Whitespace tweak

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Stan Moore 2020-06-17 21:35:04 -06:00
parent b97cd78e80
commit a221f13308
1 changed files with 138 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -582,81 +582,81 @@ void SNAKokkos<DeviceType>::compute_yi(int iter,
int itriple;
for(int elem1 = 0; elem1 < nelements; elem1++)
for (int elem2 = 0; elem2 < nelements; elem2++) {
for (int elem2 = 0; elem2 < nelements; elem2++) {
double ztmp_r = 0.0;
double ztmp_i = 0.0;
double ztmp_r = 0.0;
double ztmp_i = 0.0;
int jju1 = elem1 * idxu_max + idxu_block[j1] + (j1 + 1) * mb1min;
int jju2 = elem2 * idxu_max + idxu_block[j2] + (j2 + 1) * mb2max;
int icgb = mb1min * (j2 + 1) + mb2max;
for (int ib = 0; ib < nb; ib++) {
int jju1 = elem1 * idxu_max + idxu_block[j1] + (j1 + 1) * mb1min;
int jju2 = elem2 * idxu_max + idxu_block[j2] + (j2 + 1) * mb2max;
int icgb = mb1min * (j2 + 1) + mb2max;
for (int ib = 0; ib < nb; ib++) {
double suma1_r = 0.0;
double suma1_i = 0.0;
double suma1_r = 0.0;
double suma1_i = 0.0;
int ma1 = ma1min;
int ma2 = ma2max;
int icga = ma1min * (j2 + 1) + ma2max;
int ma1 = ma1min;
int ma2 = ma2max;
int icga = ma1min * (j2 + 1) + ma2max;
for (int ia = 0; ia < na; ia++) {
suma1_r += cgblock[icga] * (ulisttot(jju1 + ma1, iatom).re *
ulisttot(jju2 + ma2, iatom).re -
ulisttot(jju1 + ma1, iatom).im *
ulisttot(jju2 + ma2, iatom).im);
suma1_i += cgblock[icga] * (ulisttot(jju1 + ma1, iatom).re *
ulisttot(jju2 + ma2, iatom).im +
ulisttot(jju1 + ma1, iatom).im *
ulisttot(jju2 + ma2, iatom).re);
icga += j2;
} // end loop over ia
for (int ia = 0; ia < na; ia++) {
suma1_r += cgblock[icga] * (ulisttot(jju1 + ma1, iatom).re *
ulisttot(jju2 + ma2, iatom).re -
ulisttot(jju1 + ma1, iatom).im *
ulisttot(jju2 + ma2, iatom).im);
suma1_i += cgblock[icga] * (ulisttot(jju1 + ma1, iatom).re *
ulisttot(jju2 + ma2, iatom).im +
ulisttot(jju1 + ma1, iatom).im *
ulisttot(jju2 + ma2, iatom).re);
icga += j2;
} // end loop over ia
ztmp_r += cgblock[icgb] * suma1_r;
ztmp_i += cgblock[icgb] * suma1_i;
jju1 += j1 + 1;
jju2 -= j2 + 1;
icgb += j2;
} // end loop over ib
ztmp_r += cgblock[icgb] * suma1_r;
ztmp_i += cgblock[icgb] * suma1_i;
jju1 += j1 + 1;
jju2 -= j2 + 1;
icgb += j2;
} // end loop over ib
if (bnorm_flag) {
ztmp_i /= j + 1;
ztmp_r /= j + 1;
// apply to z(j1,j2,j,ma,mb) to unique element of y(j)
// find right y_list[jju] and beta(iatom,jjb) entries
// multiply and divide by j+1 factors
// account for multiplicity of 1, 2, or 3
// pick out right beta value
for (int elem3 = 0; elem3 < nelements; elem3++) {
const int jjuy = elem3 * idxu_max + jju;
if (j >= j1) {
const int jjb = idxb_block(j1, j2, j);
itriple = ((elem1 * nelements + elem2) * nelements + elem3) * idxb_max + jjb;
if (j1 == j) {
if (j2 == j) betaj = 3 * beta(itriple, iatom);
else betaj = 2 * beta(itriple, iatom);
} else betaj = beta(itriple, iatom);
} else if (j >= j2) {
const int jjb = idxb_block(j, j2, j1);
itriple = ((elem3 * nelements + elem2) * nelements + elem1) * idxb_max + jjb;
if (j2 == j) betaj = 2 * beta(itriple, iatom);
else betaj = beta(itriple, iatom);
} else {
const int jjb = idxb_block(j2, j, j1);
itriple = ((elem2 * nelements + elem3) * nelements + elem1) * idxb_max + jjb;
betaj = beta(itriple, iatom);
if (bnorm_flag) {
ztmp_i /= j + 1;
ztmp_r /= j + 1;
if (!bnorm_flag && j1 > j)
betaj *= (j1 + 1) / (j + 1.0);
// apply to z(j1,j2,j,ma,mb) to unique element of y(j)
// find right y_list[jju] and beta(iatom,jjb) entries
// multiply and divide by j+1 factors
// account for multiplicity of 1, 2, or 3
Kokkos::atomic_add(&(ylist(jjuy, iatom).re), betaj * ztmp_r);
Kokkos::atomic_add(&(ylist(jjuy, iatom).im), betaj * ztmp_i);
// pick out right beta value
for (int elem3 = 0; elem3 < nelements; elem3++) {
const int jjuy = elem3 * idxu_max + jju;
if (j >= j1) {
const int jjb = idxb_block(j1, j2, j);
itriple = ((elem1 * nelements + elem2) * nelements + elem3) * idxb_max + jjb;
if (j1 == j) {
if (j2 == j) betaj = 3 * beta(itriple, iatom);
else betaj = 2 * beta(itriple, iatom);
} else betaj = beta(itriple, iatom);
} else if (j >= j2) {
const int jjb = idxb_block(j, j2, j1);
itriple = ((elem3 * nelements + elem2) * nelements + elem1) * idxb_max + jjb;
if (j2 == j) betaj = 2 * beta(itriple, iatom);
else betaj = beta(itriple, iatom);
} else {
const int jjb = idxb_block(j2, j, j1);
itriple = ((elem2 * nelements + elem3) * nelements + elem1) * idxb_max + jjb;
betaj = beta(itriple, iatom);
if (!bnorm_flag && j1 > j)
betaj *= (j1 + 1) / (j + 1.0);
Kokkos::atomic_add(&(ylist(jjuy, iatom).re), betaj * ztmp_r);
Kokkos::atomic_add(&(ylist(jjuy, iatom).im), betaj * ztmp_i);
@ -931,87 +931,87 @@ void SNAKokkos<DeviceType>::compute_bi(const typename Kokkos::TeamPolicy<DeviceT
int idouble = 0;
int jalloy = 0;
for (int elem1 = 0; elem1 < nelements; elem1++)
for (int elem2 = 0; elem2 < nelements; elem2++) {
jalloy = idouble*idxz_max;
for (int elem3 = 0; elem3 < nelements; elem3++) {
Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(team, idxb_max),
[&](const int &jjb) {
//for(int jjb = 0; jjb < idxb_max; jjb++) {
const int jjballoy = itriple*idxb_max+jjb;
const int j1 = idxb(jjb, 0);
const int j2 = idxb(jjb, 1);
const int j = idxb(jjb, 2);
for (int elem2 = 0; elem2 < nelements; elem2++) {
jalloy = idouble*idxz_max;
for (int elem3 = 0; elem3 < nelements; elem3++) {
Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(team, idxb_max),
[&](const int &jjb) {
//for(int jjb = 0; jjb < idxb_max; jjb++) {
const int jjballoy = itriple*idxb_max+jjb;
const int j1 = idxb(jjb, 0);
const int j2 = idxb(jjb, 1);
const int j = idxb(jjb, 2);
int jjz = idxz_block(j1, j2, j);
int jju = idxu_block[j];
double sumzu = 0.0;
double sumzu_temp = 0.0;
const int bound = (j + 2) / 2;
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(team, (j + 1) * bound),
[&](const int mbma, double &sum) {
//for(int mb = 0; 2*mb < j; mb++)
//for(int ma = 0; ma <= j; ma++) {
const int ma = mbma % (j + 1);
const int mb = mbma / (j + 1);
const int jju_index = elem3 * idxu_max + jju + mb * (j + 1) + ma;
const int jjz_index = jalloy + jjz + mb * (j + 1) + ma;
if (2 * mb == j) return;
sum +=
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).re *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).re +
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).im *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).im;
}, sumzu_temp); // end loop over ma, mb
sumzu += sumzu_temp;
int jjz = idxz_block(j1, j2, j);
int jju = idxu_block[j];
double sumzu = 0.0;
double sumzu_temp = 0.0;
const int bound = (j + 2) / 2;
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(team, (j + 1) * bound),
[&](const int mbma, double &sum) {
//for(int mb = 0; 2*mb < j; mb++)
//for(int ma = 0; ma <= j; ma++) {
const int ma = mbma % (j + 1);
const int mb = mbma / (j + 1);
const int jju_index = elem3 * idxu_max + jju + mb * (j + 1) + ma;
const int jjz_index = jalloy + jjz + mb * (j + 1) + ma;
if (2 * mb == j) return;
sum +=
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).re *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).re +
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).im *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).im;
}, sumzu_temp); // end loop over ma, mb
sumzu += sumzu_temp;
// For j even, special treatment for middle column
// For j even, special treatment for middle column
if (j % 2 == 0) {
const int mb = j / 2;
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(team, mb),
[&](const int ma, double &sum) {
//for(int ma = 0; ma < mb; ma++) {
const int jju_index =
elem3 * idxu_max + jju + (mb - 1) * (j + 1) + (j + 1) + ma;
const int jjz_index =
jalloy + jjz + (mb - 1) * (j + 1) + (j + 1) + ma;
sum +=
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).re *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).re +
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).im *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).im;
}, sumzu_temp); // end loop over ma
sumzu += sumzu_temp;
if (j % 2 == 0) {
const int mb = j / 2;
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(team, mb),
[&](const int ma, double &sum) {
//for(int ma = 0; ma < mb; ma++) {
const int jju_index =
elem3 * idxu_max + jju + (mb - 1) * (j + 1) + (j + 1) + ma;
const int jjz_index =
jalloy + jjz + (mb - 1) * (j + 1) + (j + 1) + ma;
sum +=
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).re *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).re +
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).im *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).im;
}, sumzu_temp); // end loop over ma
sumzu += sumzu_temp;
const int ma = mb;
const int jju_index = elem3 * idxu_max + jju + (mb - 1) * (j + 1) + (j + 1) + ma;
const int jjz_index = jalloy + jjz + (mb - 1) * (j + 1) + (j + 1) + ma;
sumzu += 0.5 *
(ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).re *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).re +
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).im *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).im);
} // end if jeven
const int ma = mb;
const int jju_index = elem3 * idxu_max + jju + (mb - 1) * (j + 1) + (j + 1) + ma;
const int jjz_index = jalloy + jjz + (mb - 1) * (j + 1) + (j + 1) + ma;
sumzu += 0.5 *
(ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).re *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).re +
ulisttot(jju_index, iatom).im *
zlist(jjz_index, iatom).im);
} // end if jeven
Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(team), [&]() {
sumzu *= 2.0;
Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(team), [&]() {
sumzu *= 2.0;
// apply bzero shift
// apply bzero shift
if (bzero_flag){
if (!wselfall_flag) {
if (elem1 == elem2 && elem1 == elem3)
sumzu -= bzero[j];
} else sumzu -= bzero[j];
if (bzero_flag){
if (!wselfall_flag) {
if (elem1 == elem2 && elem1 == elem3)
sumzu -= bzero[j];
} else sumzu -= bzero[j];
blist(jjballoy, iatom) = sumzu;
blist(jjballoy, iatom) = sumzu;
//} // end loop over j
//} // end loop over j1, j2