forked from lijiext/lammps
git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "neigh_request.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include "fix_deform.h"
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "neigh_request.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "modify.h"
#include "fix.h"
#include "fix_deform.h"
@ -18,10 +18,11 @@ PACKAGE = asphere class2 colloid dipole fld gpu granular kim \
shock srd xtc
PACKUSER = user-misc user-atc user-awpmd user-cg-cmm user-colvars \
user-cuda user-eff user-ewaldn user-omp \
user-cuda user-eff user-ewaldn user-omp user-molfile \
user-reaxc user-sph
PACKLIB = gpu kim meam poems reax user-atc user-awpmd user-colvars user-cuda
PACKLIB = gpu kim meam poems reax user-atc user-awpmd user-colvars \
user-cuda user-molfile
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Install/unInstall package files in LAMMPS
if (test $1 = 1) then
if (test -e ../Makefile.package) then
sed -i -e 's/[^ \t]*molfile[^ \t]* //' ../Makefile.package
sed -i -e 's|^PKG_SYSINC =[ \t]*|&$(molfile_SYSINC) |' ../Makefile.package
sed -i -e 's|^PKG_SYSLIB =[ \t]*|&$(molfile_SYSLIB) |' ../Makefile.package
sed -i -e 's|^PKG_SYSPATH =[ \t]*|&$(molfile_SYSPATH) |' ../Makefile.package
if (test -e ../Makefile.package.settings) then
sed -i -e '/^include.*molfile.*$/d' ../Makefile.package.settings
sed -i '4 i include ..\/..\/lib\/molfile\/Makefile.lammps' ../Makefile.package.settings
cp molfile_interface.cpp ..
cp dump_molfile.cpp ..
cp molfile_interface.h ..
cp dump_molfile.h ..
cp molfile_plugin.h ..
cp vmdplugin.h ..
elif (test $1 = 0) then
if (test -e ../Makefile.package) then
sed -i -e 's/[^ \t]*molfile[^ \t]* //' ../Makefile.package
if (test -e ../Makefile.package.settings) then
sed -i -e '/^include.*molfile.*$/d' ../Makefile.package.settings
rm -f ../molfile_interface.cpp
rm -f ../dump_molfile.cpp
rm -f ../molfile_interface.h
rm -f ../dump_molfile.h
rm -f ../molfile_plugin.h
rm -f ../vmdplugin.h
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Update package files in LAMMPS
# copy package file to src if it doesn't exists or is different
for file in molfile_interface.cpp molfile_interface.h molfile_plugin.h \
dump_molfile.cpp dump_molfile.h vmdplugin.h ; do \
if (test ! -e ../$file) then
echo " creating src/$file"
cp $file ..
elif ! cmp -s $file ../$file ; then
echo " updating src/$file"
cp $file ..
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
This package provides an C++ interface class to the VMD molfile
plugins,, and a
set of LAMMPS classes that use this interface.
Molfile plugins provide a consistent programming interface to read and
write file formats commonly used in molecular simulations. The
package only provides the interface code, not the plugins; these can
be obtained from a VMD installation which has to match the platform
that you are using to compile LAMMPS for. By adding plugins, support
for new file formats can be added to LAMMPS (or VMD or other programs
that use them) without having to recompile the application itself.
The plugins are installed in the directory:
NOTE: while the programming interface (API) to the plugins is backward
compatible, the binary interface (ABI) has been changing over time, so
it is necessary to compile this package with the plugin header files
from VMD that match the binary plugins. These header files in the
directory: <VMDHOME>/plugins/include For convenience, the package
ships with a set of header files that are compatible with VMD 1.9 and
1.9.1 (the current version in June 2012)
The person who created this package is Axel Kohlmeyer at Temple U
(akohlmey at Contact him directly if you have questions.
@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
||||, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing author: Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple U)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dump_molfile.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "molfile_interface.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
typedef MolfileInterface MFI;
// syntax:
// dump <id> <groupid> molfile <every> <filename> <type> [<path>]
// path defaults to "." -> will look for .so files in CWD.
// XXX: potential change: add more options and make them optional
// path <path>
// template <file> <type> (import name and topology information from file)
// bonds <yes|no> (write out bond information)
// topology <yes|no> (write out all topology information)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DumpMolfile::DumpMolfile(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg)
: Dump(lmp, narg, arg)
if (narg < 6) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump molfile command");
if (binary || compressed || multiproc)
error->all(FLERR,"Invalid dump molfile filename");
// required settings
sort_flag = 1;
sortcol = 0;
// storage for collected information
size_one = 4;
if (atom->molecule_flag) ++size_one;
if (atom->q_flag) ++size_one;
if (atom->rmass_flag) ++size_one;
if (atom->radius_flag) ++size_one;
need_structure = 0;
unwrap_flag = 0;
velocity_flag = 0;
topology_flag = 0;
ntotal = 0;
me = comm->me;
coords = vels = masses = charges = radiuses = NULL;
types = molids = NULL;
ntypes = atom->ntypes;
typenames = NULL;
// allocate global array for atom coords
bigint n = group->count(igroup);
if (n > MAXSMALLINT/sizeof(float))
error->all(FLERR,"Too many atoms for dump molfile");
if (n < 1)
error->all(FLERR,"Not enough atoms for dump molfile");
natoms = static_cast<int>(n);
if (me == 0) {
if (atom->molecule_flag) memory->create(molids,natoms,"dump:molids");
if (atom->q_flag) memory->create(charges,natoms,"dump:charges");
if (atom->rmass_flag) memory->create(masses,natoms,"dump:masses");
if (atom->radius_flag) memory->create(radiuses,natoms,"dump:radiuses");
mf = new MolfileInterface(arg[5],MFI::M_WRITE);
const char *path = (const char *) ".";
if (narg > 6)
if (mf->find_plugin(path)!= MFI::E_MATCH)
error->one(FLERR,"No suitable molfile plugin found");
if (screen)
fprintf(screen,"Dump '%s' uses molfile plugin: %s\n",
id, mf->get_plugin_name());
if (logfile)
fprintf(logfile,"Dump '%s' uses molfile plugin: %s\n",
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (me == 0) {
delete mf;
if (typenames) {
for (int i = 1; i <= ntypes; i++)
delete [] typenames[i];
delete [] typenames;
typenames = NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DumpMolfile::init_style()
if (sort_flag == 0 || sortcol != 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Dump molfile requires sorting by atom ID");
if (me == 0) {
/* initialize typenames array to numeric types by default */
if (typenames == NULL) {
typenames = new char*[ntypes+1];
for (int itype = 1; itype <= ntypes; itype++) {
/* a 32-bit int can be maximally 10 digits plus sign */
typenames[itype] = new char[12];
// open single file, one time only
if (multifile == 0) openfile();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DumpMolfile::write()
// simulation box dimensions
if (domain->triclinic == 1) {
double *h = domain->h;
double alen = h[0];
double blen = sqrt(h[5]*h[5] + h[1]*h[1]);
double clen = sqrt(h[4]*h[4] + h[3]*h[3] + h[2]*h[2]);
cell[0] = alen;
cell[1] = blen;
cell[2] = clen;
cell[3] = (90.0 - asin((h[5]*h[4] + h[1]*h[3]) / blen/clen)); // alpha
cell[4] = (90.0 - asin((h[0]*h[4]) / alen/clen)); // beta
cell[5] = (90.0 - asin((h[0]*h[5]) / alen/blen)); // gamma
} else {
cell[0] = domain->xprd;
cell[1] = domain->yprd;
cell[2] = domain->zprd;
cell[3] = cell[4] = cell[5] = 90.0f;
// nme = # of dump lines this proc will contribute to dump
nme = count();
bigint bnme = nme;
// ntotal = total # of dump lines
// nmax = max # of dump lines on any proc
int nmax;
// for single file output, the number of atoms must not change.
if (natoms != ntotal) {
if (multifile == 0) {
error->all(FLERR,"Single file molfile dump needs constant #atoms");
} else {
natoms = ntotal;
ntotal = 0;
// if file per timestep, open new file
if (multifile) openfile();
// insure proc 0 can receive everyone's info
// limit nmax*size_one to int since used as arg in MPI_Rsend() below
// pack my data into buf
// if sorting on IDs also request ID list from pack()
// sort buf as needed
if (nmax > maxbuf) {
if ((bigint) nmax * size_one > MAXSMALLINT)
error->all(FLERR,"Too much per-proc info for dump");
maxbuf = nmax;
if (nmax > maxids) {
maxids = nmax;
int tmp,nlines;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Request request;
if (me == 0) {
for (int iproc = 0; iproc < nprocs; iproc++) {
if (iproc) {
nlines /= size_one;
} else nlines = nme;
} else {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DumpMolfile::openfile()
// single file, already opened, so just return
if (singlefile_opened) return;
if (multifile == 0) singlefile_opened = 1;
need_structure = 1;
if (me == 0) {
// close open file, if needed.
if (mf->is_open()) mf->close();
// if one file per timestep, replace '*' with current timestep
char *filecurrent = new char[strlen(filename) + 16];
if (multifile == 0) {
} else {
char *ptr = strchr(filename,'*');
char *p1 = filename;
char *p2 = filecurrent;
while (p1 != ptr)
*p2++ = *p1++;
if (padflag == 0) {
sprintf(p2,BIGINT_FORMAT "%s",update->ntimestep,ptr+1);
} else {
char bif[8],pad[16];
if (mf->open(filecurrent,&natoms))
error->one(FLERR,"Cannot open dump file");
delete[] filecurrent;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DumpMolfile::pack(int *ids)
int m,n;
int *tag = atom->tag;
int *type = atom->type;
double **x = atom->x;
int *image = atom->image;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
m = n = 0;
if (unwrap_flag) {
double xprd = domain->xprd;
double yprd = domain->yprd;
double zprd = domain->zprd;
double xy = domain->xy;
double xz = domain->xz;
double yz = domain->yz;
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
int ix = (image[i] & 1023) - 512;
int iy = (image[i] >> 10 & 1023) - 512;
int iz = (image[i] >> 20) - 512;
buf[m++] = type[i];
if (domain->triclinic) {
buf[m++] = x[i][0] + ix * xprd + iy * xy + iz * xz;
buf[m++] = x[i][1] + iy * yprd + iz * yz;
buf[m++] = x[i][2] + iz * zprd;
} else {
buf[m++] = x[i][0] + ix * xprd;
buf[m++] = x[i][1] + iy * yprd;
buf[m++] = x[i][2] + iz * zprd;
if (atom->molecule_flag) buf[m++] = atom->molecule[i];
if (atom->q_flag) buf[m++] = atom->q[i];
if (atom->rmass_flag) buf[m++] = atom->mass[i];
if (atom->radius_flag) buf[m++] = atom->radius[i];
ids[n++] = tag[i];
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
buf[m++] = type[i];
buf[m++] = x[i][0];
buf[m++] = x[i][1];
buf[m++] = x[i][2];
if (atom->molecule_flag) buf[m++] = atom->molecule[i];
if (atom->q_flag) buf[m++] = atom->q[i];
if (atom->rmass_flag) buf[m++] = atom->mass[i];
if (atom->radius_flag) buf[m++] = atom->radius[i];
ids[n++] = tag[i];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DumpMolfile::write_data(int n, double *mybuf)
if (me == 0) {
// copy buf atom coords into global arrays
int m = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
types[ntotal] = static_cast<int>(mybuf[m++]);
coords[3*ntotal + 0] = mybuf[m++];
coords[3*ntotal + 1] = mybuf[m++];
coords[3*ntotal + 2] = mybuf[m++];
if (atom->molecule_flag) molids[ntotal] = static_cast<int>(mybuf[m++]);
if (atom->q_flag) charges[ntotal] = mybuf[m++];
if (atom->rmass_flag) masses[ntotal] = mybuf[m++];
if (atom->radius_flag) radiuses[ntotal] = mybuf[m++];
// if last chunk of atoms in this snapshot, write global arrays to file
if (ntotal == natoms) {
ntotal = 0;
if (need_structure) {
if (atom->molecule_flag)
if (atom->rmass_flag) {
} else {
if (atom->q_flag)
if (atom->radius_flag)
// update/write structure information in plugin
need_structure = 0;
double simtime = update->ntimestep * update->dt;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int DumpMolfile::modify_param(int narg, char **arg)
if (strcmp(arg[0],"unwrap") == 0) {
if (narg < 2) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
if (strcmp(arg[1],"yes") == 0) unwrap_flag = 1;
else if (strcmp(arg[1],"no") == 0) unwrap_flag = 0;
else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
return 2;
} else if (strcmp(arg[0],"element") == 0) {
if (narg < ntypes+1)
error->all(FLERR, "Dump modify element names do not match atom types");
if (typenames) {
for (int i = 1; i <= ntypes; i++)
delete [] typenames[i];
delete [] typenames;
typenames = NULL;
typenames = new char*[ntypes+1];
for (int itype = 1; itype <= ntypes; itype++) {
int n = strlen(arg[itype]) + 1;
typenames[itype] = new char[n];
return ntypes+1;
return 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
return # of bytes of allocated memory in buf and global coords array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bigint DumpMolfile::memory_usage()
bigint bytes = Dump::memory_usage();
bytes += memory->usage(coords,natoms*3);
bytes += sizeof(MFI);
return bytes;
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
||||, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "dump.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class DumpMolfile : public Dump {
DumpMolfile(LAMMPS *, int, char**);
virtual ~DumpMolfile();
virtual void write();
class MolfileInterface *mf; //< handles low-level I/O
// per-atom data
float *coords, *vels, *masses, *charges, *radiuses;
int *types, *molids;
char **typenames;
int natoms,me,ntotal,ntypes;
int need_structure;
int unwrap_flag; // 1 if writing unwrapped atom coords, 0 if not
int velocity_flag; // 1 if writing velocities, 0 if not
int topology_flag; // 1 if writing topology data, 0 if not
float cell[6]; // cell parameters: A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma
virtual void init_style();
virtual int modify_param(int, char **);
virtual void write_header(bigint) {};
virtual void pack(int *);
virtual void write_data(int, double *);
virtual bigint memory_usage();
virtual void openfile();
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:
E: Illegal ... command
Self-explanatory. Check the input script syntax and compare to the
documentation for the command. You can use -echo screen as a
command-line option when running LAMMPS to see the offending line.
E: Invalid dump dcd filename
Filenames used with the dump dcd style cannot be binary or compressed
or cause multiple files to be written.
E: Too many atoms for dump dcd
The system size must fit in a 32-bit integer to use this dump
E: Dump dcd requires sorting by atom ID
Use the dump_modify sort command to enable this.
E: Cannot use variable every setting for dump dcd
The format of Molfile dump files requires snapshots be output
at a constant frequency.
E: Cannot change dump_modify every for dump dcd
The frequency of writing dump dcd snapshots cannot be changed.
E: Cannot open dump file
The output file for the dump command cannot be opened. Check that the
path and name are correct.
E: Dump dcd of non-matching # of atoms
Every snapshot written by dump dcd must contain the same # of atoms.
E: Too big a timestep for dump dcd
The timestep must fit in a 32-bit integer to use this dump style.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
||||, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing author: Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
// This class provides an abstract interface
// to the VMD plugin library.
class MolfileInterface
// plugin modes.
enum {M_NONE=0,
M_READ = 1<<0, M_WRITE = 1<<1,
M_RSTRUCT = 1<<2, M_WSTRUCT = 1<<3,
M_RBONDS = 1<<4, M_WBONDS = 1<<5,
M_RANGLES = 1<<6, M_WANGLES = 1<<7,
M_RVOL = 1<<8, M_WVOL = 1<<9,
// plugin finder return values.
enum {E_NONE=0, //< nothing happened
E_DIR, //< path is not a directory or not readable
E_FILE, //< file not a DSO or not readable
E_SYMBOL, //< DSO is not a VMD plugin
E_TYPE, //< plugin is not of the correct type
E_ABI, //< plugin ABI does not match
E_MODE, //< plugin does not support desired mode
E_VERSION, //< plugin is not newer as the current one
E_MATCH, //< plugin matches
E_LAST //< last entry
// atom structure properties. deliberately not complete.
enum {P_NONE=0, //< no structure information available
P_NAME=1<<0, //< atom name, char[16]
P_TYPE=1<<1, //< atom type, char[16]
P_RESN=1<<2, //< residue name, char[ 8]
P_RESI=1<<3, //< residue index, int
P_SEGN=1<<4, //< segment name, char[ 8]
P_CHAI=1<<5, //< chain id, char[ 2]
P_OCCP=1<<6, //< occupancy, float
P_BFAC=1<<7, //< B factor, float
P_MASS=1<<8, //< atom mass, float
P_CHRG=1<<9, //< atom charge, float
P_RADS=1<<10, //< atom radius, float
P_ATMN=1<<11, //< atomic number, int
P_LAST //< last entry
MolfileInterface(const char *type, const int mode);
// disallowed default methods
MolfileInterface() {};
MolfileInterface(const MolfileInterface &) {};
MolfileInterface &operator =(const MolfileInterface &) {return *this;};
// search in the given directory path for a molfile plugin that
// is of the right type and supports the desired mode.
// if a plugin is already registered and a newer version is
// found, this new version will override the old one.
int find_plugin(const char *path);
// try to register the plugin at given file name
int load_plugin(const char *name);
// deregister the current plugin/DSO and clean up.
void forget_plugin();
// return formatted string describing plugin
char *get_plugin_name() const { return _name; };
// return canonical plugin name (= file type)
char *get_plugin_type() const { return _type; };
// file operations
// open file through plugin
int open(const char *name, int *natoms);
// read/write structure info
int structure();
// read/write timestep
int timestep(float *coords, float *vels, float *cell, double *simtime);
// close file managed by plugin
int close();
// inquire on interface status
// true if file stream is active.
bool is_open() const { return (_ptr != 0); };
// true if file format requires or provides atom properties
bool has_props() const { return (_mode & (M_RSTRUCT|M_WSTRUCT)) != 0; };
// return number of atoms in current file. -1 if closed/invalid;
bool get_natoms() const { return _natoms; };
// return property bitmask
bool get_props() const { return _props; };
// atom property operations
// set/get atom floating point property
int property(int propid, int idx, float *prop);
// set/get per type floating point property
int property(int propid, int *types, float *prop);
// set/get per atom floating point property
int property(int propid, float *prop);
// set/get atom floating point property
int property(int propid, int idx, double *prop);
// set/get per type floating point property
int property(int propid, int *types, double *prop);
// set/get per atom floating point property
int property(int propid, double *prop);
// set/get atom integer property
int property(int propid, int idx, int *prop);
// set/get per type integer property
int property(int propid, int *types, int *prop);
// set/get per atom integer property
int property(int propid, int *prop);
// set/get atom string property
int property(int propid, int idx, char *prop);
// set/get per type string property
int property(int propid, int *types, char **prop);
// set/get per atom string property
int property(int propid, char **prop);
// internal data
void *_plugin; // pointer to plugin struct
void *_dso; // handle to DSO
void *_ptr; // pointer to plugin data handle
void *_info; // pointer to atomic info data
char *_type; // canonical plugin name
char *_name; // plugin formatted name
int _natoms; // number of atoms
int _mode; // plugin mode of operation
int _caps; // plugin capabilities
int _props; // accumulated/available properties
@ -0,0 +1,891 @@
*cr (C) Copyright 1995-2006 The Board of Trustees of the
*cr University of Illinois
*cr All Rights Reserved
* $RCSfile: molfile_plugin.h,v $
* $Author: johns $ $Locker: $ $State: Exp $
* $Revision: 1.103 $ $Date: 2011/03/05 03:56:11 $
/** @file
* API for C extensions to define a way to load structure, coordinate,
* trajectory, and volumetric data files
#include "vmdplugin.h"
/* includes needed for large integer types used for frame counts */
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef ssize_t molfile_ssize_t; /**< for frame counts */
* Define a common plugin type to be used when registering the plugin.
#define MOLFILE_PLUGIN_TYPE "mol file reader"
* File converter plugins use the same API but register under a different
* type so that regular file readers can have priority.
#define MOLFILE_CONVERTER_PLUGIN_TYPE "mol file converter"
/* File plugin symbolic constants for better code readability */
#define MOLFILE_SUCCESS 0 /**< succeeded in reading file */
#define MOLFILE_EOF -1 /**< end of file */
#define MOLFILE_ERROR -1 /**< error reading/opening a file */
#define MOLFILE_NOSTRUCTUREDATA -2 /**< no structure data in this file */
#define MOLFILE_NUMATOMS_UNKNOWN -1 /**< unknown number of atoms */
#define MOLFILE_NUMATOMS_NONE 0 /**< no atoms in this file type */
* Maximum string size macro
#define MOLFILE_BUFSIZ 81 /**< maximum chars in string data */
#define MOLFILE_BIGBUFSIZ 4096 /**< maximum chars in long strings */
#define MOLFILE_MAXWAVEPERTS 25 /**< maximum number of wavefunctions
* per timestep */
* File level comments, origin information, and annotations.
typedef struct {
char database[81]; /**< database of origin, if any */
char accession[81]; /**< database accession code, if any */
char date[81]; /**< date/time stamp for this data */
char title[81]; /**< brief title for this data */
int remarklen; /**< length of remarks string */
char *remarks; /**< free-form remarks about data */
} molfile_metadata_t;
* Struct for specifying atoms in a molecular structure. The first
* six components are required, the rest are optional and their presence is
* indicating by setting the corresponding bit in optsflag. When omitted,
* the application (for read_structure) or plugin (for write_structure)
* must be able to supply default values if the missing parameters are
* part of its internal data structure.
* Note that it is not possible to specify coordinates with this structure.
* This is intentional; all coordinate I/O is done with the read_timestep and
* write_timestep functions.
* Per-atom attributes and information.
typedef struct {
/* these fields absolutely must be set or initialized to empty */
char name[16]; /**< required atom name string */
char type[16]; /**< required atom type string */
char resname[8]; /**< required residue name string */
int resid; /**< required integer residue ID */
char segid[8]; /**< required segment name string, or "" */
char chain[2]; /**< required chain name, or "" */
/* rest are optional; use optflags to specify what's present */
char altloc[2]; /**< optional PDB alternate location code */
char insertion[2]; /**< optional PDB insertion code */
float occupancy; /**< optional occupancy value */
float bfactor; /**< optional B-factor value */
float mass; /**< optional mass value */
float charge; /**< optional charge value */
float radius; /**< optional radius value */
int atomicnumber; /**< optional element atomic number */
#if defined(DESRES_CTNUMBER)
int ctnumber; /**< mae ct block, 0-based, including meta */
} molfile_atom_t;
/** Plugin optional data field availability flag */
#define MOLFILE_NOOPTIONS 0x0000 /**< no optional data */
#define MOLFILE_INSERTION 0x0001 /**< insertion codes provided */
#define MOLFILE_OCCUPANCY 0x0002 /**< occupancy data provided */
#define MOLFILE_BFACTOR 0x0004 /**< B-factor data provided */
#define MOLFILE_MASS 0x0008 /**< Atomic mass provided */
#define MOLFILE_CHARGE 0x0010 /**< Atomic charge provided */
#define MOLFILE_RADIUS 0x0020 /**< Atomic VDW radius provided */
#define MOLFILE_ALTLOC 0x0040 /**< Multiple conformations present */
#define MOLFILE_ATOMICNUMBER 0x0080 /**< Atomic element number provided */
#define MOLFILE_BONDSSPECIAL 0x0100 /**< Only non-standard bonds provided */
#if defined(DESRES_CTNUMBER)
#define MOLFILE_CTNUMBER 0x0200 /**< ctnumber provided */
#define MOLFILE_BADOPTIONS 0xFFFFFFFF /**< Detect badly behaved plugins */
/** Flags indicating availability of optional data fields
* for QM timesteps
#define MOLFILE_QMTS_NOOPTIONS 0x0000 /**< no optional data */
#define MOLFILE_QMTS_GRADIENT 0x0001 /**< energy gradients provided */
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 10
typedef struct molfile_timestep_metadata {
unsigned int count; /**< total # timesteps; -1 if unknown */
unsigned int avg_bytes_per_timestep; /** bytes per timestep */
int has_velocities; /**< if timesteps have velocities */
} molfile_timestep_metadata_t;
* Per-timestep atom coordinates and periodic cell information
typedef struct {
float *coords; /**< coordinates of all atoms, arranged xyzxyzxyz */
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 10
float *velocities; /**< space for velocities of all atoms; same layout */
/**< NULL unless has_velocities is set */
* Unit cell specification of the form A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma.
* notes: A, B, C are side lengths of the unit cell
* alpha = angle between b and c
* beta = angle between a and c
* gamma = angle between a and b
float A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma;
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 10
double physical_time; /**< physical time point associated with this frame */
/* HACK to support generic trajectory information */
double total_energy;
double potential_energy;
double kinetic_energy;
double extended_energy;
double force_energy;
double total_pressure;
} molfile_timestep_t;
* Metadata for volumetric datasets, read initially and used for subsequent
* memory allocations and file loading.
typedef struct {
char dataname[256]; /**< name of volumetric data set */
float origin[3]; /**< origin: origin of volume (x=0, y=0, z=0 corner */
* x/y/z axis:
* These the three cell sides, providing both direction and length
* (not unit vectors) for the x, y, and z axes. In the simplest
* case, these would be <size,0,0> <0,size,0> and <0,0,size) for
* an orthogonal cubic volume set. For other cell shapes these
* axes can be oriented non-orthogonally, and the parallelpiped
* may have different side lengths, not just a cube/rhombus.
float xaxis[3]; /**< direction (and length) for X axis */
float yaxis[3]; /**< direction (and length) for Y axis */
float zaxis[3]; /**< direction (and length) for Z axis */
* x/y/z size:
* Number of grid cells along each axis. This is _not_ the
* physical size of the box, this is the number of voxels in each
* direction, independent of the shape of the volume set.
int xsize; /**< number of grid cells along the X axis */
int ysize; /**< number of grid cells along the Y axis */
int zsize; /**< number of grid cells along the Z axis */
int has_color; /**< flag indicating presence of voxel color data */
} molfile_volumetric_t;
**** ****
**** Data structures for QM files ****
**** ****
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 9
/* macros for the convergence status of a QM calculation. */
#define MOLFILE_QMSTATUS_UNKNOWN -1 /* don't know yet */
#define MOLFILE_QMSTATUS_OPT_CONV 0 /* optimization converged */
#define MOLFILE_QMSTATUS_SCF_NOT_CONV 1 /* SCF convergence failed */
#define MOLFILE_QMSTATUS_OPT_NOT_CONV 2 /* optimization not converged */
#define MOLFILE_QMSTATUS_FILE_TRUNCATED 3 /* file was truncated */
/* macros describing the SCF method (SCFTYP in GAMESS) */
#define MOLFILE_SCFTYPE_UNKNOWN -1 /* no info about the method */
#define MOLFILE_SCFTYPE_NONE 0 /* calculation didn't make use of SCF */
#define MOLFILE_SCFTYPE_RHF 1 /* restricted Hartree-Fock */
#define MOLFILE_SCFTYPE_UHF 2 /* unrestricted Hartree-Fock */
#define MOLFILE_SCFTYPE_ROHF 3 /* restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock */
#define MOLFILE_SCFTYPE_GVB 4 /* generalized valence bond orbitals */
#define MOLFILE_SCFTYPE_MCSCF 5 /* multi-configuration SCF */
#define MOLFILE_SCFTYPE_FF 6 /* classical force-field based sim. */
/* macros describing the type of calculation (RUNTYP in GAMESS) */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_UNKNOWN 0 /* single point run */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_ENERGY 1 /* single point run */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_OPTIMIZE 2 /* geometry optimization */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_SADPOINT 3 /* saddle point search */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_HESSIAN 4 /* Hessian/frequency calculation */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_SURFACE 5 /* potential surface scan */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_GRADIENT 6 /* energy gradient calculation */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_MEX 7 /* minimum energy crossing */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_DYNAMICS 8 /* Any type of molecular dynamics
* e.g. Born-Oppenheimer, Car-Parinello,
* or classical MD */
#define MOLFILE_RUNTYPE_PROPERTIES 9 /* Properties were calculated from a
* wavefunction that was read from file */
* Sizes of various QM-related, timestep independent data arrays
* which must be allocated by the caller (VMD) so that the plugin
* can fill in the arrays with data.
typedef struct {
/* hessian data */
int nimag; /**< number of imaginary modes */
int nintcoords; /**< number internal coordinates */
int ncart; /**< number cartesian coordinates */
/* orbital/basisset data */
int num_basis_funcs; /**< number of uncontracted basis functions in basis array */
int num_basis_atoms; /**< number of atoms in basis set */
int num_shells; /**< total number of atomic shells */
int wavef_size; /**< size of the wavefunction
* i.e. size of secular eq. or
* # of cartesian contracted
* gaussian basis functions */
/* everything else */
int have_sysinfo;
int have_carthessian; /**< hessian in cartesian coords available */
int have_inthessian; /**< hessian in internal coords available */
int have_normalmodes; /**< normal modes available */
} molfile_qm_metadata_t;
* QM run info. Parameters that stay unchanged during a single file.
typedef struct {
int nproc; /**< number of processors used. */
int memory; /**< amount of memory used in Mbyte. */
int runtype; /**< flag indicating the calculation method. */
int scftype; /**< SCF type: RHF, UHF, ROHF, GVB or MCSCF wfn. */
int status; /**< indicates wether SCF and geometry optimization
* have converged properly. */
int num_electrons; /**< number of electrons. XXX: can be fractional in some DFT codes */
int totalcharge; /**< total charge of system. XXX: can be fractional in some DFT codes */
int num_occupied_A; /**< number of occupied alpha orbitals */
int num_occupied_B; /**< number of occupied beta orbitals */
double *nuc_charge; /**< array(natom) containing the nuclear charge of atom i */
char basis_string[MOLFILE_BUFSIZ]; /**< basis name as "nice" string. */
char runtitle[MOLFILE_BIGBUFSIZ]; /**< title of run. */
char geometry[MOLFILE_BUFSIZ]; /**< type of provided geometry, XXX: remove?
* e.g. UNIQUE, ZMT, CART, ... */
char version_string[MOLFILE_BUFSIZ]; /**< QM code version information. */
} molfile_qm_sysinfo_t;
* Data for QM basis set
typedef struct {
int *num_shells_per_atom; /**< number of shells per atom */
int *num_prim_per_shell; /**< number of shell primitives shell */
float *basis; /**< contraction coeffients and exponents for
* the basis functions in the form
* {exp(1), c-coeff(1), exp(2), c-coeff(2), ...};
* array size = 2*num_basis_funcs
* The basis must NOT be normalized. */
int *atomic_number; /**< atomic numbers (chem. element) of atoms in basis set */
int *angular_momentum; /**< 3 ints per wave function coefficient do describe the
* cartesian components of the angular momentum.
* E.g. S={0 0 0}, Px={1 0 0}, Dxy={1 1 0}, or Fyyz={0 2 1}.
int *shell_types; /**< type for each shell in basis */
} molfile_qm_basis_t;
* Data from QM Hessian/normal mode runs
* A noteworthy comment from one of Axel's emails:
* The molfile_qm_hessian_t, I'd rename to molfile_hessian_t (one
* can do vibrational analysis without QM) and would make this a
* completely separate entity. This could then be also used to
* read in data from, say, principal component analysis or normal
* mode analysis and VMD could contain code to either project a
* trajectory on the contained eigenvectors or animate them and
* so on. There is a bunch of possible applications...
typedef struct {
double *carthessian; /**< hessian matrix in cartesian coordinates (ncart)*(ncart)
* as a single array of doubles (row(1), ...,row(natoms)) */
int *imag_modes; /**< list(nimag) of imaginary modes */
double *inthessian; /**< hessian matrix in internal coordinates
* (nintcoords*nintcoords) as a single array of
* doubles (row(1), ...,row(nintcoords)) */
float *wavenumbers; /**< array(ncart) of wavenumbers of normal modes */
float *intensities; /**< array(ncart) of intensities of normal modes */
float *normalmodes; /**< matrix(ncart*ncart) of normal modes */
} molfile_qm_hessian_t;
* QM related information that is timestep independent
typedef struct {
molfile_qm_sysinfo_t run; /* system info */
molfile_qm_basis_t basis; /* basis set info */
molfile_qm_hessian_t hess; /* hessian info */
} molfile_qm_t;
* Enumeration of all of the wavefunction types that can be read
* from QM file reader plugins.
* CANON = canonical (i.e diagonalized) wavefunction
* GEMINAL = GVB-ROHF geminal pairs
* MCSCFNAT = Multi-Configuration SCF natural orbitals
* MCSCFOPT = Multi-Configuration SCF optimized orbitals
* CINATUR = Configuration-Interaction natural orbitals
* BOYS = Boys localization
* RUEDEN = Ruedenberg localization
* PIPEK = Pipek-Mezey population localization
* NBO related localizations:
* --------------------------
* NAO = Natural Atomic Orbitals
* PNAO = pre-orthogonal NAOs
* NBO = Natural Bond Orbitals
* PNBO = pre-orthogonal NBOs
* NHO = Natural Hybrid Orbitals
* PNHO = pre-orthogonal NHOs
* NLMO = Natural Localized Molecular Orbitals
* PNLMO = pre-orthogonal NLMOs
* UNKNOWN = Use this for any type not listed here
* You can use the string field for description
enum molfile_qm_wavefunc_type {
* Enumeration of all of the supported QM related charge
* types
enum molfile_qm_charge_type {
* Sizes of various QM-related, per-timestep data arrays
* which must be allocated by the caller (VMD) so that the plugin
* can fill in the arrays with data.
typedef struct molfile_qm_timestep_metadata {
unsigned int count; /**< total # timesteps; -1 if unknown */
unsigned int avg_bytes_per_timestep; /**< bytes per timestep */
int has_gradient; /**< if timestep contains gradient */
int num_scfiter; /**< # scf iterations for this ts */
int num_orbitals_per_wavef[MOLFILE_MAXWAVEPERTS]; /**< # orbitals for each wavefunction */
int has_orben_per_wavef[MOLFILE_MAXWAVEPERTS]; /**< orbital energy flags */
int has_occup_per_wavef[MOLFILE_MAXWAVEPERTS]; /**< orbital occupancy flags */
int num_wavef ; /**< # wavefunctions in this ts */
int wavef_size; /**< size of one wavefunction
* (# of gaussian basis fctns) */
int num_charge_sets; /**< # of charge values per atom */
} molfile_qm_timestep_metadata_t;
* QM wavefunction
typedef struct {
int spin; /**< 1 for alpha, -1 for beta */
int excitation; /**< 0 for ground state, 1,2,3,... for excited states */
int multiplicity; /**< spin multiplicity of the state, zero if unknown */
char info[MOLFILE_BUFSIZ]; /**< string for additional type info */
double energy; /**< energy of the electronic state.
* i.e. HF-SCF energy, CI state energy,
* MCSCF energy, etc. */
float *wave_coeffs; /**< expansion coefficients for wavefunction in the
* form {orbital1(c1),orbital1(c2),.....,orbitalM(cN)} */
float *orbital_energies; /**< list of orbital energies for wavefunction */
float *occupancies; /**< orbital occupancies */
int *orbital_ids; /**< orbital ID numbers; If NULL then VMD will
* assume 1,2,3,...num_orbs. */
} molfile_qm_wavefunction_t;
* QM per trajectory timestep info
* Note that each timestep can contain multiple wavefunctions.
typedef struct {
molfile_qm_wavefunction_t *wave; /**< array of wavefunction objects */
float *gradient; /**< force on each atom (=gradient of energy) */
double *scfenergies; /**< energies from the SCF cycles */
double *charges; /**< per-atom charges */
int *charge_types; /**< type of each charge set */
} molfile_qm_timestep_t;
* Enumeration of all of the supported graphics objects that can be read
* from graphics file reader plugins.
enum molfile_graphics_type {
* Individual graphics object/element data
typedef struct {
int type; /* One of molfile_graphics_type */
int style; /* A general style parameter */
float size; /* A general size parameter */
float data[9]; /* All data for the element */
} molfile_graphics_t;
* Types for raw graphics elements stored in files. Data for each type
* should be stored by the plugin as follows:
type data style size
---- ---- ----- ----
point x, y, z pixel size
triangle x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3
trinorm x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3
the next array element must be NORMS
tricolor x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3
the next array elements must be NORMS
the following element must be COLOR, with three RGB triples
norms x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3
line x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 0=solid pixel width
cylinder x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 resolution radius
capcyl x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 resolution radius
sphere x1,y1,z1 resolution radius
text x, y, z, up to 24 bytes of text pixel size
color r, g, b
* Main file reader API. Any function in this struct may be NULL
* if not implemented by the plugin; the application checks this to determine
* what functionality is present in the plugin.
typedef struct {
* Required header
* Filename extension for this file type. May be NULL if no filename
* extension exists and/or is known. For file types that match several
* common extensions, list them in a comma separated list such as:
* "pdb,ent,foo,bar,baz,ban"
* The comma separated list will be expanded when filename extension matching
* is performed. If multiple plugins solicit the same filename extensions,
* the one that lists the extension earliest in its list is selected. In the
* case of a "tie", the first one tried/checked "wins".
const char *filename_extension;
* Try to open the file for reading. Return an opaque handle, or NULL on
* failure. Set the number of atoms; if the number of atoms cannot be
* determined, set natoms to MOLFILE_NUMATOMS_UNKNOWN.
* Filetype should be the name under which this plugin was registered;
* this is provided so that plugins can provide the same function pointer
* to handle multiple file types.
void *(* open_file_read)(const char *filepath, const char *filetype,
int *natoms);
* Read molecular structure from the given file handle. atoms is allocated
* by the caller and points to space for natoms.
* On success, place atom information in the passed-in pointer.
* optflags specifies which optional fields in the atoms will be set by
* the plugin.
int (*read_structure)(void *, int *optflags, molfile_atom_t *atoms);
* Read bond information for the molecule. On success the arrays from
* and to should point to the (one-based) indices of bonded atoms.
* Each unique bond should be specified only once, so file formats that list
* bonds twice will need post-processing before the results are returned to
* the caller.
* If the plugin provides bond information, but the file loaded doesn't
* actually contain any bond info, the nbonds parameter should be
* set to 0 and from/to should be set to NULL to indicate that no bond
* information was actually present, and automatic bond search should be
* performed.
* If the plugin provides bond order information, the bondorder array
* will contain the bond order for each from/to pair. If not, the bondorder
* pointer should be set to NULL, in which case the caller will provide a
* default bond order value of 1.0.
* If the plugin provides bond type information, the bondtype array
* will contain the bond type index for each from/to pair. These numbers
* are consecutive integers starting from 0.
* the bondtypenames list, contains the corresponding names, if available,
* as a NULL string terminated list. nbondtypes is provided for convenience
* and consistency checking.
* These arrays must be freed by the plugin in the close_file_read function.
* This function can be called only after read_structure().
* Return MOLFILE_SUCCESS if no errors occur.
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 14
int (*read_bonds)(void *, int *nbonds, int **from, int **to, float **bondorder,
int **bondtype, int *nbondtypes, char ***bondtypename);
int (*read_bonds)(void *, int *nbonds, int **from, int **to, float **bondorder);
* XXX this function will be augmented and possibly superceded by a
* new QM-capable version named read_timestep(), when finished.
* Read the next timestep from the file. Return MOLFILE_SUCCESS, or
* MOLFILE_EOF on EOF. If the molfile_timestep_t argument is NULL, then
* the frame should be skipped. Otherwise, the application must prepare
* molfile_timestep_t by allocating space in coords for the corresponding
* number of coordinates.
* The natoms parameter exists because some coordinate file formats
* (like CRD) cannot determine for themselves how many atoms are in a
* timestep; the app must therefore obtain this information elsewhere
* and provide it to the plugin.
int (* read_next_timestep)(void *, int natoms, molfile_timestep_t *);
* Close the file and release all data. The handle cannot be reused.
void (* close_file_read)(void *);
* Open a coordinate file for writing using the given header information.
* Return an opaque handle, or NULL on failure. The application must
* specify the number of atoms to be written.
* filetype should be the name under which this plugin was registered.
void *(* open_file_write)(const char *filepath, const char *filetype,
int natoms);
* Write structure information. Return success.
int (* write_structure)(void *, int optflags, const molfile_atom_t *atoms);
* Write a timestep to the coordinate file. Return MOLFILE_SUCCESS if no
* errors occur. If the file contains structure information in each
* timestep (like a multi-entry PDB), it will have to cache the information
* from the initial calls from write_structure.
int (* write_timestep)(void *, const molfile_timestep_t *);
* Close the file and release all data. The handle cannot be reused.
void (* close_file_write)(void *);
* Retrieve metadata pertaining to volumetric datasets in this file.
* Set nsets to the number of volumetric data sets, and set *metadata
* to point to an array of molfile_volumetric_t. The array is owned by
* the plugin and should be freed by close_file_read(). The application
* may call this function any number of times.
int (* read_volumetric_metadata)(void *, int *nsets,
molfile_volumetric_t **metadata);
* Read the specified volumetric data set into the space pointed to by
* datablock. The set is specified with a zero-based index. The space
* allocated for the datablock must be equal to
* xsize * ysize * zsize. No space will be allocated for colorblock
* unless has_color is nonzero; in that case, colorblock should be
* filled in with three RGB floats per datapoint.
int (* read_volumetric_data)(void *, int set, float *datablock,
float *colorblock);
* Read raw graphics data stored in this file. Return the number of data
* elements and the data itself as an array of molfile_graphics_t in the
* pointer provided by the application. The plugin is responsible for
* freeing the data when the file is closed.
int (* read_rawgraphics)(void *, int *nelem, const molfile_graphics_t **data);
* Read molecule metadata such as what database (if any) this file/data
* came from, what the accession code for the database is, textual remarks
* and other notes pertaining to the contained structure/trajectory/volume
* and anything else that's informative at the whole file level.
int (* read_molecule_metadata)(void *, molfile_metadata_t **metadata);
* Write bond information for the molecule. The arrays from
* and to point to the (one-based) indices of bonded atoms.
* Each unique bond will be specified only once by the caller.
* File formats that list bonds twice will need to emit both the
* from/to and to/from versions of each.
* This function must be called before write_structure().
* Like the read_bonds() routine, the bondorder pointer is set to NULL
* if the caller doesn't have such information, in which case the
* plugin should assume a bond order of 1.0 if the file format requires
* bond order information.
* Support for bond types follows the bondorder rules. bondtype is
* an integer array of the size nbonds that contains the bond type
* index (consecutive integers starting from 0) and bondtypenames
* contain the corresponding strings, in case the naming/numbering
* scheme is different from the index numbers.
* if the pointers are set to NULL, then this information is not available.
* bondtypenames can only be used of bondtypes is also given.
* Return MOLFILE_SUCCESS if no errors occur.
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 14
int (* write_bonds)(void *, int nbonds, int *from, int *to, float *bondorder,
int *bondtype, int nbondtypes, char **bondtypename);
int (* write_bonds)(void *, int nbonds, int *from, int *to, float *bondorder);
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 9
* Write the specified volumetric data set into the space pointed to by
* datablock. The * allocated for the datablock must be equal to
* xsize * ysize * zsize. No space will be allocated for colorblock
* unless has_color is nonzero; in that case, colorblock should be
* filled in with three RGB floats per datapoint.
int (* write_volumetric_data)(void *, molfile_volumetric_t *metadata,
float *datablock, float *colorblock);
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 15
* Read in Angles, Dihedrals, Impropers, and Cross Terms and optionally types.
* (Cross terms pertain to the CHARMM/NAMD CMAP feature)
int (* read_angles)(void *handle, int *numangles, int **angles, int **angletypes,
int *numangletypes, char ***angletypenames, int *numdihedrals,
int **dihedrals, int **dihedraltypes, int *numdihedraltypes,
char ***dihedraltypenames, int *numimpropers, int **impropers,
int **impropertypes, int *numimpropertypes, char ***impropertypenames,
int *numcterms, int **cterms, int *ctermcols, int *ctermrows);
* Write out Angles, Dihedrals, Impropers, and Cross Terms
* (Cross terms pertain to the CHARMM/NAMD CMAP feature)
int (* write_angles)(void *handle, int numangles, const int *angles, const int *angletypes,
int numangletypes, const char **angletypenames, int numdihedrals,
const int *dihedrals, const int *dihedraltypes, int numdihedraltypes,
const char **dihedraltypenames, int numimpropers,
const int *impropers, const int *impropertypes, int numimpropertypes,
const char **impropertypenames, int numcterms, const int *cterms,
int ctermcols, int ctermrows);
* Read in Angles, Dihedrals, Impropers, and Cross Terms
* Forces are in Kcal/mol
* (Cross terms pertain to the CHARMM/NAMD CMAP feature, forces are given
* as a 2-D matrix)
int (* read_angles)(void *,
int *numangles, int **angles, double **angleforces,
int *numdihedrals, int **dihedrals, double **dihedralforces,
int *numimpropers, int **impropers, double **improperforces,
int *numcterms, int **cterms,
int *ctermcols, int *ctermrows, double **ctermforces);
* Write out Angles, Dihedrals, Impropers, and Cross Terms
* Forces are in Kcal/mol
* (Cross terms pertain to the CHARMM/NAMD CMAP feature, forces are given
* as a 2-D matrix)
int (* write_angles)(void *,
int numangles, const int *angles, const double *angleforces,
int numdihedrals, const int *dihedrals, const double *dihedralforces,
int numimpropers, const int *impropers, const double *improperforces,
int numcterms, const int *cterms,
int ctermcols, int ctermrows, const double *ctermforces);
* Retrieve metadata pertaining to timestep independent
* QM datasets in this file.
* The metadata are the sizes of the QM related data structure
* arrays that will be populated by the plugin when
* read_qm_rundata() is called. Since the allocation of these
* arrays is done by VMD rather than the plugin, VMD needs to
* know the sizes beforehand. Consequently read_qm_metadata()
* has to be called before read_qm_rundata().
int (* read_qm_metadata)(void *, molfile_qm_metadata_t *metadata);
* Read timestep independent QM data.
* Typical data that are defined only once per trajectory are
* general info about the calculation (such as the used method),
* the basis set and normal modes.
* The data structures to be populated must have been allocated
* before by VMD according to sizes obtained through
* read_qm_metadata().
int (* read_qm_rundata)(void *, molfile_qm_t *qmdata);
* Read the next timestep from the file. Return MOLFILE_SUCCESS, or
* MOLFILE_EOF on EOF. If the molfile_timestep_t or molfile_qm_metadata_t
* arguments are NULL, then the coordinate or qm data should be skipped.
* Otherwise, the application must prepare molfile_timestep_t and
* molfile_qm_timestep_t by allocating space for the corresponding
* number of coordinates, orbital wavefunction coefficients, etc.
* Since it is common for users to want to load only the final timestep
* data from a QM run, the application may provide any combination of
* valid, or NULL pointers for the molfile_timestep_t and
* molfile_qm_timestep_t parameters, depending on what information the
* user is interested in.
* The natoms and qm metadata parameters exist because some file formats
* cannot determine for themselves how many atoms etc are in a
* timestep; the app must therefore obtain this information elsewhere
* and provide it to the plugin.
int (* read_timestep)(void *, int natoms, molfile_timestep_t *,
molfile_qm_metadata_t *, molfile_qm_timestep_t *);
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 10
int (* read_timestep_metadata)(void *, molfile_timestep_metadata_t *);
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 11
int (* read_qm_timestep_metadata)(void *, molfile_qm_timestep_metadata_t *);
* Read a specified timestep!
int (* read_timestep2)(void *, molfile_ssize_t index, molfile_timestep_t *);
* write up to count times beginning at index start into the given
* space. Return the number read, or -1 on error.
molfile_ssize_t (* read_times)( void *,
molfile_ssize_t start,
molfile_ssize_t count,
double * times );
#if vmdplugin_ABIVERSION > 13
* Console output, READ-ONLY function pointer.
* Function pointer that plugins can use for printing to the host
* application's text console. This provides a clean way for plugins
* to send message strings back to the calling application, giving the
* caller the ability to prioritize, buffer, and redirect console messages
* to an appropriate output channel, window, etc. This enables the use of
* graphical consoles like TkCon without losing console output from plugins.
* If the function pointer is NULL, no console output service is provided
* by the calling application, and the output should default to stdout
* stream. If the function pointer is non-NULL, all output will be
* subsequently dealt with by the calling application.
* XXX this should really be put into a separate block of
* application-provided read-only function pointers for any
* application-provided services
int (* cons_fputs)(const int, const char*);
} molfile_plugin_t;
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
*cr (C) Copyright 1995-2006 The Board of Trustees of the
*cr University of Illinois
*cr All Rights Reserved
* $RCSfile: vmdplugin.h,v $
* $Author: johns $ $Locker: $ $State: Exp $
* $Revision: 1.32 $ $Date: 2009/02/24 05:12:35 $
/** @file
* This header must be included by every VMD plugin library. It defines the
* API for every plugin so that VMD can organize the plugins it finds.
#ifndef VMD_PLUGIN_H
#define VMD_PLUGIN_H
* Preprocessor tricks to make it easier for us to redefine the names of
* functions when building static plugins.
#if !defined(VMDPLUGIN)
* macro defining VMDPLUGIN if it hasn't already been set to the name of
* a static plugin that is being compiled. This is the catch-all case.
#define VMDPLUGIN vmdplugin
/** concatenation macro, joins args x and y together as a single string */
#define xcat(x, y) cat(x, y)
/** concatenation macro, joins args x and y together as a single string */
#define cat(x, y) x ## y
* macros to correctly define plugin function names depending on whether
* the plugin is being compiled for static linkage or dynamic loading.
* When compiled for static linkage, each plugin needs to have unique
* function names for all of its entry points. When compiled for dynamic
* loading, the plugins must name their entry points consistently so that
* the plugin loading mechanism can find the register, register_tcl, init,
* and fini routines via dlopen() or similar operating system interfaces.
/** Macro names entry points correctly for static linkage or dynamic loading */
#define VMDPLUGIN_register xcat(VMDPLUGIN, _register)
#define VMDPLUGIN_register_tcl xcat(VMDPLUGIN, _register_tcl)
#define VMDPLUGIN_init xcat(VMDPLUGIN, _init)
#define VMDPLUGIN_fini xcat(VMDPLUGIN, _fini)
/** "WIN32" is defined on both WIN32 and WIN64 platforms... */
#if (defined(WIN32))
#include <windows.h>
#if !defined(STATIC_PLUGIN)
* Only define DllMain for plugins, not in VMD or in statically linked plugins
* VMDPLUGIN_EXPORTS is only defined when compiling dynamically loaded plugins
DWORD ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved
return TRUE;
#define VMDPLUGIN_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define VMDPLUGIN_API __declspec(dllimport)
#else /* ! STATIC_PLUGIN */
#endif /* ! STATIC_PLUGIN */
/** If we're not compiling on Windows, then this macro is defined empty */
/** define plugin linkage correctly for both C and C++ based plugins */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* Plugin API functions start here
* Init routine: called the first time the library is loaded by the
* application and before any other API functions are referenced.
* Return 0 on success.
* Macro for creating a struct header used in all plugin structures.
* This header should be placed at the top of every plugin API definition
* so that it can be treated as a subtype of the base plugin type.
* abiversion: Defines the ABI for the base plugin type (not for other plugins)
* type: A string descriptor of the plugin type.
* name: A name for the plugin.
* author: A string identifier, possibly including newlines.
* Major and minor version.
* is_reentrant: Whether this library can be run concurrently with itself.
#define vmdplugin_HEAD \
int abiversion; \
const char *type; \
const char *name; \
const char *prettyname; \
const char *author; \
int majorv; \
int minorv; \
int is_reentrant;
* Typedef for generic plugin header, individual plugins can
* make their own structures as long as the header info remains
* the same as the generic plugin header, most easily done by
* using the vmdplugin_HEAD macro.
typedef struct {
} vmdplugin_t;
* Use this macro to initialize the abiversion member of each plugin
#define vmdplugin_ABIVERSION 16
/** Use this macro to indicate a plugin's thread-safety at registration time */
/** Error return code for use in the plugin registration and init functions */
* Function pointer typedef for register callback functions
typedef int (*vmdplugin_register_cb)(void *, vmdplugin_t *);
* Allow the library to register plugins with the application.
* The callback should be called using the passed-in void pointer, which
* should not be interpreted in any way by the library. Each vmdplugin_t
* pointer passed to the application should point to statically-allocated
* or heap-allocated memory and should never be later modified by the plugin.
* Applications must be permitted to retain only a copy of the the plugin
* pointer, without making any deep copy of the items in the struct.
VMDPLUGIN_EXTERN int VMDPLUGIN_register(void *, vmdplugin_register_cb);
* Allow the library to register Tcl extensions.
* This API is optional; if found by dlopen, it will be called after first
* calling init and register.
VMDPLUGIN_EXTERN int VMDPLUGIN_register_tcl(void *, void *tcl_interp,
* The Fini method is called when the application will no longer use
* any plugins in the library.
#endif /* VMD_PLUGIN_H */
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