add tester tool for timestep related fixes: integrators, thermostats, force manipulations, constraints

This commit is contained in:
Axel Kohlmeyer 2020-08-08 22:54:17 -04:00
parent 0ce43efc34
commit faac18ffd2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: D9B44E93BF0C375A
5 changed files with 684 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -114,3 +114,16 @@ foreach(TEST ${KSPACE_TESTS})
# tester for timestepping fixes
add_executable(test_fix_timestep test_fix_timestep.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_fix_timestep PRIVATE lammps style_tests)
# tests for timestep related fixes (time integration, thermostat, force manipulation, constraints/restraints)
string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*fix-timestep-(.*)\.yaml" "FixTimestep:\\1" TNAME ${TEST})

View File

@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ public:
stress_t run_stress;
std::vector<coord_t> init_forces;
std::vector<coord_t> run_forces;
std::vector<coord_t> run_pos;
std::vector<coord_t> restart_pos;
std::vector<coord_t> run_vel;
std::vector<coord_t> restart_vel;
TestConfig() :
lammps_version(""), date_generated(""), basename(""), epsilon(1.0e-14), input_file(""),
@ -79,6 +83,10 @@ public:
virtual ~TestConfig(){};

View File

@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ TestConfigReader::TestConfigReader(TestConfig &config) : YamlReader(), config(co
consumers["run_stress"] = &TestConfigReader::run_stress;
consumers["init_forces"] = &TestConfigReader::init_forces;
consumers["run_forces"] = &TestConfigReader::run_forces;
consumers["run_pos"] = &TestConfigReader::run_pos;
consumers["run_vel"] = &TestConfigReader::run_vel;
consumers["pair_style"] = &TestConfigReader::pair_style;
consumers["pair_coeff"] = &TestConfigReader::pair_coeff;
@ -176,6 +178,36 @@ void TestConfigReader::run_forces(const yaml_event_t &event)
void TestConfigReader::run_pos(const yaml_event_t &event)
config.run_pos.resize(config.natoms + 1);
std::stringstream data((char *);
std::string line;
while (std::getline(data, line, '\n')) {
int tag;
coord_t xyz;
sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %lg %lg %lg", &tag, &xyz.x, &xyz.y, &xyz.z);
config.run_pos[tag] = xyz;
void TestConfigReader::run_vel(const yaml_event_t &event)
config.run_vel.resize(config.natoms + 1);
std::stringstream data((char *);
std::string line;
while (std::getline(data, line, '\n')) {
int tag;
coord_t xyz;
sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %lg %lg %lg", &tag, &xyz.x, &xyz.y, &xyz.z);
config.run_vel[tag] = xyz;
void TestConfigReader::pair_style(const yaml_event_t &event)
config.pair_style = (char *);

View File

@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ public:
void run_stress(const yaml_event_t &event);
void init_forces(const yaml_event_t &event);
void run_forces(const yaml_event_t &event);
void run_pos(const yaml_event_t &event);
void run_vel(const yaml_event_t &event);
void fix_style(const yaml_event_t &event);
void pair_style(const yaml_event_t &event);
void pair_coeff(const yaml_event_t &event);
void bond_style(const yaml_event_t &event);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// unit tests for pair styles intended for molecular systems
#include "error_stats.h"
#include "test_config.h"
#include "test_config_reader.h"
#include "test_main.h"
#include "yaml_reader.h"
#include "yaml_writer.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "compute.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include "fmt/format.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "kspace.h"
#include "lammps.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "pair.h"
#include "universe.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using ::testing::HasSubstr;
using ::testing::StartsWith;
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
static void delete_file(const std::string &filename)
void cleanup_lammps(LAMMPS *lmp, const TestConfig &cfg)
delete_file(cfg.basename + ".restart");
delete lmp;
lmp = nullptr;
LAMMPS *init_lammps(int argc, char **argv, const TestConfig &cfg, const bool use_respa = false)
LAMMPS *lmp;
lmp = new LAMMPS(argc, argv, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// check if prerequisite styles are available
Info *info = new Info(lmp);
int nfail = 0;
for (auto &prerequisite : cfg.prerequisites) {
std::string style = prerequisite.second;
// this is a test for fix styles, so if the suffixed
// version is not available, there is no reason to test.
if (prerequisite.first == "fix") {
if (lmp->suffix_enable) {
style += "/";
style += lmp->suffix;
if (!info->has_style(prerequisite.first, style)) ++nfail;
delete info;
if (nfail > 0) {
cleanup_lammps(lmp, cfg);
return nullptr;
// utility lambda to improve readability
auto command = [&](const std::string &line) {
command("variable input_dir index " + INPUT_FOLDER);
for (auto &pre_command : cfg.pre_commands)
std::string input_file = INPUT_FOLDER + PATH_SEP + cfg.input_file;
if (use_respa) command("run_style respa 2 1 bond 1 pair 2");
// set up molecular system force field
command("pair_style lj/cut 8.0");
command("pair_coeff 1 1 0.02 2.5");
command("pair_coeff 2 2 0.005 1.0");
command("pair_coeff 2 4 0.005 0.5");
command("pair_coeff 3 3 0.02 3.2");
command("pair_coeff 4 4 0.015 3.1");
command("pair_coeff 5 5 0.015 3.1");
command("bond_style harmonic");
command("bond_coeff 1 250.0 1.5");
command("bond_coeff 2 300.0 1.1");
command("bond_coeff 3 350.0 1.3");
command("bond_coeff 4 650.0 1.2");
command("bond_coeff 5 450.0 1.0");
command("angle_style harmonic");
command("angle_coeff 1 75.0 110.1");
command("angle_coeff 2 45.0 111.0");
command("angle_coeff 3 50.0 120.0");
command("angle_coeff 4 100.0 108.5");
command("group solute molecule 1:2");
command("group solvent molecule 3:5");
for (auto &post_command : cfg.post_commands)
command("timestep 0.25");
command("run 0 post no");
command("thermo 2");
command("run 4 post no");
command("write_restart " + cfg.basename + ".restart");
command("run 4 post no");
return lmp;
void restart_lammps(LAMMPS *lmp, const TestConfig &cfg, bool use_rmass, bool use_respa)
// utility lambda to improve readability
auto command = [&](const std::string &line) {
command("read_restart " + cfg.basename + ".restart");
if (use_rmass) {
command("fix rmass all property/atom rmass ghost yes");
for (int i = 0; i < lmp->atom->ntypes; ++i)
command(fmt::format("set type {} mass {}", i + 1, lmp->atom->mass[i + 1]));
if (use_respa) command("run_style respa 2 1 bond 1 pair 2");
for (auto &post_command : cfg.post_commands)
command("thermo 2");
command("run 4 post no");
// re-generate yaml file with current settings.
void generate_yaml_file(const char *outfile, const TestConfig &config)
// initialize system geometry
const char *args[] = {"FixIntegrate", "-log", "none", "-echo", "screen", "-nocite"};
char **argv = (char **)args;
int argc = sizeof(args) / sizeof(char *);
LAMMPS *lmp = init_lammps(argc, argv, config);
if (!lmp) {
std::cerr << "One or more prerequisite styles are not available "
"in this LAMMPS configuration:\n";
for (auto prerequisite : config.prerequisites) {
std::cerr << prerequisite.first << "_style " << prerequisite.second << "\n";
const int natoms = lmp->atom->natoms;
std::string block("");
YamlWriter writer(outfile);
// lammps_version
writer.emit("lammps_version", lmp->universe->version);
// date_generated
std::time_t now = time(NULL);
block = ctime(&now);
block = block.substr(0, block.find("\n") - 1);
writer.emit("date_generated", block);
// epsilon
writer.emit("epsilon", config.epsilon);
// prerequisites
for (auto &prerequisite : config.prerequisites) {
block += prerequisite.first + " " + prerequisite.second + "\n";
writer.emit_block("prerequisites", block);
// pre_commands
for (auto &command : config.pre_commands) {
block += command + "\n";
writer.emit_block("pre_commands", block);
// post_commands
for (auto &command : config.post_commands) {
block += command + "\n";
writer.emit_block("post_commands", block);
// input_file
writer.emit("input_file", config.input_file);
// natoms
writer.emit("natoms", natoms);
// run_pos
auto x = lmp->atom->x;
auto tag = lmp->atom->tag;
for (int i = 1; i <= natoms; ++i) {
const int j = lmp->atom->map(i);
block += fmt::format("{:3} {:23.16e} {:23.16e} {:23.16e}\n", i, x[j][0], x[j][1], x[j][2]);
writer.emit_block("run_pos", block);
// run_vel
auto v = lmp->atom->v;
for (int i = 1; i <= natoms; ++i) {
const int j = lmp->atom->map(i);
block += fmt::format("{:3} {:23.16e} {:23.16e} {:23.16e}\n", i, v[j][0], v[j][1], v[j][2]);
writer.emit_block("run_vel", block);
cleanup_lammps(lmp, config);
TEST(FixTimestep, plain)
if (!LAMMPS::is_installed_pkg("MOLECULE")) GTEST_SKIP();
const char *args[] = {"FixTimestep", "-log", "none", "-echo", "screen", "-nocite"};
char **argv = (char **)args;
int argc = sizeof(args) / sizeof(char *);
LAMMPS *lmp = init_lammps(argc, argv, test_config, false);
std::string output = ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
if (verbose) std::cout << output;
if (!lmp) {
std::cerr << "One or more prerequisite styles are not available "
"in this LAMMPS configuration:\n";
for (auto &prerequisite : test_config.prerequisites) {
std::cerr << prerequisite.first << "_style " << prerequisite.second << "\n";
EXPECT_THAT(output, StartsWith("LAMMPS ("));
EXPECT_THAT(output, HasSubstr("Loop time"));
// abort if running in parallel and not all atoms are local
const int nlocal = lmp->atom->nlocal;
ASSERT_EQ(lmp->atom->natoms, nlocal);
double epsilon = test_config.epsilon;
auto x = lmp->atom->x;
auto tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ErrorStats stats;
const std::vector<coord_t> &x_ref = test_config.run_pos;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, normal_run, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
auto v = lmp->atom->v;
const std::vector<coord_t> &v_ref = test_config.run_vel;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, normal_run, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
restart_lammps(lmp, test_config, false, false);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, restart, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, restart, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
restart_lammps(lmp, test_config, true, false);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, rmass, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, rmass, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
cleanup_lammps(lmp, test_config);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
lmp = init_lammps(argc, argv, test_config, false);
output = ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
if (verbose) std::cout << output;
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, normal_run, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, normal_run, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
restart_lammps(lmp, test_config, false, false);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, restart, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, restart, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
restart_lammps(lmp, test_config, true, false);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, rmass, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, rmass, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
cleanup_lammps(lmp, test_config);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
TEST(FixTimestep, omp)
if (!LAMMPS::is_installed_pkg("USER-OMP")) GTEST_SKIP();
if (!LAMMPS::is_installed_pkg("MOLECULE")) GTEST_SKIP();
const char *args[] = {"FixTimestep", "-log", "none", "-echo", "screen", "-nocite",
"-pk", "omp", "4", "-sf", "omp"};
char **argv = (char **)args;
int argc = sizeof(args) / sizeof(char *);
LAMMPS *lmp = init_lammps(argc, argv, test_config, false);
std::string output = ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
if (verbose) std::cout << output;
if (!lmp) {
std::cerr << "One or more prerequisite styles are not available "
"in this LAMMPS configuration:\n";
for (auto &prerequisite : test_config.prerequisites) {
std::cerr << prerequisite.first << "_style " << prerequisite.second << "\n";
EXPECT_THAT(output, StartsWith("LAMMPS ("));
EXPECT_THAT(output, HasSubstr("Loop time"));
// abort if running in parallel and not all atoms are local
const int nlocal = lmp->atom->nlocal;
ASSERT_EQ(lmp->atom->natoms, nlocal);
double epsilon = test_config.epsilon;
auto x = lmp->atom->x;
auto tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ErrorStats stats;
const std::vector<coord_t> &x_ref = test_config.run_pos;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, normal_run, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
auto v = lmp->atom->v;
const std::vector<coord_t> &v_ref = test_config.run_vel;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, normal_run, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
restart_lammps(lmp, test_config, false, false);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, restart, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, restart, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
restart_lammps(lmp, test_config, true, false);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, rmass, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, rmass, verlet: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
cleanup_lammps(lmp, test_config);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
lmp = init_lammps(argc, argv, test_config, false);
output = ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
if (verbose) std::cout << output;
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, normal_run, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, normal_run, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
restart_lammps(lmp, test_config, false, false);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, restart, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, restart, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
restart_lammps(lmp, test_config, true, false);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();
x = lmp->atom->x;
tag = lmp->atom->tag;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, x_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][0], x_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][1], x_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(x[i][2], x_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_pos, rmass, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
v = lmp->atom->v;
ASSERT_EQ(nlocal + 1, v_ref.size());
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][0], v_ref[tag[i]].x, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][1], v_ref[tag[i]].y, epsilon);
EXPECT_FP_LE_WITH_EPS(v[i][2], v_ref[tag[i]].z, epsilon);
if (print_stats) std::cerr << "run_vel, rmass, respa: " << stats << std::endl;
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout();
cleanup_lammps(lmp, test_config);
if (!verbose) ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout();