From f3e6110453efe42d0d6f1848cfd68fc45c1306cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sjplimp
For post-processing purposes the atom and custom text files are self-describing in the following sense. diff --git a/doc/dump.txt b/doc/dump.txt index b81277ea73..fd51cc3854 100644 --- a/doc/dump.txt +++ b/doc/dump.txt @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ The {atom}, {local}, and {custom} styles create files in a simple text format that is self-explanatory when viewing a dump file. Many of the LAMMPS "post-processing tools"_Section_tools.html, including ""_, work with this -format, as does the "rerun"_rerun.html fommand. +format, as does the "rerun"_rerun.html command. For post-processing purposes the {atom} and {custom} text files are self-describing in the following sense.