forked from lijiext/lammps
git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa
This commit is contained in:
@ -956,200 +956,215 @@ particles are point masses.
<A NAME = "4_15"></A><H4>4.15 Output from LAMMPS (thermo, dumps, computes, fixes, variables)
<P>Aside from <A HREF = "restart.html">restart files</A>, there are two basic kinds of
LAMMPS output. The first is <A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermodynamic output</A>,
which is a list of quantities printed every few timesteps to the
screen and logfile. The second is <A HREF = "dump.html">dump files</A>, which
contain snapshots of atoms and various per-atom values and are written
at a specified frequency. A simulation prints one set of
thermodynamic output; it may generate any number of dump files. As
discussed below, LAMMPS gives you a variety of ways to determine what
quantities are computed and printed when thermodynamic info or dump
files are output. There are also three fixes which can do their own
output of user-chosen quantities: <A HREF = "fix_ave_time.html">fix ave/time</A> for
time averaging, <A HREF = "fix_ave_spatial.html">fix ave/spatial</A> for spatial
averaging, and <A HREF = "fix_print.html">fix print</A>. These are also described
below. Throughout this discussion, note that users can <A HREF = "Section_modify.html">add their own
computes and fixes to LAMMPS</A> which can then
generate values that can be output with these commands.
<P>There are four basic kinds of LAMMPS output:
<H5>Thermodynamic output
<UL><LI><A HREF = "thermo_style.html">Thermodynamic output</A>, which is a list
of quantities printed every few timesteps to the screen and logfile.
<LI><A HREF = "dump.html">Dump files</A>, which contain snapshots of atoms and various
per-atom values and are written at a specified frequency.
<LI>Certain fixes can output user-specified quantities to files: <A HREF = "fix_ave_time.html">fix
ave/time</A> for time averaging, <A HREF = "fix_ave_spatial.html">fix
ave/spatial</A> for spatial averaging, and <A HREF = "fix_print.html">fix
print</A> for single-line output of
<A HREF = "variable.html">variables</A>. Fix print can also output to the
<LI><A HREF = "restart.html">Restart files</A>.
<P>A simulation prints one set of thermodynamic output and (optionally)
restart files. It can generate any number of dump files and fix
output files, depending on what <A HREF = "dump.html">dump</A> and <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A>
commands you specify.
<P>As discussed below, LAMMPS gives you a variety of ways to determine
what quantities are computed and printed when the thermodynamics,
dump, or fix commands listed above perform output. Throughout this
discussion, note that users can also <A HREF = "Section_modify.html">add their own computes and fixes
to LAMMPS</A> which can then generate values that can
then be output with these commands.
<P>The following sub-sections discuss different LAMMPS command related
to output and the kind of data they operate on and produce:
<UL><LI><A HREF = "#global">Global/per-atom/local data</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#scalar">Scalar/vector/array data</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#thermo">Thermodynamic output</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#dump">Dump file output</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#fixoutput">Fixes that write output files</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#computeoutput">Computes that process output quantities</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#compute">Computes that generate values to output</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#fix">Fixes that generate values to output</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#variable">Variables that generate values to output</A>
<LI><A HREF = "#table">Summary table of output options and data flow between commands</A>
<H5><A NAME = "global"></A>Global/per-atom/local data
<P>Various output-related commands work with three different styles of
data: global, per-atom, or local. A global datum is one or more
system-wide values, e.g. the temperature of the system. A per-atom
datum is one or more values per atom, e.g. the kinetic energy of each
atom. Local datums are calculated by each processor based on the
atoms it owns, but there may be zero or more per atom, e.g. a list of
bond distances.
<H5><A NAME = "scalar"></A>Scalar/vector/array data
<P>Global, per-atom, and local datums can each come in three kinds: a
single scalar value, a vector of values, or a 2d array of values. The
doc page for a "compute" or "fix" or "variable" that generates data
will specify both the style and kind of data it produces, e.g. a
per-atom vector.
<P>When a quantity is accessed, as in many of the output commands
discussed below, it can be referenced via the following bracket
notation, where ID in this case is the ID of a compute. The leading
"c_" would be replaced by "f_" for a fix, or "v_" for a variable:
<TR><TD >c_ID </TD><TD > entire scalar, vector, or array</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >c_ID[I] </TD><TD > one element of vector, one column of array</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >c_ID[I][J] </TD><TD > one element of array
<P>In other words, using one bracket reduces the dimension of the data
once (vector -> scalar, array -> vector). Using two brackets reduces
the dimension twice (array -> scalar). Thus a command that uses
scalar values as input can typically also process elements of a vector
or array.
<H5><A NAME = "thermo"></A>Thermodynamic output
<P>The frequency and format of thermodynamic output is set by the
<A HREF = "thermo.html">thermo</A>, <A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style</A>, and
<A HREF = "thermo_modify.html">thermo_modify</A> commands. The
<A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style</A> command also specifies what values are
calculated and written out. Pre-defined keywords can be specified
(e.g. press, etotal, etc). Three additional kinds of keywords can also
be specified (c_ID, f_ID, v_name), where a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> or
<A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A> or <A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> provides the value to be
output. Each of these are described in turn.
<A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style</A> command also specifies what values
are calculated and written out. Pre-defined keywords can be specified
(e.g. press, etotal, etc). Three additional kinds of keywords can
also be specified (c_ID, f_ID, v_name), where a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A>
or <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A> or <A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> provides the value to be
output. In each case, the compute, fix, or variable must generate
global values for input to the <A HREF = "dump.html">thermo_style custom</A>
<P>In LAMMPS, a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> comes in two flavors: ones that
compute global values (a scalar or a vector, e.g. temperature,
6-element pressure tensor) and ones that compute per-atom values.
Only global quantities from a compute can be used for thermodynamic
output. The user-defined ID of the compute is used along with an
optional subscript as part of the <A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style</A>
command. E.g. c_myTemp outputs the single scalar value generated by
the compute; c_myTemp[2] outputs the 2nd vector value. Note that
there is a <A HREF = "compute_reduce.html">compute reduce</A> command which can sum
per-atom quantities into a global scalar or vector.
<P><A HREF = "fix.html">Fixes</A> can generate global scalar or vector values which can
be output with thermodynamic output, e.g. the energy of an indenter's
interaction with the simulation atoms. These values are accessed via
the same format as a compute's values, as f_ID or f_ID[N]. See the
doc pages for individual fix commands to see which ones generate
global values that can be output with thermodynamic info. The <A HREF = "fix_ave_time.html">fix
ave/time</A> command generates time-averaged global
quantities which can be accessed for thermodynamic output, e.g. a
time-averaged pressure.
<P><A HREF = "variable.html">Variables</A> can be defined in the input script. All
styles except the atom-style variable can be used for thermodynamic
output, since it generates per-atom values. A variable with the name
"abc" is referenced in a thermo_style command as v_abc.
<P>The formula associated with equal-style variables can contain math
operations and functions (x+y,x*y,(),sqrt,exp,etc), atom values
(x[N],fx[N],etc), group functions (mass(),vcm(),etc), references
to thermodynamic quantities (temp,press,vol,etc), references to
<A HREF = "compute.html">computes</A> that generate global values, references to
<A HREF = "fix.html">fixes</A> that generate global values, or references to other
<A HREF = "variable.html">variables</A>. Thus an equal-style variable is the most
general way to define some quantity to calculate and include with
thermodynamic output.
<H5>Dump file output
<H5><A NAME = "dump"></A>Dump file output
<P>Dump file output is specified by the <A HREF = "dump.html">dump</A> and
<A HREF = "dump_modify.html">dump_modify</A> commands. There are several
pre-defined formats (dump atom, dump xtc, etc). There is also a <A HREF = "dump.html">dump
custom</A> format where the user specifies what values are
output with each atom. Pre-defined keywords can be specified (tag, x,
output with each atom. Pre-defined keywords can be specified (id, x,
fx, etc). Three additional kinds of keywords can also be specified
(c_ID, f_ID, v_name), where a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> or <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A>
or <A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> provides the value to be output. Each of
these are described in turn.
or <A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> provides the values to be output. In each
case, the compute, fix, or variable must generate per-atom values for
input to the <A HREF = "dump.html">dump custom</A> command.
<P><A HREF = "compute.html">Computes</A> that generate one or more per-atom values can
be accessed by the dump custom command. These are computes that have
the word "atom" in their style name, e.g. ke/atom, stress/atom, etc.
The values are accessed as c_myKE for a scalar per-atom quantity or as
c_myStress[2] for a component of a vector per-atom quantity.
<P><A HREF = "fix.html">Fixes</A> can generate per-atom values to output to dump files.
For example, the <A HREF = "fix_ave_atom.html">fix ave/atom</A> command calculates
time-averages of per-atom quantities, such as per-atom
<A HREF = "compute.html">computes</A> and atom-style <A HREF = "variable.html">variables</A>.
These per-atom fix values are accessed by the <A HREF = "dump.html">dump custom</A>
command via the same format as a compute's values, as f_myKE or
<P><A HREF = "variable.html">Variables</A> can be defined in the input script. Only
atom-style variables can be used for dump custom output, since only
they produce per-atom values. A variable with the name "abc" is
referenced in a dump custom command as v_abc.
<P>Just like equal-style variables, the formula associated with
atom-style variables can contain math operations and functions
(x+y,x*y,(),sqrt,exp,etc), atom values (x[N],fx[N],etc), group
functions (mass(),vcm(),etc), references to thermodynamic quantities
(temp,press,vol,etc), references to <A HREF = "compute.html">computes</A> that
generate global values, references to <A HREF = "fix.html">fixes</A> that generate
global values, or references to non atom-style variables that generate
global values. In addition, an atom-style variable can reference
vectors of atom values (x[],fx[],etc), <A HREF = "compute.html">computes</A>
that generate per-atom values, <A HREF = "fix.html">fixes</A> that generate per-atom
values, or other atom-style variables. Thus an atom-style variable is
the most general way to define some quantity to calculate and output
to a dump file.
<H5>Fix output
<H5><A NAME = "fixoutput"></A>Fixes that write output files
<P>Three other fixes are of particular note for output: <A HREF = "fix_ave_time.html">fix
ave/time</A>, <A HREF = "fix_ave_spatial.html">fix ave/spatial</A>,
and <A HREF = "fix_print.html">fix print</A>.
<P>Three fixes take various quantities as input and can write output
files: <A HREF = "fix_ave_time.html">fix ave/time</A>, <A HREF = "fix_ave_spatial.html">fix
ave/spatial</A>, and <A HREF = "fix_print.html">fix print</A>.
<P>The <A HREF = "fix_ave_time.html">fix ave/time</A> command enables time-averaging of
any global quantity, like those output with thermodynamic info. The
user specifies one or more quantities to time average. These can be
global <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> values, global <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A> values, or
<P>The <A HREF = "fix_ave_time.html">fix ave/time</A> command enables direct output to
a file and/or time-averaging of any global quantity. The user
specifies one or more quantities as input. These can be global
<A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> values, global <A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A> values, or
<A HREF = "variable.html">variables</A> of any style except the atom style which
produces per-atom values. Since a variable can refer to keywords used
by the <A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style custom</A> command (like temp or
press), any thermodynamic quantity can be time averaged in this way.
press) and individual per-atom values, a wide variety of quantities
can be time averaged and/or output in this way. The time-averaged
output of this fix can also be used as input to other output commands.
<P>The <A HREF = "fix_ave_time.html">fix ave/time</A> command offers several options
for how it performs time averaging. The results it produces can be
used in two ways. First, they can be written directly to a file, one
line per timestamp. Note that the averaging parameters can be
specified in such a way that averaging is not done at all, in which
case this is simply a convenient means of outputting desired
quantities directly to a separate file. Like other fixes that produce
global quantities, the results of this fix can also be used as input
to any command that accesses global quantities, e.g. by the
<A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style custom</A> command, by a variable, etc.
<P>The <A HREF = "fix_ave_spatial.html">fix ave/spatial</A> command enables
spatial-averaging of per-atom quantities like those output in dump
files, within 1d layers of the simulation box. The per-atom
quantities can be atom density (mass or number) or atom attributes
such as position, velocity, force. They can also be per-atom
quantities calculated by a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A>, by a
<A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A>, or by an atom-style <A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A>.
<P>The <A HREF = "fix_ave_spatial.html">fix ave/spatial</A> command offers several
options for how it performs time averaging. The per-layer values it
produces can be used in two ways. First, they can be written directly
to a file. Note that the averaging parameters can be specified in
such a way that time averaging is not done, in which case this is a
convenient means of simply outputting desired quantities (summed over
atoms within a 1d layer) directly to a separate file. Like other
fixes that produce global quantities, the results of this fix can also
be used as input by any command that accesses global quantities,
e.g. by the <A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermo_style custom</A> command, by a
variable, etc. See the doc page for <A HREF = "fix_ave_spatial.html">fix
ave/spatial</A> for a description of how these
values are indexed.
<P>The <A HREF = "fix_ave_spatial.html">fix ave/spatial</A> command enables direct
output to a file of spatial-averaged per-atom quantities like those
output in dump files, within 1d layers of the simulation box. The
per-atom quantities can be atom density (mass or number) or atom
attributes such as position, velocity, force. They can also be
per-atom quantities calculated by a <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A>, by a
<A HREF = "fix.html">fix</A>, or by an atom-style <A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A>. The
spatial-averaged output of this fix can also be used as input to other
output commands.
<P>The <A HREF = "fix_print.html">fix print</A> command can generate a line of output
written to the screen and log file or to a separate file, periodically
during a running simulation. The line can contain one or more
<A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> values (for any style variable except the
atom style), and as explained above, variables themselves can contain
<A HREF = "variable.html">variable</A> values for any style variable except the atom
style). As explained above, variables themselves can contain
references to global values generated by <A HREF = "thermo_style.html">thermodynamic
keywords</A>, <A HREF = "compute.html">computes</A>,
<A HREF = "fix.html">fixes</A>, or other <A HREF = "variable.html">variables</A>. Thus the <A HREF = "fix_print.html">fix
print</A> command is a means to output any desired
calculated quantity separate from normal thermodynamic or dump file
<A HREF = "fix.html">fixes</A>, or other <A HREF = "variable.html">variables</A>, or to per-atom
values for a specific atom. Thus the <A HREF = "fix_print.html">fix print</A>
command is a means to output a wide variety of quantities separate
from normal thermodynamic or dump file output.
<P>This table summarizes the various output options, specifying what
their inputs and outputs are. The frequency with which they are
invoked and produce output is also listed. Basically, any two
commands can be hooked together so long as one produces output that
matches the input needs of the other. A "match" means that the
frequencies and global vs per-atom attributes are the same.
<H5><A NAME = "computeoutput"></A>Computes that process output quantities
<P>The <A HREF = "compute_reduce.html">compute reduce</A> and <A HREF = "compute_reduce.html">compute
reduce/region</A> commands take one or more vector
quantities as inputs and "reduce" them (sum, min, max, ave) to scalar
quantities. These are produced as output values which can be used as
input to other output commands.
<H5><A NAME = "compute"></A>Computes that generate values to output
<P>Every <A HREF = "compute.html">compute</A> in LAMMPS produces either global or
per-atom or local quantities. The quantities can be scalars or
vectors or arrays of data. The doc page for each compute command
describes what it produces. These values can be output using
the other commands described in this section.
<H5><A NAME = "fix"></A>Fixes that generate values to output
<P>Some <A HREF = "fix.html">fixes</A> in LAMMPS produces either global or per-atom or
local quantities which can be accessed by other commands. The
quantities can be scalars or vectors or arrays of data. The doc page
for each fix command tells whether it produces any output quantities
and describes them. These values can be output using the other
commands described in this section.
<H5><A NAME = "variable"></A>Variables that generate values to output
<P>Every <A HREF = "variable.html">variables</A> defined in an input script generates
either a global scalar value or a per-atom vector (only atom-style
variables) when it is accessed. The formulas used to define equal-
and atom-style variables can contain references to the thermodynamic
keywords and to global and per-atom data generated by computes, fixes,
and other variables. The values generated by variables can be output
using the other commands described in this section.
<H5><A NAME = "table"></A>Summary table of output options and data flow between commands
<P>This table summarizes the various commands that can be used for
generating output from LAMMPS. Each command produces output data of
some kind and/or writes data to a file. Some of the commands take
data from other commands as input. Thus you can link many of these
commands together in pipeline form, where data produced by one command
is used as input to another command and eventually written to the
screen or to a file. Note that to hook two commands together the
output and input data types must match, e.g. global/per-atom/local
data and scalar/vector/array data.
<P>Also note that, as described above, when a command takes a scalar as
input, that could be an element of a vector or array. Likewise a
vector input could be a column of an array.
<TR><TD >Command</TD><TD > Input</TD><TD > Input Freq</TD><TD > Output</TD><TD > Output Freq</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >thermo_style custom</TD><TD > thermo keyword, global scalar/vector compute, global scalar/vector fix, equal variable</TD><TD > nthermo</TD><TD > screen, log</TD><TD > nthermo</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >dump custom</TD><TD > keyword, per-atom compute, per-atom fix, atom variable</TD><TD > dump freq</TD><TD > file</TD><TD > dump freq</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >global fixes</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > global scalar/vector</TD><TD > 1 or nevery</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >per-atom fixes</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > per-atom vector/array</TD><TD > 1 or nevery</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fix ave/time</TD><TD > global scalar/vector fix, global scalar/vector compute, equal variable</TD><TD > nevery</TD><TD > global scalar/vector, file</TD><TD > nfreq</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fix ave/spatial</TD><TD > per-atom fix, per-atom compute, atom vector, atom variable, density mass/number</TD><TD > nevery</TD><TD > global vector</TD><TD > nfreq, file</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fix ave/atom</TD><TD > per-atom compute, per-atom fix, atom variable, atom vector</TD><TD > nevery</TD><TD > per-atom vector/array</TD><TD > nfreq</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fix print</TD><TD > any variable</TD><TD > nevery</TD><TD > screen, file</TD><TD > nevery</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >global computes</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > global scalar/vector</TD><TD > N/A</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >per-atom computes</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > per-atom vector/array</TD><TD > N/A</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >compute sum</TD><TD > per-atom compute, per-atom fix, atom variable</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > global scalar/vector</TD><TD > N/A</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >variable equal</TD><TD > thermo keywords, atom value vx[123], global scalar/vector compute, global scalar/vector fix, non-atom variable</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > global scalar</TD><TD > N/A</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >variable atom</TD><TD > thermo keywords, atom value vx[123], atom vector vx[], global scalar/vector compute, per-atom compute, global fix, per-atom fix, any variable</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > per-atom vector</TD><TD > N/A</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >print</TD><TD > any variable</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > screen, log</TD><TD > between runs</TD></TR>
<TR><TD >run every</TD><TD > any variable</TD><TD > nevery</TD><TD > screen, log</TD><TD > nevery
<TR><TD >Command</TD><TD > Input</TD><TD > Output</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >thermo_style custom</TD><TD > global scalars</TD><TD > screen, log file</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >dump custom</TD><TD > per-atom vectors</TD><TD > dump file</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fix print</TD><TD > global scalar from variable</TD><TD > screen, file</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >print</TD><TD > global scalar from variable</TD><TD > screen</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >computes</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > global/per-atom/local scalar/vector/array</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fixes</TD><TD > N/A</TD><TD > global/per-atom/local scalar/vector/array</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >variables</TD><TD > global scalars, per-atom vectors</TD><TD > global scalar, per-atom vector</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >compute reduce</TD><TD > global/per-atom/local vectors</TD><TD > global scalar/vector</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fix ave/time</TD><TD > global scalars</TD><TD > global scalar/vector, file</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fix ave/spatial</TD><TD > per-atom vectors/arrays</TD><TD > global array, file</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >fix ave/atom</TD><TD > per-atom vectors</TD><TD > per-atom vector/array</TD><TD ></TD></TR>
<TR><TD >
@ -949,199 +949,212 @@ particles are point masses.
4.15 Output from LAMMPS (thermo, dumps, computes, fixes, variables) :link(4_15),h4
Aside from "restart files"_restart.html, there are two basic kinds of
LAMMPS output. The first is "thermodynamic output"_thermo_style.html,
which is a list of quantities printed every few timesteps to the
screen and logfile. The second is "dump files"_dump.html, which
contain snapshots of atoms and various per-atom values and are written
at a specified frequency. A simulation prints one set of
thermodynamic output; it may generate any number of dump files. As
discussed below, LAMMPS gives you a variety of ways to determine what
quantities are computed and printed when thermodynamic info or dump
files are output. There are also three fixes which can do their own
output of user-chosen quantities: "fix ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html for
time averaging, "fix ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html for spatial
averaging, and "fix print"_fix_print.html. These are also described
below. Throughout this discussion, note that users can "add their own
computes and fixes to LAMMPS"_Section_modify.html which can then
generate values that can be output with these commands.
There are four basic kinds of LAMMPS output:
Thermodynamic output :h5
"Thermodynamic output"_thermo_style.html, which is a list
of quantities printed every few timesteps to the screen and logfile. :ulb,l
"Dump files"_dump.html, which contain snapshots of atoms and various
per-atom values and are written at a specified frequency. :l
Certain fixes can output user-specified quantities to files: "fix
ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html for time averaging, "fix
ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html for spatial averaging, and "fix
print"_fix_print.html for single-line output of
"variables"_variable.html. Fix print can also output to the
screen. :l
"Restart files"_restart.html. :l,ule
A simulation prints one set of thermodynamic output and (optionally)
restart files. It can generate any number of dump files and fix
output files, depending on what "dump"_dump.html and "fix"_fix.html
commands you specify.
As discussed below, LAMMPS gives you a variety of ways to determine
what quantities are computed and printed when the thermodynamics,
dump, or fix commands listed above perform output. Throughout this
discussion, note that users can also "add their own computes and fixes
to LAMMPS"_Section_modify.html which can then generate values that can
then be output with these commands.
The following sub-sections discuss different LAMMPS command related
to output and the kind of data they operate on and produce:
"Global/per-atom/local data"_#global
"Scalar/vector/array data"_#scalar
"Thermodynamic output"_#thermo
"Dump file output"_#dump
"Fixes that write output files"_#fixoutput
"Computes that process output quantities"_#computeoutput
"Computes that generate values to output"_#compute
"Fixes that generate values to output"_#fix
"Variables that generate values to output"_#variable
"Summary table of output options and data flow between commands"_#table :ul
Global/per-atom/local data :h5,link(global)
Various output-related commands work with three different styles of
data: global, per-atom, or local. A global datum is one or more
system-wide values, e.g. the temperature of the system. A per-atom
datum is one or more values per atom, e.g. the kinetic energy of each
atom. Local datums are calculated by each processor based on the
atoms it owns, but there may be zero or more per atom, e.g. a list of
bond distances.
Scalar/vector/array data :h5,link(scalar)
Global, per-atom, and local datums can each come in three kinds: a
single scalar value, a vector of values, or a 2d array of values. The
doc page for a "compute" or "fix" or "variable" that generates data
will specify both the style and kind of data it produces, e.g. a
per-atom vector.
When a quantity is accessed, as in many of the output commands
discussed below, it can be referenced via the following bracket
notation, where ID in this case is the ID of a compute. The leading
"c_" would be replaced by "f_" for a fix, or "v_" for a variable:
c_ID | entire scalar, vector, or array
c_ID\[I\] | one element of vector, one column of array
c_ID\[I\]\[J\] | one element of array :tb(s=|)
In other words, using one bracket reduces the dimension of the data
once (vector -> scalar, array -> vector). Using two brackets reduces
the dimension twice (array -> scalar). Thus a command that uses
scalar values as input can typically also process elements of a vector
or array.
Thermodynamic output :h5,link(thermo)
The frequency and format of thermodynamic output is set by the
"thermo"_thermo.html, "thermo_style"_thermo_style.html, and
"thermo_modify"_thermo_modify.html commands. The
"thermo_style"_thermo_style.html command also specifies what values are
calculated and written out. Pre-defined keywords can be specified
(e.g. press, etotal, etc). Three additional kinds of keywords can also
be specified (c_ID, f_ID, v_name), where a "compute"_compute.html or
"fix"_fix.html or "variable"_variable.html provides the value to be
output. Each of these are described in turn.
"thermo_style"_thermo_style.html command also specifies what values
are calculated and written out. Pre-defined keywords can be specified
(e.g. press, etotal, etc). Three additional kinds of keywords can
also be specified (c_ID, f_ID, v_name), where a "compute"_compute.html
or "fix"_fix.html or "variable"_variable.html provides the value to be
output. In each case, the compute, fix, or variable must generate
global values for input to the "thermo_style custom"_dump.html
In LAMMPS, a "compute"_compute.html comes in two flavors: ones that
compute global values (a scalar or a vector, e.g. temperature,
6-element pressure tensor) and ones that compute per-atom values.
Only global quantities from a compute can be used for thermodynamic
output. The user-defined ID of the compute is used along with an
optional subscript as part of the "thermo_style"_thermo_style.html
command. E.g. c_myTemp outputs the single scalar value generated by
the compute; c_myTemp\[2\] outputs the 2nd vector value. Note that
there is a "compute reduce"_compute_reduce.html command which can sum
per-atom quantities into a global scalar or vector.
"Fixes"_fix.html can generate global scalar or vector values which can
be output with thermodynamic output, e.g. the energy of an indenter's
interaction with the simulation atoms. These values are accessed via
the same format as a compute's values, as f_ID or f_ID\[N\]. See the
doc pages for individual fix commands to see which ones generate
global values that can be output with thermodynamic info. The "fix
ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html command generates time-averaged global
quantities which can be accessed for thermodynamic output, e.g. a
time-averaged pressure.
"Variables"_variable.html can be defined in the input script. All
styles except the atom-style variable can be used for thermodynamic
output, since it generates per-atom values. A variable with the name
"abc" is referenced in a thermo_style command as v_abc.
The formula associated with equal-style variables can contain math
operations and functions (x+y,x*y,(),sqrt,exp,etc), atom values
(x\[N\],fx\[N\],etc), group functions (mass(),vcm(),etc), references
to thermodynamic quantities (temp,press,vol,etc), references to
"computes"_compute.html that generate global values, references to
"fixes"_fix.html that generate global values, or references to other
"variables"_variable.html. Thus an equal-style variable is the most
general way to define some quantity to calculate and include with
thermodynamic output.
Dump file output :h5
Dump file output :h5,link(dump)
Dump file output is specified by the "dump"_dump.html and
"dump_modify"_dump_modify.html commands. There are several
pre-defined formats (dump atom, dump xtc, etc). There is also a "dump
custom"_dump.html format where the user specifies what values are
output with each atom. Pre-defined keywords can be specified (tag, x,
output with each atom. Pre-defined keywords can be specified (id, x,
fx, etc). Three additional kinds of keywords can also be specified
(c_ID, f_ID, v_name), where a "compute"_compute.html or "fix"_fix.html
or "variable"_variable.html provides the value to be output. Each of
these are described in turn.
or "variable"_variable.html provides the values to be output. In each
case, the compute, fix, or variable must generate per-atom values for
input to the "dump custom"_dump.html command.
"Computes"_compute.html that generate one or more per-atom values can
be accessed by the dump custom command. These are computes that have
the word "atom" in their style name, e.g. ke/atom, stress/atom, etc.
The values are accessed as c_myKE for a scalar per-atom quantity or as
c_myStress\[2\] for a component of a vector per-atom quantity.
Fixes that write output files :h5,link(fixoutput)
"Fixes"_fix.html can generate per-atom values to output to dump files.
For example, the "fix ave/atom"_fix_ave_atom.html command calculates
time-averages of per-atom quantities, such as per-atom
"computes"_compute.html and atom-style "variables"_variable.html.
These per-atom fix values are accessed by the "dump custom"_dump.html
command via the same format as a compute's values, as f_myKE or
Three fixes take various quantities as input and can write output
files: "fix ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html, "fix
ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html, and "fix print"_fix_print.html.
"Variables"_variable.html can be defined in the input script. Only
atom-style variables can be used for dump custom output, since only
they produce per-atom values. A variable with the name "abc" is
referenced in a dump custom command as v_abc.
Just like equal-style variables, the formula associated with
atom-style variables can contain math operations and functions
(x+y,x*y,(),sqrt,exp,etc), atom values (x\[N\],fx\[N\],etc), group
functions (mass(),vcm(),etc), references to thermodynamic quantities
(temp,press,vol,etc), references to "computes"_compute.html that
generate global values, references to "fixes"_fix.html that generate
global values, or references to non atom-style variables that generate
global values. In addition, an atom-style variable can reference
vectors of atom values (x\[\],fx\[\],etc), "computes"_compute.html
that generate per-atom values, "fixes"_fix.html that generate per-atom
values, or other atom-style variables. Thus an atom-style variable is
the most general way to define some quantity to calculate and output
to a dump file.
Fix output :h5
Three other fixes are of particular note for output: "fix
ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html, "fix ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html,
and "fix print"_fix_print.html.
The "fix ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html command enables time-averaging of
any global quantity, like those output with thermodynamic info. The
user specifies one or more quantities to time average. These can be
global "compute"_compute.html values, global "fix"_fix.html values, or
The "fix ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html command enables direct output to
a file and/or time-averaging of any global quantity. The user
specifies one or more quantities as input. These can be global
"compute"_compute.html values, global "fix"_fix.html values, or
"variables"_variable.html of any style except the atom style which
produces per-atom values. Since a variable can refer to keywords used
by the "thermo_style custom"_thermo_style.html command (like temp or
press), any thermodynamic quantity can be time averaged in this way.
press) and individual per-atom values, a wide variety of quantities
can be time averaged and/or output in this way. The time-averaged
output of this fix can also be used as input to other output commands.
The "fix ave/time"_fix_ave_time.html command offers several options
for how it performs time averaging. The results it produces can be
used in two ways. First, they can be written directly to a file, one
line per timestamp. Note that the averaging parameters can be
specified in such a way that averaging is not done at all, in which
case this is simply a convenient means of outputting desired
quantities directly to a separate file. Like other fixes that produce
global quantities, the results of this fix can also be used as input
to any command that accesses global quantities, e.g. by the
"thermo_style custom"_thermo_style.html command, by a variable, etc.
The "fix ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html command enables
spatial-averaging of per-atom quantities like those output in dump
files, within 1d layers of the simulation box. The per-atom
quantities can be atom density (mass or number) or atom attributes
such as position, velocity, force. They can also be per-atom
quantities calculated by a "compute"_compute.html, by a
"fix"_fix.html, or by an atom-style "variable"_variable.html.
The "fix ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html command offers several
options for how it performs time averaging. The per-layer values it
produces can be used in two ways. First, they can be written directly
to a file. Note that the averaging parameters can be specified in
such a way that time averaging is not done, in which case this is a
convenient means of simply outputting desired quantities (summed over
atoms within a 1d layer) directly to a separate file. Like other
fixes that produce global quantities, the results of this fix can also
be used as input by any command that accesses global quantities,
e.g. by the "thermo_style custom"_thermo_style.html command, by a
variable, etc. See the doc page for "fix
ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html for a description of how these
values are indexed.
The "fix ave/spatial"_fix_ave_spatial.html command enables direct
output to a file of spatial-averaged per-atom quantities like those
output in dump files, within 1d layers of the simulation box. The
per-atom quantities can be atom density (mass or number) or atom
attributes such as position, velocity, force. They can also be
per-atom quantities calculated by a "compute"_compute.html, by a
"fix"_fix.html, or by an atom-style "variable"_variable.html. The
spatial-averaged output of this fix can also be used as input to other
output commands.
The "fix print"_fix_print.html command can generate a line of output
written to the screen and log file or to a separate file, periodically
during a running simulation. The line can contain one or more
"variable"_variable.html values (for any style variable except the
atom style), and as explained above, variables themselves can contain
"variable"_variable.html values for any style variable except the atom
style). As explained above, variables themselves can contain
references to global values generated by "thermodynamic
keywords"_thermo_style.html, "computes"_compute.html,
"fixes"_fix.html, or other "variables"_variable.html. Thus the "fix
print"_fix_print.html command is a means to output any desired
calculated quantity separate from normal thermodynamic or dump file
"fixes"_fix.html, or other "variables"_variable.html, or to per-atom
values for a specific atom. Thus the "fix print"_fix_print.html
command is a means to output a wide variety of quantities separate
from normal thermodynamic or dump file output.
This table summarizes the various output options, specifying what
their inputs and outputs are. The frequency with which they are
invoked and produce output is also listed. Basically, any two
commands can be hooked together so long as one produces output that
matches the input needs of the other. A "match" means that the
frequencies and global vs per-atom attributes are the same.
Computes that process output quantities :h5,link(computeoutput)
Command: Input: Input Freq: Output: Output Freq
thermo_style custom: thermo keyword, global scalar/vector compute, global scalar/vector fix, equal variable: nthermo: screen, log: nthermo
dump custom: keyword, per-atom compute, per-atom fix, atom variable: dump freq: file: dump freq
global fixes: N/A: N/A: global scalar/vector: 1 or nevery
per-atom fixes: N/A: N/A: per-atom vector/array: 1 or nevery
fix ave/time: global scalar/vector fix, global scalar/vector compute, equal variable: nevery: global scalar/vector, file: nfreq
fix ave/spatial: per-atom fix, per-atom compute, atom vector, atom variable, density mass/number: nevery: global vector: nfreq, file
fix ave/atom: per-atom compute, per-atom fix, atom variable, atom vector: nevery: per-atom vector/array: nfreq
fix print: any variable: nevery: screen, file: nevery
global computes: N/A: N/A: global scalar/vector: N/A
per-atom computes: N/A: N/A: per-atom vector/array: N/A
compute sum: per-atom compute, per-atom fix, atom variable: N/A: global scalar/vector: N/A
variable equal: thermo keywords, atom value vx\[123\], global scalar/vector compute, global scalar/vector fix, non-atom variable: N/A: global scalar: N/A
variable atom: thermo keywords, atom value vx\[123\], atom vector vx\[\], global scalar/vector compute, per-atom compute, global fix, per-atom fix, any variable: N/A: per-atom vector: N/A
print: any variable: N/A: screen, log: between runs
run every: any variable: nevery: screen, log: nevery :tb(s=:)
The "compute reduce"_compute_reduce.html and "compute
reduce/region"_compute_reduce.html commands take one or more vector
quantities as inputs and "reduce" them (sum, min, max, ave) to scalar
quantities. These are produced as output values which can be used as
input to other output commands.
Computes that generate values to output :h5,link(compute)
Every "compute"_compute.html in LAMMPS produces either global or
per-atom or local quantities. The quantities can be scalars or
vectors or arrays of data. The doc page for each compute command
describes what it produces. These values can be output using
the other commands described in this section.
Fixes that generate values to output :h5,link(fix)
Some "fixes"_fix.html in LAMMPS produces either global or per-atom or
local quantities which can be accessed by other commands. The
quantities can be scalars or vectors or arrays of data. The doc page
for each fix command tells whether it produces any output quantities
and describes them. These values can be output using the other
commands described in this section.
Variables that generate values to output :h5,link(variable)
Every "variables"_variable.html defined in an input script generates
either a global scalar value or a per-atom vector (only atom-style
variables) when it is accessed. The formulas used to define equal-
and atom-style variables can contain references to the thermodynamic
keywords and to global and per-atom data generated by computes, fixes,
and other variables. The values generated by variables can be output
using the other commands described in this section.
Summary table of output options and data flow between commands :h5,link(table)
This table summarizes the various commands that can be used for
generating output from LAMMPS. Each command produces output data of
some kind and/or writes data to a file. Some of the commands take
data from other commands as input. Thus you can link many of these
commands together in pipeline form, where data produced by one command
is used as input to another command and eventually written to the
screen or to a file. Note that to hook two commands together the
output and input data types must match, e.g. global/per-atom/local
data and scalar/vector/array data.
Also note that, as described above, when a command takes a scalar as
input, that could be an element of a vector or array. Likewise a
vector input could be a column of an array.
Command: Input: Output:
thermo_style custom: global scalars: screen, log file:
dump custom: per-atom vectors: dump file:
fix print: global scalar from variable: screen, file:
print: global scalar from variable: screen:
computes: N/A: global/per-atom/local scalar/vector/array:
fixes: N/A: global/per-atom/local scalar/vector/array:
variables: global scalars, per-atom vectors: global scalar, per-atom vector:
compute reduce: global/per-atom/local vectors: global scalar/vector:
fix ave/time: global scalars: global scalar/vector, file:
fix ave/spatial: per-atom vectors/arrays: global array, file:
fix ave/atom: per-atom vectors: per-atom vector/array:
@ -32,7 +32,12 @@ compute 3 all ke/atom
Quantities calculated by a compute are instantaneous values, meaning
they are calculated from information about atoms on the current
timestep or iteration, though a compute may internally store some
information about a previous state of the system.
information about a previous state of the system. Defining a compute
does not perform a computation. Instead computes are invoked by other
LAMMPS commands as needed, e.g. to calculate a temperature needed for
a thermostat fix or to generate thermodynamic or dump file output.
See this <A HREF = "Section_howto.html#4_15">howto section</A> for a summary of
various LAMMPS output options, many of which involve computes.
<P>The ID of a compute can only contain alphanumeric characters and
@ -109,9 +114,6 @@ variable</A>.
reduce</A> command, or histogrammed by the <A HREF = "fix_ave_histo.html">fix
ave/histo</A> command.
<P>See this <A HREF = "Section_howto.html#4_15">howto section</A> for a summary of
various LAMMPS output options, many of which involve computes.
<P>The results of computes that calculate global quantities can be either
"intensive" or "extensive" values. Intensive means the value is
independent of the number of atoms in the simulation,
@ -29,7 +29,12 @@ Define a computation that will be performed on a group of atoms.
Quantities calculated by a compute are instantaneous values, meaning
they are calculated from information about atoms on the current
timestep or iteration, though a compute may internally store some
information about a previous state of the system.
information about a previous state of the system. Defining a compute
does not perform a computation. Instead computes are invoked by other
LAMMPS commands as needed, e.g. to calculate a temperature needed for
a thermostat fix or to generate thermodynamic or dump file output.
See this "howto section"_Section_howto.html#4_15 for a summary of
various LAMMPS output options, many of which involve computes.
The ID of a compute can only contain alphanumeric characters and
@ -104,9 +109,6 @@ Local values can be reduced by the "compute
reduce"_compute_reduce.html command, or histogrammed by the "fix
ave/histo"_fix_ave_histo.html command. :l,ule
See this "howto section"_Section_howto.html#4_15 for a summary of
various LAMMPS output options, many of which involve computes.
The results of computes that calculate global quantities can be either
"intensive" or "extensive" values. Intensive means the value is
independent of the number of atoms in the simulation,
Reference in New Issue