elastic constants example

git-svn-id: svn://svn.icms.temple.edu/lammps-ro/trunk@4124 f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa
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athomps 2010-05-12 03:25:58 +00:00
parent 2cda292313
commit f9decb8290
6 changed files with 391 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ couple: code example of how to link to LAMMPS as a library
colloid: big colloid particles in a small particle solvent, 2d system
crack: crack propagation in a 2d solid
dipole: point dipolar particles, 2d system
elastic: zero temperature elastic constant tensor of silicon
ellipse: ellipsoidal particles in spherical solvent, 2d system
flow: Couette and Poiseuille flow in a 2d channel
friction: frictional contact of spherical asperities between 2d surfaces

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# NOTE: This script should not need to be
# modified. See in.elastic for more info.
# Find which reference length to use
if ${dir} == 1 then &
"variable len0 equal ${lx0}"
if ${dir} == 2 then &
"variable len0 equal ${ly0}"
if ${dir} == 3 then &
"variable len0 equal ${lz0}"
if ${dir} == 4 then &
"variable len0 equal ${lz0}"
if ${dir} == 5 then &
"variable len0 equal ${lz0}"
if ${dir} == 6 then &
"variable len0 equal ${ly0}"
# Reset box and simulation parameters
read_restart restart.equil
include potential.mod
# Negative deformation
variable delta equal -${up}*${len0}
if ${dir} == 1 then &
"displace_box all x delta 0 ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 2 then &
"displace_box all y delta 0 ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 3 then &
"displace_box all z delta 0 ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 4 then &
"displace_box all yz delta ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 5 then &
"displace_box all xz delta ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 6 then &
"displace_box all xy delta ${delta} units box"
# Relax atoms positions
minimize ${etol} ${ftol} ${maxiter} ${maxeval}
# Obtain new stress tensor
variable tmp equal pxx
variable pxx1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pyy
variable pyy1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pzz
variable pzz1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxy
variable pxy1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxz
variable pxz1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pyz
variable pyz1 equal ${tmp}
# Compute elastic constant from pressure tensor
variable C1neg equal ${d1}
variable C2neg equal ${d2}
variable C3neg equal ${d3}
variable C4neg equal ${d4}
variable C5neg equal ${d5}
variable C6neg equal ${d6}
# Reset box and simulation parameters
read_restart restart.equil
include potential.mod
# Positive deformation
variable delta equal ${up}*${len0}
if ${dir} == 1 then &
"displace_box all x delta 0 ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 2 then &
"displace_box all y delta 0 ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 3 then &
"displace_box all z delta 0 ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 4 then &
"displace_box all yz delta ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 5 then &
"displace_box all xz delta ${delta} units box"
if ${dir} == 6 then &
"displace_box all xy delta ${delta} units box"
# Relax atoms positions
minimize ${etol} ${ftol} ${maxiter} ${maxeval}
# Obtain new stress tensor
variable tmp equal pe
variable e1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal press
variable p1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxx
variable pxx1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pyy
variable pyy1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pzz
variable pzz1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxy
variable pxy1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxz
variable pxz1 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pyz
variable pyz1 equal ${tmp}
# Compute elastic constant from pressure tensor
variable C1pos equal ${d1}
variable C2pos equal ${d2}
variable C3pos equal ${d3}
variable C4pos equal ${d4}
variable C5pos equal ${d5}
variable C6pos equal ${d6}
# Combine positive and negative
variable C1${dir} equal 0.5*(${C1neg}+${C1pos})
variable C2${dir} equal 0.5*(${C2neg}+${C2pos})
variable C3${dir} equal 0.5*(${C3neg}+${C3pos})
variable C4${dir} equal 0.5*(${C4neg}+${C4pos})
variable C5${dir} equal 0.5*(${C5neg}+${C5pos})
variable C6${dir} equal 0.5*(${C6neg}+${C6pos})
# Delete dir to make sure it is not reused
variable dir delete

examples/elastic/in.elastic Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
# Compute elastic constant tensor for a crystal
# This script uses the following three include files.
# init.mod (must be modified for different crystal structures)
# Define units, deformation parameters and initial
# configuration of the atoms and simulation cell.
# potential.mod (must be modified for different pair styles)
# Define pair style and other attributes
# not stored in restart file
# displace.mod (displace.mod should not need to be modified)
# Perform positive and negative box displacements
# in direction ${dir} and size ${up}.
# It uses the resultant changes
# in stress to compute one
# row of the elastic stiffness tensor
# Inputs variables:
# dir = the Voigt deformation component
# (1,2,3,4,5,6)
# Global constants:
# up = the deformation magnitude (strain units)
# cfac = conversion from LAMMPS pressure units to
# output units for elastic constants
# To run this on a different system, it should only be necessary to
# modify the files init.mod and potential.mod. In order to calculate
# the elastic constants correctly, care must be taken to specify
# the correct units in init.mod (units, cfac and cunits). It is also
# important to verify that the minimization of energy w.r.t atom
# positions in the deformed cell is fully converged.
# One indication of this is that the elastic constants are insensitive
# to the choice of the variable ${up} in init.mod. Another is to check
# the final max and two-norm forces reported in the log file. If you know
# that minimization is not required, you can set maxiter = 0.0 in
# init.mod.
include init.mod
include potential.mod
# Compute initial state
fix 3 all box/relax aniso 0.0
minimize ${etol} ${ftol} ${maxiter} ${maxeval}
variable tmp equal pxx
variable pxx0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pyy
variable pyy0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pzz
variable pzz0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pyz
variable pyz0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxz
variable pxz0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal pxy
variable pxy0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal lx
variable lx0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal ly
variable ly0 equal ${tmp}
variable tmp equal lz
variable lz0 equal ${tmp}
# These formulas define the derivatives w.r.t. strain components
# Constants uses $, variables use v_
variable d1 equal -(v_pxx1-${pxx0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d2 equal -(v_pyy1-${pyy0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d3 equal -(v_pzz1-${pzz0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d4 equal -(v_pyz1-${pyz0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d5 equal -(v_pxz1-${pxz0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
variable d6 equal -(v_pxy1-${pxy0})/(v_delta/v_len0)*${cfac}
# Write restart
write_restart restart.equil
# uxx Perturbation
variable dir equal 1
include displace.mod
# uyy Perturbation
variable dir equal 2
include displace.mod
# uzz Perturbation
variable dir equal 3
include displace.mod
# uyz Perturbation
variable dir equal 4
include displace.mod
# uxz Perturbation
variable dir equal 5
include displace.mod
# uxy Perturbation
variable dir equal 6
include displace.mod
# Output final values
variable C11all equal ${C11}
variable C22all equal ${C22}
variable C33all equal ${C33}
variable C12all equal 0.5*(${C12}+${C21})
variable C13all equal 0.5*(${C13}+${C31})
variable C23all equal 0.5*(${C23}+${C32})
variable C44all equal ${C44}
variable C55all equal ${C55}
variable C66all equal ${C66}
variable C14all equal 0.5*(${C14}+${C41})
variable C15all equal 0.5*(${C15}+${C51})
variable C16all equal 0.5*(${C16}+${C61})
variable C24all equal 0.5*(${C24}+${C42})
variable C25all equal 0.5*(${C25}+${C52})
variable C26all equal 0.5*(${C26}+${C62})
variable C34all equal 0.5*(${C34}+${C43})
variable C35all equal 0.5*(${C35}+${C53})
variable C36all equal 0.5*(${C36}+${C63})
variable C45all equal 0.5*(${C45}+${C54})
variable C46all equal 0.5*(${C46}+${C64})
variable C56all equal 0.5*(${C56}+${C65})
# For Stillinger-Weber silicon, the analytical results
# are known to be (E. R. Cowley, 1988):
# C11 = 151.4 GPa
# C12 = 76.4 GPa
# C44 = 56.4 GPa
print "Elastic Constant C11all = ${C11all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C22all = ${C22all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C33all = ${C33all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C12all = ${C12all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C13all = ${C13all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C23all = ${C23all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C44all = ${C44all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C55all = ${C55all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C66all = ${C66all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C14all = ${C14all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C15all = ${C15all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C16all = ${C16all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C24all = ${C24all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C25all = ${C25all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C26all = ${C26all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C34all = ${C34all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C35all = ${C35all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C36all = ${C36all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C45all = ${C45all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C46all = ${C46all} ${cunits}"
print "Elastic Constant C56all = ${C56all} ${cunits}"

examples/elastic/init.mod Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# NOTE: This script can be modified for different atomic structures,
# units, etc. See in.elastic for more info.
# Define the finite deformation size. Try several values of this
# variable to verify that results do not depend on it.
variable up equal 1.0e-6
# Uncomment one of these blocks, depending on what units
# you are using in LAMMPS and for output
# metal units, elastic constants in eV/A^3
#units metal
#variable cfac equal 6.2414e-7
#variable cunits string eV/A^3
# metal units, elastic constants in GPa
units metal
variable cfac equal 1.0e-4
variable cunits string GPa
# real units, elastic constants in GPa
#units real
#variable cfac equal 1.01325e-4
#variable cunits string GPa
# Define minimization parameters
variable etol equal 0.0
variable ftol equal 1.0e-10
variable maxiter equal 100
variable maxeval equal 1000
variable dmax equal 1.0e-2
# generate the box and atom positions using a diamond lattice
variable a equal 5.43
boundary p p p
lattice diamond $a
region box prism 0 2.0 0 3.0 0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
create_box 1 box
create_atoms 1 box
# Need to set mass to something, just to satisfy LAMMPS
mass 1 1.0e-20

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# NOTE: This script can be modified for different pair styles
# See in.elastic for more info.
# Choose potential
pair_style sw
pair_coeff * * si.sw Si
# Setup neighbor style
neighbor 1.0 nsq
neigh_modify once no every 1 delay 0 check yes
# Setup minimization style
min_style cg
min_modify dmax ${dmax} line quadratic
# Setup output
thermo 1
thermo_style custom step temp pe press pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz lx ly lz vol
thermo_modify norm no

examples/elastic/si.sw Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Stillinger-Weber parameters for various elements and mixtures
# multiple entries can be added to this file, LAMMPS reads the ones it needs
# these entries are in LAMMPS "metal" units:
# epsilon = eV; sigma = Angstroms
# other quantities are unitless
# format of a single entry (one or more lines):
# element 1, element 2, element 3,
# epsilon, sigma, a, lambda, gamma, costheta0, A, B, p, q, tol
# Here are the original parameters in metal units, for Silicon from:
# Stillinger and Weber, Phys. Rev. B, v. 31, p. 5262, (1985)
Si Si Si 2.1683 2.0951 1.80 21.0 1.20 -0.333333333333
7.049556277 0.6022245584 4.0 0.0 0.0