forked from lijiext/lammps
Clean up unnecessary code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Purpose: Demonstrate extraction of descriptor gradient (dB/dR) array from comput
Serial syntax:
Parallel syntax:
mpirun -np 2 python
mpirun -np 4 python
from __future__ import print_function
@ -208,7 +208,11 @@ ComputeSnap::ComputeSnap(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
if (bikflag) bik_rows = natoms;
dgrad_rows = ndims_force*natoms;
size_array_rows = bik_rows+dgrad_rows + ndims_virial;
if (dgradflag) size_array_cols = nperdim + 3;
if (dgradflag){
size_array_rows = bik_rows + 3*natoms*natoms + 1;
size_array_cols = nperdim + 3;
error->warning(FLERR,"dgradflag=1 creates a N^2 array, beware of large systems.");
else size_array_cols = nperdim*atom->ntypes + 1;
lastcol = size_array_cols-1;
@ -236,13 +240,7 @@ ComputeSnap::~ComputeSnap()
if (dgradflag){
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -306,9 +304,6 @@ void ComputeSnap::init_list(int /*id*/, NeighList *ptr)
void ComputeSnap::compute_array()
if (dgradflag) get_dgrad_length();
// if (dgradflag) get_dgrad_length2();
int ntotal = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
invoked_array = update->ntimestep;
@ -448,195 +443,130 @@ void ComputeSnap::compute_array()
for (int jj = 0; jj < ninside; jj++) {
const int j = snaptr->inside[jj];
if (dgradflag){
dgrad_row_indx = 3*neighsum[atom->tag[j]-1] + 3*icounter[atom->tag[j]-1] ;
icounter[atom->tag[j]-1] += 1;
// accumulate dBi/dRi, -dBi/dRj
if (!dgradflag) {
if (!dgradflag) {
double *snadi = snap_peratom[i]+typeoffset_local;
double *snadj = snap_peratom[j]+typeoffset_local;
double *snadi = snap_peratom[i]+typeoffset_local;
double *snadj = snap_peratom[j]+typeoffset_local;
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++) {
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++) {
snadi[icoeff] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
snadi[icoeff+yoffset] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
snadi[icoeff+zoffset] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
snadi[icoeff] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
snadi[icoeff+yoffset] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
snadi[icoeff+zoffset] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
snadj[icoeff] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
snadj[icoeff+yoffset] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
snadj[icoeff+zoffset] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
snadj[icoeff] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
snadj[icoeff+yoffset] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
snadj[icoeff+zoffset] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
if (quadraticflag) {
const int quadraticoffset = ncoeff;
snadi += quadraticoffset;
snadj += quadraticoffset;
int ncount = 0;
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++) {
double bi = snaptr->blist[icoeff];
double bix = snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
double biy = snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
double biz = snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
if (quadraticflag) {
const int quadraticoffset = ncoeff;
snadi += quadraticoffset;
snadj += quadraticoffset;
int ncount = 0;
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++) {
double bi = snaptr->blist[icoeff];
double bix = snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
double biy = snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
double biz = snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
// diagonal elements of quadratic matrix
// diagonal elements of quadratic matrix
double dbxtmp = bi*bix;
double dbytmp = bi*biy;
double dbztmp = bi*biz;
double dbxtmp = bi*bix;
double dbytmp = bi*biy;
double dbztmp = bi*biz;
snadi[ncount] += dbxtmp;
snadi[ncount+yoffset] += dbytmp;
snadi[ncount+zoffset] += dbztmp;
snadj[ncount] -= dbxtmp;
snadj[ncount+yoffset] -= dbytmp;
snadj[ncount+zoffset] -= dbztmp;
snadi[ncount] += dbxtmp;
snadi[ncount+yoffset] += dbytmp;
snadi[ncount+zoffset] += dbztmp;
snadj[ncount] -= dbxtmp;
snadj[ncount+yoffset] -= dbytmp;
snadj[ncount+zoffset] -= dbztmp;
// upper-triangular elements of quadratic matrix
// upper-triangular elements of quadratic matrix
for (int jcoeff = icoeff+1; jcoeff < ncoeff; jcoeff++) {
double dbxtmp = bi*snaptr->dblist[jcoeff][0]
+ bix*snaptr->blist[jcoeff];
double dbytmp = bi*snaptr->dblist[jcoeff][1]
+ biy*snaptr->blist[jcoeff];
double dbztmp = bi*snaptr->dblist[jcoeff][2]
+ biz*snaptr->blist[jcoeff];
for (int jcoeff = icoeff+1; jcoeff < ncoeff; jcoeff++) {
double dbxtmp = bi*snaptr->dblist[jcoeff][0]
+ bix*snaptr->blist[jcoeff];
double dbytmp = bi*snaptr->dblist[jcoeff][1]
+ biy*snaptr->blist[jcoeff];
double dbztmp = bi*snaptr->dblist[jcoeff][2]
+ biz*snaptr->blist[jcoeff];
snadi[ncount] += dbxtmp;
snadi[ncount+yoffset] += dbytmp;
snadi[ncount+zoffset] += dbztmp;
snadj[ncount] -= dbxtmp;
snadj[ncount+yoffset] -= dbytmp;
snadj[ncount+zoffset] -= dbztmp;
snadi[ncount] += dbxtmp;
snadi[ncount+yoffset] += dbytmp;
snadi[ncount+zoffset] += dbztmp;
snadj[ncount] -= dbxtmp;
snadj[ncount+yoffset] -= dbytmp;
snadj[ncount+zoffset] -= dbztmp;
} else {
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++) {
// add to snap array for this proc
} else {
// dBi/dRj
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++) {
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][icoeff+3] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][icoeff+3] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][icoeff+3] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
// sign convention same as compute snad
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+0][icoeff] = -snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+1][icoeff] = -snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+2][icoeff] = -snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
// dBi/dRi
// accumulate dBi/dRi = sum (-dBi/dRj) for neighbors j of if i
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][icoeff+3] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][icoeff+3] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][icoeff+3] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+0][icoeff] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+1][icoeff] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+2][icoeff] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
// add to snap array for this proc
// dBi/dRj
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][icoeff+3] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][icoeff+3] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][icoeff+3] -= snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
// dBi/dRi
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][icoeff+3] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][0];
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][icoeff+3] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][1];
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][icoeff+3] += snaptr->dblist[icoeff][2];
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+0][ncoeff] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+0][ncoeff+1] = atom->tag[j]-1;
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+0][ncoeff+2] = 0;
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+1][ncoeff] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+1][ncoeff+1] = atom->tag[j]-1;
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+1][ncoeff+2] = 1;
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+2][ncoeff] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+2][ncoeff+1] = atom->tag[j]-1;
dgrad[dgrad_row_indx+2][ncoeff+2] = 2;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+0][ncoeff] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+0][ncoeff+1] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+0][ncoeff+2] = 0;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+1][ncoeff] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+1][ncoeff+1] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+1][ncoeff+2] = 1;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+2][ncoeff] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+2][ncoeff+1] = atom->tag[i]-1;
dbiri[3*(atom->tag[i]-1)+2][ncoeff+2] = 2;
// add to snap array for this proc
// dBi/dRj tags
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][0] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][1] = atom->tag[j]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][2] = 0;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][0] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][1] = atom->tag[j]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][2] = 1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][0] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][1] = atom->tag[j]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[j]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][2] = 2;
// dBi/dRi tags
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][0] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][1] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 0][2] = 0;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][0] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][1] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 1][2] = 1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][0] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][1] = atom->tag[i]-1;
snap[bik_rows + ((atom->tag[i]-1)*3*natoms) + 3*(atom->tag[i]-1) + 2][2] = 2;
} // loop over jj inside
} // loop over jj inside
// accumulate Bi
if (!dgradflag) {
// linear contributions
// linear contributions
int k = typeoffset_global;
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++)
snap[irow][k++] += snaptr->blist[icoeff];
// quadratic contributions
// quadratic contributions
if (quadraticflag) {
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++) {
double bveci = snaptr->blist[icoeff];
snap[irow][k++] += 0.5*bveci*bveci;
for (int jcoeff = icoeff+1; jcoeff < ncoeff; jcoeff++) {
double bvecj = snaptr->blist[jcoeff];
snap[irow][k++] += bveci*bvecj;
if (quadraticflag) {
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++) {
double bveci = snaptr->blist[icoeff];
snap[irow][k++] += 0.5*bveci*bveci;
for (int jcoeff = icoeff+1; jcoeff < ncoeff; jcoeff++) {
double bvecj = snaptr->blist[jcoeff];
snap[irow][k++] += bveci*bvecj;
} else {
int k = 3;
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++)
snap[irow][k++] += snaptr->blist[icoeff];
numneigh_sum += ninside;
int k = 3;
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++)
snap[irow][k++] += snaptr->blist[icoeff];
numneigh_sum += ninside;
} // if (mask[i] & groupbit)
} // for (int ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
// accumulate bispectrum force contributions to global array
@ -657,8 +587,6 @@ void ComputeSnap::compute_array()
} else {
// accumulate forces to global array
@ -702,9 +630,8 @@ void ComputeSnap::compute_array()
} else {
// Assign reference energy right after the dgrad rows, first column.
// Add 3N for the dBi/dRi rows.
//int irow = bik_rows + dgrad_rows + 3*natoms;
// assign reference energy right after the dgrad rows, first column
int irow = bik_rows + 3*natoms*natoms;
double reference_energy = c_pe->compute_scalar();
snapall[irow][0] = reference_energy;
@ -766,194 +693,6 @@ void ComputeSnap::dbdotr_compute()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute dgrad length
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ComputeSnap::get_dgrad_length()
rank = universe->me; // for MPI debugging
// invoke full neighbor list
dgrad_rows = 0;
const int inum = list->inum;
const int* const ilist = list->ilist;
const int* const numneigh = list->numneigh;
int** const firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int * const type = atom->type;
const int* const mask = atom->mask;
double** const x = atom->x;
memory->create(neighsum, natoms, "snap:neighsum");
memory->create(nneighs, natoms, "snap:nneighs");
memory->create(icounter, natoms, "snap:icounter");
memory->create(dbiri, 3*natoms,ncoeff+3, "snap:dbiri");
//if (atom->nlocal != natoms)
// error->all(FLERR,"Compute snap dgradflag=1 does not support parallelism yet.");
for (int ii = 0; ii < 3 * natoms; ii++)
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++)
dbiri[ii][icoeff] = 0.0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
const int i = ilist[ii];
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
icounter[i] = 0;
nneighs[i] = 0;
const double xtmp = x[i][0];
const double ytmp = x[i][1];
const double ztmp = x[i][2];
const int itype = type[i];
const int* const jlist = firstneigh[i];
const int jnum = numneigh[i];
for (int jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
int j = jlist[jj];
const double delx = x[j][0] - xtmp;
const double dely = x[j][1] - ytmp;
const double delz = x[j][2] - ztmp;
const double rsq = delx * delx + dely * dely + delz * delz;
int jtype = type[j];
if (rsq < cutsq[itype][jtype] && rsq>1e-20) {
dgrad_rows *= ndims_force;
neighsum[0] = 0;
for (int ii = 1; ii < inum; ii++) {
const int i = ilist[ii];
if (mask[i] & groupbit)
neighsum[i] = neighsum[i-1] + nneighs[i-1];
memory->create(dgrad, dgrad_rows, ncoeff+3, "snap:dgrad");
for (int i = 0; i < dgrad_rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ncoeff+3; j++)
dgrad[i][j] = 0.0;
// set size array rows which now depends on dgrad_rows.
//size_array_rows = bik_rows + dgrad_rows + 3*atom->nlocal + 1; // Add 3*N for dBi/dRi. and add 1 for reference energy
size_array_rows = bik_rows + 3*natoms*natoms + 1;
//printf("----- dgrad_rows, 3*natoms*natoms: %d %d\n", dgrad_rows, 3*natoms*natoms);
memory->create(snap,size_array_rows,size_array_cols, "snap:snap");
memory->create(snapall,size_array_rows,size_array_cols, "snap:snapall");
array = snapall;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute dgrad length
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ComputeSnap::get_dgrad_length2()
// invoke full neighbor list
dgrad_rows = 0;
const int inum = list->inum;
const int* const ilist = list->ilist;
const int* const numneigh = list->numneigh;
int** const firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
int * const type = atom->type;
const int* const mask = atom->mask;
double** const x = atom->x;
memory->create(neighsum, natoms, "snap:neighsum");
memory->create(nneighs, natoms, "snap:nneighs");
memory->create(icounter, natoms, "snap:icounter");
memory->create(dbiri, 3*natoms,ncoeff+3, "snap:dbiri");
if (atom->nlocal != natoms)
error->all(FLERR,"Compute snap dgradflag=1 does not support parallelism yet.");
for (int ii = 0; ii < 3 * natoms; ii++)
for (int icoeff = 0; icoeff < ncoeff; icoeff++)
dbiri[ii][icoeff] = 0.0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
const int i = ilist[ii];
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
icounter[i] = 0;
nneighs[i] = 0;
const double xtmp = x[i][0];
const double ytmp = x[i][1];
const double ztmp = x[i][2];
const int itype = type[i];
const int* const jlist = firstneigh[i];
const int jnum = numneigh[i];
for (int jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
int j = jlist[jj];
const double delx = x[j][0] - xtmp;
const double dely = x[j][1] - ytmp;
const double delz = x[j][2] - ztmp;
const double rsq = delx * delx + dely * dely + delz * delz;
int jtype = type[j];
if (rsq < cutsq[itype][jtype] && rsq>1e-20) {
dgrad_rows *= ndims_force;
// loop over all atoms again to calculate neighsum
// for (int ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
// const int i = ilist[ii];
// if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
// for (int jj = 0; jj < ii; jj++) {
// const int j = ilist[jj];
// if (mask[j] & groupbit)
// neighsum[i] += nneighs[j];
// }
// }
// }
neighsum[0] = 0;
for (int ii = 1; ii < inum; ii++) {
const int i = ilist[ii];
if (mask[i] & groupbit)
neighsum[i] = neighsum[i-1] + nneighs[i-1];
memory->create(dgrad, dgrad_rows, ncoeff+3, "snap:dgrad");
for (int i = 0; i < dgrad_rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ncoeff+3; j++)
dgrad[i][j] = 0.0;
// set size array rows which now depends on dgrad_rows.
size_array_rows = bik_rows + dgrad_rows + 3*atom->nlocal + 1; // Add 3*N for dBi/dRi. and add 1 for reference energy
memory->create(snap,size_array_rows,size_array_cols, "snap:snap");
memory->create(snapall,size_array_rows,size_array_cols, "snap:snapall");
array = snapall;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
memory usage
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -53,20 +53,13 @@ class ComputeSnap : public Compute {
double cutmax;
int quadraticflag;
int bikflag, bik_rows, dgradflag, dgrad_rows;
double **dgrad; // First ncoeff columns are descriptor derivatives.
// Last 3 columns are indices i,j,a
double **dbiri; // dBi/dRi = sum(-dBi/dRj) over neighbors j
int *nneighs; // number of neighs inside the snap cutoff.
int *neighsum;
int *icounter; // counting atoms i for each j.
int rank;
Compute *c_pe;
Compute *c_virial;
void dbdotr_compute();
void get_dgrad_length();
void get_dgrad_length2();
} // namespace LAMMPS_NS
Reference in New Issue