Merge pull request #288 from akohlmey/moltemplate-1.40

update bundled version of moltemplate to v1.40
This commit is contained in:
sjplimp 2016-11-22 08:51:11 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 61e71d23ed
310 changed files with 12024 additions and 1172 deletions

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
This is an example of how to use the OPLSAA force-field in LAMMPS
(using and Jason Lambert's conversion tool)
This example also shows how to use moltemplate in combination with PACKMOL.
(PACKMOL is a useful program for generating atomic coordinates. In this example, is only used to create the topology, force-field and charges,
and PACKMOL generates the coordinates, which moltemplate reads (in "step 1").
Moltemplate can also be used for generating atomic coordinates, especially
for mixing many small molecules together, as we do in this example. However
I wanted to demonstrate how to combine PACKMOL with
In some other scenarios, such as protein solvation, PACKMOL does a much
better job than moltemplate.)
As of 2014-4-06, this code has not been tested for accuracy.
(See the WARNING.TXT file.)
step 1)
To build the files which LAMMPS needs, follow the instructions in:
step 2)
To run LAMMPS with these files, follow these instructions:

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
This example is a simple simulation of a long alkane chain,
in a vacuum at room temperature using the OPLSAA force field.
NOTE: This particular file contains instructions for how to build molecules
using the OPLSAA force-field. However, moltemplate is not limited to
OPLSAA. Moltemplate allows users to access any of the force-field
styles available in LAMMPS (including custom, user-defined force-fields).
1) Download the "oplsaa.prm" file containing the OPLSAA force field
parameters. I do not have permission to distribute this file,
but you can download the latest version from one of these URLS:
2) Create the "oplsaa_subset.prm" file by making a copy of the "oplsaa.prm"
file, renaming it to "oplsaa_subset.prm", and deleting the atoms you don't need.
For example, if you are building a simple alkane chain, you would delete every
line beginning with the word "atom", except for these three lines:
atom 80 13 CT "Alkane CH3-" 6 12.011 4
atom 81 13 CT "Alkane -CH2-" 6 12.011 4
atom 85 46 HC "Alkane H-C" 1 1.008 1
(Leave the rest of the file unmodified.)
3) Create the "" file using this command: oplsaa_subset.prm
(Credit to Jasen Lambert for contributing this useful script.)
4) Create the "", "", and ""
files which LAMMPS will read by running:
To run LAMMPS, you must make sure LAMMPS was built with the "USER-MISC" package.
(because uses dihedral_style fourier)
To do this, type "make yes-user-misc" before compiling LAMMPS.
6) Run LAMMPS in this order:
lmp_g++ -i # minimize the energy (to avoid atom overlap) before...
lmp_g++ -i # running the simulation at constant temperature
(Replace "lmp_g++" with the name of the LAMMPS executable you are using.)
---- Details ----
The "Alkane50" molecule, as well as the "CH2", and "CH3" monomers it contains
use the OPLSAA force-field. This means that when we define these molecules,
we only specify the atom names, bond list, and coordinates.
We do not have to list the atom charges, angles, dihedrals, or impropers.
The rules for creating atomic charge and angle topology are contained in
the "" file created by step 3) above. The "",
"", and "" files all refer to "",
(as well as the "OPLSAA" force-field object which it defines). Excerpt:
import ""
CH2 inherits OPLSAA { ...
CH3 inherits OPLSAA { ...
Alkane50 inherits OPLSAA { ...
Alternatively, you can manually define a list of angles, dihedrals, and
improper interactions in these files, instead of asking the force-field
to generate them for you. You can also specify some of the angles and
dihedrals explicitly, and let the force-field handle the rest.
(Many of the molecule examples which come with moltemplate do this.)

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# Create the "" file which moltemplate will need
cd oplsaa_lt_generator/ oplsaa_subset.prm
mv -f ..
cd ..
# run moltemplate
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
# Optional:
# Delete the "" file:
rm -f
cd ../

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
import "" # <-- defines the "OPLSAA" force field
CH2 inherits OPLSAA {
# atom-id mol-id atom-type charge x y z
write("Data Atoms") {
$atom:C $mol:... @atom:81 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
$atom:H1 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 0.000 0.63104384422426 0.892430762954
$atom:H2 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 0.000 0.63104384422426 -0.892430762954
# Atom type numbers (@atom:80,@atom:85) are defined in "". Excerpt:
# @atom:80 12.011 #CT "Alkane CH3-" 6 partial charge=-0.18
# @atom:81 12.011 #CT "Alkane -CH2-" 6 partial charge=-0.12
# @atom:85 1.008 #HC "Alkane H-C" 1 partial charge=0.06
# In this example, atomic charges are generated by atom type (according to
# rules in, and can be omitted. Just leave them as "0.00" for now.
# The "..." in "$mol:..." tells moltemplate that this molecule may be part
# of a larger molecule, and (if so) to use the larger parent object's
# molecule id number as it's own.
# Now specify which pairs of atoms are bonded:
write('Data Bond List') {
$bond:CH1 $atom:C $atom:H1
$bond:CH2 $atom:C $atom:H2
} # CH2
# Optional: Shift all the coordinates in the +Y direction by 0.4431163.
# This way, the carbon atom is no longer located at 0,0,0, but the
# axis of an alkane chain containing this monomer is at 0,0,0.
# (This makes it more convenient to construct a polymer later.
# If this is confusing, then simply add 0.4431163 to the Y
# coordinates in the "Data Atoms" section above.)
######### (scratchwork calculations for the atomic coordinates) #########
# Lcc = 1.5350 # length of the C-C bond (Sp3)
# Lch = 1.0930 # length of the C-H bond
# theta=2*atan(sqrt(2)) # ~= 109.5 degrees = tetrahedronal angle (C-C-C angle)
# DeltaXc = Lcc*sin(theta/2) # = 1.2533222517240594
# DeltaYc = Lcc*cos(theta/2) # = 0.8862326632060754
# # 0.5*DeltaYc = 0.4431163316030377
# DeltaZh = Lch*sin(theta/2) # = 0.8924307629540046
# DeltaYh = Lch*cos(theta/2) # = 0.6310438442242609

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
import "" # <-- defines the "OPLSAA" force field
CH3 inherits OPLSAA {
# atom-id mol-id atom-type charge x y z
write("Data Atoms") {
$atom:C $mol:... @atom:80 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$atom:H1 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 0.000000 0.6310438442242609 0.8924307629540046
$atom:H2 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 0.000000 0.6310438442242609 -0.8924307629540046
$atom:H3 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 -0.8924307629540046 -0.6310438442242609 0.000000
# Atom type numbers (@atom:80,@atom:85) are defined in "". Excerpt:
# @atom:80 12.011 #CT "Alkane CH3-" 6 partial charge=-0.18
# @atom:81 12.011 #CT "Alkane -CH2-" 6 partial charge=-0.12
# @atom:85 1.008 #HC "Alkane H-C" 1 partial charge=0.06
# In this example, atomic charges are generated by atom type (according to
# rules in, and can be omitted. Just leave them as "0.00" for now.
# The "..." in "$mol:..." tells moltemplate that this molecule may be part
# of a larger molecule, and (if so) to use the larger parent object's
# molecule id number as it's own.
# Now specify which pairs of atoms are bonded:
write('Data Bond List') {
$bond:CH1 $atom:C $atom:H1
$bond:CH2 $atom:C $atom:H2
$bond:CH3 $atom:C $atom:H3
} # CH3
# Optional: Shift all the coordinates in the +Y direction by 0.4431163.
# This way, the carbon atom is no longer located at 0,0,0, but the
# axis of an alkane chain containing this monomer is at 0,0,0.
# (This makes it more convenient to construct a polymer later.
# If this is confusing, then simply add 0.4431163 to the Y
# coordinates in the "Data Atoms" section above.)
######### (scratchwork calculations for the atomic coordinates) #########
# Lcc = 1.5350 # length of the C-C bond (Sp3)
# Lch = 1.0930 # length of the C-H bond
# theta=2*atan(sqrt(2)) # ~= 109.5 degrees = tetrahedronal angle (C-C-C angle)
# DeltaXc = Lcc*sin(theta/2) # = 1.2533222517240594
# DeltaYc = Lcc*cos(theta/2) # = 0.8862326632060754
# # 0.5*DeltaYc = 0.4431163316030377
# DeltaZh = Lch*sin(theta/2) # = 0.8924307629540046
# DeltaYh = Lch*cos(theta/2) # = 0.6310438442242609

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# Create the "" file which moltemplate will need
cd oplsaa_lt_generator/ oplsaa_subset.prm
mv -f ..
cd ..
# run moltemplate
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
# Optional:
# Delete the "" file:
rm -f
cd ../

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
This is an example of how to use the OPLSAA force-field in LAMMPS
(using and Jason Lambert's conversion tool)
This example also shows how to use moltemplate in combination with PACKMOL.
(PACKMOL is a useful program for generating atomic coordinates. In this example, is only used to create the topology, force-field and charges,
and PACKMOL generates the coordinates, which moltemplate reads (in "step 1").
Moltemplate can also be used for generating atomic coordinates, especially
for mixing many small molecules together, as we do in this example. However
I wanted to demonstrate how to combine PACKMOL with
In some other scenarios, such as protein solvation, PACKMOL does a much
better job than moltemplate.)
As of 2014-12-19, this code has not been tested for accuracy.
(See the WARNING.TXT file.)
step 1)
To build the files which LAMMPS needs, follow the instructions in:
step 2)
To run LAMMPS with these files, follow these instructions:

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create the coordinates of the atoms using PACKMOL
cd packmol_files
packmol < mix_ethylene+benzene.inp
mv -f ../moltemplate_files/
cd ..
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# Create the "" file which moltemplate will need
cd oplsaa_lt_generator/ oplsaa_subset.prm
mv -f ..
cd ..
# run moltemplate -xyz
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
# Optional:
# Delete the "" file:
rm -f
cd ../

View File

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
This example is a simple simulation of many long alkane chains (hexadecane) in a
box at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Please read "WARNING.TXT".
NOTE: This particular file contains instructions for how to build molecules
using the OPLSAA force-field. However, moltemplate is not limited to
OPLSAA. You can use other force-fields, or define your own force-fields
(or provide a list of bonded interactions explicitly).
-------- INSTRUCTIONS: ---------
1) Download the "oplsaa.prm" file containing the OPLS force field
parameters. I do not have permission to distribute those parameters,
but you can download them from one of these URLS:
2) Create the "oplsaa_subset.prm" file by making a copy of the "oplsaa.prm"
file, renaming it to "oplsaa_subset.prm", and deleting the atoms you don't need.
For example, if you are building a simple alkane chain, you would delete every
line beginning with the word "atom", except for these three lines:
atom 80 13 CT "Alkane CH3-" 6 12.011 4
atom 81 13 CT "Alkane -CH2-" 6 12.011 4
atom 85 46 HC "Alkane H-C" 1 1.008 1
(Leave the rest of the file unmodified.)
3) Create the "" file using this command: oplsaa_subset.prm
(Credit to Jasen Lambert for contributing this useful script.)
4) Create the "", "", and ""
files which LAMMPS will read by running:
To run LAMMPS, you must make sure LAMMPS was built with the "USER-MISC" package.
(because it uses dihedral_style fourier)
To do this, type "make yes-user-misc" before compiling LAMMPS.
6) Run LAMMPS in this order:
lmp_g++ -i
lmp_g++ -i
lmp_g++ -i
(Replace "lmp_g++" with the name of the LAMMPS executable you are using.)
---- Details ----
The "Hexadecane" molecule, as well as the "CH2", and "CH3" monomers it contains
use the OPLSAA force-field. This means that when we define these molecules,
we only specify the atom names, bond list, and coordinates.
We do not have to list the atom charges, angles, dihedrals, or impropers.
The rules for creating atomic charge and angle topology are contained in
the "" file created by step 3) above. The "",
"", and "" files all refer to "",
(as well as the "OPLSAA" force-field object which it defines). Excerpt:
import ""
CH2 inherits OPLSAA { ...
CH3 inherits OPLSAA { ...
Hexadecane inherits OPLSAA { ...
Alternatively, you can manually define a list of angles, dihedrals, and
improper interactions in these files, instead of asking the force-field
to generate them for you. You can also specify some of the angles and
dihedrals explicitly, and let the force-field handle the rest.
(Many of the molecule examples which come with moltemplate do this.)

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# Create the "" file which moltemplate will need
cd oplsaa_lt_generator/ oplsaa_subset.prm
mv -f ..
cd ..
# run moltemplate
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
# Optional:
# Delete the "" file:
rm -f
cd ../

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
import "" # <-- defines the "OPLSAA" force field
CH2 inherits OPLSAA {
# atom-id mol-id atom-type charge x y z
write("Data Atoms") {
$atom:C $mol:... @atom:81 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
$atom:H1 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 0.000 0.63104384422426 0.892430762954
$atom:H2 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 0.000 0.63104384422426 -0.892430762954
# Atom type numbers (@atom:80,@atom:85) are defined in "". Excerpt:
# @atom:80 12.011 #CT "Alkane CH3-" 6 partial charge=-0.18
# @atom:81 12.011 #CT "Alkane -CH2-" 6 partial charge=-0.12
# @atom:85 1.008 #HC "Alkane H-C" 1 partial charge=0.06
# In this example, atomic charges are generated by atom type (according to
# rules in, and can be omitted. Just leave them as "0.00" for now.
# The "..." in "$mol:..." tells moltemplate that this molecule may be part
# of a larger molecule, and (if so) to use the larger parent object's
# molecule id number as it's own.
# Now specify which pairs of atoms are bonded:
write('Data Bond List') {
$bond:CH1 $atom:C $atom:H1
$bond:CH2 $atom:C $atom:H2
} # CH2
# Optional: Shift all the coordinates in the +Y direction by 0.4431163.
# This way, the carbon atom is no longer located at 0,0,0, but the
# axis of an alkane chain containing this monomer is at 0,0,0.
# (This makes it more convenient to construct a polymer later.
# If this is confusing, then simply add 0.4431163 to the Y
# coordinates in the "Data Atoms" section above.)
######### (scratchwork calculations for the atomic coordinates) #########
# Lcc = 1.5350 # length of the C-C bond (Sp3)
# Lch = 1.0930 # length of the C-H bond
# theta=2*atan(sqrt(2)) # ~= 109.5 degrees = tetrahedronal angle (C-C-C angle)
# DeltaXc = Lcc*sin(theta/2) # = 1.2533222517240594
# DeltaYc = Lcc*cos(theta/2) # = 0.8862326632060754
# # 0.5*DeltaYc = 0.4431163316030377
# DeltaZh = Lch*sin(theta/2) # = 0.8924307629540046
# DeltaYh = Lch*cos(theta/2) # = 0.6310438442242609

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
import "" # <-- defines the "OPLSAA" force field
CH3 inherits OPLSAA {
# atom-id mol-id atom-type charge x y z
write("Data Atoms") {
$atom:C $mol:... @atom:80 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$atom:H1 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 0.000000 0.6310438442242609 0.8924307629540046
$atom:H2 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 0.000000 0.6310438442242609 -0.8924307629540046
$atom:H3 $mol:... @atom:85 0.00 -0.8924307629540046 -0.6310438442242609 0.000000
# Atom type numbers (@atom:80,@atom:85) are defined in "". Excerpt:
# @atom:80 12.011 #CT "Alkane CH3-" 6 partial charge=-0.18
# @atom:81 12.011 #CT "Alkane -CH2-" 6 partial charge=-0.12
# @atom:85 1.008 #HC "Alkane H-C" 1 partial charge=0.06
# In this example, atomic charges are generated by atom type (according to
# rules in, and can be omitted. Just leave them as "0.00" for now.
# The "..." in "$mol:..." tells moltemplate that this molecule may be part
# of a larger molecule, and (if so) to use the larger parent object's
# molecule id number as it's own.
# Now specify which pairs of atoms are bonded:
write('Data Bond List') {
$bond:CH1 $atom:C $atom:H1
$bond:CH2 $atom:C $atom:H2
$bond:CH3 $atom:C $atom:H3
} # CH3
# Optional: Shift all the coordinates in the +Y direction by 0.4431163.
# This way, the carbon atom is no longer located at 0,0,0, but the
# axis of an alkane chain containing this monomer is at 0,0,0.
# (This makes it more convenient to construct a polymer later.
# If this is confusing, then simply add 0.4431163 to the Y
# coordinates in the "Data Atoms" section above.)
######### (scratchwork calculations for the atomic coordinates) #########
# Lcc = 1.5350 # length of the C-C bond (Sp3)
# Lch = 1.0930 # length of the C-H bond
# theta=2*atan(sqrt(2)) # ~= 109.5 degrees = tetrahedronal angle (C-C-C angle)
# DeltaXc = Lcc*sin(theta/2) # = 1.2533222517240594
# DeltaYc = Lcc*cos(theta/2) # = 0.8862326632060754
# # 0.5*DeltaYc = 0.4431163316030377
# DeltaZh = Lch*sin(theta/2) # = 0.8924307629540046
# DeltaYh = Lch*cos(theta/2) # = 0.6310438442242609

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
This example contains a mixture of water(SPCE) and methane.
The methane molecules use OPLSAA force-field, but the water molecules do not.
---- Details ----
The methane molecules in this example use the OPLSAA force-field. This means
that when we define "Methane", we only specify the atom names, bond list,
and coordinates. We then use and to load
the OPLSAA force-field parameters (and atom charges) for the Methane molecule
from an external file ("". Read the "oplsaa_lt_generator/README.TXT"
file for details.) Consequently, the "moltemplate_files/" file
contains these lines which refer to OPLSAA:
import ""
Methane inherits OPLSAA { ...
However the "SPCE" (water) molecules does NOT use a database to look up the
force-field parameters for this tiny molecule.
Instead, the "moltemplate_files/" file declares all of the angle
interactions, atom properties and force-field parameters for water explicitly.
(Consequently, it makes no mention of "" or "OPLSAA".)
-------- Instructions: ---------
More detailed instructions on how to build LAMMPS input files and
run a short simulation are provided in other README files.
step 1)
step 2)

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# --- Running LAMMPS ---
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# 1) This example requires building LAMMPS with the "USER-MISC" package.
# (because it makes use of "" which uses dihedral_style fourier)
# To do this, type "make yes-user-misc" before compiling LAMMPS.
# -------- PREREQUISITES: --------
# The 2 files "", and "" are LAMMPS
# input scripts which link to the input scripts and data files
# you hopefully have created earlier with
# If not, carry out the instructions in "".
# -- Instructions: --
# If "lmp_mpi" is the name of the command you use to invoke lammps,
# then you would run lammps on these files this way:
lmp_mpi -i # minimization and simulation at constant pressure
lmp_mpi -i # minimization and simulation at constant volume
#(Note: The constant volume simulation lacks pressure equilibration. These are
# completely separate simulations. The results of the constant pressure
# simulation might be ignored when beginning the simulation at constant
# volume. (This is because restart files in LAMMPS don't always work,
# and I was spending a lot of time trying to convince people it was a
# LAMMPS bug, instead of a moltemplate bug, so I disabled restart files.)
# Read the "" file to find out how to use the "read_restart"
# command to load the results of the pressure-equilibration simulation,
# before beginning a constant-volume run.
# If you have compiled the MPI version of lammps, you can run lammps in parallel
#mpirun -np 4 lmp_mpi -i
#mpirun -np 4 lmp_mpi -i
# (assuming you have 4 processors available)

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# Create the "" file which moltemplate will need
cd oplsaa_lt_generator/ oplsaa_subset.prm
mv -f ..
cd ..
# run moltemplate
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
# Optional:
# Delete the "" file:
rm -f
cd ../

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# --- Running LAMMPS ---
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# 1) This example requires building LAMMPS with the "USER-MISC" package.
# (because it makes use of "" which uses dihedral_style fourier)
# To do this, type "make yes-user-misc" before compiling LAMMPS.
# -------- PREREQUISITES: --------
# The 2 files "", and "" are LAMMPS
# input scripts which link to the input scripts and data files
# you hopefully have created earlier with
# If not, carry out the instructions in "".
# -- Instructions: --
# If "lmp_mpi" is the name of the command you use to invoke lammps,
# then you would run lammps on these files this way:
lmp_mpi -i # minimization and simulation at constant pressure
lmp_mpi -i # minimization and simulation at constant volume
#(Note: The constant volume simulation lacks pressure equilibration. These are
# completely separate simulations. The results of the constant pressure
# simulation might be ignored when beginning the simulation at constant
# volume. (This is because restart files in LAMMPS don't always work,
# and I was spending a lot of time trying to convince people it was a
# LAMMPS bug, instead of a moltemplate bug, so I disabled restart files.)
# Read the "" file to find out how to use the "read_restart"
# command to load the results of the pressure-equilibration simulation,
# before beginning a constant-volume run.
# If you have compiled the MPI version of lammps, you can run lammps in parallel
#mpirun -np 4 lmp_mpi -i
#mpirun -np 4 lmp_mpi -i
# (assuming you have 4 processors available)

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# Create the "" file which moltemplate will need
cd oplsaa_lt_generator/ oplsaa_subset.prm
mv -f ..
cd ..
# run moltemplate
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
# Optional:
# Delete the "" file:
rm -f
cd ../

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# Create the "" file which moltemplate will need
cd oplsaa_lt_generator/ oplsaa_subset.prm
mv -f ..
cd ..
# run moltemplate
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
# Optional:
# Delete the "" file:
rm -f
cd ../

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
OPLSAA force-field conversion tools provided by Jason Lambert.

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
# (This simulation may fail.
# However the "" example in this directory should work.)
# Requirements:
# To run this system at constant pressure, it might help to compile LAMMPS with
# the optional RIGID package, and use "fix rigid" on the carbon. (Optional.)
# The use of fix rigid is controversial. This method is demonstrated below.
# ------------------------------- Initialization Section --------------------
# ------------------------------- Atom Definition Section -------------------
# ------------------------------- Settings Section --------------------------
# ------------------------------- Run Section -------------------------------
# Only the Cgraphene atoms are immobile.
group mobile subtract all Cgraphene
# (Note: The "Cgraphene" group was defined in
# Unfortunately you can not use the LAMMPS "minimize" command on this system
# because there is no way to immobilize the carbon graphene & nanotube atoms
# during minimization. Instead, we can use langevin dynamics with a large
# damping parameter and a small timestep.
print "--------- beginning minimization (using fix langevin) ---------"
timestep 0.1
fix fxlan mobile langevin 1.0 1.0 100.0 48279
fix fxnve mobile nve # <-- needed by fix langevin (see lammps documentation)
thermo 100
run 2500
unfix fxlan
unfix fxnve
# -- simulation protocol --
print "--------- beginning simulation (using fix nvt) ---------"
timestep 0.25
dump 1 all custom 1000 traj_npt.lammpstrj id mol type x y z ix iy iz
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press vol epair ebond eangle edihed
thermo 1000 # time interval for printing out "thermo" data
# ------------------------- NPT ---------------------------
# Set temp=300K, pressure=100bar, and equilibrate volume only in the z direction
fix fxMoveStuff mobile npt temp 300 300 100 z 100 100 1000.0 dilate mobile
# ------ QUESTIONABLE (see below): ------
fix Ffreezestuff Cgraphene rigid/npt single temp 300 300 100 z 100 100 1000.0 force * off off off torque * off off off dilate mobile
# -- Alternate npt rigid method --
# I'm not sure which way is more correct, however
# this also seems to behave in a reasonable-looking way:
#fix Ffreezestuff Cgraphene rigid single force * off off off torque * off off off
# The use of either "fix rigid" or "fix rigid/npt" to immobilize
# an object is somewhat controversial. Feel free to omit it.
#(Neither Trung or Steve Plimpton use rigid or rigid/npt for immobilizing
#molecules, but I noticed that at NPT, it does a better job of maintaining
# the correct volume. However "fix rigid" has changed since then (2011),
# so this may no longer be true. Please use this example with caution.)
# ----------------------------------------
# IMPORTANT for NPT: You must use "neigh_modify" to turn off calculation of the
# forces between immobilized atoms.
neigh_modify exclude group Cgraphene Cgraphene
# The next two lines recalculate the temperature
# using only the mobile degrees of freedom:
compute tempMobile mobile temp
compute pressMobile all pressure tempMobile
thermo_style custom step c_tempMobile c_pressMobile temp press vol
fix_modify fxMoveStuff temp tempMobile
run 100000
# (The "write_restart" and "read_restart" commands were buggy in 2012,
# but they should work also.)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create the coordinates of the atoms using PACKMOL
cd packmol_files

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ write_once("In Init") {
write_once("Data Boundary") {
0.0 36.0 xlo xhi
0.0 36.0 ylo yhi
0.0 36.0 zlo zhi
-18.0 18.0 zlo zhi

View File

@ -1,70 +1,120 @@
# -- Init Section --
# (This simulation may fail.
# However the "" example in this directory should work.)
# Requirements:
# To run this system at constant pressure, it might help to compile LAMMPS with
# the optional RIGID package, and use "fix rigid" on the carbon. (Optional.)
# The use of fix rigid is controversial. This method is demonstrated below.
# ------------------------------- Initialization Section --------------------
# -- Atom Definition Section --
# ------------------------------- Atom Definition Section -------------------
# -- Settings Section --
# ------------------------------- Settings Section --------------------------
# -- Run Section --
# ------------------------------- Run Section -------------------------------
timestep 1.0
dump 1 all custom 500 traj_npt.lammpstrj id mol type x y z ix iy iz
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press vol epair ebond eangle edihed
thermo 500 # time interval for printing out "thermo" data
velocity groupB zero angular
velocity groupB zero linear
# (I'm not sure if the two lines above are necessary, but they don't hurt.)
# Only the groupB atoms are immobile.
group mobile subtract all groupB
# Unfortunately you can not use the LAMMPS "minimize" command on this system
# because there is no way to immobilize the wall atoms during minimization.
# Instead, we can use langevin dynamics with a fast
# damping parameter and a small timestep.
print "--------- beginning minimization (using fix langevin) ---------"
timestep 0.1
fix fxlan mobile langevin 1.0 1.0 100.0 48279
fix fxnve mobile nve # <-- needed by fix langevin (see lammps documentation)
thermo 100
run 2500
unfix fxlan
unfix fxnve
# -- simulation protocol --
print "--------- beginning simulation (using fix nvt) ---------"
dump 1 all custom 1000 traj_npt.lammpstrj id mol type x y z ix iy iz
thermo_style custom step temp pe etotal press vol epair ebond eangle edihed
thermo 200 # time interval for printing out "thermo" data
# ------------------------- NPT ---------------------------
# Set temp=300K, pressure=500bar, and equilibrate volume only in the z direction
fix fMoveStuff mobile npt temp 300 300 100 z 500 500 1000.0 dilate mobile
# ------ QUESTIONABLE (see below): ------
fix Ffreezestuff groupB rigid/npt single temp 300 300 100 z 500 500 1000.0 force * off off off torque * off off off dilate mobile
fix Ffreezestuff groupB rigid single force * off off off torque * off off off
# Comment:
# The use of "fix rigid" to immobilize an object is somewhat controversial.
# Feel free to omit it.
# (Neither Trung or Steve Plimpton use fix rigid for immobilizing
# molecules, but I noticed that at NPT, it does a better job of maintaining
# the correct volume. However "fix rigid" has changed since then (2011),
# so this may no longer be true. Please use this example with caution.)
# Thermostat+Barostat
# Set temp=300K, pressure=200bar, and equilibrate volume only in the z direction
fix fxMoveStuff mobile npt temp 300 300 100 z 200 200 1000.0 dilate mobile drag 2.0
# -- Alternate npt rigid method --
# I'm not sure which way is more correct, however
# this also seems to behave in a reasonable-looking way:
#fix Ffreezestuff groupB rigid single force * off off off torque * off off off dilate mobile
# The use of either "fix rigid" or "fix rigid/npt" to immobilize
# an object is somewhat controversial. Feel free to omit it.
#(Neither Trung or Steve Plimpton use rigid or rigid/npt for immobilizing
#molecules, but I noticed that at NPT, it does a better job of maintaining
# the correct volume. However "fix rigid" has changed since then (2011),
# so this may no longer be true. Please use this example with caution.)
# ----------------------------------------
# IMPORTANT for NPT: You must use "neigh_modify" to turn off calculation of the
# forces between immobilized atoms.
neigh_modify exclude group groupB groupB
# The next two lines recalculate the temperature
# using only the mobile degrees of freedom:
# The next two lines recalculate the temperature using
# only the mobile degrees of freedom (ie. water atom velocities):
compute tempMobile mobile temp
compute pressMobile all pressure tempMobile
thermo_style custom step c_tempMobile c_pressMobile temp press vol
fix_modify fMoveStuff temp tempMobile
fix_modify fxMoveStuff temp tempMobile
reset_timestep 0
timestep 0.5
run 100000
timestep 1.0
run 100000
run 60000
# (The "write_restart" and "read_restart" commands were buggy in 2012,
# but they should work also.)
# ----- Comment: Avoid using fix rigid/npt on large single rigid objects -----
# Use of the following is not recommended:
# fix Ffreezestuff groupB rigid/npt single temp 300 300 100 z 200 200 1000.0 force * off off off torque * off off off dilate mobile
# (temp=300K, pressure=200bar, and equilibrate volume only in the z direction)
# In my experience, the system becomes unstable when applying "fix rigid/npt"
# to the immobile atoms, while also applying "fix npt" on the solvent atoms.
# (It is probably a bad idea to use two barostats simultaneously.)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ read_data
# Use "neigh_modify" to turn off calculation of interactions between immobilized
# atoms. (Note: The "groupB" group was defined in the file "system.insettings")
neigh_modify exclude group groupB groupB
# -- Run Section --

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
This example shows how to build a box of benzene molecules using the
AMBER/GAFF force-field.
step 1)
To build the files which LAMMPS needs, follow the instructions in:
step 2)
To run LAMMPS with these files, follow these instructions:

View File

@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import ""
# From "":
# The "" file is usually located in "src/moltemplate_force_fields".
# Excerpt:
# @atom:ca # Sp2 C in pure aromatic systems
# @atom:ha # H bonded to aromatic carbon

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
This example shows how to simulate a mixture of ethylene and benzene
using the AMBER/GAFF force field.
As of 2016-11-21, this code has not been tested for accuracy.
(See the WARNING.TXT file.)
step 1)
To build the files which LAMMPS needs, follow the instructions in:
step 2)
To run LAMMPS with these files, follow these instructions:

View File

@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import ""
# The "" file is usually located in $MOLTEMPLATE_PATH (and is
# distributed with moltemplate. See the "Installation" section in the manual.)
# The "" file is usually located in "src/moltemplate_force_fields".
# It contains definitions of the atoms "ca", "ha", as well as the bonded
# and non-bonded interactions between them (and many other atoms).

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import ""
# The "" file is usually located in $MOLTEMPLATE_PATH (and is
# distributed with moltemplate. See the "Installation" section in the manual.)
# The "" file is usually located in "src/moltemplate_force_fields".
# It contains definitions of the atoms "c2", "hc", as well as the bonded
# and non-bonded interactions between them (and many other atoms).

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Both examples use the same force-field parameters.
In this version, the force-field parameters are loaded from the "" file
(located in the "common" subdirectory).
(located in the "src/moltemplate_force_fields/" subdirectory).
This frees the user from the drudgery of manually specifying all of these
force-field details for every molecule. (However, the user must be careful
to choose @atom-type names which match AMBER GAFF conventions,

View File

@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files

View File

@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
This is an example of how to use "canned" force-fields in like GAFF in LAMMPS.
In this example, we specify only the atom names, bond connectivity,
(and coordinates and charge), and use moltemplate to
load the GAFF parameters from an external file (
(...instead of specifying them explicitly in the molecule definition).
The simulation consists of a mixture of isobutane and water.
Over time (less than 1 ns), the two molecules phase-separate.
The GAFF parameters are applied only to the isobutane molecule.
(The water molecule paramters are defined explicitly in common/
For this to work, make sure you have defined the MOLTEMPLATE_PATH
environment variable and set it to "common". See manual for more details.)
(The water molecule paramters are defined explicitly in
AS OF 2014-4-19, these features have not been tested.
@ -33,13 +26,10 @@ NOTE: The GAFF force-field DOES NOT ASSIGN ATOM CHARGE.
-------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
1) This example requires building LAMMPS with the "USER-MISC" package.
(because it makes use of "" which uses dihedral_style fourier)
To do this, type "make yes-user-misc" before compiling LAMMPS.
2) You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
(See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
This example requires building LAMMPS with the "USER-MISC" package.
(because it makes use of "" which uses dihedral_style fourier)
To do this, type "make yes-user-misc" before compiling LAMMPS.
More detailed instructions on how to build LAMMPS input files and
run a short simulation are provided in other README files.

View File

@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# You must define your MOLTEMPLATE_PATH environment variable
# and set it to the "common" subdirectory of your moltemplate distribution.
# (See the "Installation" section in the moltemplate manual.)
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import ""
# The "" file is usually located in $MOLTEMPLATE_PATH (and is
# distributed with moltemplate. See the "Installation" section in the manual.)
# The "" file is usually located in "src/moltemplate_force_fields".
# It contains definitions of the atoms "c3", "h1", as well as the bonded
# and non-bonded interactions between them (and many other atoms).

View File

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
import ""
# <- This defines the TIP3P water molecule. This file is
# located in the "common" directory. You can either copy it
# here, or (preferably), you can define a MOLTEMPLATE_PATH
# environment variable and point it to "common".
# (as explained in the installation section of the manual).
# located in the "src/moltemplate_force_fields" directory.
import "" # <- defines the "Isobutane" molecule type.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# -------- WARNING: --------
This directory contains some examples of all-atom simulations using the OPLSAA
force field, prepared using Jason Lambert's conversion
tool, and moltemplate.
force field.
This software is experimental, and the force-fields and equilbration protocols
have not been tested carefully by me. There is no gaurantee that simulations

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
This example is a simple simulation of a long alkane chain,
in a vacuum at room temperature using the OPLSAA force field.
NOTE: This particular example uses the OPLSAA force-field
However, moltemplate is not limited to OPLSAA.
1) Create the "", "", and ""
files which LAMMPS will read by running:
2) Run LAMMPS in this order:
lmp_mpi -i # minimize the energy (to avoid atom overlap) before...
lmp_mpi -i # running the simulation at constant temperature
(The name of the LAMMPS executable, eg "lmp_mpi", may vary.)
---- Details ----
The "Alkane50" molecule, as well as the "CH2", and "CH3" monomers it contains
use the OPLSAA force-field. This means that when we define these molecules,
we only specify the atom names, bond list, and coordinates.
We do not have to list the atom charges, angles, dihedrals, or impropers.
The rules for creating atomic charge and angle topology are contained in
the "" file created by step 3) above. The "",
"", and "" files all refer to "",
(as well as the "OPLSAA" force-field object which it defines). Excerpt:
import ""
CH2 inherits OPLSAA { ...
CH3 inherits OPLSAA { ...
Alkane50 inherits OPLSAA { ...
Alternatively, you can manually define a list of angles, dihedrals, and
improper interactions in these files, instead of asking the force-field
to generate them for you. You can also specify some of the angles and
dihedrals explicitly, and let the force-field handle the rest.
(Many of the examples which come with moltemplate do this.)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# --- Running LAMMPS ---
# The 2 files "", and "" are LAMMPS
# input scripts which link to the input scripts and data files
# you hopefully have created earlier with
# If not, carry out the instructions in "".
# -- Instructions: --
# If "lmp_mpi" is the name of the command you use to invoke lammps,
# then you would run lammps on these files this way:
lmp_mpi -i # minimization
lmp_mpi -i # minimization and simulation at constant volume
#(Note: The constant volume simulation lacks pressure equilibration. These are
# completely separate simulations. The results of the constant pressure
# simulation might be ignored when beginning the simulation at constant
# volume. (This is because restart files in LAMMPS don't always work,
# and I was spending a lot of time trying to convince people it was a
# LAMMPS bug, instead of a moltemplate bug, so I disabled restart files.)
# Read the "" file to find out how to use the "read_restart"
# command to load the results of the pressure-equilibration simulation,
# before beginning a constant-volume run.
# If you have compiled the MPI version of lammps, you can run lammps in parallel
#mpirun -np 4 lmp_mpi -i
#mpirun -np 4 lmp_mpi -i
# (assuming you have 4 processors available)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# run moltemplate
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
cd ../
# Optional:
# Note: The and files contain extra information
# for atoms defined in OPLSAA which you are not using in this simulation. This
# is harmless, but if you to delete this information from your
# and files, follow the instructions in
# this script: "optional_cleanup/"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# This file contains a definition for the "CH2" molecular subunit.
# First, load the OPLS force field parameters we will need.
# These 2 files are located in the "src/moltemplate_force_fields/" subdirectory:
import "" # <-- defines the standard "OPLSAA" force field
import "" # <-- custom parameters for long alkane chains taken from
# Sui et al. J.Chem.Theory.Comp (2012), 8, 1459
# To use the ordinary OPLSAA force field parameters,
# (instead of the Sui et al. parameters), change the
# atom types below from "@atom:81L","@atom:85LCH2" to
# "@atom:81" and "@atom:85" (defined in "")
# Then define "CH2":
CH2 inherits OPLSAA {
# atom-id mol-id atom-type charge x y z
write("Data Atoms") {
$atom:C $mol:... @atom:81L 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$atom:H1 $mol:... @atom:85LCH2 0.0 0.000000 0.631044 0.892431
$atom:H2 $mol:... @atom:85LCH2 0.0 0.000000 0.631044 -0.892431
write('Data Bond List') {
$bond:CH1 $atom:C $atom:H1
$bond:CH2 $atom:C $atom:H2
# Atom type numbers (@atom:80L,@atom:85LCH3) are defined in "",
# which is usually located in the "src/moltemplate_force_fields/" subdirectory
# @atom:80L "Alkane CH3- (LOPLS CT_CH3)"
# @atom:81L "Alkane -CH2- (LOPLS CT_CH2)"
# @atom:85LCH3 "Alkane H-C CH3 (LOPLS HC_CH3)"
# @atom:85LCH2 "Alkane H-C CH2 (LOPLS HC_CH2)"
# In this example, atomic charges are generated by atom type (according to the
# rules in, and can be omitted. Just leave them as "0.00" for now.
# The "..." in "$mol:..." tells moltemplate that this molecule may be part
# of a larger molecule, and (if so) to use the larger parent object's
# molecule id number as it's own.
} # CH2
# Optional: Shift all the coordinates in the +Y direction by 0.4431163.
# This way, the carbon atom is no longer located at 0,0,0, but the
# axis of an alkane chain containing this monomer is at 0,0,0.
# (This makes it more convenient to construct a polymer later.
# If this is confusing, then simply add 0.4431163 to the Y
# coordinates in the "Data Atoms" section above.)
######### (scratchwork calculations for the atomic coordinates) #########
# Lcc = 1.5350 # length of the C-C bond (Sp3)
# Lch = 1.0930 # length of the C-H bond
# theta=2*atan(sqrt(2)) # ~= 109.5 degrees = tetrahedronal angle (C-C-C angle)
# DeltaXc = Lcc*sin(theta/2) # = 1.2533222517240594
# DeltaYc = Lcc*cos(theta/2) # = 0.8862326632060754
# # 0.5*DeltaYc = 0.4431163
# DeltaZh = Lch*sin(theta/2) # = 0.892431
# DeltaYh = Lch*cos(theta/2) # = 0.631044

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
# This file contains a definition for the "CH3" molecular subunit.
# First, load the OPLS force field parameters we will need.
# These 2 files are located in the "src/moltemplate_force_fields/" subdirectory:
import "" # <-- defines the standard "OPLSAA" force field
import "" # <-- custom parameters for long alkane chains taken from
# Sui et al. J.Chem.Theory.Comp (2012), 8, 1459
# To use the ordinary OPLSAA force field parameters,
# (instead of the Sui et al. parameters), change the
# atom types below from "@atom:80L","@atom:85LCH3" to
# "@atom:80" and "@atom:85" (defined in "")
# Then define "CH3":
CH3 inherits OPLSAA {
# atom-id mol-id atom-type charge x y z
write("Data Atoms") {
$atom:C $mol:... @atom:80L 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$atom:H1 $mol:... @atom:85LCH3 0.0 0.000000 0.631044 0.892431
$atom:H2 $mol:... @atom:85LCH3 0.0 0.000000 0.631044 -0.892431
$atom:H3 $mol:... @atom:85LCH3 0.0 -0.892431 -0.631044 0.000000
write('Data Bond List') {
$bond:CH1 $atom:C $atom:H1
$bond:CH2 $atom:C $atom:H2
$bond:CH3 $atom:C $atom:H3
# Atom type numbers (@atom:80L,@atom:85LCH3) are defined in "",
# @atom:80L "Alkane CH3- (LOPLS CT_CH3)"
# @atom:81L "Alkane -CH2- (LOPLS CT_CH2)"
# @atom:85LCH3 "Alkane H-C CH3 (LOPLS HC_CH3)"
# @atom:85LCH2 "Alkane H-C CH2 (LOPLS HC_CH2)"
# In this example, atomic charges are generated by atom type (according to the
# rules in, and can be omitted. Just leave them as "0.00" for now.
# The "..." in "$mol:..." tells moltemplate that this molecule may be part
# of a larger molecule, and (if so) to use the larger parent object's
# molecule id number as it's own.
} # CH3
# Optional: Shift all the coordinates in the +Y direction by 0.4431163.
# This way, the carbon atom is no longer located at 0,0,0, but the
# axis of an alkane chain containing this monomer is at 0,0,0.
# (This makes it more convenient to construct a polymer later.
# If this is confusing, then simply add 0.4431163 to the Y
# coordinates in the "Data Atoms" section above.)
######### (scratchwork calculations for the atomic coordinates) #########
# Lcc = 1.5350 # length of the C-C bond (Sp3)
# Lch = 1.0930 # length of the C-H bond
# theta=2*atan(sqrt(2)) # ~= 109.5 degrees = tetrahedronal angle (C-C-C angle)
# DeltaXc = Lcc*sin(theta/2) # = 1.2533222517240594
# DeltaYc = Lcc*cos(theta/2) # = 0.8862326632060754
# # 0.5*DeltaYc = 0.4431163
# DeltaZh = Lch*sin(theta/2) # = 0.892431
# DeltaYh = Lch*cos(theta/2) # = 0.631044

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
This is an example of how to use the OPLSAA force-field in LAMMPS
(using and Jason Lambert's conversion tool)
As of 2014-12-19, this code has not been tested for accuracy.
As of 2016-11-21, this code has not been tested for accuracy.
(See the WARNING.TXT file.)
step 1)

View File

@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
# --- Running LAMMPS ---
# -------- REQUIREMENTS: ---------
# 1) This example requires building LAMMPS with the "USER-MISC" package.
# (because it makes use of "" which uses dihedral_style fourier)
# To do this, type "make yes-user-misc" before compiling LAMMPS.
# -------- PREREQUISITES: --------
# The 2 files "", and "" are LAMMPS
# input scripts which link to the input scripts and data files
# you hopefully have created earlier with

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Create LAMMPS input files this way:
cd moltemplate_files
# run moltemplate
# This will generate various files with names ending in *.in* and *.data.
# Move them to the directory where you plan to run LAMMPS (in this case "../")
mv -f* ../
# Optional:
# The "./output_ttree/" directory is full of temporary files generated by
# moltemplate. They can be useful for debugging, but are usually thrown away.
rm -rf output_ttree/
cd ../
# Optional:
# Note: The and files contain extra information
# for atoms defined in OPLSAA which you are not using in this simulation. This
# is harmless, but if you to delete this information from your
# and files, follow the instructions in
# this script: "optional_cleanup/"

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