Command | Input | Output | |
thermo_style custom | global scalars | screen, log file | |
dump custom | per-atom vectors | dump file | |
@@ -1370,7 +1371,7 @@ thermodynamic output.
-4.16 Walls
+4.17 Walls
Walls in an MD simulation are typically used to bound particle motion,
i.e. to serve as a boundary condition.
@@ -1444,6 +1445,42 @@ frictional walls, as well as triangulated surfaces.
+4.18 Elastic constants
+Elastic constants characterize the stiffness of a material. The formal
+definition is provided by the linear relation that holds between
+the stress and strain tensors in the limit of infinitesimal deformation.
+In tensor notation, this is expressed as s_ij = C_ijkl * e_kl, where
+the repeated indices imply summation. s_ij are the elements of the
+symmetric stress tensor. e_kl are the elements of the symmetric
+strain tensor. C_ijkl are the elements of the fourth rank tensor
+of elastic constants. In three dimensions, this tensor has 3^4=81
+elements. Using Voigt notation, the tensor can be written
+as a 6x6 matrix, where C_ij is now the derivative of s_i
+w.r.t. e_j. Because s_i is itself a derivative w.r.t. e_i, it follows
+that C_ij is also symmetric, with at most 6*5/2 = 21 distinct elements.
+At zero temperature, it is easy to estimate these derivatives by
+deforming the cell in one of the six directions using
+the command displace_box
+and measuring the change in the stress tensor. A general-purpose
+script that does this is given in the examples/elastic directory
+described in this section.
+Calculating elastic constants at finite temperature is more challenging,
+because it is necessary to run a simulation that perfoms time averages
+of differential properties. One way to do this is to measure the change in
+average stress tensor in an NVT simulations when the cell volume undergoes a
+finite deformation. In order to balance
+the systematic and statistical errors in this method, the magnitude of the
+deformation must be chosen judiciously, and care must be taken to fully
+equilibrate the deformed cell before sampling the stress tensor. Another
+approach is to sample the triclinic cell fluctuations that occur in an
+NPT simulation. This method can also be slow to converge and requires
+careful post-processing (Shinoda)
@@ -1470,4 +1507,8 @@ Phys, 79, 926 (1983).
(Price) Price and Brooks, J Chem Phys, 121, 10096 (2004).
+(Shinoda) Shinoda, Shiga, and Mikami, Phys Rev B, 69, 134103 (2004).