forked from lijiext/lammps
remove xmovie
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
CC = gcc
LN = gcc
OPTIM = -O2 -finline-functions -g
XLIBDIR = -L/usr/X11R6/lib
WARNS = -Wimplicit -Wunused -Wmissing-prototypes
LIBS = $(XLIBDIR) -lX11 -lXaw -lm
# try this version on a Mac
#LIBS = $(XLIBDIR) -lX11 -lXaw -lXt -lXext -lXmu -lXpm
OBJS = xmovie.o \
control.o \
scene.o \
read.o \
EXES = xmovie dummy tobinary toascii
$(CC) $(CCOPTS) $*.c
xmovie: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CCOPTS) version.c
$(LN) -o xmovie $(LNOPTS) version.o $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
xmovie.o: xmovie.h resource.h xmovie.c
control.o: xmovie.h control.c
scene.o: xmovie.h scene.c
read.o: xmovie.h read.c
hpsort.o: hpsort.c
rm -f *.o *~ $(EXES)
tar cvf xmovie.tar Makefile *.c *.h
compress xmovie.tar
uuencode xmovie.tar.Z xmovie.tar.Z > xmovie.tar.Z.uu
rm -f *.o
all: $(EXES)
dummy: dummy.o
$(LN) $(LNOPTS) -o dummy dummy.o -lm
dummy.o: dummy.c
toascii: toascii.o
$(LN) $(LNOPTS) -o toascii toascii.o
toascii.o: toascii.c
tobinary: tobinary.o
$(LN) $(LNOPTS) -o tobinary tobinary.o
tobinary.o: tobinary.c
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Xmovie is an X-based visualization package that can reads particle
data in a simple text format. LAMMPS output files are in this format
(by default). Xmovie displays 2d projections of 3d (or 2d) data sets.
While simple, it is extremely fast, and often useful for debugging.
Xmovie was written by Mike Uttormark, while visiting Sandia, in the
summer of 1994. Subsequent small changes have been made by Steve
To make xmovie for your platform, edit the top section of the Makefile
appropriately for your machine. You will need to point at the correct
X libraries for xmovie to compile and link properly.
Once you have an xmovie executable you can test it by typing:
xmovie dummy.dat
A control window and a display window should pop open. Move the
"thickness" slider all the way to the right and click "Start". You
should see a small white ball oscillate back and forth in the display.
The examples directory in the LAMMPS distribution has several
simulations that can be run with LAMMPS to produce dump.* files that
you can use xmovie to visualize. The Movies page of the LAMMPS WWW
Site has animations of these simulations that were produced by
converting saved xmovie snapshots to MPEG files (via ImageMagick's
convert program). Note that LAMMPS output is scaled by default (so
all coordinates are from 0 to 1). Thus you need to run xmovie like
xmovie -scale dump.*
to see the snapshot you expect.
The xmovie control window options should be self-explanatory. You are
always viewing a 2d projection of your 2d or 3d snapshot; the
"position" and "thickness" sliders control the range of the slab of
atoms being projected. You will not always see a snapshot when xmovie
begins, unless you push the "thickness" slider to the right.
Type xmovie to see a list of command-line options and info on file
If the xpm.h file is not on a system, it must be downloaded from
Needed to build on IBM cheetah at ORNL:
#include </apps/xpm/3.4k/rs_aix51/include/X11/xpm.h>
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
! Resources that users may want to change.
! Add these lines to your .Xdefaults file or
! merge them using xrdb -merge
! colors used for drawing atoms
#ifdef COLOR
XMovie.*.scene.*.foreground: red
XMovie.*.scene.*.background: black
XMovie.*.scene.width: 600
XMovie.*.scene.height: 600
XMovie.*.scene.*.foreground: black
XMovie.*.scene.*.background: white
! Default slider positions (0.0 -> 1.0)
XMovie.*.speedbar.topOfThumb: 1.0
XMovie.*.positionbar.topOfThumb: 0.50
XMovie.*.thicknessbar.topOfThumb: 1.0
! Default viewing axis
! set only one, or chaos will surely ensue.
! need to turn z off before turning others on
! XMovie.*.z.state: False
! XMovie.*.y.state: True
! XMovie.*.x.state: True
! XMovie.*.z.state: True
! Default viewing direction
! again, set only one.
! turn vminus off before turning vplus on
! XMovie.*.vminus.state: False
! XMovie.*.vplus.state: True
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
/* program to generate dummy data set */
/* Mike Uttormark 7/16/92 */
/* Sandia Nat'l Labs 1421 */
/* On leave from University of Wisconsin--Madison */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define RANGE 5.0
#define STEPS 2000
#define PI 3.14159
#define S 50
int printf(char *, ...);
int main(int argc, char **argv);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i, j, step, npart;
int nsteps;
if (argc < 2)
nsteps = STEPS;
nsteps = atoi(argv[1]);
if (argc < 3)
npart = 1;
npart = atoi(argv[2]);
for(step = 0; step < nsteps; step++) {
printf("ITEM: TIME\n%g\n", (float) step);
if (step == 0) {
printf("ITEM: BOUNDS\n");
for (i = 3; i; i--)
printf("%g, %g\n", -RANGE, RANGE);
printf("ITEM: POSITIONS\n");
for( j = 0; j < npart; j++)
printf("%i, %i, %g, %g, %g\n",
1 + j%4,
if (npart > 1) {
printf("ITEM: BONDS\n");
for ( j = 0; j < npart-1; j++)
printf("%i %i %i\n", 1 + j%4, j+1, j+2);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
/* Numerical Recipes heap sort, modified to be like C library qsort */
/* accepts arbitrary objects to be sorted, user provides compare function
this routine sorts a F77-style array indexed from 1-n
thus you MUST call it from C with hpsort(ra-1, ) to offset C ptr by -1
also added multiply-array-index-by-size to enable arbitrary objects
void hpsort(char *ra, int n, int size,
int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
unsigned long i,ir,j,l;
char *rra;
if (n < 2) return;
l = (n >> 1)+1;
ir = n;
rra = (char *) malloc(size);
for (;;) {
if (l > 1) {
} else {
if (--ir == 1) {
i = l;
j = l+l;
while (j <= ir) {
if (j < ir && (*cmp)(&ra[j*size],&ra[(j+1)*size]) < 0) j++;
if ((*cmp)(rra,&ra[j*size]) < 0) {
i = j;
j <<= 1;
} else j = ir+1;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
/* **************************************************************** */
/* Resource database values */
/* Can be overridden from .Xdefaults */
String FallbackResources[] = {
"*.foreground: black",
"*.background: white",
"*.horizDistance: 4",
"*.vertDistance: 4",
"*Dialog*Translations: #override \\n\
<Key>Return: NoOp()\\n\
<Key>Up: NoOp()\\n\
<Key>Down: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>C: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>I: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>J: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>M: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>N: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>O: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>P: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>Q: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>R: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>S: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>V: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>X: NoOp()\\n\
Ctrl<Key>Z: NoOp()\\n\
Meta<Key>V: NoOp()",
"*.Toggle.Translations: #replace \\n\
<EnterWindow>: highlight(Always) \\n\
<LeaveWindow>: unhighlight() \\n\
<Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: set()notify() \\n\
<Btn2Down>,<Btn2Up>: set()notify() \\n\
<Btn3Down>,<Btn3Up>: set()notify()",
"*.quit.label: Quit",
"*.start.label: Start",
"*.stop.label: Stop",
"*.restart.label: Restart",
"*.step.label: +Step",
"*.back.label: -Step",
"*.save.label: Save",
"*.color.label: Color",
"*.start.fromHoriz: quit",
"*.stop.fromHoriz: start",
"*.restart.fromHoriz: stop",
"*.step.fromHoriz: restart",
"*.back.fromHoriz: step",
"*.save.fromHoriz: back",
"*.color.fromHoriz: save",
"*.quit.popup.dialog.label: Do you really want to Quit?",
"*.quit.popup.dialog.ok.label: Ok",
"*.quit.popup.dialog.cancel.label: Cancel",
"*.quit.popup.overrideRedirect: True",
"* Animaton Off",
"* Animation On",
"* This Snapshot",
"* Atoms",
"* Bonds",
"* Background",
"* from File",
"*.atomcolors.title: xmovie atom colors",
"*.atomcolors.*.apply.label: Apply",
"*.atomcolors.*.cancel.label: Dismiss",
"*.atomcolors.*.Form.Dialog.borderWidth: 2",
"*.atomcolors.*.Dialog.*.resizable: True",
"*.atomcolors.*.Dialog.Text.width: 200",
"*.atomcolors.*.Form.Form.Dialog.borderWidth: 0",
"*.atomcolors.*.Form.Form.borderWidth: 2",
"*.bondcolors.title: xmovie bond colors",
"*.bondcolors.*.apply.label: Apply",
"*.bondcolors.*.cancel.label: Dismiss",
"*.bondcolors.*.Form.Dialog.borderWidth: 2",
"*.bondcolors.*.Dialog.*.resizable: True",
"*.bondcolors.*.Dialog.Text.width: 200",
"*.bondcolors.*.Form.Form.Dialog.borderWidth: 0",
"*.bondcolors.*.Form.Form.borderWidth: 2",
"*.backcolors.title: xmovie background colors",
"*.backcolors.*.apply.label: Apply",
"*.backcolors.*.cancel.label: Dismiss",
"*.backcolors.*.bg.label: Background Color",
"*.backcolors.*.bg.value: black",
"*.backcolors.*.Dialog.Text.width: 200",
"*.backcolors.*.Dialog.*.resizable: True",
"*.filecolors.title: xmovie colors from file",
"*.filecolors.*.apply.label: Apply",
"*.filecolors.*.cancel.label: Dismiss",
"*.filecolors.*.file.label: File of color settings",
"*.filecolors.*.file.value: xmovie.colors",
"*.filecolors.*.Dialog.Text.width: 200",
"*.filecolors.*.Dialog.*.resizable: True",
"*.sceneshell.title: xmovie scene",
"*.scene.foreground: white",
"*.scene.background: black",
"*.scene.width: 400",
"*.scene.height: 400",
"*.scene.Translations: #override \\n\
<Expose>: ExposeScene()",
"*.Scrollbar.orientation: horizontal",
"*.Scrollbar.height: 25",
"*.Scrollbar.width: 200",
"*.Scrollbar.shown: 0.06",
"*.Label.resize: False",
"*.time.label: Time: ?",
"*.time.width: 406",
"*.time.fromVert: quit",
"*.speedbar.fromVert: time",
"*.speedbar.topOfThumb: 0.25",
"*.speed.fromHoriz: speedbar",
"*.speed.fromVert: time",
"*.speed.label: Speed: ?",
"*.speed.width: 200",
"*.speed.height: 25",
"*.speed.resize: False",
"*.positionbar.fromVert: speedbar",
"*.positionbar.topOfThumb: 0.5",
"*.position.fromHoriz: positionbar",
"*.position.fromVert: speed",
"*.position.label: Position: ?",
"*.position.width: 200",
"*.position.height: 25",
"*.position.resize: False",
"*.thicknessbar.fromVert: positionbar",
"*.thicknessbar.topOfThumb: 0.1",
"*.thickness.fromHoriz: thicknessbar",
"*.thickness.fromVert: position",
"*.thickness.label: Speed: ?",
"*.thickness.width: 200",
"*.thickness.height: 25",
"*.thickness.resize: False",
"*.Scrollbar.Translations: #override \\n\
<Btn1Down>: StartScroll(Continuous)MoveThumb()NotifyThumb() \\n\
<Btn3Down>: StartScroll(Continuous)MoveThumb()NotifyThumb() \\n\
<Btn1Motion>: MoveThumb()NotifyThumb() \\n\
<Btn3Motion>: MoveThumb()NotifyThumb()",
"*.axis.label: Viewing Axis",
"*.axis.fromVert: thicknessbar",
"*.axis.width: 200",
"*.axis.height: 25",
"*.x.fromVert: axis",
"*.x.label: X",
"*.x.width: 26",
"*.x.height: 25",
"*.x.horizDistance: 61",
"*.y.fromVert: axis",
"*.y.fromHoriz: x",
"*.y.label: Y",
"*.y.width: 26",
"*.y.height: 25",
"*.y.radioGroup: x",
"*.z.fromVert: axis",
"*.z.fromHoriz: y",
"*.z.label: Z",
"*.z.width: 26",
"*.z.height: 25",
"*.z.radioGroup: x",
"*.z.state: True",
"*.viewdir.label: Viewing Direction",
"*.viewdir.fromVert: x",
"*.viewdir.width: 200",
"*.viewdir.height: 25",
"*.vplus.fromVert: viewdir",
"*.vplus.horizDistance: 76",
"*.vplus.label: +",
"*.vplus.height: 25",
"*.vplus.width: 26",
"*.vminus.fromVert: viewdir",
"*.vminus.fromHoriz: vplus",
"*.vminus.label: -",
"*.vminus.width: 26",
"*.vminus.height: 25",
"*.vminus.radioGroup: vplus",
"*.vminus.state: True",
"*.motiondir.label: Movie Direction",
"*.motiondir.fromVert: vplus",
"*.motiondir.width: 200",
"*.motiondir.height: 25",
"*.mplus.fromVert: motiondir",
"*.mplus.horizDistance: 12",
"*.mplus.label: Forward",
"*.mplus.width: 90",
"*.mplus.height: 25",
"*.mplus.state: True",
"*.mminus.fromVert: motiondir",
"*.mminus.fromHoriz: mplus",
"*.mminus.label: Backward",
"*.mminus.width: 90",
"*.mminus.height: 25",
"*.mminus.radioGroup: mplus",
"*.axes.fromVert: thickness",
"*.axes.fromHoriz: axis",
"*.axes.width: 200",
"*.axes.height: 177",
"*.axes.resize: False",
"*.axes.Translations: #override \\n\
<Expose>: ExposeAxes()",
"*.read.fromVert: mplus",
"*.read.height: 100",
"*.read.width: 406",
"*.read.resize: False",
@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
/* **************************************************************** */
/* functions to deal with drawing atoms, etc. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Label.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Cardinals.h>
#include <X11/xpm.h>
#include "xmovie.h"
/* hard offsets so we dont draw on exact edge of screen */
#define HOFFSET 5
#define VOFFSET 5
typedef XArc POINT;
typedef XSegment LINE;
/* **************************************************************** */
/* local prototypes */
PRIVATE LINE *ClipAndScaleLines(BOND *b, int cnt, int *nlines);
PRIVATE POINT *ClipAndScalePoints(POSITION *p, int cnt, Dimension diam,
int *npoints);
PRIVATE void DrawPoints(Display *display, Drawable drawable, GC gc,
POINT *points, int npoints);
PRIVATE void DrawLines(Display *display, Drawable drawable, GC gc,
LINE *lines, int nlines);
PRIVATE void SceneDraw(void);
PRIVATE void SetAllColors(void);
PRIVATE void MotionUpdate(void);
/* **************************************************************** */
/* local data */
static Widget Scene;
static Widget Shell;
static Pixmap Buffer;
static GC *gc = (GC *) NULL;
static GC *bondgc = (GC *) NULL;
static GC bggc;
static int first = 1;
static Dimension Height, Width;
XtIntervalId TimeOut = (XtIntervalId) NULL;
static String null_string = "";
/* **************************************************************** */
Widget CreateScene(Widget parent, char *name)
Shell = XtCreatePopupShell("sceneshell", transientShellWidgetClass,
parent, NULL, ZERO);
Scene = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name, labelWidgetClass, Shell,
XtNlabel, &null_string, NULL);
gc = (GC *) XtMalloc(Common.natomcolors * sizeof(GC));
bondgc = (GC *) XtMalloc(Common.nbondcolors * sizeof(GC));
XtPopup(Shell, XtGrabNone);
PRIVATE void SceneDraw(void)
DATA *dptr;
POINT *points;
LINE *lines;
BOND *b;
int i;
int npoints, nlines;
char s[40];
static int last_step = -1;
if (!XtIsRealized(Scene)) return;
if (first) {
first = 0;
/* Clear everything */
if (Common.step >= Common.ndata) return;
if (Common.step < 0) return;
XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(Scene), Buffer, bggc, 0, 0,
Width, Height);
/* XClearWindow(XtDisplay(Scene), XtWindow(Scene)); */
/* find the data */
dptr = Common.dataptr + Common.step;
/* loop over colors */
b = dptr->bonds;
for(i = 0; i < Common.nbondcolors; i++) {
if (Common.bonds_visible[i]) {
lines = ClipAndScaleLines(b, dptr->nbtypes[i],&nlines);
DrawLines(XtDisplay(Scene), Buffer, bondgc[i],
lines, nlines);
b += dptr->nbtypes[i];
p = dptr->positions;
for(i = 0; i < Common.natomcolors; i++){
if (Common.atoms_visible[i]) {
points = ClipAndScalePoints(p, dptr->natypes[i],
Common.diameter[i], &npoints);
DrawPoints(XtDisplay(Scene), Buffer, gc[i], points,
p += dptr->natypes[i];
XCopyArea(XtDisplay(Scene), Buffer, XtWindow(Scene), bggc,
0, 0, Width, Height, 0, 0);
if (Common.step == last_step) return;
last_step = Common.step;
sprintf(s,"Time: %g Frame: %i", dptr->time, Common.step+1);
PRIVATE void MotionUpdate(void)
int next_step;
if (Common.saveflag) {
char str[24];
if (Common.step < 10)
else if (Common.step < 100)
if (!Common.motion) return;
next_step = CoerceStep(Common.step + Common.dstep);
if (next_step == Common.step) {
Common.step = next_step;
TimeOut = (XtIntervalId) NULL;
void SceneUpdate(void)
if (!Common.init) return;
/* Common.step = CoerceStep(Common.step); */
void SceneSave(void)
char str[24];
int CoerceStep(int step)
if (step >= Common.ndata) return (Common.ndata-1);
if (step < 0) return(0);
void ExposeScene(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *strings,
Cardinal *nstrings)
void InstallMotion(void)
Common.motion = 1;
if (TimeOut == (XtIntervalId) NULL)
TimeOut = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(Scene),
(XtTimerCallbackProc) MotionUpdate, NULL);
void RemoveMotion(void)
if (!Common.motion) return;
Common.motion = 0;
Common.step = CoerceStep(Common.step - Common.dstep);
if (TimeOut != (XtIntervalId) NULL) XtRemoveTimeOut(TimeOut);
TimeOut = (XtIntervalId) NULL;
void SceneSize(Dimension *width, Dimension *height)
XtVaGetValues(Scene, XtNwidth, width, XtNheight, height, NULL);
PRIVATE POINT *ClipAndScalePoints(POSITION *pos, int cnt, Dimension diam,
int *npoints)
register int i;
BOUND range;
register POINT *p;
Dimension width, height;
static int max_points = 0;
static POINT *points = (POINT *) NULL;
range.low = Common.position - Common.thickness * 0.5;
range.high = Common.position + Common.thickness * 0.5;
/* use a static buffer so minimize number of allocations */
/* didnt use Realloc because dont want data copied */
*npoints = cnt;
if (*npoints > max_points) {
XtFree((char *) points);
points = (POINT *) XtMalloc( *npoints * sizeof(POINT));
max_points = *npoints;
p = points;
if (cnt < 1) return(points);
SceneSize(&width, &height);
width -= 2*HOFFSET;
height -= 2*VOFFSET;
/* translate x, y, z to x and y in window. */
/* note: index and type are also passed, but may not be used */
switch(3*Common.direction + Common.axis){
case 0: /* negative direction, x axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, pos++) {
if (pos->x > range.high) continue;
if (pos->x < range.low) continue;
p->x = width -
(pos->z * Common.scale + Common.offset[2]);
p->y = height -
(pos->y * Common.scale + Common.offset[1]);
p->width = diam;
p->height = diam;
case 1: /* negative direction, y axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, pos++) {
if (pos->y > range.high) continue;
if (pos->y < range.low) continue;
p->x = pos->x * Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
p->y = pos->z * Common.scale + Common.offset[2];
p->width = diam;
p->height = diam;
case 2: /* negative direction, z axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, pos++) {
if (pos->z > range.high) continue;
if (pos->z < range.low) continue;
p->x = pos->x * Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
p->y = height -
(pos->y * Common.scale + Common.offset[1]);
p->width = diam;
p->height = diam;
case 3: /* positive direction, x axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, pos++) {
if (pos->x > range.high) continue;
if (pos->x < range.low) continue;
p->x = pos->z * Common.scale + Common.offset[2];
p->y = height -
(pos->y * Common.scale + Common.offset[1]);
p->width = diam;
p->height = diam;
case 4: /* positive direction, y axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, pos++) {
if (pos->y > range.high) continue;
if (pos->y < range.low) continue;
p->x = pos->x * Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
p->y = height -
(pos->z * Common.scale + Common.offset[2]);
p->width = diam;
p->height = diam;
case 5: /* postive direction, z axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, pos++) {
if (pos->z > range.high) continue;
if (pos->z < range.low) continue;
p->x = pos->x * Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
p->y = pos->y * Common.scale + Common.offset[1];
p->width = diam;
p->height = diam;
*npoints = p - points;
/* add the hard offsets so we dont draw on edge of screen */
/* center drawing based on width, height */
for(i = *npoints, p = points; i; i--, p++) {
p->x += HOFFSET - p->width/2;
p->y += VOFFSET - p->height/2;
PRIVATE void DrawPoints(Display *display, Drawable drawable, GC gc,
POINT *points, int npoints)
register int full_circle;
register int i;
register POINT *p;
if (npoints <= 0) return;
/* this version has POINT typedef'd to XArc, so we need to */
/* fill in other fields before drawing */
full_circle = 64*360;
for(i = npoints, p = points; i ; i--, p++){
p->angle1 = 0;
p->angle2 = full_circle;
if (Common.hollow) {
if (Common.opaque)
XFillArcs(display, drawable, bggc, points, npoints);
XDrawArcs(display, drawable, gc, points, npoints);
XFillArcs(display, drawable, gc, points, npoints);
PRIVATE LINE *ClipAndScaleLines(BOND *bond, int cnt, int *nlines)
register int i;
BOUND range;
register LINE *l;
Dimension width, height;
static int max_lines = 0;
static LINE *lines = (LINE *) NULL;
range.low = Common.position - Common.thickness * 0.5;
range.high = Common.position + Common.thickness * 0.5;
/* use a static buffer so minimize number of allocations */
/* didnt use Realloc because dont want data copied */
*nlines = cnt;
if (*nlines > max_lines) {
XtFree((char *) lines);
lines = (LINE *) XtMalloc( *nlines * sizeof(LINE));
max_lines = *nlines;
l = lines;
if (cnt < 1) return(lines);
SceneSize(&width, &height);
width -= 2*HOFFSET;
height -= 2*VOFFSET;
/* translate x, y, z to x and y in window. */
switch(3*Common.direction + Common.axis){
case 0: /* negative direction, x axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, bond++) {
if (bond->atom1->x > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom1->x < range.low) continue;
if (bond->atom2->x > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom2->x < range.low) continue;
l->x1 = width -
l->y1 = height -
l->x2 = width -
l->y2 = height -
case 1: /* negative direction, y axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, bond++) {
if (bond->atom1->y > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom1->y < range.low) continue;
if (bond->atom2->y > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom2->y < range.low) continue;
l->x1 = bond->atom1->x*Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
l->y1 = bond->atom1->z*Common.scale + Common.offset[2];
l->x2 = bond->atom2->x*Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
l->y2 = bond->atom2->z*Common.scale + Common.offset[2];
case 2: /* negative direction, z axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, bond++) {
if (bond->atom1->z > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom1->z < range.low) continue;
if (bond->atom2->z > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom2->z < range.low) continue;
l->x1 = bond->atom1->x*Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
l->y1 = height -
l->x2 = bond->atom2->x*Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
l->y2 = height -
case 3: /* positive direction, x axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, bond++) {
if (bond->atom1->x > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom1->x < range.low) continue;
if (bond->atom2->x > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom2->x < range.low) continue;
l->x1 = bond->atom1->z*Common.scale + Common.offset[2];
l->y1 = height -
l->x2 = bond->atom2->z*Common.scale + Common.offset[2];
l->y2 = height -
case 4: /* positive direction, y axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, bond++) {
if (bond->atom1->y > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom1->y < range.low) continue;
if (bond->atom2->y > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom2->y < range.low) continue;
l->x1 = bond->atom1->x*Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
l->y1 = height -
l->x2 = bond->atom2->x*Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
l->y2 = height -
case 5: /* postive direction, z axis */
for(i = cnt; i; i--, bond++) {
if (bond->atom1->z > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom1->z < range.low) continue;
if (bond->atom2->z > range.high) continue;
if (bond->atom2->z < range.low) continue;
l->x1 = bond->atom1->x*Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
l->y1 = bond->atom1->y*Common.scale + Common.offset[1];
l->x2 = bond->atom2->x*Common.scale + Common.offset[0];
l->y2 = bond->atom2->y*Common.scale + Common.offset[1];
*nlines = l - lines;
/* add the hard offsets so we dont draw on edge of screen */
for(i = *nlines, l = lines; i; i--, l++) {
l->x1 += HOFFSET;
l->y1 += VOFFSET;
l->x2 += HOFFSET;
l->y2 += VOFFSET;
PRIVATE void DrawLines(Display *display, Drawable drawable, GC gc,
LINE *lines, int nlines)
if (nlines <= 0) return;
XDrawSegments(display, drawable, gc, lines, nlines);
void Setup(void)
void NewDataSetup(void)
static int have_pixmap = 0;
BOUND *cb;
int i;
float longest, f;
Dimension width, height;
SceneSize(&Width, &Height);
if (have_pixmap) XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(Scene), Buffer);
Buffer = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(Scene),
RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(Scene)), Width, Height,
have_pixmap = 1;
/* determine global scaling and offset factors */
/* offset + scale * coordinate = pixel */
longest = 0.0;
for(i = 3, cb = Common.bounds; i ; i--, cb++)
if ((f = (cb->high) - (cb->low)) > longest) longest = f;
SceneSize(&Width, &Height);
width = Width;
height = Height;
width -= HOFFSET*2;
height -= VOFFSET*2;
Common.scale = (width < height) ? width/longest : height/longest;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Common.offset[i] = - Common.bounds[i].low * Common.scale;
/* **************************************************************** */
void SetAtomColors(Pixel *fg)
int i;
XGCValues xgc;
XtVaGetValues(Scene, XtNbackground, &xgc.background, NULL);
xgc.function = GXcopy;
for(i = 0; i < Common.natomcolors; i++) {
if (gc[i]) XFreeGC(XtDisplay(Scene), gc[i]);
xgc.foreground = fg[i];
gc[i] = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(Scene), XtWindow(Scene),
GCFunction | GCBackground | GCForeground, &xgc);
if (bggc) XFreeGC(XtDisplay(Scene), bggc);
xgc.foreground = xgc.background;
bggc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(Scene), XtWindow(Scene),
GCFunction | GCBackground | GCForeground, &xgc);
void SetBGColor(Pixel bg)
XGCValues xgc;
XtVaSetValues(Scene, XtNbackground, bg, NULL);
if (bggc) XFreeGC(XtDisplay(Scene), bggc);
xgc.function = GXcopy;
xgc.foreground = xgc.background = bg;
bggc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(Scene), XtWindow(Scene),
GCFunction | GCBackground | GCForeground, &xgc);
/* **************************************************************** */
void SetBondColors(Pixel *fg, Dimension *thick)
int i;
XGCValues xgc;
XtVaGetValues(Scene, XtNbackground, &xgc.background, NULL);
xgc.function = GXcopy;
for(i = 0; i < Common.nbondcolors; i++) {
if (bondgc[i]) XFreeGC(XtDisplay(Scene), bondgc[i]);
xgc.foreground = fg[i];
xgc.line_width = thick[i];
bondgc[i] = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(Scene), XtWindow(Scene),
GCFunction | GCBackground | GCForeground | GCLineWidth,
/* **************************************************************** */
PRIVATE void SetAllColors(void)
int i;
XGCValues xgc;
xgc.function = GXcopy;
xgc.line_width = 1;
XtNbackground, &xgc.background,
XtNforeground, &xgc.foreground,
for(i = 0; i < Common.natomcolors; i++)
gc[i] = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(Scene), XtWindow(Scene),
GCFunction | GCBackground | GCForeground, &xgc);
for(i = 0; i < Common.nbondcolors; i++)
bondgc[i] = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(Scene), XtWindow(Scene),
GCFunction | GCBackground | GCForeground | GCLineWidth,
xgc.foreground = xgc.background;
bggc = XCreateGC(XtDisplay(Scene), XtWindow(Scene),
GCFunction | GCBackground | GCForeground, &xgc);
@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
/* **************************************************************** */
/* toascii.c - binary to ascii xmovie format converter */
/* */
/* Mike Uttormark - 8/11/92 */
/* Sandia Nat'l Labs 1421 */
/* On leave from University of Wisconsin--Madison */
/* **************************************************************** */
/* format of binary file: */
/* */
/* magic number - 4-byte integer */
/* version - 4-byte integer */
/* <records> */
/* */
/* generic record format: */
/* record id - 4-byte integer */
/* length (bytes) - 4-byte integer */
/* data */
/* **************************************************************** */
#define MagicNumber 12344321
#define Version 1001
#define TimeID 100
#define BoundID 101
#define PositionID 102
#define BondID 103
#define CopyBondID 104
#define CopyAtomID 105
#define LINELEN 256
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int fprintf(FILE *, char *, ...);
int fread(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *);
int fseek(FILE *, long int, int);
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
#undef TRUE
#undef FALSE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* **************************************************************** */
/* local typedefs */
typedef long INT4;
typedef float REAL4;
typedef void (*PFV)();
typedef struct {
INT4 index;
INT4 type;
REAL4 coord[3];
typedef struct {
INT4 type;
INT4 index1;
INT4 index2;
typedef struct {
REAL4 low[3];
REAL4 high[3];
typedef struct {
REAL4 time;
typedef INT4 RECORD;
typedef INT4 LENGTH;
typedef INT4 MAGIC;
typedef INT4 VERSION;
typedef struct {
RECORD record_id;
PFV writer;
typedef struct {
RECORD record_id;
PFV reader;
/* **************************************************************** */
/* function proto-types */
int main(int argc, char **argv);
int GetRecord(FILE *file);
void PutRecord(FILE *file);
void PutTime(FILE *f);
void PutBound(FILE *f);
void PutPosition(FILE *f);
void PutBond(FILE *f);
void PutCopyBond(FILE *f);
void PutCopyAtom(FILE *f);
WRITER *GetWriter(RECORD record);
void PrintError(char *s);
void *Realloc(void *ptr, size_t amt);
READER *GetReader(RECORD record);
void ReadHeader(FILE *f);
int ReadRecordHeader(FILE *f);
void ReadTime(FILE *f);
void ReadBound(FILE *f);
void ReadPosition(FILE *f);
void ReadBond(FILE *f);
void ReadDummy(FILE *f);
/* **************************************************************** */
/* local data */
static MAGIC magic = MagicNumber;
static VERSION version = Version;
static RECORD record;
static LENGTH length;
static POSITION *positions = (POSITION *) NULL;
static INT4 npositions = 0;
static INT4 maxpositions = 0;
static BOUND bounds;
static TIME time;
static BOND *bonds = (BOND *) NULL;
static INT4 nbonds = 0;
static INT4 maxbonds = 0;
static WRITER write_table[] = {
{ TimeID, PutTime },
{ BoundID, PutBound },
{ PositionID, PutPosition },
{ BondID, PutBond },
{ CopyBondID, PutCopyBond },
{ CopyAtomID, PutCopyAtom },
static READER read_table[] = {
{ TimeID, ReadTime },
{ BoundID, ReadBound },
{ PositionID, ReadPosition },
{ BondID, ReadBond },
{ CopyBondID, ReadDummy },
{ CopyAtomID, ReadDummy },
/* **************************************************************** */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* **************************************************************** */
int GetRecord(FILE *f)
register READER *r;
while(1) {
if (!ReadRecordHeader(f)) return(FALSE);
r = GetReader(record);
if (r == (READER *) NULL) { /* dont recognize */
fseek(f, length, SEEK_CUR); /* skip */
/* **************************************************************** */
READER *GetReader(RECORD record)
register READER *r;
register int i;
i = sizeof(read_table)/sizeof(read_table[0]);
for(r = read_table; i ; i--, r++)
if (r->record_id == record) return(r);
return((READER *) NULL);
/* **************************************************************** */
void PutTime(FILE *f)
fprintf(f, "ITEM: TIME\n"
"%g\n", time.time);
/* **************************************************************** */
void PutBound(FILE *f)
register int i;
fprintf(f, "ITEM: BOUNDS\n");
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fprintf(f, "%g %g\n", bounds.low[i], bounds.high[i]);
/* **************************************************************** */
void PutPosition(FILE *f)
register POSITION *p;
register int i;
fprintf(f,"ITEM: POSITIONS %i\n", npositions);
for(p = positions, i = npositions; i; i--, p++)
fprintf(f, "%i %i %g %g %g\n",p->index, p->type,
p->coord[0], p->coord[1], p->coord[2]);
/* **************************************************************** */
void PutBond(FILE *f)
register BOND *b;
register int i;
fprintf(f,"ITEM: BONDS %i\n", nbonds);
for(b = bonds, i = nbonds; i; i--, b++)
fprintf(f, "%i %i %i\n", b->type, b->index1, b->index2);
/* **************************************************************** */
void PutCopyBond(FILE *f)
fprintf(f, "ITEM: COPYBONDS\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void PutCopyAtom(FILE *f)
fprintf(f, "ITEM: COPYATOMS\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void PrintError(char *s)
fprintf(stderr,"%s", s);
/* **************************************************************** */
void *Realloc(void *ptr, size_t amt)
ptr = (ptr == NULL) ? malloc(amt) : realloc(ptr, amt);
if (ptr != NULL) return(ptr);
PrintError("Error: unable to allocate space.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void PutRecord(FILE *f)
register WRITER *w;
w = GetWriter(record);
if (w == (WRITER *) NULL)
PrintError("Internal error: no writer.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
register int i;
register WRITER *w;
i = sizeof(write_table)/sizeof(write_table[0]);
for(w = write_table; i; i--, w++)
if (w->record_id == r) return(w);
return((WRITER *) NULL);
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadHeader(FILE *f)
if (1 > fread(&magic, sizeof(magic), 1, f)) goto error;
if (1 > fread(&version, sizeof(version), 1, f)) goto error;
if (magic == MagicNumber) return;
PrintError( "Error: magic number not found.\n"
"File is probably not binary.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadTime(FILE *f)
if (1 == fread(&time.time, length, 1, f)) return;
PrintError("Error: unable to read time.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadBound(FILE *f)
register int i;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (1 > fread(&bounds.low[i], sizeof(bounds.low[0]), 1, f))
goto error;
if (1 > fread(&bounds.high[i], sizeof(bounds.high[0]), 1, f))
goto error;
PrintError("Error: unable to read bounds.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadPosition(FILE *f)
register int i;
register POSITION *p;
npositions = length /
(sizeof(p->index) + sizeof(p->type) + 3*sizeof(p->coord[0]));
if (npositions > maxpositions) {
maxpositions = npositions + 16;
positions = (POSITION *)
Realloc(positions, maxpositions * sizeof(*positions));
for(i = npositions, p = positions; i; i--, p++) {
if (1 > fread(&p->index, sizeof(p->index), 1, f)) goto error;
if (1 > fread(&p->type, sizeof(p->type), 1, f)) goto error;
if (1 > fread(&p->coord[0], sizeof(p->coord[0]), 1, f)) goto error;
if (1 > fread(&p->coord[1], sizeof(p->coord[0]), 1, f)) goto error;
if (1 > fread(&p->coord[2], sizeof(p->coord[0]), 1, f)) goto error;
PrintError("Error: unable to get atom positions.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadBond(FILE *f)
register int i;
register BOND *b;
nbonds = length /
(sizeof(b->type) + sizeof(b->index1) + sizeof(b->index2));
if (nbonds > maxbonds) {
maxbonds = nbonds + 16;
bonds = (BOND *)
Realloc(bonds, maxbonds * sizeof(*bonds));
for(i = nbonds, b = bonds; i; i--, b++) {
if (1 > fread(&b->type, sizeof(b->type), 1, f)) goto error;
if (1 > fread(&b->index1, sizeof(b->index1), 1, f)) goto error;
if (1 > fread(&b->index2, sizeof(b->index2), 1, f)) goto error;
PrintError("Error: unable to get bonds.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
int ReadRecordHeader(FILE *f)
if (1 > fread(&record, sizeof(record), 1, f)) return(FALSE);
if (1 > fread(&length, sizeof(length), 1, f)) return(FALSE);
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadDummy(FILE *f)
@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
/* **************************************************************** */
/* tobinary.c - binary xmovie format converter */
/* */
/* Mike Uttormark - 8/11/92 */
/* Sandia Nat'l Labs 1421 */
/* On leave from University of Wisconsin--Madison */
/* **************************************************************** */
/* format of binary file: */
/* */
/* magic number - 4-byte integer */
/* version - 4-byte integer */
/* <records> */
/* */
/* generic record format: */
/* record id - 4-byte integer */
/* length (bytes) - 4-byte integer */
/* data */
/* **************************************************************** */
#define MagicNumber 12344321
#define Version 1001
#define TimeID 100
#define BoundID 101
#define PositionID 102
#define BondID 103
#define CopyBondID 104
#define CopyAtomID 105
#define LINELEN 256
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
long strtol(char *s, char **t, int base);
double strtod(char *s, char **t);
int fprintf(FILE *, char *, ...);
int fwrite(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *);
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
#undef TRUE
#undef FALSE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define WHITESPACE " \t\n\v\r"
/* **************************************************************** */
/* local typedefs */
typedef long INT4;
typedef float REAL4;
typedef void (*PFV)();
typedef struct {
INT4 index;
INT4 type;
REAL4 coord[3];
typedef struct {
INT4 type;
INT4 index1;
INT4 index2;
typedef struct {
REAL4 low[3];
REAL4 high[3];
typedef struct {
REAL4 time;
typedef INT4 RECORD;
typedef INT4 LENGTH;
typedef INT4 MAGIC;
typedef INT4 VERSION;
typedef struct {
char *item;
RECORD record_id;
PFV reader;
typedef struct {
RECORD record_id;
PFV writer;
/* **************************************************************** */
/* function proto-types */
int main(int argc, char **argv);
int GetRecord(FILE *file);
void PutRecord(FILE *file);
void ReadTime(FILE *f);
void ReadBound(FILE *f);
void ReadPosition(FILE *f);
void ReadBond(FILE *);
void ReadDummy(FILE *F);
int GetLine(char *s, FILE *f);
void UnGetLine(char *s);
int LineIsBlank(char *s);
int IsItem(char *s, char **t);
PARSER *GetParser(char *s);
int GetInt4(char *s, char **t, INT4 *i);
int GetReal4(char *s, char **t, REAL4 *r);
void PrintError(char *s);
void *Realloc(void *ptr, size_t amt);
WRITER *GetWriter(RECORD record);
void WriteHeader(FILE *f);
void WriteRecordHeader(FILE *f);
void WriteTime(FILE *f);
void WriteBound(FILE *f);
void WritePosition(FILE *f);
void WriteBond(FILE *f);
void WriteDummy(FILE *f);
/* **************************************************************** */
/* local data */
static MAGIC magic = MagicNumber;
static VERSION version = Version;
static RECORD record;
static LENGTH length;
static POSITION *positions = (POSITION *) NULL;
static INT4 npositions = 0;
static INT4 maxpositions = 0;
static BOUND bounds;
static TIME time;
static BOND *bonds = (BOND *) NULL;
static INT4 nbonds = 0;
static INT4 maxbonds = 0;
static PARSER parse_table[] = {
{ "TIME", TimeID, ReadTime },
{ "BOUNDS", BoundID, ReadBound },
{ "POSITIONS", PositionID, ReadPosition },
{ "BONDS", BondID, ReadBond },
{ "COPYBONDS", CopyBondID, ReadDummy },
{ "COPYATOMS", CopyAtomID, ReadDummy },
static WRITER write_table[] = {
{ TimeID, WriteTime },
{ BoundID, WriteBound },
{ PositionID, WritePosition },
{ BondID, WriteBond },
{ CopyBondID, WriteDummy },
{ CopyAtomID, WriteDummy },
/* **************************************************************** */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* **************************************************************** */
int GetRecord(FILE *f)
char line[LINELEN];
char *t;
while(1) {
if (!GetLine(line, f)) return(FALSE);
if (!IsItem(line, &t)) continue;
p = GetParser(t);
if (p == (PARSER *) NULL) continue;
record = p->record_id;
/* **************************************************************** */
static int have_line = 0;
static char hold_line[LINELEN];
int GetLine(char *s, FILE *f)
int result;
if (have_line) {
have_line = FALSE;
strcpy(s, hold_line);
do {
result = (NULL != fgets(s, LINELEN, f));
while ( result && LineIsBlank(s) );
void UnGetLine(char *s)
have_line = TRUE;
strcpy(hold_line, s);
int LineIsBlank(char *s)
register char *t;
t = s + strspn(s, WHITESPACE);
return(*t == '\0');
/* **************************************************************** */
int IsItem(char *s, char **t)
register char *item;
item = strtok(s, WHITESPACE );
if (strcmp(item, "ITEM:")) return(FALSE);
*t = strtok(NULL, WHITESPACE);
/* **************************************************************** */
PARSER *GetParser(char *s)
register PARSER *p;
register int i;
i = sizeof(parse_table)/sizeof(parse_table[0]);
for(p = parse_table; i ; i--, p++)
if (!strcmp(p->item, s)) return(p);
return((PARSER *) NULL);
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadTime(FILE *f)
char line[80];
char *t;
if (!GetLine(line, f))
PrintError("Error: unable to get line for time.\n");
if (!GetReal4(line, &t, &time.time))
PrintError("Error: unable to convert time.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadBound(FILE *f)
char line[80];
char *t;
register int i;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (!GetLine(line, f))
PrintError("Error: unable to get line for bounds.\n");
if (!GetReal4(line, &t, &bounds.low[i]))
PrintError("Error: unable to get low bound.\n");
if (!GetReal4(t, &t, &bounds.high[i]))
PrintError("Error: unable to get high bound.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadPosition(FILE *f)
char line[LINELEN];
char *t;
register int i;
npositions = 0;
while(1) {
if (!GetLine(line, f)) return;
if (!GetInt4(line, &t, &p.index)) {
if (!GetInt4(t, &t, &p.type))
PrintError("Error: unable to get atoms type.\n");
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (!GetReal4(t, &t, &p.coord[i]))
PrintError("Error: unable to atom position.\n");
if (npositions >= maxpositions) {
maxpositions += 128;
positions = (POSITION *) Realloc(positions,
maxpositions * sizeof(*positions));
positions[npositions++] = p;
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadBond(FILE *f)
char line[LINELEN];
char *t;
nbonds = 0;
while(1) {
if (!GetLine(line, f)) return;
if (!GetInt4(line, &t, &b.type)) {
if (!GetInt4(t, &t, &b.index1))
PrintError("Error: unable to get bond index 1.\n");
if (!GetInt4(t, &t, &b.index2))
PrintError("Error: unable to get bond index 2.\n");
if (nbonds >= maxbonds) {
maxbonds += 128;
bonds = (BOND *) Realloc(bonds,
maxbonds * sizeof(*bonds));
bonds[nbonds++] = b;
/* **************************************************************** */
void ReadDummy(FILE *f)
/* **************************************************************** */
int GetInt4(char *s, char **t, INT4 *i)
s += strspn(s, SEPARATORS);
*i = strtol(s, t, 10);
return(*t > s);
int GetReal4(char *s, char **t, REAL4 *r)
s += strspn(s, SEPARATORS);
*r = strtod(s, t);
return(*t > s);
/* **************************************************************** */
void PrintError(char *s)
fprintf(stderr,"%s", s);
/* **************************************************************** */
void *Realloc(void *ptr, size_t amt)
ptr = (ptr == NULL) ? malloc(amt) : realloc(ptr, amt);
if (ptr != NULL) return(ptr);
PrintError("Error: unable to allocate space.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
void PutRecord(FILE *f)
w = GetWriter(record);
if (w == (WRITER *) NULL)
PrintError("Internal error: no writer.\n");
/* **************************************************************** */
register int i;
register WRITER *w;
i = sizeof(write_table)/sizeof(write_table[0]);
for(w = write_table; i; i--, w++)
if (w->record_id == r) return(w);
return((WRITER *) NULL);
/* **************************************************************** */
void WriteHeader(FILE *f)
fwrite(&magic, sizeof(magic), 1, f);
fwrite(&version, sizeof(version), 1, f);
/* **************************************************************** */
void WriteTime(FILE *f)
length = sizeof(time.time);
fwrite(&time.time, length, 1, f);
/* **************************************************************** */
void WriteBound(FILE *f)
register int i;
length = 3 * (sizeof(bounds.low[0]) + sizeof(bounds.high[0]));
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
fwrite(&bounds.low[i], sizeof(bounds.low[0]), 1, f);
fwrite(&bounds.high[i], sizeof(bounds.high[0]), 1, f);
/* **************************************************************** */
void WritePosition(FILE *f)
register int i;
register POSITION *p;
length = npositions *
(sizeof(p->index) + sizeof(p->type) + 3*sizeof(p->coord[0]));
for(i = npositions, p = positions; i; i--, p++) {
fwrite(&p->index, sizeof(p->index), 1, f);
fwrite(&p->type, sizeof(p->type), 1, f);
fwrite(&p->coord[0], sizeof(p->coord[0]), 1, f);
fwrite(&p->coord[1], sizeof(p->coord[0]), 1, f);
fwrite(&p->coord[2], sizeof(p->coord[0]), 1, f);
/* **************************************************************** */
void WriteBond(FILE *f)
register int i;
register BOND *b;
length = nbonds *
(sizeof(b->type) + sizeof(b->index1) + sizeof(b->index2));
for(i = nbonds, b = bonds; i; i--, b++) {
fwrite(&b->type, sizeof(b->type), 1, f);
fwrite(&b->index1, sizeof(b->index1), 1, f);
fwrite(&b->index2, sizeof(b->index2), 1, f);
/* **************************************************************** */
void WriteDummy(FILE *f)
length = 0;
/* **************************************************************** */
void WriteRecordHeader(FILE *f)
fwrite(&record, sizeof(record), 1, f);
fwrite(&length, sizeof(length), 1, f);
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include "xmovie.h"
void Version(void)
fprintf(stderr,"%s %s, compiled %s %s\n"
"Copyright 1992 Michael Uttormark, All rights reserved.\n",
Progname, VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__);
@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
/* ****************************************************************
* xmovie - a simple X based movie program
* Mike Uttormark - 7/13/92
* Sandia Nat'l Labs 1421
* On leave from University of Wisconsin--Madison
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Cardinals.h>
#include "xmovie.h"
#include "resource.h"
extern FILE *popen(const char *, const char *);
extern int pclose(FILE *);
/* **************************************************************** */
/* local function prototypes */
int main(int argc, char **argv);
PRIVATE void CheckResources(void);
/* **************************************************************** */
/* common data */
CommonData Common = {
NULL, /* atoms visible */
NULL, /* bonds visible */
FALSE, /* hollow */
FALSE, /* opaque */
FALSE, /* 2d mode */
FALSE, /* periodic boundary conditions on bond drawing */
FALSE, /* remap atoms into box bounds if necessary */
FALSE, /* scale atoms to fill box bounds */
FALSE, /* bond copying */
FALSE, /* version */
4, /* number of atom types */
4, /* number of bond types */
NULL, /* atom diameters */
0, /* init */
0, /* motion off */
0, /* saveflag off */
250L, /* delay interval (ms) */
0, /* next drawing position */
0, /* step number */
1, /* dstep */
2, /* z axis */
0, /* view direction */
{ { 1e20, 1e-20 }, { 1e20, 1e-20 }, { 1e20, 1e-20 } }, /* bounds */
0, /* ndata */
0, /* maxdata */
Widget TopLevel;
char *Progname;
/* **************************************************************** */
/* local data */
static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = {
{ "-2D", "*twoDimensions", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-2d", "*twoDimensions", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-pbc", "*pbcBond", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-remap", "*remap", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-scale", "*scale", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-copy", "*copyBond", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-hollow", "*hollow", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-opaque", "*opaque", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-V", "*version", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-atomcolors","*atomColors", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL },
{ "-bondcolors","*bondColors", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL },
#define Offset(x,y) (((char *) &(x.y)) - ((char *) &(x)))
static XtResource resources[] = {
{ "hollow", "Hollow",
XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
Offset(Common, hollow),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE },
{ "opaque", "Opaque",
XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
Offset(Common, opaque),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE },
{ "twoDimensions", "TwoDimensions",
XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
Offset(Common, two_d),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE },
{ "pbcBond", "PbcBond",
XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
Offset(Common, pbc_bond),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE },
{ "remap", "Remap",
XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
Offset(Common, remap),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE },
{ "scale", "Scale",
XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
Offset(Common, scaleflag),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE },
{ "copyBond", "CopyBond",
XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
Offset(Common, copy_bond),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE },
{ "version", "Version",
XtRBool, sizeof(Bool),
Offset(Common, version),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) FALSE },
{ "atomColors", "AtomColors",
XtRInt, sizeof(int),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NCOLORS },
{ "bondColors", "BondColors",
XtRInt, sizeof(int),
XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) NCOLORS },
static XtActionsRec actions[] = {
{ "ExposeScene", ExposeScene },
{ "ExposeAxes", ExposeAxes },
int main(int argc, char **argv)
XtAppContext AppContext; /* the whole process variable */
/* Get X stuff going */
Progname = argv[0];
TopLevel = XtAppInitialize(&AppContext, "XMovie", options,
XtNumber(options), &argc, argv,
FallbackResources, NULL, ZERO);
XtVaGetApplicationResources(TopLevel, (XtPointer) &Common,
resources, XtNumber(resources), NULL);
XtAppAddActions(AppContext, actions, XtNumber(actions));
/* initialize the reading stuff */
InitRead(argc-1, argv+1);
/* Create the scene box */
(void) CreateScene(TopLevel,"scene");
/* Create the Control panel */
(void) CreateControl(TopLevel,"control");
/* put reading into background */
XtAppAddWorkProc(AppContext, ReadProc, (XtPointer) NULL);
Common.init = 1;
/* Enter Event Loop */
int Usage(void)
static char *msg[] = {
"xmovie - a simple & fast atom/molecule visualizer",
" written by Mike Uttormark while at Sandia, 1992",
" updated by Steve Plimpton, Sandia National Labs",
" contact info:",
"Usage: xmovie [-Xoptions] [-options] file1 [file2 ...]",
" xmovie [-Xoptions] [-options] < file",
"where -Xoptions are any standard XToolkit options",
"-options are any of",
" -2d reads two dimensional data files",
" -hollow draws hollow atoms",
" -opaque draws opaque hollow atoms (implies -hollow)",
" -V prints version number and exits",
" -pbc does not draw bonds > 1/2 box size",
" -remap remap atoms back into bounding box if necessary",
" -scale scale atom positions to fill bounding box",
" -copy copies bonds from one timestep to next",
" -atomcolors n sets number of colors for atoms",
" -bondcolors n sets number of colors for bonds",
"and 'files' are data files in the format",
" time",
" xlow xhigh",
" ylow yhigh",
" zlow zhigh",
" type1 atom1a atom1b",
" type2 atom2a atom2b",
" etc.",
" index1 type1 x1 y1 z1",
" index2 type2 x2 y2 z2",
" etc.",
" A TIMESTEP item starts a new frame",
" A new item (or EOF) ends the list of ATOMS or BONDS",
" BOX BOUNDS persist unless reset",
" Any items not matching these patterns are skipped",
" Data files can be gzipped - e.g. xmovie dump.gz",
char **s;
char *pager;
FILE *pipe;
/* find user's pager */
pager = getenv("PAGER");
if (!pager || !*pager) pager = "more";
pipe = popen(pager, "w");
if (!pipe) pipe = stderr;
for(s = msg; *s; s++)
fprintf(pipe,"%s\n", *s);
if (pipe != stderr) pclose(pipe);
PRIVATE void CheckResources(void)
if (Common.version) Version();
if (Common.natomcolors < 0 || Common.natomcolors > MAXCOLORS)
Common.natomcolors = 1;
if (Common.nbondcolors < 0 || Common.nbondcolors > MAXCOLORS)
Common.nbondcolors = 1;
if (Common.opaque) Common.hollow = TRUE;
Common.atoms_visible =
(Bool *) XtMalloc(Common.natomcolors * sizeof(Bool));
Common.diameter =
(Dimension *) XtMalloc(Common.natomcolors * sizeof(Dimension));
Common.bonds_visible =
(Bool *) XtMalloc(Common.nbondcolors * sizeof(Bool));
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
#ifndef PRIVATE
#define PRIVATE static
#define PRIVATE
#define VERSION "Version 9.0"
#define NCOLORS 4
#define MAXCOLORS 24
#define MAXDIAM 100
#define MAXTHICK 100
#define MagicNumber 12344321
#define TimeID 100
#define BoundID 101
#define PositionID 102
#define BondID 103
#define CopyBondID 104
#define CopyAtomID 105
typedef long INT4;
typedef float REAL4;
typedef INT4 RECORD;
typedef INT4 LENGTH;
typedef struct {
INT4 index;
INT4 type;
REAL4 x;
REAL4 y;
REAL4 z;
typedef struct {
INT4 type;
INT4 index1;
INT4 index2;
POSITION *atom1;
POSITION *atom2;
typedef struct {
REAL4 low;
REAL4 high;
typedef struct {
REAL4 time;
BOUND bounds[3];
INT4 natoms;
INT4 maxatoms;
POSITION *positions;
INT4 *natypes;
INT4 nbonds;
INT4 maxbonds;
BOND *bonds;
INT4 *nbtypes;
typedef struct {
Bool *atoms_visible;
Bool *bonds_visible;
Bool hollow;
Bool opaque;
Bool two_d;
Bool pbc_bond;
Bool remap;
Bool scaleflag;
Bool copy_bond;
Bool version;
int natomcolors;
int nbondcolors;
Dimension *diameter;
int init;
int motion;
int saveflag;
unsigned long delay;
int next_pos;
int step;
int dstep;
int axis;
int direction;
BOUND bounds[3];
int ndata;
int maxdata;
DATA *dataptr;
float position;
float thickness;
float offset[3];
float scale;
} CommonData;
extern CommonData Common;
extern Widget TopLevel;
extern char *Progname;
Widget CreateScene(Widget parent, char *name);
Widget CreateControl(Widget parent, char *name);
void InitRead(int argc, char **argv);
Boolean ReadProc(XtPointer client_data);
void RemoveMotion(void);
void InstallMotion(void);
void SceneUpdate(void);
void SceneSave(void);
void SetTime(char *s);
int Usage(void);
void PositionUpdate(void);
void SpeedUpdate(void);
void ThicknessUpdate(void);
void UpdateRadios(void);
void SceneSize(Dimension *width, Dimension *height);
void Setup(void);
void NewDataSetup(void);
void ExposeScene(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *strings,
Cardinal *nstrings);
void ExposeAxes(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *strings,
Cardinal *nstrings);
int CoerceStep(int step);
void SetReadString(char *s);
void SetAtomColors(Pixel *fg);
void SetBondColors(Pixel *fg, Dimension *thick);
void SetBGColor(Pixel bg);
void Version(void);
/* commented this out for SGI gcc compiler
#ifdef stdin
int fprintf(FILE *file, char *fmt, ... );
int fclose(FILE *file);
int printf(char *fmt, ...);
int fflush(FILE *f);
int pclose(FILE *);
int fread(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *);
int fseek(FILE *, long int, int);
int ungetc(int c, FILE *f);
#if 0
void XtTranslateCoords(Widget w, Position x, Position y, Position *rx,
Position *ry);
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
Reference in New Issue