forked from lijiext/lammps
git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa
This commit is contained in:
@ -1350,10 +1350,7 @@ void Input::suffix()
void Input::thermo()
if (narg != 1) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal thermo command");
int n = atoi(arg[0]);
if (n < 0) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal thermo command");
output->thermo_every = n;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ void Min::setup()
// stats for Finish to print
@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ Output::~Output()
void Output::init()
if (thermo_every) delete [] var_thermo;
else if (var_thermo) {
if (var_thermo) {
ivar_thermo = input->variable->find(var_thermo);
if (ivar_thermo < 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Variable name for thermo every does not exist");
@ -161,31 +160,30 @@ void Output::init()
perform output for setup of run/min
do dump first, so memory_usage will include dump allocation
do thermo last, so will print after memory_usage
headflag = 0/1 for printing out header line
memflag = 0/1 for printing out memory usage
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Output::setup(int headflag, int memflag)
void Output::setup(int memflag)
bigint ntimestep = update->ntimestep;
// perform dump at start of run if current timestep is multiple of every
// and last dump was not on this timestep
// perform dump on first step ever even if not multiple of every
// if firstflag is set
// do not write on last step of run unless multiple of every
// NOTE: what if dump freq is set by variable, then what happens?
// perform dump at start of run only if:
// current timestep is multiple of every and last dump not on this step
// this is first run after dump created and firstflag is set
// note that variable freq will not write unless triggered by firstflag
// set next_dump to multiple of every or variable value
// set next_dump_any to smallest next_dump
// wrap dumps that invoke computes and variable eval with clear/add
// if dump not written now, use addstep_compute_all() since don't know
// what computes the dump write would invoke
// if no dumps, set next_dump_any to last+1 so will not influence next
// wrap dumps that invoke computes with clear/add
// if dump not written now, add_all of next step since clear/add is no-op
int writeflag;
if (ndump && update->restrict_output == 0) {
for (int idump = 0; idump < ndump; idump++) {
if (dump[idump]->clearstep) modify->clearstep_compute();
if (dump[idump]->clearstep || every_dump[idump] == 0)
writeflag = 0;
if (every_dump[idump] && ntimestep % every_dump[idump] == 0 &&
last_dump[idump] != ntimestep) writeflag = 1;
@ -205,7 +203,7 @@ void Output::setup(int headflag, int memflag)
error->all(FLERR,"Dump every variable returned a bad timestep");
next_dump[idump] = nextdump;
if (dump[idump]->clearstep) {
if (dump[idump]->clearstep || every_dump[idump] == 0) {
if (writeflag) modify->addstep_compute(next_dump[idump]);
else modify->addstep_compute_all(next_dump[idump]);
@ -216,8 +214,8 @@ void Output::setup(int headflag, int memflag)
// do not write restart files at start of run
// set next_restart values to multiple of every or variable value
// do not write on last step of run unless multiple of every
// if every = 0, set next_restart to last+1 so will not influence next
// wrap variable eval with clear/add
// if no restarts, set next_restart to last+1 so will not influence next
if (restart_flag && update->restrict_output == 0) {
if (restart_flag_single) {
@ -253,25 +251,24 @@ void Output::setup(int headflag, int memflag)
if (memflag) memory_usage();
// always do thermo with header at start of run unless called via rerun
// set next_thermo to multiple of every or last step of run (if smaller)
// if every = 0, set next_thermo to last step of run
// set next_thermo to multiple of every or variable eval if var defined
// insure thermo output on last step of run
// thermo may invoke computes so wrap with clear/add
if (headflag) thermo->header();
last_thermo = ntimestep;
if (thermo_every) {
next_thermo = (ntimestep/thermo_every)*thermo_every + thermo_every;
next_thermo = MIN(next_thermo,update->laststep);
} else if (var_thermo) {
if (var_thermo) {
next_thermo = static_cast<bigint>
if (next_thermo <= ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Thermo every variable returned a bad timestep");
} else if (thermo_every) {
next_thermo = (ntimestep/thermo_every)*thermo_every + thermo_every;
next_thermo = MIN(next_thermo,update->laststep);
} else next_thermo = update->laststep;
@ -284,14 +281,14 @@ void Output::setup(int headflag, int memflag)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
perform all output for this timestep
only perform output if next matches current step and last doesn't
only perform output if next matches current step and last output doesn't
do dump/restart before thermo so thermo CPU time will include them
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Output::write(bigint ntimestep)
// next_dump does not force output on last step of run
// wrap dumps that invoke computes with clear/add
// wrap dumps that invoke computes or eval of variable with clear/add
// download data from GPU if necessary
if (next_dump_any == ntimestep) {
@ -299,7 +296,8 @@ void Output::write(bigint ntimestep)
for (int idump = 0; idump < ndump; idump++) {
if (next_dump[idump] == ntimestep && last_dump[idump] != ntimestep) {
if (dump[idump]->clearstep) modify->clearstep_compute();
if (dump[idump]->clearstep || every_dump[idump] == 0)
last_dump[idump] = ntimestep;
if (every_dump[idump]) next_dump[idump] += every_dump[idump];
@ -310,7 +308,8 @@ void Output::write(bigint ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Dump every variable returned a bad timestep");
next_dump[idump] = nextdump;
if (dump[idump]->clearstep) modify->addstep_compute(next_dump[idump]);
if (dump[idump]->clearstep || every_dump[idump] == 0)
if (idump) next_dump_any = MIN(next_dump_any,next_dump[idump]);
else next_dump_any = next_dump[0];
@ -320,6 +319,7 @@ void Output::write(bigint ntimestep)
// next_restart does not force output on last step of run
// for toggle = 0, replace "*" with current timestep in restart filename
// download data from GPU if necessary
// eval of variable may invoke computes so wrap with clear/add
if (next_restart == ntimestep && last_restart != ntimestep) {
if (lmp->cuda && !lmp->cuda->oncpu) lmp->cuda->downloadAll();
@ -334,11 +334,13 @@ void Output::write(bigint ntimestep)
delete [] file;
if (restart_every_single) next_restart_single += restart_every_single;
else {
bigint nextrestart = static_cast<bigint>
if (nextrestart <= ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Restart variable returned a bad timestep");
next_restart_single = nextrestart;
if (next_restart_double == ntimestep) {
@ -351,11 +353,13 @@ void Output::write(bigint ntimestep)
if (restart_every_double) next_restart_double += restart_every_double;
else {
bigint nextrestart = static_cast<bigint>
if (nextrestart <= ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Restart variable returned a bad timestep");
next_restart_double = nextrestart;
last_restart = ntimestep;
@ -369,13 +373,13 @@ void Output::write(bigint ntimestep)
last_thermo = ntimestep;
if (thermo_every) next_thermo += thermo_every;
else if (var_thermo) {
if (var_thermo) {
next_thermo = static_cast<bigint>
if (next_thermo <= ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Thermo every variable returned a bad timestep");
} else next_thermo = update->laststep;
} else if (thermo_every) next_thermo += thermo_every;
else next_thermo = update->laststep;
next_thermo = MIN(next_thermo,update->laststep);
@ -429,28 +433,31 @@ void Output::write_restart(bigint ntimestep)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
timestep is being changed
timestep is being changed, called by update->reset_timestep()
reset next timestep values for dumps, restart, thermo output
reset to smallest value >= new timestep
called by update->reset_timestep()
if next timestep set by varaible evaluation,
eval for ntimestep-1, so current ntimestep can be returned
no guarantee that variable can be evaluated for ntimestep-1
if it depends on computes, but live with that rare case for now
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Output::reset_timestep(bigint ntimestep)
// worry about clear/add of varialbe?
for (int idump = 0; idump < ndump; idump++) {
if (every_dump[idump]) {
next_dump[idump] = (ntimestep/every_dump[idump])*every_dump[idump];
if (next_dump[idump] < ntimestep) next_dump[idump] += every_dump[idump];
} else {
bigint nextdump = static_cast<bigint>
bigint nextdump = static_cast<bigint>
if (nextdump <= ntimestep)
if (nextdump <= ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Dump every variable returned a bad timestep");
next_dump[idump] = nextdump;
next_dump[idump] = nextdump;
if (idump) next_dump_any = MIN(next_dump_any,next_dump[idump]);
else next_dump_any = next_dump[0];
@ -463,13 +470,15 @@ void Output::reset_timestep(bigint ntimestep)
if (next_restart_single < ntimestep)
next_restart_single += restart_every_single;
} else {
bigint nextrestart = static_cast<bigint>
bigint nextrestart = static_cast<bigint>
if (nextrestart <= ntimestep)
if (nextrestart <= ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Restart variable returned a bad timestep");
next_restart_single = nextrestart;
next_restart_single = nextrestart;
} else next_restart_single = update->laststep + 1;
@ -480,22 +489,35 @@ void Output::reset_timestep(bigint ntimestep)
if (next_restart_double < ntimestep)
next_restart_double += restart_every_double;
} else {
bigint nextrestart = static_cast<bigint>
if (nextrestart <= ntimestep)
if (nextrestart <= ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Restart variable returned a bad timestep");
next_restart_double = nextrestart;
next_restart_double = nextrestart;
} else next_restart_double = update->laststep + 1;
next_restart = MIN(next_restart_single,next_restart_double);
next_thermo = (ntimestep/thermo_every)*thermo_every;
if (next_thermo < ntimestep) next_thermo += thermo_every;
// worry about thermo output on last step?
if (var_thermo) {
next_thermo = static_cast<bigint>
if (next_thermo < ntimestep)
error->all(FLERR,"Thermo every variable returned a bad timestep");
next_thermo = MIN(next_thermo,update->laststep);
} else {
next_thermo = (ntimestep/thermo_every)*thermo_every;
if (next_thermo < ntimestep) next_thermo += thermo_every;
next_thermo = MIN(next_thermo,update->laststep);
next = MIN(next_dump_any,next_restart);
next = MIN(next,next_thermo);
@ -598,6 +620,25 @@ void Output::delete_dump(char *id)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set thermo output frequency from input script
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Output::set_thermo(int narg, char **arg)
if (narg != 1) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal thermo command");
if (strstr(arg[0],"v_") == arg[0]) {
delete [] var_thermo;
int n = strlen(&arg[0][2]) + 1;
var_thermo = new char[n];
} else {
thermo_every = atoi(arg[0]);
if (thermo_every < 0) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal thermo command");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
new Thermo style
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ class Output : protected Pointers {
bigint next; // next timestep for any kind of output
bigint next_thermo; // next timestep for thermo output
int thermo_every; // thermo output every this many steps
int thermo_every; // output freq for thermo, 0 if first/last only
bigint last_thermo; // last timestep thermo was output
char *var_thermo; // variable name for thermo frequency
char *var_thermo; // variable name for thermo freq, NULL if every
int ivar_thermo; // variable index for thermo frequency
class Thermo *thermo; // Thermodynamic computations
int ndump; // # of Dumps defined
int max_dump; // max size of Dump list
bigint next_dump_any; // next timestep for any Dump
int *every_dump; // output of each Dump every this many steps
int *every_dump; // write freq for each Dump, 0 if var
bigint *next_dump; // next timestep to do each Dump
bigint *last_dump; // last timestep each snapshot was output
char **var_dump; // variable name for dump frequency
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Output : protected Pointers {
Output(class LAMMPS *);
void init();
void setup(int,int); // initial output before run/min
void setup(int memflag = 1); // initial output before run/min
void write(bigint); // output for current timestep
void write_dump(bigint); // force output of dump snapshots
void write_restart(bigint); // force output of a restart file
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ class Output : protected Pointers {
void modify_dump(int, char **); // modify a Dump
void delete_dump(char *); // delete a Dump from Dump list
void set_thermo(int, char **); // set thermo output freqquency
void create_thermo(int, char **); // create a thermo style
void create_restart(int, char **); // create Restart and restart files
@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ void Rerun::command(int narg, char **arg)
// read all relevant snapshots
// uset setup_minimal() since atoms are already owned by correct procs
// addstep_compute_all() insures energy/virial computed on every snapshot
// set update->nsteps to ndump for Finish stats to print
update->whichflag = 1;
@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ void Rerun::command(int narg, char **arg)
if (firstflag) output->setup(firstflag,firstflag);
if (firstflag) output->setup();
else if (output->next) output->write(ntimestep);
firstflag = 0;
@ -161,10 +160,17 @@ void Rerun::command(int narg, char **arg)
if (ntimestep < 0) break;
// insure thermo output on last dump timestep
output->next_thermo = ntimestep;
// set update->nsteps to ndump for Finish stats to print
update->nsteps = ndump;
Finish finish(lmp);
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ void Respa::setup()
update->setupflag = 0;
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void Run::command(int narg, char **arg)
if (preflag || update->first_update == 0) {
} else output->setup(1,0);
} else output->setup(0);
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ void Run::command(int narg, char **arg)
if (preflag || iter == 0) {
} else output->setup(1,0);
} else output->setup(0);
@ -412,17 +412,7 @@ void Thermo::modify_params(int narg, char **arg)
int iarg = 0;
while (iarg < narg) {
if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"every") == 0) {
if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal thermo_modify command");
if (strstr(arg[iarg+1],"v_") == arg[iarg+1]) {
delete [] output->var_thermo;
int n = strlen(&arg[iarg+1][2]) + 1;
output->var_thermo = new char[n];
} else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal thermo_modify command");
output->thermo_every = 0;
iarg += 2;
} else if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"temp") == 0) {
if (strcmp(arg[iarg],"temp") == 0) {
if (iarg+2 > narg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal thermo_modify command");
if (index_temp < 0) error->all(FLERR,"Thermo style does not use temp");
delete [] id_compute[index_temp];
@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ void Update::reset_timestep(int narg, char **arg)
reset invoked flags of computes,
so nothing will think they are current between runs
clear timestep list of computes that store future invocation times
called from input script and rerun command
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Update::reset_timestep(bigint newstep)
@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ void Update::reset_timestep(bigint newstep)
if (modify->fix[i]->time_depend)
"Cannot reset timestep with a time-dependent fix defined");
eflag_global = vflag_global = -1;
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void Verlet::setup()
if (force->newton) comm->reverse_comm();
update->setupflag = 0;
Reference in New Issue