Merge pull request #569 from ellio167/kim-install-py

Kim install py
This commit is contained in:
sjplimp 2017-07-13 11:24:43 -06:00 committed by GitHub
commit b64849d574
4 changed files with 195 additions and 42 deletions

lib/kim/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

lib/kim/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# tool to setup the kim-api library
# used to automate the steps described in the README file in this dir
import sys,os,re,urllib,commands
help = """
Syntax: -v version -c kim-dir -b kim-model-name -a kim-name
specify one or more options, order does not matter
-v = version of kim-api to download and work with
default = kim-api-v1.8.2 (current as of June 2017)
-c = create Makefile.KIM_DIR within lammps lib/kim to configure lammps
for use with the kim-api library installed at "kim-dir" (absolute
path). default = this dir
-b = build kim-api and kim model where kim-model-name can be a specific model name (such as
"EAM_Dynamo_Ackland_W__MO_141627196590_002") or the keyword
"OpenKIM" to install all compatible models from the
-a = add kim-name item (model driver or model) to existing
kim-api instalation.
def error():
print help
# parse args
args = sys.argv
thisdir = os.environ['PWD']
dir = thisdir
version = "kim-api-v1.8.2"
dirflag = 0
buildflag = 0
addflag = 0
iarg = 1
while iarg < len(args):
if args[iarg] == "-v":
if iarg+2 > len(args): error()
version = args[iarg+1]
iarg += 2
elif args[iarg] == "-c":
dirflag = 1
if iarg+2 > len(args): error()
dir = args[iarg+1]
iarg += 2
elif args[iarg] == "-b":
buildflag = 1
if iarg+2 > len(args): error()
modelname = args[iarg+1]
iarg += 2
elif args[iarg] == "-a":
addflag = 1
if iarg+2 > len(args): error()
addmodelname = args[iarg+1]
iarg += 2
else: error()
thisdir = os.path.abspath(thisdir)
dir = os.path.abspath(dir)
url = "" % version
# download and unpack tarball
if not os.path.isfile("%s/Makefile.KIM_DIR" % thisdir):
open("%s/Makefile.KIM_DIR" % thisdir, 'w').write("KIM_INSTALL_DIR=%s" % dir)
open("%s/Makefile.KIM_Config" % thisdir, 'w').write("include %s/lib/kim-api/Makefile.KIM_Config" % dir)
print "Created %s/Makefile.KIM_DIR : using %s" % (thisdir,dir)
if dirflag == 1:
open("%s/Makefile.KIM_DIR" % thisdir, 'w').write("KIM_INSTALL_DIR=%s" % dir)
open("%s/Makefile.KIM_Config" % thisdir, 'w').write("include %s/lib/kim-api/Makefile.KIM_Config" % dir)
print "Updated %s/Makefile.KIM_DIR : using %s" % (thisdir,dir)
if buildflag == 1:
# download kim-api
print "Downloading kim-api tarball ..."
urllib.urlretrieve(url,"%s/%s.tgz" % (thisdir,version))
print "Unpacking kim-api tarball ..."
cmd = "cd %s; rm -rf %s; tar zxvf %s.tgz" % (thisdir,version,version)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if txt[0] != 0: error()
# configure kim-api
print "Configuring kim-api ..."
cmd = "cd %s/%s; ./configure --prefix='%s'" % (thisdir,version,dir)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
print txt[1]
if txt[0] != 0: error()
# build kim-api
print "Configuring model : %s" % modelname
cmd = "cd %s/%s; make add-%s" % (thisdir,version,modelname)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
print txt[1]
if txt[0] != 0: error()
print "Building kim-api ..."
cmd = "cd %s/%s; make" % (thisdir,version)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
print txt[1]
if txt[0] != 0: error()
# install kim-api
print "Installing kim-api ..."
cmd = "cd %s/%s; make install" % (thisdir,version)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
print txt[1]
if txt[0] != 0: error()
cmd = "cd %s/%s; make install-set-default-to-v1" %(thisdir,version)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
print txt[1]
if txt[0] != 0: error()
# remove source files
print "Removing kim-api source and build files ..."
cmd = "cd %s; rm -rf %s; rm -rf %s.tgz" % (thisdir,version,version)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
print txt[1]
if txt[0] != 0: error()
if addflag == 1:
# download model
url = "" % addmodelname
print "Downloading item tarball ..."
urllib.urlretrieve(url,"%s/%s.tgz" % (thisdir,addmodelname))
print "Unpacking item tarball ..."
cmd = "cd %s; tar zxvf %s.tgz" % (thisdir,addmodelname)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if txt[0] != 0: error()
print "Building item ..."
cmd = "cd %s/%s; make; make install" %(thisdir,addmodelname)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
print txt[1]
if txt[0] != 0: error()
print "Removing kim item source and build files ..."
cmd = "cd %s; rm -rf %s; rm -rf %s.tgz" %(thisdir,addmodelname,addmodelname)
txt = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
print txt[1]
if txt[0] != 0: error()

View File

@ -16,7 +16,13 @@
# Settings that the LAMMPS build will import when this package is installed
KIM_CONFIG_HELPER = kim-api-build-config
include ../../lib/kim/Makefile.KIM_DIR
ifeq ($(wildcard $(KIM_INSTALL_DIR)/bin/kim-api-build-config),)
KIM_CONFIG_HELPER = kim-api-build-config
KIM_CONFIG_HELPER = $(KIM_INSTALL_DIR)/bin/kim-api-build-config
ifeq ($(shell $(KIM_CONFIG_HELPER) --version 2> /dev/null),)
$(error $(KIM_CONFIG_HELPER) utility is not available. Something is wrong with your KIM API package setup)

View File

@ -9,71 +9,66 @@ KIM API and he also maintains the code that implements the pair_style
kim command.
To download, build, and install the KIM API on your system, follow
these steps. We are working on scripts that will automate this
these steps. You can use the script to automate these steps.
The KIM API is available for download from "this
site"_, namely The tarball
you download is "kim-api-vX.Y.Z.tgz", which can be unpacked in this
directory or whereever you wish:
tar xvfz kim*tgz
Note that if you unpack and build KIM in this directory, when you
download a new LAMMPS tarball, the files you have added here will be
lost. So you likely want to build it somewhere else.
The kim-api-vX.Y.Z/docs/ directory has further documentation for the
KIM API. In order to compile and install the KIM API follow the
instructions found in the file kim-api-vX.Y.Z/INSTALL. (Don't forget
to download and compile any Model Drivers and Models that you want to
1. Configure lammps for use with the kim-api library installed in this directory
Once you have successfully compiled and installed the KIM API, you
need to make sure the utility kim-api-build-config is in your PATH so
that the LAMMPS build system can properly work with the KIM API.
$ printf "KIM_INSTALL_DIR=${PWD}\n" > ./Makefile.KIM_DIR
$ printf "include ${PWD}/lib/kim-api/Makefile.KIM_Config\n" > ./Makefile.KIM_Config
The following are example commands that perform these steps:
2. Download and unpack the kim-api
# replace X.Y.Z as appropriate here and below
$ wget
$ tar zxvf kim-api-vX.Y.Z.tgz
# get OpenKIM models, setup and compile
# configure the kim-api
$ cd kim-api-vX.Y.Z
$ cp Makefile.KIM_Config.example Makefile.KIM_Config
$ ./configure --prefix=${PWD}/../
# edit this file as appropriate following the instructions given in
# INSTALL. Here, we'll assume you set the 'prefix' variable as
# follows in order to install the KIM API to your home directory:
# prefix = $(HOME)/local
$ vi Makefile.KIM_Config
# setup the desired kim item
$ make add-Pair_Johnson_Fe__MO_857282754307_002
3. Build and install the kim-api and model
$ make add-EAM_Dynamo_Angelo_Moody_NiAlH__MO_418978237058_001
$ make
$ make install
# replace X with the KIM API major version number
$ make install-set-default-to-vX
$ cd ../
# In order to permanently add the kim-api-build-config utility to your
# PATH variable, perform the following:
# For the bash shell:
$ printf "export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/local/bin\n" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
$ source ${HOME}/.bashrc
# For the csh shell:
% printf "setenv PATH ${PATH}:${HOME}/local/bin\b" >> ${HOME}/.cshrc
% source ${HOME}/.cshrc
4. Remove source and build files
$ rm -rf kim-api-vX.Y.Z
$ rm -rf kim-api-vX.Y.Z.tgz
5. To add additional items do the following (replace the kim item name with your
desired value)
$ wget
$ tar zxvf EAM_Johnson_NearestNeighbor_Cu__MO_887933271505_001.tgz
$ cd EAM_Johnson_NearestNeighbor_Cu__MO_887933271505_001
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ..
$ rm -rf EAM_Johnson_NearestNeighbor_Cu__MO_887933271505_001
$ rm -rf EAM_Johnson_NearestNeighbor_Cu__MO_887933271505_001.tgz
When these steps are complete you can build LAMMPS with the KIM
package installed:
$ cd lammps/src
$ cd ../../src
$ make yes-kim
$ make g++ (or whatever target you wish)
Note that the Makefile.lammps file in this directory is required
to allow the LAMMPS build to find the necessary KIM files. You
should not normally need to edit this file.
Note that the Makefile.lammps and Makefile.KIM_DIR files in this directory
are required to allow the LAMMPS build to find the necessary KIM files.
You should not normally need to edit this file.