y + jlo;
j += ny_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * j) - ny_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (ny_pppm - j - 1));
int i = threadIdx.x + ilo;
i += nx_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * i) - nx_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (nx_pppm - i - 1));
vdy_brick[((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1) + threadIdx.x] = work3[2 * (((k) * ny_pppm + (j)) * nx_pppm + i)];
__global__ void poisson_vdz_brick_kernel(int ilo, int jlo, int klo)
int k = blockIdx.x + klo;
k += nz_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * k) - nz_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (nz_pppm - k - 1));
int j = blockIdx.y + jlo;
j += ny_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * j) - ny_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (ny_pppm - j - 1));
int i = threadIdx.x + ilo;
i += nx_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * i) - nx_pppm * negativCUDA(CUDA_F(1.0) * (nx_pppm - i - 1));
vdz_brick[((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1) + threadIdx.x] = work3[2 * (((k) * ny_pppm + (j)) * nx_pppm + i)];
__global__ void poisson_energy_kernel(int nxlo_fft, int nylo_fft, int nzlo_fft, int vflag)
ENERGY_CFLOAT scaleinv = FFT_F(1.0) / (nx_pppm * ny_pppm * nz_pppm);
int i = (blockIdx.x + nzlo_fft) * ny_pppm * nx_pppm + (blockIdx.y + nylo_fft) * nx_pppm + threadIdx.x + nxlo_fft;
ENERGY_CFLOAT* s_energy = (ENERGY_CFLOAT*) sharedmem;
ENERGY_CFLOAT myenergy = scaleinv * scaleinv * greensfn[i] * (work1[2 * i] * work1[2 * i] + work1[2 * i + 1] * work1[2 * i + 1]);
s_energy[threadIdx.x] = myenergy;
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
energy[blockIdx.x * ny_pppm + blockIdx.y] = s_energy[0];
if(vflag) {
for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
s_energy[threadIdx.x] = myenergy * vg[((blockIdx.x * gridDim.y + blockIdx.y) * (blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x) * 6 + j];
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
virial[blockIdx.x * ny_pppm + blockIdx.y + j * nz_pppm * ny_pppm] = s_energy[0];
__global__ void sum_energy_kernel1(int vflag)
ENERGY_CFLOAT myenergy = energy[(blockIdx.x * ny_pppm + threadIdx.x)];
ENERGY_CFLOAT* s_energy = (ENERGY_CFLOAT*) sharedmem;
s_energy[threadIdx.x] = myenergy;
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
energy[blockIdx.x * ny_pppm] = s_energy[0];
if(vflag) {
for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
myenergy = virial[blockIdx.x * ny_pppm + threadIdx.x + j * ny_pppm * nz_pppm];
s_energy[threadIdx.x] = myenergy;
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
virial[blockIdx.x * ny_pppm + j * ny_pppm * nz_pppm] = s_energy[0];
__global__ void sum_energy_kernel2(int vflag)
ENERGY_CFLOAT myenergy = energy[threadIdx.x * ny_pppm];
ENERGY_CFLOAT* s_energy = (ENERGY_CFLOAT*) sharedmem;
s_energy[threadIdx.x] = myenergy;
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
energy[0] = s_energy[0];
if(vflag) {
for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
myenergy = virial[threadIdx.x * ny_pppm + j * ny_pppm * nz_pppm];
s_energy[threadIdx.x] = myenergy;
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
virial[j] = s_energy[0];
__device__ PPPM_CFLOAT rho1d(int k, PPPM_CFLOAT d, PPPM_CFLOAT* srho_coeff)
PPPM_CFLOAT rho1d_tmp = PPPM_F(0.0);
for(int l = order - 1; l >= 0; l--)
rho1d_tmp = srho_coeff[l * order + k - (1 - order) / 2] + rho1d_tmp * d;
return rho1d_tmp;
__global__ void particle_map_kernel(int* flag)
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(i < nlocal) {
int nx, ny, nz;
PPPM_CFLOAT shift = PPPM_F(0.5) - shiftone; //+OFFSET;
nx = (int)((_x[i] - _boxlo[0]) * delxinv + shift); // - OFFSET;
ny = (int)((_x[i + nmax] - _boxlo[1]) * delyinv + shift); // - OFFSET;
nz = (int)((_x[i + 2 * nmax] - _boxlo[2]) * delzinv + shift); // - OFFSET;
part2grid[i] = nx;
part2grid[i + nmax] = ny;
part2grid[i + 2 * nmax] = nz;
// check that entire stencil around nx,ny,nz will fit in my 3d brick
if(nx + nlower < nxlo_out || nx + nupper > nxhi_out ||
ny + nlower < nylo_out || ny + nupper > nyhi_out ||
nz + nlower < nzlo_out || nz + nupper > nzhi_out) {
debugdata[0] = i;
debugdata[1] = _boxlo[0];
debugdata[2] = _boxlo[1];
debugdata[3] = _boxlo[2];
debugdata[4] = nx;
debugdata[5] = ny;
debugdata[6] = nz;
debugdata[7] = _x[i];
debugdata[8] = _x[i + _nmax];
debugdata[9] = _x[i + 2 * _nmax];
debugdata[10] = nlocal;
__global__ void make_rho_kernelA()
int i, l, m, n, nx, ny, nz, mx, my, mz;
// clear 3d density array
// loop over my charges, add their contribution to nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(i < nlocal) {
PPPM_CFLOAT dx, dy, dz, x0, y0, z0;
nx = part2grid[i];
ny = part2grid[i + nmax];
nz = part2grid[i + 2 * nmax];
dx = nx + shiftone - (_x[i] - _boxlo[0]) * delxinv;
dy = ny + shiftone - (_x[i + nmax] - _boxlo[1]) * delyinv;
dz = nz + shiftone - (_x[i + 2 * nmax] - _boxlo[2]) * delzinv;
z0 = delxinv * delyinv * delzinv * _q[i];
for(n = nlower; n <= nupper; n++) {
mz = n + nz;
y0 = z0 * rho1d(n, dz, rho_coeff);
for(m = nlower; m <= nupper; m++) {
my = m + ny;
x0 = y0 * rho1d(m, dy, rho_coeff);
for(l = nlower; l <= nupper; l++) {
mx = l + nx;
int mzyx = ((mz - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + my - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1) + mx - nxlo_out;
while(atomicAdd(&density_brick_int[mzyx], 1) != 0) atomicAdd(&density_brick_int[mzyx], -1);
density_brick[mzyx] += x0 * rho1d(l, dx, rho_coeff);
atomicAdd(&density_brick_int[mzyx], -1);
__global__ void make_rho_kernel(int* flag, int read_threads_at_same_time)
int i, l, m, n, nx, ny, nz, mx, my, mz, a, b;
// clear 3d density array
// loop over my charges, add their contribution to nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// int nzxy=blockIdx.x*gridDim.y+blockIdx.y;
int nelements = nupper - nlower + 1;
int* idx = (int*) sharedmem;
int* sdensity_brick_int = &idx[blockDim.x];
PPPM_CFLOAT* srho_coeff = (PPPM_CFLOAT*) &sdensity_brick_int[nelements * blockDim.x];
if(threadIdx.x < order * (order / 2 - (1 - order) / 2 + 1))
srho_coeff[threadIdx.x] = rho_coeff[threadIdx.x];
i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(false) {
if(i < nlocal) {
PPPM_CFLOAT dx, dy, dz, x0, y0, z0;
nx = part2grid[i];
ny = part2grid[i + nmax];
nz = part2grid[i + 2 * nmax];
dx = nx + shiftone - (_x[i] - _boxlo[0]) * delxinv;
dy = ny + shiftone - (_x[i + nmax] - _boxlo[1]) * delyinv;
dz = nz + shiftone - (_x[i + 2 * nmax] - _boxlo[2]) * delzinv;
z0 = delxinv * delyinv * delzinv * _q[i];
for(n = nlower; n <= nupper; n++) {
mz = n + nz;
y0 = z0 * rho1d(n, dz, srho_coeff);
for(m = nlower; m <= nupper; m++) {
my = m + ny;
x0 = y0 * rho1d(m, dy, srho_coeff);
for(l = nlower; l <= nupper; l++) {
mx = l + nx;
int mzyx = ((mz - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + my - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1) + mx - nxlo_out;
a = int(x0 * rho1d(l, dx, srho_coeff) * density_intScale);
b = (atomicAdd(&density_brick_int[mzyx], a) | a);
if(((b) & (0x7c000000)) && (not((b) & (0x80000000)))) {
if((b) & (0x60000000)) flag[0]++;
i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
PPPM_CFLOAT dx, dy, dz, x0, y0, z0, qtmp;
if(i < nlocal) {
qtmp = _q[i];
nx = part2grid[i];
ny = part2grid[i + nmax];
nz = part2grid[i + 2 * nmax];
dx = nx + shiftone - (_x[i] - _boxlo[0]) * delxinv;
dy = ny + shiftone - (_x[i + nmax] - _boxlo[1]) * delyinv;
dz = nz + shiftone - (_x[i + 2 * nmax] - _boxlo[2]) * delzinv;
z0 = delxinv * delyinv * delzinv * qtmp;
} else {
nx = ny = nz = 1;
dx = dy = dz = PPPM_F(0.1);
for(n = nlower; n <= nupper; n++) {
mz = n + nz;
y0 = z0 * rho1d(n, dz, srho_coeff);
for(m = nlower; m <= nupper; m++) {
my = m + ny;
x0 = y0 * rho1d(m, dy, srho_coeff);
if(i < nlocal) {
idx[threadIdx.x] = ((mz - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + my - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1) + nx + nlower - nxlo_out;
for(l = nlower; l <= nupper; l++) {
sdensity_brick_int[threadIdx.x * nelements + l - nlower] = int(x0 * rho1d(l, dx, srho_coeff) * density_intScale);
} else idx[threadIdx.x] = -1;
for(int ii = 0; ii < blockDim.x; ii += read_threads_at_same_time) {
int kk = threadIdx.x / nelements;
if((threadIdx.x < nelements * read_threads_at_same_time) && (kk + ii < blockDim.x) && (idx[ii + kk] > -1)) {
a = sdensity_brick_int[ii * nelements + threadIdx.x];
b = (atomicAdd(&density_brick_int[idx[ii + kk] + threadIdx.x - kk * nelements], a) | a);
if(((b) & (0x7c000000)) && (not((b) & (0x80000000)))) {
if((b) & (0x60000000)) flag[0]++;
__syncthreads(); //*/
__global__ void scale_rho_kernel()
int i = (blockIdx.x * gridDim.y + blockIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
density_brick[i] = (1.0 / density_intScale) * density_brick_int[i];
__global__ void fieldforce_kernel(int elements_per_thread, int read_threads_at_same_time, int* flag) //20*x64 0.36
int i;
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of E-field on particle
i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int* idx = (int*) sharedmem;
PPPM_CFLOAT* tmp_brick = (PPPM_CFLOAT*) &idx[blockDim.x];
PPPM_CFLOAT* srho_coeff = (PPPM_CFLOAT*) &tmp_brick[3 * blockDim.x * elements_per_thread];
if(threadIdx.x < order * (order / 2 - (1 - order) / 2 + 1))
srho_coeff[threadIdx.x] = rho_coeff[threadIdx.x];
int l, m, n, nx, ny, nz, my, mz;
PPPM_CFLOAT dx, dy, dz, x0, y0, z0;
if(i < nlocal) {
nx = part2grid[i];
ny = part2grid[i + nmax];
nz = part2grid[i + 2 * nmax];
dx = nx + shiftone - (_x[i] - _boxlo[0]) * delxinv;
dy = ny + shiftone - (_x[i + nmax] - _boxlo[1]) * delyinv;
dz = nz + shiftone - (_x[i + 2 * nmax] - _boxlo[2]) * delzinv;
ek[0] = ek[1] = ek[2] = PPPM_F(0.0);
} else {
nx = ny = nz = 1;
dx = dy = dz = PPPM_F(0.1);
for(n = nlower; n <= nupper; n++) {
mz = n + nz;
z0 = rho1d(n, dz, srho_coeff);
for(m = nlower; m <= nupper; m++) {
my = m + ny;
y0 = z0 * rho1d(m, dy, srho_coeff);
if(i < nlocal)
idx[threadIdx.x] = ((mz - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + my - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1) + nx + nlower - nxlo_out;
else idx[threadIdx.x] = -1;
for(int ii = 0; ii < blockDim.x; ii += read_threads_at_same_time) {
int kk = threadIdx.x / elements_per_thread;
if((threadIdx.x < elements_per_thread * read_threads_at_same_time) && (kk + ii < blockDim.x) && (idx[ii + kk] > -1)) {
tmp_brick[ii * elements_per_thread + threadIdx.x] = vdx_brick[idx[ii + kk] + threadIdx.x - kk * elements_per_thread];
tmp_brick[(ii + blockDim.x)*elements_per_thread + threadIdx.x] = vdy_brick[idx[ii + kk] + threadIdx.x - kk * elements_per_thread];
tmp_brick[(ii + 2 * blockDim.x)*elements_per_thread + threadIdx.x] = vdz_brick[idx[ii + kk] + threadIdx.x - kk * elements_per_thread];
if(i < nlocal)
for(l = nlower; l <= nupper; l++) {
x0 = y0 * rho1d(l, dx, srho_coeff);
ek[0] -= x0 * tmp_brick[threadIdx.x * elements_per_thread + l - nlower];
ek[1] -= x0 * tmp_brick[threadIdx.x * elements_per_thread + l - nlower + blockDim.x * elements_per_thread];
ek[2] -= x0 * tmp_brick[threadIdx.x * elements_per_thread + l - nlower + 2 * blockDim.x * elements_per_thread];
// convert E-field to force
_f[i] += qqrd2e * _q[i] * ek[0];
_f[i + nmax] += qqrd2e * _q[i] * ek[1];
_f[i + 2 * nmax] += qqrd2e * _q[i] * ek[2];
__global__ void slabcorr_energy_kernel(ENERGY_CFLOAT* buf)
ENERGY_CFLOAT* dipole = (ENERGY_CFLOAT*) sharedmem;
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(i < nlocal)
dipole[threadIdx.x] = _q[i] * _x[i + 2 * nmax];
dipole[threadIdx.x] = ENERGY_F(0.0);
if(threadIdx.x == 0) buf[blockIdx.x] = dipole[0];
__global__ void slabcorr_force_kernel(F_CFLOAT ffact)
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if(i < nlocal)
_f[i + 2 * nmax] += qqrd2e * _q[i] * ffact;
__global__ void initfftdata_core_kernel(PPPM_CFLOAT* in, FFT_CFLOAT* out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] = in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x) + 1] = 0;
__global__ void initfftdata_z_kernel(PPPM_CFLOAT* in, FFT_CFLOAT* out)
if(slabflag) {
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
out[2 * (((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
} else {
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + (nzhi_out - nzlo_in)) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
__global__ void initfftdata_y_kernel(PPPM_CFLOAT* in, FFT_CFLOAT* out)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + (2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + (nyhi_out - nylo_in)) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
__global__ void initfftdata_x_kernel(PPPM_CFLOAT* in, FFT_CFLOAT* out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
__global__ void initfftdata_yz_kernel(PPPM_CFLOAT* in, FFT_CFLOAT* out)
if(slabflag) {
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
out[2 * ((((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
out[2 * ((((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
} else {
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzhi_in - nzlo_out + 1) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzhi_in - nzlo_out + 1) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxlo_in - nxlo_out];
__global__ void initfftdata_xz_kernel(PPPM_CFLOAT* in, FFT_CFLOAT* out)
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzhi_in - nzlo_out + 1) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzhi_in - nzlo_out + 1) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
if(slabflag) {
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * ((((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * ((((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
} else {
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nylo_in - nylo_out) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
__global__ void initfftdata_xy_kernel(PPPM_CFLOAT* in, FFT_CFLOAT* out)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzlo_in - nzlo_out) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
__global__ void initfftdata_xyz_kernel(PPPM_CFLOAT* in, FFT_CFLOAT* out)
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzhi_in - nzlo_out + 1) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzhi_in - nzlo_out + 1) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzhi_in - nzlo_out + 1) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzhi_out - nzhi_in)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * (((blockIdx.x * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x + nzhi_in - nzlo_out + 1) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
if(slabflag) {
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * ((((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * ((((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * ((((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * ((((nzhi_in - nzlo_in + 2 - nupper - slabflag + blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
} else {
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nyhi_out - nyhi_in)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y + nyhi_in - nylo_out + 1) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxlo_in - nxlo_out)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x + 2 * (nxhi_in + 1) - nxlo_in - nxhi_out)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x];
if(blockIdx.x < nzlo_in - nzlo_out)
if(blockIdx.y < nylo_in - nylo_out)
if(threadIdx.x < nxhi_out - nxhi_in)
out[2 * ((((blockIdx.x + 2 * (nzhi_in + 1) - nzlo_in - nzhi_out) * (nyhi_in - nylo_in + 1) + blockIdx.y + 2 * (nyhi_in + 1) - nylo_in - nyhi_out) * (nxhi_in - nxlo_in + 1)) + threadIdx.x)] += in[(((blockIdx.x) * (nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1) + blockIdx.y) * (nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1)) + threadIdx.x + nxhi_in - nxlo_out + 1];