add some more descriptions for fixes to list of style in fix command docs

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Axel Kohlmeyer 2019-08-02 08:41:34 -04:00
parent 8fd28cd78d
commit 9ed43e55f0
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GPG Key ID: D9B44E93BF0C375A
1 changed files with 31 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ page are followed by one or more of (g,i,k,o,t) to indicate which
accelerated styles exist.
"adapt"_fix_adapt.html - change a simulation parameter over time
"adapt/fep"_fix_adapt_fep.html -
"adapt/fep"_fix_adapt_fep.html - enhanced version of fix adapt
"addforce"_fix_addforce.html - add a force to each atom
"addtorque"_fix_addtorque.html -
"addtorque"_fix_addtorque.html - add a torque to a group of atoms
"append/atoms"_fix_append_atoms.html - append atoms to a running simulation
"atc"_fix_atc.html - initiates a coupled MD/FE simulation
"atom/swap"_fix_atom_swap.html - Monte Carlo atom type swapping
@ -176,29 +176,29 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"ave/correlate"_fix_ave_correlate.html - compute/output time correlations
"ave/correlate/long"_fix_ave_correlate_long.html -
"ave/histo"_fix_ave_histo.html - compute/output time-averaged histograms
"ave/histo/weight"_fix_ave_histo.html -
"ave/histo/weight"_fix_ave_histo.html - weighted version of fix ave/histo
"ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html - compute/output global time-averaged quantities
"aveforce"_fix_aveforce.html - add an averaged force to each atom
"balance"_fix_balance.html - perform dynamic load-balancing
"bocs"_fix_bocs.html -
"bocs"_fix_bocs.html - NPT style time integration with pressure correction
"bond/break"_fix_bond_break.html - break bonds on the fly
"bond/create"_fix_bond_create.html - create bonds on the fly
"bond/react"_fix_bond_react.html -
"bond/react"_fix_bond_react.html - apply topology changes to model reactions
"bond/swap"_fix_bond_swap.html - Monte Carlo bond swapping
"box/relax"_fix_box_relax.html - relax box size during energy minimization
"client/md"_fix_client_md.html -
"client/md"_fix_client_md.html - MD client for client/server simulations
"cmap"_fix_cmap.html - enables CMAP cross-terms of the CHARMM force field
"colvars"_fix_colvars.html - interface to the collective variables “Colvars” library
"controller"_fix_controller.html -
"controller"_fix_controller.html - apply control loop feedback mechanism
"deform"_fix_deform.html - change the simulation box size/shape
"deposit"_fix_deposit.html - add new atoms above a surface
"dpd/energy"_fix_dpd_energy.html - constant energy dissipative particle dynamics
"drag"_fix_drag.html - drag atoms towards a defined coordinate
"drude"_fix_drude.html -
"drude/transform/direct"_fix_drude_transform.html -
"drude/transform/inverse"_fix_drude_transform.html -
"drude"_fix_drude.html - part of Drude oscillator polarization model
"drude/transform/direct"_fix_drude_transform.html - part of Drude oscillator polarization model
"drude/transform/inverse"_fix_drude_transform.html - part of Drude oscillator polarization model
"dt/reset"_fix_dt_reset.html - reset the timestep based on velocity, forces
"edpd/source"_fix_dpd_source.html -
"edpd/source"_fix_dpd_source.html - add heat source to eDPD simulations
"efield"_fix_efield.html - impose electric field on system
"ehex"_fix_ehex.html - enhanced heat exchange algorithm
"electron/stopping"_fix_electron_stopping.html - electronic stopping power as a friction force
@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"evaporate"_fix_evaporate.html - remove atoms from simulation periodically
"external"_fix_external.html - callback to an external driver program
"ffl"_fix_ffl.html - apply a Fast-Forward Langevin equation thermostat
"filter/corotate"_fix_filter_corotate.html -
"flow/gauss"_fix_flow_gauss.html -
"filter/corotate"_fix_filter_corotate.html - implement corotation filter to allow larger timesteps with r-RESPA
"flow/gauss"_fix_flow_gauss.html - Gaussian dynamics for constant mass flux
"freeze"_fix_freeze.html - freeze atoms in a granular simulation
"gcmc"_fix_gcmc.html - grand canonical insertions/deletions
"gld"_fix_gld.html - generalized Langevin dynamics integrator
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"hyper/local"_fix_hyper_local.html - local hyperdynamics
"imd"_fix_imd.html - implements the “Interactive MD” (IMD) protocol
"indent"_fix_indent.html - impose force due to an indenter
"ipi"_fix_ipi.html -
"ipi"_fix_ipi.html - enable LAMMPS to run as a client for i-PI path-integral simulations
"langevin"_fix_langevin.html - Langevin temperature control
"langevin/drude"_fix_langevin_drude.html - Langevin temperature control of Drude oscillators
"langevin/eff"_fix_langevin_eff.html - Langevin temperature control for the electron force field model
@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"lb/rigid/pc/sphere"_fix_lb_rigid_pc_sphere.html -
"lb/viscous"_fix_lb_viscous.html -
"lineforce"_fix_lineforce.html - constrain atoms to move in a line
"manifoldforce"_fix_manifoldforce.html -
"meso"_fix_meso.html -
"manifoldforce"_fix_manifoldforce.html - restrain atoms to a manifold during minimization
"meso"_fix_meso.html - time integration for SPH/DPDE particles
"meso/move"_fix_meso_move.html - move mesoscopic SPH/SDPD particles in a prescribed fashion
"meso/stationary"_fix_meso_stationary.html -
"momentum"_fix_momentum.html - zero the linear and/or angular momentum of a group of atoms
"move"_fix_move.html - move atoms in a prescribed fashion
"mscg"_fix_mscg.html -
"mscg"_fix_mscg.html - apply MSCG method for force-matching to generate coarse grain models
"msst"_fix_msst.html - multi-scale shock technique (MSST) integration
"mvv/dpd"_fix_mvv_dpd.html - DPD using the modified velocity-Verlet integration algorithm
"mvv/edpd"_fix_mvv_dpd.html - constant energy DPD using the modified velocity-Verlet algrithm
@ -258,14 +258,14 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"npt/body"_fix_npt_body.html - NPT for body particles
"npt/eff"_fix_nh_eff.html - NPT for nuclei and electrons in the electron force field model
"npt/sphere"_fix_npt_sphere.html - NPT for spherical particles
"npt/uef"_fix_nh_uef.html -
"npt/uef"_fix_nh_uef.html - NPT style time integration with diagonal flow
"nve"_fix_nve.html - constant NVE time integration
"nve/asphere"_fix_nve_asphere.html - NVE for aspherical particles
"nve/asphere/noforce"_fix_nve_asphere_noforce.html - NVE for aspherical particles without forces
"nve/awpmd"_fix_nve_awpmd.html - NVE for the Antisymmetrized Wave Packet Molecular Dynamics model
"nve/body"_fix_nve_body.html - NVE for body particles
"nve/dot"_fix_nve_dot.html -
"nve/dotc/langevin"_fix_nve_dotc_langevin.html -
"nve/dot"_fix_nve_dot.html - rigid body constant energy time integrator for coarse grain models
"nve/dotc/langevin"_fix_nve_dotc_langevin.html - Langevin style rigid body time integrator for coarse grain models
"nve/eff"_fix_nve_eff.html - NVE for nuclei and electrons in the electron force field model
"nve/limit"_fix_nve_limit.html - NVE with limited step length
"nve/line"_fix_nve_line.html - NVE for line segments
@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"nvt/sllod"_fix_nvt_sllod.html - NVT for NEMD with SLLOD equations
"nvt/sllod/eff"_fix_nvt_sllod_eff.html - NVT for NEMD with SLLOD equations for the electron force field model
"nvt/sphere"_fix_nvt_sphere.html - NVT for spherical particles
"nvt/uef"_fix_nh_uef.html -
"nvt/uef"_fix_nh_uef.html - NVT style time integration with diagonal flow
"oneway"_fix_oneway.html - constrain particles on move in one direction
"orient/bcc"_fix_orient.html - add grain boundary migration force for BCC
"orient/fcc"_fix_orient.html - add grain boundary migration force for FCC
"phonon"_fix_phonon.html -
"phonon"_fix_phonon.html - calculate dynamical matrix from MD simulations
"pimd"_fix_pimd.html - Feynman path integral molecular dynamics
"planeforce"_fix_planeforce.html - constrain atoms to move in a plane
"plumed"_fix_plumed.html - wrapper on PLUMED free energy library
@ -297,9 +297,9 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"press/berendsen"_fix_press_berendsen.html - pressure control by Berendsen barostat
"print"_fix_print.html - print text and variables during a simulation
"property/atom"_fix_property_atom.html - add customized per-atom values
"python/invoke"_fix_python_invoke.html -
"python/invoke"_fix_python_invoke.html - call a Python function during a simulation
"python/move"_fix_python_move.html - call a Python function during a simulation run
"qbmsst"_fix_qbmsst.html -
"qbmsst"_fix_qbmsst.html - quantum bath multi-scale shock technique time integrator
"qeq/comb"_fix_qeq_comb.html - charge equilibration for COMB potential
"qeq/dynamic"_fix_qeq.html - charge equilibration via dynamic method
"qeq/fire"_fix_qeq.html - charge equilibration via FIRE minimizer
@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"qeq/shielded"_fix_qeq.html - charge equilibration via shielded method
"qeq/slater"_fix_qeq.html - charge equilibration via Slater method
"qmmm"_fix_qmmm.html - functionality to enable a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics coupling
"qtb"_fix_qtb.html -
"qtb"_fix_qtb.html - implement quantum thermal bath scheme
"rattle"_fix_shake.html - RATTLE constraints on bonds and/or angles
"reax/c/bonds"_fix_reaxc_bonds.html - write out ReaxFF bond information
"reax/c/species"_fix_reaxc_species.html - write out ReaxFF molecule information
"recenter"_fix_recenter.html - constrain the center-of-mass position of a group of atoms
"restrain"_fix_restrain.html - constrain a bond, angle, dihedral
"rhok"_fix_rhok.html -
"rhok"_fix_rhok.html - add bias potential for long-range ordered systems
"rigid"_fix_rigid.html - constrain one or more clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NVE integration
"rigid/meso"_fix_rigid_meso.html - constrain clusters of mesoscopic SPH/SDPD particles to move as a rigid body
"rigid/nph"_fix_rigid.html - constrain one or more clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NPH integration
@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"rigid/nvt/small"_fix_rigid.html - constrain many small clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NVT integration
"rigid/small"_fix_rigid.html - constrain many small clusters of atoms to move as a rigid body with NVE integration
"rx"_fix_rx.html -
"saed/vtk"_fix_saed_vtk.html -
"saed/vtk"_fix_saed_vtk.html -
"setforce"_fix_setforce.html - set the force on each atom
"shake"_fix_shake.html - SHAKE constraints on bonds and/or angles
"shardlow"_fix_shardlow.html - integration of DPD equations of motion using the Shardlow splitting
"smd"_fix_smd.html -
"smd"_fix_smd.html - applied a steered MD force to a group
"smd/adjust_dt"_fix_smd_adjust_dt.html -
"smd/integrate_tlsph"_fix_smd_integrate_tlsph.html -
"smd/integrate_ulsph"_fix_smd_integrate_ulsph.html -
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"ti/spring"_fix_ti_spring.html -
"tmd"_fix_tmd.html - guide a group of atoms to a new configuration
"ttm"_fix_ttm.html - two-temperature model for electronic/atomic coupling
"ttm/mod"_fix_ttm.html -
"ttm/mod"_fix_ttm.html - enhanced two-temperature model with additional options
"tune/kspace"_fix_tune_kspace.html - auto-tune KSpace parameters
"vector"_fix_vector.html - accumulate a global vector every N timesteps
"viscosity"_fix_viscosity.html - Muller-Plathe momentum exchange for viscosity calculation
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"wall/body/polygon"_fix_wall_body_polygon.html -
"wall/body/polyhedron"_fix_wall_body_polyhedron.html -
"wall/colloid"_fix_wall.html - Lennard-Jones wall interacting with finite-size particles
"wall/ees"_fix_wall_ees.html -
"wall/ees"_fix_wall_ees.html - wall for ellipsoidal particles
"wall/gran"_fix_wall_gran.html - frictional wall(s) for granular simulations
"wall/gran/region"_fix_wall_gran_region.html -
"wall/harmonic"_fix_wall.html - harmonic spring wall
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ accelerated styles exist.
"wall/piston"_fix_wall_piston.html - moving reflective piston wall
"wall/reflect"_fix_wall_reflect.html - reflecting wall(s)
"wall/region"_fix_wall_region.html - use region surface as wall
"wall/region/ees"_fix_wall_ees.html -
"wall/region/ees"_fix_wall_ees.html - use region surface as wall for ellipsoidal particles
"wall/srd"_fix_wall_srd.html - slip/no-slip wall for SRD particles :ul