git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa

This commit is contained in:
sjplimp 2009-12-17 23:33:42 +00:00
parent d6202909fd
commit d7a06944dc
2 changed files with 229 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<LI>group-ID = ID of the group of atoms to be dumped
<LI>style = <I>atom</I> or <I>bond</I> or <I>cfg</I> or <I>dcd</I> or <I>xtc</I> or <I>xyz</I> or <I>custom</I>
<LI>style = <I>atom</I> or <I>cfg</I> or <I>dcd</I> or <I>xtc</I> or <I>xyz</I> or <I>local</I> or <I>custom</I>
<LI>N = dump every this many timesteps
@ -28,12 +28,20 @@
<LI>args = list of arguments for a particular style
<PRE> <I>atom</I> args = none
<I>bond</I> args = none
<I>cfg</I> args = same as <I>custom</I> args, see below
<I>dcd</I> args = none
<I>xtc</I> args = none
<I>xyz</I> args = none
<I>custom</I> args = list of atom attributes
<I>xyz</I> args = none
<PRE> <I>local</I> args = list of local attributes
possible attributes = index, c_ID, c_ID[N], f_ID, f_ID[N]
index = enumeration of local values
c_ID = local vector calculated by a compute with ID
c_ID[N] = Nth column of local array calculated by a compute with ID
f_ID = local vector calculated by a fix with ID
f_ID[N] = Nth column of local array calculated by a fix with ID
<PRE> <I>custom</I> args = list of atom attributes
possible attributes = id, mol, type, mass,
x, y, z, xs, ys, zs, xu, yu, zu, ix, iy, iz,
vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz,
@ -60,9 +68,9 @@
angmomx,angmomy,angmomz = angular momentum of extended particle
quatw,quati,quatj,quatk = quaternion components for aspherical particles
tqx,tqy,tqz = torque on extended particles
c_ID = per-atom vector value calculated by a compute with ID
c_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a compute with ID
c_ID[N] = Nth column of per-atom array calculated by a compute with ID
f_ID = per-atom vector value calculated by a fix with ID
f_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a fix with ID
f_ID[N] = Nth column of per-atom array calculated by a fix with ID
v_name = per-atom vector calculated by an atom-style variable with name
@ -98,7 +106,7 @@ box.
dump files (typically one line per atom) may be written in an
indeterminate order. This is because data for a single snapshot is
collected from multiple processors. This is always the case for the
<I>atom</I>, <I>bond</I>, and <I>custom</I> styles. It is also the case for the
<I>atom</I>, <I>local</I>, and <I>custom</I> styles. It is also the case for the
<I>xyz</I> style if the dump group is not <I>all</I>. It is not the case for
the <I>dcd</I> and <I>xtc</I> styles which always write atoms in sorted order.
So does the <I>xyz</I> style if the dump group is <I>all</I>. The <I>cfg</I> style
@ -112,7 +120,7 @@ file and in what format. Settings made via the
<A HREF = "dump_modify.html">dump_modify</A> command can also alter the format of
individual values and the file itself.
<P>The <I>atom</I>, <I>bond</I>, and <I>custom</I> styles create files in a simple text
<P>The <I>atom</I>, <I>local</I>, and <I>custom</I> styles create files in a simple text
format that is self-explanatory when viewing a dump file. Many of the
LAMMPS <A HREF = "Section_tools.html">post-processing tools</A>, including
<A HREF = ""></A>, work with
@ -139,16 +147,6 @@ boundaries. The format can be changed to unscaled coords via the
<A HREF = "dump_modify.html">dump_modify</A> settings. Image flags can also be
added for each atom via dump_modify.
<P>For style <I>bond</I>, the bond topology between atoms is written, in the
same format specified in data files read in by the
<A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A> command. Both atoms in the bond must be in
the dump group for the bond to be written. Any bonds that have been
broken (see the <A HREF = "bond_style.html">bond_style</A> command) by setting their
bond type to 0 are not written. Bonds that have been turned off (see
the <A HREF = "fix_shake.html">fix shake</A> or <A HREF = "delete_bonds.html">delete_bonds</A>
commands) by setting their bond type negative are written into the
<P>Style <I>custom</I> allows you to specify a list of atom attributes to be
written to the dump file for each atom. Possible attributes are
listed above and will appear in the order specified. You cannot
@ -156,8 +154,20 @@ specify a quantity that is not defined for a particular simulation -
such as <I>q</I> for atom style <I>bond</I>, since that atom style doesn't
assign charges. Dumps occur at the very end of a timestep, so atom
attributes will include effects due to fixes that are applied during
the timestep. An explanation of the dump custom quantities is given
the timestep. An explanation of the possible dump custom attributes
is given below.
<P>For style <I>local</I>, local output generated by <A HREF = "compute.html">computes</A>
and <A HREF = "fix.html">fixes</A> is used to gnerate lines of output that is
written to the dump file. This local data is typically calculated by
each processor based on the atoms it owns, but there may be zero or
more entities per atom, e.g. a list of bond distances. An explanation
of the possible dump local attributes is given below. Note that by
using input from the <A HREF = "compute_property_local.html">compute
property/local</A> command with dump local,
it is possible to generate information on bonds, angles, etc that can
be cut and pasted directly into a data file read by the
<A HREF = "read_data.html">read_data</A> command.
<P>Style <I>cfg</I> has the same command syntax as style <I>custom</I> and writes
extended CFG format files, as used by the
@ -264,11 +274,54 @@ styles.
<P>This section explains the atom quantities that can be specified as
<P>This section explains the local attributes that can be specified as
part of the <I>local</I> style.
<P>The <I>index</I> attribute can be used to generate an index number from 1
to N for each line written into the dump file, where N is the total
number of local datums from all processors, or lines of output that
will appear in the snapshot. Note that because data from different
processors depend on what atoms they currently own, and atoms migrate
between processor, there is no guarantee that the same index will be
used for the same info (e.g. a particular bond) in successive
<P>The <I>c_ID</I> and <I>c_ID[N]</I> attributes allow local vectors or arrays
calculated by a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> to be output. The ID in the
attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has
been defined previously in the input script. See the
<A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> command for details. There are computes for
calculating local information such as indices, types, and energies for
bonds and angles.
<P>Note that computes which calculate global or per-atom quantities, as
opposed to local quantities, cannot be output in a dump local command.
Instead, global quantities can be output by the <A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style
custom</A> command, and per-atom quantities can be
output by the dump custom command.
<P>If <I>c_ID</I> is used as a attribute, then the local vector calculated by
the compute is printed. If <I>c_ID[N]</I> is used, then N must be in the
range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the M-length local
array calculated by the compute.
<P>The <I>f_ID</I> and <I>f_ID[N]</I> attributes allow local vectors or arrays
calculated by a <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A> to be output. The ID in the attribute
should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been defined
previously in the input script.
<P>If <I>f_ID</I> is used as a attribute, then the local vector calculated by
the fix is printed. If <I>f_ID[N]</I> is used, then N must be in the
range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the M-length local
array calculated by the fix.
<P>This section explains the atom attributes that can be specified as
part of the <I>custom</I> and <I>cfg</I> styles.
<P>The <I>id</I>, <I>mol</I>, <I>type</I>, <I>mass</I>, <I>vx</I>, <I>vy</I>, <I>vz</I>, <I>fx</I>, <I>fy</I>,
<I>fz</I>, <I>q</I> keywords are self-explanatory.
<I>fz</I>, <I>q</I> attributes are self-explanatory.
<P><I>Id</I> is the atom ID. <I>Mol</I> is the molecule ID, included in the data
file for molecular systems. <I>Type</I> is the atom type. <I>Mass</I> is the
@ -276,7 +329,7 @@ atom mass. <I>Vx</I>, <I>vy</I>, <I>vz</I>, <I>fx</I>, <I>fy</I>, <I>fz</I>, an
of atom velocity and force and atomic charge.
<P>There are several options for outputting atom coordinates. The <I>x</I>,
<I>y</I>, <I>z</I> keywords write atom coordinates "unscaled", in the
<I>y</I>, <I>z</I> attributes write atom coordinates "unscaled", in the
appropriate distance <A HREF = "units.html">units</A> (Angstroms, sigma, etc). Use
<I>xs</I>, <I>ys</I>, <I>zs</I> if you want the coordinates "scaled" to the box size,
so that each value is 0.0 to 1.0. If the simluation box is triclinic
@ -288,57 +341,58 @@ the coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped back into the
periodic box. Note that using <I>xu</I>, <I>yu</I>, <I>zu</I> means that the
coordinate values may be far outside the box bounds printed with the
snapshot. The image flags can be printed directly using the <I>ix</I>,
<I>iy</I>, <I>iz</I> keywords. The <A HREF = "dump_modify.html">dump_modify</A> command
<I>iy</I>, <I>iz</I> attributes. The <A HREF = "dump_modify.html">dump_modify</A> command
describes in more detail what is meant by scaled vs unscaled
coordinates and the image flags.
<P>The <I>mux</I>, <I>muy</I>, <I>muz</I> keywords are specific to dipolar systems
<P>The <I>mux</I>, <I>muy</I>, <I>muz</I> attributes are specific to dipolar systems
defined with an atom style of <I>dipole</I>. They give the orientation of
the atom's point dipole moment.
<P>The <I>radius</I> keyword is specific to extended spherical particles
<P>The <I>radius</I> attribute is specific to extended spherical particles
that have a finite size, such as granular particles defined with
an atom style of <I>granular</I>.
<P>The <I>omegax</I>, <I>omegay</I>, and <I>omegaz</I> keywords are specific to extended
<P>The <I>omegax</I>, <I>omegay</I>, and <I>omegaz</I> attributes are specific to extended
spherical or aspherical particles that have an angular velocity. Only
certain atom styles, such as <I>granular</I> or <I>dipole</I> define this
<P>The <I>angmomx</I>, <I>angmomy</I>, and <I>angmomz</I> keywords are specific to
<P>The <I>angmomx</I>, <I>angmomy</I>, and <I>angmomz</I> attributes are specific to
extended aspherical particles that have an angular momentum. Only
the <I>ellipsoid</I> atom style defines this quantity.
<P>The <I>quatw</I>, <I>quati</I>, <I>quatj</I>, <I>quatk</I> keywords are for aspherical
<P>The <I>quatw</I>, <I>quati</I>, <I>quatj</I>, <I>quatk</I> attributes are for aspherical
particles defined with an atom style of <I>ellipsoid</I>. They are the
components of the quaternion that defines the orientation of the
<P>The <I>tqx</I>, <I>tqy</I>, <I>tqz</I> keywords are for extended spherical or
<P>The <I>tqx</I>, <I>tqy</I>, <I>tqz</I> attributes are for extended spherical or
aspherical particles that can sustain a rotational torque due
to interactions with other particles.
<P>The <I>c_ID</I> and <I>c_ID[N]</I> keywords allow scalar or vector per-atom
quantities calculated by a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> to be output. The
ID in the keyword should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute
that has been defined previously in the input script. See the
<A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> command for details. There are per-atom
computes for calculating the energy, stress, centro-symmetry
parameter, and coordination number of individual atoms.
<P>The <I>c_ID</I> and <I>c_ID[N]</I> attributes allow per-atom vectors or arrays
calculated by a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> to be output. The ID in the
attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has
been defined previously in the input script. See the
<A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> command for details. There are computes for
calculating the per-atom energy, stress, centro-symmetry parameter,
and coordination number of individual atoms.
<P>Note that computes which calculate global scalar and vector
quantities, as opposed to per-atom quantities, cannot be output in a
dump. Instead, these quantities can be output by the <A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style
custom</A> command.
<P>Note that computes which calculate global or local quantities, as
opposed to per-atom quantities, cannot be output in a dump custom
command. Instead, global quantities can be output by the
<A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style custom</A> command, and local quantities
can be output by the dump local command.
<P>If <I>c_ID</I> is used as a keyword, then the scalar per-atom quantity
calculated by the compute is printed. If <I>c_ID[N]</I> is used, then N
must be in the range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of
the M-length per-atom array calculated by the compute.
<P>If <I>c_ID</I> is used as a attribute, then the per-atom vector calculated
by the compute is printed. If <I>c_ID[N]</I> is used, then N must be in
the range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the M-length
per-atom array calculated by the compute.
<P>The <I>f_ID</I> and <I>f_ID[N]</I> keywords allow scalar or vector per-atom
<P>The <I>f_ID</I> and <I>f_ID[N]</I> attributes allow vector or array per-atom
quantities calculated by a <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A> to be output. The ID in the
keyword should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been
attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been
defined previously in the input script. The <A HREF = "fix_ave_atom.html">fix
ave/atom</A> command is one that calculates per-atom
quantities. Since it can time-average per-atom quantities produced by
@ -346,20 +400,21 @@ any <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A>, <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A>, or atom-
<A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A>, this allows those time-averaged results to
be written to a dump file.
<P>If <I>f_ID</I> is used as a keyword, then the scalar per-atom quantity
calculated by the fix is printed. If <I>f_ID[N]</I> is used, then N must
be in the range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the
M-length per-atom array calculated by the fix.
<P>If <I>f_ID</I> is used as a attribute, then the per-atom vector calculated
by the fix is printed. If <I>f_ID[N]</I> is used, then N must be in the
range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the M-length
per-atom array calculated by the fix.
<P>The <I>v_name</I> keyword allows per-atom quantities calculated by a
<A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> to be output. The name in the keyword should
be replaced by the actual name of the variable that has been defined
previously in the input script. Only an atom-style variable can be
referenced, since it is the only style that generates per-atom values.
Variables of style <I>atom</I> can reference individual atom attributes,
per-atom atom attributes, thermodynamic keywords, or invoke other
computes, fixes, or variables when they are evaluated, so this is a
very general means of creating quantities to output to a dump file.
<P>The <I>v_name</I> attribute allows per-atom vectors calculated by a
<A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> to be output. The name in the attribute
should be replaced by the actual name of the variable that has been
defined previously in the input script. Only an atom-style variable
can be referenced, since it is the only style that generates per-atom
values. Variables of style <I>atom</I> can reference individual atom
attributes, per-atom atom attributes, thermodynamic keywords, or
invoke other computes, fixes, or variables when they are evaluated, so
this is a very general means of creating quantities to output to a
dump file.
<P>See <A HREF = "Section_modify.html">this section</A> of the manual for information
on how to add new compute and fix styles to LAMMPS to calculate
@ -373,10 +428,6 @@ per-atom quantities which could then be output into dump files.
-DLAMMPS_GZIP option - see the <A HREF = "Section_start.html#2_2">Making LAMMPS</A>
section of the documentation.
<P>The <I>bond</I> style is part of the "molecular" package. It is only
enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the <A HREF = "Section_start.html#2_3">Making
LAMMPS</A> section for more info.
<P>The <I>xtc</I> style is part of the "xtc" package. It is only enabled if
LAMMPS was built with that package. See the <A HREF = "Section_start.html#2_3">Making
LAMMPS</A> section for more info. This is because

View File

@ -14,16 +14,24 @@ dump ID group-ID style N file args :pre
ID = user-assigned name for the dump :ulb,l
group-ID = ID of the group of atoms to be dumped :l
style = {atom} or {bond} or {cfg} or {dcd} or {xtc} or {xyz} or {custom} :l
style = {atom} or {cfg} or {dcd} or {xtc} or {xyz} or {local} or {custom} :l
N = dump every this many timesteps :l
file = name of file to write dump info to :l
args = list of arguments for a particular style :l
{atom} args = none
{bond} args = none
{cfg} args = same as {custom} args, see below
{dcd} args = none
{xtc} args = none
{xyz} args = none
{xyz} args = none :pre
{local} args = list of local attributes
possible attributes = index, c_ID, c_ID\[N\], f_ID, f_ID\[N\]
index = enumeration of local values
c_ID = local vector calculated by a compute with ID
c_ID\[N\] = Nth column of local array calculated by a compute with ID
f_ID = local vector calculated by a fix with ID
f_ID\[N\] = Nth column of local array calculated by a fix with ID :pre
{custom} args = list of atom attributes
possible attributes = id, mol, type, mass,
x, y, z, xs, ys, zs, xu, yu, zu, ix, iy, iz,
@ -51,9 +59,9 @@ args = list of arguments for a particular style :l
angmomx,angmomy,angmomz = angular momentum of extended particle
quatw,quati,quatj,quatk = quaternion components for aspherical particles
tqx,tqy,tqz = torque on extended particles
c_ID = per-atom vector value calculated by a compute with ID
c_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a compute with ID
c_ID\[N\] = Nth column of per-atom array calculated by a compute with ID
f_ID = per-atom vector value calculated by a fix with ID
f_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a fix with ID
f_ID\[N\] = Nth column of per-atom array calculated by a fix with ID
v_name = per-atom vector calculated by an atom-style variable with name :pre
@ -88,7 +96,7 @@ When LAMMPS is running in parallel, the atom information written to
dump files (typically one line per atom) may be written in an
indeterminate order. This is because data for a single snapshot is
collected from multiple processors. This is always the case for the
{atom}, {bond}, and {custom} styles. It is also the case for the
{atom}, {local}, and {custom} styles. It is also the case for the
{xyz} style if the dump group is not {all}. It is not the case for
the {dcd} and {xtc} styles which always write atoms in sorted order.
So does the {xyz} style if the dump group is {all}. The {cfg} style
@ -102,7 +110,7 @@ file and in what format. Settings made via the
"dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command can also alter the format of
individual values and the file itself.
The {atom}, {bond}, and {custom} styles create files in a simple text
The {atom}, {local}, and {custom} styles create files in a simple text
format that is self-explanatory when viewing a dump file. Many of the
LAMMPS "post-processing tools"_Section_tools.html, including
""_, work with
@ -129,16 +137,6 @@ boundaries. The format can be changed to unscaled coords via the
"dump_modify"_dump_modify.html settings. Image flags can also be
added for each atom via dump_modify.
For style {bond}, the bond topology between atoms is written, in the
same format specified in data files read in by the
"read_data"_read_data.html command. Both atoms in the bond must be in
the dump group for the bond to be written. Any bonds that have been
broken (see the "bond_style"_bond_style.html command) by setting their
bond type to 0 are not written. Bonds that have been turned off (see
the "fix shake"_fix_shake.html or "delete_bonds"_delete_bonds.html
commands) by setting their bond type negative are written into the
Style {custom} allows you to specify a list of atom attributes to be
written to the dump file for each atom. Possible attributes are
listed above and will appear in the order specified. You cannot
@ -146,8 +144,20 @@ specify a quantity that is not defined for a particular simulation -
such as {q} for atom style {bond}, since that atom style doesn't
assign charges. Dumps occur at the very end of a timestep, so atom
attributes will include effects due to fixes that are applied during
the timestep. An explanation of the dump custom quantities is given
the timestep. An explanation of the possible dump custom attributes
is given below.
For style {local}, local output generated by "computes"_compute.html
and "fixes"_fix.html is used to gnerate lines of output that is
written to the dump file. This local data is typically calculated by
each processor based on the atoms it owns, but there may be zero or
more entities per atom, e.g. a list of bond distances. An explanation
of the possible dump local attributes is given below. Note that by
using input from the "compute
property/local"_compute_property_local.html command with dump local,
it is possible to generate information on bonds, angles, etc that can
be cut and pasted directly into a data file read by the
"read_data"_read_data.html command.
Style {cfg} has the same command syntax as style {custom} and writes
extended CFG format files, as used by the
@ -254,11 +264,54 @@ styles.
This section explains the atom quantities that can be specified as
This section explains the local attributes that can be specified as
part of the {local} style.
The {index} attribute can be used to generate an index number from 1
to N for each line written into the dump file, where N is the total
number of local datums from all processors, or lines of output that
will appear in the snapshot. Note that because data from different
processors depend on what atoms they currently own, and atoms migrate
between processor, there is no guarantee that the same index will be
used for the same info (e.g. a particular bond) in successive
The {c_ID} and {c_ID\[N\]} attributes allow local vectors or arrays
calculated by a "compute"_compute.html to be output. The ID in the
attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has
been defined previously in the input script. See the
"compute"_compute.html command for details. There are computes for
calculating local information such as indices, types, and energies for
bonds and angles.
Note that computes which calculate global or per-atom quantities, as
opposed to local quantities, cannot be output in a dump local command.
Instead, global quantities can be output by the "thermo_style
custom"_thermo_style.html command, and per-atom quantities can be
output by the dump custom command.
If {c_ID} is used as a attribute, then the local vector calculated by
the compute is printed. If {c_ID\[N\]} is used, then N must be in the
range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the M-length local
array calculated by the compute.
The {f_ID} and {f_ID\[N\]} attributes allow local vectors or arrays
calculated by a "fix"_fix.html to be output. The ID in the attribute
should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been defined
previously in the input script.
If {f_ID} is used as a attribute, then the local vector calculated by
the fix is printed. If {f_ID\[N\]} is used, then N must be in the
range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the M-length local
array calculated by the fix.
This section explains the atom attributes that can be specified as
part of the {custom} and {cfg} styles.
The {id}, {mol}, {type}, {mass}, {vx}, {vy}, {vz}, {fx}, {fy},
{fz}, {q} keywords are self-explanatory.
{fz}, {q} attributes are self-explanatory.
{Id} is the atom ID. {Mol} is the molecule ID, included in the data
file for molecular systems. {Type} is the atom type. {Mass} is the
@ -266,7 +319,7 @@ atom mass. {Vx}, {vy}, {vz}, {fx}, {fy}, {fz}, and {q} are components
of atom velocity and force and atomic charge.
There are several options for outputting atom coordinates. The {x},
{y}, {z} keywords write atom coordinates "unscaled", in the
{y}, {z} attributes write atom coordinates "unscaled", in the
appropriate distance "units"_units.html (Angstroms, sigma, etc). Use
{xs}, {ys}, {zs} if you want the coordinates "scaled" to the box size,
so that each value is 0.0 to 1.0. If the simluation box is triclinic
@ -278,57 +331,58 @@ the coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped back into the
periodic box. Note that using {xu}, {yu}, {zu} means that the
coordinate values may be far outside the box bounds printed with the
snapshot. The image flags can be printed directly using the {ix},
{iy}, {iz} keywords. The "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command
{iy}, {iz} attributes. The "dump_modify"_dump_modify.html command
describes in more detail what is meant by scaled vs unscaled
coordinates and the image flags.
The {mux}, {muy}, {muz} keywords are specific to dipolar systems
The {mux}, {muy}, {muz} attributes are specific to dipolar systems
defined with an atom style of {dipole}. They give the orientation of
the atom's point dipole moment.
The {radius} keyword is specific to extended spherical particles
The {radius} attribute is specific to extended spherical particles
that have a finite size, such as granular particles defined with
an atom style of {granular}.
The {omegax}, {omegay}, and {omegaz} keywords are specific to extended
The {omegax}, {omegay}, and {omegaz} attributes are specific to extended
spherical or aspherical particles that have an angular velocity. Only
certain atom styles, such as {granular} or {dipole} define this
The {angmomx}, {angmomy}, and {angmomz} keywords are specific to
The {angmomx}, {angmomy}, and {angmomz} attributes are specific to
extended aspherical particles that have an angular momentum. Only
the {ellipsoid} atom style defines this quantity.
The {quatw}, {quati}, {quatj}, {quatk} keywords are for aspherical
The {quatw}, {quati}, {quatj}, {quatk} attributes are for aspherical
particles defined with an atom style of {ellipsoid}. They are the
components of the quaternion that defines the orientation of the
The {tqx}, {tqy}, {tqz} keywords are for extended spherical or
The {tqx}, {tqy}, {tqz} attributes are for extended spherical or
aspherical particles that can sustain a rotational torque due
to interactions with other particles.
The {c_ID} and {c_ID\[N\]} keywords allow scalar or vector per-atom
quantities calculated by a "compute"_compute.html to be output. The
ID in the keyword should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute
that has been defined previously in the input script. See the
"compute"_compute.html command for details. There are per-atom
computes for calculating the energy, stress, centro-symmetry
parameter, and coordination number of individual atoms.
The {c_ID} and {c_ID\[N\]} attributes allow per-atom vectors or arrays
calculated by a "compute"_compute.html to be output. The ID in the
attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has
been defined previously in the input script. See the
"compute"_compute.html command for details. There are computes for
calculating the per-atom energy, stress, centro-symmetry parameter,
and coordination number of individual atoms.
Note that computes which calculate global scalar and vector
quantities, as opposed to per-atom quantities, cannot be output in a
dump. Instead, these quantities can be output by the "thermo_style
custom"_thermo_style.html command.
Note that computes which calculate global or local quantities, as
opposed to per-atom quantities, cannot be output in a dump custom
command. Instead, global quantities can be output by the
"thermo_style custom"_thermo_style.html command, and local quantities
can be output by the dump local command.
If {c_ID} is used as a keyword, then the scalar per-atom quantity
calculated by the compute is printed. If {c_ID\[N\]} is used, then N
must be in the range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of
the M-length per-atom array calculated by the compute.
If {c_ID} is used as a attribute, then the per-atom vector calculated
by the compute is printed. If {c_ID\[N\]} is used, then N must be in
the range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the M-length
per-atom array calculated by the compute.
The {f_ID} and {f_ID\[N\]} keywords allow scalar or vector per-atom
The {f_ID} and {f_ID\[N\]} attributes allow vector or array per-atom
quantities calculated by a "fix"_fix.html to be output. The ID in the
keyword should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been
attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been
defined previously in the input script. The "fix
ave/atom"_fix_ave_atom.html command is one that calculates per-atom
quantities. Since it can time-average per-atom quantities produced by
@ -336,20 +390,21 @@ any "compute"_compute.html, "fix"_fix.html, or atom-style
"variable"_variable.html, this allows those time-averaged results to
be written to a dump file.
If {f_ID} is used as a keyword, then the scalar per-atom quantity
calculated by the fix is printed. If {f_ID\[N\]} is used, then N must
be in the range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the
M-length per-atom array calculated by the fix.
If {f_ID} is used as a attribute, then the per-atom vector calculated
by the fix is printed. If {f_ID\[N\]} is used, then N must be in the
range from 1-M, which will print the Nth column of the M-length
per-atom array calculated by the fix.
The {v_name} keyword allows per-atom quantities calculated by a
"variable"_variable.html to be output. The name in the keyword should
be replaced by the actual name of the variable that has been defined
previously in the input script. Only an atom-style variable can be
referenced, since it is the only style that generates per-atom values.
Variables of style {atom} can reference individual atom attributes,
per-atom atom attributes, thermodynamic keywords, or invoke other
computes, fixes, or variables when they are evaluated, so this is a
very general means of creating quantities to output to a dump file.
The {v_name} attribute allows per-atom vectors calculated by a
"variable"_variable.html to be output. The name in the attribute
should be replaced by the actual name of the variable that has been
defined previously in the input script. Only an atom-style variable
can be referenced, since it is the only style that generates per-atom
values. Variables of style {atom} can reference individual atom
attributes, per-atom atom attributes, thermodynamic keywords, or
invoke other computes, fixes, or variables when they are evaluated, so
this is a very general means of creating quantities to output to a
dump file.
See "this section"_Section_modify.html of the manual for information
on how to add new compute and fix styles to LAMMPS to calculate
@ -363,10 +418,6 @@ To write gzipped dump files, you must compile LAMMPS with the
-DLAMMPS_GZIP option - see the "Making LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#2_2
section of the documentation.
The {bond} style is part of the "molecular" package. It is only
enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the "Making
LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#2_3 section for more info.
The {xtc} style is part of the "xtc" package. It is only enabled if
LAMMPS was built with that package. See the "Making
LAMMPS"_Section_start.html#2_3 section for more info. This is because