git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa

This commit is contained in:
sjplimp 2006-09-27 19:51:49 +00:00
parent 222c95507e
commit 60c7f745b9
119 changed files with 132239 additions and 0 deletions

tools/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Makefile for serial tools
# Targets
$(MAKE) binary2txt replicate restart2data chain micelle2d data2xmovie
binary2txt: binary2txt.o
g++ -g binary2txt.o -o binary2txt
replicate: replicate.o
g++ -g replicate.o -o replicate
restart2data: restart2data.o
g++ -g restart2data.o -o restart2data
chain: chain.o
ifort chain.o -o chain
micelle2d: micelle2d.o
ifort micelle2d.o -o micelle2d
data2xmovie: data2xmovie.o
g++ -g data2xmovie.o -o data2xmovie
rm binary2txt replicate restart2data chain micelle2d data2xmovie
rm *.o
# Rules
g++ -g -c $<
gcc -g -c $<
ifort -O -w -c $<

tools/README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
LAMMPS pre- and post-processing tools
This directory contains several stand-alone tools for creating LAMMPS
input files and massaging LAMMPS output data. Instructions on how to
use the tools are discussed in the Tools section of the LAMMPS
documentation. The source files in this directory have additional
comments that may be useful at the top of the code. The packages that
reside in their own sub-directories have README files of their own
that you want to look at.
You will need to compile each of these tools if you wish to use them.
Building LAMMPS itself (in the src dir) does not build these tools.
These are the included tools:
binary2txt convert a LAMMPS dump file from binary to ASCII text
replicate replicate a LAMMPS data file in one or more dimensions
restart2data convert a binary restart file to an input data file
data2xmovie convert a data file to a snapshot that xmovie can viz
chain create a data file of bead-spring chains
micelle2d create a data file of small lipid chains in solvent
xmovie a quick/simple viz package that displays 2d projections
of 3d LAMMPS snapshots
amber2lammps python scripts for using AMBER to setup LAMMPS input
ch2lmp convert CHARMM files to LAMMPS input
lmp2arc convert LAMMPS output to Accelrys Insight format
for analysis
lmp2cfg convert LAMMPS output to CFG files that can be
read by AtomEye visualizer
lmp2traj convert LAMMPS output to contour, density profiles
msi2lmp use the Accelrys Insight (nee MSI/Biosym Discover)
code to setup LAMMPS input
The set of tools are single C, C++, or Fortran files. A Makefile for
building them is included in this directory, but you will have to edit
it for the compilers and paths on your system.
The other tools are in their own sub-directories, and each has its own
README file on how to build and use it.

tools/amber2lmp/README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
These Python scripts were written originally by Keir Novik, but he can
no longer support them. See some documentation at the top of the
files - they are supposed to be fairly self-explanatory. converts AMBER files into LAMMPS input format converts LAMMPS dump files into AMBER format same as dump2trj for LAMMPS 99 format
Modifications in file, by Vikas Varshney
Dated July 5, 2005
Email address :
Lines 222-226: Undid the shifting of the atoms in the periodic
box. LAMMPS is going to take care of it by image atoms. Make sure that
when you dump the coordinates by LAMMPS to view in VMD, print them in
the format mentioned in the section later.
Lines 378-391: Added an if statement to see whether .crd or .top file
is being read. This if statement helps in assigning the title if the
title is not present in the files.
Line 394: Added an if statement, not to read lines which start with
% in the topology file.
Lines 430-432: Changed if statement condition to read the current
simulation time from .crd file. I put the remainder condition
instead of equal to condition. The simulation time adds one value to
the length of the Item_list, so remainder condition can be applied
easily to see if simulation time data is present in the .crd file or
In general, the initial .crd files dont have simulation time
information while restart files do have them.
Some other minor additions:
I added few lines to print the names which are being read
currently. This helps in seeing current state of the programs which
are listed below
Lines 382, 389, 420, 428, 436, 490, 498, 550, 555, 560, 565, 570, 575,
580, 595, 600, 610, 615, 620, 631, 636, 648, 657, 666, 677, 688, 701,
720, 725, 730, 735, 740, 745, 750, 755, 767, 769, 771, 778, 785, 806,
821, 897.
Modifications in file, by Vikas Varshney
Dated July 5, 2005
Email address:
First, the atoms should be dumped in the following format.
dump group-ID custom N tag type xs ys zs ix iy iz
Lines 117-119: I modified the lines to get the actual co-ordinates
instead of box coordinates. If we dont do that and try to see the
file in vmd, we observe long bond lengths of the molecules whose one
part is on one side of periodic box and the other part is on other
side of periodic box.
Lines 239 & 244: Changed x to mdcrd.
Once you do that. Open the original topology file in VMD (with parm7)
and then mdcrd file (crdbox) to see the time evaluation of the
Example input script, by Paul Crozier
1 Sept 2005
Here is an example of a typical LAMMPS input script for use with
a data file built by
units real
neigh_modify delay 5 every 1
atom_style full
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
dihedral_style harmonic
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10.0
pair_modify mix arithmetic
kspace_style pppm 1e-4
read_data data.yourdata
fix 1 all nve
special_bonds amber
thermo 1
thermo_style multi
timestep 0.5
run 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
# This is amber2lammps, a program written by Keir E. Novik to convert
# Amber files to Lammps files.
# Copyright 1999, 2000 Keir E. Novik; all rights reserved.
# Modified by Vikas Varshney, U Akron, 5 July 2005, as described in README
def Pop(S, I=-1):
'Pop item I from list'
X = S[I]
del S[I]
return X
class Lammps:
def Dump(self):
'Write out contents of self (intended for debugging)'
Name_list = self.__dict__.keys()
for Name in Name_list:
print Name + ':', self.__dict__[Name]
def Write_data(self, Basename, Item_list):
'Write the Lammps data to file (used by Write_Lammps)'
import os, sys
Filename = 'data.' + Basename
Dir_list = os.listdir('.')
i = 1
while Filename in Dir_list:
Filename = 'data' + `i` + '.' + Basename
i = i +1
del i
print 'Writing', Filename + '...',
F = open(Filename, 'w')
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
print 'done.'
def Write_Lammps(self, Basename):
'Write the Lammps data file, ignoring blank sections'
import string
L = []
L.append('LAMMPS data file for ' + + '\n\n')
L.append(`self.atoms` + ' atoms\n')
L.append(`self.bonds` + ' bonds\n')
L.append(`self.angles` + ' angles\n')
L.append(`self.dihedrals` + ' dihedrals\n')
L.append(`self.impropers` + ' impropers\n\n')
L.append(`self.atom_types` + ' atom types\n')
if self.bonds > 0:
L.append(`self.bond_types` + ' bond types\n')
if self.angles > 0:
L.append(`self.angle_types` + ' angle types\n')
if self.dihedrals > 0:
L.append(`self.dihedral_types` + ' dihedral types\n')
L.append(`self.xlo` + ' ' + `self.xhi` + ' xlo xhi\n')
L.append(`self.ylo` + ' ' + `self.yhi` + ' ylo yhi\n')
L.append(`self.zlo` + ' ' + `self.zhi` + ' zlo zhi\n\n')
if self.atom_types != 0:
for i in range(self.atom_types):
L.append(`i+1` + ' ' + `self.Masses[i]` + '\n')
L.append('Pair Coeffs\n\n')
for i in range(self.atom_types):
for j in range(len(self.Nonbond_Coeffs[0])):
L.append(' ' + `self.Nonbond_Coeffs[i][j]`)
if self.bonds != 0 and self.bond_types != 0:
L.append('Bond Coeffs\n\n')
for i in range(self.bond_types):
for j in range(len(self.Bond_Coeffs[0])):
L.append(' ' + `self.Bond_Coeffs[i][j]`)
if self.angles != 0 and self.angle_types != 0:
L.append('Angle Coeffs\n\n')
for i in range(self.angle_types):
for j in range(len(self.Angle_Coeffs[0])):
L.append(' ' + `self.Angle_Coeffs[i][j]`)
if self.dihedrals != 0 and self.dihedral_types != 0:
L.append('Dihedral Coeffs\n\n')
for i in range(self.dihedral_types):
for j in range(len(self.Dihedral_Coeffs[0])):
L.append(' ' + `self.Dihedral_Coeffs[i][j]`)
if self.atoms != 0:
for i in range(self.atoms):
for j in range(len(self.Atoms[0])):
L.append(' ' + `self.Atoms[i][j]`)
if self.bonds != 0 and self.bond_types != 0:
for i in range(self.bonds):
for j in range(len(self.Bonds[0])):
L.append(' ' + `self.Bonds[i][j]`)
if self.angles != 0 and self.angle_types != 0:
for i in range(self.angles):
for j in range(len(self.Angles[0])):
L.append(' ' + `self.Angles[i][j]`)
if self.dihedrals != 0 and self.dihedral_types != 0:
for i in range(self.dihedrals):
for j in range(len(self.Dihedrals[0])):
L.append(' ' + `self.Dihedrals[i][j]`)
self.Write_data(Basename, L)
class Amber:
def __init__(self):
'Initialise the Amber class'
self.CRD_is_read = 0
self.TOP_is_read = 0
def Dump(self):
'Write out contents of self (intended for debugging)'
Name_list = self.__dict__.keys()
for Name in Name_list:
print Name + ':', self.__dict__[Name]
def Coerce_to_Lammps(self):
'Return the Amber data converted to Lammps format'
import math
if self.CRD_is_read and self.TOP_is_read:
l = Lammps()
print 'Converting...', = self.ITITL
l.atoms = self.NATOM
l.bonds = self.NBONH + self.MBONA
l.angles = self.NTHETH + self.MTHETA
l.dihedrals = self.NPHIH + self.MPHIA
l.impropers = 0
l.atom_types = self.NTYPES
l.bond_types = self.NUMBND
l.angle_types = self.NUMANG
l.dihedral_types = self.NPTRA
Shift = 0
if self.__dict__.has_key('BOX'):
l.xlo = 0.0
l.xhi = self.BOX[0]
l.ylo = 0.0
l.yhi = self.BOX[1]
l.zlo = 0.0
l.zhi = self.BOX[2]
if (l.xlo > min(self.X)) or (l.xhi < max(self.X)) or \
(l.ylo > min(self.Y)) or (l.yhi < max(self.Y)) or \
(l.zlo > min(self.Z)) or (l.zhi < max(self.Z)):
# Vikas Modification: Disabling Shifting. This means I am intend to send exact coordinates of each atom and let LAMMPS
# take care of imaging into periodic image cells. If one wants to shift all atoms in the periodic box,
# please uncomment the below 2 lines.
print '(warning: Currently not shifting the atoms to the periodic box)'
#Shift = 1
print '(warning: Guessing at periodic box!)',
l.xlo = min(self.X)
l.xhi = max(self.X)
l.ylo = min(self.Y)
l.yhi = max(self.Y)
l.zlo = min(self.Z)
l.zhi = max(self.Z)
# This doesn't check duplicate values
l.Masses = []
for i in range(l.atom_types):
for i in range(self.NATOM):
l.Masses[self.IAC[i] - 1] = self.AMASS[i]
l.Nonbond_Coeffs = []
for i in range(self.NTYPES):
for i in range(self.NTYPES):
j = self.ICO[i * (self.NTYPES + 1)] - 1
if self.CN1[j] == 0.0:
l.Nonbond_Coeffs[i][0] = 0.0
l.Nonbond_Coeffs[i][0] = \
0.25 * (self.CN2[j])**2 / self.CN1[j]
if self.CN2[j] == 0.0:
l.Nonbond_Coeffs[i][1] = 0.0
l.Nonbond_Coeffs[i][1] = \
(self.CN1[j] / self.CN2[j])**(1.0/6.0)
l.Bond_Coeffs = []
for i in range(self.NUMBND):
for i in range(self.NUMBND):
l.Bond_Coeffs[i][0] = self.RK[i]
l.Bond_Coeffs[i][1] = self.REQ[i]
l.Angle_Coeffs = []
for i in range(self.NUMANG):
for i in range(self.NUMANG):
l.Angle_Coeffs[i][0] = self.TK[i]
l.Angle_Coeffs[i][1] = (180/math.pi) * self.TEQ[i]
l.Dihedral_Coeffs = []
for i in range(self.NPTRA):
for i in range(self.NPTRA):
l.Dihedral_Coeffs[i][0] = self.PK[i]
if self.PHASE[i] == 0:
l.Dihedral_Coeffs[i][1] = 1
l.Dihedral_Coeffs[i][1] = -1
l.Dihedral_Coeffs[i][2] = self.PN[i]
l.Atoms = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
x = self.X[i]
y = self.Y[i]
z = self.Z[i]
if Shift:
while x < l.xlo:
x = x + self.BOX[0]
while x > l.xhi:
x = x - self.BOX[0]
while y < l.ylo:
y = y + self.BOX[1]
while y > l.yhi:
y = y - self.BOX[1]
while z < l.zlo:
z = z + self.BOX[2]
while z > l.zhi:
z = z - self.BOX[2]
l.Atoms.append([0, self.IAC[i], self.CHRG[i]/18.2223, \
x, y, z])
l.Bonds = []
for i in range(l.bonds):
for i in range(self.NBONH):
l.Bonds[i][0] = self.ICBH[i]
l.Bonds[i][1] = abs(self.IBH[i])/3 + 1
l.Bonds[i][2] = abs(self.JBH[i])/3 + 1
for i in range(self.NBONA):
l.Bonds[self.NBONH + i][0] = self.ICB[i]
l.Bonds[self.NBONH + i][1] = abs(self.IB[i])/3 + 1
l.Bonds[self.NBONH + i][2] = abs(self.JB[i])/3 + 1
l.Angles = []
for i in range(l.angles):
for i in range(self.NTHETH):
l.Angles[i][0] = self.ICTH[i]
l.Angles[i][1] = abs(self.ITH[i])/3 + 1
l.Angles[i][2] = abs(self.JTH[i])/3 + 1
l.Angles[i][3] = abs(self.KTH[i])/3 + 1
for i in range(self.NTHETA):
l.Angles[self.NTHETH + i][0] = self.ICT[i]
l.Angles[self.NTHETH + i][1] = abs(self.IT[i])/3 + 1
l.Angles[self.NTHETH + i][2] = abs(self.JT[i])/3 + 1
l.Angles[self.NTHETH + i][3] = abs(self.KT[i])/3 + 1
l.Dihedrals = []
for i in range(l.dihedrals):
for i in range(self.NPHIH):
l.Dihedrals[i][0] = self.ICPH[i]
l.Dihedrals[i][1] = abs(self.IPH[i])/3 + 1
l.Dihedrals[i][2] = abs(self.JPH[i])/3 + 1
l.Dihedrals[i][3] = abs(self.KPH[i])/3 + 1
l.Dihedrals[i][4] = abs(self.LPH[i])/3 + 1
for i in range(self.NPHIA):
l.Dihedrals[self.NPHIH + i][0] = self.ICP[i]
l.Dihedrals[self.NPHIH + i][1] = abs(self.IP[i])/3 + 1
l.Dihedrals[self.NPHIH + i][2] = abs(self.JP[i])/3 + 1
l.Dihedrals[self.NPHIH + i][3] = abs(self.KP[i])/3 + 1
l.Dihedrals[self.NPHIH + i][4] = abs(self.LP[i])/3 + 1
print 'done.'
return l
print '(Error: Not all the Amber data has been read!)'
def Read_data(self, Filename):
'Read the filename, returning a list of strings'
import string, sys
print 'Reading', Filename + '...',
F = open(Filename)
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
Lines = F.readlines()
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
# If the first line is empty, use the Basename
if Filename[-4:] == '.crd':
if string.split(Lines[0]) == []: # This line corresponds to TITLE name in CRD file
Basename = Filename[:string.find(Filename, '.')]
Item_list = [Basename]
print 'Warning: Title not present... Assigning Basename as Title'
Item_list = []
if string.split(Lines[3]) == []: # This line corresponds to TITLE name in TOPOLOGY file
Basename = Filename[:string.find(Filename, '.')]
Item_list = [Basename]
print 'Warning: Title not present... Assigning Basename as Title'
Item_list = []
for Line in Lines:
if Line[0]!='%': #Vikas' Modification: This condition ignores all the lines starting with % in the topology file.
return Item_list
def Read_CRD(self, Basename):
'Read the Amber coordinate/restart (.crd) file'
# The optional velocities and periodic box size are not yet parsed.
Item_list = self.Read_data(Basename + '.crd')
if Item_list == None:
elif len(Item_list) < 2:
print '(error: File too short!)'
# Parse the data
if self.__dict__.has_key('ITITL'):
if Pop(Item_list,0) != self.ITITL:
print '(warning: ITITL differs!)',
self.ITITL = Pop(Item_list,0)
print self.ITITL #Vikas Modification : Priting the Title
if self.__dict__.has_key('NATOM'):
if eval(Pop(Item_list,0)) != self.NATOM:
print '(error: NATOM differs!)'
self.NATOM = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
print self.NATOM # Vikas' Modification: Printing number of atoms just to make sure that the program is reading the correct value.
#if len(Item_list) == 1 + 3 * self.NATOM:
# Vikas' Modification: I changed the condition.
if (len(Item_list)%3) != 0:
self.TIME = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.TIME = 0
print self.TIME # Vikas' Modification : Printing simulation time, just to make sure that the program is readint the correct value.
if len(Item_list) < 3 * self.NATOM:
print '(error: File too short!)'
self.X = []
self.Y = []
self.Z = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
if (self.NATOM == 1) and len(Item_list):
print '(warning: Ambiguity!)',
if len(Item_list) >= 3 * self.NATOM:
self.VX = []
self.VY = []
self.VZ = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
if len(Item_list) >= 3:
self.BOX = []
for i in range(3):
if len(Item_list):
print '(warning: File too large!)',
print 'done.'
self.CRD_is_read = 1
def Read_TOP(self, Basename):
'Read the Amber parameter/topology (.top) file'
Item_list = self.Read_data(Basename + '.top')
if Item_list == None:
elif len(Item_list) < 31:
print '(error: File too short!)'
# Parse the data
if self.__dict__.has_key('ITITL'):
if Pop(Item_list,0) != self.ITITL:
print '(warning: ITITL differs!)'
self.ITITL = Pop(Item_list,0)
print self.ITITL # Printing Self Title
if self.__dict__.has_key('NATOM'):
if eval(Pop(Item_list,0)) != self.NATOM:
print '(error: NATOM differs!)'
self.NATOM = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
print self.NATOM # Printing total number of atoms just to make sure that thing are going right
self.NTYPES = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NBONH = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.MBONA = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NTHETH = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.MTHETA = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NPHIH = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.MPHIA = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NHPARM = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NPARM = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NEXT = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NRES = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NBONA = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NTHETA = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NPHIA = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NUMBND = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NUMANG = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NPTRA = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NATYP = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NPHB = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.IFPERT = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NBPER = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NGPER = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NDPER = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.MBPER = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.MGPER = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.MDPER = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.IFBOX = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.NMXRS = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.IFCAP = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
if len(Item_list) < 5 * self.NATOM + self.NTYPES**2 + \
2*(self.NRES + self.NUMBND + self.NUMANG) + \
3*self.NPTRA + self.NATYP:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
self.IGRAPH = []
# A little kludge is needed here, since the IGRAPH strings are
# not separated by spaces if 4 characters in length.
for i in range(self.NATOM):
if len(Item_list[0]) > 4:
Item_list.insert(1, Item_list[0][4:])
Item_list.insert(1, Item_list[0][0:4])
del Item_list[0]
# Vikas' Modification : In the following section, I am printing out each quantity which is currently being read from the topology file.
print 'Reading Charges...'
self.CHRG = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
print 'Reading Atomic Masses...'
self.AMASS = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
print 'Reading Atom Types...'
self.IAC = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
print 'Reading Excluded Atoms...'
self.NUMEX = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
print 'Reading Non-bonded Parameter Index...'
self.ICO = []
for i in range(self.NTYPES**2):
print 'Reading Residue Labels...'
self.LABRES = []
for i in range(self.NRES):
print 'Reading Residues Starting Pointers...'
self.IPRES = []
for i in range(self.NRES):
print 'Reading Bond Force Constants...'
self.RK = []
for i in range(self.NUMBND):
print 'Reading Equilibrium Bond Values...'
self.REQ = []
for i in range(self.NUMBND):
print 'Reading Angle Force Constants...'
self.TK = []
for i in range(self.NUMANG):
print 'Reading Equilibrium Angle Values...'
self.TEQ = []
for i in range(self.NUMANG):
print 'Reading Dihedral Force Constants...'
self.PK = []
for i in range(self.NPTRA):
print 'Reading Dihedral Periodicity...'
self.PN = []
for i in range(self.NPTRA):
print 'Reading Dihedral Phase...'
self.PHASE = []
for i in range(self.NPTRA):
print 'Reading Solty...' #I think this is currently not used in AMBER. Check it out, though
self.SOLTY = []
for i in range(self.NATYP):
if len(Item_list) < 2 * self.NTYPES * (self.NTYPES + 1) / 2:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
print 'Reading LJ A Coefficient...'
self.CN1 = []
for i in range(self.NTYPES * (self.NTYPES + 1) / 2):
print 'Reading LJ B Coefficient...'
self.CN2 = []
for i in range(self.NTYPES * (self.NTYPES + 1) / 2):
if len(Item_list) < 3 * (self.NBONH + self.NBONA) + \
4 * (self.NTHETH + self.NTHETA) + 5 * (self.NPHIH + self.NPHIA):
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
print 'Reading Bonds which include hydrogen...'
self.IBH = []
self.JBH = []
self.ICBH = []
for i in range(self.NBONH):
print 'Reading Bonds which dont include hydrogen...'
self.IB = []
self.JB = []
self.ICB = []
for i in range(self.NBONA):
print 'Reading Angles which include hydrogen...'
self.ITH = []
self.JTH = []
self.KTH = []
self.ICTH = []
for i in range(self.NTHETH):
print 'Reading Angles which dont include hydrogen...'
self.IT = []
self.JT = []
self.KT = []
self.ICT = []
for i in range(self.NTHETA):
print 'Reading Dihedrals which include hydrogen...'
self.IPH = []
self.JPH = []
self.KPH = []
self.LPH = []
self.ICPH = []
for i in range(self.NPHIH):
print 'Reading Dihedrals which dont include hydrogen...'
self.IP = []
self.JP = []
self.KP = []
self.LP = []
self.ICP = []
for i in range(self.NPHIA):
if len(Item_list) < self.NEXT + 3 * self.NPHB + 4 * self.NATOM:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
print 'Reading Excluded Atom List...'
self.NATEX = []
for i in range(self.NEXT):
print 'Reading H-Bond A Coefficient, corresponding to r**12 term for all possible types...'
self.ASOL = []
for i in range(self.NPHB):
print 'Reading H-Bond B Coefficient, corresponding to r**10 term for all possible types...'
self.BSOL = []
for i in range(self.NPHB):
print 'Reading H-Bond Cut...' # I think it is not being used nowadays
self.HBCUT = []
for i in range(self.NPHB):
print 'Reading Amber Atom Types for each atom...'
self.ISYMBL = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
print 'Reading Tree Chain Classification...'
self.ITREE = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
print 'Reading Join Array: Tree joining information' # Currently unused in Sander, an AMBER module
self.JOIN = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
print 'Reading IRotate...' # Currently unused in Sander and Gibbs
self.IROTAT = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
if self.IFBOX > 0:
if len(Item_list) < 3:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
print 'Reading final residue which is part of solute...'
self.IPTRES = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
print 'Reading total number of molecules...'
self.NSPM = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
print 'Reading first solvent moleule index...'
self.NSPSOL = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
if len(Item_list) < self.NSPM + 4:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
print 'Reading atom per molecule...'
self.NSP = []
for i in range(self.NSPM):
self.BETA = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
print 'Reading Box Dimensions...'
if self.__dict__.has_key('BOX'):
BOX = []
for i in range(3):
for i in range(3):
if BOX[i] != self.BOX[i]:
print '(warning: BOX differs!)',
del BOX
self.BOX = []
for i in range(3):
if self.IFCAP > 0:
if len(Item_list) < 5:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
print 'Reading ICAP variables::: For details, refer to online AMBER format manual'
self.NATCAP = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.CUTCAP = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.XCAP = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.YCAP = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
self.ZCAP = eval(Pop(Item_list,0))
if self.IFPERT > 0:
if len(Item_list) < 4 * self.NBPER + 5 * self.NGPER + \
6 * self.NDPER + self.NRES + 6 * self.NATOM:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
print 'Reading perturb variables, 1. Bond, 2. Angles, 3. Dihedrals, etc etc.::: For details, refer to online AMBER format manual'
self.IBPER = []
self.JBPER = []
for i in range(self.NBPER):
self.ICBPER = []
for i in range(2 * self.NBPER):
self.ITPER = []
self.JTPER = []
self.KTPER = []
for i in range(self.NGPER):
self.ICTPER = []
for i in range(2 * self.NGPER):
self.IPPER = []
self.JPPER = []
self.KPPER = []
self.LPPER = []
for i in range(self.NDPER):
self.ICPPER = []
for i in range(2 * self.NDPER):
for i in range(self.NRES):
for i in range(self.NRES):
if LABRES[i] != self.LABRES[i]:
print '(warning: BOX differs!)',
self.IGRPER = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
self.ISMPER = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
self.ALMPER = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
self.IAPER = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
self.IACPER = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
self.CGPER = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
self.IPOL = 0
if self.IPOL == 1:
if len(Item_list) < self.NATOM:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
print 'Reading Polarizability Data. For details, refer to online AMBER format manual'
self.ATPOL = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
if self.IFPERT == 1:
if len(Item_list) < self.NATOM:
print '(error: File too short!)'
return -1
self.ATPOL1 = []
for i in range(self.NATOM):
if len(Item_list):
print '(warning: File too large!)',
print 'done.'
self.TOP_is_read = 1
def Find_Amber_files():
'Look for sets of Amber files to process'
'''If not passed anything on the command line, look for pairs of
Amber files (.crd and .top) in the current directory. For
each set if there is no corresponding Lammps file (data.), or it is
older than any of the Amber files, add its basename to a list of
strings. This list is returned by the function'''
# Date and existence checks not yet implemented
import os, sys
Basename_list = []
# Extract basenames from command line
for Name in sys.argv[1:]:
if Name[-4:] == '.crd':
if Name[-4:] == '.top':
# Remove duplicate basenames
for Basename in Basename_list[:]:
while Basename_list.count(Basename) > 1:
if Basename_list == []:
print 'Looking for Amber files...',
Dir_list = os.listdir('.')
for File in Dir_list:
if File[-4:] == '.top':
Basename = File[:-4]
if (Basename + '.crd') in Dir_list:
if Basename_list != []:
print 'found',
for i in range(len(Basename_list)-1):
print Basename_list[i] + ',',
print Basename_list[-1] + '\n'
if Basename_list == []:
print 'none.\n'
return Basename_list
def Convert_Amber_files():
'Handle the whole conversion process'
print 'Welcome to amber2lammps, a program to convert Amber files to Lammps format!'
Basename_list = Find_Amber_files()
for Basename in Basename_list:
a = Amber()
if a.CRD_is_read:
if a.TOP_is_read:
l = a.Coerce_to_Lammps()
del l
del a

tools/amber2lmp/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
#! /usr/freeware/bin/python
# This is dump2trj, a program written by Keir E. Novik to convert
# Lammps position dump files to Amber trajectory files.
# Copyright 2000, 2001 Keir E. Novik; all rights reserved.
# Modified by Vikas Varshney, U Akron, 5 July 2005, as described in README
def Convert_files():
'Handle the whole conversion process'
print 'Welcome to dump2trj, a program to convert Lammps position dump files to\nAmber trajectory format!'
Basename_list = Find_dump_files()
for Basename in Basename_list:
t = Trajectory()
if t.Read_dump(Basename):
del t
def Find_dump_files():
'Look for sets of Lammps position dump files to process'
'''If passed something on the command line, treat it as a list of
files to process. Otherwise, look for *.dump in the current
import os, sys
Basename_list = []
# Extract basenames from command line
for Name in sys.argv[1:]:
if Name[-5:] == '.dump':
if Basename_list == []:
print 'Looking for Lammps dump files...',
Dir_list = os.listdir('.')
for Filename in Dir_list:
if Filename[-5:] == '.dump':
if Basename_list != []:
print 'found',
for i in range(len(Basename_list)-1):
print Basename_list[i] + ',',
print Basename_list[-1] + '\n'
if Basename_list == []:
print 'none.\n'
return Basename_list
class Snapshot:
def __init__(self, The_trajectory):
'Initialise the Snapshot class'
self.timestep = The_trajectory.timestep
self.atoms = The_trajectory.atoms
self.xlo = The_trajectory.xlo
self.xhi = The_trajectory.xhi
self.ylo = The_trajectory.ylo
self.yhi = The_trajectory.yhi
self.zlo = The_trajectory.zlo
self.zhi = The_trajectory.zhi
def Read_dump(self, Lines):
'Read a snapshot (timestep) from a Lammps position dump file'
'''Trajectory.Read_dump() will pass us only the lines we need.
self.Atom_list = Lines
def Write_trj(self, F):
'Write a snapshot (timestep) to an Amber trajectory file'
'''The Atom_list must be sorted, as it may not be in order
(for example, in a parallel Lammps simulation).
import string
xBOX = (self.xhi - self.xlo)
yBOX = (self.yhi - self.ylo)
zBOX = (self.zhi - self.zlo)
Min = min(self.xlo, self.ylo, self.zlo)
Max = max(self.xhi, self.yhi, self.zhi, xBOX, yBOX, zBOX)
if Min <= -1000 or Max >= 10000:
print '(error: coordinates too large!)'
Print_list = []
for Line in NumericalSort(self.Atom_list):
Item_list = string.split(Line)
x = xBOX * (Float(Item_list[2])+Float(Item_list[5])) # Modified main box x-coordinate to actual x-coordinate
y = yBOX * (Float(Item_list[3])+Float(Item_list[6])) # Modified main box y-coordinate to actual y-coordinate
z = zBOX * (Float(Item_list[4])+Float(Item_list[7])) # Modified main box z-coordinate to actual z-coordinate
Print_list.append('%(x)8.3f' % vars())
Print_list.append('%(y)8.3f' % vars())
Print_list.append('%(z)8.3f' % vars())
if len(Print_list) > 9:
Line = ''
for j in range(10):
Line = Line + Print_list[j]
Line = Line + '\n'
Print_list = Print_list[10:]
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
if len(Print_list) > 0:
Line = ''
for j in range(len(Print_list)):
Line = Line + Print_list[j]
Line = Line + '\n'
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
Line = '%(xBOX)8.3f%(yBOX)8.3f%(zBOX)8.3f\n' % vars()
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
class Trajectory:
def Read_dump(self, Basename):
'Read a Lammps position dump file'
import string, sys
Filename = Basename + '.dump'
print 'Reading', Filename + '...',
F = open(Filename)
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
return 0
Lines = F.readlines()
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
return 0
i = 0
self.Snapshot_list = []
# Parse the dump
while i < len(Lines):
if string.find(Lines[i], 'ITEM: TIMESTEP') != -1:
# Read the timestep
self.timestep = int(Lines[i+1])
i = i + 2
elif string.find(Lines[i], 'ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS') != -1:
# Read the number of atoms
self.atoms = int(Lines[i+1])
i = i + 2
elif string.find(Lines[i], 'ITEM: BOX BOUNDS') != -1:
# Read the periodic box boundaries
Item_list = string.split(Lines[i+1])
self.xlo = Float(Item_list[0])
self.xhi = Float(Item_list[1])
Item_list = string.split(Lines[i+2])
self.ylo = Float(Item_list[0])
self.yhi = Float(Item_list[1])
Item_list = string.split(Lines[i+3])
self.zlo = Float(Item_list[0])
self.zhi = Float(Item_list[1])
i = i + 4
elif string.find(Lines[i], 'ITEM: ATOMS') != -1:
# Read atom positions
Start = i + 1
End = Start + self.atoms
i = i + self.atoms + 1
print '(error: unknown line in file!)'
print 'done.'
return 1
def Write_trj(self, Basename):
'Write an Amber trajectory file'
import os, sys
Filename = Basename + '.mdcrd'
Dir_list = os.listdir('.')
i = 1
while Filename in Dir_list:
Filename = Basename + `i` + '.mdcrd'
i = i + 1
del i
print 'Writing', Filename + '...',
F = open(Filename, 'w')
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
F.write(Basename + '\n')
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
for S in self.Snapshot_list:
print 'done.'
def Float(s):
'Return the string s as a float, if possible'
x = float(s)
except ValueError:
if s[-1] == ',':
s = s[:-1]
x = float(s)
return x
def NumericalSort(String_list):
'Sort a list of strings by the integer value of the first element'
import string
Working_list = []
for s in String_list:
Working_list.append((int(string.split(s)[0]), s))
Return_list = []
for Tuple in Working_list:
return Return_list

tools/amber2lmp/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
#! /usr/freeware/bin/python
# This is dump2trj, a program written by Keir E. Novik to convert
# Lammps position dump files to Amber trajectory files.
# Copyright 2000 Keir E. Novik; all rights reserved.
def Convert_files():
'Handle the whole conversion process'
print 'Welcome to dump2trj, a program to convert Lammps position dump files to\nAmber trajectory format!'
Basename_list = Find_dump_files()
for Basename in Basename_list:
t = Trajectory()
if t.Read_dump(Basename):
del t
def Find_dump_files():
'Look for sets of Lammps position dump files to process'
'''If passed something on the command line, treat it as a list of
files to process. Otherwise, look for *.dump in the current
import os, sys
Basename_list = []
# Extract basenames from command line
for Name in sys.argv[1:]:
if Name[-5:] == '.dump':
if Basename_list == []:
print 'Looking for Lammps dump files...',
Dir_list = os.listdir('.')
for Filename in Dir_list:
if Filename[-5:] == '.dump':
if Basename_list != []:
print 'found',
for i in range(len(Basename_list)-1):
print Basename_list[i] + ',',
print Basename_list[-1] + '\n'
if Basename_list == []:
print 'none.\n'
return Basename_list
class Snapshot:
def __init__(self, The_trajectory):
'Initialise the Snapshot class'
self.atoms = The_trajectory.atoms
self.xlo = The_trajectory.xlo
self.xhi = The_trajectory.xhi
self.ylo = The_trajectory.ylo
self.yhi = The_trajectory.yhi
self.zlo = The_trajectory.zlo
self.zhi = The_trajectory.zhi
def Read_dump(self, Lines):
'Read a snapshot (timestep) from a Lammps position dump file'
'''Trajectory.Read_dump() will pass us only the lines we need
(including the timestep number).
self.Atom_list = Lines[3:]
def Write_trj(self, F):
'Write a snapshot (timestep) to an Amber trajectory file'
'''The Atom_list must be sorted, as it may not be in order
(for example, in a parallel Lammps simulation). The first
element (before the sort) is the header line.
import string
xBOX = (self.xhi - self.xlo)
yBOX = (self.yhi - self.ylo)
zBOX = (self.zhi - self.zlo)
Min = min(self.xlo, self.ylo, self.zlo)
Max = max(self.xhi, self.yhi, self.zhi, xBOX, yBOX, zBOX)
if Min <= -1000 or Max >= 10000:
print '(error: coordinates too large!)'
Print_list = []
self.Atom_list = self.Atom_list[1:]
for Line in self.Atom_list:
Item_list = string.split(Line)
x = xBOX * Float(Item_list[2])
y = yBOX * Float(Item_list[3])
z = zBOX * Float(Item_list[4])
Print_list.append('%(x)8.3f' % vars())
Print_list.append('%(y)8.3f' % vars())
Print_list.append('%(z)8.3f' % vars())
if len(Print_list) > 9:
Line = ''
for j in range(10):
Line = Line + Print_list[j]
Line = Line + '\n'
Print_list = Print_list[10:]
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
if len(Print_list) > 0:
Line = ''
for j in range(len(Print_list)):
Line = Line + Print_list[j]
Line = Line + '\n'
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
Line = '%(xBOX)8.3f%(yBOX)8.3f%(zBOX)8.3f\n' % vars()
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
class Trajectory:
def Read_dump(self, Basename):
'Read a Lammps position dump file'
import string, sys
Filename = Basename + '.dump'
print 'Reading', Filename + '...',
F = open(Filename)
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
return 0
Lines = F.readlines()
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
return 0
# Read the number of atoms
self.atoms = int(Lines[1])
# Read the periodic box boundaries
Item_list = string.split(Lines[3])
self.xlo = Float(Item_list[0])
self.xhi = Float(Item_list[1])
Item_list = string.split(Lines[4])
self.ylo = Float(Item_list[0])
self.yhi = Float(Item_list[1])
Item_list = string.split(Lines[5])
self.zlo = Float(Item_list[0])
self.zhi = Float(Item_list[1])
# Read atom positions in each snapshot
Snapshots = (len(Lines) - 6) / (self.atoms + 3)
if int(Snapshots) != Snapshots:
print '(error: wrong length of dump!)'
self.Snapshot_list = []
for i in range(Snapshots):
Start = 5 + i * (self.atoms + 3)
End = Start + (self.atoms + 3) + 1
print 'done.'
return 1
def Write_trj(self, Basename):
'Write an Amber trajectory file'
import os, sys
Filename = Basename + '.x'
Dir_list = os.listdir('.')
i = 1
while Filename in Dir_list:
Filename = Basename + `i` + '.x'
i = i + 1
del i
print 'Writing', Filename + '...',
F = open(Filename, 'w')
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
F.write(Basename + '\n')
except IOError, Detail:
print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)'
for S in self.Snapshot_list:
print 'done.'
def Float(s):
'Return the string s as a float, if possible'
x = float(s)
except ValueError:
if s[-1] == ',':
s = s[:-1]
x = float(s)
return x

tools/binary2txt.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
Steve Plimpton,, Sandia National Laboratories
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Convert one or more LAMMPS binary dump files to ASCII text files
// this serial code must be compiled on a platform that can read the binary
// dump files since binary formats are not compatible across all platforms
// Syntax: binary2txt file1 file2 ...
// Creates: file1.txt file2.txt ...
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
main(int narg, char **arg)
int i,j,k,m,n;
int ntimestep,natoms,size_one,nchunk;
double xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi;
int maxbuf = 0;
double *buf = NULL;
if (narg == 1) {
printf("Syntax: binary2txt file1 file2 ...\n");
// loop over files
for (int iarg = 1; iarg < narg; iarg++) {
FILE *fp = fopen(arg[iarg],"rb");
if (!fp) {
printf("ERROR: Could not open %s\n",arg[iarg]);
n = strlen(arg[iarg]) + 1 + 4;
char *filetxt = new char[n];
FILE *fptxt = fopen(filetxt,"w");
delete [] filetxt;
// loop over snapshots in file
while (1) {
// detect end-of-file
if (feof(fp)) {
fprintf(fptxt,"ITEM: TIMESTEP\n");
fprintf(fptxt,"ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n");
fprintf(fptxt,"ITEM: BOX BOUNDS\n");
fprintf(fptxt,"%g %g\n",xlo,xhi);
fprintf(fptxt,"%g %g\n",ylo,yhi);
fprintf(fptxt,"%g %g\n",zlo,zhi);
fprintf(fptxt,"ITEM: ATOMS\n");
// loop over processor chunks in file
for (i = 0; i < nchunk; i++) {
// extend buffer to fit chunk size
if (n > maxbuf) {
if (buf) delete [] buf;
buf = new double[n];
maxbuf = n;
// read chunk and write as size_one values per line
n /= size_one;
m = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < size_one; k++) fprintf(fptxt,"%g ",buf[m++]);
printf(" %d",ntimestep);
if (buf) delete [] buf;

tools/ch2lmp/README Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
These tools were created by Pieter J. in 't Veld (
and Paul Crozier (, Sandia National Laboratories,
2005. They are intended to make it easy to use CHARMM as a builder and
as a post-processor for LAMMPS. Using, you can
convert an ensemble built in CHARMM into its LAMMPS equivalent. Using you can convert LAMMPS atom dumps into pdb files.
In this directory, you should find:
1) A perl script called ""
2) A perl script called ""
3) An "example" folder containing an example of how to use these tools.
4) An "other" folder containing other potentially useful tools.
In addition, you will need to provide the following input for
1) a CHARMM parameter file (par_<forcefield>.prm)
2) a CHARMM topology file (top_<forcefield>.rtf)
3) a CHARMM coordinates file or pdb file (<project>.crd or <project>.pdb)
4) a CHARMM psf file (<project>.psf)
To use the script, type: "perl
[-option[=#]] <forcefield> <project>" where <forcefield> is the name
of the CHARMM FF you are using, (i.e. all22_prot), and <project> is
the common name of your *.crd and *.psf files. The options for the
script are listed below. If the option requires a parameter, the
syntax must be [-option[=#]], (i.e. -border=5).
-help "display available options",
-charmm "add charmm types to LAMMPS data file",
-water "add TIP3P water [default: 1 g/cc]",
-ions "add (counter)ions using Na+ and Cl- [default: 0 mol/l]",
-center "recenter atoms",
-quiet "do not print info",
-pdb_ctrl "output project_ctrl.pdb",
-l "set x-, y-, and z-dimensions simultaneously",
-lx "x-dimension of simulation box",
-ly "y-dimension of simulation box",
-lz "z-dimension of simulation box",
-border "add border to all sides of simulation box [default: 0 A]",
-ax "rotation around x-axis",
-ay "rotation around y-axis",
-az "rotation around z-axis"
In the "example" folder, you will find example files that were created
by following the steps below. These steps describe how to take a
biomolecule and convert it into LAMMPS input, and then create a *.pdb
trajectory from the LAMMPS output.
1) Get the pdb file you want to model. For
this example, we will use 1ac7.pdb
2) If there are multiple models in the pdb file, choose the one you
want and delete the others. Save the pared-down file as 1ac7_pared.pdb
3) Download the charmm FF files and choose the one you want from the
tarball. We will use all27_na for this example.
4) Create a *.pgn file for use with psfgen (you will need to have VMD
installed, ). This is the hardest
step because you have to change the residue names from what the *.pdb
file has to the corresponding names in the charmm FF files. You'll
need to add a "pdbalias residue x xnew" line for each change that
needs to be made. The *.pgn should contain something like this:
package require psfgen
topology top_all27_na.rtf
pdbalias residue A ADE
pdbalias residue T THY
pdbalias residue G GUA
pdbalias residue C CYT
segment A {pdb 1ac7_pared.pdb}
coordpdb 1ac7_pared.pdb A
writepdb 1ac7.pdb
writepsf charmm 1ac7.psf
5) Type "vmd -e 1ac7.pgn" to build the 1ac7.psf file, and the new
1ac7.pdb file.
6) Run by typing:
"perl all27_na 1ac7 -charmm -border=1 -pdb_ctrl -water -ions"
7) Run lammps by typing: "lmp <"
8) Run by typing: "perl 1ac7"
** Additional notes:
The script takes the pdb and psf files for the 1ac7
molecule and converts them into LAMMPS format. The -water option
embeds the molecule in water on a crystal lattice. The -border option
includes a layer of water surrounding the minimum dimensions of the
molecule. The -pdb_ctrl option produces the 1ac7_ctrl.pdb file that
can be visualized in a standard visualization package such as VMD. The
-charmm option put comments into the LAMMPS data file (everything
after the # sign is a comment) for user convenience in tracking atom
types etc. according to CHARMM nomenclature.
The default timestep in the LAMMPS *.in file is set to 0.5 fs, which
can typically be increased to 2 fs after equilibration if the bonds
involving H are constrained via shake. Also, after equilibration, the
delay on neigh_modify can probably increased to 5 or so to improve
The -ions option allows the user to neutralize the simulation cell
with Na+ or Cl- counterions if the molecule has a net
charge. Additional salt can be added by increasing the default
concentration (i.e. -ions=0.5).
** In the "other" file folder, you will find:
1) A FORTRAN 90 code called "mkpdb.f". Requires "in_mkpdb". This is a
fortran code that is an alternative way to convert LAMMPS dump
files into pdb format.
2) A FORTRAN 90 code called "mkdcd.f" (and a FORTRAN 77 version called
mkdcd_f77.f). Requires "in_mkdcd". Creates CHARMM format
trajectories from LAMMPS dump files.
3) A 3rd party perl script called ""
4) A 3rd party fortran code called "pdb_to_crd.f"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Created by charmm2lammps v1.6.2 on Fri Jun 3 14:07:02 MDT 2005
units real
neigh_modify delay 2 every 1
atom_style full
bond_style harmonic
angle_style charmm
dihedral_style charmm
improper_style harmonic
pair_style lj/charmm/coul/long 8 10
pair_modify mix arithmetic
kspace_style pppm 1e-4
special_bonds charmm
fix 1 all nve
fix 2 all shake 1e-6 500 0 m 1.0 a 93
velocity all create 0.0 12345678 dist uniform
thermo 1
thermo_style multi
timestep 0.5
restart 10 1ac7.restart1 1ac7.restart2
dump 1 all atom 10 1ac7.dump
dump_modify 1 image yes scale yes
run 20

tools/ch2lmp/example/1ac7.pdb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
REMARK original generated coordinate pdb file
ATOM 1 P ADE 1 3.759 0.457 0.076 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 2 O1P ADE 1 2.779 0.279 0.171 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 3 O2P ADE 1 4.489 -0.205 0.246 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 4 O5' ADE 1 3.969 1.972 -0.393 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 5 C5' ADE 1 5.044 2.279 -1.290 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 6 H5' ADE 1 4.671 2.290 -2.305 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 7 H5'' ADE 1 5.816 1.501 -1.189 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 8 C4' ADE 1 5.648 3.651 -1.028 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 9 H4' ADE 1 6.646 3.694 -1.462 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 10 O4' ADE 1 4.831 4.694 -1.619 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 11 C1' ADE 1 4.388 5.605 -0.589 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 12 H1' ADE 1 4.979 6.519 -0.638 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 13 N9 ADE 1 2.960 5.940 -0.745 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 14 C5 ADE 1 1.063 7.037 -0.974 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 15 N7 ADE 1 0.730 5.679 -1.026 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 16 C8 ADE 1 1.887 5.123 -0.884 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 17 H8 ADE 1 1.997 4.038 -0.875 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 18 N1 ADE 1 0.950 9.380 -0.971 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 19 C2 ADE 1 2.273 9.407 -0.803 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 20 H2 ADE 1 2.731 10.392 -0.730 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 21 N3 ADE 1 3.091 8.365 -0.708 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 22 C4 ADE 1 2.417 7.202 -0.802 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 23 C6 ADE 1 0.298 8.207 -1.063 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 24 N6 ADE 1 -1.022 8.204 -1.236 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 25 H61 ADE 1 -1.526 9.077 -1.294 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 26 H62 ADE 1 -1.520 7.328 -1.309 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 27 C2' ADE 1 4.646 4.918 0.727 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 28 H2'' ADE 1 4.989 5.649 1.459 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 29 O2' ADE 1 5.086 5.931 1.621 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 30 H2' ADE 1 3.741 4.398 1.062 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 31 C3' ADE 1 5.735 3.930 0.467 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 32 H3' ADE 1 5.546 3.013 1.029 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 33 O3' ADE 1 7.011 4.478 0.823 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 34 P THY 2 7.364 4.806 2.358 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 35 O1P THY 2 8.839 4.776 2.530 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 36 O2P THY 2 6.515 3.962 3.238 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 37 O5' THY 2 6.861 6.330 2.454 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 38 C5' THY 2 7.276 7.297 1.480 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 39 H5' THY 2 6.804 7.074 0.532 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 40 H5'' THY 2 8.368 7.233 1.371 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 41 C4' THY 2 6.873 8.719 1.849 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 42 H4' THY 2 7.506 9.419 1.306 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 43 O4' THY 2 5.486 8.978 1.507 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 44 C1' THY 2 4.768 9.415 2.684 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 45 H1' THY 2 4.665 10.500 2.653 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 46 N1 THY 2 3.423 8.799 2.747 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 47 C6 THY 2 3.266 7.442 2.852 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 48 H6 THY 2 4.140 6.814 2.982 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 49 C2 THY 2 2.337 9.639 2.626 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 50 O2 THY 2 2.458 10.860 2.552 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 51 N3 THY 2 1.099 9.029 2.606 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 52 H3 THY 2 0.308 9.625 2.509 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 53 C4 THY 2 0.851 7.673 2.697 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 54 O4 THY 2 -0.302 7.243 2.661 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 55 C5 THY 2 2.045 6.871 2.827 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 56 C5M THY 2 1.928 5.354 2.910 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 57 H51 THY 2 1.213 5.085 3.678 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 58 H52 THY 2 2.903 4.926 3.150 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 59 H53 THY 2 1.589 4.964 1.960 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 60 C2' THY 2 5.626 9.038 3.865 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 61 H2'' THY 2 5.564 9.815 4.630 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 62 O2' THY 2 5.490 10.094 4.806 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 63 H2' THY 2 5.324 8.059 4.256 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 64 C3' THY 2 7.025 8.967 3.345 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 65 H3' THY 2 7.553 8.132 3.808 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 66 O3' THY 2 7.719 10.196 3.596 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 67 P CYT 3 7.980 10.697 5.100 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 68 O1P CYT 3 9.280 11.413 5.150 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 69 O2P CYT 3 7.737 9.569 6.034 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 70 O5' CYT 3 6.789 11.768 5.253 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 71 C5' CYT 3 6.720 12.904 4.380 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 72 H5' CYT 3 6.534 12.568 3.369 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 73 H5'' CYT 3 7.686 13.430 4.420 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 74 C4' CYT 3 5.593 13.866 4.739 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 75 H4' CYT 3 5.709 14.779 4.157 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 76 O4' CYT 3 4.292 13.290 4.450 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 77 C1' CYT 3 3.465 13.339 5.637 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 78 H1' CYT 3 2.791 14.192 5.565 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 79 N1 CYT 3 2.672 12.098 5.790 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 80 C6 CYT 3 3.282 10.889 5.955 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 81 H6 CYT 3 4.365 10.840 6.032 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 82 C5 CYT 3 2.559 9.760 6.045 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 83 H5 CYT 3 3.039 8.789 6.164 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 84 C2 CYT 3 1.294 12.207 5.721 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 85 O2 CYT 3 0.763 13.308 5.588 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 86 N3 CYT 3 0.558 11.072 5.813 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 87 C4 CYT 3 1.140 9.878 5.968 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 88 N4 CYT 3 0.379 8.788 6.044 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 89 H41 CYT 3 0.806 7.880 6.157 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 90 H42 CYT 3 -0.626 8.869 5.991 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 91 C2' CYT 3 4.407 13.552 6.796 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 92 H2'' CYT 3 3.940 14.214 7.534 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 93 O2' CYT 3 3.733 14.417 7.700 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 94 H2' CYT 3 4.689 12.590 7.236 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 95 C3' CYT 3 5.616 14.221 6.221 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 96 H3' CYT 3 6.518 13.815 6.685 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 97 O3' CYT 3 5.555 15.639 6.408 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 98 P CYT 4 5.538 16.275 7.882 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 99 O1P CYT 4 6.177 17.615 7.835 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 100 O2P CYT 4 6.033 15.266 8.851 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 101 O5' CYT 4 3.955 16.462 8.083 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 102 C5' CYT 4 3.157 17.011 7.025 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 103 H5' CYT 4 3.112 16.305 6.208 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 104 H5'' CYT 4 3.632 17.942 6.682 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 105 C4' CYT 4 1.722 17.289 7.449 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 106 H4' CYT 4 1.321 18.095 6.835 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 107 O4' CYT 4 0.888 16.113 7.280 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 108 C1' CYT 4 0.232 15.803 8.531 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 109 H1' CYT 4 -0.791 16.175 8.498 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 110 N1 CYT 4 0.215 14.343 8.782 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 111 C6 CYT 4 1.375 13.644 8.967 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 112 H6 CYT 4 2.327 14.165 8.951 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 113 C5 CYT 4 1.351 12.313 9.169 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 114 H5 CYT 4 2.272 11.748 9.314 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 115 C2 CYT 4 -1.018 13.712 8.800 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 116 O2 CYT 4 -2.050 14.359 8.636 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 117 N3 CYT 4 -1.049 12.370 9.003 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 118 C4 CYT 4 0.078 11.668 9.183 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 119 N4 CYT 4 0.010 10.348 9.372 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 120 H41 CYT 4 0.855 9.814 9.502 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 121 H42 CYT 4 -0.885 9.881 9.386 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 122 C2' CYT 4 0.992 16.545 9.602 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 123 H2'' CYT 4 0.293 16.923 10.350 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 124 O2' CYT 4 0.020 17.000 10.533 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 125 H2' CYT 4 1.751 15.896 10.049 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 126 C3' CYT 4 1.648 17.697 8.914 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 127 H3' CYT 4 2.656 17.837 9.310 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 128 O3' CYT 4 0.881 18.892 9.085 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 129 P THY 5 0.647 19.496 10.554 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 130 O1P THY 5 0.561 20.975 10.457 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 131 O2P THY 5 1.626 18.884 11.487 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 132 O5' THY 5 -0.815 18.907 10.868 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 133 C5' THY 5 -1.928 19.273 10.041 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 134 H5' THY 5 -1.694 19.051 9.009 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 135 H5'' THY 5 -2.101 20.352 10.155 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 136 C4' THY 5 -3.200 18.507 10.381 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 137 H4' THY 5 -3.974 18.774 9.662 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 138 O4' THY 5 -2.989 17.071 10.326 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 139 C1' THY 5 -3.410 16.473 11.574 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 140 H1' THY 5 -4.409 16.057 11.449 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 141 N1 THY 5 -2.482 15.396 11.992 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 142 C6 THY 5 -1.153 15.644 12.196 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 143 H6 THY 5 -0.790 16.668 12.147 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 144 C2 THY 5 -3.000 14.117 12.096 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 145 O2 THY 5 -4.196 13.881 11.943 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 146 N3 THY 5 -2.094 13.117 12.403 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 147 H3 THY 5 -2.449 12.182 12.472 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 148 C4 THY 5 -0.742 13.280 12.614 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 149 O4 THY 5 -0.032 12.308 12.873 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 150 C5 THY 5 -0.289 14.648 12.492 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 151 C5M THY 5 1.191 14.967 12.669 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 152 H51 THY 5 1.550 14.530 13.594 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 153 H52 THY 5 1.333 16.047 12.693 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 154 H53 THY 5 1.751 14.549 11.843 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 155 C2' THY 5 -3.465 17.594 12.579 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 156 H2'' THY 5 -4.306 17.435 13.264 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 157 O2' THY 5 -4.580 17.322 13.417 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 158 H2' THY 5 -2.511 17.661 13.116 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 159 C3' THY 5 -3.691 18.844 11.781 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 160 H3' THY 5 -3.096 19.660 12.197 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 161 O3' THY 5 -5.077 19.199 11.761 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 162 P ADE 6 -5.692 20.169 12.882 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 163 O1P ADE 6 -6.683 21.072 12.244 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 164 O2P ADE 6 -4.583 20.752 13.678 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 165 O5' ADE 6 -6.471 19.094 13.785 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 166 C5' ADE 6 -7.541 18.319 13.232 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 167 H5' ADE 6 -7.211 17.850 12.315 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 168 H5'' ADE 6 -8.386 18.991 13.021 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 169 C4' ADE 6 -7.985 17.203 14.162 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 170 H4' ADE 6 -8.974 16.858 13.863 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 171 O4' ADE 6 -7.060 16.084 14.109 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 172 C1' ADE 6 -6.626 15.770 15.448 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 173 H1' ADE 6 -7.241 14.954 15.831 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 174 N9 ADE 6 -5.206 15.361 15.499 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 175 C5 ADE 6 -3.380 14.152 15.741 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 176 N7 ADE 6 -2.949 15.480 15.662 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 177 C8 ADE 6 -4.070 16.107 15.522 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 178 H8 ADE 6 -4.100 17.190 15.422 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 179 N1 ADE 6 -3.441 11.818 15.931 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 180 C2 ADE 6 -4.769 11.882 15.816 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 181 H2 ADE 6 -5.306 10.937 15.837 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 182 N3 ADE 6 -5.509 12.969 15.668 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 183 C4 ADE 6 -4.749 14.077 15.638 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 184 C6 ADE 6 -2.701 12.939 15.900 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 185 N6 ADE 6 -1.379 12.855 16.045 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 186 H61 ADE 6 -0.941 11.951 16.157 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 187 H62 ADE 6 -0.816 13.693 16.045 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 188 C2' ADE 6 -6.890 17.001 16.274 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 189 H2'' ADE 6 -7.162 16.715 17.291 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 190 O2' ADE 6 -7.256 16.544 17.569 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 191 H2' ADE 6 -6.014 17.659 16.261 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 192 C3' ADE 6 -8.041 17.687 15.608 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 193 H3' ADE 6 -7.903 18.770 15.646 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 194 O3' ADE 6 -9.285 17.318 16.221 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 195 P GUA 7 -9.843 18.105 17.507 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 196 O1P GUA 7 -11.229 18.561 17.226 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 197 O2P GUA 7 -8.828 19.100 17.939 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 198 O5' GUA 7 -9.897 16.910 18.585 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 199 C5' GUA 7 -10.177 15.560 18.181 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 200 H5' GUA 7 -9.745 15.381 17.207 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 201 H5'' GUA 7 -11.270 15.426 18.114 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 202 C4' GUA 7 -9.561 14.522 19.125 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 203 H4' GUA 7 -10.025 13.556 18.935 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 204 O4' GUA 7 -8.133 14.405 18.887 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 205 C1' GUA 7 -7.410 14.638 20.119 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 206 H1' GUA 7 -7.083 13.684 20.529 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 207 N9 GUA 7 -6.233 15.500 19.896 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 208 C4 GUA 7 -4.911 15.108 19.923 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 209 N2 GUA 7 -2.510 12.617 20.326 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 210 H21 GUA 7 -1.501 12.565 20.299 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 211 H22 GUA 7 -3.053 11.785 20.505 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 212 N3 GUA 7 -4.458 13.854 20.155 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 213 C2 GUA 7 -3.123 13.783 20.119 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 214 N1 GUA 7 -2.305 14.867 19.874 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 215 H1 GUA 7 -1.305 14.730 19.867 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 216 C6 GUA 7 -2.744 16.163 19.632 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 217 O6 GUA 7 -1.932 17.060 19.420 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 218 C5 GUA 7 -4.162 16.248 19.668 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 219 N7 GUA 7 -4.998 17.354 19.481 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 220 C8 GUA 7 -6.168 16.829 19.630 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 221 H8 GUA 7 -7.071 17.433 19.552 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 222 C2' GUA 7 -8.383 15.282 21.074 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 223 H2'' GUA 7 -8.214 14.899 22.086 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 224 O2' GUA 7 -8.103 14.731 22.354 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 225 H2' GUA 7 -8.286 16.373 21.035 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 226 C3' GUA 7 -9.744 14.878 20.608 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 227 H3' GUA 7 -10.429 15.719 20.727 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 228 O3' GUA 7 -10.214 13.747 21.352 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 229 P THY 8 -10.470 13.861 22.933 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 230 O1P THY 8 -11.662 13.049 23.287 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 231 O2P THY 8 -10.423 15.292 23.326 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 232 O5' THY 8 -9.152 13.125 23.489 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 233 C5' THY 8 -9.105 11.695 23.588 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 234 H5' THY 8 -9.468 11.262 22.666 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 235 H5'' THY 8 -9.754 11.381 24.418 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 236 C4' THY 8 -7.687 11.168 23.791 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 237 H4' THY 8 -7.609 10.181 23.338 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 238 O4' THY 8 -6.715 12.044 23.168 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 239 C1' THY 8 -5.719 12.435 24.137 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 240 H1' THY 8 -4.826 11.809 24.000 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 241 N1 THY 8 -5.347 13.860 23.988 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 242 C6 THY 8 -6.259 14.865 24.197 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 243 H6 THY 8 -7.285 14.614 24.463 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 244 C2 THY 8 -4.038 14.136 23.637 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 245 O2 THY 8 -3.212 13.247 23.443 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 246 N3 THY 8 -3.711 15.473 23.513 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 247 H3 THY 8 -2.758 15.688 23.257 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 248 C4 THY 8 -4.564 16.543 23.707 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 249 O4 THY 8 -4.163 17.697 23.570 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 250 C5 THY 8 -5.910 16.163 24.071 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 251 C5M THY 8 -6.952 17.250 24.322 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 252 H51 THY 8 -7.951 16.823 24.241 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 253 H52 THY 8 -6.834 18.044 23.584 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 254 H53 THY 8 -6.813 17.662 25.322 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 255 C2' THY 8 -6.324 12.155 25.493 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 256 H2'' THY 8 -5.551 11.817 26.188 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 257 O2' THY 8 -5.259 11.702 26.317 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 258 H2' THY 8 -6.834 13.050 25.864 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 259 C3' THY 8 -7.326 11.065 25.272 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 260 H3' THY 8 -8.207 11.245 25.890 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 261 O3' THY 8 -6.760 9.782 25.572 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 262 P THY 9 -6.511 9.330 27.094 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 263 O1P THY 9 -6.391 7.851 27.145 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 264 O2P THY 9 -7.505 10.007 27.965 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 265 O5' THY 9 -5.064 9.980 27.352 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 266 C5' THY 9 -3.880 9.385 26.799 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 267 H5' THY 9 -4.151 8.500 26.239 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 268 H5'' THY 9 -3.212 9.106 27.628 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 269 C4' THY 9 -3.160 10.317 25.831 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 270 H4' THY 9 -3.569 10.180 24.831 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 271 O4' THY 9 -3.322 11.705 26.223 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 272 C1' THY 9 -2.022 12.314 26.402 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 273 H1' THY 9 -1.789 12.931 25.535 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 274 N1 THY 9 -1.980 13.144 27.620 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 275 C6 THY 9 -2.301 12.617 28.841 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 276 H6 THY 9 -2.602 11.572 28.910 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 277 C2 THY 9 -1.594 14.462 27.479 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 278 O2 THY 9 -1.304 14.946 26.388 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 279 N3 THY 9 -1.550 15.208 28.642 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 280 H3 THY 9 -1.266 16.173 28.556 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 281 C4 THY 9 -1.856 14.754 29.913 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 282 O4 THY 9 -1.781 15.506 30.882 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 283 C5 THY 9 -2.250 13.364 29.961 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 284 C5M THY 9 -2.613 12.733 31.301 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 285 H51 THY 9 -3.440 13.282 31.750 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 286 H52 THY 9 -1.749 12.768 31.965 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 287 H53 THY 9 -2.907 11.695 31.144 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 288 C2' THY 9 -1.031 11.183 26.492 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 289 H2'' THY 9 -0.104 11.461 25.976 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 290 O2' THY 9 0.130 11.618 25.797 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 291 H2' THY 9 -0.850 10.929 27.544 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 292 C3' THY 9 -1.667 10.028 25.792 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 293 H3' THY 9 -1.452 9.104 26.331 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 294 O3' THY 9 -1.201 9.937 24.447 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 295 P ADE 10 -0.315 8.688 23.992 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 296 O1P ADE 10 0.551 8.277 25.125 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 297 O2P ADE 10 0.304 8.985 22.676 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 298 O5' ADE 10 -1.467 7.588 23.799 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 299 C5' ADE 10 -1.147 6.209 23.981 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 300 H5' ADE 10 -1.499 5.914 24.943 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 301 H5'' ADE 10 -0.058 6.091 23.938 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 302 C4' ADE 10 -1.836 5.303 22.968 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 303 H4' ADE 10 -2.067 4.345 23.431 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 304 O4' ADE 10 -3.058 5.912 22.482 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 305 C1' ADE 10 -2.814 6.401 21.156 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 306 H1' ADE 10 -3.405 5.820 20.462 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 307 N9 ADE 10 -3.245 7.804 21.056 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 308 C5 ADE 10 -4.488 9.625 21.105 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 309 N7 ADE 10 -3.166 10.059 21.189 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 310 C8 ADE 10 -2.525 8.939 21.164 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 311 H8 ADE 10 -1.467 8.901 21.352 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 312 N1 ADE 10 -6.829 9.568 20.995 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 313 C2 ADE 10 -6.756 8.238 20.930 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 314 H2 ADE 10 -7.703 7.703 20.862 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 315 N3 ADE 10 -5.655 7.493 20.942 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 316 C4 ADE 10 -4.547 8.257 21.031 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 317 C6 ADE 10 -5.708 10.306 21.082 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 318 N6 ADE 10 -5.798 11.634 21.109 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 319 H61 ADE 10 -4.961 12.197 21.148 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 320 H62 ADE 10 -6.705 12.077 21.097 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 321 C2' ADE 10 -1.353 6.163 20.832 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 322 H2'' ADE 10 -1.255 5.812 19.797 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 323 O2' ADE 10 -1.304 5.706 19.487 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 324 H2' ADE 10 -0.763 7.061 21.013 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 325 C3' ADE 10 -0.922 5.089 21.772 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 326 H3' ADE 10 0.123 5.233 22.050 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 327 O3' ADE 10 -1.116 3.794 21.200 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 328 P THY 11 -0.300 3.354 19.891 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 329 O1P THY 11 0.097 1.930 20.024 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 330 O2P THY 11 0.734 4.378 19.599 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 331 O5' THY 11 -1.473 3.469 18.803 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 332 C5' THY 11 -2.662 2.689 18.966 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 333 H5' THY 11 -2.944 2.680 20.010 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 334 H5'' THY 11 -2.451 1.662 18.634 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 335 C4' THY 11 -3.851 3.245 18.197 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 336 H4' THY 11 -4.766 2.847 18.632 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 337 O4' THY 11 -3.901 4.696 18.258 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 338 C1' THY 11 -4.030 5.228 16.919 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 339 H1' THY 11 -5.080 5.439 16.719 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 340 N1 THY 11 -3.239 6.466 16.744 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 341 C6 THY 11 -1.881 6.470 16.918 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 342 H6 THY 11 -1.372 5.540 17.168 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 343 C2 THY 11 -3.928 7.616 16.410 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 344 O2 THY 11 -5.147 7.627 16.255 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 345 N3 THY 11 -3.167 8.760 16.267 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 346 H3 THY 11 -3.656 9.597 16.002 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 347 C4 THY 11 -1.796 8.854 16.430 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 348 O4 THY 11 -1.220 9.932 16.292 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 349 C5 THY 11 -1.161 7.602 16.776 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 350 C5M THY 11 0.348 7.560 16.990 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 351 H51 THY 11 0.804 8.445 16.550 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 352 H52 THY 11 0.757 6.667 16.526 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 353 H53 THY 11 0.561 7.538 18.049 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 354 C2' THY 11 -3.564 4.136 15.992 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 355 H2'' THY 11 -4.165 4.148 15.075 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 356 O2' THY 11 -4.394 4.212 14.841 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 357 H2' THY 11 -2.495 4.258 15.779 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 358 C3' THY 11 -3.793 2.852 16.729 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 359 H3' THY 11 -2.953 2.176 16.559 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 360 O3' THY 11 -5.015 2.233 16.322 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 361 P ADE 12 -5.221 1.752 14.807 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 362 O1P ADE 12 -6.125 0.574 14.792 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 363 O2P ADE 12 -3.895 1.663 14.146 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 364 O5' ADE 12 -6.010 3.023 14.225 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 365 C5' ADE 12 -7.077 3.615 14.980 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 366 H5' ADE 12 -6.670 4.100 15.857 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 367 H5'' ADE 12 -7.769 2.818 15.287 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 368 C4' ADE 12 -7.824 4.680 14.194 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 369 H4' ADE 12 -8.830 4.786 14.598 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 370 O4' ADE 12 -7.144 5.958 14.280 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 371 C1' ADE 12 -6.790 6.408 12.952 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 372 H1' ADE 12 -7.490 7.183 12.639 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 373 N9 ADE 12 -5.417 6.949 12.917 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 374 C5 ADE 12 -3.693 8.321 12.830 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 375 N7 ADE 12 -3.157 7.043 13.020 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 376 C8 ADE 12 -4.226 6.316 13.057 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 377 H8 ADE 12 -4.171 5.237 13.186 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 378 N1 ADE 12 -3.941 10.629 12.522 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 379 C2 ADE 12 -5.257 10.448 12.476 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 380 H2 ADE 12 -5.861 11.340 12.337 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 381 N3 ADE 12 -5.913 9.300 12.587 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 382 C4 ADE 12 -5.067 8.268 12.764 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 383 C6 ADE 12 -3.111 9.589 12.699 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 384 N6 ADE 12 -1.795 9.805 12.753 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 385 H61 ADE 12 -1.162 9.032 12.894 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 386 H62 ADE 12 -1.429 10.745 12.648 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 387 C2' ADE 12 -6.935 5.215 12.045 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 388 H2'' ADE 12 -7.341 5.533 11.081 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 389 O2' ADE 12 -7.468 5.708 10.823 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 390 H2' ADE 12 -5.967 4.711 11.933 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 391 C3' ADE 12 -7.909 4.308 12.721 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 392 H3' ADE 12 -7.606 3.268 12.582 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 393 O3' ADE 12 -9.231 4.514 12.212 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 394 P GUA 13 -9.569 4.219 10.669 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 395 O1P GUA 13 -10.964 3.722 10.568 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 396 O2P GUA 13 -8.467 3.416 10.078 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 397 O5' GUA 13 -9.502 5.712 10.074 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 398 C5' GUA 13 -10.262 6.771 10.674 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 399 H5' GUA 13 -9.915 6.931 11.687 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 400 H5'' GUA 13 -11.321 6.472 10.690 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 401 C4' GUA 13 -10.106 8.098 9.939 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 402 H4' GUA 13 -10.856 8.800 10.304 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 403 O4' GUA 13 -8.786 8.662 10.158 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 404 C1' GUA 13 -8.107 8.815 8.888 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 405 H1' GUA 13 -8.123 9.865 8.595 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 406 N9 GUA 13 -6.709 8.354 8.973 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 407 C4 GUA 13 -5.588 9.146 8.985 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 408 N2 GUA 13 -4.124 12.296 8.784 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 409 H21 GUA 13 -3.184 12.667 8.819 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 410 H22 GUA 13 -4.906 12.918 8.649 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 411 N3 GUA 13 -5.570 10.492 8.868 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 412 C2 GUA 13 -4.330 10.984 8.915 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 413 N1 GUA 13 -3.206 10.202 9.073 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 414 H1 GUA 13 -2.315 10.646 9.124 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 415 C6 GUA 13 -3.197 8.821 9.193 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 416 O6 GUA 13 -2.131 8.221 9.329 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 417 C5 GUA 13 -4.509 8.289 9.140 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 418 N7 GUA 13 -4.941 6.963 9.220 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 419 C8 GUA 13 -6.219 7.099 9.112 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 420 H8 GUA 13 -6.878 6.234 9.115 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 421 C2' GUA 13 -8.891 8.009 7.886 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 422 H2'' GUA 13 -8.913 8.529 6.925 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 423 O2' GUA 13 -8.878 8.756 6.677 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 424 H2' GUA 13 -8.460 7.004 7.796 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 425 C3' GUA 13 -10.275 7.918 8.438 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 426 H3' GUA 13 -10.699 6.935 8.226 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 427 O3' GUA 13 -11.101 8.949 7.886 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 428 P GUA 14 -11.390 9.003 6.307 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 429 O1P GUA 14 -12.822 9.326 6.088 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 430 O2P GUA 14 -10.812 7.792 5.669 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 431 O5' GUA 14 -10.498 10.281 5.903 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 432 C5' GUA 14 -10.655 11.527 6.598 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 433 H5' GUA 14 -10.451 11.380 7.649 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 434 H5'' GUA 14 -11.694 11.866 6.469 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 435 C4' GUA 14 -9.695 12.606 6.108 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 436 H4' GUA 14 -10.002 13.566 6.522 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 437 O4' GUA 14 -8.331 12.331 6.524 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 438 C1' GUA 14 -7.466 12.306 5.364 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 439 H1' GUA 14 -6.929 13.252 5.293 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 440 N9 GUA 14 -6.496 11.197 5.439 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 441 C4 GUA 14 -5.130 11.309 5.503 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 442 N2 GUA 14 -2.272 13.284 5.569 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 443 H21 GUA 14 -1.276 13.122 5.619 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 444 H22 GUA 14 -2.629 14.227 5.521 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 445 N3 GUA 14 -4.431 12.464 5.499 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 446 C2 GUA 14 -3.115 12.253 5.569 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 447 N1 GUA 14 -2.546 11.000 5.639 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 448 H1 GUA 14 -1.553 10.927 5.697 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 449 C6 GUA 14 -3.243 9.800 5.643 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 450 O6 GUA 14 -2.637 8.733 5.710 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 451 C5 GUA 14 -4.640 10.014 5.568 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 452 N7 GUA 14 -5.685 9.089 5.544 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 453 C8 GUA 14 -6.712 9.862 5.468 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 454 H8 GUA 14 -7.718 9.456 5.407 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 455 C2' GUA 14 -8.370 12.156 4.168 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 456 H2'' GUA 14 -7.981 12.746 3.333 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 457 O2' GUA 14 -7.800 12.955 3.140 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 458 H2' GUA 14 -8.468 11.095 3.906 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 459 C3' GUA 14 -9.699 12.699 4.588 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 460 H3' GUA 14 -10.498 12.075 4.180 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 461 O3' GUA 14 -9.858 14.054 4.155 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 462 P ADE 15 -9.872 14.418 2.591 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 463 O1P ADE 15 -10.717 15.621 2.385 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 464 O2P ADE 15 -10.159 13.187 1.811 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 465 O5' ADE 15 -8.329 14.822 2.384 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 466 C5' ADE 15 -7.757 15.905 3.132 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 467 H5' ADE 15 -7.679 15.620 4.173 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 468 H5'' ADE 15 -8.419 16.778 3.038 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 469 C4' ADE 15 -6.352 16.267 2.666 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 470 H4' ADE 15 -6.074 17.231 3.090 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 471 O4' ADE 15 -5.384 15.271 3.088 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 472 C1' ADE 15 -4.683 14.758 1.931 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 473 H1' ADE 15 -3.701 15.229 1.864 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 474 N9 ADE 15 -4.519 13.297 2.002 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 475 C5 ADE 15 -3.661 11.277 2.155 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 476 N7 ADE 15 -5.037 11.096 2.004 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 477 C8 ADE 15 -5.449 12.315 1.922 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 478 H8 ADE 15 -6.501 12.547 1.781 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 479 N1 ADE 15 -1.372 10.906 2.425 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 480 C2 ADE 15 -1.189 12.224 2.412 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 481 H2 ADE 15 -0.165 12.572 2.528 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 482 N3 ADE 15 -2.117 13.160 2.280 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 483 C4 ADE 15 -3.341 12.615 2.156 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 484 C6 ADE 15 -2.600 10.384 2.299 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 485 N6 ADE 15 -2.755 9.059 2.312 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 486 H61 ADE 15 -1.949 8.456 2.417 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 487 H62 ADE 15 -3.677 8.658 2.219 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 488 C2' ADE 15 -5.504 15.149 0.731 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 489 H2'' ADE 15 -4.844 15.409 -0.102 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 490 O2' ADE 15 -4.576 15.478 -0.294 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 491 H2' ADE 15 -6.190 14.335 0.468 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 492 C3' ADE 15 -6.283 16.352 1.147 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 493 H3' ADE 15 -7.289 16.303 0.726 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 494 O3' ADE 15 -5.624 17.548 0.722 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 495 P THY 16 -5.398 17.836 -0.841 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 496 O1P THY 16 -5.436 19.302 -1.072 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 497 O2P THY 16 -6.293 16.951 -1.628 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 498 O5' THY 16 -3.882 17.322 -1.001 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 499 C5' THY 16 -2.838 17.907 -0.211 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 500 H5' THY 16 -2.999 17.667 0.830 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 501 H5'' THY 16 -2.874 18.998 -0.347 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 502 C4' THY 16 -1.452 17.388 -0.574 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 503 H4' THY 16 -0.705 17.995 -0.065 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 504 O4' THY 16 -1.281 16.003 -0.170 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 505 C1' THY 16 -0.834 15.221 -1.300 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 506 H1' THY 16 0.246 15.085 -1.238 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 507 N1 THY 16 -1.493 13.897 -1.332 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 508 C6 THY 16 -2.847 13.782 -1.508 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 509 H6 THY 16 -3.452 14.681 -1.599 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 510 C2 THY 16 -0.686 12.781 -1.194 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 511 O2 THY 16 0.530 12.869 -1.037 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 512 N3 THY 16 -1.328 11.558 -1.246 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 513 H3 THY 16 -0.760 10.742 -1.134 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 514 C4 THY 16 -2.685 11.356 -1.424 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 515 O4 THY 16 -3.150 10.219 -1.466 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 516 C5 THY 16 -3.447 12.577 -1.557 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 517 C5M THY 16 -4.957 12.501 -1.760 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 518 H51 THY 16 -5.422 13.407 -1.376 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 519 H52 THY 16 -5.352 11.634 -1.237 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 520 H53 THY 16 -5.176 12.408 -2.814 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 521 C2' THY 16 -1.160 16.036 -2.531 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 522 H2'' THY 16 -0.365 15.912 -3.277 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 523 O2' THY 16 -0.085 15.830 -3.438 0.00 0.00 A
ATOM 524 H2' THY 16 -2.137 15.741 -2.930 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 525 C3' THY 16 -1.207 17.463 -2.076 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 526 H3' THY 16 -2.043 17.975 -2.561 1.00 0.00 A
ATOM 527 O3' THY 16 0.021 18.138 -2.365 1.00 0.00 A

tools/ch2lmp/example/1ac7.pdb1 Executable file

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tools/ch2lmp/example/1ac7.pgn Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
package require psfgen
topology top_all27_na.rtf
pdbalias residue A ADE
pdbalias residue T THY
pdbalias residue G GUA
pdbalias residue C CYT
pdbalias atom ADE O3* O3'
pdbalias atom THY O3* O3'
pdbalias atom GUA O3* O3'
pdbalias atom CYT O3* O3'
pdbalias atom ADE O4* O4'
pdbalias atom THY O4* O4'
pdbalias atom GUA O4* O4'
pdbalias atom CYT O4* O4'
pdbalias atom ADE O5* O5'
pdbalias atom THY O5* O5'
pdbalias atom GUA O5* O5'
pdbalias atom CYT O5* O5'
pdbalias atom ADE C1* C1'
pdbalias atom THY C1* C1'
pdbalias atom GUA C1* C1'
pdbalias atom CYT C1* C1'
pdbalias atom ADE C2* C2'
pdbalias atom THY C2* C2'
pdbalias atom GUA C2* C2'
pdbalias atom CYT C2* C2'
pdbalias atom ADE C3* C3'
pdbalias atom THY C3* C3'
pdbalias atom GUA C3* C3'
pdbalias atom CYT C3* C3'
pdbalias atom ADE C4* C4'
pdbalias atom THY C4* C4'
pdbalias atom GUA C4* C4'
pdbalias atom CYT C4* C4'
pdbalias atom ADE C5* C5'
pdbalias atom THY C5* C5'
pdbalias atom GUA C5* C5'
pdbalias atom CYT C5* C5'
pdbalias atom ADE H1* H1'
pdbalias atom THY H1* H1'
pdbalias atom GUA H1* H1'
pdbalias atom CYT H1* H1'
pdbalias atom ADE H3* H3'
pdbalias atom THY H3* H3'
pdbalias atom GUA H3* H3'
pdbalias atom CYT H3* H3'
pdbalias atom ADE H4* H4'
pdbalias atom THY H4* H4'
pdbalias atom GUA H4* H4'
pdbalias atom CYT H4* H4'
pdbalias atom ADE 1H5* H5'
pdbalias atom THY 1H5* H5'
pdbalias atom GUA 1H5* H5'
pdbalias atom CYT 1H5* H5'
pdbalias atom ADE 2H5* H5''
pdbalias atom THY 2H5* H5''
pdbalias atom GUA 2H5* H5''
pdbalias atom CYT 2H5* H5''
pdbalias atom ADE 1H2* H2'
pdbalias atom THY 1H2* H2'
pdbalias atom GUA 1H2* H2'
pdbalias atom CYT 1H2* H2'
pdbalias atom ADE 2H2* H2''
pdbalias atom THY 2H2* H2''
pdbalias atom GUA 2H2* H2''
pdbalias atom CYT 2H2* H2''
pdbalias atom GUA 1H2 H21
pdbalias atom GUA 2H2 H22
pdbalias atom CYT 1H4 H41
pdbalias atom CYT 2H4 H42
pdbalias atom ADE 1H6 H61
pdbalias atom ADE 2H6 H62
pdbalias atom THY 1H5M H51
pdbalias atom THY 2H5M H52
pdbalias atom THY 3H5M H53
segment A {pdb 1ac7_pared.pdb}
coordpdb 1ac7_pared.pdb A
writepdb 1ac7.pdb
writepsf charmm 1ac7.psf

tools/ch2lmp/example/1ac7.psf Executable file

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
CRYST1 1.000 1.000 1.000 90.00 90.00 90.00 P 1 1
ORIGX1 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000
ORIGX2 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.00000
ORIGX3 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.00000
SCALE1 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000
SCALE2 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.00000
SCALE3 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.00000
ATOM 1 O5* A A 1 3.969 1.972 -0.393 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 2 C5* A A 1 5.044 2.279 -1.290 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 3 C4* A A 1 5.648 3.651 -1.028 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 4 O4* A A 1 4.831 4.694 -1.619 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 5 C3* A A 1 5.735 3.930 0.467 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 6 O3* A A 1 7.011 4.478 0.823 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 7 C2* A A 1 4.646 4.918 0.727 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 8 C1* A A 1 4.388 5.605 -0.589 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 9 N9 A A 1 2.960 5.940 -0.745 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 10 C8 A A 1 1.887 5.123 -0.884 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 11 N7 A A 1 0.730 5.679 -1.026 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 12 C5 A A 1 1.063 7.037 -0.974 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 13 C6 A A 1 0.298 8.207 -1.063 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 14 N6 A A 1 -1.022 8.204 -1.236 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 15 N1 A A 1 0.950 9.380 -0.971 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 16 C2 A A 1 2.273 9.407 -0.803 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 17 N3 A A 1 3.091 8.365 -0.708 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 18 C4 A A 1 2.417 7.202 -0.802 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 19 1H5* A A 1 4.671 2.290 -2.305 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 20 2H5* A A 1 5.816 1.501 -1.189 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 21 H4* A A 1 6.646 3.694 -1.462 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 22 H3* A A 1 5.546 3.013 1.029 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 23 H1* A A 1 4.979 6.519 -0.638 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 24 H8 A A 1 1.997 4.038 -0.875 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 25 1H6 A A 1 -1.526 9.077 -1.294 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 26 2H6 A A 1 -1.520 7.328 -1.309 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 27 H2 A A 1 2.731 10.392 -0.730 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 28 1H2* A A 1 3.741 4.398 1.062 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 29 2H2* A A 1 4.989 5.649 1.459 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 30 H5T A A 1 3.298 1.508 -0.900 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 31 P T A 2 7.364 4.806 2.358 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 32 O1P T A 2 8.839 4.776 2.530 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 33 O2P T A 2 6.515 3.962 3.238 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 34 O5* T A 2 6.861 6.330 2.454 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 35 C5* T A 2 7.276 7.297 1.480 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 36 C4* T A 2 6.873 8.719 1.849 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 37 O4* T A 2 5.486 8.978 1.507 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 38 C3* T A 2 7.025 8.967 3.345 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 39 O3* T A 2 7.719 10.196 3.596 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 40 C2* T A 2 5.626 9.038 3.865 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 41 C1* T A 2 4.768 9.415 2.684 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 42 N1 T A 2 3.423 8.799 2.747 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 43 C2 T A 2 2.337 9.639 2.626 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 44 O2 T A 2 2.458 10.860 2.552 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 45 N3 T A 2 1.099 9.029 2.606 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 46 C4 T A 2 0.851 7.673 2.697 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 47 O4 T A 2 -0.302 7.243 2.661 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 48 C5 T A 2 2.045 6.871 2.827 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 49 C5M T A 2 1.928 5.354 2.910 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 50 C6 T A 2 3.266 7.442 2.852 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 51 1H5* T A 2 6.804 7.074 0.532 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 52 2H5* T A 2 8.368 7.233 1.371 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 53 H4* T A 2 7.506 9.419 1.306 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 54 H3* T A 2 7.553 8.132 3.808 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 55 1H2* T A 2 5.324 8.059 4.256 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 56 2H2* T A 2 5.564 9.815 4.630 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 57 H1* T A 2 4.665 10.500 2.653 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 58 H3 T A 2 0.308 9.625 2.509 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 59 1H5M T A 2 1.213 5.085 3.678 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 60 2H5M T A 2 2.903 4.926 3.150 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 61 3H5M T A 2 1.589 4.964 1.960 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 62 H6 T A 2 4.140 6.814 2.982 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 63 P C A 3 7.980 10.697 5.100 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 64 O1P C A 3 9.280 11.413 5.150 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 65 O2P C A 3 7.737 9.569 6.034 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 66 O5* C A 3 6.789 11.768 5.253 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 67 C5* C A 3 6.720 12.904 4.380 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 68 C4* C A 3 5.593 13.866 4.739 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 69 O4* C A 3 4.292 13.290 4.450 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 70 C3* C A 3 5.616 14.221 6.221 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 71 O3* C A 3 5.555 15.639 6.408 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 72 C2* C A 3 4.407 13.552 6.796 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 73 C1* C A 3 3.465 13.339 5.637 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 74 N1 C A 3 2.672 12.098 5.790 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 75 C2 C A 3 1.294 12.207 5.721 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 76 O2 C A 3 0.763 13.308 5.588 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 77 N3 C A 3 0.558 11.072 5.813 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 78 C4 C A 3 1.140 9.878 5.968 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 79 N4 C A 3 0.379 8.788 6.044 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 80 C5 C A 3 2.559 9.760 6.045 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 81 C6 C A 3 3.282 10.889 5.955 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 82 1H5* C A 3 6.534 12.568 3.369 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 83 2H5* C A 3 7.686 13.430 4.420 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 84 H4* C A 3 5.709 14.779 4.157 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 85 H3* C A 3 6.518 13.815 6.685 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 86 H1* C A 3 2.791 14.192 5.565 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 87 1H4 C A 3 0.806 7.880 6.157 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 88 2H4 C A 3 -0.626 8.869 5.991 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 89 H5 C A 3 3.039 8.789 6.164 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 90 H6 C A 3 4.365 10.840 6.032 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 91 1H2* C A 3 4.689 12.590 7.236 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 92 2H2* C A 3 3.940 14.214 7.534 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 93 P C A 4 5.538 16.275 7.882 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 94 O1P C A 4 6.177 17.615 7.835 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 95 O2P C A 4 6.033 15.266 8.851 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 96 O5* C A 4 3.955 16.462 8.083 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 97 C5* C A 4 3.157 17.011 7.025 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 98 C4* C A 4 1.722 17.289 7.449 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 99 O4* C A 4 0.888 16.113 7.280 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 100 C3* C A 4 1.648 17.697 8.914 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 101 O3* C A 4 0.881 18.892 9.085 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 102 C2* C A 4 0.992 16.545 9.602 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 103 C1* C A 4 0.232 15.803 8.531 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 104 N1 C A 4 0.215 14.343 8.782 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 105 C2 C A 4 -1.018 13.712 8.800 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 106 O2 C A 4 -2.050 14.359 8.636 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 107 N3 C A 4 -1.049 12.370 9.003 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 108 C4 C A 4 0.078 11.668 9.183 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 109 N4 C A 4 0.010 10.348 9.372 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 110 C5 C A 4 1.351 12.313 9.169 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 111 C6 C A 4 1.375 13.644 8.967 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 112 1H5* C A 4 3.112 16.305 6.208 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 113 2H5* C A 4 3.632 17.942 6.682 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 114 H4* C A 4 1.321 18.095 6.835 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 115 H3* C A 4 2.656 17.837 9.310 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 116 H1* C A 4 -0.791 16.175 8.498 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 117 1H4 C A 4 0.855 9.814 9.502 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 118 2H4 C A 4 -0.885 9.881 9.386 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 119 H5 C A 4 2.272 11.748 9.314 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 120 H6 C A 4 2.327 14.165 8.951 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 121 1H2* C A 4 1.751 15.896 10.049 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 122 2H2* C A 4 0.293 16.923 10.350 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 123 P T A 5 0.647 19.496 10.554 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 124 O1P T A 5 0.561 20.975 10.457 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 125 O2P T A 5 1.626 18.884 11.487 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 126 O5* T A 5 -0.815 18.907 10.868 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 127 C5* T A 5 -1.928 19.273 10.041 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 128 C4* T A 5 -3.200 18.507 10.381 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 129 O4* T A 5 -2.989 17.071 10.326 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 130 C3* T A 5 -3.691 18.844 11.781 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 131 O3* T A 5 -5.077 19.199 11.761 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 132 C2* T A 5 -3.465 17.594 12.579 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 133 C1* T A 5 -3.410 16.473 11.574 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 134 N1 T A 5 -2.482 15.396 11.992 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 135 C2 T A 5 -3.000 14.117 12.096 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 136 O2 T A 5 -4.196 13.881 11.943 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 137 N3 T A 5 -2.094 13.117 12.403 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 138 C4 T A 5 -0.742 13.280 12.614 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 139 O4 T A 5 -0.032 12.308 12.873 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 140 C5 T A 5 -0.289 14.648 12.492 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 141 C5M T A 5 1.191 14.967 12.669 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 142 C6 T A 5 -1.153 15.644 12.196 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 143 1H5* T A 5 -1.694 19.051 9.009 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 144 2H5* T A 5 -2.101 20.352 10.155 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 145 H4* T A 5 -3.974 18.774 9.662 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 146 H3* T A 5 -3.096 19.660 12.197 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 147 1H2* T A 5 -2.511 17.661 13.116 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 148 2H2* T A 5 -4.306 17.435 13.264 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 149 H1* T A 5 -4.409 16.057 11.449 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 150 H3 T A 5 -2.449 12.182 12.472 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 151 1H5M T A 5 1.550 14.530 13.594 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 152 2H5M T A 5 1.333 16.047 12.693 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 153 3H5M T A 5 1.751 14.549 11.843 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 154 H6 T A 5 -0.790 16.668 12.147 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 155 P A A 6 -5.692 20.169 12.882 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 156 O1P A A 6 -6.683 21.072 12.244 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 157 O2P A A 6 -4.583 20.752 13.678 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 158 O5* A A 6 -6.471 19.094 13.785 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 159 C5* A A 6 -7.541 18.319 13.232 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 160 C4* A A 6 -7.985 17.203 14.162 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 161 O4* A A 6 -7.060 16.084 14.109 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 162 C3* A A 6 -8.041 17.687 15.608 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 163 O3* A A 6 -9.285 17.318 16.221 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 164 C2* A A 6 -6.890 17.001 16.274 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 165 C1* A A 6 -6.626 15.770 15.448 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 166 N9 A A 6 -5.206 15.361 15.499 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 167 C8 A A 6 -4.070 16.107 15.522 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 168 N7 A A 6 -2.949 15.480 15.662 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 169 C5 A A 6 -3.380 14.152 15.741 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 170 C6 A A 6 -2.701 12.939 15.900 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 171 N6 A A 6 -1.379 12.855 16.045 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 172 N1 A A 6 -3.441 11.818 15.931 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 173 C2 A A 6 -4.769 11.882 15.816 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 174 N3 A A 6 -5.509 12.969 15.668 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 175 C4 A A 6 -4.749 14.077 15.638 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 176 1H5* A A 6 -7.211 17.850 12.315 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 177 2H5* A A 6 -8.386 18.991 13.021 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 178 H4* A A 6 -8.974 16.858 13.863 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 179 H3* A A 6 -7.903 18.770 15.646 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 180 H1* A A 6 -7.241 14.954 15.831 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 181 H8 A A 6 -4.100 17.190 15.422 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 182 1H6 A A 6 -0.941 11.951 16.157 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 183 2H6 A A 6 -0.816 13.693 16.045 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 184 H2 A A 6 -5.306 10.937 15.837 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 185 1H2* A A 6 -6.014 17.659 16.261 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 186 2H2* A A 6 -7.162 16.715 17.291 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 187 P G A 7 -9.843 18.105 17.507 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 188 O1P G A 7 -11.229 18.561 17.226 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 189 O2P G A 7 -8.828 19.100 17.939 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 190 O5* G A 7 -9.897 16.910 18.585 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 191 C5* G A 7 -10.177 15.560 18.181 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 192 C4* G A 7 -9.561 14.522 19.125 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 193 O4* G A 7 -8.133 14.405 18.887 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 194 C3* G A 7 -9.744 14.878 20.608 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 195 O3* G A 7 -10.214 13.747 21.352 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 196 C2* G A 7 -8.383 15.282 21.074 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 197 C1* G A 7 -7.410 14.638 20.119 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 198 N9 G A 7 -6.233 15.500 19.896 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 199 C8 G A 7 -6.168 16.829 19.630 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 200 N7 G A 7 -4.998 17.354 19.481 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 201 C5 G A 7 -4.162 16.248 19.668 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 202 C6 G A 7 -2.744 16.163 19.632 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 203 O6 G A 7 -1.932 17.060 19.420 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 204 N1 G A 7 -2.305 14.867 19.874 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 205 C2 G A 7 -3.123 13.783 20.119 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 206 N2 G A 7 -2.510 12.617 20.326 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 207 N3 G A 7 -4.458 13.854 20.155 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 208 C4 G A 7 -4.911 15.108 19.923 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 209 1H5* G A 7 -9.745 15.381 17.207 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 210 2H5* G A 7 -11.270 15.426 18.114 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 211 H4* G A 7 -10.025 13.556 18.935 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 212 H3* G A 7 -10.429 15.719 20.727 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 213 H1* G A 7 -7.083 13.684 20.529 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 214 H8 G A 7 -7.071 17.433 19.552 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 215 H1 G A 7 -1.305 14.730 19.867 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 216 1H2 G A 7 -1.501 12.565 20.299 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 217 2H2 G A 7 -3.053 11.785 20.505 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 218 1H2* G A 7 -8.286 16.373 21.035 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 219 2H2* G A 7 -8.214 14.899 22.086 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 220 P T A 8 -10.470 13.861 22.933 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 221 O1P T A 8 -11.662 13.049 23.287 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 222 O2P T A 8 -10.423 15.292 23.326 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 223 O5* T A 8 -9.152 13.125 23.489 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 224 C5* T A 8 -9.105 11.695 23.588 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 225 C4* T A 8 -7.687 11.168 23.791 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 226 O4* T A 8 -6.715 12.044 23.168 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 227 C3* T A 8 -7.326 11.065 25.272 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 228 O3* T A 8 -6.760 9.782 25.572 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 229 C2* T A 8 -6.324 12.155 25.493 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 230 C1* T A 8 -5.719 12.435 24.137 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 231 N1 T A 8 -5.347 13.860 23.988 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 232 C2 T A 8 -4.038 14.136 23.637 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 233 O2 T A 8 -3.212 13.247 23.443 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 234 N3 T A 8 -3.711 15.473 23.513 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 235 C4 T A 8 -4.564 16.543 23.707 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 236 O4 T A 8 -4.163 17.697 23.570 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 237 C5 T A 8 -5.910 16.163 24.071 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 238 C5M T A 8 -6.952 17.250 24.322 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 239 C6 T A 8 -6.259 14.865 24.197 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 240 1H5* T A 8 -9.468 11.262 22.666 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 241 2H5* T A 8 -9.754 11.381 24.418 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 242 H4* T A 8 -7.609 10.181 23.338 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 243 H3* T A 8 -8.207 11.245 25.890 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 244 1H2* T A 8 -6.834 13.050 25.864 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 245 2H2* T A 8 -5.551 11.817 26.188 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 246 H1* T A 8 -4.826 11.809 24.000 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 247 H3 T A 8 -2.758 15.688 23.257 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 248 1H5M T A 8 -7.951 16.823 24.241 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 249 2H5M T A 8 -6.834 18.044 23.584 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 250 3H5M T A 8 -6.813 17.662 25.322 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 251 H6 T A 8 -7.285 14.614 24.463 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 252 P T A 9 -6.511 9.330 27.094 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 253 O1P T A 9 -6.391 7.851 27.145 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 254 O2P T A 9 -7.505 10.007 27.965 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 255 O5* T A 9 -5.064 9.980 27.352 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 256 C5* T A 9 -3.880 9.385 26.799 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 257 C4* T A 9 -3.160 10.317 25.831 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 258 O4* T A 9 -3.322 11.705 26.223 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 259 C3* T A 9 -1.667 10.028 25.792 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 260 O3* T A 9 -1.201 9.937 24.447 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 261 C2* T A 9 -1.031 11.183 26.492 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 262 C1* T A 9 -2.022 12.314 26.402 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 263 N1 T A 9 -1.980 13.144 27.620 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 264 C2 T A 9 -1.594 14.462 27.479 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 265 O2 T A 9 -1.304 14.946 26.388 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 266 N3 T A 9 -1.550 15.208 28.642 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 267 C4 T A 9 -1.856 14.754 29.913 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 268 O4 T A 9 -1.781 15.506 30.882 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 269 C5 T A 9 -2.250 13.364 29.961 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 270 C5M T A 9 -2.613 12.733 31.301 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 271 C6 T A 9 -2.301 12.617 28.841 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 272 1H5* T A 9 -4.151 8.500 26.239 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 273 2H5* T A 9 -3.212 9.106 27.628 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 274 H4* T A 9 -3.569 10.180 24.831 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 275 H3* T A 9 -1.452 9.104 26.331 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 276 1H2* T A 9 -0.850 10.929 27.544 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 277 2H2* T A 9 -0.104 11.461 25.976 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 278 H1* T A 9 -1.789 12.931 25.535 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 279 H3 T A 9 -1.266 16.173 28.556 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 280 1H5M T A 9 -3.440 13.282 31.750 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 281 2H5M T A 9 -1.749 12.768 31.965 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 282 3H5M T A 9 -2.907 11.695 31.144 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 283 H6 T A 9 -2.602 11.572 28.910 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 284 P A A 10 -0.315 8.688 23.992 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 285 O1P A A 10 0.551 8.277 25.125 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 286 O2P A A 10 0.304 8.985 22.676 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 287 O5* A A 10 -1.467 7.588 23.799 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 288 C5* A A 10 -1.147 6.209 23.981 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 289 C4* A A 10 -1.836 5.303 22.968 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 290 O4* A A 10 -3.058 5.912 22.482 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 291 C3* A A 10 -0.922 5.089 21.772 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 292 O3* A A 10 -1.116 3.794 21.200 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 293 C2* A A 10 -1.353 6.163 20.832 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 294 C1* A A 10 -2.814 6.401 21.156 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 295 N9 A A 10 -3.245 7.804 21.056 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 296 C8 A A 10 -2.525 8.939 21.164 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 297 N7 A A 10 -3.166 10.059 21.189 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 298 C5 A A 10 -4.488 9.625 21.105 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 299 C6 A A 10 -5.708 10.306 21.082 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 300 N6 A A 10 -5.798 11.634 21.109 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 301 N1 A A 10 -6.829 9.568 20.995 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 302 C2 A A 10 -6.756 8.238 20.930 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 303 N3 A A 10 -5.655 7.493 20.942 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 304 C4 A A 10 -4.547 8.257 21.031 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 305 1H5* A A 10 -1.499 5.914 24.943 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 306 2H5* A A 10 -0.058 6.091 23.938 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 307 H4* A A 10 -2.067 4.345 23.431 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 308 H3* A A 10 0.123 5.233 22.050 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 309 H1* A A 10 -3.405 5.820 20.462 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 310 H8 A A 10 -1.467 8.901 21.352 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 311 1H6 A A 10 -4.961 12.197 21.148 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 312 2H6 A A 10 -6.705 12.077 21.097 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 313 H2 A A 10 -7.703 7.703 20.862 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 314 1H2* A A 10 -0.763 7.061 21.013 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 315 2H2* A A 10 -1.255 5.812 19.797 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 316 P T A 11 -0.300 3.354 19.891 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 317 O1P T A 11 0.097 1.930 20.024 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 318 O2P T A 11 0.734 4.378 19.599 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 319 O5* T A 11 -1.473 3.469 18.803 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 320 C5* T A 11 -2.662 2.689 18.966 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 321 C4* T A 11 -3.851 3.245 18.197 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 322 O4* T A 11 -3.901 4.696 18.258 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 323 C3* T A 11 -3.793 2.852 16.729 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 324 O3* T A 11 -5.015 2.233 16.322 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 325 C2* T A 11 -3.564 4.136 15.992 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 326 C1* T A 11 -4.030 5.228 16.919 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 327 N1 T A 11 -3.239 6.466 16.744 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 328 C2 T A 11 -3.928 7.616 16.410 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 329 O2 T A 11 -5.147 7.627 16.255 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 330 N3 T A 11 -3.167 8.760 16.267 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 331 C4 T A 11 -1.796 8.854 16.430 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 332 O4 T A 11 -1.220 9.932 16.292 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 333 C5 T A 11 -1.161 7.602 16.776 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 334 C5M T A 11 0.348 7.560 16.990 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 335 C6 T A 11 -1.881 6.470 16.918 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 336 1H5* T A 11 -2.944 2.680 20.010 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 337 2H5* T A 11 -2.451 1.662 18.634 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 338 H4* T A 11 -4.766 2.847 18.632 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 339 H3* T A 11 -2.953 2.176 16.559 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 340 1H2* T A 11 -2.495 4.258 15.779 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 341 2H2* T A 11 -4.165 4.148 15.075 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 342 H1* T A 11 -5.080 5.439 16.719 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 343 H3 T A 11 -3.656 9.597 16.002 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 344 1H5M T A 11 0.804 8.445 16.550 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 345 2H5M T A 11 0.757 6.667 16.526 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 346 3H5M T A 11 0.561 7.538 18.049 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 347 H6 T A 11 -1.372 5.540 17.168 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 348 P A A 12 -5.221 1.752 14.807 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 349 O1P A A 12 -6.125 0.574 14.792 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 350 O2P A A 12 -3.895 1.663 14.146 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 351 O5* A A 12 -6.010 3.023 14.225 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 352 C5* A A 12 -7.077 3.615 14.980 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 353 C4* A A 12 -7.824 4.680 14.194 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 354 O4* A A 12 -7.144 5.958 14.280 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 355 C3* A A 12 -7.909 4.308 12.721 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 356 O3* A A 12 -9.231 4.514 12.212 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 357 C2* A A 12 -6.935 5.215 12.045 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 358 C1* A A 12 -6.790 6.408 12.952 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 359 N9 A A 12 -5.417 6.949 12.917 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 360 C8 A A 12 -4.226 6.316 13.057 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 361 N7 A A 12 -3.157 7.043 13.020 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 362 C5 A A 12 -3.693 8.321 12.830 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 363 C6 A A 12 -3.111 9.589 12.699 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 364 N6 A A 12 -1.795 9.805 12.753 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 365 N1 A A 12 -3.941 10.629 12.522 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 366 C2 A A 12 -5.257 10.448 12.476 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 367 N3 A A 12 -5.913 9.300 12.587 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 368 C4 A A 12 -5.067 8.268 12.764 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 369 1H5* A A 12 -6.670 4.100 15.857 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 370 2H5* A A 12 -7.769 2.818 15.287 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 371 H4* A A 12 -8.830 4.786 14.598 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 372 H3* A A 12 -7.606 3.268 12.582 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 373 H1* A A 12 -7.490 7.183 12.639 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 374 H8 A A 12 -4.171 5.237 13.186 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 375 1H6 A A 12 -1.162 9.032 12.894 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 376 2H6 A A 12 -1.429 10.745 12.648 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 377 H2 A A 12 -5.861 11.340 12.337 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 378 1H2* A A 12 -5.967 4.711 11.933 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 379 2H2* A A 12 -7.341 5.533 11.081 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 380 P G A 13 -9.569 4.219 10.669 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 381 O1P G A 13 -10.964 3.722 10.568 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 382 O2P G A 13 -8.467 3.416 10.078 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 383 O5* G A 13 -9.502 5.712 10.074 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 384 C5* G A 13 -10.262 6.771 10.674 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 385 C4* G A 13 -10.106 8.098 9.939 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 386 O4* G A 13 -8.786 8.662 10.158 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 387 C3* G A 13 -10.275 7.918 8.438 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 388 O3* G A 13 -11.101 8.949 7.886 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 389 C2* G A 13 -8.891 8.009 7.886 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 390 C1* G A 13 -8.107 8.815 8.888 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 391 N9 G A 13 -6.709 8.354 8.973 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 392 C8 G A 13 -6.219 7.099 9.112 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 393 N7 G A 13 -4.941 6.963 9.220 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 394 C5 G A 13 -4.509 8.289 9.140 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 395 C6 G A 13 -3.197 8.821 9.193 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 396 O6 G A 13 -2.131 8.221 9.329 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 397 N1 G A 13 -3.206 10.202 9.073 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 398 C2 G A 13 -4.330 10.984 8.915 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 399 N2 G A 13 -4.124 12.296 8.784 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 400 N3 G A 13 -5.570 10.492 8.868 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 401 C4 G A 13 -5.588 9.146 8.985 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 402 1H5* G A 13 -9.915 6.931 11.687 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 403 2H5* G A 13 -11.321 6.472 10.690 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 404 H4* G A 13 -10.856 8.800 10.304 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 405 H3* G A 13 -10.699 6.935 8.226 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 406 H1* G A 13 -8.123 9.865 8.595 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 407 H8 G A 13 -6.878 6.234 9.115 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 408 H1 G A 13 -2.315 10.646 9.124 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 409 1H2 G A 13 -3.184 12.667 8.819 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 410 2H2 G A 13 -4.906 12.918 8.649 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 411 1H2* G A 13 -8.460 7.004 7.796 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 412 2H2* G A 13 -8.913 8.529 6.925 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 413 P G A 14 -11.390 9.003 6.307 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 414 O1P G A 14 -12.822 9.326 6.088 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 415 O2P G A 14 -10.812 7.792 5.669 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 416 O5* G A 14 -10.498 10.281 5.903 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 417 C5* G A 14 -10.655 11.527 6.598 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 418 C4* G A 14 -9.695 12.606 6.108 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 419 O4* G A 14 -8.331 12.331 6.524 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 420 C3* G A 14 -9.699 12.699 4.588 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 421 O3* G A 14 -9.858 14.054 4.155 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 422 C2* G A 14 -8.370 12.156 4.168 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 423 C1* G A 14 -7.466 12.306 5.364 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 424 N9 G A 14 -6.496 11.197 5.439 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 425 C8 G A 14 -6.712 9.862 5.468 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 426 N7 G A 14 -5.685 9.089 5.544 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 427 C5 G A 14 -4.640 10.014 5.568 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 428 C6 G A 14 -3.243 9.800 5.643 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 429 O6 G A 14 -2.637 8.733 5.710 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 430 N1 G A 14 -2.546 11.000 5.639 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 431 C2 G A 14 -3.115 12.253 5.569 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 432 N2 G A 14 -2.272 13.284 5.569 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 433 N3 G A 14 -4.431 12.464 5.499 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 434 C4 G A 14 -5.130 11.309 5.503 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 435 1H5* G A 14 -10.451 11.380 7.649 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 436 2H5* G A 14 -11.694 11.866 6.469 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 437 H4* G A 14 -10.002 13.566 6.522 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 438 H3* G A 14 -10.498 12.075 4.180 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 439 H1* G A 14 -6.929 13.252 5.293 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 440 H8 G A 14 -7.718 9.456 5.407 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 441 H1 G A 14 -1.553 10.927 5.697 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 442 1H2 G A 14 -1.276 13.122 5.619 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 443 2H2 G A 14 -2.629 14.227 5.521 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 444 1H2* G A 14 -8.468 11.095 3.906 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 445 2H2* G A 14 -7.981 12.746 3.333 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 446 P A A 15 -9.872 14.418 2.591 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 447 O1P A A 15 -10.717 15.621 2.385 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 448 O2P A A 15 -10.159 13.187 1.811 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 449 O5* A A 15 -8.329 14.822 2.384 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 450 C5* A A 15 -7.757 15.905 3.132 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 451 C4* A A 15 -6.352 16.267 2.666 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 452 O4* A A 15 -5.384 15.271 3.088 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 453 C3* A A 15 -6.283 16.352 1.147 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 454 O3* A A 15 -5.624 17.548 0.722 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 455 C2* A A 15 -5.504 15.149 0.731 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 456 C1* A A 15 -4.683 14.758 1.931 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 457 N9 A A 15 -4.519 13.297 2.002 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 458 C8 A A 15 -5.449 12.315 1.922 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 459 N7 A A 15 -5.037 11.096 2.004 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 460 C5 A A 15 -3.661 11.277 2.155 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 461 C6 A A 15 -2.600 10.384 2.299 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 462 N6 A A 15 -2.755 9.059 2.312 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 463 N1 A A 15 -1.372 10.906 2.425 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 464 C2 A A 15 -1.189 12.224 2.412 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 465 N3 A A 15 -2.117 13.160 2.280 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 466 C4 A A 15 -3.341 12.615 2.156 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 467 1H5* A A 15 -7.679 15.620 4.173 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 468 2H5* A A 15 -8.419 16.778 3.038 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 469 H4* A A 15 -6.074 17.231 3.090 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 470 H3* A A 15 -7.289 16.303 0.726 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 471 H1* A A 15 -3.701 15.229 1.864 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 472 H8 A A 15 -6.501 12.547 1.781 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 473 1H6 A A 15 -1.949 8.456 2.417 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 474 2H6 A A 15 -3.677 8.658 2.219 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 475 H2 A A 15 -0.165 12.572 2.528 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 476 1H2* A A 15 -6.190 14.335 0.468 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 477 2H2* A A 15 -4.844 15.409 -0.102 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 478 P T A 16 -5.398 17.836 -0.841 1.00 0.00 P
ATOM 479 O1P T A 16 -5.436 19.302 -1.072 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 480 O2P T A 16 -6.293 16.951 -1.628 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 481 O5* T A 16 -3.882 17.322 -1.001 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 482 C5* T A 16 -2.838 17.907 -0.211 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 483 C4* T A 16 -1.452 17.388 -0.574 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 484 O4* T A 16 -1.281 16.003 -0.170 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 485 C3* T A 16 -1.207 17.463 -2.076 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 486 O3* T A 16 0.021 18.138 -2.365 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 487 C2* T A 16 -1.160 16.036 -2.531 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 488 C1* T A 16 -0.834 15.221 -1.300 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 489 N1 T A 16 -1.493 13.897 -1.332 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 490 C2 T A 16 -0.686 12.781 -1.194 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 491 O2 T A 16 0.530 12.869 -1.037 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 492 N3 T A 16 -1.328 11.558 -1.246 1.00 0.00 N
ATOM 493 C4 T A 16 -2.685 11.356 -1.424 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 494 O4 T A 16 -3.150 10.219 -1.466 1.00 0.00 O
ATOM 495 C5 T A 16 -3.447 12.577 -1.557 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 496 C5M T A 16 -4.957 12.501 -1.760 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 497 C6 T A 16 -2.847 13.782 -1.508 1.00 0.00 C
ATOM 498 1H5* T A 16 -2.999 17.667 0.830 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 499 2H5* T A 16 -2.874 18.998 -0.347 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 500 H4* T A 16 -0.705 17.995 -0.065 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 501 H3* T A 16 -2.043 17.975 -2.561 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 502 1H2* T A 16 -2.137 15.741 -2.930 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 503 2H2* T A 16 -0.365 15.912 -3.277 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 504 H1* T A 16 0.246 15.085 -1.238 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 505 H3 T A 16 -0.760 10.742 -1.134 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 506 1H5M T A 16 -5.422 13.407 -1.376 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 507 2H5M T A 16 -5.352 11.634 -1.237 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 508 3H5M T A 16 -5.176 12.408 -2.814 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 509 H6 T A 16 -3.452 14.681 -1.599 1.00 0.00 H
ATOM 510 H3T T A 16 0.690 17.465 -2.514 1.00 0.00 H
TER 511 T A 16

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* \\\\ CHARMM27 All-Hydrogen Nucleic Acid Topology File ////
* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Developmental ////////////////////////
* Alexander D. MacKerell Jr. and Nicolas Foloppe
* December, 2003
* All comments to ADM jr. via the CHARMM web site:
* parameter set discussion forum
27 1
! model componds moved to toppar_all27_na_model.str
! NAD, ATP, PPI and related compounds moved to toppar_all27_na_nad_ppi.str
! base modification residues and patches moved to toppar_all27_na_base_modifications.str
!Foloppe, N. and MacKerell, Jr., A.D. "All-Atom Empirical Force Field for
!Nucleic Acids: 2) Parameter Optimization Based on Small Molecule and
!Condensed Phase Macromolecular Target Data. 2000, 21: 86-104.
!MacKerell, Jr., A.D. and Banavali, N. "All-Atom Empirical Force Field for
!Nucleic Acids: 2) Application to Molecular Dynamics Simulations of DNA
!and RNA in Solution. 2000, 21: 105-120.
MASS 2 HN1 1.008000 H ! Nucleic acid amine proton
MASS 3 HN2 1.008000 H ! Nucleic acid ring nitrogen proton
MASS 4 HN3 1.008000 H ! Nucleic acid aromatic carbon proton
MASS 5 HN3B 1.008000 H ! NAD+ aromatic hydrogen
MASS 6 HN3C 1.008000 H ! Standard aromatic hydrogen (as in benzene)
MASS 7 HNP 1.008000 H ! pure aromatic H
MASS 8 HN4 1.008000 H ! Nucleic acid phosphate hydroxyl proton
MASS 9 HN5 1.008000 H ! Nucleic acid ribose hydroxyl proton
MASS 10 HN6 1.008000 H ! Nucleic acid ribose aliphatic proton
MASS 11 HN7 1.008000 H ! Nucleic acid proton (equivalent to protein HA)
MASS 12 HN8 1.008000 H ! Bound to CN8 in nucleic acids/model compounds
MASS 13 HN9 1.008000 H ! Bound to CN9 in nucleic acids/model compounds
MASS 14 HNE1 1.008000 H ! for alkene; RHC=CR (modified thy patch Sasha)
MASS 15 HNE2 1.008000 H ! for alkene; H2C=CR (modified thy patch Sasha)
MASS 20 CN1 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid carbonyl carbon
MASS 21 CN1A 12.011000 C ! NAD+/NADH amide carbonyl carbon
MASS 22 CN1T 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid carbonyl carbon (T/U C2)
MASS 23 CN2 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid aromatic carbon to amide
MASS 24 CN3 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid aromatic carbon
MASS 25 CN3A 12.011000 C ! NAD+ aromatic carbon
MASS 26 CN3B 12.011000 C ! NAD+ aromatic carbon
MASS 27 CN3C 12.011000 C ! NADH aromatic carbon
MASS 28 CN3D 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid aromatic carbon for 5MC
MASS 29 CN3T 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid aromatic carbon, Thy C5
MASS 30 CN4 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid purine C8 and ADE C2
MASS 31 CN5 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid purine C4 and C5
MASS 32 CN5G 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid guanine C5
MASS 33 CN7 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid carbon (equivalent to protein CT1)
MASS 34 CN7B 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid aliphatic carbon for C1'
MASS 35 CN7C 12.011000 C ! C2' in arabinose
MASS 36 CN7D 12.011000 C ! C2' in nucleic acids fluorine derivatives
MASS 37 CN8 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid carbon (equivalent to protein CT2)
MASS 38 CN8B 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid carbon (equivalent to protein CT2)
MASS 39 CN9 12.011000 C ! Nucleic acid carbon (equivalent to protein CT3)
MASS 40 CNE1 12.011000 C ! for alkene; RHC=CR (modified thy patch Sasha)
MASS 41 CNE2 12.011000 C ! for alkene; H2C=CR (modified thy patch Sasha)
MASS 42 CNA 12.011000 C ! pure aromatic carbon
MASS 43 CNA2 12.011000 C ! pure aromatic carbon bound to F
MASS 44 CN6 12.011000 C ! carbocyclic sugar (see toppar_all27_na_carbocyclic.str)
MASS 45 CN7E 12.011000 C ! carbocyclic sugar (see toppar_all27_na_carbocyclic.str)
MASS 50 NN1 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid amide nitrogen
MASS 51 NN1C 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid imino nitrogen (cyt taut Sasha)
MASS 52 NN2 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid protonated ring nitrogen
MASS 53 NN2B 14.007000 N ! From NN2, for N9 in GUA different from ADE
MASS 54 NN2C 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid protonated ring nitrogen (cyt taut Sasha)
MASS 55 NN2U 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid protonated ring nitrogen, ura N3
MASS 56 NN2G 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid protonated ring nitrogen, gua N1
MASS 57 NN3 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid unprotonated ring nitrogen
MASS 58 NN3A 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid unprotonated ring nitrogen, ade N1 and N3
MASS 59 NN3I 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid unprotonated ring nitrogen, inosine N3
MASS 60 NN3G 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid unprotonated ring nitrogen, gua N3
MASS 61 NN4 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid purine N7
MASS 62 NN5 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid sp2 amine nitrogen
MASS 63 NN6 14.007000 N ! Nucleic acid sp3 amine nitrogen (equiv to protein nh3)
MASS 71 ON1 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid carbonyl oxygen
MASS 72 ON1C 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid carbonyl oxygen, cyt O2
MASS 73 ON2 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid phosphate ester oxygen
MASS 74 ON3 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid =O in phosphate
MASS 75 ON4 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid phosphate hydroxyl oxygen
MASS 76 ON5 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid ribose hydroxyl oxygen
MASS 77 ON6 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid deoxyribose ring oxygen
MASS 78 ON6B 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid ribose ring oxygen
MASS 79 ON2B 15.999400 O ! Nucleic acid phosphate ester oxygen (pres tp1/tp2, toppar_tyr_ser_thr_phosphate.str)
MASS 80 FN1 18.998400 F ! Fluorine for sugar derivatives (NF)
MASS 81 FNA 18.998400 F ! Aromatic fluorine
MASS 82 P 30.974000 P ! phosphorus
MASS 83 P2 30.974000 P ! pyrophosphate phosphorus (see toppar_all27_na_nad_ppi.str)
MASS 84 P3 30.974000 P ! protonated pyrophosphate phosphorus (see toppar_all27_na_nad_ppi.str)
MASS 90 SOD 22.989770 NA ! Sodium Ion
MASS 91 MG 24.305000 MG ! Magnesium Ion
MASS 92 POT 39.102000 K ! Potassium Ion! check masses
MASS 93 CES 132.900000 CS ! Cesium Ion
MASS 94 CAL 40.080000 CA ! Calcium Ion
MASS 95 CLA 35.450000 CL ! Chloride Ion
MASS 96 ZN 65.370000 ZN ! zinc (II) cation
MASS 99 DUM 0.001 H ! dummy atom
MASS 102 CPH1 12.011000 C ! For imidazole model compound (NF)
MASS 103 CPH2 12.011000 C ! For imidazole model compound (NF)
MASS 104 HR3 1.008000 H ! For imidazole model compound (NF)
MASS 105 HR1 1.008000 H ! For imidazole model compound (NF)
MASS 106 NR1 14.007000 H ! For nitrogen in imidazol (NF)
MASS 107 NR2 14.007000 H ! For nitrogen in imidazol (NF)
DEFA FIRS none LAST none
RESI GUA -1.00 ! O6
ATOM P P 1.50 ! ||
ATOM O1P ON3 -0.78 ! C6
ATOM O2P ON3 -0.78 ! / \
ATOM O5' ON2 -0.57 ! H1-N1 C5--N7\\
ATOM C5' CN8B -0.08 ! | || C8-H8
ATOM H5' HN8 0.09 ! C2 C4--N9/
ATOM H5'' HN8 0.09 ! / \\ / \
GROUP ! H21-N2 N3 \
ATOM C4' CN7 0.16 ! | \
ATOM H4' HN7 0.09 ! H22 \
ATOM O4' ON6B -0.50 ! \
ATOM C1' CN7B 0.16 ! O1P H5' H4' O4' \
ATOM H1' HN7 0.09 ! | | \ / \ \
GROUP ! -P-O5'-C5'---C4' C1'
ATOM N9 NN2B -0.02 ! | | \ / \
ATOM C4 CN5 0.26 ! O2P H5'' C3'--C2' H1'
ATOM N2 NN1 -0.68 ! / \ / \
ATOM H21 HN1 0.32 ! O3' H3' O2' H2''
ATOM H22 HN1 0.35 ! | |
ATOM N3 NN3G -0.74 ! H2'
ATOM C2 CN2 0.75
ATOM N1 NN2G -0.34
ATOM H1 HN2 0.26
ATOM C6 CN1 0.54
ATOM O6 ON1 -0.51
ATOM C5 CN5G 0.00
ATOM N7 NN4 -0.60
ATOM C8 CN4 0.25
ATOM H8 HN3 0.16
ATOM C2' CN7B 0.14
ATOM H2'' HN7 0.09
ATOM O2' ON5 -0.66
ATOM H2' HN5 0.43
ATOM C3' CN7 0.01
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM O3' ON2 -0.57
BOND O5' C5' C5' C4' C4' O4' C4' C3' O4' C1'
BOND C1' N9 C1' C2' N9 C4 N9 C8 C4 N3
BOND C2 N2 C2 N1 N2 H21
BOND N2 H22 N1 H1 N1 C6 C6 C5
BOND C5 N7 C2' C3' C3' O3' O3' +P
BOND C2' O2' O2' H2'
BOND C1' H1' C2' H2'' C3' H3' C4' H4' C5' H5'
BOND C5' H5'' C8 H8
DOUBLE C2 N3 C4 C5 N7 C8 C6 O6
IMPR C2 N3 N1 N2 C6 N1 C5 O6 N2 H21 C2 H22
DONO H2' O2'
! Chi and sugar-phosphate backbone in B-DNA like conformation
BILD -O3' P O5' C5' 1.6001 101.45 -46.90 119.00 1.4401 !alpha
BILD -O3' O5' *P O1P 1.6001 101.45 -115.82 109.74 1.4802
BILD -O3' O5' *P O2P 1.6001 101.45 115.90 109.80 1.4801
BILD P O5' C5' C4' 1.5996 119.00 -146.00 110.04 1.5160 !beta
BILD O5' C5' C4' C3' 1.4401 108.83 60.00 116.10 1.5284 !gamma
BILD C5' C4' C3' O3' 1.5160 116.10 140.00 115.12 1.4212 !delta
BILD C4' C3' O3' +P 1.5284 111.92 155.00 119.05 1.6001 !epsilon
BILD C3' O3' +P +O5' 1.4212 119.05 -95.20 101.45 1.5996 !zeta
BILD O4' C3' *C4' C5' 1.4572 104.06 -120.04 116.10 1.5160
BILD C2' C4' *C3' O3' 1.5284 100.16 -124.08 115.12 1.4212
BILD C4' C3' C2' C1' 1.5284 100.16 -30.00 102.04 1.5251 !puck
BILD C3' C2' C1' N9 1.5284 101.97 147.80 113.71 1.4896
BILD O4' C1' N9 C4 1.5251 113.71 -97.2 125.59 1.3783 !chi
BILD C1' C4 *N9 C8 1.4896 125.59 -179.99 106.0 1.374
BILD C4 N9 C8 N7 1.377 106.0 0.0 113.5 1.304
BILD C8 N9 C4 C5 1.374 106.0 0.0 105.6 1.377
BILD N9 C5 *C4 N3 1.377 105.6 180.0 128.4 1.355
BILD C5 C4 N3 C2 1.377 128.4 0.0 111.8 1.327
BILD C4 N3 C2 N1 1.355 111.8 0.0 124.0 1.375
BILD N1 N3 *C2 N2 1.375 124.0 180.0 119.7 1.341
BILD N3 C2 N2 H21 1.327 119.7 180.0 127.0 1.01
BILD H21 C2 *N2 H22 1.01 127.0 -180.0 116.5 1.01
BILD N3 C2 N1 C6 1.327 124.0 0.0 124.9 1.393
BILD C6 C2 *N1 H1 1.393 124.9 180.0 117.4 1.03
BILD C5 N1 *C6 O6 1.415 111.7 180.0 120.0 1.239
BILD N9 N7 *C8 H8 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' O2' 1.5284 102.04 -114.67 110.81 1.4212
BILD H2' O2' C2' C3' 0.9600 114.97 148.63 111.92 1.5284
BILD O4' C2' *C1' H1' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' H2'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C2' C4' *C3' H3' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C3' O4' *C4' H4' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
RESI ADE -1.00 ! H61 H62!
ATOM P P 1.50 ! \ /
ATOM O1P ON3 -0.78 ! N6
ATOM O2P ON3 -0.78 ! |
ATOM O5' ON2 -0.57 ! C6
ATOM C5' CN8B -0.08 ! // \
ATOM H5' HN8 0.09 ! N1 C5--N7\\
ATOM H5'' HN8 0.09 ! | || C8-H8
GROUP ! C2 C4--N9/
ATOM C4' CN7 0.16 ! / \\ / \
ATOM H4' HN7 0.09 ! H2 N3 \
ATOM O4' ON6B -0.50 ! \
ATOM C1' CN7B 0.16 ! \
ATOM H1' HN7 0.09 ! \
GROUP ! O1P H5' H4' O4' \
ATOM N9 NN2 -0.05 ! | | \ / \ \
ATOM C5 CN5 0.28 ! -P-O5'-C5'---C4' C1'
ATOM N7 NN4 -0.71 ! | | \ / \
ATOM C8 CN4 0.34 ! O2P H5'' C3'--C2' H1'
ATOM H8 HN3 0.12 ! / \ / \
ATOM N1 NN3A -0.74 ! O3' H3' O2' H2''
ATOM C2 CN4 0.50 ! | |
ATOM H2 HN3 0.13 ! H2'
ATOM N3 NN3A -0.75
ATOM C4 CN5 0.43
ATOM C6 CN2 0.46
ATOM N6 NN1 -0.77
ATOM H61 HN1 0.38
ATOM H62 HN1 0.38
ATOM C2' CN7B 0.14
ATOM H2'' HN7 0.09
ATOM O2' ON5 -0.66
ATOM H2' HN5 0.43
ATOM C3' CN7 0.01
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM O3' ON2 -0.57
BOND O5' C5' C5' C4' C4' O4' C4' C3' O4' C1'
BOND C1' N9 C1' C2' N9 C4 N9 C8 C4 N3
BOND C2 N1 C6 N6
BOND N6 H61 N6 H62 C6 C5 C5 N7
BOND C2' C3' C2' O2' O2' H2' C3' O3' O3' +P
BOND C1' H1' C2' H2'' C3' H3' C4' H4' C5' H5'
BOND C5' H5'' C8 H8 C2 H2
DOUBLE N1 C6 C2 N3 C4 C5 N7 C8
IMPR N6 C6 H61 H62 C6 N1 C5 N6
DONO H2' O2'
BILD -O3' P O5' C5' 1.6001 101.45 -46.90 119.00 1.4401 !alpha
BILD -O3' O5' *P O1P 1.6001 101.45 -115.82 109.74 1.4802
BILD -O3' O5' *P O2P 1.6001 101.45 115.90 109.80 1.4801
BILD P O5' C5' C4' 1.5996 119.00 -146.00 110.04 1.5160 !beta
BILD O5' C5' C4' C3' 1.4401 108.83 60.00 116.10 1.5284 !gamma
BILD C5' C4' C3' O3' 1.5160 116.10 140.00 115.12 1.4212 !delta
BILD C4' C3' O3' +P 1.5284 111.92 155.00 119.05 1.6001 !epsilon
BILD C3' O3' +P +O5' 1.4212 119.05 -95.20 101.45 1.5996 !zeta
BILD O4' C3' *C4' C5' 1.4572 104.06 -120.04 116.10 1.5160
BILD C2' C4' *C3' O3' 1.5284 100.16 -124.08 115.12 1.4212
BILD C4' C3' C2' C1' 1.5284 100.16 -30.00 102.04 1.5251 !puck
BILD C3' C2' C1' N9 1.5284 101.97 147.80 113.71 1.4896
BILD O4' C1' N9 C4 1.5251 113.71 -97.2 125.59 1.3783 !chi
BILD C1' C4 *N9 C8 1.4896 125.97 -179.94 106.0 1.367
BILD C4 N9 C8 N7 1.376 106.0 0.0 113.6 1.312
BILD C8 N9 C4 C5 1.367 106.0 0.0 105.6 1.382
BILD C8 N7 C5 C6 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD N7 C5 C6 N1 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C5 C6 N1 C2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
BILD N9 C5 *C4 N3 1.376 105.6 -180.0 126.9 1.342
BILD C5 N1 *C6 N6 1.409 117.6 -180.0 121.2 1.337
BILD N1 C6 N6 H61 1.337 121.2 0.0 119.0 1.01
BILD H61 C6 *N6 H62 1.01 119.0 180.0 119.00 1.01
BILD C5 N1 *C6 N6 1.409 117.6 -180.0 119.0 1.337
BILD N1 C6 N6 H61 1.337 119.0 0.0 119.0 1.01
BILD H61 C6 *N6 H62 1.01 119.0 180.0 121.00 1.01
BILD N9 N7 *C8 H8 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD N1 N3 *C2 H2 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' O2' 1.5284 102.04 -114.67 110.81 1.4212
BILD H2' O2' C2' C3' 0.9600 114.97 148.63 111.92 1.5284
BILD O4' C2' *C1' H1' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' H2'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C2' C4' *C3' H3' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C3' O4' *C4' H4' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
RESI CYT -1.00
ATOM P P 1.50 !
ATOM O1P ON3 -0.78 ! H42 H41
ATOM O2P ON3 -0.78 ! \ /
ATOM O5' ON2 -0.57 ! N4
ATOM C5' CN8B -0.08 ! |
ATOM H5' HN8 0.09 ! C4
ATOM H5'' HN8 0.09 ! / \\
GROUP ! H5-C5 N3
ATOM C4' CN7 0.16 ! || |
ATOM H4' HN7 0.09 ! H6-C6 C2
ATOM O4' ON6B -0.50 ! \ / \\
ATOM C1' CN7B 0.16 ! N1 O2
ATOM H1' HN7 0.09 ! \
ATOM N1 NN2 -0.13 ! \
ATOM C6 CN3 0.05 ! O1P H5' H4' O4' \
ATOM H6 HN3 0.17 ! | | \ / \ \
ATOM C5 CN3 -0.13 ! -P-O5'-C5'---C4' C1'
ATOM H5 HN3 0.07 ! | | \ / \
ATOM C2 CN1 0.52 ! O2P H5'' C3'--C2' H1'
ATOM O2 ON1C -0.49 ! / \ / \
ATOM N3 NN3 -0.66 ! O3' H3' O2' H2''
ATOM C4 CN2 0.65 ! | |
ATOM N4 NN1 -0.75 ! H2'
ATOM H41 HN1 0.37
ATOM H42 HN1 0.33
ATOM C2' CN7B 0.14
ATOM H2'' HN7 0.09
ATOM O2' ON5 -0.66
ATOM H2' HN5 0.43
ATOM C3' CN7 0.01
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM O3' ON2 -0.57
BOND O5' C5' C5' C4' C4' O4' C4' C3' O4' C1'
BOND C1' N1 C1' C2' N1 C2 N1 C6
BOND C2 N3 C4 N4 N4 H41 N4 H42
BOND C4 C5 C2' C3' C3' O3' O3' +P
BOND C2' O2' O2' H2'
BOND C1' H1' C2' H2'' C3' H3' C4' H4' C5' H5'
BOND C5' H5'' C5 H5 C6 H6
DOUBLE C2 O2 C5 C6 N3 C4
IMPR C2 N1 N3 O2 C4 N3 C5 N4
IMPR N4 C4 H41 H42
DONO H2' O2'
BILD -O3' P O5' C5' 1.6001 101.45 -46.90 119.00 1.4401 !alpha
BILD -O3' O5' *P O1P 1.6001 101.45 -115.82 109.74 1.4802
BILD -O3' O5' *P O2P 1.6001 101.45 115.90 109.80 1.4801
BILD P O5' C5' C4' 1.5996 119.00 -146.00 110.04 1.5160 !beta
BILD O5' C5' C4' C3' 1.4401 108.83 60.00 116.10 1.5284 !gamma
BILD C5' C4' C3' O3' 1.5160 116.10 140.00 115.12 1.4212 !delta
BILD C4' C3' O3' +P 1.5284 111.92 155.00 119.05 1.6001 !epsilon
BILD C3' O3' +P +O5' 1.4212 119.05 -95.20 101.45 1.5996 !zeta
BILD O4' C3' *C4' C5' 1.4572 104.06 -120.04 116.10 1.5160
BILD C2' C4' *C3' O3' 1.5284 100.16 -124.08 115.12 1.4212
BILD C4' C3' C2' C1' 1.5284 100.16 -30.00 102.04 1.5251
BILD C3' C2' C1' N1 1.5284 101.97 147.89 113.71 1.4896
BILD O4' C1' N1 C2 1.5251 113.71 -97.2 125.59 1.3783 !chi
BILD C1' C2 *N1 C6 1.4896 117.79 -180.00 120.6 1.364
BILD C2 N1 C6 C5 1.399 120.6 0.0 121.0 1.337
BILD C6 N1 C2 N3 1.364 120.6 0.0 118.9 1.356
BILD N1 N3 *C2 O2 1.399 118.9 180.0 121.9 1.237
BILD N1 C2 N3 C4 1.399 118.9 0.0 120.0 1.334
BILD C5 N3 *C4 N4 1.426 121.8 180.00 118.9 1.337
BILD N3 C4 N4 H41 1.337 117.9 0.00 118.9 1.01
BILD H41 C4 *N4 H42 1.01 118.9 180.00 120.7 1.01
BILD C6 C4 *C5 H5 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD N1 C5 *C6 H6 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' O2' 1.5284 102.04 -114.67 110.81 1.4212
BILD H2' O2' C2' C3' 0.9600 114.97 148.63 111.92 1.5284
BILD O4' C2' *C1' H1' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' H2'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C2' C4' *C3' H3' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C3' O4' *C4' H4' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
RESI THY -1.00 ! H51 O4
ATOM P P 1.50 ! | ||
ATOM O1P ON3 -0.78 ! H52-C5M C4 H3
ATOM O2P ON3 -0.78 ! | \ / \ /
ATOM O5' ON2 -0.57 ! H53 C5 N3
ATOM C5' CN8B -0.08 ! || |
ATOM H5' HN8 0.09 ! H6-C6 C2
ATOM H5'' HN8 0.09 ! \ / \\
ATOM C4' CN7 0.16 ! \
ATOM H4' HN7 0.09 ! \
ATOM O4' ON6B -0.50 ! \
ATOM C1' CN7B 0.16 ! O1P H5' H4' O4' \
ATOM H1' HN7 0.09 ! | | \ / \ \
GROUP ! -P-O5'-C5'---C4' C1'
ATOM N1 NN2B -0.34 ! | | \ / \
ATOM C6 CN3 0.17 ! O2P H5'' C3'--C2' H1'
ATOM H6 HN3 0.17 ! / \ / \
ATOM C2 CN1T 0.51 ! O3' H3' O2' H2''
ATOM O2 ON1 -0.41 ! | |
ATOM N3 NN2U -0.46 ! H2'
ATOM H3 HN2 0.36 !
ATOM C4 CN1 0.50 !
ATOM O4 ON1 -0.45 !
ATOM C5 CN3T -0.15
ATOM C5M CN9 -0.11
ATOM H51 HN9 0.07
ATOM H52 HN9 0.07
ATOM H53 HN9 0.07
ATOM C2' CN7B 0.14
ATOM H2'' HN7 0.09
ATOM O2' ON5 -0.66
ATOM H2' HN5 0.43
ATOM C3' CN7 0.01
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM O3' ON2 -0.57
BOND O5' C5' C5' C4' C4' O4' C4' C3' O4' C1'
BOND C1' N1 C1' C2' N1 C2 N1 C6
BOND C2 N3 N3 H3 N3 C4 C4 C5
BOND C5 C5M C2' C3' C3' O3' O3' +P
BOND C2' O2' O2' H2'
BOND C1' H1' C2' H2'' C3' H3' C4' H4' C5' H5'
BOND C5' H5'' C6 H6 C5M H51 C5M H52 C5M H53
DOUBLE C2 O2 C4 O4 C5 C6
IMPR C2 N1 N3 O2 C4 N3 C5 O4 C5 C4 C6 C5M
DONO H2' O2'
BILD -O3' P O5' C5' 1.6001 101.45 -46.90 119.00 1.4401 !alpha
BILD -O3' O5' *P O1P 1.6001 101.45 -115.82 109.74 1.4802
BILD -O3' O5' *P O2P 1.6001 101.45 115.90 109.80 1.4801
BILD P O5' C5' C4' 1.5996 119.00 -146.00 110.04 1.5160 !beta
BILD O5' C5' C4' C3' 1.4401 108.83 60.00 116.10 1.5284
BILD C5' C4' C3' O3' 1.5160 116.10 140.00 115.12 1.4212
BILD C4' C3' O3' +P 1.5284 111.92 155.00 119.05 1.6001
BILD C3' O3' +P +O5' 1.4212 119.05 -95.20 101.45 1.5996
BILD O4' C3' *C4' C5' 1.4572 104.06 -120.04 116.10 1.5160
BILD C2' C4' *C3' O3' 1.5284 100.16 -124.08 115.12 1.4212
BILD C4' C3' C2' C1' 1.5284 100.16 -30.00 102.04 1.5251
BILD C3' C2' C1' N1 1.5284 101.97 147.89 113.71 1.4896
BILD O4' C1' N1 C2 1.5251 113.71 -97.2 125.59 1.3783 !chi
BILD C1' C2 *N1 C6 1.4896 117.06 -179.96 122.08 1.3704
BILD C2 N1 C6 C5 1.3746 122.08 -0.02 121.23 1.3432
BILD C6 N1 C2 N3 1.3704 122.08 0.06 115.38 1.3813
BILD N1 N3 *C2 O2 1.3746 115.38 -179.95 121.70 1.2191
BILD N1 C2 N3 C4 1.3746 115.38 -0.07 126.46 1.3795
BILD C5 N3 *C4 O4 1.4439 114.07 179.98 120.59 1.2327
BILD C2 C4 *N3 H3 1.3813 126.46 180.00 116.77 1.0900
BILD C4 C6 *C5 C5M 1.4439 120.78 -179.94 121.63 1.5000
BILD N1 C5 *C6 H6 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C6 C5 C5M H51 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C5 H51 *C5M H52 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD H51 H52 *C5M H53 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' O2' 1.5284 102.04 -114.67 110.81 1.4212
BILD H2' O2' C2' C3' 0.9600 114.97 148.63 111.92 1.5284
BILD O4' C2' *C1' H1' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' H2'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C2' C4' *C3' H3' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C3' O4' *C4' H4' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5'' 0.0 0. 115.0 0.0 0.0
RESI URA -1.00 ! O4
ATOM P P 1.50 ! ||
ATOM O1P ON3 -0.78 ! C4 H3
ATOM O2P ON3 -0.78 ! / \ /
ATOM O5' ON2 -0.57 ! H5-C5 N3
ATOM C5' CN8B -0.08 ! || |
ATOM H5' HN8 0.09 ! H6-C6 C2
ATOM H5'' HN8 0.09 ! \ / \\
ATOM C4' CN7 0.16 ! \
ATOM H4' HN7 0.09 ! \
ATOM O4' ON6B -0.50 ! \
ATOM C1' CN7B 0.16 ! O1P H5' H4' O4' \
ATOM H1' HN7 0.09 ! | | \ / \ \
GROUP ! -P-O5'-C5'---C4' C1'
ATOM N1 NN2B -0.34 ! | | \ / \
ATOM C6 CN3 0.20 ! O2P H5'' C3'--C2' H1'
ATOM H6 HN3 0.14 ! / \ / \
ATOM C2 CN1T 0.55 ! O3' H3' O2' H2''
ATOM O2 ON1 -0.45 ! | |
ATOM N3 NN2U -0.46 ! H2'
ATOM H3 HN2 0.36 !
ATOM C4 CN1 0.53 !
ATOM O4 ON1 -0.48 !
ATOM C5 CN3 -0.15 !
ATOM H5 HN3 0.10 !
ATOM C2' CN7B 0.14
ATOM H2'' HN7 0.09
ATOM O2' ON5 -0.66
ATOM H2' HN5 0.43
ATOM C3' CN7 0.01
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM O3' ON2 -0.57
BOND O5' C5' C5' C4' C4' O4' C4' C3' O4' C1'
BOND C1' N1 C1' C2' N1 C2 N1 C6
BOND C2 N3 N3 H3 N3 C4 C4 C5
BOND C2' C3' C3' O3' O3' +P
BOND C2' O2' O2' H2'
BOND C1' H1' C2' H2'' C3' H3' C4' H4' C5' H5'
BOND C5' H5'' C5 H5 C6 H6
DOUBLE C2 O2 C4 O4 C5 C6
IMPR C2 N1 N3 O2 C4 N3 C5 O4
DONO H2' O2'
BILD -O3' P O5' C5' 1.6001 101.45 -39.25 119.00 1.4401
BILD -O3' O5' *P O1P 1.6001 101.45 -115.82 109.74 1.4802
BILD -O3' O5' *P O2P 1.6001 101.45 115.90 109.80 1.4801
BILD P O5' C5' C4' 1.5996 119.00 -151.39 110.04 1.5160
BILD O5' C5' C4' C3' 1.4401 108.83 -179.85 116.10 1.5284
BILD C5' C4' C3' O3' 1.5160 116.10 76.70 115.12 1.4212
BILD C4' C3' O3' +P 1.5284 111.92 159.13 119.05 1.6001
BILD C3' O3' +P +O5' 1.4212 119.05 -98.86 101.45 1.5996
BILD O4' C3' *C4' C5' 1.4572 104.06 -120.04 116.10 1.5160
BILD C2' C4' *C3' O3' 1.5284 100.16 -124.08 115.12 1.4212
BILD C4' C3' C2' C1' 1.5284 100.16 39.58 102.04 1.5251
BILD C3' C2' C1' N1 1.5284 101.97 144.39 113.71 1.4896
BILD O4' C1' N1 C2 1.5251 113.71 -96.0 117.06 1.3746
BILD C1' C2 *N1 C6 1.4896 117.06 -180.0 121.3 1.379
BILD C2 N1 C6 C5 1.379 121.3 0.0 122.8 1.338
BILD C6 N1 C2 N3 1.380 121.3 0.0 114.8 1.373
BILD N1 N3 *C2 O2 1.379 114.8 -180.0 122.0 1.218
BILD N1 C2 N3 C4 1.379 114.8 0.0 127.0 1.383
BILD C5 N3 *C4 O4 1.440 114.7 180.0 119.8 1.227
BILD C2 C4 *N3 H3 1.373 127.0 180.0 116.5 1.03
BILD C6 C4 *C5 H5 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD N1 C5 *C6 H6 0.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' O2' 1.5284 102.04 -114.67 110.81 1.4212
BILD H2' O2' C2' C3' 0.9600 114.97 148.63 111.92 1.5284
BILD O4' C2' *C1' H1' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C1' C3' *C2' H2'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C2' C4' *C3' H3' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C3' O4' *C4' H4' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
BILD C4' O5' *C5' H5'' 0.0 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
! NOTE the option to regenerate all angles and dihedrals allows
! the explicit inclusion of the THET and DIHE terms to be omitted
! even if the PRES is used in a PATCH statement. It is important to
! inspect the patches prior to use to determine if they should be used
! in a GENErate or PATCh statement and/or if the AUTOgeneration of
! angles and dihedrals is required.
! see AUTOgen ANGLes DIHEdrals in STRUCTURE section of the
! documentation
PRES DEO1 0.000 ! Patch to make DEOXYribose in PYRIMIDINES
DELETE ATOM O2' ! necessary due to auto-generate dihedrals
GROUP ! To correct O4' atom type in DNA (NF)
ATOM C4' CN7 0.16 !
ATOM H4' HN7 0.09 !
ATOM O4' ON6 -0.50 !
ATOM C1' CN7B 0.16 !
ATOM H1' HN7 0.09 !
ATOM C2' CN8 -0.18
ATOM H2' HN8 0.09
ATOM H2'' HN8 0.09
BOND C2' H2'
THET C1' C2' H2' C3' C2' H2' H2' C2' H2''
DIHE H2' C2' C1' O4' H2' C2' C1' N1 H2' C2' C1' H1'
DIHE H2' C2' C3' C4' H2' C2' C3' O3' H2' C2' C3' H3'
BILD C1' C3' *C2' H2' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
PRES DEO2 0.000 ! Patch to make DEOXYribose in PURINES
DELETE ATOM O2' ! necessary due to auto-generate dihedrals
GROUP ! To correct O4' atom type in DNA (NF)
ATOM C4' CN7 0.16 !
ATOM H4' HN7 0.09 !
ATOM O4' ON6 -0.50 !
ATOM C1' CN7B 0.16 !
ATOM H1' HN7 0.09 !
ATOM C2' CN8 -0.18
ATOM H2' HN8 0.09
ATOM H2'' HN8 0.09
BOND C2' H2'
THET C1' C2' H2' C3' C2' H2' H2' C2' H2''
DIHE H2' C2' C1' O4' H2' C2' C1' N9 H2' C2' C1' H1'
DIHE H2' C2' C3' C4' H2' C2' C3' O3' H2' C2' C3' H3'
BILD C1' C3' *C2' H2' 0.0 0.0 -115.0 0.0 0.0
PRES 5TER 0.00 ! 5'-terminal HYDROXYL patch, from MeOH
! use in generate statement
ATOM H5T HN5 0.43
ATOM O5' ON5 -0.66
ATOM C5' CN8B 0.05
ATOM H5' HN8 0.09
ATOM H5'' HN8 0.09
BILD H5T O5' C5' C4' 0.0000 0.00 180.00 0.00 0.0000
PRES 5MET 0.00 ! 5'-ribose METHYL patch
! use in generate statement
ATOM C5' CN9 -0.27
ATOM H5' HN9 0.09
ATOM H5'' HN9 0.09
ATOM H53' HN9 0.09 ! Can't use ''' and avoid conflict with THY
BOND C5' H53'
IC C3' C4' C5' H53' 0.0000 0.00 180.00 0.00 0.0000
IC H53' C4' *C5' H5' 0.0000 0.00 120.00 0.00 0.0000
IC H53' C4' *C5' H5'' 0.0000 0.00 -120.00 0.00 0.0000
PRES 5PHO -1.00 ! 5'terminal PHOSPHATE patch
! use in generate statement
ATOM C5' CN8B -0.08
ATOM H5' HN8 0.09
ATOM H5'' HN8 0.09
ATOM P P 1.50
ATOM O1P ON3 -0.82
ATOM O2P ON3 -0.82
ATOM O5' ON2 -0.62
ATOM O5T ON4 -0.68
ATOM H5T HN4 0.34
! Built in B-DNA-like conformation (NF)
BILD C4' C5' O5' P 0.0000 000.00 -146.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD C5' O5' P O5T 0.0000 000.00 -46.90 000.00 0.0000
BILD O5T O5' *P O1P 0.0000 000.00 -115.82 000.00 0.0000
BILD O5T O5' *P O2P 0.0000 000.00 115.90 000.00 0.0000
BILD H5T O5T P O5' 0.0000 000.00 -95.20 000.00 0.0000
PRES 5POM -1.00 ! 5'terminal Methyl-Phosphate patch
! use in generate statement
ATOM C5' CN8B -0.08
ATOM H5' HN8 0.09
ATOM H5'' HN8 0.09
ATOM P P 1.50
ATOM O1P ON3 -0.78
ATOM O2P ON3 -0.78
ATOM O5' ON2 -0.57
ATOM O5T ON2 -0.57
ATOM C5T CN9 -0.17
ATOM H5T1 HN9 0.09
ATOM H5T2 HN9 0.09
ATOM H5T3 HN9 0.09
! Built in B-DNA-like conformation (NF)
BILD C4' C5' O5' P 0.0000 000.00 -146.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD C5' O5' P O5T 0.0000 000.00 -46.90 000.00 0.0000
BILD O5T O5' *P O1P 0.0000 000.00 -115.82 000.00 0.0000
BILD O5T O5' *P O2P 0.0000 000.00 115.90 000.00 0.0000
BILD C5T O5T P O5' 0.0000 000.00 -95.20 000.00 0.0000
BILD H5T1 C5T O5T P 0.0000 000.00 180.20 000.00 0.0000
BILD H5T2 C5T O5T P 0.0000 000.00 60.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD H5T3 C5T O5T P 0.0000 000.00 -60.00 000.00 0.0000
PRES 3TER 0.00 ! 3'terminal HYDROXYL patch, from MeOH
! use in generate statement
ATOM C3' CN7 0.14
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM O3' ON5 -0.66
ATOM H3T HN5 0.43
BILD H3T O3' C3' C4' 0.9600 114.97 148.63 111.92 1.5284
PRES 3PHO -1.00 ! 3'terminal PHOSPHATE patch
! use in generate statement
ATOM C3' CN7 0.01
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM P3 P 1.50
ATOM O1P3 ON3 -0.82
ATOM O2P3 ON3 -0.82
ATOM O3' ON2 -0.62
ATOM O3T ON4 -0.68
ATOM H3T HN4 0.34
BOND O3' P3 P3 O1P3 P3 O2P3 P3 O3T O3T H3T
! Build in B-DNA-like conformation (NF)
BILD C4' C3' O3' P3 0.0000 000.00 155.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD C3' O3' P3 O3T 0.0000 000.00 -95.20 000.00 0.0000
BILD O3T O3' *P3 O1P3 0.0000 000.00 -115.82 000.00 0.0000
BILD O3T O3' *P3 O2P3 0.0000 000.00 115.90 000.00 0.0000
BILD H3T O3T P3 O3' 0.0000 000.00 -46.90 000.00 0.0000
PRES 3POM -1.00 ! 3'terminal Methyl Phosphate patch
! use in generate statement
! To build model compound with OPO3-CH3 at the 3' end (nicolas)
ATOM C3' CN7 0.01
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM P3 P 1.50
ATOM O1P3 ON3 -0.78
ATOM O2P3 ON3 -0.78
ATOM O3' ON2 -0.57
ATOM O3T ON2 -0.57
ATOM C3T CN9 -0.17
ATOM H3T1 HN9 0.09
ATOM H3T2 HN9 0.09
ATOM H3T3 HN9 0.09
BOND O3' P3 P3 O1P3 P3 O2P3 P3 O3T O3T C3T
BILD C4' C3' O3' P3 0.0000 000.00 155.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD C3' O3' P3 O3T 0.0000 000.00 -95.22 000.00 0.0000
BILD O3T O3' *P3 O1P3 0.0000 000.00 -115.82 000.00 0.0000
BILD O3T O3' *P3 O2P3 0.0000 000.00 115.90 000.00 0.0000
BILD C3T O3T P3 O3' 0.0000 000.00 -46.90 000.00 0.0000
BILD H3T1 C3T O3T P3 0.0000 000.00 180.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD H3T2 C3T O3T P3 0.0000 000.00 60.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD H3T3 C3T O3T P3 0.0000 000.00 -60.00 000.00 0.0000
PRES 3PO3 -2.00 ! 3'terminal PHOSPHATE patch
! use in generate statement
! Added by Nicolas, to be consistent with model componds
ATOM C3' CN7 -0.09
ATOM H3' HN7 0.09
ATOM P3 P 1.10
ATOM O3' ON2 -0.40
ATOM O1P3 ON3 -0.90
ATOM O2P3 ON3 -0.90
ATOM O3P3 ON3 -0.90
BOND O3' P3 P3 O1P3 P3 O2P3 P3 O3P3
BILD C4' C3' O3' P3 0.0000 000.00 180.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD C3' O3' P3 O3P3 0.0000 000.00 -39.52 000.00 0.0000
BILD O3P3 O3' *P3 O1P3 0.0000 000.00 -115.82 000.00 0.0000
BILD O3P3 O3' *P3 O2P3 0.0000 000.00 115.90 000.00 0.0000
BILD O3' P3 O3P3 O3T 0.0000 000.00 180.00 000.00 0.0000
BILD P3 O3P3 O3T H3T 0.0000 000.00 180.00 000.00 0.0000
PRES DELB 0.00 ! patch to delete all possible base atoms
! of Cyt,Gua,Ade,Thy and Ura
!note: error messages will be obtained due to atoms not present in
!residue being "deleted" by this patch
!cyt section
!gua section
!ade section
!thy/ura section
PRES CY35 0.0 ! patch to make a cyclic 3'-5' nucleotide
! use AUTOGEN ANGLE DIHE after this patch
BOND O3' P ! but before water-generation
PRES LKNA 0.0 ! Patch to join to nucleic acid segments (eg for IMAGES)
! eg: patch sega 10 segb 1
! sega should have std 3' (gene sega ... last none)
! segb should have std 5' (gene segb ... first none)
! USE AUTOgen ANGL DIHE after this patch,
! but before water-generation
BOND 1O3' 2P
!following commented due to use of autogenerate
!THET 1C3' 1O3' 2P
!THET 1O3' 2P 2O5'
!THET 1O3' 2P 2O1P
!THET 1O3' 2P 2O2P
!DIHE 1O3' 2P 2O5' 2C5' 1O3' 2P 2O5' 2C5'
!DIHE 1C4' 1C3' 1O3' 2P
!DIHE 1C3' 1O3' 2P 2O5' 1C3' 1O3' 2P 2O5'
IC 1O3' 2P 2O5' 2C5' 1.6001 101.45 -39.25 119.00 1.4401
IC 1O3' 2O5' *2P 2O1P 1.6001 101.45 -115.82 109.74 1.4802
IC 1O3' 2O5' *2P 2O2P 1.6001 101.45 115.90 109.80 1.4801
IC 1C4' 1C3' 1O3' 2P 1.5284 111.92 159.13 119.05 1.6001
IC 1C3' 1O3' 2P 2O5' 1.4212 119.05 -98.86 101.45 1.5996
ATOM OH2 OT -0.834
ATOM H1 HT 0.417
ATOM H2 HT 0.417
RESI TP3M 0.000 ! "mmff" water model, as an analog of tip3p
ATOM OH2 OT -0.834 ! these charges are replaced by the mmff setup
ATOM H1 HT 0.417 ! these charges are replaced by the mmff setup
ATOM H2 HT 0.417 ! these charges are replaced by the mmff setup
BOND OH2 H1 OH2 H2 ! omits the H1-H2 bond, which is needed for shake with tip3p
ANGLE H1 OH2 H2 ! required
! Ion parameters from Benoit Roux and Coworkers
! As of 8/98 no NBFIX terms required
RESI SOD 1.00 ! Sodium Ion
RESI MG 2.00 ! Magnesium Ion
RESI POT 1.00 ! Potassium Ion
RESI CES 1.00 ! Cesium Ion
RESI CAL 2.00 ! Calcium Ion
RESI CLA -1.00 ! Chloride Ion
RESI ZN2 2.00 ! Zinc ion, Roland Stote

tools/ch2lmp/ Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

tools/ch2lmp/main_manual Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
The charmm2lmp sub-directory contains tools for converting files back-and-forth between
the CHARMM MD code and LAMMPS.
The perl script converts CHARMM input files into LAMMPS input.
The perl script converts LAMMPS dump files into a pdb series file.
The mkpdb.f fortran 90 code also converts LAMMPS dump files into PDB files, and the
mkdcd.f tool converts LAMMPS dump files into CHARMM *.dcd trajectory files that can
be read-in to CHARMM for analysis. See the README file in the charmm2lmp sub-directory
for more information.
These tools were written by Pieter J. in 't Veld ( and Paul Crozier
( at Sandia.

tools/ch2lmp/other/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
die "Usage: crd2pdb crdfile pdbfile\n" if $#ARGV!=1;
open(CRD, $ARGV[0]) || die "couldn't open $ARGV[0]:$!\n";
open(PDB, ">$ARGV[1]") || die "couldn't open $ARGV[1]:$!\n";
while (<CRD>)
if (/^\*/) # comment/header
s/\*\s*(.*)/REMARK $1/;
print PDB "$_\n";
elsif (/^\s*(\d+)\s*$/) # number of atoms
else #coordinate line
($atom_num, $res_num, $res_name, $atom_name, $x,$y,$z, $segment,
$res_in_segment, $bfactor)=split(' ');
# $res_name =~ s/^(...).*/$1/;
printf PDB
# "ATOM %5d %4s %4s %4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f %-4s\n",
"ATOM %5d %4s %4s %4d %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f %-4s\n",
$atom_num, $atom_name, $res_name, $res_in_segment, $x,$y,$z,
$occ, $bfactor, $segment;
print PDB "END\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
10 :n_con_files
0 :n_con_files_to_skip
1000 :n_frames_per_con_file
1 :n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd
1000 :max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file
0 :n_dcd_files_to_skip
31666 :n_atoms_dump
31666 :n_atoms_recenter

tools/ch2lmp/other/in_mkpdb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
20 :nconfig
1000 :nper
19 :nconfig_skip
1 :nframes_between_pdbs
33 :nprotein_residues -- # of residues from start used to recenter box

tools/ch2lmp/other/mkdcd.f Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Code converts LAMMPS atom dumps to CHARMM .dcd files
c Paul Crozier, SNL, 2003-2004
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
module global
integer, parameter :: max_atoms = 100000
real x(3,max_atoms)
real*8 xprd,yprd,zprd,box(2,3)
integer n_con_files
integer n_con_files_to_skip
integer n_frames_per_con_file
integer n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd
integer max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file
integer n_dcd_files_to_skip
integer n_frames
integer n_frames_to_skip
integer ith_frame
integer ith_dump_to_dcd
integer n_timesteps
integer n_atoms
integer n_frozen_atoms
integer n_atoms_dump
integer n_atoms_recenter
integer recenter_flag
character*76 con_file_path
character*76 dcd_file_path
end module
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
program mkdcd
use global
implicit none
call read_in_mkdcd
do ith_frame = n_frames_to_skip+1, n_frames
call find_config
call read_config
if (recenter_flag == 1) call recenter
if (mod(ith_frame,n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd) == 0) call mk_dcd
write(6,*) 'Done.'
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine find_config
use global
implicit none
integer l,m,n,i,j,itag
real*8 buf(8)
if (mod((ith_frame-1),n_frames_per_con_file) == 0) then
n = (ith_frame-1)/n_frames_per_con_file + 1
write(6,*) 'On config file # ', n
if (n < 10) then
$ //char(48+n),status='old')
elseif (n < 100) then
m = n/10
n = mod(n,10)
$ //char(48+m)//char(48+n),status='old')
l = n/100
m = (n - 100*l)/10
n = mod(n,10)
$ //char(48+l)//char(48+m)//char(48+n),status='old')
rewind 21
c skip the first frame of each config file
read(21,*) n_timesteps
read(21,*) n_atoms
read(21,*) box(1,1),box(2,1)
read(21,*) box(1,2),box(2,2)
read(21,*) box(1,3),box(2,3)
xprd = box(2,1) - box(1,1)
yprd = box(2,2) - box(1,2)
zprd = box(2,3) - box(1,3)
if (n_atoms > max_atoms) write(6,*) "n_atoms > max_atoms"
n_frozen_atoms = 1000000000
do i = 1, n_atoms
read (21,*) (buf(j),j=1,5)
itag = nint(buf(1))
n_frozen_atoms = min(itag,n_frozen_atoms)
n_frozen_atoms = n_frozen_atoms - 1
recenter_flag = 0
if (n_atoms_recenter < n_atoms) recenter_flag = 1
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine mk_dcd
use global
implicit none
real*8 xtlabc(6)
integer i
if (mod(ith_dump_to_dcd,max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file) == 0)
& call mk_dcd_start
ith_dump_to_dcd = ith_dump_to_dcd + 1
write(6,*) 'Frame # ', ith_frame,
& ', Dump to .dcd #', ith_dump_to_dcd
xtlabc(1) = xprd
xtlabc(2) = 0.0
xtlabc(3) = yprd
xtlabc(4) = 0.0
xtlabc(5) = 0.0
xtlabc(6) = zprd
write(26) xtlabc
write(26) (x(1,i), i=1,n_atoms_dump)
write(26) (x(2,i), i=1,n_atoms_dump)
write(26) (x(3,i), i=1,n_atoms_dump)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine mk_dcd_start
use global
implicit none
character*4 hdr
integer icntrl(20), nstr, n_dcd_file, n, m, l
write(6,*) 'Creating new .dcd file . . . '
n_dcd_file = ith_dump_to_dcd/max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file +
& n_dcd_files_to_skip + 1
if (n_dcd_file < 10) then
$ //char(48+n_dcd_file)//'.dcd',form='unformatted')
elseif (n_dcd_file < 100) then
m = n_dcd_file/10
n = mod(n_dcd_file,10)
$ //char(48+m)//char(48+n)//'.dcd',form='unformatted')
l = n_dcd_file/100
m = (n_dcd_file - 100*l)/10
n = mod(n_dcd_file,10)
$ //char(48+m)//char(48+n)//'.dcd',form='unformatted')
hdr = 'CORD'
icntrl = 0
nstr = 0 ! number of strings in header
icntrl(1) = max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file ! number of frames in traj file
icntrl(2) = 1 ! number of steps in previous run
icntrl(3) = 1 ! frequency of saving
icntrl(4) = max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file ! total number of steps
icntrl(8) = n_atoms_dump*3 - 6 ! number of degrees of freedom
icntrl(10) = 981668463 ! coded time step
icntrl(11) = 1 ! coded crystallographic group (or zero)
icntrl(20) = 28 ! CHARMM version number
write(26) hdr, icntrl
write(26) nstr
write(26) n_atoms_dump
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c input data from config file
subroutine read_config
use global
implicit none
c local variables
integer i,j,itag,itrue
real*8 buf(8)
read(21,*) n_timesteps
read(21,*) n_atoms
read(21,*) box(1,1),box(2,1)
read(21,*) box(1,2),box(2,2)
read(21,*) box(1,3),box(2,3)
xprd = box(2,1) - box(1,1)
yprd = box(2,2) - box(1,2)
zprd = box(2,3) - box(1,3)
do i = 1, n_atoms
read (21,*) (buf(j),j=1,5)
itag = nint(buf(1)) - n_frozen_atoms
x(1,itag) = buf(3)*xprd + box(1,1)
x(2,itag) = buf(4)*yprd + box(1,2)
x(3,itag) = buf(5)*zprd + box(1,3)
c x(1,i) = buf(3)*xprd + box(1,1)
c x(2,i) = buf(4)*yprd + box(1,2)
c x(3,i) = buf(5)*zprd + box(1,3)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c read data from in_mkdcd file
subroutine read_in_mkdcd
use global
implicit none
100 format (a)
rewind 22
read (22,*) n_con_files
read (22,*) n_con_files_to_skip
read (22,*) n_frames_per_con_file
read (22,*) n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd
read (22,*) max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file
read (22,*) n_dcd_files_to_skip
read (22,*) n_atoms_dump
read (22,*) n_atoms_recenter
read (22,100) con_file_path
read (22,100) dcd_file_path
n_frames = n_con_files * n_frames_per_con_file
n_frames_to_skip = n_con_files_to_skip * n_frames_per_con_file
ith_frame = n_frames_to_skip
ith_dump_to_dcd = 0
close (22)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c recenter box on the average position of the first n_atoms_recenter atoms
subroutine recenter
use global
implicit none
integer i
real*8 ave_x, ave_y, ave_z
ave_x = 0.0
ave_y = 0.0
ave_z = 0.0
do i = 1, n_atoms_recenter
ave_x = ave_x + x(1,i)
ave_y = ave_y + x(2,i)
ave_z = ave_z + x(3,i)
ave_x = ave_x/float(n_atoms_recenter)
ave_y = ave_y/float(n_atoms_recenter)
ave_z = ave_z/float(n_atoms_recenter)
do i = 1, n_atoms_dump
x(1,i) = x(1,i) - ave_x
x(2,i) = x(2,i) - ave_y
x(3,i) = x(3,i) - ave_z
do i = 1, n_atoms_dump
x(1,i) = x(1,i) - xprd*(nint(x(1,i)/xprd))
x(2,i) = x(2,i) - yprd*(nint(x(2,i)/yprd))
x(3,i) = x(3,i) - zprd*(nint(x(3,i)/zprd))
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Code converts LAMMPS atom dumps to CHARMM .dcd files
c Paul Crozier, SNL, 2003
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
program mkdcd
parameter (max_atoms = 100000)
common/int_variables/ n_con_files, n_con_files_to_skip,
1 n_frames_per_con_file, n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd,
2 max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file, n_dcd_files_to_skip, n_frames,
3 n_frames_to_skip, ith_frame, ith_dump_to_dcd, n_timesteps,
4 n_atoms, n_frozen_atoms, n_atoms_dump, n_atoms_recenter,
5 i_recenter_flag
common/real_variables/ xprd, yprd, zprd, box(2,3),
1 x(3,max_atoms)
common/char_variables/ con_file_path, dcd_file_path
character*76 con_file_path
character*76 dcd_file_path
call read_in_mkdcd
do ith_frame = n_frames_to_skip+1, n_frames
call find_config
call read_config
if (i_recenter_flag == 1) call recenter
if (mod(ith_frame,n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd) == 0) call mk_dcd
write(6,*) 'Done.'
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine find_config
parameter (max_atoms = 100000)
common/int_variables/ n_con_files, n_con_files_to_skip,
1 n_frames_per_con_file, n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd,
2 max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file, n_dcd_files_to_skip, n_frames,
3 n_frames_to_skip, ith_frame, ith_dump_to_dcd, n_timesteps,
4 n_atoms, n_frozen_atoms, n_atoms_dump, n_atoms_recenter,
5 i_recenter_flag
common/real_variables/ xprd, yprd, zprd, box(2,3),
1 x(3,max_atoms)
common/char_variables/ con_file_path, dcd_file_path
character*76 con_file_path
character*76 dcd_file_path
integer l,m,n,i,j,itag
real*8 buf(8)
if (mod((ith_frame-1),n_frames_per_con_file) == 0) then
n = (ith_frame-1)/n_frames_per_con_file + 1
write(6,*) 'On config file # ', n
if (n < 10) then
elseif (n < 100) then
m = n/10
n = mod(n,10)
$ //char(48+m)//char(48+n),status='old')
l = n/100
m = (n - 100*l)/10
n = mod(n,10)
$ //char(48+l)//char(48+m)//char(48+n),status='old')
rewind 21
c skip the first frame of each config file
read(21,*) n_timesteps
read(21,*) n_atoms
read(21,*) box(1,1),box(2,1)
read(21,*) box(1,2),box(2,2)
read(21,*) box(1,3),box(2,3)
xprd = box(2,1) - box(1,1)
yprd = box(2,2) - box(1,2)
zprd = box(2,3) - box(1,3)
if (n_atoms > max_atoms) write(6,*) "n_atoms > max_atoms"
n_frozen_atoms = 1000000000
do i = 1, n_atoms
read (21,*) (buf(j),j=1,5)
itag = nint(buf(1))
n_frozen_atoms = min(itag,n_frozen_atoms)
n_frozen_atoms = n_frozen_atoms - 1
i_recenter_flag = 0
if (n_atoms_recenter < n_atoms) i_recenter_flag = 1
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine mk_dcd
parameter (max_atoms = 100000)
common/int_variables/ n_con_files, n_con_files_to_skip,
1 n_frames_per_con_file, n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd,
2 max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file, n_dcd_files_to_skip, n_frames,
3 n_frames_to_skip, ith_frame, ith_dump_to_dcd, n_timesteps,
4 n_atoms, n_frozen_atoms, n_atoms_dump, n_atoms_recenter,
5 i_recenter_flag
common/real_variables/ xprd, yprd, zprd, box(2,3),
1 x(3,max_atoms)
common/char_variables/ con_file_path, dcd_file_path
character*76 con_file_path
character*76 dcd_file_path
real*8 xtlabc(6)
integer i
if (mod(ith_dump_to_dcd,max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file) == 0)
& call mk_dcd_start
ith_dump_to_dcd = ith_dump_to_dcd + 1
write(6,*) 'Frame # ', ith_frame,
& ', Dump to .dcd #', ith_dump_to_dcd
xtlabc(1) = xprd
xtlabc(2) = 0.0
xtlabc(3) = yprd
xtlabc(4) = 0.0
xtlabc(5) = 0.0
xtlabc(6) = zprd
write(26) xtlabc
write(26) (x(1,i), i=1,n_atoms_dump)
write(26) (x(2,i), i=1,n_atoms_dump)
write(26) (x(3,i), i=1,n_atoms_dump)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine mk_dcd_start
parameter (max_atoms = 100000)
common/int_variables/ n_con_files, n_con_files_to_skip,
1 n_frames_per_con_file, n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd,
2 max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file, n_dcd_files_to_skip, n_frames,
3 n_frames_to_skip, ith_frame, ith_dump_to_dcd, n_timesteps,
4 n_atoms, n_frozen_atoms, n_atoms_dump, n_atoms_recenter,
5 i_recenter_flag
common/real_variables/ xprd, yprd, zprd, box(2,3),
1 x(3,max_atoms)
common/char_variables/ con_file_path, dcd_file_path
character*76 con_file_path
character*76 dcd_file_path
character*4 hdr
integer icntrl(20), nstr, n_dcd_file, n, m
write(6,*) 'Creating new .dcd file . . . '
n_dcd_file = ith_dump_to_dcd/max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file +
& n_dcd_files_to_skip + 1
m = n_dcd_file/10
n = mod(n_dcd_file,10)
$ //char(48+m)//char(48+n)//'.dcd',form='unformatted')
hdr = 'CORD'
do n = 1,20
icntrl(n) = 0
nstr = 0 ! number of strings in header
icntrl(1) = max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file ! number of frames in traj file
icntrl(2) = 1 ! number of steps in previous run
icntrl(3) = 1 ! frequency of saving
icntrl(4) = max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file ! total number of steps
icntrl(8) = n_atoms_dump*3 - 6 ! number of degrees of freedom
icntrl(10) = 981668463 ! coded time step
icntrl(11) = 1 ! coded crystallographic group (or zero)
icntrl(20) = 28 ! CHARMM version number
write(26) hdr, icntrl
write(26) nstr
write(26) n_atoms_dump
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c input data from config file
subroutine read_config
parameter (max_atoms = 100000)
common/int_variables/ n_con_files, n_con_files_to_skip,
1 n_frames_per_con_file, n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd,
2 max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file, n_dcd_files_to_skip, n_frames,
3 n_frames_to_skip, ith_frame, ith_dump_to_dcd, n_timesteps,
4 n_atoms, n_frozen_atoms, n_atoms_dump, n_atoms_recenter,
5 i_recenter_flag
common/real_variables/ xprd, yprd, zprd, box(2,3),
1 x(3,max_atoms)
common/char_variables/ con_file_path, dcd_file_path
character*76 con_file_path
character*76 dcd_file_path
c local variables
integer i,j,itag,itrue
real*8 buf(8)
read(21,*) n_timesteps
read(21,*) n_atoms
read(21,*) box(1,1),box(2,1)
read(21,*) box(1,2),box(2,2)
read(21,*) box(1,3),box(2,3)
xprd = box(2,1) - box(1,1)
yprd = box(2,2) - box(1,2)
zprd = box(2,3) - box(1,3)
do i = 1, n_atoms
read (21,*) (buf(j),j=1,5)
c itag = nint(buf(1)) - n_frozen_atoms
c x(1,itag) = buf(3)*xprd + box(1,1)
c x(2,itag) = buf(4)*yprd + box(1,2)
c x(3,itag) = buf(5)*zprd + box(1,3)
x(1,i) = buf(3)*xprd + box(1,1)
x(2,i) = buf(4)*yprd + box(1,2)
x(3,i) = buf(5)*zprd + box(1,3)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c read data from in_mkdcd file
subroutine read_in_mkdcd
parameter (max_atoms = 100000)
common/int_variables/ n_con_files, n_con_files_to_skip,
1 n_frames_per_con_file, n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd,
2 max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file, n_dcd_files_to_skip, n_frames,
3 n_frames_to_skip, ith_frame, ith_dump_to_dcd, n_timesteps,
4 n_atoms, n_frozen_atoms, n_atoms_dump, n_atoms_recenter,
5 i_recenter_flag
common/real_variables/ xprd, yprd, zprd, box(2,3),
1 x(3,max_atoms)
common/char_variables/ con_file_path, dcd_file_path
character*76 con_file_path
character*76 dcd_file_path
100 format (a)
rewind 22
read (22,*) n_con_files
read (22,*) n_con_files_to_skip
read (22,*) n_frames_per_con_file
read (22,*) n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd
read (22,*) max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file
read (22,*) n_dcd_files_to_skip
read (22,*) n_atoms_dump
read (22,*) n_atoms_recenter
read (22,100) con_file_path
read (22,100) dcd_file_path
n_frames = n_con_files * n_frames_per_con_file
n_frames_to_skip = n_con_files_to_skip * n_frames_per_con_file
ith_frame = n_frames_to_skip
ith_dump_to_dcd = 0
close (22)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c recenter box on the average position of the first n_atoms_recenter atoms
subroutine recenter
parameter (max_atoms = 100000)
common/int_variables/ n_con_files, n_con_files_to_skip,
1 n_frames_per_con_file, n_frames_per_dump_to_dcd,
2 max_dcd_dumps_per_dcd_file, n_dcd_files_to_skip, n_frames,
3 n_frames_to_skip, ith_frame, ith_dump_to_dcd, n_timesteps,
4 n_atoms, n_frozen_atoms, n_atoms_dump, n_atoms_recenter,
5 i_recenter_flag
common/real_variables/ xprd, yprd, zprd, box(2,3),
1 x(3,max_atoms)
common/char_variables/ con_file_path, dcd_file_path
character*76 con_file_path
character*76 dcd_file_path
integer i
real*8 ave_x, ave_y, ave_z
ave_x = 0.0
ave_y = 0.0
ave_z = 0.0
do i = 1, n_atoms_recenter
ave_x = ave_x + x(1,i)
ave_y = ave_y + x(2,i)
ave_z = ave_z + x(3,i)
ave_x = ave_x/float(n_atoms_recenter)
ave_y = ave_y/float(n_atoms_recenter)
ave_z = ave_z/float(n_atoms_recenter)
do i = 1, n_atoms_dump
x(1,i) = x(1,i) - ave_x
x(2,i) = x(2,i) - ave_y
x(3,i) = x(3,i) - ave_z
do i = 1, n_atoms_dump
x(1,i) = x(1,i) - xprd*(nint(x(1,i)/xprd))
x(2,i) = x(2,i) - xprd*(nint(x(2,i)/yprd))
x(3,i) = x(3,i) - xprd*(nint(x(3,i)/zprd))
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------

tools/ch2lmp/other/mkpdb.f Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c Code converts LAMMPS output to .pdb files
c Overlays coordinates from LAMMPS output onto template pdb
c Assumes atom order is the same between the two
c Converts from atom-based pbc to residue-based pbc
c Also assumes starting config fed to LAMMPS had residue-based pbc
c Paul Crozier, SNL, 2002
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
module global
real*8 xprd,yprd,zprd,box(2,3)
real*8, allocatable :: x(:,:),q(:),mass(:)
real*8, allocatable :: comx(:),comy(:),comz(:),totmass(:)
integer ntimestep,natoms,nframes,iframe,nper
integer nbonds,nangles,ndihedrals,nimpropers,ntypes
integer nbondtypes,nangletypes,ndihedtypes,nimprotypes
integer nconfig,nconfig_skip,nskip,nframes_between_pdbs
integer nmolecules,nprotein_residues
integer, allocatable :: mytrue(:,:),type(:),molecule(:)
integer, allocatable :: nboxx(:),nboxy(:),nboxz(:)
character*200 data_file_path,config_file_path,pdb_file_path
character*200 compare_file_path
character*76, allocatable :: outbeg(:),outend(:)
end module
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
program mkpdb
use global
implicit none
call read_in_mkpdb
call read_data
call mkpdb_start
do iframe = nskip+1, nframes
call find_config
call read_config
write(6,*) 'Frame # ', iframe
if (mod(iframe,nframes_between_pdbs) == 0) call mk_pdb
write(6,*) 'Done.'
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine find_config
use global
implicit none
integer l,m,n,i,j,ntotal
real*8 buf(8)
if (mod((iframe-1),nper) == 0) then
n = (iframe-1)/nper + 1
write(6,*) 'On config file # ', n
c l = n/100
c m = n/10 - l*10
c n = mod(n,10)
$ //char(48+n),status='old')
rewind 21
c skip the first frame of each config file
read(21,*) ntimestep
read(21,*) ntotal
read(21,*) box(1,1),box(2,1)
read(21,*) box(1,2),box(2,2)
read(21,*) box(1,3),box(2,3)
if (ntotal /= natoms) write(6,*) 'Mismatch # of atoms'
do i = 1, natoms
read (21,*) (buf(j),j=1,5)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
logical function match(str1,str2,m)
implicit none
character*(*) str1,str2
integer m
match = .FALSE.
m = len(str1) + 1
if (len(str1).gt.len(str2)) return
if (str1.eq.str2(1:len(str1))) match = .TRUE.
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine mk_pdb
use global
implicit none
integer i,j,k,l,m,n,o,imolecule,ith_pdb
real*8 xx,yy,zz,shiftx,shifty,shiftz,proteinmass
ith_pdb = iframe/nframes_between_pdbs
j = ith_pdb/1E4
k = (ith_pdb - j*1E4)/1E3
l = (ith_pdb - j*1E4 - k*1E3)/1E2
m = (ith_pdb - j*1E4 - k*1E3 - l*1E2)/1E1
n = (ith_pdb - j*1E4 - k*1E3 - l*1E2 - m*1E1)
1 char(48+l)//char(48+m)//char(48+n)//'.pdb')
c Have to convert from pbc applied on an atomic basis to pbc applied
c on a residue basis.
c Step 1: Recenter system based on protein c.o.m.
shiftx = 0.0
shifty = 0.0
shiftz = 0.0
proteinmass = 0.0
do i = 1, natoms
imolecule = molecule(i)
if (imolecule <= nprotein_residues) then
shiftx = shiftx + (x(1,i) + mytrue(1,i)*xprd)*mass(type(i))
shifty = shifty + (x(2,i) + mytrue(2,i)*yprd)*mass(type(i))
shiftz = shiftz + (x(3,i) + mytrue(3,i)*zprd)*mass(type(i))
proteinmass = proteinmass + mass(type(i))
shiftx = shiftx/proteinmass
shifty = shifty/proteinmass
shiftz = shiftz/proteinmass
do i = 1, natoms
x(1,i) = x(1,i) - shiftx
x(2,i) = x(2,i) - shifty
x(3,i) = x(3,i) - shiftz
c Step 2: Find the c.o.m. of each residue --- "molecule"
do i = 1, nmolecules
comx(i) = 0.0
comy(i) = 0.0
comz(i) = 0.0
totmass(i) = 0.0
do i = 1, natoms
imolecule = molecule(i)
comx(imolecule) = comx(imolecule) +
1 (x(1,i) + mytrue(1,i)*xprd)*mass(type(i))
comy(imolecule) = comy(imolecule) +
1 (x(2,i) + mytrue(2,i)*yprd)*mass(type(i))
comz(imolecule) = comz(imolecule) +
1 (x(3,i) + mytrue(3,i)*zprd)*mass(type(i))
totmass(imolecule) = totmass(imolecule) + mass(type(i))
do i = 1, nmolecules
comx(i) = comx(i)/totmass(i)
comy(i) = comy(i)/totmass(i)
comz(i) = comz(i)/totmass(i)
c Step 3: Decide how many boxes must be moved in each direction
do i = 1, nmolecules
nboxx(i) = nint(comx(i)/xprd)
nboxy(i) = nint(comy(i)/yprd)
nboxz(i) = nint(comz(i)/zprd)
c Step 4: Apply moves to atoms. Write pdb file.
do i = 1, natoms
imolecule = molecule(i)
xx = x(1,i) + (mytrue(1,i) - nboxx(imolecule))*xprd
yy = x(2,i) + (mytrue(2,i) - nboxy(imolecule))*yprd
zz = x(3,i) + (mytrue(3,i) - nboxz(imolecule))*zprd
write(26,100) outbeg(i),xx,yy,zz,outend(i)
100 format(a30,3f8.3,a22)
write(26,200) 'END'
200 format(a3)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine mkpdb_start
use global
implicit none
integer i
character*76 pdbline(natoms),str
rewind 25
do i = 1, natoms
read(25,100) pdbline(i)
100 format (a)
do i = 1, natoms
str = pdbline(i)
read (str(1:30),100) outbeg(i)
read (str(55:76),100) outend(i)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c input data from config file
subroutine read_config
use global
implicit none
c local variables
integer i,j,itag,itrue,ntotal
real*8 buf(8)
read(21,*) ntimestep
read(21,*) ntotal
read(21,*) box(1,1),box(2,1)
read(21,*) box(1,2),box(2,2)
read(21,*) box(1,3),box(2,3)
if (ntotal /= natoms) write(6,*) 'Mismatch # of atoms'
xprd = box(2,1) - box(1,1)
yprd = box(2,2) - box(1,2)
zprd = box(2,3) - box(1,3)
do i = 1, natoms
read (21,*) (buf(j),j=1,5)
itag = nint(buf(1))
type(itag)= nint(buf(2))
x(1,itag) = buf(3)*xprd + box(1,1)
x(2,itag) = buf(4)*yprd + box(1,2)
x(3,itag) = buf(5)*zprd + box(1,3)
mytrue(1,itag) = 0
mytrue(2,itag) = 0
mytrue(3,itag) = 0
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c read data from input file
subroutine read_data
use global
implicit none
c local variables
logical match
integer i,j,jtmp,m,itag
real*8 buf(7)
character*80 str
900 format (a)
rewind 27
read (27,*)
read (27,*)
read (27,*) natoms
read (27,*) nbonds
read (27,*) nangles
read (27,*) ndihedrals
read (27,*) nimpropers
read (27,*)
read (27,*) ntypes
if ( read (27,*) nbondtypes
if ( read (27,*) nangletypes
if ( read (27,*) ndihedtypes
if ( read (27,*) nimprotypes
read (27,*)
read (27,*)
read (27,*)
read (27,*)
read (27,*,end=999,err=999)
read (27,900,end=999,err=999) str
read (27,*,end=999,err=999)
if (match('All Done',str,m)) then
goto 999
else if (match('Masses',str,m)) then
write (6,*) 'Masses ...'
do i = 1,ntypes
read (27,*) jtmp,mass(i)
else if (match('Atoms',str,m)) then
write (6,*) 'Atoms ...'
do i = 1,natoms
read (27,*) (buf(j),j=1,7)
itag = nint(buf(1))
molecule(itag) = nint(buf(2))
type(itag) = nint(buf(3))
q(itag) = buf(4)
else if (match('Bonds',str,m)) then
do i = 1,nbonds
read (27,*)
else if (match('Angles',str,m)) then
do i = 1,nangles
read (27,*)
else if (match('Impropers',str,m)) then
do i = 1,nimpropers
read (27,*)
else if (match('Pair Coeffs',str,m)) then
write (6,*) 'Pair Coeffs ...'
do i = 1,ntypes
read (27,*)
else if (match('Bond Coeffs',str,m)) then
do i = 1,nbondtypes
read (27,*)
else if (match('Angle Coeffs',str,m)) then
do i = 1,nangletypes
read (27,*)
else if (match('Dihedral Coeffs',str,m)) then
do i = 1,ndihedtypes
read (27,*)
else if (match('Dihedrals',str,m)) then
do i = 1,ndihedrals
read (27,*)
goto 999
write (6,*) 'UNKNOWN: ',trim(str)
write (6,*) 'Unknown identifier in data file'
999 continue
close (27)
nmolecules = molecule(natoms)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
c read data from in_mkpdb file
subroutine read_in_mkpdb
use global
implicit none
100 format (a)
rewind 22
read (22,*) nconfig
read (22,*) nper
read (22,*) nconfig_skip
read (22,*) nframes_between_pdbs
read (22,*) nprotein_residues
read (22,100) data_file_path
read (22,100) config_file_path
read (22,100) pdb_file_path
read (22,100) compare_file_path
nframes = nconfig*nper
nskip = nconfig_skip*nper
iframe = nskip
close (22)
c -------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
c Reads PDB file, writes out charmm file
c Uses a temp file
c PDB format
c A6 I5 2X A4 A4 I5 4X 3F8.3 6X F6.2
c charmm format
c I5 I5 1X A4 1X A4 F10.5 F10.5 F10.5 1X A4 1X A4 F10.5
character*80 infile,outfile,line
character*4 str1,type,res,code,segid,resid,residold,resold
character*1 chain
logical loxt(1000)
write (6,*) 'Give input PDB files, output will be .crd'
1 read (5,'(a)') infile
2 i=i+1
if (infile(i:i).eq.' ') then
goto 2
open (unit=11, file=infile, status='old')
open (unit=12, file='temppdb', status='unknown')
open (unit=13, file=outfile, status='new')
write (13,'(a80)') '* converted from '//infile
write (13,'(a)') '*'
do 4 i=1,1000
4 loxt(i)=.false.
residold=' '
resold=' '
do 100 i=1,100000
read (11,'(a80)',end=1000) line
read (unit=line,fmt=500) str1
if (str1.eq.'SSBO') then
goto 100
else if (str1.eq.'ATOM') then
iat= iat+1
read (unit=line,fmt=500) str1,iatom,type,res,chain,resid,
& x,y,z,a,w,code
500 format (a4,2x,i5,1x,a4,1x,a4,a1,a4,4x,3f8.3,2f6.2,6x,a4)
if (( ires=ires+1
resold= res
if (' ') then
elseif (' ') then
if (type.eq.'CD1 ') then
if (res.eq.'ILE ') type='CD '
elseif (type.eq.'OCT1') then
type='OT1 '
elseif (type.eq.'OCT2') then
type='OT2 '
elseif (type.eq.'OXT ') then
type='OT2 '
c fluch resid left
5 if (resid(1:1).eq.' ') then
resid=resid(2:4)//' '
goto 5
6 if (type(1:1).eq.' ') then
type=type(2:4)//' '
goto 6
write (12,600) iat,ires,res,type,x,y,z,segid,resid,w
600 format (I5,I5,1X,A4,1X,A4,3F10.5,1X,A4,1X,a4,F10.5)
goto 100
100 continue
1000 write (6,*) 'Disulfide bonds', nss
write (13,'(i5)') iat
close (unit=12)
open (unit=12,file='temppdb',status='old')
do 200 i=1,100000
read (12,'(a80)',end=2000) line
read (unit=line,fmt=600) iatom,ires,res,type,x,y,z,segid,resid,w
if (loxt(ires).and.(type.eq.'O ')) type='OT1 '
write (13,600) iatom,ires,res,type,x,y,z,segid,resid,w
200 continue
2000 close (unit=11)
close (unit=12)
close (unit=13)
goto 1

tools/chain.f Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
c Create LAMMPS data file for collection of
c polymer bead-spring chains of various lengths and bead sizes
c Syntax: chain < def.chain > data.file
c def.chain is input file that specifies the chains
c data.file is output file that will be input for LAMMPS
c includes image flags in data file so chains can be unraveled later
program chain
integer swaptype
integer, allocatable :: nchain(:),nmonomer(:)
integer, allocatable :: ntype(:),nbondtype(:)
integer, allocatable :: type(:),molecule(:)
integer, allocatable :: imagex(:),imagey(:),imagez(:)
real*8, allocatable :: x(:),y(:),z(:)
real*8, allocatable :: bondlength(:),restrict(:)
common xprd,yprd,zprd,xboundlo,xboundhi,
$ yboundlo,yboundhi,zboundlo,zboundhi
real*8 random
900 format(a)
901 format(2f10.6,a)
902 format(i3,f5.1)
903 format(i6,i4,i4,3f10.4,3i4)
904 format(i6,i3,2i6)
c read chain definitions
read (5,*)
read (5,*)
read (5,*) rhostar
read (5,*) iseed
read (5,*) nsets
read (5,*) swaptype
do iset = 1,nsets
read (5,*)
read (5,*) nchain(iset)
read (5,*) nmonomer(iset)
read (5,*) ntype(iset)
read (5,*) nbondtype(iset)
read (5,*) bondlength(iset)
read (5,*) restrict(iset)
c natoms = total # of monomers
natoms = 0
do iset = 1,nsets
natoms = natoms + nchain(iset)*nmonomer(iset)
c setup box size (sigma = 1.0)
volume = natoms/rhostar
xprd = volume**(1.0/3.0)
yprd = xprd
zprd = xprd
xboundlo = -xprd/2.0
xboundhi = -xboundlo
yboundlo = xboundlo
yboundhi = xboundhi
zboundlo = xboundlo
zboundhi = xboundhi
c generate random chains
c loop over sets and chains in each set
n = 0
nmolecule = 0
do iset = 1,nsets
do ichain = 1,nchain(iset)
nmolecule = nmolecule + 1
c random starting point for the chain in the box
x1 = 0.0
y1 = 0.0
z1 = 0.0
x2 = xboundlo + random(iseed)*xprd
y2 = yboundlo + random(iseed)*yprd
z2 = zboundlo + random(iseed)*zprd
c store 1st monomer of chain
c 1st monomer is always in original box (image = 0)
call pbc(x2,y2,z2)
n = n + 1
x(n) = x2
y(n) = y2
z(n) = z2
type(n) = ntype(iset)
imagex(n) = 0
imagey(n) = 0
imagez(n) = 0
if (swaptype == 0) then
molecule(n) = nmolecule
molecule(n) = 1
c generate rest of monomers in this chain
do imonomer = 2,nmonomer(iset)
x0 = x1
y0 = y1
z0 = z1
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
z1 = z2
c random point inside sphere of unit radius
10 xinner = 2.0*random(iseed) - 1.0
yinner = 2.0*random(iseed) - 1.0
zinner = 2.0*random(iseed) - 1.0
rsq = xinner*xinner + yinner*yinner + zinner*zinner
if (rsq > 1.0) goto 10
c project point to surface of sphere of unit radius
r = sqrt(rsq)
xsurf = xinner/r
ysurf = yinner/r
zsurf = zinner/r
c create new point by scaling unit offsets by bondlength (sigma = 1.0)
x2 = x1 + xsurf*bondlength(iset)
y2 = y1 + ysurf*bondlength(iset)
z2 = z1 + zsurf*bondlength(iset)
c check that new point meets restriction requirement
c only for 3rd monomer and beyond
dx = x2 - x0
dy = y2 - y0
dz = z2 - z0
r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
if (imonomer > 2 .and. r <= restrict(iset)) goto 10
c store new point
c if delta to previous bead is large, then increment/decrement image flag
call pbc(x2,y2,z2)
n = n + 1
x(n) = x2
y(n) = y2
z(n) = z2
type(n) = ntype(iset)
if (abs(x(n)-x(n-1)) < 2.0*bondlength(iset)) then
imagex(n) = imagex(n-1)
else if (x(n) - x(n-1) < 0.0) then
imagex(n) = imagex(n-1) + 1
else if (x(n) - x(n-1) > 0.0) then
imagex(n) = imagex(n-1) - 1
if (abs(y(n)-y(n-1)) < 2.0*bondlength(iset)) then
imagey(n) = imagey(n-1)
else if (y(n) - y(n-1) < 0.0) then
imagey(n) = imagey(n-1) + 1
else if (y(n) - y(n-1) > 0.0) then
imagey(n) = imagey(n-1) - 1
if (abs(z(n)-z(n-1)) < 2.0*bondlength(iset)) then
imagez(n) = imagez(n-1)
else if (z(n) - z(n-1) < 0.0) then
imagez(n) = imagez(n-1) + 1
else if (z(n) - z(n-1) > 0.0) then
imagez(n) = imagez(n-1) - 1
if (swaptype == 0) then
molecule(n) = nmolecule
else if (swaptype == 1) then
molecule(n) = imonomer
else if (swaptype == 2) then
if (imonomer <= nmonomer(iset)/2) then
molecule(n) = imonomer
molecule(n) = nmonomer(iset)+1-imonomer
c compute quantities needed for LAMMPS file
nbonds = 0
ntypes = 0
nbondtypes = 0
do iset = 1,nsets
nbonds = nbonds + nchain(iset)*(nmonomer(iset)-1)
if (ntype(iset) > ntypes) ntypes = ntype(iset)
if (nbondtype(iset) > nbondtypes)
$ nbondtypes = nbondtype(iset)
c write out LAMMPS file
write (6,900) 'LAMMPS FENE chain data file'
write (6,*)
write (6,*) natoms,' atoms'
write (6,*) nbonds,' bonds'
write (6,*) 0,' angles'
write (6,*) 0,' dihedrals'
write (6,*) 0,' impropers'
write (6,*)
write (6,*) ntypes,' atom types'
write (6,*) nbondtypes,' bond types'
write (6,*) 0,' angle types'
write (6,*) 0,' dihedral types'
write (6,*) 0,' improper types'
write (6,*)
write (6,901) xboundlo,xboundhi,' xlo xhi'
write (6,901) yboundlo,yboundhi,' ylo yhi'
write (6,901) zboundlo,zboundhi,' zlo zhi'
write (6,*)
write (6,900) 'Masses'
write (6,*)
do i = 1,ntypes
write (6,902) i,1.0
write (6,*)
write (6,900) 'Atoms'
write (6,*)
do i = 1,natoms
write (6,903) i,molecule(i),type(i),x(i),y(i),z(i),
$ imagex(i),imagey(i),imagez(i)
if (nbonds > 0) then
write (6,*)
write (6,900) 'Bonds'
write (6,*)
n = 0
m = 0
do iset = 1,nsets
do ichain = 1,nchain(iset)
do imonomer = 1,nmonomer(iset)
n = n + 1
if (imonomer /= nmonomer(iset)) then
m = m + 1
write (6,904) m,nbondtype(iset),n,n+1
c ************
c Subroutines
c ************
c periodic boundary conditions - map atom back into periodic box
subroutine pbc(x,y,z)
common xprd,yprd,zprd,xboundlo,xboundhi,
$ yboundlo,yboundhi,zboundlo,zboundhi
if (x < xboundlo) x = x + xprd
if (x >= xboundhi) x = x - xprd
if (y < yboundlo) y = y + yprd
if (y >= yboundhi) y = y - yprd
if (z < zboundlo) z = z + zprd
if (z >= zboundhi) z = z - zprd
c RNG from Numerical Recipes
real*8 function random(iseed)
real*8 aa,mm,sseed
parameter (aa=16807.0D0,mm=2147483647.0D0)
sseed = iseed
sseed = mod(aa*sseed,mm)
random = sseed/mm
iseed = sseed

tools/data2xmovie.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
/* data2xmovie tool
read LAMMPS data file as input
write a snapshot in XMOVIE format
Syntax: data2xmovie [options] < infile > outfile
-style atom_style
use the LAMMPS atom style that corresponds to this file
e.g. atomic or bond or angle or full or eam or granular
will be used for reading and writing files
if not specified, atom_style = full
unmap all input atom positions using input image flags
image flags must be specified in infile
default is to leave atoms mapped to periodic box
-inbox xlo xhi ylo yhi zlo zhi
use these values for the output bounding box of the system
useful if are unmapping atoms into a larger domain
if not specified use the box bounds read in from infile
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
struct box {
double xlo,xhi,xsize;
double ylo,yhi,ysize;
double zlo,zhi,zsize;
#define MAXLINE 1000
#define ATOMIC 1
#define BOND 2
#define ANGLE 3
#define FULL 4
#define EAM 5
#define GRANULAR 6
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char line[1000]; /* strings for reading/parsing input file */
char linetoken[1000];
char *token;
/* numbers of various quantities as read in */
int natoms,nbonds,nangles,ndihedrals,nimpropers;
int ntypes,nbondtypes,nangletypes,ndihedtypes,nimprotypes;
int nmolecules; /* total # of mols specified by mol tags */
int atomstyle; /* atomstyle for read/write of Atoms */
int unmap; /* 0 = no unmapping, 1 = unmap from input box */
int outbox; /* flag for whether out box is explicitly set */
struct box in,out; /* input/output bounding box */
char *gettoken(char *, int); /* function defs */
void skipline(int);
/* default input values */
atomstyle = 0;
unmap = 0;
outbox = 0;
/* read input options from command line
should do more error checking for missing args */
int i = 1;
while (i < argc) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-style")) {
if (strcmp(argv[i+1],"atomic") == 0) atomstyle = ATOMIC;
else if (strcmp(argv[i+1],"bond") == 0) atomstyle = BOND;
else if (strcmp(argv[i+1],"angle") == 0) atomstyle = ANGLE;
else if (strcmp(argv[i+1],"full") == 0) atomstyle = FULL;
else if (strcmp(argv[i+1],"eam") == 0) atomstyle = EAM;
else if (strcmp(argv[i+1],"granular") == 0) atomstyle = GRANULAR;
else {
fprintf(stderr,"Error with command-line arg style\n");
i += 2;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-unmap")) {
unmap = 1;
i += 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-inbox")) {
outbox = 1;
i += 7;
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"Syntax error: data2xmovie [options] < infile > outfile\n");
/* error checks */
if (atomstyle == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: must use -style to set atom style\n");
/* defaults */
natoms = nbonds = nangles = ndihedrals = nimpropers = 0;
ntypes = nbondtypes = nangletypes = ndihedtypes = nimprotypes = 0;
/* read header */
while (1) {
if (strspn(line," \t\n\r") == strlen(line)) continue;
else if (strstr(line,"atoms")) sscanf(line,"%d",&natoms);
else if (strstr(line,"bonds")) sscanf(line,"%d",&nbonds);
else if (strstr(line,"angles")) sscanf(line,"%d",&nangles);
else if (strstr(line,"dihedrals")) sscanf(line,"%d",&ndihedrals);
else if (strstr(line,"impropers")) sscanf(line,"%d",&nimpropers);
else if (strstr(line,"atom types")) sscanf(line,"%d",&ntypes);
else if (strstr(line,"bond types")) sscanf(line,"%d",&nbondtypes);
else if (strstr(line,"angle types")) sscanf(line,"%d",&nangletypes);
else if (strstr(line,"dihedral types")) sscanf(line,"%d",&ndihedtypes);
else if (strstr(line,"improper types")) sscanf(line,"%d",&nimprotypes);
else if (strstr(line,"xlo xhi")) sscanf(line,"%lg %lg",&in.xlo,&in.xhi);
else if (strstr(line,"ylo yhi")) sscanf(line,"%lg %lg",&in.ylo,&in.yhi);
else if (strstr(line,"zlo zhi")) sscanf(line,"%lg %lg",&in.zlo,&in.zhi);
else break;
/* compute input box size */
in.xsize = in.xhi - in.xlo;
in.ysize = in.yhi - in.ylo;
in.zsize = in.zhi - in.zlo;
/* write XMOVIE header */
printf("ITEM: TIMESTEP\n");
printf("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n");
printf("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS\n");
if (outbox) {
printf("%g %g\n",out.xlo,out.xhi);
printf("%g %g\n",out.ylo,out.yhi);
printf("%g %g\n",out.zlo,out.zhi);
} else {
printf("%g %g\n",in.xlo,in.xhi);
printf("%g %g\n",in.ylo,in.yhi);
printf("%g %g\n",in.zlo,in.zhi);
/* read identifier strings one by one in free-form part of data file */
token = gettoken(line,1);
while (token) {
/* read atoms */
if (!strcmp(token,"Atoms")) {
printf("ITEM: ATOMS\n");
int tag,type,molecule,imagex,imagey,imagez;
double x,y,z,radius,density,q;
for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++) {
if (unmap) {
if (atomstyle == ATOMIC)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %lg %lg %lg %d %d %d",
else if (atomstyle == BOND)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %lg %lg %lg %d %d %d",
else if (atomstyle == ANGLE)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %lg %lg %lg %d %d %d",
else if (atomstyle == FULL)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %lg %lg %lg %lg %d %d %d",
else if (atomstyle == EAM)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %lg %lg %lg %d %d %d",
else if (atomstyle == GRANULAR)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %d %d %d",
} else {
if (atomstyle == ATOMIC)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %lg %lg %lg",
else if (atomstyle == BOND)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %lg %lg %lg",
else if (atomstyle == ANGLE)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %lg %lg %lg",
else if (atomstyle == FULL)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %lg %lg %lg %lg",
else if (atomstyle == EAM)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %lg %lg %lg",
else if (atomstyle == GRANULAR)
sscanf(line,"%d %d %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg",
imagez = imagey = imagex = 0;
/* unmap atom position if requested */
if (unmap) {
x = x + imagex*in.xsize;
y = y + imagey*in.ysize;
z = z + imagez*in.zsize;
printf("%d %d %g %g %g\n",tag,type,x,y,z);
/* read bonds and replicate */
else if (!strcmp(token,"Bonds")) {
printf("ITEM: BONDS\n");
int n,btype,bond1,bond2;
for (i = 0; i < nbonds; i++) {
sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d",&n,&btype,&bond1,&bond2);
printf("%d %d %d\n",btype,bond1,bond2);
/* non-replicated sections - just skip lines */
else if (!strcmp(token,"Velocities"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Angles"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Dihedrals"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Impropers"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Masses"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Dipoles"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Pair Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Bond Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Angle Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Dihedral Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"Improper Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"BondBond Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"BondAngle Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"EndBondTorsion Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"AngleTorsion Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"BondBond13 Coeffs"))
else if (!strcmp(token,"AngleAngle Coeffs"))
else {
"Error in input data file - unknown identifier %s\n",token);
token = gettoken(line,0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* return a LAMMPS keyword from data file
if first is 1, non-blank line with token is in line
else read until find a non-blank line
keyword is all text on line w/out leading & trailing white space
read one additional line after non-blank line (assumed blank)
return ptr to keyword
return NULL if end of file */
char *gettoken(char *line, int first)
char buffer[MAXLINE];
/* read upto non-blank line plus 1 following line
eof is set to 1 if any read hits end-of-file */
int eof = 0;
if (!first) if (fgets(line,MAXLINE,stdin) == NULL) eof = 1;
while (eof == 0 && strspn(line," \t\n\r") == strlen(line))
if (fgets(line,MAXLINE,stdin) == NULL) eof = 1;
if (fgets(buffer,MAXLINE,stdin) == NULL) eof = 1;
/* if eof, return NULL */
if (eof) return NULL;
/* bracket non-whitespace portion of line */
int start = strspn(line," \t\n\r");
int stop = strlen(line) - 1;
while (line[stop] == ' ' || line[stop] == '\t'
|| line[stop] == '\n' || line[stop] == '\r') stop--;
line[stop+1] = '\0';
/* return ptr to keyword */
return &line[start];
/* read n lines and ignore */
void skipline(int n)
char line[1000];
while (n) {

tools/def.chain Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Polymer chain definition
0.8442 rhostar
592984 random # seed (8 digits or less)
1 # of sets of chains (blank line + 6 values for each set)
0 molecule tag rule: 0 = by mol, 1 = from 1 end, 2 = from 2 ends
320 number of chains
100 monomers/chain
1 type of monomers (for output into LAMMPS file)
1 type of bonds (for output into LAMMPS file)
0.97 distance between monomers (in reduced units)
1.02 no distance less than this from site i-1 to i+1 (reduced unit)

tools/def.chain.ab Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Polymer chain definition
0.6261144 rhostar
48729 random # seed (8 digits or less)
2 # of sets of chains (blank line + 6 values for each set)
0 molecule tag rule: 0 = by mol, 1 = from 1 end, 2 = from 2 ends
8 number of chains
50 monomers/chain
1 type of monomers (for output into LAMMPS file)
1 type of bonds (for output into LAMMPS file)
0.97 distance between monomers (in reduced units of sigma)
1.02 no distance less than this from site i-1 to i+1 (reduced unit)
8 number of chains
50 monomers/chain
2 type of monomers (for output into LAMMPS file)
2 type of bonds (for output into LAMMPS file)
1.17 distance between monomers (in reduced units of sigma)
1.22 no distance less than this from site i-1 to i+1 (reduced unit)

tools/def.micelle2d Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
2-d micelle definition
0.7 rhostar
53616456 random # seed (8 digits or less)
30 30 initial solvent square lattice (nx by ny)
150 # of solvent to turn into surfactants
0.75 bond-length of surfactants (units of sigma)
2 # of tails to add to each head (length of surfactant - 1)
0 flag for 2nd nearest neighbor bonds (0=no, 1=yes)

tools/lmp2arc/README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
This program converts a contiguous set of LAMMPS dump (position) files
to a MSI .arc file using a .car file as the template. This enables one to
visualize a LAMMPS trajectory using Insight II.
by Michael Peachey & John Carpenter (SGI/Cray)
currently maintained by Kelly L. Anderson (AFRL/ML)
Version 0.1: 8/14/97 MJP
Version 1.0: 7/27/98 JEC
Version 1.1: 10/22/98 JEC
Version 1.2: 11/04/98 JEC
Version 1.3: 4/10/05 KLA
1. To build the program
% cd src
% make
% cp lmp2arc.exe ../bin
The program is only a few files so should compile
2. Testing the program
There are three test jobs in the test directory
that one can run
% ../bin/lmp2arc.exe -car <<EOF > water8.arc
> water8.pos
% diff water8.arc correct/water8.arc
% ../bin/lmp2arc.exe -move_mol -car <<EOF > water8.arc
> water8.pos
% diff water8.arc correct/water8.arc.unwrap
% ../bin/lmp2arc.exe -trueflags -move_mol -car \
<<EOF > water8.arc
> water8.pos
% diff water8.arc correct/water8.arc.trueflags
The only differences you should see are date differences.
3. Usage
Usage: lmp2arc.exe [options] -car carfile < infile > outfile
-trueflags (optional)
trueflags are present in the LAMMPS position file.
-move_mol (optional)
Unwraps molecules. All atoms in the position file are in
the simulation cell. This means that molecules which
are sticking out of the cell will have some of its
atoms "wrapped" to the other side of the periodic cell.
This leads to very messy visualizations. Specification
of -move_mol will attempt to "unwrap" or straighten
molecules and yield a reasonable visualization. However,
molecules which oscillate around half in or out of the
box may appear to jump from one side of the box to
the other.
Two algorithms are used depending upon the presence of
trueflags. The algorithm that uses trueflags is the
most robust, but the other geometric based algorithm
should be adequate.
-car filename
the name of the .car file that corresponds to the
position information. This is required.
-skip n (default is 0)
Skip every n timesteps in the position file.
-npico n (default is 2000)
Number of timesteps in 1 picosecond of simulation.
-2001 (default is 2005)
Version of LAMMPS to convert from.
file containing one or more names of LAMMPS position files
the name of the new .arc file
% lmp2arc.exe -2001 -trueflags -move_mol -skip 4 -car <<EOF > water.arc
>>>> Program output <<<<<
lmp2arc v1.2 - LAMMPS MD trajectory to MSI .arc file conversion
Car file name is
Number of Atoms = 24
Number of Molecules = 8
Position file names:
Processing Timesteps
20 40 60 80 100
102 frames were written to the ArcFile
Program Exiting Normally
4. Questions or comments?
Send them to Kelly L. Anderson (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
OBJS = lmp2arc.o ReadCarFile.o ProcessPosFile01.o ProcessPosFile05.o unwrap_molecules.o WriteArcFrame.o
lmp2arc.exe: $(OBJS)
gcc -o lmp2arc.exe $(OBJS)
lmp2arc.o: lmp2arc.c lmp2.h
ReadCarFile.o: ReadCarFile.c lmp2.h
ProcessPosFile01.o: ProcessPosFile01.c lmp2.h
ProcessPosFile05.o: ProcessPosFile05.c lmp2.h
WriteArcFrame.o: WriteArcFrame.c lmp2.h
unwrap_molecules.o: unwrap_molecules.c lmp2.h
gcc -O2 -c $<
rm lmp2arc.exe *.o

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
/****************************** ProcessDumpFile.c ***************************
* Created 8/98 by John Carpenter
* Based on routines ReadLMPDump and CreateArcFile written by
* Mike Peachey during summer 1997
* This function reads the output from LAMMPS dumpfile
* and then writes it back out to an ACCELRYS arcfile using
* info from ReadCarfile.
#include "lmp2.h"
void ProcessPosFile01(int num_posfiles,char *posnames[],struct Sys *sysinfo,FILE *ArcFile)
struct Boundary cell;
struct NewAtomCoordinates *coord;
FILE *PosFile;
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
int i,iax,itag,itype;
int nxx,nyy,nzz,matoms;
int frame, mskip,timestep;
int ifile;
float xx,yy,zz;
/* Function prototype declarations */
extern void unwrap_molecules(struct NewAtomCoordinates *,struct Sys *);
extern void WriteArcFrame(FILE *,int,int,struct Sys *);
/* Begin execution */
coord = calloc(sysinfo->natoms, sizeof(struct NewAtomCoordinates));
if ( coord == NULL )
fprintf(stderr,"Memory Allocation Problem(coord), exiting program");
/* process data */
fprintf(stderr,"\n Processing Timesteps\n\n");
frame = 0;
mskip = 0;
for (ifile=0; ifile < num_posfiles; ifile++) {
fprintf(stderr,"\n Opening file \n");
if ( (PosFile = fopen(posnames[ifile],"r")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",posnames[ifile]);
fprintf(stderr,"\n File open \n");
while (fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile) != NULL) {
if (strstr(line,"NUMBER OF ATOMS")) {
fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile);
matoms = atoi(line);
if (matoms != sysinfo->natoms) {
fprintf(stderr,"Number of atoms in car and dump files do not match/n");
else if (strstr(line,"BOX BOUNDS")) {
for (iax=0; iax < 3; iax++) {
fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile);
cell.low[iax] = atof(strtok(line, " "));
cell.hi[iax] = atof(strtok(NULL, " \0\n"));
cell.size[iax] = cell.hi[iax] - cell.low[iax];
sysinfo->celldim[iax] = cell.size[iax];
else if (strstr(line,"TIMESTEP")) {
else if (strstr(line,"ATOMS")) {
if (trueflag) {
for (i=0; i<matoms; i++) {
fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile);
sscanf(line,"%d %d %f %f %f %d %d %d",&itag,&itype,
coord[itag-1].type = itype;
coord[itag-1].fract[0] = xx;
coord[itag-1].fract[1] = yy;
coord[itag-1].fract[2] = zz;
coord[itag-1].truef[0] = nxx;
coord[itag-1].truef[1] = nyy;
coord[itag-1].truef[2] = nzz;
if (move_molecules) unwrap_molecules(coord,sysinfo);
for (i=0; i<matoms; i++) {
for (iax=0; iax<3; iax++)
coord[i].fract[iax] += coord[i].truef[iax];
else {
for (i=0; i<matoms; i++) {
fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile);
sscanf(line,"%d %d %f %f %f",&itag,&itype,&xx,&yy,&zz);
coord[itag-1].type = itype;
coord[itag-1].fract[0] = xx;
coord[itag-1].fract[1] = yy;
coord[itag-1].fract[2] = zz;
if (move_molecules) unwrap_molecules(coord,sysinfo);
} /* end if on trueflag */
for (i=0; i<matoms; i++) {
sysinfo->atoms[i].xyz[0] = cell.size[0]*coord[i].fract[0];
sysinfo->atoms[i].xyz[1] = cell.size[1]*coord[i].fract[1];
sysinfo->atoms[i].xyz[2] = cell.size[2]*coord[i].fract[2];
/* Ready to write arc file entry */
if ((mskip >= nskip) || (frame == 0)) {
mskip = 0;
if (frame%20 == 0) fprintf(stderr," %d",frame);
if (frame%400 == 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
} /* end if on ITEM */
} /* end while over LINES*/
} /* end for loop over POS FILES */
fprintf(stderr,"\n\n %d frames were written to the ArcFile\n",frame);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
/****************************** ProcessDumpFile.c ***************************
* Created 8/98 by John Carpenter
* Based on routines ReadLMPDump and CreateArcFile written by
* Mike Peachey during summer 1997
* This function reads the output from LAMMPS dumpfile
* and then writes it back out to an ACCELRYS arcfile using
* info from ReadCarfile.
#include "lmp2.h"
void ProcessPosFile05(int num_posfiles,char *posnames[],struct Sys *sysinfo,FILE *ArcFile)
struct Boundary cell;
struct NewAtomCoordinates *coord;
FILE *PosFile;
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
int i,iax,itag,itype;
int nxx,nyy,nzz,matoms;
int frame, mskip,timestep;
int ifile;
float xx,yy,zz;
/* Function prototype declarations */
extern void unwrap_molecules(struct NewAtomCoordinates *,struct Sys *);
extern void WriteArcFrame(FILE *,int,int,struct Sys *);
/* Begin execution */
coord = calloc(sysinfo->natoms, sizeof(struct NewAtomCoordinates));
if ( coord == NULL )
fprintf(stderr,"Memory Allocation Problem(coord), exiting program");
/* process data */
fprintf(stderr,"\n Processing Timesteps for LAMMPS 2005 dump file\n\n");
frame = 0;
mskip = 0;
for (ifile=0; ifile < num_posfiles; ifile++) {
if ( (PosFile = fopen(posnames[ifile],"r")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",posnames[ifile]);
while (fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile) != NULL) {
if (strstr(line,"NUMBER OF ATOMS")) {
fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile);
matoms = atoi(line);
if (matoms != sysinfo->natoms) {
fprintf(stderr,"Number of atoms in car and dump files do not match\n");
else if (strstr(line,"BOX BOUNDS")) {
fprintf(stderr,"HERE 1\n");
for (iax=0; iax < 3; iax++) {
fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile);
cell.low[iax] = atof(strtok(line, " "));
cell.hi[iax] = atof(strtok(NULL, " \0\n"));
cell.size[iax] = cell.hi[iax] - cell.low[iax];
sysinfo->celldim[iax] = cell.size[iax];
else if (strstr(line,"TIMESTEP")) {
else if (strstr(line,"ATOMS")) {
if (trueflag) {
for (i=0; i<matoms; i++) {
fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile);
sscanf(line,"%d %d %f %f %f %d %d %d",&itag,&itype,
coord[itag-1].type = itype;
coord[itag-1].fract[0] = xx;
coord[itag-1].fract[1] = yy;
coord[itag-1].fract[2] = zz;
coord[itag-1].truef[0] = nxx;
coord[itag-1].truef[1] = nyy;
coord[itag-1].truef[2] = nzz;
if (move_molecules) unwrap_molecules(coord,sysinfo);
for (i=0; i<matoms; i++) {
for (iax=0; iax<3; iax++)
coord[i].fract[iax] += coord[i].truef[iax];
else {
for (i=0; i<matoms; i++) {
fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, PosFile);
sscanf(line,"%d %d %f %f %f",&itag,&itype,&xx,&yy,&zz);
coord[itag-1].type = itype;
coord[itag-1].fract[0] = xx;
coord[itag-1].fract[1] = yy;
coord[itag-1].fract[2] = zz;
if (move_molecules) unwrap_molecules(coord,sysinfo);
} /* end if on trueflag */
for (i=0; i<matoms; i++) {
sysinfo->atoms[i].xyz[0] = cell.size[0]*coord[i].fract[0];
sysinfo->atoms[i].xyz[1] = cell.size[1]*coord[i].fract[1];
sysinfo->atoms[i].xyz[2] = cell.size[2]*coord[i].fract[2];
/* Ready to write arc file entry */
if ((mskip >= nskip) || (frame == 0)) {
mskip = 0;
if (frame%20 == 0) fprintf(stderr," %d",frame);
if (frame%400 == 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
} /* end if on ITEM */
} /* end while over LINES*/
} /* end for loop over POS FILES */
fprintf(stderr,"\n\n %d frames were written to the ArcFile\n",frame);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
/****************************** ReadCarFile.c ******************************
* This function opens the .car file and extracts coordinate information
* into the atoms Atom structure
#include "lmp2.h"
void ReadCarFile(FILE *CarF,struct Sys *sysinfo)
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; /* Stores lines as they are read in */
int k,m,n; /* counters */
int skip; /* lines to skip at beginning of file */
/* Determine Number of molecules & atoms */
sysinfo->no_molecules = -1; /* Set to -1 because counter will be
incremented an extra time at the end of the file */
fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF); /* Read header line */
/* Check for periodicity, set periodic and skip */
if( strncmp(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF),"PBC=ON",6) == 0)
sysinfo->periodic = 1;
skip = 5; /* Data starts 5 lines from beginning of file */
sysinfo->periodic = 0;
skip = 4;
/* First pass through file -- Count molecules */
while( fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF) != NULL )
if( strncmp(line,"end",3) == 0 )
/* Allocate space to keep track of the number of atoms within a molecule */
sysinfo->molinfo =
(struct Mol *) calloc(sysinfo->no_molecules,sizeof(struct Mol));
if ( sysinfo->molinfo == NULL )
puts("Could not allocate memory for molinfo");
/* Second pass through file -- Count atoms */
for(n=0; n < skip; n++) /* Skip beginning lines */
sysinfo->molinfo[0].start = 0;
sysinfo->molinfo[0].end = 0;
for(n=0; n < sysinfo->no_molecules; n++)
if (n != 0) {
sysinfo->molinfo[n].start = sysinfo->molinfo[n-1].end;
sysinfo->molinfo[n].end = sysinfo->molinfo[n-1].end;
while( strncmp(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF),"end",3) )
n = sysinfo->no_molecules-1;
sysinfo->natoms = sysinfo->molinfo[n].end;
/* Allocate space for atoms Atom structures */
sysinfo->atoms = (struct Atom *) calloc(sysinfo->natoms,
sizeof(struct Atom));
if( sysinfo->atoms == NULL )
puts("Could not allocate memory for AtomList");
/* Third pass through file -- Read+Parse Car File */
for(n=0; n < skip; n++)
for(m=0; m < sysinfo->no_molecules; m++)
{ /* m loops through molecules */
for(n=sysinfo->molinfo[m].start; n < sysinfo->molinfo[m].end; n++)
{ /* n loops through atoms within a molecule */
sysinfo->atoms[n].molecule = m;
fscanf(CarF,"%s %lf %lf %lf %s %s %s %s %f",
} /* End n (atoms) loop */
} /* End m (molecule) loop */
} /* End ReadCarFile() */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include <time.h>
#include "lmp2.h"
void WriteArcFrame(FILE *ArcFile,int frame,int timestep,
struct Sys *sysinfo)
time_t tim;
char *datestr;
const char MSIformat[] = "!BIOSYM archive 3";
const char PBC_ON[] = "PBC=ON";
const char PBC_OFF[] = "PBC=OFF";
const float perp = 90.0;
register int i,m;
float number_of_psecs;
/* Function prototypes */
void dot(int);
/* Begin execution */
number_of_psecs = (float) timestep/(float) npico;
tim = time(NULL);
datestr = asctime(localtime(&tim));
if (frame == 0)
if (sysinfo->periodic)
fprintf(ArcFile,"Frame %d Number of Picoseconds = %10.4f\n",frame,
fprintf(ArcFile,"!DATE %s",datestr);
if (sysinfo->periodic)
fprintf(ArcFile,"PBC%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f (P1)\n",
for (m=0; m<sysinfo->no_molecules; m++)
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[m].start; i<sysinfo->molinfo[m].end; i++)
fprintf(ArcFile,"%-5s %14.9f %14.9f %14.9f %-4s %-7s%-7s %-2s% 6.4f\n",
fprintf(ArcFile, "end\n");
fprintf( ArcFile, "end\n");

tools/lmp2arc/src/lmp2.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stddef.h>
# include <math.h>
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 200
#define MAX_POS_FILES 50
#ifdef MAIN
#define _EX
#define _EX extern
struct Sys {
int periodic;
int ntypes;
int natoms;
int no_molecules;
int nbonds;
float celldim[3];
float *masses;
struct Mol *molinfo;
struct Atom *atoms;
int *bondindex;
struct Mol
int start;
int end;
struct Atom /* atom information in .car file */
int molecule; /* molecule id */
float q; /* charge */
double xyz[3]; /* position vector */
char potential[5]; /* atom potential type */
char element[2]; /* atom element */
char res_name[8]; /* residue name */
char res_num[8]; /* residue numer */
char name[10]; /* atom name */
struct Boundary
double low[3];
double hi[3];
double size[3];
struct NewAtomCoordinates
int type;
double fract[3];
int truef[3];
struct Colors
float rgb[3];
_EX int trueflag; /* 0=no_true_flags; 1=true_flags */
_EX int move_molecules; /* 0=don't move; 1=move */
_EX int nskip; /* number of steps to skip in pos file */
_EX int npico; /* number of steps per picosecond */

tools/lmp2arc/src/lmp2arc.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
/****************************** Lmp2arc.c ******************************
This program converts a contiguous set of LAMMPS dump (position) files
to a MSI .arc file using a .car file as the template. This enables one to
visualize a LAMMPS trajectory using Insight II.
by Michael Peachey & John Carpenter (SGI/Cray)
currently maintained by Kelly L. Anderson (AFRL/ML)
Version 0.1: 8/14/97 MJP
Version 1.0: 7/27/98 JEC
Version 1.1: 10/22/98 JEC
Version 1.2: 11/04/98 JEC
Version 1.3: 4/10/05 KLA
1. To build the program
% cd src
% make
% cp lmp2arc.exe ../bin
The program is only a few files so should compile
2. Testing the program
There are three test jobs in the test directory
that one can run
% ../bin/lmp2arc.exe -car <<EOF > water8.arc
> water8.pos
% diff water8.arc correct/water8.arc
% ../bin/lmp2arc.exe -move_mol -car <<EOF > water8.arc
> water8.pos
% diff water8.arc correct/water8.arc.unwrap
% ../bin/lmp2arc.exe -trueflags -move_mol -car \
<<EOF > water8.arc
> water8.pos
% diff water8.arc correct/water8.arc.trueflags
The only differences you should see are date differences.
3. Usage
Usage: lmp2arc.exe [options] -car carfile < infile > outfile
-trueflags (optional)
trueflags are present in the LAMMPS position file.
-move_mol (optional)
Unwraps molecules. All atoms in the position file are in
the simulation cell. This means that molecules which
are sticking out of the cell will have some of its
atoms "wrapped" to the other side of the periodic cell.
This leads to very messy visualizations. Specification
of -move_mol will attempt to "unwrap" or straighten
molecules and yield a reasonable visualization. However,
molecules which oscillate around half in or out of the
box may appear to jump from one side of the box to
the other.
Two algorithms are used depending upon the presence of
trueflags. The algorithm that uses trueflags is the
most robust, but the other geometric based algorithm
should be adequate.
-car filename
the name of the .car file that corresponds to the
position information. This is required.
-skip n (default is 0)
Skip every n timesteps in the position file.
-npico n (default is 2000)
Number of timesteps in 1 picosecond of simulation.
-2001 (default is 2005)
Version of LAMMPS to convert from.
file containing one or more names of LAMMPS position files
the name of the new .arc file
% lmp2arc.exe -2001 -trueflags -move_mol -skip 4 -car <<EOF > water.arc
>>>> Program output <<<<<
lmp2arc v1.2 - LAMMPS MD trajectory to MSI .arc file conversion
Car file name is
Number of Atoms = 24
Number of Molecules = 8
Position file names:
Processing Timesteps
20 40 60 80 100
102 frames were written to the ArcFile
Program Exiting Normally
4. Questions or comments?
Send them to Kelly L. Anderson (
#define MAIN
#include "lmp2.h"
/* External function prototypes */
extern void ReadCarFile(FILE *,struct Sys *);
extern void ProcessPosFile01(int,char **,struct Sys *,FILE *);
extern void ProcessPosFile05(int,char **,struct Sys *,FILE *);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int got_car,ierr,i;
char *carfilename;
struct Sys *sysinfo;
int num_posfiles;
int outv;
char *posnames[MAX_POS_FILES];
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
FILE *CarFile,*ArcFile;
/* default input values */
trueflag = 0;
move_molecules = 0;
nskip = 0;
got_car = 0;
npico = 2000;
outv = 2005;
/* read input options from command line
should do more error checking for missing args */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-car")) {
carfilename = (char *) malloc(strlen(argv[i+1]));
got_car = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-trueflags"))
trueflag = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-move_mol"))
move_molecules = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-2001")) {
outv = 2001;
fprintf(stderr,"\n LAMMPS 2001 file used.\n");
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-skip")) {
else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-npico")) {
else {
fprintf(stderr,"\nSyntax error: lmp2arc.exe [-2001] [-trueflags] [-move_mol] [-skip n]\n");
fprintf(stderr," [-npico m] -car carfile\n");
fprintf(stderr," < posfile_list > ArcFile\n");
/* Check for option inconsistancies */
if (!got_car) {
fprintf(stderr,"Must specify car file\n");
fprintf(stderr,"\n lmp2arc v1.3 - LAMMPS MD trajectory to ACCELRYS .arc file conversion\n\n");
sysinfo = (struct Sys *) calloc(1,sizeof(struct Sys));
/* Open CarFile */
fprintf(stderr,"\n Car file name is %s\n",carfilename);
if( (CarFile = fopen(carfilename,"r")) == NULL )
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",carfilename);
ReadCarFile(CarFile, sysinfo);
fprintf(stderr,"\n Number of Atoms = %d\n",sysinfo->natoms);
fprintf(stderr," Number of Molecules = %d\n",sysinfo->no_molecules);
/* Get position file names */
num_posfiles = 0;
while (gets(line) != NULL) {
if (ferror(stdin) == 0) {
posnames[num_posfiles] = (char *)calloc(strlen(line),sizeof(char));
posnames[num_posfiles] = strcpy(posnames[num_posfiles],line);
fprintf(stderr,"\n Position file names:\n");
for (i=0;i < num_posfiles; i++) fprintf(stderr," %s\n",posnames[i]);
/* Assign ArcFile to stdout */
ArcFile = stdout;
if (outv == 2001) {
else if (outv == 2005) {
fprintf(stderr,"\n\n Program Exiting Normally\n\n");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
by Michael Peachey & John Carpenter (SGI/Cray)
Version 0.1: 8/14/97 MJP initial version NVT only
Version 1.0: 7/27/98 JEC rewrote to reduce storage and generalize programs
Version 1.1: 10/22/98 JEC geometric molecule "unwrapping" algorithm included
Version 1.2: 11/04/98 JEC multiple position files in input; data structures
standardized with lmp2gxf
This program converts a LAMMPS dump (position) file to a MSI
.arc file using a .car file as the template. This enables one to
visualize a LAMMPS trajectory using Insight II.
Usage: lmp2arc.exe [options] -car carfile < infile > outfile
-trueflags (default is not present)
trueflags are present in the LAMMPS position file.
-move_mol (default is not present)
Unwraps molecules. All atoms in the position file are in
simulation cell. This means that molecules which
are sticking out of the cell will have some of its
atoms "wrapped" to the other side of the periodic cell.
This leads to very messy visualizations. Specification
of -move_mol will attempt to "unwrap" or straighten
molecules and yield a reasonable visualization. However,
molecules which oscillate around half in or out of the
box may appear to jump from one side of the box to
the other.
Two algorithms are used depending upon the presence of
trueflags. The algorithm that uses trueflags is the
most robust, but the other geometric based algorithm
should be adequate.
-car filename
the name of the .car file that corresponds to the
position information. This is required.
-skip n (default is 0)
Skip every n timesteps in the position file.
-npico n (default is 2000)
Number of timesteps in 1 picosecond of simulation
file containing one or more names of LAMMPS position files
the name of the new .arc file
% lmp2arc.exe -trueflags -move_mol -skip 4 -car <<EOF > water.arc
>>>> Program output <<<<<
lmp2arc v1.2 - LAMMPS MD trajectory to MSI .arc file conversion
Car file name is
Number of Atoms = 24
Number of Molecules = 8
Position file names:
Processing Timesteps
20 40 60 80 100
102 frames were written to the ArcFile
Program Exiting Normally

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
#include "lmp2.h"
void unwrap_molecules(struct NewAtomCoordinates *coord,struct Sys *sysinfo)
int iflag[5],nflag[5],icase;
register int i,iax,imol;
int min_true,max_true;
if (trueflag) {
/* Use trueflags to "unwrap" molecules */
for (imol=0; imol < sysinfo->no_molecules; imol++) {
for (iax=0; iax < 3; iax++) {
min_true = 1000;
max_true = -1000;
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) {
if (coord[i].truef[iax] < min_true) min_true = coord[i].truef[iax];
if (coord[i].truef[iax] > max_true) max_true = coord[i].truef[iax];
if ((min_true > 0) || (max_true < 0)) {
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) coord[i].truef[iax] -= min_true;
} /* end loop over iax */
} /* end loop over imol */
else {
/* Use coordinates to "unwrap" molecules */
for (imol=0; imol < sysinfo->no_molecules; imol++) {
for (iax=0; iax < 3; iax++) {
for (i=0; i<5; i++) { iflag[i] = 0; nflag[i] = 0;}
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) {
if (coord[i].fract[iax] <= 0.20)
else if ((coord[i].fract[iax] > 0.20) && (coord[i].fract[iax] <= 0.40))
else if ((coord[i].fract[iax] > 0.40) && (coord[i].fract[iax] <= 0.60))
else if ((coord[i].fract[iax] > 0.60) && (coord[i].fract[iax] <= 0.80))
else if ((coord[i].fract[iax] > 0.80) && (coord[i].fract[iax] <= 1.00))
for (i=0; i<5; i++) { if (nflag[i] > 0) iflag[i] = 1; }
icase = 10000*iflag[0] + 1000*iflag[1] + 100*iflag[2] + 10*iflag[3] + iflag[4];
switch (icase) {
case 10001:
if (nflag[0] > nflag[4]) {
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) if (coord[i].fract[iax] > 0.80) coord[i].fract[iax] -= 1.0;
else {
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) if (coord[i].fract[iax] <= 0.20) coord[i].fract[iax] += 1.0;
case 11001:
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) if (coord[i].fract[iax] > 0.80) coord[i].fract[iax] -= 1.0;
case 10011:
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) if (coord[i].fract[iax] < 0.20) coord[i].fract[iax] += 1.0;
case 11101:
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) if (coord[i].fract[iax] > 0.80) coord[i].fract[iax] -= 1.0;
case 10111:
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) if (coord[i].fract[iax] < 0.20) coord[i].fract[iax] += 1.0;
case 11011:
if ((nflag[0]+nflag[1]) > (nflag[3]+nflag[4])) {
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) if (coord[i].fract[iax] > 0.60) coord[i].fract[iax] -= 1.0;
else {
for (i=sysinfo->molinfo[imol].start; i < sysinfo->molinfo[imol].end;
i++) if (coord[i].fract[iax] <= 0.40) coord[i].fract[iax] += 1.0;
} /* end switch */
} /* end loop over imol*/
} /* end loop over iax */
} /* end if on trueflag */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
Frame 0 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0000
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.643248010 0.777744001 0.939744008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.121400046 0.905544019 1.801944065 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495439994 0.381167999 0.460295981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.377903795 6.354432106 2.353248096 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.969096136 6.404400158 3.197592044 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.860231924 7.085376120 1.893959928 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.777328086 0.543599975 2.234376025 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.326680064 0.960479951 3.006935906 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.093768024 6.987024021 2.808791900 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.044887924 5.510304022 1.766304052 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.041511822 5.491583920 1.714175963 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.839111853 4.667327785 2.287439990 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.456920040 1.436471951 5.896152020 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.795608044 2.354399943 5.825591898 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.776808017 1.533671987 6.644735956 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.645119977 0.804960001 3.574799895 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.211760020 0.483047980 4.318775797 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.191952007 1.505303979 4.087368107 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.751119900 6.932088089 4.621895885 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.843711901 6.166800213 5.214600134 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.705256057 0.282672000 5.459184122 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.847239971 6.672167873 7.105968189 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.199895954 7.019280052 0.762192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.801664090 5.774687862 0.297000012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 1 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0500
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.787464005 0.702144009 1.022687995 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.261224031 0.940608001 1.842984009 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495152032 0.496656007 0.457487977 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.228648090 6.606071806 2.280311966 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.579287910 6.505488110 3.152663970 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.906744003 0.095184001 2.001383901 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.961720085 0.432575995 2.279663944 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.808215976 0.834192002 3.171672034 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.319776106 6.820991850 2.693519998 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.020191860 5.430168200 1.728504002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.941431952 5.639471912 1.764144015 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.014575958 4.480128050 1.745208049 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.246895993 1.396152020 5.866631842 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.592640030 2.332368064 5.899392128 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.572184008 1.531511950 6.572448063 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.712511981 0.765359974 3.554783964 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.439495981 0.479375982 4.145327854 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.433296007 1.464119947 4.176144075 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.728656077 6.963191843 4.645943928 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.408552074 6.317351961 5.011056089 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.620007944 0.205056006 5.514840174 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.781791925 6.725951958 7.154640198 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.255047965 7.079759789 0.762192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.831255937 5.743151951 0.226511988 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 2 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1000
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.748728025 0.588095999 0.996191955 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.335527980 0.838799983 1.774151981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.458215976 0.362951991 0.341352001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.050879860 6.760512114 2.297663927 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.377544165 6.874415874 3.235032034 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.719327974 0.183599997 1.901664090 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.932199907 0.512136000 2.235168028 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.719512105 0.869832015 3.124511933 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.350520015 6.869520092 2.583936095 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.985632133 5.410440016 1.812528062 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.970664167 5.586623812 1.901016068 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.033223963 4.442111921 2.060784101 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.344383991 1.367640030 5.875344086 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.556711948 2.309399986 5.813136148 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.630144024 1.341864002 6.548687983 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.732240003 0.728207999 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.093391991 0.133343996 4.209912014 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.568655992 1.451015961 4.075056124 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891015983 7.045991850 4.660992193 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.343967915 6.323039961 5.084495831 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.646215916 0.212472005 5.564231873 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.803895903 6.645096016 7.140239954 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.289896083 6.875423956 0.747576016 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.050567937 5.710175800 0.055799999 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 3 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1500
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.711000019 0.492120016 0.990287983 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.163016021 0.757511991 1.810152054 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.601927984 0.311904001 0.531359982 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.059520006 6.742800093 2.409191895 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.539976168 6.942888165 3.208751965 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.548400021 0.181008004 1.913111973 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.851128101 0.434880012 2.226743960 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.793240023 0.704520017 3.184920001 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.311640000 6.811992073 2.550096059 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.017023849 5.447736025 1.724400008 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.052887821 5.477760029 1.815192032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.806496191 4.653288031 2.253816032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.276776016 1.276056004 5.882616091 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.311047995 2.248991919 5.986656189 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.596375978 1.036727965 6.544511890 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.691128016 0.825624007 3.500711918 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.160279953 0.358919987 4.233024073 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.559367985 1.739880002 3.949127913 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.977559924 7.081775951 4.662864161 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.621240091 6.645456076 5.265287876 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.522519946 0.278639996 5.415695858 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.913336039 6.708096170 7.108271885 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.265271902 0.012384000 0.677304018 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.154823899 5.800824165 0.240624002 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 4 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2000
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.697535974 0.356687987 0.997416008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.976391995 0.646128005 1.922616005 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.554336047 0.379151997 0.479735988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.184295940 6.597647953 2.557872105 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.401808071 6.999696064 3.462264061 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.941663790 7.051967812 2.105640078 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.925719905 0.609695989 2.124576044 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.797992039 0.977183998 3.038328052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.282912040 6.958584023 2.517048025 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.028759909 5.573880100 1.824696064 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.974191809 5.553863955 1.971648073 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.791735888 4.679711866 2.177279949 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.227888036 1.316304052 5.946911860 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263024008 2.294928074 6.034680176 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.600192010 1.193327987 6.723647833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.782856023 0.856223989 3.495383978 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.577015948 0.427895996 3.934583902 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.643176019 1.503216040 4.174560070 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.846591949 7.148952198 4.558031845 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.674304056 6.851015854 4.966343880 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.399040055 0.045288000 5.449895954 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.800007987 6.561792183 6.998400021 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.045600057 6.948719931 0.680471975 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.147048068 5.659200096 7.170263958 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 5 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2500
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.677447999 0.454464000 1.051776016 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.192463994 0.687528008 1.876032043 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.436832011 0.371808001 0.441503996 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.311375999 6.377472067 2.554200053 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.487559795 6.340536118 3.495959902 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.071120071 6.984288168 2.246183968 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910095930 0.608328009 2.146032000 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.564928031 0.776808017 3.064392042 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.358152080 6.987744141 2.495951915 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.981959867 5.584248018 1.721880019 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.950287962 5.821992159 1.943856096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.066415977 4.644144058 1.999728012 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.139759982 1.205783951 5.937767887 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.104983962 2.151792097 6.154271936 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.647712010 0.816407990 6.680592155 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.784080023 0.831672013 3.501144075 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.266048038 0.577151996 4.329144144 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.142416005 1.515167964 3.979296112 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891736102 7.193015957 4.560623932 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.187727952 6.321167994 4.886351824 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.786687922 0.433007991 5.464296198 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.824127913 6.804863834 7.023744106 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.261815929 0.039672000 0.588599986 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.116520023 5.889167976 0.059904000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 6 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3000
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.630503976 0.418967995 0.970775986 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.031544006 0.806184000 1.821887898 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.453175998 0.299735999 0.453743988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.394176006 6.197183847 2.432015991 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.648479891 6.339671803 3.364272022 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.104600048 6.844679832 2.257199907 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.814191937 0.654839981 2.191392016 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.293992090 0.975168049 2.990375948 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.366143990 7.193879843 2.763432097 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.949055815 5.635655880 1.773792028 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.936967897 5.687280035 1.804176092 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.832056141 4.710311794 2.078568006 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.225584018 1.349136007 5.889312172 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.484784007 2.321855950 5.976575804 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.578447986 1.216584027 6.641855907 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.668376017 0.703008002 3.512016034 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.214784050 0.428472000 4.290335798 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.152568005 1.261224031 4.095143938 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910960031 7.140600014 4.607999897 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.731039858 7.014095879 5.183928108 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.376503921 0.124992000 5.400360060 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.919960022 6.901776123 7.096392059 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.188807917 0.012960000 0.819000024 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.372623992 6.052320099 0.139176004 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 7 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3500
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.681840008 0.581687987 1.026648009 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.083456016 0.859463990 1.875455904 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.559448016 0.402767989 0.594576001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.323832178 6.073488092 2.298023987 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.825743866 6.188615799 3.118967915 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.738839865 6.851592207 1.866096067 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.858544087 0.735695976 2.211984086 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.780351901 1.294919980 3.005999923 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.192192006 7.088184071 2.615255928 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.902903795 5.665679884 1.852632022 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.888943911 5.545152140 1.843919992 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.620447874 4.914503860 2.399544096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.187567997 1.361880040 5.822135925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.158335996 2.323151994 6.054335833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.511055982 1.029311979 6.455015802 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.714959979 0.448776001 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.522439969 0.256248003 4.049639940 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.399744013 1.145736051 4.144967794 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.987207937 0.056159998 4.631472015 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.966543984 6.358464003 5.050224066 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.724192023 0.539423990 5.513111973 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.876688051 6.898391819 7.138728046 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.124296069 0.137015994 0.811223978 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.341015983 6.027911997 0.202175997 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 8 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4000
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.689976007 0.674639994 1.046375978 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.179288018 0.869040012 1.872935915 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.548575950 0.456480002 0.554256016 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.380207920 6.160752153 2.233152080 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.974784136 6.154847860 3.065976048 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.788159895 6.939575958 1.794744051 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.898792028 0.719496024 2.252736068 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.751984000 1.229760003 3.074615979 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.222576070 7.096752119 2.715407896 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.914711952 5.619239902 1.807055926 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.942224169 5.491295958 1.859687948 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.487895894 4.802327871 2.186423922 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.031759977 1.262375987 5.822208023 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.922895980 2.229624009 6.004151917 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.580823994 0.948239958 6.654672146 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.724319977 0.401832005 3.522239971 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.466999996 0.287999994 4.135752153 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.175104006 1.018584001 4.138775969 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.921975970 0.058031999 4.665167856 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.729743814 0.090144002 5.195159912 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.418047905 0.066024003 5.525711918 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.955384064 6.917759943 7.141032171 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.352391982 0.191015996 0.712007993 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.155688000 6.010415840 0.328680012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 9 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4500
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.714959979 0.603072006 0.968040025 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263095999 0.798479998 1.811159921 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.463688004 0.558215976 0.338256007 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.405839968 6.118128204 2.183471990 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 7.039727926 6.127848101 2.921256065 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.661008167 6.993072081 1.694447994 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.848679996 0.697391993 2.247407913 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.386943936 0.943488050 3.090312052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.420935941 0.032544000 2.770200062 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.934080076 5.640119934 1.875528002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.859424162 5.423112059 1.922255945 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.545783973 4.852080059 2.276639915 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.146096003 1.373400021 5.833511925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.009799981 2.354903984 5.825519800 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.428903997 1.158120024 6.510600185 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.727559978 0.398736012 3.565944099 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.207295966 0.319319987 4.473647833 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.138815998 1.068048012 3.947400141 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.980800033 0.118223995 4.698504066 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.425616074 6.558336210 5.115167856 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.681639957 0.547056001 5.574168062 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.820600057 6.892344189 7.157231855 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.277007961 7.011792183 0.804456013 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.911608052 5.904360008 0.115200005 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 10 Number of Picoseconds = 5.5000
!DATE Thu Sep 6 15:29:47 2001
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.653760016 0.606455988 1.053216040 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.111391973 0.852191985 1.865375948 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.394207954 0.389232007 0.421199995 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.470279932 6.136704111 2.291327906 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.859583902 6.385319996 3.212784076 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.078104115 6.759864092 1.934064102 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.845511985 0.639863974 2.225088072 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.638007927 0.928439999 3.146112084 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.292560053 7.034184122 2.520720077 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.074048042 5.694407845 1.742615962 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.097455835 5.533776140 1.747728038 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.815280104 4.814496088 2.163095999 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.124495959 1.296288013 5.887223911 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.304711974 2.253239894 5.959152174 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.454032004 1.074528015 6.563952112 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.697103977 0.596160007 3.525839925 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.223784041 0.430272004 4.395599842 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.172800002 1.388808024 3.964752102 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.882520032 0.033984001 4.647815895 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.315168071 6.529679918 5.187456179 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.643839908 0.501767975 5.504255962 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.782151985 6.822792149 7.132535791 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.196944022 0.108216003 0.712584025 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.898863912 5.900328112 0.271296000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
Frame 0 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0000
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.643248010 0.777744001 0.939744008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.121400046 0.905544019 1.801944065 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495439994 0.381167999 0.460295981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.377903795 6.354432106 2.353248096 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.969096136 6.404400158 3.197592044 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.860231924 7.085376120 1.893959928 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.777328086 7.743599975 2.234376025 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.326680064 8.160479951 3.006935906 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.093768024 6.987024021 2.808791900 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.044887924 5.510304022 1.766304052 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.041511822 5.491583920 1.714175963 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.839111853 4.667327785 2.287439990 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.456920040 1.436471951 5.896152020 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.795608044 2.354399943 5.825591898 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.776808017 1.533671987 6.644735956 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.645119977 0.804960001 3.574799895 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.211760020 0.483047980 4.318775797 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.191952007 1.505303979 4.087368107 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.751119900 6.932088089 4.621895885 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.843711901 6.166800213 5.214600134 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.705256057 7.482672000 5.459184122 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.847239971 6.672167873 7.105968189 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.199895954 7.019280052 7.962192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.801664090 5.774687862 7.497000012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 1 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0500
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.787464005 0.702144009 1.022687995 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.261224031 0.940608001 1.842984009 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495152032 0.496656007 0.457487977 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.228648090 -0.593928194 2.280311966 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.579287910 -0.694511890 3.152663970 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.906744003 0.095184001 2.001383901 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.961720085 7.632575995 2.279663944 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.808215976 8.034192002 3.171672034 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.319776106 6.820991850 2.693519998 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.020191860 5.430168200 1.728504002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.941431952 5.639471912 1.764144015 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.014575958 4.480128050 1.745208049 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.246895993 1.396152020 5.866631842 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.592640030 2.332368064 5.899392128 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.572184008 1.531511950 6.572448063 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.712511981 0.765359974 3.554783964 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.439495981 0.479375982 4.145327854 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.433296007 1.464119947 4.176144075 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.728656077 6.963191843 4.645943928 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.408552074 6.317351961 5.011056089 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.620007944 7.405056006 5.514840174 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.781791925 6.725951958 7.154640198 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.255047965 7.079759789 7.962192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.831255937 5.743151951 7.426511988 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 2 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1000
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.748728025 0.588095999 0.996191955 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.335527980 0.838799983 1.774151981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.458215976 0.362951991 0.341352001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.050879860 -0.439487886 2.297663927 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.377544165 -0.325584126 3.235032034 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.719327974 0.183599997 1.901664090 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.932199907 7.712136000 2.235168028 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.719512105 8.069832015 3.124511933 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.350520015 6.869520092 2.583936095 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.985632133 5.410440016 1.812528062 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.970664167 5.586623812 1.901016068 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.033223963 4.442111921 2.060784101 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.344383991 1.367640030 5.875344086 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.556711948 2.309399986 5.813136148 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.630144024 1.341864002 6.548687983 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.732240003 0.728207999 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.093391991 0.133343996 4.209912014 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.568655992 1.451015961 4.075056124 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891015983 7.045991850 4.660992193 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.343967915 6.323039961 5.084495831 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.646215916 7.412472005 5.564231873 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.803895903 6.645096016 7.140239954 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.289896083 6.875423956 7.947576016 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.050567937 5.710175800 7.255799999 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 3 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1500
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.711000019 0.492120016 0.990287983 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.163016021 0.757511991 1.810152054 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.601927984 0.311904001 0.531359982 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.059520006 -0.457199907 2.409191895 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.539976168 -0.257111835 3.208751965 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.548400021 0.181008004 1.913111973 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.851128101 7.634880012 2.226743960 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.793240023 7.904520017 3.184920001 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.311640000 6.811992073 2.550096059 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.017023849 5.447736025 1.724400008 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.052887821 5.477760029 1.815192032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.806496191 4.653288031 2.253816032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.276776016 1.276056004 5.882616091 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.311047995 2.248991919 5.986656189 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.596375978 1.036727965 6.544511890 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.691128016 0.825624007 3.500711918 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.160279953 0.358919987 4.233024073 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.559367985 1.739880002 3.949127913 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.977559924 7.081775951 4.662864161 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.621240091 6.645456076 5.265287876 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.522519946 7.478639996 5.415695858 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.913336039 6.708096170 7.108271885 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.265271902 7.212384000 7.877304018 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.154823899 5.800824165 7.440624002 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 4 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2000
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.697535974 0.356687987 0.997416008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.976391995 0.646128005 1.922616005 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.554336047 0.379151997 0.479735988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.184295940 6.597647953 2.557872105 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.401808071 6.999696064 3.462264061 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.941663790 7.051967812 2.105640078 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.925719905 7.809695989 2.124576044 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.797992039 8.177183998 3.038328052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.282912040 6.958584023 2.517048025 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.028759909 5.573880100 1.824696064 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.974191809 5.553863955 1.971648073 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.791735888 4.679711866 2.177279949 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.227888036 1.316304052 5.946911860 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263024008 2.294928074 6.034680176 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.600192010 1.193327987 6.723647833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.782856023 0.856223989 3.495383978 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.577015948 0.427895996 3.934583902 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.643176019 1.503216040 4.174560070 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.846591949 7.148952198 4.558031845 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.674304056 6.851015854 4.966343880 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.399040055 7.245288000 5.449895954 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.800007987 6.561792183 6.998400021 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.045600057 6.948719931 7.880471975 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.147048068 5.659200096 7.170263958 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 5 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2500
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.677447999 0.454464000 1.051776016 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.192463994 0.687528008 1.876032043 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.436832011 0.371808001 0.441503996 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.311375999 6.377472067 2.554200053 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.487559795 6.340536118 3.495959902 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.071120071 6.984288168 2.246183968 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910095930 7.808328009 2.146032000 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.564928031 7.976808017 3.064392042 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.358152080 6.987744141 2.495951915 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.981959867 5.584248018 1.721880019 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.950287962 5.821992159 1.943856096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.066415977 4.644144058 1.999728012 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.139759982 1.205783951 5.937767887 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.104983962 2.151792097 6.154271936 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.647712010 0.816407990 6.680592155 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.784080023 0.831672013 3.501144075 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.266048038 0.577151996 4.329144144 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.142416005 1.515167964 3.979296112 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891736102 7.193015957 4.560623932 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.187727952 6.321167994 4.886351824 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.786687922 7.633007991 5.464296198 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.824127913 6.804863834 7.023744106 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.261815929 7.239672000 7.788599986 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.116520023 5.889167976 7.259904000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 6 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3000
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.630503976 0.418967995 0.970775986 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.031544006 0.806184000 1.821887898 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.453175998 0.299735999 0.453743988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.394176006 6.197183847 2.432015991 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.648479891 6.339671803 3.364272022 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.104600048 6.844679832 2.257199907 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.814191937 7.854839981 2.191392016 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.293992090 8.175168049 2.990375948 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.366143990 7.193879843 2.763432097 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.949055815 5.635655880 1.773792028 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.936967897 5.687280035 1.804176092 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.832056141 4.710311794 2.078568006 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.225584018 1.349136007 5.889312172 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.484784007 2.321855950 5.976575804 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.578447986 1.216584027 6.641855907 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.668376017 0.703008002 3.512016034 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.214784050 0.428472000 4.290335798 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.152568005 1.261224031 4.095143938 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910960031 7.140600014 4.607999897 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.731039858 7.014095879 5.183928108 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.376503921 7.324992000 5.400360060 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.919960022 6.901776123 7.096392059 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.188807917 7.212960000 8.019000024 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.372623992 6.052320099 7.339176004 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 7 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3500
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.681840008 0.581687987 1.026648009 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.083456016 0.859463990 1.875455904 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.559448016 0.402767989 0.594576001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.323832178 6.073488092 2.298023987 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.825743866 6.188615799 3.118967915 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.738839865 6.851592207 1.866096067 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.858544087 7.935695976 2.211984086 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.780351901 8.494919980 3.005999923 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.192192006 7.088184071 2.615255928 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.902903795 5.665679884 1.852632022 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.888943911 5.545152140 1.843919992 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.620447874 4.914503860 2.399544096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.187567997 1.361880040 5.822135925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.158335996 2.323151994 6.054335833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.511055982 1.029311979 6.455015802 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.714959979 0.448776001 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.522439969 0.256248003 4.049639940 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.399744013 1.145736051 4.144967794 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.987207937 7.256159998 4.631472015 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.966543984 6.358464003 5.050224066 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.724192023 7.739423990 5.513111973 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.876688051 6.898391819 7.138728046 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.124296069 7.337015994 8.011223978 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.341015983 6.027911997 7.402175997 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 8 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4000
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.689976007 0.674639994 1.046375978 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.179288018 0.869040012 1.872935915 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.548575950 0.456480002 0.554256016 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.380207920 6.160752153 2.233152080 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.974784136 6.154847860 3.065976048 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.788159895 6.939575958 1.794744051 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.898792028 7.919496024 2.252736068 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.751984000 8.429760003 3.074615979 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.222576070 7.096752119 2.715407896 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.914711952 5.619239902 1.807055926 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.942224169 5.491295958 1.859687948 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.487895894 4.802327871 2.186423922 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.031759977 1.262375987 5.822208023 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.922895980 2.229624009 6.004151917 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.580823994 0.948239958 6.654672146 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.724319977 0.401832005 3.522239971 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.466999996 0.287999994 4.135752153 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.175104006 1.018584001 4.138775969 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.921975970 0.058031999 4.665167856 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.729743814 0.090144002 5.195159912 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.418047905 0.066024003 5.525711918 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.955384064 6.917759943 7.141032171 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.352391982 7.391015996 7.912007993 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.155688000 6.010415840 7.528680012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 9 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4500
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.714959979 0.603072006 0.968040025 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263095999 0.798479998 1.811159921 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.463688004 0.558215976 0.338256007 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.405839968 6.118128204 2.183471990 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 7.039727926 6.127848101 2.921256065 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.661008167 6.993072081 1.694447994 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.848679996 0.697391993 2.247407913 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.386943936 0.943488050 3.090312052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.420935941 0.032544000 2.770200062 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.934080076 5.640119934 1.875528002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.859424162 5.423112059 1.922255945 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.545783973 4.852080059 2.276639915 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.146096003 1.373400021 5.833511925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.009799981 2.354903984 5.825519800 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.428903997 1.158120024 6.510600185 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.727559978 0.398736012 3.565944099 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.207295966 0.319319987 4.473647833 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.138815998 1.068048012 3.947400141 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.980800033 7.318223995 4.698504066 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.425616074 6.558336210 5.115167856 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.681639957 7.747056001 5.574168062 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.820600057 6.892344189 7.157231855 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.277007961 7.011792183 8.004456013 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.911608052 5.904360008 7.315200005 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 10 Number of Picoseconds = 5.5000
!DATE Fri Oct 9 14:19:16 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.653760016 0.606455988 1.053216040 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.111391973 0.852191985 1.865375948 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.394207954 0.389232007 0.421199995 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.470279932 6.136704111 2.291327906 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.859583902 6.385319996 3.212784076 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.078104115 6.759864092 1.934064102 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.845511985 7.839863974 2.225088072 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.638007927 8.128439999 3.146112084 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.292560053 7.034184122 2.520720077 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.074048042 5.694407845 1.742615962 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.097455835 5.533776140 1.747728038 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.815280104 4.814496088 2.163095999 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.124495959 1.296288013 5.887223911 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.304711974 2.253239894 5.959152174 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.454032004 1.074528015 6.563952112 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.697103977 0.596160007 3.525839925 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.223784041 0.430272004 4.395599842 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.172800002 1.388808024 3.964752102 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.882520032 7.233984001 4.647815895 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.315168071 6.529679918 5.187456179 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.643839908 7.701767975 5.504255962 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.782151985 6.822792149 7.132535791 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.196944022 7.308216003 7.912584025 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.898863912 5.900328112 7.471296000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
Frame 0 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0000
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.643248010 0.777744001 0.939744008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.121400046 0.905544019 1.801944065 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495439994 0.381167999 0.460295981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.377903795 6.354432106 2.353248096 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.969096136 6.404400158 3.197592044 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.860231924 7.085376120 1.893959928 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.777328086 0.543599975 2.234376025 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.326680064 0.960479951 3.006935906 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.093768024 -0.212975979 2.808791900 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.044887924 5.510304022 1.766304052 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.041511822 5.491583920 1.714175963 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.839111853 4.667327785 2.287439990 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.456920040 1.436471951 5.896152020 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.795608044 2.354399943 5.825591898 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.776808017 1.533671987 6.644735956 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.645119977 0.804960001 3.574799895 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.211760020 0.483047980 4.318775797 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.191952007 1.505303979 4.087368107 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.751119900 6.932088089 4.621895885 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.843711901 6.166800213 5.214600134 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.705256057 7.482672000 5.459184122 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.847239971 6.672167873 -0.094031811 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.199895954 7.019280052 0.762192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.801664090 5.774687862 0.297000012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 1 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0500
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.787464005 0.702144009 1.022687995 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.261224031 0.940608001 1.842984009 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495152032 0.496656007 0.457487977 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.228648090 6.606071806 2.280311966 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.579287910 6.505488110 3.152663970 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.906744003 7.295184001 2.001383901 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.961720085 0.432575995 2.279663944 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.808215976 0.834192002 3.171672034 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.319776106 -0.379008150 2.693519998 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.020191860 5.430168200 1.728504002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.941431952 5.639471912 1.764144015 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.014575958 4.480128050 1.745208049 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.246895993 1.396152020 5.866631842 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.592640030 2.332368064 5.899392128 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.572184008 1.531511950 6.572448063 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.712511981 0.765359974 3.554783964 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.439495981 0.479375982 4.145327854 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.433296007 1.464119947 4.176144075 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.728656077 6.963191843 4.645943928 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.408552074 6.317351961 5.011056089 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.620007944 7.405056006 5.514840174 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.781791925 6.725951958 -0.045359802 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.255047965 7.079759789 0.762192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.831255937 5.743151951 0.226511988 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 2 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1000
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.748728025 0.588095999 0.996191955 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.335527980 0.838799983 1.774151981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.458215976 0.362951991 0.341352001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.050879860 6.760512114 2.297663927 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.377544165 6.874415874 3.235032034 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.719327974 7.383599997 1.901664090 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.932199907 0.512136000 2.235168028 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.719512105 0.869832015 3.124511933 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.350520015 -0.330479908 2.583936095 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.985632133 5.410440016 1.812528062 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.970664167 5.586623812 1.901016068 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.033223963 4.442111921 2.060784101 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.344383991 1.367640030 5.875344086 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.556711948 2.309399986 5.813136148 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.630144024 1.341864002 6.548687983 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.732240003 0.728207999 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.093391991 0.133343996 4.209912014 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.568655992 1.451015961 4.075056124 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891015983 7.045991850 4.660992193 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.343967915 6.323039961 5.084495831 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.646215916 7.412472005 5.564231873 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.803895903 6.645096016 -0.059760046 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.289896083 6.875423956 0.747576016 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.050567937 5.710175800 0.055799999 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 3 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1500
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.711000019 0.492120016 0.990287983 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.163016021 0.757511991 1.810152054 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.601927984 0.311904001 0.531359982 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.059520006 6.742800093 2.409191895 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.539976168 6.942888165 3.208751965 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.548400021 7.381008004 1.913111973 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.851128101 0.434880012 2.226743960 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.793240023 0.704520017 3.184920001 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.311640000 -0.388007927 2.550096059 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.017023849 5.447736025 1.724400008 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.052887821 5.477760029 1.815192032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.806496191 4.653288031 2.253816032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.276776016 1.276056004 5.882616091 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.311047995 2.248991919 5.986656189 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.596375978 1.036727965 6.544511890 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.691128016 0.825624007 3.500711918 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.160279953 0.358919987 4.233024073 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.559367985 1.739880002 3.949127913 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.977559924 7.081775951 4.662864161 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.621240091 6.645456076 5.265287876 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.522519946 7.478639996 5.415695858 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.913336039 6.708096170 -0.091728115 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.265271902 7.212384000 0.677304018 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.154823899 5.800824165 0.240624002 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 4 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2000
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.697535974 0.356687987 0.997416008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.976391995 0.646128005 1.922616005 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.554336047 0.379151997 0.479735988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.184295940 6.597647953 2.557872105 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.401808071 6.999696064 3.462264061 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.941663790 7.051967812 2.105640078 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.925719905 0.609695989 2.124576044 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.797992039 0.977183998 3.038328052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.282912040 -0.241415977 2.517048025 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.028759909 5.573880100 1.824696064 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.974191809 5.553863955 1.971648073 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.791735888 4.679711866 2.177279949 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.227888036 1.316304052 5.946911860 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263024008 2.294928074 6.034680176 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.600192010 1.193327987 6.723647833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.782856023 0.856223989 3.495383978 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.577015948 0.427895996 3.934583902 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.643176019 1.503216040 4.174560070 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.846591949 7.148952198 4.558031845 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.674304056 6.851015854 4.966343880 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.399040055 7.245288000 5.449895954 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.800007987 6.561792183 6.998400021 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.045600057 6.948719931 7.880471975 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.147048068 5.659200096 7.170263958 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 5 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2500
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.677447999 0.454464000 1.051776016 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.192463994 0.687528008 1.876032043 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.436832011 0.371808001 0.441503996 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.311375999 6.377472067 2.554200053 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.487559795 6.340536118 3.495959902 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.071120071 6.984288168 2.246183968 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910095930 0.608328009 2.146032000 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.564928031 0.776808017 3.064392042 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.358152080 -0.212255859 2.495951915 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.981959867 5.584248018 1.721880019 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.950287962 5.821992159 1.943856096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.066415977 4.644144058 1.999728012 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.139759982 1.205783951 5.937767887 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.104983962 2.151792097 6.154271936 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.647712010 0.816407990 6.680592155 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.784080023 0.831672013 3.501144075 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.266048038 0.577151996 4.329144144 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.142416005 1.515167964 3.979296112 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891736102 7.193015957 4.560623932 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.187727952 6.321167994 4.886351824 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.786687922 7.633007991 5.464296198 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.824127913 6.804863834 -0.176255894 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.261815929 7.239672000 0.588599986 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.116520023 5.889167976 0.059904000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 6 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3000
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.630503976 0.418967995 0.970775986 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.031544006 0.806184000 1.821887898 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.453175998 0.299735999 0.453743988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.394176006 6.197183847 2.432015991 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.648479891 6.339671803 3.364272022 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.104600048 6.844679832 2.257199907 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.814191937 0.654839981 2.191392016 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.293992090 0.975168049 2.990375948 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.366143990 -0.006120157 2.763432097 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.949055815 5.635655880 1.773792028 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.936967897 5.687280035 1.804176092 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.832056141 4.710311794 2.078568006 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.225584018 1.349136007 5.889312172 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.484784007 2.321855950 5.976575804 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.578447986 1.216584027 6.641855907 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.668376017 0.703008002 3.512016034 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.214784050 0.428472000 4.290335798 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.152568005 1.261224031 4.095143938 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910960031 7.140600014 4.607999897 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.731039858 7.014095879 5.183928108 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.376503921 7.324992000 5.400360060 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.919960022 6.901776123 -0.103607941 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.188807917 7.212960000 0.819000024 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.372623992 6.052320099 0.139176004 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 7 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3500
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.681840008 0.581687987 1.026648009 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.083456016 0.859463990 1.875455904 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.559448016 0.402767989 0.594576001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.323832178 6.073488092 2.298023987 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.825743866 6.188615799 3.118967915 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.738839865 6.851592207 1.866096067 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.858544087 0.735695976 2.211984086 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.780351901 1.294919980 3.005999923 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.192192006 -0.111815929 2.615255928 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.902903795 5.665679884 1.852632022 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.888943911 5.545152140 1.843919992 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.620447874 4.914503860 2.399544096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.187567997 1.361880040 5.822135925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.158335996 2.323151994 6.054335833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.511055982 1.029311979 6.455015802 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.714959979 0.448776001 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.522439969 0.256248003 4.049639940 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.399744013 1.145736051 4.144967794 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.987207937 0.056159998 4.631472015 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.966543984 -0.841535997 5.050224066 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.724192023 0.539423990 5.513111973 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.876688051 6.898391819 -0.061271954 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.124296069 7.337015994 0.811223978 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.341015983 6.027911997 0.202175997 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 8 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4000
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.689976007 0.674639994 1.046375978 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.179288018 0.869040012 1.872935915 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.548575950 0.456480002 0.554256016 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.380207920 6.160752153 2.233152080 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.974784136 6.154847860 3.065976048 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.788159895 6.939575958 1.794744051 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.898792028 0.719496024 2.252736068 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.751984000 1.229760003 3.074615979 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.222576070 -0.103247881 2.715407896 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.914711952 5.619239902 1.807055926 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.942224169 5.491295958 1.859687948 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.487895894 4.802327871 2.186423922 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.031759977 1.262375987 5.822208023 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.922895980 2.229624009 6.004151917 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.580823994 0.948239958 6.654672146 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.724319977 0.401832005 3.522239971 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.466999996 0.287999994 4.135752153 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.175104006 1.018584001 4.138775969 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.921975970 0.058031999 4.665167856 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.729743814 0.090144002 5.195159912 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.418047905 0.066024003 5.525711918 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.955384064 6.917759943 -0.058967829 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.352391982 7.391015996 0.712007993 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.155688000 6.010415840 0.328680012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 9 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4500
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.714959979 0.603072006 0.968040025 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263095999 0.798479998 1.811159921 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.463688004 0.558215976 0.338256007 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.405839968 6.118128204 2.183471990 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 7.039727926 6.127848101 2.921256065 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.661008167 6.993072081 1.694447994 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.848679996 0.697391993 2.247407913 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.386943936 0.943488050 3.090312052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.420935941 0.032544000 2.770200062 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.934080076 5.640119934 1.875528002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.859424162 5.423112059 1.922255945 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.545783973 4.852080059 2.276639915 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.146096003 1.373400021 5.833511925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.009799981 2.354903984 5.825519800 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.428903997 1.158120024 6.510600185 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.727559978 0.398736012 3.565944099 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.207295966 0.319319987 4.473647833 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.138815998 1.068048012 3.947400141 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.980800033 0.118223995 4.698504066 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.425616074 -0.641663790 5.115167856 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.681639957 0.547056001 5.574168062 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.820600057 6.892344189 -0.042768145 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.277007961 7.011792183 0.804456013 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.911608052 5.904360008 0.115200005 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 10 Number of Picoseconds = 5.5000
!DATE Tue Oct 13 14:43:59 1998
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.653760016 0.606455988 1.053216040 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.111391973 0.852191985 1.865375948 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.394207954 0.389232007 0.421199995 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.470279932 6.136704111 2.291327906 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.859583902 6.385319996 3.212784076 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.078104115 6.759864092 1.934064102 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.845511985 0.639863974 2.225088072 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.638007927 0.928439999 3.146112084 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.292560053 -0.165815878 2.520720077 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.074048042 5.694407845 1.742615962 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.097455835 5.533776140 1.747728038 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.815280104 4.814496088 2.163095999 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.124495959 1.296288013 5.887223911 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.304711974 2.253239894 5.959152174 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.454032004 1.074528015 6.563952112 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.697103977 0.596160007 3.525839925 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.223784041 0.430272004 4.395599842 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.172800002 1.388808024 3.964752102 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.882520032 0.033984001 4.647815895 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.315168071 -0.670320082 5.187456179 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.643839908 0.501767975 5.504255962 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.782151985 6.822792149 -0.067464209 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.196944022 7.308216003 0.712584025 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.898863912 5.900328112 0.271296000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
Frame 0 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.643248010 0.777744001 0.939744008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.121400046 0.905544019 1.801944065 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495439994 0.381167999 0.460295981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.377903795 6.354432106 2.353248096 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.969096136 6.404400158 3.197592044 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.860231924 7.085376120 1.893959928 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.777328086 0.543599975 2.234376025 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.326680064 0.960479951 3.006935906 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.093768024 6.987024021 2.808791900 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.044887924 5.510304022 1.766304052 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.041511822 5.491583920 1.714175963 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.839111853 4.667327785 2.287439990 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.456920040 1.436471951 5.896152020 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.795608044 2.354399943 5.825591898 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.776808017 1.533671987 6.644735956 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.645119977 0.804960001 3.574799895 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.211760020 0.483047980 4.318775797 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.191952007 1.505303979 4.087368107 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.751119900 6.932088089 4.621895885 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.843711901 6.166800213 5.214600134 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.705256057 0.282672000 5.459184122 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.847239971 6.672167873 7.105968189 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.199895954 7.019280052 0.762192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.801664090 5.774687862 0.297000012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 1 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.787464005 0.702144009 1.022687995 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.261224031 0.940608001 1.842984009 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495152032 0.496656007 0.457487977 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.228648090 6.606071806 2.280311966 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.579287910 6.505488110 3.152663970 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.906744003 0.095184001 2.001383901 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.961720085 0.432575995 2.279663944 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.808215976 0.834192002 3.171672034 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.319776106 6.820991850 2.693519998 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.020191860 5.430168200 1.728504002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.941431952 5.639471912 1.764144015 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.014575958 4.480128050 1.745208049 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.246895993 1.396152020 5.866631842 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.592640030 2.332368064 5.899392128 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.572184008 1.531511950 6.572448063 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.712511981 0.765359974 3.554783964 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.439495981 0.479375982 4.145327854 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.433296007 1.464119947 4.176144075 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.728656077 6.963191843 4.645943928 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.408552074 6.317351961 5.011056089 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.620007944 0.205056006 5.514840174 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.781791925 6.725951958 7.154640198 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.255047965 7.079759789 0.762192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.831255937 5.743151951 0.226511988 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 2 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.748728025 0.588095999 0.996191955 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.335527980 0.838799983 1.774151981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.458215976 0.362951991 0.341352001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.050879860 6.760512114 2.297663927 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.377544165 6.874415874 3.235032034 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.719327974 0.183599997 1.901664090 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.932199907 0.512136000 2.235168028 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.719512105 0.869832015 3.124511933 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.350520015 6.869520092 2.583936095 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.985632133 5.410440016 1.812528062 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.970664167 5.586623812 1.901016068 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.033223963 4.442111921 2.060784101 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.344383991 1.367640030 5.875344086 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.556711948 2.309399986 5.813136148 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.630144024 1.341864002 6.548687983 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.732240003 0.728207999 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.093391991 0.133343996 4.209912014 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.568655992 1.451015961 4.075056124 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891015983 7.045991850 4.660992193 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.343967915 6.323039961 5.084495831 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.646215916 0.212472005 5.564231873 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.803895903 6.645096016 7.140239954 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.289896083 6.875423956 0.747576016 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.050567937 5.710175800 0.055799999 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 3 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.711000019 0.492120016 0.990287983 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.163016021 0.757511991 1.810152054 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.601927984 0.311904001 0.531359982 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.059520006 6.742800093 2.409191895 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.539976168 6.942888165 3.208751965 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.548400021 0.181008004 1.913111973 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.851128101 0.434880012 2.226743960 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.793240023 0.704520017 3.184920001 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.311640000 6.811992073 2.550096059 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.017023849 5.447736025 1.724400008 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.052887821 5.477760029 1.815192032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.806496191 4.653288031 2.253816032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.276776016 1.276056004 5.882616091 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.311047995 2.248991919 5.986656189 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.596375978 1.036727965 6.544511890 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.691128016 0.825624007 3.500711918 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.160279953 0.358919987 4.233024073 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.559367985 1.739880002 3.949127913 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.977559924 7.081775951 4.662864161 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.621240091 6.645456076 5.265287876 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.522519946 0.278639996 5.415695858 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.913336039 6.708096170 7.108271885 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.265271902 0.012384000 0.677304018 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.154823899 5.800824165 0.240624002 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 4 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.697535974 0.356687987 0.997416008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.976391995 0.646128005 1.922616005 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.554336047 0.379151997 0.479735988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.184295940 6.597647953 2.557872105 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.401808071 6.999696064 3.462264061 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.941663790 7.051967812 2.105640078 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.925719905 0.609695989 2.124576044 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.797992039 0.977183998 3.038328052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.282912040 6.958584023 2.517048025 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.028759909 5.573880100 1.824696064 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.974191809 5.553863955 1.971648073 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.791735888 4.679711866 2.177279949 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.227888036 1.316304052 5.946911860 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263024008 2.294928074 6.034680176 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.600192010 1.193327987 6.723647833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.782856023 0.856223989 3.495383978 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.577015948 0.427895996 3.934583902 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.643176019 1.503216040 4.174560070 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.846591949 7.148952198 4.558031845 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.674304056 6.851015854 4.966343880 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.399040055 0.045288000 5.449895954 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.800007987 6.561792183 6.998400021 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.045600057 6.948719931 0.680471975 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.147048068 5.659200096 7.170263958 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 5 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.677447999 0.454464000 1.051776016 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.192463994 0.687528008 1.876032043 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.436832011 0.371808001 0.441503996 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.311375999 6.377472067 2.554200053 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.487559795 6.340536118 3.495959902 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.071120071 6.984288168 2.246183968 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910095930 0.608328009 2.146032000 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.564928031 0.776808017 3.064392042 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.358152080 6.987744141 2.495951915 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.981959867 5.584248018 1.721880019 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.950287962 5.821992159 1.943856096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.066415977 4.644144058 1.999728012 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.139759982 1.205783951 5.937767887 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.104983962 2.151792097 6.154271936 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.647712010 0.816407990 6.680592155 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.784080023 0.831672013 3.501144075 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.266048038 0.577151996 4.329144144 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.142416005 1.515167964 3.979296112 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891736102 7.193015957 4.560623932 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.187727952 6.321167994 4.886351824 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.786687922 0.433007991 5.464296198 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.824127913 6.804863834 7.023744106 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.261815929 0.039672000 0.588599986 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.116520023 5.889167976 0.059904000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 6 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.630503976 0.418967995 0.970775986 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.031544006 0.806184000 1.821887898 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.453175998 0.299735999 0.453743988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.394176006 6.197183847 2.432015991 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.648479891 6.339671803 3.364272022 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.104600048 6.844679832 2.257199907 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.814191937 0.654839981 2.191392016 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.293992090 0.975168049 2.990375948 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.366143990 7.193879843 2.763432097 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.949055815 5.635655880 1.773792028 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.936967897 5.687280035 1.804176092 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.832056141 4.710311794 2.078568006 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.225584018 1.349136007 5.889312172 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.484784007 2.321855950 5.976575804 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.578447986 1.216584027 6.641855907 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.668376017 0.703008002 3.512016034 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.214784050 0.428472000 4.290335798 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.152568005 1.261224031 4.095143938 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910960031 7.140600014 4.607999897 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.731039858 7.014095879 5.183928108 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.376503921 0.124992000 5.400360060 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.919960022 6.901776123 7.096392059 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.188807917 0.012960000 0.819000024 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.372623992 6.052320099 0.139176004 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 7 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.681840008 0.581687987 1.026648009 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.083456016 0.859463990 1.875455904 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.559448016 0.402767989 0.594576001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.323832178 6.073488092 2.298023987 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.825743866 6.188615799 3.118967915 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.738839865 6.851592207 1.866096067 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.858544087 0.735695976 2.211984086 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.780351901 1.294919980 3.005999923 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.192192006 7.088184071 2.615255928 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.902903795 5.665679884 1.852632022 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.888943911 5.545152140 1.843919992 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.620447874 4.914503860 2.399544096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.187567997 1.361880040 5.822135925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.158335996 2.323151994 6.054335833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.511055982 1.029311979 6.455015802 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.714959979 0.448776001 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.522439969 0.256248003 4.049639940 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.399744013 1.145736051 4.144967794 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.987207937 0.056159998 4.631472015 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.966543984 6.358464003 5.050224066 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.724192023 0.539423990 5.513111973 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.876688051 6.898391819 7.138728046 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.124296069 0.137015994 0.811223978 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.341015983 6.027911997 0.202175997 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 8 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.689976007 0.674639994 1.046375978 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.179288018 0.869040012 1.872935915 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.548575950 0.456480002 0.554256016 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.380207920 6.160752153 2.233152080 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.974784136 6.154847860 3.065976048 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.788159895 6.939575958 1.794744051 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.898792028 0.719496024 2.252736068 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.751984000 1.229760003 3.074615979 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.222576070 7.096752119 2.715407896 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.914711952 5.619239902 1.807055926 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.942224169 5.491295958 1.859687948 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.487895894 4.802327871 2.186423922 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.031759977 1.262375987 5.822208023 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.922895980 2.229624009 6.004151917 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.580823994 0.948239958 6.654672146 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.724319977 0.401832005 3.522239971 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.466999996 0.287999994 4.135752153 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.175104006 1.018584001 4.138775969 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.921975970 0.058031999 4.665167856 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.729743814 0.090144002 5.195159912 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.418047905 0.066024003 5.525711918 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.955384064 6.917759943 7.141032171 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.352391982 0.191015996 0.712007993 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.155688000 6.010415840 0.328680012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 9 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.714959979 0.603072006 0.968040025 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263095999 0.798479998 1.811159921 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.463688004 0.558215976 0.338256007 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.405839968 6.118128204 2.183471990 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 7.039727926 6.127848101 2.921256065 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.661008167 6.993072081 1.694447994 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.848679996 0.697391993 2.247407913 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.386943936 0.943488050 3.090312052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.420935941 0.032544000 2.770200062 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.934080076 5.640119934 1.875528002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.859424162 5.423112059 1.922255945 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.545783973 4.852080059 2.276639915 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.146096003 1.373400021 5.833511925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.009799981 2.354903984 5.825519800 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.428903997 1.158120024 6.510600185 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.727559978 0.398736012 3.565944099 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.207295966 0.319319987 4.473647833 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.138815998 1.068048012 3.947400141 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.980800033 0.118223995 4.698504066 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.425616074 6.558336210 5.115167856 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.681639957 0.547056001 5.574168062 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.820600057 6.892344189 7.157231855 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.277007961 7.011792183 0.804456013 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.911608052 5.904360008 0.115200005 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 10 Number of Picoseconds = 5.5000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:08:55 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.653760016 0.606455988 1.053216040 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.111391973 0.852191985 1.865375948 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.394207954 0.389232007 0.421199995 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.470279932 6.136704111 2.291327906 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.859583902 6.385319996 3.212784076 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.078104115 6.759864092 1.934064102 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.845511985 0.639863974 2.225088072 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.638007927 0.928439999 3.146112084 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.292560053 7.034184122 2.520720077 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.074048042 5.694407845 1.742615962 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.097455835 5.533776140 1.747728038 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.815280104 4.814496088 2.163095999 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.124495959 1.296288013 5.887223911 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.304711974 2.253239894 5.959152174 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.454032004 1.074528015 6.563952112 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.697103977 0.596160007 3.525839925 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.223784041 0.430272004 4.395599842 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.172800002 1.388808024 3.964752102 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.882520032 0.033984001 4.647815895 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.315168071 6.529679918 5.187456179 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.643839908 0.501767975 5.504255962 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.782151985 6.822792149 7.132535791 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.196944022 0.108216003 0.712584025 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.898863912 5.900328112 0.271296000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
Frame 0 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.643248010 0.777744001 0.939744008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.121400046 0.905544019 1.801944065 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495439994 0.381167999 0.460295981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.377903795 6.354432106 2.353248096 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.969096136 6.404400158 3.197592044 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.860231924 7.085376120 1.893959928 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.777328086 7.743599975 2.234376025 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.326680064 8.160479951 3.006935906 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.093768024 6.987024021 2.808791900 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.044887924 5.510304022 1.766304052 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.041511822 5.491583920 1.714175963 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.839111853 4.667327785 2.287439990 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.456920040 1.436471951 5.896152020 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.795608044 2.354399943 5.825591898 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.776808017 1.533671987 6.644735956 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.645119977 0.804960001 3.574799895 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.211760020 0.483047980 4.318775797 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.191952007 1.505303979 4.087368107 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.751119900 6.932088089 4.621895885 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.843711901 6.166800213 5.214600134 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.705256057 7.482672000 5.459184122 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.847239971 6.672167873 7.105968189 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.199895954 7.019280052 7.962192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.801664090 5.774687862 7.497000012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 1 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.787464005 0.702144009 1.022687995 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.261224031 0.940608001 1.842984009 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495152032 0.496656007 0.457487977 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.228648090 -0.593928194 2.280311966 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.579287910 -0.694511890 3.152663970 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.906744003 0.095184001 2.001383901 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.961720085 7.632575995 2.279663944 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.808215976 8.034192002 3.171672034 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.319776106 6.820991850 2.693519998 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.020191860 5.430168200 1.728504002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.941431952 5.639471912 1.764144015 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.014575958 4.480128050 1.745208049 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.246895993 1.396152020 5.866631842 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.592640030 2.332368064 5.899392128 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.572184008 1.531511950 6.572448063 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.712511981 0.765359974 3.554783964 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.439495981 0.479375982 4.145327854 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.433296007 1.464119947 4.176144075 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.728656077 6.963191843 4.645943928 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.408552074 6.317351961 5.011056089 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.620007944 7.405056006 5.514840174 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.781791925 6.725951958 7.154640198 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.255047965 7.079759789 7.962192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.831255937 5.743151951 7.426511988 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 2 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.748728025 0.588095999 0.996191955 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.335527980 0.838799983 1.774151981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.458215976 0.362951991 0.341352001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.050879860 -0.439487886 2.297663927 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.377544165 -0.325584126 3.235032034 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.719327974 0.183599997 1.901664090 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.932199907 7.712136000 2.235168028 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.719512105 8.069832015 3.124511933 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.350520015 6.869520092 2.583936095 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.985632133 5.410440016 1.812528062 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.970664167 5.586623812 1.901016068 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.033223963 4.442111921 2.060784101 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.344383991 1.367640030 5.875344086 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.556711948 2.309399986 5.813136148 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.630144024 1.341864002 6.548687983 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.732240003 0.728207999 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.093391991 0.133343996 4.209912014 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.568655992 1.451015961 4.075056124 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891015983 7.045991850 4.660992193 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.343967915 6.323039961 5.084495831 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.646215916 7.412472005 5.564231873 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.803895903 6.645096016 7.140239954 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.289896083 6.875423956 7.947576016 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.050567937 5.710175800 7.255799999 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 3 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.711000019 0.492120016 0.990287983 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.163016021 0.757511991 1.810152054 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.601927984 0.311904001 0.531359982 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.059520006 -0.457199907 2.409191895 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.539976168 -0.257111835 3.208751965 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.548400021 0.181008004 1.913111973 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.851128101 7.634880012 2.226743960 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.793240023 7.904520017 3.184920001 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.311640000 6.811992073 2.550096059 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.017023849 5.447736025 1.724400008 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.052887821 5.477760029 1.815192032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.806496191 4.653288031 2.253816032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.276776016 1.276056004 5.882616091 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.311047995 2.248991919 5.986656189 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.596375978 1.036727965 6.544511890 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.691128016 0.825624007 3.500711918 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.160279953 0.358919987 4.233024073 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.559367985 1.739880002 3.949127913 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.977559924 7.081775951 4.662864161 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.621240091 6.645456076 5.265287876 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.522519946 7.478639996 5.415695858 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.913336039 6.708096170 7.108271885 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.265271902 7.212384000 7.877304018 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.154823899 5.800824165 7.440624002 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 4 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.697535974 0.356687987 0.997416008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.976391995 0.646128005 1.922616005 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.554336047 0.379151997 0.479735988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.184295940 6.597647953 2.557872105 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.401808071 6.999696064 3.462264061 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.941663790 7.051967812 2.105640078 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.925719905 7.809695989 2.124576044 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.797992039 8.177183998 3.038328052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.282912040 6.958584023 2.517048025 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.028759909 5.573880100 1.824696064 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.974191809 5.553863955 1.971648073 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.791735888 4.679711866 2.177279949 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.227888036 1.316304052 5.946911860 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263024008 2.294928074 6.034680176 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.600192010 1.193327987 6.723647833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.782856023 0.856223989 3.495383978 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.577015948 0.427895996 3.934583902 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.643176019 1.503216040 4.174560070 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.846591949 7.148952198 4.558031845 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.674304056 6.851015854 4.966343880 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.399040055 7.245288000 5.449895954 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.800007987 6.561792183 6.998400021 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.045600057 6.948719931 7.880471975 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.147048068 5.659200096 7.170263958 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 5 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.677447999 0.454464000 1.051776016 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.192463994 0.687528008 1.876032043 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.436832011 0.371808001 0.441503996 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.311375999 6.377472067 2.554200053 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.487559795 6.340536118 3.495959902 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.071120071 6.984288168 2.246183968 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910095930 7.808328009 2.146032000 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.564928031 7.976808017 3.064392042 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.358152080 6.987744141 2.495951915 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.981959867 5.584248018 1.721880019 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.950287962 5.821992159 1.943856096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.066415977 4.644144058 1.999728012 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.139759982 1.205783951 5.937767887 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.104983962 2.151792097 6.154271936 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.647712010 0.816407990 6.680592155 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.784080023 0.831672013 3.501144075 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.266048038 0.577151996 4.329144144 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.142416005 1.515167964 3.979296112 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891736102 7.193015957 4.560623932 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.187727952 6.321167994 4.886351824 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.786687922 7.633007991 5.464296198 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.824127913 6.804863834 7.023744106 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.261815929 7.239672000 7.788599986 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.116520023 5.889167976 7.259904000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 6 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.630503976 0.418967995 0.970775986 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.031544006 0.806184000 1.821887898 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.453175998 0.299735999 0.453743988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.394176006 6.197183847 2.432015991 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.648479891 6.339671803 3.364272022 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.104600048 6.844679832 2.257199907 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.814191937 7.854839981 2.191392016 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.293992090 8.175168049 2.990375948 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.366143990 7.193879843 2.763432097 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.949055815 5.635655880 1.773792028 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.936967897 5.687280035 1.804176092 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.832056141 4.710311794 2.078568006 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.225584018 1.349136007 5.889312172 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.484784007 2.321855950 5.976575804 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.578447986 1.216584027 6.641855907 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.668376017 0.703008002 3.512016034 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.214784050 0.428472000 4.290335798 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.152568005 1.261224031 4.095143938 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910960031 7.140600014 4.607999897 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.731039858 7.014095879 5.183928108 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.376503921 7.324992000 5.400360060 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.919960022 6.901776123 7.096392059 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.188807917 7.212960000 8.019000024 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.372623992 6.052320099 7.339176004 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 7 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.681840008 0.581687987 1.026648009 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.083456016 0.859463990 1.875455904 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.559448016 0.402767989 0.594576001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.323832178 6.073488092 2.298023987 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.825743866 6.188615799 3.118967915 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.738839865 6.851592207 1.866096067 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.858544087 7.935695976 2.211984086 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.780351901 8.494919980 3.005999923 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.192192006 7.088184071 2.615255928 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.902903795 5.665679884 1.852632022 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.888943911 5.545152140 1.843919992 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.620447874 4.914503860 2.399544096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.187567997 1.361880040 5.822135925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.158335996 2.323151994 6.054335833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.511055982 1.029311979 6.455015802 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.714959979 0.448776001 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.522439969 0.256248003 4.049639940 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.399744013 1.145736051 4.144967794 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.987207937 7.256159998 4.631472015 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.966543984 6.358464003 5.050224066 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.724192023 7.739423990 5.513111973 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.876688051 6.898391819 7.138728046 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.124296069 7.337015994 8.011223978 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.341015983 6.027911997 7.402175997 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 8 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.689976007 0.674639994 1.046375978 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.179288018 0.869040012 1.872935915 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.548575950 0.456480002 0.554256016 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.380207920 6.160752153 2.233152080 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.974784136 6.154847860 3.065976048 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.788159895 6.939575958 1.794744051 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.898792028 7.919496024 2.252736068 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.751984000 8.429760003 3.074615979 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.222576070 7.096752119 2.715407896 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.914711952 5.619239902 1.807055926 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.942224169 5.491295958 1.859687948 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.487895894 4.802327871 2.186423922 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.031759977 1.262375987 5.822208023 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.922895980 2.229624009 6.004151917 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.580823994 0.948239958 6.654672146 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.724319977 0.401832005 3.522239971 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.466999996 0.287999994 4.135752153 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.175104006 1.018584001 4.138775969 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.921975970 0.058031999 4.665167856 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.729743814 0.090144002 5.195159912 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.418047905 0.066024003 5.525711918 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.955384064 6.917759943 7.141032171 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.352391982 7.391015996 7.912007993 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.155688000 6.010415840 7.528680012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 9 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.714959979 0.603072006 0.968040025 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263095999 0.798479998 1.811159921 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.463688004 0.558215976 0.338256007 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.405839968 6.118128204 2.183471990 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 7.039727926 6.127848101 2.921256065 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.661008167 6.993072081 1.694447994 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.848679996 0.697391993 2.247407913 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.386943936 0.943488050 3.090312052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.420935941 0.032544000 2.770200062 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.934080076 5.640119934 1.875528002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.859424162 5.423112059 1.922255945 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.545783973 4.852080059 2.276639915 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.146096003 1.373400021 5.833511925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.009799981 2.354903984 5.825519800 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.428903997 1.158120024 6.510600185 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.727559978 0.398736012 3.565944099 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.207295966 0.319319987 4.473647833 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.138815998 1.068048012 3.947400141 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.980800033 7.318223995 4.698504066 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.425616074 6.558336210 5.115167856 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.681639957 7.747056001 5.574168062 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.820600057 6.892344189 7.157231855 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.277007961 7.011792183 8.004456013 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.911608052 5.904360008 7.315200005 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 10 Number of Picoseconds = 5.5000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:52:12 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.653760016 0.606455988 1.053216040 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.111391973 0.852191985 1.865375948 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.394207954 0.389232007 0.421199995 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.470279932 6.136704111 2.291327906 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.859583902 6.385319996 3.212784076 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.078104115 6.759864092 1.934064102 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.845511985 7.839863974 2.225088072 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.638007927 8.128439999 3.146112084 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.292560053 7.034184122 2.520720077 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.074048042 5.694407845 1.742615962 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.097455835 5.533776140 1.747728038 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.815280104 4.814496088 2.163095999 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.124495959 1.296288013 5.887223911 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.304711974 2.253239894 5.959152174 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.454032004 1.074528015 6.563952112 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.697103977 0.596160007 3.525839925 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.223784041 0.430272004 4.395599842 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.172800002 1.388808024 3.964752102 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.882520032 7.233984001 4.647815895 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.315168071 6.529679918 5.187456179 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.643839908 7.701767975 5.504255962 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.782151985 6.822792149 7.132535791 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.196944022 7.308216003 7.912584025 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.898863912 5.900328112 7.471296000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
Water box from Eric Simon
!DATE Fri Oct 24 16:37:49 1997
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 -1.872180000 7.165790000 0.418170000 WTR 1 o* O -0.820
H11 -1.689520000 7.089730000 1.354690000 WTR 1 h* H 0.410
H12 -1.895920000 8.108520000 0.254080000 WTR 1 h* H 0.410
O1 9.230430000 4.657060000 4.156260000 WTR 2 o* O -0.820
H11 9.465440000 4.921460000 3.266830000 WTR 2 h* H 0.410
H12 10.059570000 4.393230000 4.555190000 WTR 2 h* H 0.410
O1 1.214310000 4.380410000 0.134700000 WTR 3 o* O -0.820
H11 1.244720000 5.289710000 0.432150000 WTR 3 h* H 0.410
H12 1.722010000 3.897490000 0.786810000 WTR 3 h* H 0.410
O1 9.017600000 8.540120000 2.278390000 WTR 4 o* O -0.820
H11 8.743110000 9.029940000 3.053600000 WTR 4 h* H 0.410
H12 8.492560000 7.740110000 2.301640000 WTR 4 h* H 0.410
O1 7.534550000 6.982930000 -0.678410000 WTR 5 o* O -0.820
H11 7.696430000 6.754540000 -1.593760000 WTR 5 h* H 0.410
H12 6.605560000 7.211690000 -0.648830000 WTR 5 h* H 0.410
O1 11.381660000 7.514670000 4.106050000 WTR 6 o* O -0.820
H11 10.830010000 7.598050000 3.328260000 WTR 6 h* H 0.410
H12 10.771400000 7.298260000 4.811020000 WTR 6 h* H 0.410
O1 -1.981430000 8.779190000 6.557090000 WTR 7 o* O -0.820
H11 -1.575590000 8.982500000 7.399820000 WTR 7 h* H 0.410
H12 -2.552830000 8.033270000 6.739640000 WTR 7 h* H 0.410
O1 5.393330000 10.403880000 5.782890000 WTR 8 o* O -0.820
H11 5.694370000 9.503500000 5.905020000 WTR 8 h* H 0.410
H12 6.018620000 10.784410000 5.166110000 WTR 8 h* H 0.410

View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
0.E+0, 7.2000000000000002
0.E+0, 7.2000000000000002
0.E+0, 7.2000000000000002
24 2 0.38912 0.80204 0.04125 0 0 1
23 2 0.44443 0.97490 0.10586 0 0 1
22 1 0.39545 0.92669 0.98694 0 0 0
21 2 0.37573 0.03926 0.75822 0 1 0
20 2 0.39496 0.85650 0.72425 0 0 0
19 1 0.38210 0.96279 0.64193 0 0 0
18 2 0.02666 0.20907 0.56769 1 0 0
17 2 0.16830 0.06709 0.59983 1 0 0
16 1 0.08960 0.11180 0.49650 1 0 0
15 2 0.10789 0.21301 0.92288 0 0 0
14 2 0.24939 0.32700 0.80911 0 0 0
13 1 0.20235 0.19951 0.81891 0 0 0
12 2 0.53321 0.64824 0.31770 0 0 0
11 2 0.70021 0.76272 0.23808 0 0 0
10 1 0.56179 0.76532 0.24532 0 0 0
9 2 0.42969 0.97042 0.39011 0 0 0
8 2 0.32315 0.13340 0.41763 0 1 0
7 1 0.38574 0.07550 0.31033 0 1 0
6 2 0.95281 0.98408 0.26305 0 -1 0
5 2 0.96793 0.88950 0.44411 0 -1 0
4 1 0.88582 0.88256 0.32684 0 -1 0
3 2 0.20770 0.05294 0.06393 0 0 0
2 2 0.15575 0.12577 0.25027 0 0 0
1 1 0.08934 0.10802 0.13052 0 0 0
24 2 0.39323 0.79766 0.03146 0 0 1
23 2 0.45209 0.98330 0.10586 0 0 1
22 1 0.38636 0.93416 0.99370 0 0 0
21 2 0.36389 0.02848 0.76595 0 1 0
20 2 0.47341 0.87741 0.69598 0 0 0
19 1 0.37898 0.96711 0.64527 0 0 0
18 2 0.06018 0.20335 0.58002 1 0 0
17 2 0.19993 0.06658 0.57574 1 0 0
16 1 0.09896 0.10630 0.49372 1 0 0
15 2 0.07947 0.21271 0.91284 0 0 0
14 2 0.22120 0.32394 0.81936 0 0 0
13 1 0.17318 0.19391 0.81481 0 0 0
12 2 0.55758 0.62224 0.24239 0 0 0
11 2 0.68631 0.78326 0.24502 0 0 0
10 1 0.55836 0.75419 0.24007 0 0 0
9 2 0.46108 0.94736 0.37410 0 0 0
8 2 0.39003 0.11586 0.44051 0 1 0
7 1 0.41135 0.06008 0.31662 0 1 0
6 2 0.95927 0.01322 0.27797 0 0 0
5 2 0.91379 0.90354 0.43787 0 -1 0
4 1 0.86509 0.91751 0.31671 0 -1 0
3 2 0.20766 0.06898 0.06354 0 0 0
2 2 0.17517 0.13064 0.25597 0 0 0
1 1 0.10937 0.09752 0.14204 0 0 0
24 2 0.42369 0.79308 0.00775 0 0 1
23 2 0.45693 0.95492 0.10383 0 0 1
22 1 0.38943 0.92293 0.99170 0 0 0
21 2 0.36753 0.02951 0.77281 0 1 0
20 2 0.46444 0.87820 0.70618 0 0 0
19 1 0.40153 0.97861 0.64736 0 0 0
18 2 0.07898 0.20153 0.56598 1 0 0
17 2 0.15186 0.01852 0.58471 1 0 0
16 1 0.10170 0.10114 0.48919 1 0 0
15 2 0.08752 0.18637 0.90954 0 0 0
14 2 0.21621 0.32075 0.80738 0 0 0
13 1 0.18672 0.18995 0.81602 0 0 0
12 2 0.56017 0.61696 0.28622 0 0 0
11 2 0.69037 0.77592 0.26403 0 0 0
10 1 0.55356 0.75145 0.25174 0 0 0
9 2 0.46535 0.95410 0.35888 0 0 0
8 2 0.37771 0.12081 0.43396 0 1 0
7 1 0.40725 0.07113 0.31044 0 1 0
6 2 0.93324 0.02550 0.26412 0 0 0
5 2 0.88577 0.95478 0.44931 0 -1 0
4 1 0.84040 0.93896 0.31912 0 -1 0
3 2 0.20253 0.05041 0.04741 0 0 0
2 2 0.18549 0.11650 0.24641 0 0 0
1 1 0.10399 0.08168 0.13836 0 0 0
24 2 0.43817 0.80567 0.03342 0 0 1
23 2 0.45351 0.00172 0.09407 0 1 1
22 1 0.40463 0.93168 0.98726 0 0 0
21 2 0.35035 0.03870 0.75218 0 1 0
20 2 0.50295 0.92298 0.73129 0 0 0
19 1 0.41355 0.98358 0.64762 0 0 0
18 2 0.07769 0.24165 0.54849 1 0 0
17 2 0.16115 0.04985 0.58792 1 0 0
16 1 0.09599 0.11467 0.48621 1 0 0
15 2 0.08283 0.14399 0.90896 0 0 0
14 2 0.18209 0.31236 0.83148 0 0 0
13 1 0.17733 0.17723 0.81703 0 0 0
12 2 0.52868 0.64629 0.31303 0 0 0
11 2 0.70179 0.76080 0.25211 0 0 0
10 1 0.55792 0.75663 0.23950 0 0 0
9 2 0.45995 0.94611 0.35418 0 0 0
8 2 0.38795 0.09785 0.44235 0 1 0
7 1 0.39599 0.06040 0.30927 0 1 0
6 2 0.90950 0.02514 0.26571 0 0 0
5 2 0.90833 0.96429 0.44566 0 -1 0
4 1 0.84160 0.93650 0.33461 0 -1 0
3 2 0.22249 0.04332 0.07380 0 0 0
2 2 0.16153 0.10521 0.25141 0 0 0
1 1 0.09875 0.06835 0.13754 0 0 0
24 2 0.43709 0.78600 0.99587 0 0 0
23 2 0.42300 0.96510 0.09451 0 0 1
22 1 0.38889 0.91136 0.97200 0 0 0
21 2 0.33320 0.00629 0.75693 0 1 0
20 2 0.51032 0.95153 0.68977 0 0 0
19 1 0.39536 0.99291 0.63306 0 0 0
18 2 0.08933 0.20878 0.57980 1 0 0
17 2 0.21903 0.05943 0.54647 1 0 0
16 1 0.10873 0.11892 0.48547 1 0 0
15 2 0.08336 0.16574 0.93384 0 0 0
14 2 0.17542 0.31874 0.83815 0 0 0
13 1 0.17054 0.18282 0.82596 0 0 0
12 2 0.52663 0.64996 0.30240 0 0 0
11 2 0.69086 0.77137 0.27384 0 0 0
10 1 0.55955 0.77415 0.25343 0 0 0
9 2 0.45596 0.96647 0.34959 0 0 0
8 2 0.38861 0.13572 0.42199 0 1 0
7 1 0.40635 0.08468 0.29508 0 1 0
6 2 0.96412 0.97944 0.29245 0 -1 0
5 2 0.88914 0.97218 0.48087 0 -1 0
4 1 0.85893 0.91634 0.35526 0 -1 0
3 2 0.21588 0.05266 0.06663 0 0 0
2 2 0.13561 0.08974 0.26703 0 0 0
1 1 0.09688 0.04954 0.13853 0 0 0
24 2 0.43285 0.81794 0.00832 0 0 1
23 2 0.45303 0.00551 0.08175 0 1 1
22 1 0.39224 0.94512 0.97552 0 0 0
21 2 0.38704 0.06014 0.75893 0 1 0
20 2 0.44274 0.87794 0.67866 0 0 0
19 1 0.40163 0.99903 0.63342 0 0 0
18 2 0.01978 0.21044 0.55268 1 0 0
17 2 0.17584 0.08016 0.60127 1 0 0
16 1 0.10890 0.11551 0.48627 1 0 0
15 2 0.08996 0.11339 0.92786 0 0 0
14 2 0.15347 0.29886 0.85476 0 0 0
13 1 0.15830 0.16747 0.82469 0 0 0
12 2 0.56478 0.64502 0.27774 0 0 0
11 2 0.68754 0.80861 0.26998 0 0 0
10 1 0.55305 0.77559 0.23915 0 0 0
9 2 0.46641 0.97052 0.34666 0 0 0
8 2 0.35624 0.10789 0.42561 0 1 0
7 1 0.40418 0.08449 0.29806 0 1 0
6 2 0.98210 0.97004 0.31197 0 -1 0
5 2 0.90105 0.88063 0.48555 0 -1 0
4 1 0.87658 0.88576 0.35475 0 -1 0
3 2 0.19956 0.05164 0.06132 0 0 0
2 2 0.16562 0.09549 0.26056 0 0 0
1 1 0.09409 0.06312 0.14608 0 0 0
24 2 0.46842 0.84060 0.01933 0 0 1
23 2 0.44289 0.00180 0.11375 0 1 1
22 1 0.40555 0.95858 0.98561 0 0 0
21 2 0.33007 0.01736 0.75005 0 1 0
20 2 0.51820 0.97418 0.71999 0 0 0
19 1 0.40430 0.99175 0.64000 0 0 0
18 2 0.02119 0.17517 0.56877 1 0 0
17 2 0.16872 0.05951 0.59588 1 0 0
16 1 0.09283 0.09764 0.48778 1 0 0
15 2 0.08034 0.16897 0.92248 0 0 0
14 2 0.20622 0.32248 0.83008 0 0 0
13 1 0.17022 0.18738 0.81796 0 0 0
12 2 0.53223 0.65421 0.28869 0 0 0
11 2 0.68569 0.78990 0.25058 0 0 0
10 1 0.54848 0.78273 0.24636 0 0 0
9 2 0.46752 0.99915 0.38381 0 0 0
8 2 0.31861 0.13544 0.41533 0 1 0
7 1 0.39086 0.09095 0.30436 0 1 0
6 2 0.98675 0.95065 0.31350 0 -1 0
5 2 0.92340 0.88051 0.46726 0 -1 0
4 1 0.88808 0.86072 0.33778 0 -1 0
3 2 0.20183 0.04163 0.06302 0 0 0
2 2 0.14327 0.11197 0.25304 0 0 0
1 1 0.08757 0.05819 0.13483 0 0 0
24 2 0.46403 0.83721 0.02808 0 0 1
23 2 0.43393 0.01903 0.11267 0 1 1
22 1 0.39954 0.95811 0.99149 0 0 0
21 2 0.37836 0.07492 0.76571 0 1 0
20 2 0.41202 0.88312 0.70142 0 0 0
19 1 0.41489 0.00780 0.64326 0 1 0
18 2 0.05552 0.15913 0.57569 1 0 0
17 2 0.21145 0.03559 0.56245 1 0 0
16 1 0.09930 0.06233 0.48919 1 0 0
15 2 0.07098 0.14296 0.89653 0 0 0
14 2 0.16088 0.32266 0.84088 0 0 0
13 1 0.16494 0.18915 0.80863 0 0 0
12 2 0.50284 0.68257 0.33327 0 0 0
11 2 0.67902 0.77016 0.25610 0 0 0
10 1 0.54207 0.78690 0.25731 0 0 0
9 2 0.44336 0.98447 0.36323 0 0 0
8 2 0.38616 0.17985 0.41750 0 1 0
7 1 0.39702 0.10218 0.30722 0 1 0
6 2 0.93595 0.95161 0.25918 0 -1 0
5 2 0.94802 0.85953 0.43319 0 -1 0
4 1 0.87831 0.84354 0.31917 0 -1 0
3 2 0.21659 0.05594 0.08258 0 0 0
2 2 0.15048 0.11937 0.26048 0 0 0
1 1 0.09470 0.08079 0.14259 0 0 0
24 2 0.43829 0.83478 0.04565 0 0 1
23 2 0.46561 0.02653 0.09889 0 1 1
22 1 0.41047 0.96080 0.99181 0 0 0
21 2 0.33584 0.00917 0.76746 0 1 0
20 2 0.51802 0.01252 0.72155 0 1 0
19 1 0.40583 0.00806 0.64794 0 1 0
18 2 0.02432 0.14147 0.57483 1 0 0
17 2 0.20375 0.04000 0.57441 1 0 0
16 1 0.10060 0.05581 0.48920 1 0 0
15 2 0.08067 0.13170 0.92426 0 0 0
14 2 0.12818 0.30967 0.83391 0 0 0
13 1 0.14330 0.17533 0.80864 0 0 0
12 2 0.48443 0.66699 0.30367 0 0 0
11 2 0.68642 0.76268 0.25829 0 0 0
10 1 0.54371 0.78045 0.25098 0 0 0
9 2 0.44758 0.98566 0.37714 0 0 0
8 2 0.38222 0.17080 0.42703 0 1 0
7 1 0.40261 0.09993 0.31288 0 1 0
6 2 0.94280 0.96383 0.24927 0 -1 0
5 2 0.96872 0.85484 0.42583 0 -1 0
4 1 0.88614 0.85566 0.31016 0 -1 0
3 2 0.21508 0.06340 0.07698 0 0 0
2 2 0.16379 0.12070 0.26013 0 0 0
1 1 0.09583 0.09370 0.14533 0 0 0
24 2 0.40439 0.82005 0.01600 0 0 1
23 2 0.45514 0.97386 0.11173 0 0 1
22 1 0.39175 0.95727 0.99406 0 0 0
21 2 0.37245 0.07598 0.77419 0 1 0
20 2 0.47578 0.91088 0.71044 0 0 0
19 1 0.41400 0.01642 0.65257 0 1 0
18 2 0.01928 0.14834 0.54825 1 0 0
17 2 0.16768 0.04435 0.62134 1 0 0
16 1 0.10105 0.05538 0.49527 1 0 0
15 2 0.05957 0.16085 0.90425 0 0 0
14 2 0.14025 0.32707 0.80910 0 0 0
13 1 0.15918 0.19075 0.81021 0 0 0
12 2 0.49247 0.67390 0.31620 0 0 0
11 2 0.67492 0.75321 0.26698 0 0 0
10 1 0.54640 0.78335 0.26049 0 0 0
9 2 0.47513 0.00452 0.38475 0 1 0
8 2 0.33152 0.13104 0.42921 0 1 0
7 1 0.39565 0.09686 0.31214 0 1 0
6 2 0.92514 0.97126 0.23534 0 -1 0
5 2 0.97774 0.85109 0.40573 0 -1 0
4 1 0.88970 0.84974 0.30326 0 -1 0
3 2 0.20329 0.07753 0.04698 0 0 0
2 2 0.17543 0.11090 0.25155 0 0 0
1 1 0.09930 0.08376 0.13445 0 0 0
24 2 0.40262 0.81949 0.03768 0 0 1
23 2 0.44402 0.01503 0.09897 0 1 1
22 1 0.38641 0.94761 0.99063 0 0 0
21 2 0.36720 0.06969 0.76448 0 1 0
20 2 0.46044 0.90690 0.72048 0 0 0
19 1 0.40035 0.00472 0.64553 0 1 0
18 2 0.02400 0.19289 0.55066 1 0 0
17 2 0.16997 0.05976 0.61050 1 0 0
16 1 0.09682 0.08280 0.48970 1 0 0
15 2 0.06306 0.14924 0.91166 0 0 0
14 2 0.18121 0.31295 0.82766 0 0 0
13 1 0.15618 0.18004 0.81767 0 0 0
12 2 0.52990 0.66868 0.30043 0 0 0
11 2 0.70798 0.76858 0.24274 0 0 0
10 1 0.56584 0.79089 0.24203 0 0 0
9 2 0.45730 0.97697 0.35010 0 0 0
8 2 0.36639 0.12895 0.43696 0 1 0
7 1 0.39521 0.08887 0.30904 0 1 0
6 2 0.98307 0.93887 0.26862 0 -1 0
5 2 0.95272 0.88685 0.44622 0 -1 0
4 1 0.89865 0.85232 0.31824 0 -1 0
3 2 0.19364 0.05406 0.05850 0 0 0
2 2 0.15436 0.11836 0.25908 0 0 0
1 1 0.09080 0.08423 0.14628 0 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
Frame 0 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.643248010 0.777744001 0.939744008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.121400046 0.905544019 1.801944065 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495439994 0.381167999 0.460295981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.377903795 6.354432106 2.353248096 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.969096136 6.404400158 3.197592044 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.860231924 7.085376120 1.893959928 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.777328086 0.543599975 2.234376025 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.326680064 0.960479951 3.006935906 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.093768024 -0.212975979 2.808791900 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.044887924 5.510304022 1.766304052 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.041511822 5.491583920 1.714175963 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.839111853 4.667327785 2.287439990 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.456920040 1.436471951 5.896152020 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.795608044 2.354399943 5.825591898 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.776808017 1.533671987 6.644735956 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.645119977 0.804960001 3.574799895 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.211760020 0.483047980 4.318775797 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.191952007 1.505303979 4.087368107 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.751119900 6.932088089 4.621895885 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.843711901 6.166800213 5.214600134 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.705256057 7.482672000 5.459184122 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.847239971 6.672167873 -0.094031811 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.199895954 7.019280052 0.762192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.801664090 5.774687862 0.297000012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 1 Number of Picoseconds = 5.0500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.787464005 0.702144009 1.022687995 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.261224031 0.940608001 1.842984009 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.495152032 0.496656007 0.457487977 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.228648090 6.606071806 2.280311966 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.579287910 6.505488110 3.152663970 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.906744003 7.295184001 2.001383901 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.961720085 0.432575995 2.279663944 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.808215976 0.834192002 3.171672034 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.319776106 -0.379008150 2.693519998 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.020191860 5.430168200 1.728504002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.941431952 5.639471912 1.764144015 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.014575958 4.480128050 1.745208049 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.246895993 1.396152020 5.866631842 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.592640030 2.332368064 5.899392128 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.572184008 1.531511950 6.572448063 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.712511981 0.765359974 3.554783964 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.439495981 0.479375982 4.145327854 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.433296007 1.464119947 4.176144075 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.728656077 6.963191843 4.645943928 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.408552074 6.317351961 5.011056089 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.620007944 7.405056006 5.514840174 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.781791925 6.725951958 -0.045359802 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.255047965 7.079759789 0.762192017 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.831255937 5.743151951 0.226511988 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 2 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.748728025 0.588095999 0.996191955 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.335527980 0.838799983 1.774151981 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.458215976 0.362951991 0.341352001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.050879860 6.760512114 2.297663927 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.377544165 6.874415874 3.235032034 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.719327974 7.383599997 1.901664090 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.932199907 0.512136000 2.235168028 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.719512105 0.869832015 3.124511933 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.350520015 -0.330479908 2.583936095 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.985632133 5.410440016 1.812528062 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.970664167 5.586623812 1.901016068 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.033223963 4.442111921 2.060784101 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.344383991 1.367640030 5.875344086 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.556711948 2.309399986 5.813136148 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.630144024 1.341864002 6.548687983 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.732240003 0.728207999 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.093391991 0.133343996 4.209912014 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.568655992 1.451015961 4.075056124 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891015983 7.045991850 4.660992193 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.343967915 6.323039961 5.084495831 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.646215916 7.412472005 5.564231873 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.803895903 6.645096016 -0.059760046 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.289896083 6.875423956 0.747576016 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.050567937 5.710175800 0.055799999 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 3 Number of Picoseconds = 5.1500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.711000019 0.492120016 0.990287983 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.163016021 0.757511991 1.810152054 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.601927984 0.311904001 0.531359982 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.059520006 6.742800093 2.409191895 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.539976168 6.942888165 3.208751965 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.548400021 7.381008004 1.913111973 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.851128101 0.434880012 2.226743960 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.793240023 0.704520017 3.184920001 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.311640000 -0.388007927 2.550096059 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.017023849 5.447736025 1.724400008 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.052887821 5.477760029 1.815192032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.806496191 4.653288031 2.253816032 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.276776016 1.276056004 5.882616091 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.311047995 2.248991919 5.986656189 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.596375978 1.036727965 6.544511890 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.691128016 0.825624007 3.500711918 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.160279953 0.358919987 4.233024073 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.559367985 1.739880002 3.949127913 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.977559924 7.081775951 4.662864161 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.621240091 6.645456076 5.265287876 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.522519946 7.478639996 5.415695858 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.913336039 6.708096170 -0.091728115 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.265271902 7.212384000 0.677304018 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.154823899 5.800824165 0.240624002 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 4 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.697535974 0.356687987 0.997416008 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.976391995 0.646128005 1.922616005 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.554336047 0.379151997 0.479735988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.184295940 6.597647953 2.557872105 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.401808071 6.999696064 3.462264061 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.941663790 7.051967812 2.105640078 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.925719905 0.609695989 2.124576044 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.797992039 0.977183998 3.038328052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.282912040 -0.241415977 2.517048025 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.028759909 5.573880100 1.824696064 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.974191809 5.553863955 1.971648073 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.791735888 4.679711866 2.177279949 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.227888036 1.316304052 5.946911860 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263024008 2.294928074 6.034680176 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.600192010 1.193327987 6.723647833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.782856023 0.856223989 3.495383978 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.577015948 0.427895996 3.934583902 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.643176019 1.503216040 4.174560070 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.846591949 7.148952198 4.558031845 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.674304056 6.851015854 4.966343880 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.399040055 7.245288000 5.449895954 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.800007987 6.561792183 6.998400021 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.045600057 6.948719931 7.880471975 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.147048068 5.659200096 7.170263958 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 5 Number of Picoseconds = 5.2500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.677447999 0.454464000 1.051776016 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.192463994 0.687528008 1.876032043 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.436832011 0.371808001 0.441503996 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.311375999 6.377472067 2.554200053 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.487559795 6.340536118 3.495959902 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.071120071 6.984288168 2.246183968 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910095930 0.608328009 2.146032000 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.564928031 0.776808017 3.064392042 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.358152080 -0.212255859 2.495951915 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.981959867 5.584248018 1.721880019 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.950287962 5.821992159 1.943856096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 4.066415977 4.644144058 1.999728012 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.139759982 1.205783951 5.937767887 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.104983962 2.151792097 6.154271936 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.647712010 0.816407990 6.680592155 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.784080023 0.831672013 3.501144075 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.266048038 0.577151996 4.329144144 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.142416005 1.515167964 3.979296112 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.891736102 7.193015957 4.560623932 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.187727952 6.321167994 4.886351824 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.786687922 7.633007991 5.464296198 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.824127913 6.804863834 -0.176255894 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.261815929 7.239672000 0.588599986 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.116520023 5.889167976 0.059904000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 6 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.630503976 0.418967995 0.970775986 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.031544006 0.806184000 1.821887898 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.453175998 0.299735999 0.453743988 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.394176006 6.197183847 2.432015991 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.648479891 6.339671803 3.364272022 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.104600048 6.844679832 2.257199907 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.814191937 0.654839981 2.191392016 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.293992090 0.975168049 2.990375948 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.366143990 -0.006120157 2.763432097 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.949055815 5.635655880 1.773792028 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.936967897 5.687280035 1.804176092 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.832056141 4.710311794 2.078568006 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.225584018 1.349136007 5.889312172 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.484784007 2.321855950 5.976575804 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.578447986 1.216584027 6.641855907 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.668376017 0.703008002 3.512016034 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.214784050 0.428472000 4.290335798 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.152568005 1.261224031 4.095143938 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.910960031 7.140600014 4.607999897 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.731039858 7.014095879 5.183928108 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.376503921 7.324992000 5.400360060 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.919960022 6.901776123 -0.103607941 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.188807917 7.212960000 0.819000024 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.372623992 6.052320099 0.139176004 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 7 Number of Picoseconds = 5.3500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.681840008 0.581687987 1.026648009 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.083456016 0.859463990 1.875455904 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.559448016 0.402767989 0.594576001 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.323832178 6.073488092 2.298023987 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.825743866 6.188615799 3.118967915 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.738839865 6.851592207 1.866096067 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.858544087 0.735695976 2.211984086 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.780351901 1.294919980 3.005999923 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.192192006 -0.111815929 2.615255928 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.902903795 5.665679884 1.852632022 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.888943911 5.545152140 1.843919992 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.620447874 4.914503860 2.399544096 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.187567997 1.361880040 5.822135925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.158335996 2.323151994 6.054335833 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.511055982 1.029311979 6.455015802 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.714959979 0.448776001 3.522168088 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.522439969 0.256248003 4.049639940 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.399744013 1.145736051 4.144967794 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.987207937 0.056159998 4.631472015 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.966543984 -0.841535997 5.050224066 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.724192023 0.539423990 5.513111973 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.876688051 6.898391819 -0.061271954 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.124296069 7.337015994 0.811223978 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.341015983 6.027911997 0.202175997 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 8 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.689976007 0.674639994 1.046375978 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.179288018 0.869040012 1.872935915 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.548575950 0.456480002 0.554256016 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.380207920 6.160752153 2.233152080 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.974784136 6.154847860 3.065976048 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.788159895 6.939575958 1.794744051 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.898792028 0.719496024 2.252736068 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.751984000 1.229760003 3.074615979 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.222576070 -0.103247881 2.715407896 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.914711952 5.619239902 1.807055926 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.942224169 5.491295958 1.859687948 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.487895894 4.802327871 2.186423922 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.031759977 1.262375987 5.822208023 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 0.922895980 2.229624009 6.004151917 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.580823994 0.948239958 6.654672146 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.724319977 0.401832005 3.522239971 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.466999996 0.287999994 4.135752153 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.175104006 1.018584001 4.138775969 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.921975970 0.058031999 4.665167856 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.729743814 0.090144002 5.195159912 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.418047905 0.066024003 5.525711918 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.955384064 6.917759943 -0.058967829 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.352391982 7.391015996 0.712007993 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.155688000 6.010415840 0.328680012 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 9 Number of Picoseconds = 5.4500
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.714959979 0.603072006 0.968040025 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.263095999 0.798479998 1.811159921 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.463688004 0.558215976 0.338256007 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.405839968 6.118128204 2.183471990 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 7.039727926 6.127848101 2.921256065 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 6.661008167 6.993072081 1.694447994 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.848679996 0.697391993 2.247407913 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.386943936 0.943488050 3.090312052 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.420935941 0.032544000 2.770200062 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 3.934080076 5.640119934 1.875528002 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 4.859424162 5.423112059 1.922255945 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.545783973 4.852080059 2.276639915 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.146096003 1.373400021 5.833511925 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.009799981 2.354903984 5.825519800 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.428903997 1.158120024 6.510600185 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.727559978 0.398736012 3.565944099 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.207295966 0.319319987 4.473647833 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.138815998 1.068048012 3.947400141 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.980800033 0.118223995 4.698504066 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.425616074 -0.641663790 5.115167856 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.681639957 0.547056001 5.574168062 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.820600057 6.892344189 -0.042768145 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.277007961 7.011792183 0.804456013 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.911608052 5.904360008 0.115200005 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
Frame 10 Number of Picoseconds = 5.5000
!DATE Mon Dec 1 18:10:28 2003
PBC 7.2000 7.2000 7.2000 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 (P1)
O1 0.653760016 0.606455988 1.053216040 WTR 1 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.111391973 0.852191985 1.865375948 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
H12 1.394207954 0.389232007 0.421199995 WTR 1 h* H 0.4100
O1 6.470279932 6.136704111 2.291327906 WTR 2 o* O -0.8200
H11 6.859583902 6.385319996 3.212784076 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
H12 7.078104115 6.759864092 1.934064102 WTR 2 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.845511985 0.639863974 2.225088072 WTR 3 o* O -0.8200
H11 2.638007927 0.928439999 3.146112084 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.292560053 -0.165815878 2.520720077 WTR 3 h* H 0.4100
O1 4.074048042 5.694407845 1.742615962 WTR 4 o* O -0.8200
H11 5.097455835 5.533776140 1.747728038 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
H12 3.815280104 4.814496088 2.163095999 WTR 4 h* H 0.4100
O1 1.124495959 1.296288013 5.887223911 WTR 5 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.304711974 2.253239894 5.959152174 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.454032004 1.074528015 6.563952112 WTR 5 h* H 0.4100
O1 0.697103977 0.596160007 3.525839925 WTR 6 o* O -0.8200
H11 1.223784041 0.430272004 4.395599842 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
H12 0.172800002 1.388808024 3.964752102 WTR 6 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.882520032 0.033984001 4.647815895 WTR 7 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.315168071 -0.670320082 5.187456179 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.643839908 0.501767975 5.504255962 WTR 7 h* H 0.4100
O1 2.782151985 6.822792149 -0.067464209 WTR 8 o* O -0.8200
H11 3.196944022 7.308216003 0.712584025 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100
H12 2.898863912 5.900328112 0.271296000 WTR 8 h* H 0.4100

tools/lmp2cfg/README.txt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Version 1.0
Ara Kooser
I. Before you start
II. Introduction
III. Compiling the program
IV. Running the program
I. Before you start
1) Read the READMEFIRST file
2) You will need either f77 or g77 compiler
3) A text editor (VI or emacs)
4) AtomEye( good as of 8/1/04
5) A sense of adventure and humor
II. Introduction
The lmp2cfg program converts a LAMMPS atom dump file into a series of .cfg
files.(000001.cfg, 000002.cfg,...). These files can be read into AtomEye
and made into a movie or viewed indivdually.
III. Compiling the program
The program should comply with either command f77 lmp2cfg.f or
g77 lmp2cfg.f
IV. Running the program
You need to create a user input file. In the examples folder you will find
an example input script, LAMMPS dump file, and the correct .cfg output.
The input script reads like this:
7 #number of atom types in your LAMMPS file
'dump.atom' #name of the LAMMPS dump file, you need the ' '
1 #first frame
10 #last frame
1 #first atom type
26.98154 #atomic weight
'ao' #atom name
2 #second atom type
15.9994 #atomic weight
'oh' #atom name
Make sure the input file and the atom dump file are in the same folder.
On the command line type
lmp2cfg < input_file.txt > out
You should get several .cfg files. For reading into AtomEye and making
movies see the AtomEye homepage.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

tools/lmp2cfg/examples/dump.atom Executable file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

tools/lmp2cfg/lmp2cfg.f Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
program lammps to cfg
*Programming by Jeff Greathouse and Ara Kooser
*Version 1.0 9/1/04
*Sandia National Labs
*Converts LAMMPS atom dump to .cfg files for AtomEye
*This program is provided as is. Please see the README file.
implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
character*12 inhist,snapshot
character*4 fftype(100),name,ciframe
integer natom,iatom,itype(50000),q
integer atype(99),itycon,ntype,mass(99)
dimension x(50000),y(50000),z(50000)
dimension amass(99)
c-------Reads in the user input file-------------------------------
read(*,*) ntype
read(*,*) inhist
read(*,*) iframe1
read(*,*) iframe2
c write(*,*) ntype
c write(*,*) inhist
do 1, i=1, ntype
read(*,*) atype(i)
read(*,*) amass(i)
read(*,*) fftype(i)
c write(*,*) atype(i)
c write(*,*) amass(i)
c write(*,*) fftype(i)
1 continue
c-------Lammps output file is 9, reads in lmps header--------------
c open(2,status='new',form='formatted')
c----------This begins the frame by frame reading section-------------
9999 continue
read(9,*,end=999) natom
read(9,50,end=999) xcell
read(9,50,end=999) ycell
read(9,50,end=999) zcell
50 format(2x,f12.5)
1000 format(1x,i5,1x,i2,3f9.5)
do 440 j=1,natom
420 read(9,*,end=999)iatom,itype(iatom),x(iatom),y(iatom),z(iatom)
440 continue
if( 9999
if( goto 999
c-------This section writes each ts to a seperate .cfg file----------
c ciframe=char(iframe)
c snapshot(iframe)=name//ciframe//'.cfg'
c write(*,*)ciframe
c write(snapshot,'("Cfgs/",i7.7,".cfg")') iframe
c write(*,*)ciframe
c write(*,*)snapshot
* form='formatted',err=999)
write((iframe+20),'(a22,i7)')'Number of particles = ',natom
write((iframe+20),'(a16)')'A = 1.5 Angstrom'
write((iframe+20),435)'H0(1,1) = ',xcell,' A'
write((iframe+20),'(a14)')'H0(1,2) = 0 A'
write((iframe+20),'(a14)')'H0(1,3) = 0 A'
write((iframe+20),'(a14)')'H0(2,1) = 0 A'
write((iframe+20),435)'H0(2,2) = ',ycell,' A'
write((iframe+20),'(a14)')'H0(2,3) = 0 A'
write((iframe+20),'(a14)')'H0(3,1) = 0 A'
write((iframe+20),'(a14)')'H0(3,2) = 0 A'
write((iframe+20),435)'H0(3,3) = ',zcell,' A'
write((iframe+20),'(a12)')'eta(1,1) = 0'
write((iframe+20),'(a12)')'eta(1,2) = 0'
write((iframe+20),'(a12)')'eta(1,3) = 0'
write((iframe+20),'(a12)')'eta(2,2) = 0'
write((iframe+20),'(a12)')'eta(2,3) = 0'
write((iframe+20),'(a12)')'eta(3,3) = 0'
435 format(a11,f10.5,a2)
do 460, j=1,natom
do 450,i=1,ntype
c write(*,*)i,amass(i),fftype(i)
c write(*,*)ntype
* write((iframe+20),445)mass(i),fftype(i),x(j),
* y(j),z(j),' 0',' 0',' 0'
c---445 is the format for writing atom data to .cfg file------------
445 format(i3.3,1x,a2,1x,3f9.6,3a2)
450 continue
460 continue
go to 9999
999 continue
200 continue

tools/lmp2traj/README.txt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Version 1.0
Ara Kooser
I. Before you start
II. Introduction
III. Compiling the program
IV. Running the program
I. Before you start
1) Read the READMEFIRST file
2) You will need either f77 or g77 compiler
3) A text editor (VI or emacs)
5) A graphing program that can do contours
6) A sense of adventure and humor
II. Introduction
This program will take a LAMMPS atom dump file and provide the following three
1) data for making contour maps
2) density profile
3) dipole information
III. Compiling the program
To compile the program run either ./f77 lmp2traj.f or
./g77 traj.f
IV. Running the program
First you need to create a user input file. There is an example of an input file
in the examples folder.
The input file reads like this:
'atom' # dump file name, needs the ' '
1 # first frame
60 # last frame
38.26119 # x dimension of the box
44.26119 # y dimension of the box
48.33150 # z dimension of the box
90. # angles of the box, always 90
90. # angles of the box, always 90
90. # angles of the box, always 90
82844.6 # volumne of the box in cubic Angstroms
5 # water oxygen atom type from LAMMPS (#)
6 # water hydrogen atom type from LAMMPS(#)
0. # leave at 0
5. # number of atom types
0. # z shift leave at 0
5. # number of density maps
'Surface (1) ho' # Enter name/description of atom
2 # atom type number from LAMMPS
'ho' # Column name for data
0 # Defines inner sphere, in A
48.3 # Defines out sphere, in A
Make sure you have the input file and the LAMMPS atom dump file in the same
To run the program type
lmp2traj < inp_file.txt > out
This should give you three files like in the examples/output folder.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
'Bulk (1) O-water'
'Bulk (1) H-water'

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

tools/lmp2traj/lmp2traj.f Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
program densprof
*** Density profile calculations for orthogonal cells
*** modified for more atom types (up to 20) and with generalized
*** surface map arrays - 1 array 40x50x50 for 20 atom types x2 surfaces
*** A.K. 8-13-02
*** Modified for reading in the x direction Ara Kooser
*** Modified for reading in LAMMPS files Jeff Greathouse and Ara Kooser
*** 7/19/04
implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
LOGICAL exists
character*12 inhist,outout,outeang,outhb,
* outsurf,outacf,outdat,outang
character name*4,file*10,text*6
character*5 mapat(20),rtype
character*8 colname(40)
character*40 mapcom(40)
character dummy*18, dummy1*12, dummy2*100
integer natom, ntype, nmaps, iconn(12), ndip(1000), mapid(20)
integer otype, htype, atype(1000)
integer itype(50000), icount(50), iwato(50000), iwath(50000,2)
dimension x(50000),y(50000),z(50000),q(50000)
dimension g(50,1000),dipx(1000),dipy(1000),dipz(1000),dip(1000)
dimension dipa(1000),dipc(1000),angdis(60,100)
dimension smap(40,50,50)
dimension amapmin(40),amapmax(40),amamap(40),psmap(40)
read (*,*) inhist
read (*,*) iframe1
read (*,*) iframe2
read (*,*) acell
read (*,*) bcell
read (*,*) ccell
read (*,*) alpha
read (*,*) beta
read (*,*) gamma
read (*,*) vol
read (*,*) otype
read (*,*) htype
read (*,*) watmiz
read (*,*) watmaz
read (*,*) zshift
read (*,*) nmaps
do 1 i=1,nmaps
read (*,*) mapcom(i)
read (*,*) mapid(i)
read (*,*) colname(i)
read (*,*) amapmin(i)
read (*,*) amapmax(i)
1 continue
c write(*,*) (mapcom(i),mapid(i),colname(i),amapmin(i),
c * amapmax(i),i=1,nmaps)
write(11,'(a35,a15)') 'Analysis output file - ', outout
c---- removed
write(11,'(a35,a15)') 'Input trajectory (*.asc) - ', inhist
write(11,'(a35,i7)') 'First frame to analyze - ', iframe1
write(11,'(a35,i7)') 'Total frames to analyze - ', iframe2
write(11,'(a35,i7)') 'Total number of atoms - ', natom
write(11,'(a35,i7)') 'Total number of atom types - ', ntype
if( write(*,*) '',nwat,(iwat-1)
write(11,'(a35,i7)/') 'Total number of H2O molecules - ',nwat
write(11,'(/a13)') 'Atom types: '
write(11,1112) (i,'=',atype(i),i=1,ntype)
write(11,'(/a18)') 'Cell parameters: '
write(11,1111) 'a=',acell,'b=',bcell,'c=',ccell
write(11,1111) 'alpha=',alpha,'beta=',beta,'gamma=',gamma
write(11,1113) 'Vol=',vol
1111 format(3(3x,a6,f10.6))
1113 format(3x,a6,f13.6/)
1112 format(6(3x,i3,a1,a5))
c physical constants and conversion factors
c yfn=1.0/dfloat(natom)
c yfan=an*yfn
c------ i=1,50 corresponds to 50 possible atom types
do 202 i=1,50
c write(*,*)(mapcom(k),colname(k),amapmin(k),
c * amapmax(k),mapid(k),k=1,nmaps)
do 201 j=1,1000
if(i.eq.1) then
dip (j)=0.
201 continue
202 continue
do 205 k=1,40
do 204 i=1,50
do 203 j=1,50
203 continue
204 continue
205 continue
do 302 i=1,50000
302 continue
do 305 k=1,60
do 304 i=1,100
304 continue
305 continue
c open(9,file=inhist,status='old',form='unformatted',err=999)
9999 continue
c----Sets counter to zero
read(9,*,end=999) CurrentTime
read(9,*,end=999) natom
400 format(i6,i3,3f9.5)
410 format(1x,i5,1x,i2,3f9.5)
do 440 j=1,natom
c----Comment this for a z mineral
c 420 read(9,*,end=999) iatom,itype(iatom),z(iatom),x(iatom),
c * y(iatom)
c---- Uncomment this for a z mineral
420 read(9,*,end=999) iatom,itype(iatom),x(iatom),y(iatom),
* z(iatom)
c write(11,400)iatom, itype(iatom), x(iatom),y(iatom),
c * z(iatom)
c---- itype(iatom) = current atom being read
c---- atype(i) = list of unique atom types
do 430 i=1,itycon
if (itype(iatom).eq.atype(i)) goto 440
430 continue
c---- increases itycon by one
c---- icount(itycon)=0 prevents summation over all frames
440 continue
if( goto 9999
if(mod(iframe,100).eq.0) write(*,*) iframe, jframe
do 9997 i=1,natom
c---- Added to change LAMMPS fractional coords to Cart.
xx=x(i) * acell
yy=y(i) * bcell
zz=(z(i)+zshift) * ccell
c---- This section rescales atoms into the box
*** This part is now made universal
do 777 imap=1,nmaps
if(itype(i).eq.mapid(imap)) then
if(( then
c---------binning occurs here with smap count of atoms at given height
777 continue
if(itype(i).eq.otype) then
c sx=acell*dnint(xo/acell-0.5)
c xo=xo-sx
c xh1=xh1-sx
c xh2=xh2-sx
c sy=bcell*dnint(yo/bcell-0.5)
c yo=xo-sy
c yh1=yh1-sy
c yh2=yh2-sy
c sz=ccell*dnint(zo/ccell-0.5)
c zo=zo-sz
c zh1=zh1-sz
c zh2=zh2-sz
if(abs(dipj).gt.3.5) write(*,*) 'dip',j,dipj
if( then
c if( then
c write(*,*) ' dipcj ',dipcj
c dipcj=0.999999
c elseif(dipcj.le.-1.) then
c write(*,*) ' dipcj ',dipcj
c dipcj=-0.999999
c endif
if(adipzj.le.0.000001) then
write(*,*) j,' dipzj ',dipzj
c dipaj=acosd(dipcj)*dipzj/adipzj
c if(abs(dipaj).ge.89.) then
c write(*,*) ' vertical dip mom:', dipaj
c write(*,*) xo,yo,zo
c write(*,*) xh1,yh1,zh1
c write(*,*) xh2,yh2,zh2
c endif
dip (j)=dip (j)+dipj
*** This part is now made universal
9997 continue
c endif
if( goto 999
go to 9999
999 continue
667 format(3x,' After analysis of ',i6,' configurations: ')
write(11,667) iframe
write(12,667) iframe
write(13,667) iframe
write(11,*) 'Normalization factor:',fact
write(11,800) (i,i=1,ntype)
write(11,'(70x,20i10)') (icount(i),i=1,ntype)
800 format(' r ',
* ' dipX ',' dipY ',' dipZ ',
* ' |dip| ',' cos_dip',' ang_dip',
* 27i10)
do 206 i=1,1000
if(ndip(i).ne.0) then
dip (i)=dip (i)/ndip(i)
c write(11,444) rs1,(g(j,i)*fact/icount(j),j=1,ntype),
write(11,444) rs1,dipx(i),dipy(i),dipz(i),
* dip(i),dipc(i),dipa(i),
* (g(j,i)*fact/iframe/1000.,j=1,ntype)
206 continue
444 format(3x, f7.3,26f10.5)
do 1206 ii=1,nmaps
1206 continue
do 1205 k=1,nmaps
do 1204 i=1,50
do 1203 j=1,50
if (amamap(k).lt.smap(k,i,j)) amamap(k)=smap(k,i,j)
1203 continue
1204 continue
1205 continue
c write(12,446) acell,bcell,(amamap(i),i=1,nmaps)
write(12,336) (mapcom(i),mapid(i),colname(i),i=1,nmaps)
write(12,335) (colname(ii),ii=1,nmaps)
do 209 j=1,50
do 210 k=1,50
do 211 i=1,nmaps
if(amamap(i).ne.0.) then
211 continue
write(12,446) ra,rb,(psmap(i),i=1,nmaps)
210 continue
209 continue
446 format(42f8.3)
335 format(//' ra rb ',40a8)
336 format(1x,a40,': at.type - ',i5,'; col.title - ',a8)
write(12,*) (mapcom(i),i=1,nmaps)
write(13,*) ' angle ',' z ',' angdis '
do 309 j=1,60
do 310 k=1,100
write(13,446) ang,z1,angdis(j,k)/iframe
310 continue
309 continue

tools/micelle2d.f Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
c Create LAMMPS 2003 input file for 2d LJ simulation of micelles
c Syntax: micelle2d < def.micelle2d > data.file
c def file contains size of system and number to turn into surfactants
c attaches a random surfactant tail(s) to random head
c if nonflag is set, will attach 2nd-neighbor bonds in surfactant
c solvent atoms = type 1
c micelle heads = type 2
c micelle tails = type 3,4,5,etc.
program micelle2d
parameter (maxatom=100000,maxbond=10000)
real*4 x(2,maxatom)
integer type(maxatom),molecule(maxatom)
integer bondatom(2,maxbond),bondtype(maxbond)
common xprd,yprd,zprd,xboundlo,xboundhi,yboundlo,yboundhi,
$ zboundlo,zboundhi
999 format (3i7,3f8.3)
998 format (4i7)
read (5,*)
read (5,*)
read (5,*) rhostar
read (5,*) iseed
read (5,*) nx,ny
read (5,*) nsurf
read (5,*) r0
read (5,*) ntails
read (5,*) nonflag
natoms = nx*ny
if (natoms+nsurf* then
write (6,*) 'Too many atoms - boost maxatom'
call exit(0)
nbonds = nsurf*ntails
if (nonflag.eq.1) nbonds = nbonds + nsurf*(ntails-1)
if ( then
write (6,*) 'Too many surfactants - boost maxbond'
call exit(0)
c box size
rlattice = (1.0/rhostar) ** 0.5
xboundlo = 0.0
xboundhi = nx*rlattice
yboundlo = 0.0
yboundhi = ny*rlattice
zboundlo = -0.1
zboundhi = 0.1
sigma = 1.0
xprd = xboundhi - xboundlo
yprd = yboundhi - yboundlo
zprd = zboundhi - zboundlo
c initial square lattice of solvents
m = 0
do j = 1,ny
do i = 1,nx
m = m + 1
x(1,m) = xboundlo + (i-1)*rlattice
x(2,m) = yboundlo + (j-1)*rlattice
molecule(m) = 0
type(m) = 1
c turn some into surfactants with molecule ID
c head changes to type 2
c create ntails for each head of types 3,4,...
c each tail is at distance r0 away in straight line with random orientation
do i = 1,nsurf
10 m = random(iseed)*natoms + 1
if ( m = natoms
if (molecule(m) .ne. 0) goto 10
molecule(m) = i
type(m) = 2
angle = random(iseed)*2.0*3.1415926
do j = 1,ntails
k = (i-1)*ntails + j
x(1,natoms+k) = x(1,m) + cos(angle)*j*r0*sigma
x(2,natoms+k) = x(2,m) + sin(angle)*j*r0*sigma
molecule(natoms+k) = i
type(natoms+k) = 2+j
call pbc(x(1,natoms+k),x(2,natoms+k))
if (j.eq.1) bondatom(1,k) = m
if ( bondatom(1,k) = natoms+k-1
bondatom(2,k) = natoms+k
bondtype(k) = 1
c if nonflag is set, add (ntails-1) 2nd nearest neighbor bonds to end
c of bond list
c k = location in bondatom list where nearest neighbor bonds for
c this surfactant are stored
if (nonflag.eq.1) then
nbonds = nsurf*ntails
do i = 1,nsurf
do j = 1,ntails-1
k = (i-1)*ntails + j
nbonds = nbonds + 1
bondatom(1,nbonds) = bondatom(1,k)
bondatom(2,nbonds) = bondatom(2,k+1)
bondtype(nbonds) = 2
c write LAMMPS data file
natoms = natoms + nsurf*ntails
nbonds = nsurf*ntails
if (nonflag.eq.1) nbonds = nbonds + nsurf*(ntails-1)
ntypes = 2 + ntails
nbondtypes = 1
if (nonflag.eq.1) nbondtypes = 2
if (nsurf.eq.0) then
ntypes = 1
nbondtypes = 0
write (6,*) 'LAMMPS 2d micelle data file'
write (6,*)
write (6,*) natoms,' atoms'
write (6,*) nbonds,' bonds'
write (6,*) 0,' angles'
write (6,*) 0,' dihedrals'
write (6,*) 0,' impropers'
write (6,*)
write (6,*) ntypes,' atom types'
write (6,*) nbondtypes,' bond types'
write (6,*) 0,' angle types'
write (6,*) 0,' dihedral types'
write (6,*) 0,' improper types'
write (6,*)
write (6,*) xboundlo,xboundhi,' xlo xhi'
write (6,*) yboundlo,yboundhi,' ylo yhi'
write (6,*) zboundlo,zboundhi,' zlo zhi'
write (6,*)
write (6,*) 'Masses'
write (6,*)
do i = 1,ntypes
write (6,*) i,1.0
write (6,*)
write (6,*) 'Atoms'
write (6,*)
do i = 1,natoms
write (6,999) i,molecule(i),type(i),x(1,i),x(2,i),0.0
if ( then
write (6,*)
write (6,*) 'Bonds'
write (6,*)
do i = 1,nbonds
write (6,998) i,bondtype(i),bondatom(1,i),bondatom(2,i)
c write Xmovie bond geometry file
write (1,*) 'ITEM: BONDS'
do i = 1,nbonds
write (1,*) bondtype(i),bondatom(1,i),bondatom(2,i)
c ************
c Subroutines
c ************
c periodic boundary conditions - map atom back into periodic box
subroutine pbc(x,y)
common xprd,yprd,zprd,xboundlo,xboundhi,yboundlo,yboundhi,
$ zboundlo,zboundhi
if ( x = x + xprd
if ( x = x - xprd
if ( y = y + yprd
if ( y = y - yprd
c RNG - compute in double precision, return single
real*4 function random(iseed)
real*8 aa,mm,sseed
parameter (aa=16807.0D0,mm=2147483647.0D0)
sseed = iseed
sseed = mod(aa*sseed,mm)
random = sseed/mm
iseed = sseed

tools/msi2lmp/README Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
msi2lmp V3.6 4/10/2005
This program uses the .car and .mdf files from MSI/Biosyms's INSIGHT
program to produce a LAMMPS data file.
1. Building msi2lmp3
Use the Makefile in the src directory. It is
currently set up for gcc. One will have to modify
it to use a different compiler.
2. Testing the program
There are three pairs (.car and .mdf) files in the
test directory: crambin, nylon and phen3_cff97. The
atom types in crambin and nylon are cvff (Class I) atom
types and those in phen3_cff97 are cff9x (Class II) atom types.
Two forcefield files, cvff.frc and cff91.frc, are needed
generate lammps data files for these three test files. To
run it you would:
% setenv BIOSYM_LIBRARY ../biosym_frc_files
% ../src/msi2lmp.exe nylon -class I -frc cvff > data.nylon
% ../src/msi2lmp.exe crambin -class I -frc cvff > data.crambin
% ../src/msi2lmp.exe phen3_cff97 -class II -frc cff91 > data.phen3_cff97
Three files should be generated: data.nylon, data.crambin
and data.phen3_cff97. These can be compared against
data.x in the directory correct. If there are differences,
first recompile the program with no optimization and try again.
If there are still differences, send email to
Note: you will see many "Unable to find..." parameters messages
in the phen3_cff97 test case. Most of those parameters
exist in cff95.frc, but not in cff91.frc
3. To run the program
The program is started by supplying information at the command prompt
according to the usage described below.
USAGE: msi2lmp.exe ROOTNAME {-2001} {-print #} {-class #} {-frc FRC_FILE}
-- msi2lmp.exe is the name of the executable
-- ROOTNAME is the base name of the .car and .mdf files
-- -2001
Output lammps files for LAMMPS version 2001 (F90 version)
The default is for LAMMPS 2005 (C++ version)
-- -print
# is the print level 0 - silent except for error messages
1 - minimal (default)
2 - verbose (usual for developing and
checking new data files for consistency)
-- -class
# is the class of forcefield to use (I = Class I e.g., CVFF)
(II = Class II e.g., CFFx )
default is -class I
-- -frc - specifies name of the forcefield file (e.g., cff91)
If the name includes a hard wired directory (i.e., if the name
starts with . or /), then the name is used alone. Otherwise,
the program looks for the forcefield file in $BIOSYM_LIBRARY.
If $BIOSYM_LIBRARY is not set, then the current directory is
If the file name does not include a dot after the first
character, then .frc is appended to the name.
For example, -frc cvff (assumes cvff.frc is in $BIOSYM_LIBRARY
or .)
-frc cff/cff91 (assumes cff91.frc is in
$BIOSYM_LIBRARY/cff or ./cff)
-frc /usr/local/biosym/forcefields/cff95 (absolute
By default, the program uses $BIOSYM_LIBRARY/cvff.frc
-- the LAMMPS data file is written to ROOTNAME.lammps{01/05}
commentary is written to standard error.
* Msi2lmp3
* This is the third version of a program that generates a LAMMPS
* data file based on the information in MSI .car (atom
* coordinates), .mdf (molecular topology) and .frc (forcefield)
* files. The .car and .mdf files are specific to a molecular
* system while the .frc file is specific to a forcefield version.
* The only coherency needed between .frc and .car/.mdf files are
* the atom types.
* The first version was written by Steve Lustig at Dupont, but
* required using Discover to derive internal coordinates and
* forcefield parameters
* The second version was written by Michael Peachey while an
* intern in the Cray Chemistry Applications Group managed
* by John Carpenter. This version derived internal coordinates
* from the mdf file and looked up parameters in the frc file
* thus eliminating the need for Discover.
* The third version was written by John Carpenter to optimize
* the performance of the program for large molecular systems
* (the original code for deriving atom numbers was quadratic in time)
* and to make the program fully dynamic. The second version used
* fixed dimension arrays for the internal coordinates.
* The current maintainer is only reluctantly doing so because John Mayo no longer
* needs this code.
* V3.2 corresponds to adding code to MakeLists.c to gracefully deal with
* systems that may only be molecules of 1 to 3 atoms. In V3.1, the values
* for number_of_dihedrals, etc. could be unpredictable in these systems.
* V3.3 was generated in response to a strange error reading a MDF file generated by
* Accelys' Materials Studio GUI. Simply rewriting the input part of ReadMdfFile.c
* seems to have fixed the problem.
* V3.4 and V3.5 are minor upgrades to fix bugs associated mostly with .car and .mdf files
* written by Accelys' Materials Studio GUI.
* V3.6 outputs to LAMMPS 2005 (C++ version).
* Contact: Kelly L. Anderson,
* April 2005

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Copy cvff.frc and cff9*.frc or any other
.frc files you have licensed to this
directory for use with msi2lmp.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
void CheckLists() {
int i,j,k,ic_type;
for (i=0; i < total_no_bonds; i++) {
if ((atoms[bonds[i].members[0]].type != bondtypes[bonds[i].type].types[0])
|| (atoms[bonds[i].members[1]].type != bondtypes[bonds[i].type].types[1])) {
fprintf(stderr,"Warning atom types in bond %d are inconsistent with bond type %d\n",i,bonds[i].type);
for (i=0; i < total_no_angles;i++) {
if ( (atoms[angles[i].members[0]].type != angletypes[angles[i].type].types[0])
|| (atoms[angles[i].members[1]].type != angletypes[angles[i].type].types[1])
|| (atoms[angles[i].members[2]].type != angletypes[angles[i].type].types[2]))
fprintf(stderr,"Warning atom types in angle %d are inconsistent with angle type %d\n", i,angles[i].type);
for (i=0; i < total_no_dihedrals; i++) {
if ( (atoms[dihedrals[i].members[0]].type != dihedraltypes[dihedrals[i].type].types[0])
|| (atoms[dihedrals[i].members[1]].type != dihedraltypes[dihedrals[i].type].types[1])
|| (atoms[dihedrals[i].members[2]].type != dihedraltypes[dihedrals[i].type].types[2])
|| (atoms[dihedrals[i].members[3]].type != dihedraltypes[dihedrals[i].type].types[3])) {
fprintf(stderr,"Warning atom types in dihedral %d are inconsistent with dihedral type %d\n",i,dihedrals[i].type);
for (i=0; i < total_no_oops; i++) {
if ( (atoms[oops[i].members[0]].type != ooptypes[oops[i].type].types[0])
|| (atoms[oops[i].members[1]].type != ooptypes[oops[i].type].types[1])
|| (atoms[oops[i].members[2]].type != ooptypes[oops[i].type].types[2])
|| (atoms[oops[i].members[3]].type != ooptypes[oops[i].type].types[3]))
fprintf(stderr,"Warning atom types in oop %d are inconsistent with oop type %d\n",i,oops[i].type);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* This is the header file for the routine that reads the forcefield file
* into memory in order to speed up searching.
* It defines the data structures used to store the force field in memory
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef FF_MAIN
#define _EX
#define _EX extern
#define MAX_NO_MEMS 5
#define MAX_NO_PARAMS 8
#define MAX_LINE 200
struct FrcFieldData
float ver; /* Version number of forcefield entry */
int ref; /* Reference within forcefield */
char ff_types[MAX_NO_MEMS][5];
double ff_param[MAX_NO_PARAMS];
struct FrcFieldItem
char keyword[25];
int number_of_members; /* number of members of item */
int number_of_parameters; /* number of parameters of item */
int entries; /* number of entries in item list */
struct FrcFieldData *data; /* contains all eqiuv and param data */
_EX struct FrcFieldItem ff_atomtypes, equivalence, \
ff_vdw,ff_bond, ff_ang, ff_tor, ff_oop, \
ff_bonbon, ff_bonang, ff_angtor, ff_angangtor, \
ff_endbontor, ff_midbontor, ff_angang, ff_bonbon13;
#undef _EX

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
* This function fills in the keyword field, the number of members for each
* item and the number of parameters for each item
#include "Forcefield.h"
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
void InitializeItems(void)
ff_atomtypes.number_of_members = 1;
ff_atomtypes.number_of_parameters = 1;
strcpy(equivalence.keyword, "#equivalence");
equivalence.number_of_members = 6;
equivalence.number_of_parameters = 0;
/* NON-BOND */
strcpy(ff_vdw.keyword, "#nonbond");
ff_vdw.number_of_members = 1;
ff_vdw.number_of_parameters = 2;
/* BOND */
ff_bond.number_of_members = 2;
if(forcefield == 1) {
strcpy(ff_bond.keyword, "#quadratic_bond");
ff_bond.number_of_parameters = 2;
else {
strcpy(ff_bond.keyword, "#quartic_bond");
ff_bond.number_of_parameters = 4;
/* ANGLE */
ff_ang.number_of_members = 3;
if(forcefield ==1)
strcpy(ff_ang.keyword, "#quadratic_angle");
ff_ang.number_of_parameters = 2;
else {
strcpy(ff_ang.keyword, "#quartic_angle");
ff_ang.number_of_parameters = 4;
ff_tor.number_of_members = 4;
if (forcefield == 1) {
strcpy(ff_tor.keyword, "#torsion_1");
ff_tor.number_of_parameters = 3;
else {
strcpy(ff_tor.keyword, "#torsion_3");
ff_tor.number_of_parameters = 6;
/* OOP */
ff_oop.number_of_members = 4;
if(forcefield == 1) {
strcpy(ff_oop.keyword, "#out_of_plane");
ff_oop.number_of_parameters = 3;
else {
ff_oop.number_of_parameters = 2;
if (forcefield == 1) return; /* Do not try to read cross terms for Class I forcefield */
strcpy(ff_bonbon.keyword, "#bond-bond");
ff_bonbon.number_of_members = 3;
ff_bonbon.number_of_parameters = 1;
strcpy(ff_bonang.keyword, "#bond-angle");
ff_bonang.number_of_members = 3;
ff_bonang.number_of_parameters = 2;
strcpy(ff_angtor.keyword, "#angle-torsion_3");
ff_angtor.number_of_members = 4;
ff_angtor.number_of_parameters = 6;
ff_angangtor.number_of_members = 4;
ff_angangtor.number_of_parameters = 1;
strcpy(ff_endbontor.keyword, "#end_bond-torsion_3");
ff_endbontor.number_of_members = 4;
ff_endbontor.number_of_parameters = 6;
ff_midbontor.number_of_members = 4;
ff_midbontor.number_of_parameters = 3;
strcpy(ff_angang.keyword, "#angle-angle");
ff_angang.number_of_members = 4;
ff_angang.number_of_parameters = 1;
/* BOND-BOND-1-3 */
strcpy(ff_bonbon13.keyword, "#bond-bond_1_3");
ff_bonbon13.number_of_members = 4;
ff_bonbon13.number_of_parameters = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
int count_bonds();
int count_angles();
int count_dihedrals();
int count_oops();
int count_angle_angles();
void build_bonds_list();
void build_angles_list();
void build_dihedrals_list();
void build_oops_list();
void build_angleangles_list();
void build_atomtypes_list();
void build_bondtypes_list();
void build_angletypes_list();
void build_dihedraltypes_list();
void build_ooptypes_list();
void build_angleangletypes_list();
void swap_ints(int *,int *);
void bubble_sort(int, int *, int *);
/*#define PRINT_LISTS */
void MakeLists()
total_no_bonds = count_bonds();
total_no_angles = count_angles();
total_no_dihedrals = count_dihedrals();
total_no_oops = count_oops();
total_no_angle_angles = count_angle_angles();
atomtypes = (struct AtomTypeList *)calloc(MAX_ATOM_TYPES,
sizeof(struct AtomTypeList));
if (atomtypes == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for atomtypes list - Exiting\n");
if (total_no_bonds > 0) {
bonds = (struct BondList *)calloc(total_no_bonds,sizeof(struct BondList));
if (bonds == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for bonds list - Exiting\n");
bondtypes = (struct BondTypeList *)calloc(MAX_BOND_TYPES,
sizeof(struct BondTypeList));
if (bondtypes == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for bondtypes list - Exiting\n");
if (total_no_angles > 0) {
angles = (struct AngleList *)calloc(total_no_angles,
sizeof(struct AngleList));
if (angles == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for angles list - Exiting\n");
angletypes = (struct AngleTypeList *)calloc(MAX_ANGLE_TYPES,
sizeof(struct AngleTypeList));
if (angletypes == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for angletypes list - Exiting\n");
if (total_no_dihedrals > 0) {
dihedrals = (struct DihedralList *)calloc(total_no_dihedrals,
sizeof(struct DihedralList));
if (dihedrals == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for dihedrals list - Exiting\n");
dihedraltypes = (struct DihedralTypeList *)calloc(MAX_DIHEDRAL_TYPES,
sizeof(struct DihedralTypeList));
if (dihedraltypes == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for dihedraltypes list - Exiting\n");
if (total_no_oops > 0) {
oops = (struct OOPList *)calloc(total_no_oops,sizeof(struct OOPList));
if (oops == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for oops list - Exiting\n");
ooptypes = (struct OOPTypeList *)calloc(MAX_OOP_TYPES,
sizeof(struct OOPTypeList));
if (ooptypes == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for ooptypes list - Exiting\n");
if ((forcefield > 1) & (total_no_angle_angles > 0)) {
angleangles = (struct AngleAngleList *)calloc(total_no_angle_angles,
sizeof(struct AngleAngleList));
if (angleangles == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for angleangles list - Exiting\n");
angleangletypes = (struct AngleAngleTypeList *)calloc(MAX_ANGLEANGLE_TYPES,
sizeof(struct AngleAngleTypeList));
if (angleangletypes == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble allocating memory for angleangletypes list - Exiting\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Atom Types\n N Potential\n");
for (i=0; i < no_atom_types; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %s\n",i,atomtypes[i].potential);
for (i=0; i < total_no_atoms; i++) {
fprintf(stderr,"Atom %3d %2d %-5s %7.4f %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n",
if (total_no_bonds > 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Bond Types\n");
for (i=0; i < no_bond_types; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %-s %-s\n",i,bondtypes[i].types[0],
fprintf(stderr,"Bonds\n N Type I J\n");
for (i=0; i < total_no_bonds; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d\n",i,bonds[i].type,
if (total_no_angles > 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Angle Types\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d %-s %-s %-s\n",i,angletypes[i].types[0],
fprintf(stderr,"Angles\n N Type I J K\n");
for (i=0; i < total_no_angles; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d %d\n",i,angles[i].type,
if (total_no_dihedrals > 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Dihedral Types\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d %d %-s %-s %-s %-s\n",i,
fprintf(stderr,"Dihedrals\n N Type I J K L\n");
for (i=0; i < total_no_dihedrals; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",i,dihedrals[i].type,
if (total_no_oops > 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Oop Types\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d %d %-s %-s %-s %-s\n",i,
fprintf(stderr,"Oops\n N Type I J K L\n");
for (i=0; i < total_no_oops; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",i,oops[i].type,
if ((forcefield > 1) & (total_no_angle_angles > 0)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Angleangle Types\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angleangle_types; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d %d %-s %-s %-s %-s\n",i,
fprintf(stderr,"AngleAngles\n N Type I J K L\n");
for (i=0; i < total_no_angle_angles; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",i,angleangles[i].type,
if (pflag > 1) {
fprintf(stderr," Number of bonds, types = %7d %3d\n",
fprintf(stderr," Number of angles, types = %7d %3d\n",
total_no_angles, no_angle_types);
fprintf(stderr," Number of dihedrals, types = %7d %3d\n",
total_no_dihedrals, no_dihedral_types);
fprintf(stderr," Number of out-of-planes, types = %7d %3d\n",
total_no_oops, no_oop_types);
if (forcefield ==2)
fprintf(stderr," Number of Angle Angle Terms, types = %7d %3d\n",
total_no_angle_angles, no_angleangle_types);
int count_bonds()
int i,j,n;
for (n=0,i=0; i < total_no_atoms; i++) {
for (j=0; j < atoms[i].no_connect; j++) {
if (i < atoms[i].conn_no[j]) n++;
return n;
void build_bonds_list()
int i,j,n;
for (n=0,i=0; i < total_no_atoms; i++) {
for (j=0; j < atoms[i].no_connect; j++) {
if (i < atoms[i].conn_no[j]) {
bonds[n ].type = 0;
bonds[n ].members[0] = i;
bonds[n++].members[1] = atoms[i].conn_no[j];
int count_angles()
int i,j,k,n;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
if (atoms[j].no_connect > 1) {
for (i=0; i < atoms[j].no_connect-1; i++) {
for (k=i+1; k < atoms[j].no_connect; k++) {
return n;
void build_angles_list()
int i,j,k,n;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
if (atoms[j].no_connect > 1) {
for (i=0; i < atoms[j].no_connect-1; i++) {
for (k=i+1; k < atoms[j].no_connect; k++) {
angles[n ].type = 0;
angles[n ].members[0] = atoms[j].conn_no[i];
angles[n ].members[1] = j;
angles[n++].members[2] = atoms[j].conn_no[k];
int count_dihedrals()
int i,j,k,l,n;
int ii,kk,ll;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
if (atoms[j].no_connect > 1) {
for (kk=0; kk < atoms[j].no_connect; kk++) {
k = atoms[j].conn_no[kk];
if (atoms[k].no_connect > 1) {
if (j < k) {
for (ii=0; ii < atoms[j].no_connect; ii++) {
i = atoms[j].conn_no[ii];
if (i != k) {
for (ll=0; ll < atoms[k].no_connect; ll++) {
l = atoms[k].conn_no[ll];
if (l != j) n++;
return n;
void build_dihedrals_list()
int i,j,k,l,n;
int ii,kk,ll;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
if (atoms[j].no_connect > 1) {
for (kk=0; kk < atoms[j].no_connect; kk++) {
k = atoms[j].conn_no[kk];
if (atoms[k].no_connect > 1) {
if (j < k) {
for (ii=0; ii < atoms[j].no_connect; ii++) {
i = atoms[j].conn_no[ii];
if (i != k) {
for (ll=0; ll < atoms[k].no_connect; ll++) {
l = atoms[k].conn_no[ll];
if (l != j) {
dihedrals[n ].type = 0;
dihedrals[n ].members[0] = i;
dihedrals[n ].members[1] = j;
dihedrals[n ].members[2] = k;
dihedrals[n++].members[3] = l;
int j,n;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
if (atoms[j].no_connect == 3) n++;
return n;
void build_oops_list()
int j,n;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
if (atoms[j].no_connect == 3) {
oops[n ].type = 0;
oops[n ].members[0] = atoms[j].conn_no[0];
oops[n ].members[1] = j;
oops[n ].members[2] = atoms[j].conn_no[1];
oops[n++].members[3] = atoms[j].conn_no[2];
int count_angle_angles()
int num_triples[10] = {0,0,0,4,10,20,35,56,84,120};
int j,n;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
n += num_triples[atoms[j].no_connect-1];
return n;
void build_angleangles_list()
int i,j,k,l,nc,n;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
nc = atoms[j].no_connect;
if (nc > 3) {
for (i=0; i < nc-2; i++) {
for (k=i+1; k < nc-1; k++) {
for (l=k+1; l < nc; l++) {
angleangles[n].type = 0;
angleangles[n ].members[0] = atoms[j].conn_no[i];
angleangles[n ].members[1] = j;
angleangles[n ].members[2] = atoms[j].conn_no[k];
angleangles[n++].members[3] = atoms[j].conn_no[l];
void build_atomtypes_list()
int j,k,n,match,atom_type;
atoms[0].type = 0;
atomtypes[0].no_connect = atoms[0].no_connect;
for (n=1,j=1; j < total_no_atoms; j++) {
match = 0;
k = 0;
while (!match && (k < n)) {
if (strncmp(atomtypes[k].potential,atoms[j].potential,5) == 0) {
match = 1;
atom_type = k;
if (atomtypes[k].no_connect != atoms[j].no_connect) {
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr," WARNING inconsistent # of connects on atom %d type %s\n",j,
if (match == 0) {
atom_type = n;
atomtypes[n].no_connect = atoms[j].no_connect;
if (n >= MAX_ATOM_TYPES) {
fprintf(stderr,"Too many atom types (> 100) - error\n");
atoms[j].type = atom_type;
no_atom_types = n;
void build_bondtypes_list() {
int j,k,n,match,bond_type;
int typei,typej;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_bonds; j++) {
typei = atoms[bonds[j].members[0]].type;
typej = atoms[bonds[j].members[1]].type;
if (typej < typei) {
match = 0;
k = 0;
while (!match && (k < n)) {
if ((typei == bondtypes[k].types[0]) &&
(typej == bondtypes[k].types[1])) {
match = 1;
bond_type = k;
if (match == 0) {
bond_type = n;
bondtypes[n ].types[0] = typei;
bondtypes[n++].types[1] = typej;
if (n >= MAX_BOND_TYPES) {
fprintf(stderr,"Too many bond types (> 200) - error\n");
bonds[j].type = bond_type;
no_bond_types = n;
void build_angletypes_list()
int j,k,n,match,angle_type;
int typei,typej,typek;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_angles; j++) {
typei = atoms[angles[j].members[0]].type;
typej = atoms[angles[j].members[1]].type;
typek = atoms[angles[j].members[2]].type;
if (typek < typei) {
match = 0;
k = 0;
while (!match && (k < n)) {
if ((typei == angletypes[k].types[0]) &&
(typej == angletypes[k].types[1]) &&
(typek == angletypes[k].types[2])) {
match = 1;
angle_type = k;
if (match == 0) {
angle_type = n;
angletypes[n ].types[0] = typei;
angletypes[n ].types[1] = typej;
angletypes[n++].types[2] = typek;
if (n >= MAX_ANGLE_TYPES) {
fprintf(stderr,"Too many angle types (> 300) - error\n");
angles[j].type = angle_type;
no_angle_types = n;
void build_dihedraltypes_list()
int j,k,n,match,dihedral_type;
int typei,typej,typek,typel;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_dihedrals; j++) {
typei = atoms[dihedrals[j].members[0]].type;
typej = atoms[dihedrals[j].members[1]].type;
typek = atoms[dihedrals[j].members[2]].type;
typel = atoms[dihedrals[j].members[3]].type;
if ((typek < typej) || ((typej == typek) && (typel < typei))) {
match = 0;
k = 0;
while (!match && (k < n)) {
if ((typei == dihedraltypes[k].types[0]) &&
(typej == dihedraltypes[k].types[1]) &&
(typek == dihedraltypes[k].types[2]) &&
(typel == dihedraltypes[k].types[3])) {
match = 1;
dihedral_type = k;
if (match == 0) {
dihedral_type = n;
dihedraltypes[n ].types[0] = typei;
dihedraltypes[n ].types[1] = typej;
dihedraltypes[n ].types[2] = typek;
dihedraltypes[n++].types[3] = typel;
fprintf(stderr,"Too many dihedral types (> 400) - error\n");
dihedrals[j].type = dihedral_type;
no_dihedral_types = n;
void build_ooptypes_list()
int j,k,n,match,oop_type;
int temp_types[3],temp_pos[3];
int typei,typej,typek,typel;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_oops; j++) {
typei = atoms[oops[j].members[0]].type;
typej = atoms[oops[j].members[1]].type;
typek = atoms[oops[j].members[2]].type;
typel = atoms[oops[j].members[3]].type;
temp_types[0] = typei;
temp_types[1] = typek;
temp_types[2] = typel;
typei = temp_types[0];
typek = temp_types[1];
typel = temp_types[2];
temp_types[0] = oops[j].members[0];
temp_types[1] = oops[j].members[2];
temp_types[2] = oops[j].members[3];
oops[j].members[0] = temp_types[temp_pos[0]];
oops[j].members[2] = temp_types[temp_pos[1]];
oops[j].members[3] = temp_types[temp_pos[2]];
match = 0;
k = 0;
while (!match && (k < n)) {
if ((typei == ooptypes[k].types[0]) &&
(typej == ooptypes[k].types[1]) &&
(typek == ooptypes[k].types[2]) &&
(typel == ooptypes[k].types[3])) {
match = 1;
oop_type = k;
if (match == 0) {
oop_type = n;
ooptypes[n ].types[0] = typei;
ooptypes[n ].types[1] = typej;
ooptypes[n ].types[2] = typek;
ooptypes[n++].types[3] = typel;
if (n >= MAX_OOP_TYPES) {
fprintf(stderr,"Too many oop types (> 400) - error\n");
oops[j].type = oop_type;
no_oop_types = n;
void build_angleangletypes_list()
int j,k,n,match,angleangle_type;
int temp_types[3],temp_pos[3];
int typei,typej,typek,typel;
for (n=0,j=0; j < total_no_angle_angles; j++) {
typei = atoms[angleangles[j].members[0]].type;
typej = atoms[angleangles[j].members[1]].type;
typek = atoms[angleangles[j].members[2]].type;
typel = atoms[angleangles[j].members[3]].type;
temp_types[0] = typei;
temp_types[1] = typek;
temp_types[2] = typel;
typei = temp_types[0];
typek = temp_types[1];
typel = temp_types[2];
temp_types[0] = angleangles[j].members[0];
temp_types[1] = angleangles[j].members[2];
temp_types[2] = angleangles[j].members[3];
angleangles[j].members[0] = temp_types[temp_pos[0]];
angleangles[j].members[2] = temp_types[temp_pos[1]];
angleangles[j].members[3] = temp_types[temp_pos[2]];
match = 0;
k = 0;
while (!match && (k < n)) {
if ((typei == angleangletypes[k].types[0]) &&
(typej == angleangletypes[k].types[1]) &&
(typek == angleangletypes[k].types[2]) &&
(typel == angleangletypes[k].types[3])) {
match = 1;
angleangle_type = k;
if (match == 0) {
angleangle_type = n;
angleangletypes[n ].types[0] = typei;
angleangletypes[n ].types[1] = typej;
angleangletypes[n ].types[2] = typek;
angleangletypes[n++].types[3] = typel;
fprintf(stderr,"Too many angleangle types (> 400) - error\n");
angleangles[j].type = angleangle_type;
no_angleangle_types = n;
void swap_ints(int *i, int *j)
int temp;
temp = *i;
*i = *j;
*j = temp;
void bubble_sort(int n, int *val, int *pos)
int i,j;
for (i=0; i < n; i++) pos[i] = i;
for (i=0; i < n-1; i++) {
for (j=1; j < n; j++) {
if (val[j] < val[i]) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
TARGET = msi2lmp.exe
SRCS = msi2lmp.c \
ReadCarFile.c \
ReadMdfFile.c \
MakeLists.c \
ReadFrcFile.c \
InitializeItems.c \
SearchAndFill.c \
GetParameters.c \
CheckLists.c \
WriteDataFile05.c \
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
HEADERS = Msi2LMP2.h Forcefield.h
CC = gcc
FRCFILE = cvff.frc
FRCFILE2 = cff91.frc
MKFILE = Makefile
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJS) -lm
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
rm -f $(OBJS) $(TARGET)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
* Header file for Msi2LMP2 conversion program.
* Msi2lmp3
* This is the header file for the third version of a program
* that generates a LAMMPS data file based on the information
* in an MSI car file (atom coordinates) and mdf file (molecular
* topology). A key part of the program looks up forcefield parameters
* from an MSI frc file.
* The first version was written by Steve Lustig at Dupont, but
* required using Discover to derive internal coordinates and
* forcefield parameters
* The second version was written by Michael Peachey while an
* intern in the Cray Chemistry Applications Group managed
* by John Carpenter. This version derived internal coordinates
* from the mdf file and looked up parameters in the frc file
* thus eliminating the need for Discover.
* The third version was written by John Carpenter to optimize
* the performance of the program for large molecular systems
* (the original code for derving atom numbers was quadratic in time)
* and to make the program fully dynamic. The second version used
* fixed dimension arrays for the internal coordinates.
* John Carpenter can be contacted by sending email to
* November 2000
# include <string.h>
# include <stddef.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <math.h>
#ifdef MAIN
#define _EX
#define _ARG(arg) = (arg)
#define _EX extern
#define _ARG(arg)
#define MAX_ATOM_TYPES 100
#define MAX_BOND_TYPES 200
#define MAX_ANGLE_TYPES 300
#define MAX_OOP_TYPES 400
#define MAX_TYPES 12000
#define MAX_MEMBERS 5
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 200
#define MAX_PARAMS 8
#define PI_180 0.01745329252
#define MAX_STRING 50
struct ResidueList {
int start;
int end;
char name[16];
struct MoleculeList {
int start;
int end;
int no_residues;
struct ResidueList *residue;
/* Internal coodinate Lists */
struct BondList {
int type;
int members[2];
struct AngleList {
int type;
int members[3];
struct DihedralList {
int type;
int members[4];
struct OOPList {
int type;
int members[4];
struct AngleAngleList {
int type;
int members[4];
/* Internal coodinate Types Lists */
struct AtomTypeList
char potential[5];
float mass;
double params[2];
int no_connect;
struct BondTypeList {
int types[2];
double params[4];
struct AngleTypeList {
int types[3];
double params[4];
double bondangle_cross_term[4];
double bondbond_cross_term[3];
struct DihedralTypeList {
int types[4];
double params[6];
double endbonddihedral_cross_term[8];
double midbonddihedral_cross_term[4];
double angledihedral_cross_term[8];
double angleangledihedral_cross_term[3];
double bond13_cross_term[3];
struct OOPTypeList {
int types[4];
double params[3];
double angleangle_params[6];
struct AngleAngleTypeList {
int types[4];
double params[6];
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
struct Atom {
int molecule; /* molecule id */
int no; /* atom id */
char name[10]; /* atom name */
double x[3]; /* position vector */
char potential[5]; /* atom potential type */
char element[2]; /* atom element */
float q; /* charge */
char residue_string[16]; /* residue string */
int no_connect; /* number of connections to atom */
char connections[MAX_CONNECTIONS][MAX_STRING]; /* long form, connection name*/
double bond_order[6];
int conn_no[6]; /* Atom number to which atom is connected */
int type;
_EX char rootname[20];
_EX char path[20];
_EX double pbc[9];
_EX int periodic _ARG( 1 ); /* 0= nonperiodic 1= 3-D periodic */
_EX int forcefield _ARG( 0 ); /* 0= ClassI 1= ClassII */
_EX int pflag;
_EX int *no_atoms;
_EX int no_molecules;
_EX int replicate[3];
_EX int total_no_atoms;
_EX int total_no_bonds;
_EX int total_no_angles;
_EX int total_no_dihedrals;
_EX int total_no_angle_angles;
_EX int total_no_oops;
_EX int no_atom_types;
_EX int no_bond_types;
_EX int no_angle_types;
_EX int no_dihedral_types;
_EX int no_oop_types;
_EX int no_angleangle_types;
_EX char FrcFileName[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
_EX struct Atom *atoms;
_EX struct MoleculeList *molecule;
_EX struct BondList *bonds;
_EX struct AngleList *angles;
_EX struct DihedralList *dihedrals;
_EX struct OOPList *oops;
_EX struct AngleAngleList *angleangles;
_EX struct AtomTypeList *atomtypes;
_EX struct BondTypeList *bondtypes;
_EX struct AngleTypeList *angletypes;
_EX struct DihedralTypeList *dihedraltypes;
_EX struct OOPTypeList *ooptypes;
_EX struct AngleAngleTypeList *angleangletypes;
#undef _EX
#undef _ARG

View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
* This function opens the .car file and extracts coordinate information
* into the atoms Atom structure
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
void ReadCarFile(void)
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; /* Stores lines as they are read in */
int k,m,n; /* counters */
int skip; /* lines to skip at beginning of file */
double lowest, highest; /* temp coordinate finding variables */
double total_q;
/* Open .car file for reading */
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr," Reading car file: %s\n",line);
if( (CarF = fopen(line,"r")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",line);
/* Determine Number of molecules & atoms */
no_molecules = -1; /* Set to -1 because counter will be incremented an
extra time at the end of the file */
fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF); /* Read header line */
/* Check for periodicity, if present, read cell constants */
if( strncmp(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF),"PBC=ON",6) == 0) {
periodic = 1;
skip = 5; /* Data starts 5 lines from beginning of file */
fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF); /* Comment line */
fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF); /* Date stamp */
fscanf(CarF,"%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %*s",
if(pbc[3] != 90.0 || pbc[4] != 90.0 || pbc[5] != 90.0) {
fprintf(stderr,"The system is not rectangular- LAMMPS can't handle it!!");
else {
periodic = 0;
skip = 4;
if (pflag > 1) {
fprintf(stderr," %s is not a periodic system\n", rootname);
fprintf(stderr," Assigning cell parameters based on coordinates\n");
fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH, CarF); /* Comment line */
fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH, CarF); /* Date Stamp */
/* First pass through file -- Count molecules */
while(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF) != NULL )
if( strncmp(line,"end",3) == 0 )
/* Allocate space to keep track of the number of atoms within a molecule */
no_atoms = (int *) calloc(no_molecules,sizeof(int));
if ( no_atoms == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory for no_atoms\n");
/* Second pass through file -- Count atoms */
for(n=0; n < skip; n++) /* Skip beginning lines */
for(n=0; n < no_molecules; n++)
while( strncmp(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,CarF),"end",3) )
for( total_no_atoms=0, n=0; n < no_molecules; n++ )
total_no_atoms += no_atoms[n];
molecule = (struct MoleculeList *) calloc(no_molecules,
sizeof(struct MoleculeList));
if (molecule == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for molecule structure\n");
molecule[0].start = 0;
molecule[0].end = no_atoms[0];
for (n=1; n < no_molecules; n++) {
molecule[n].start = molecule[n-1].end;
molecule[n].end = molecule[n].start + no_atoms[n];
/* Allocate space for atoms Atom structures */
atoms = (struct Atom *) calloc(total_no_atoms,sizeof(struct Atom));
if( atoms == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory for AtomList\n");
/* Third pass through file -- Read+Parse Car File */
for(n=0; n < skip; n++)
for(m=0; m < no_molecules; m++) {
for(k=molecule[m].start; k <
molecule[m].end; k++) {
atoms[k].molecule = m;
atoms[k].no = k;
fscanf(CarF,"%s %lf %lf %lf %*s %*s %s %s %f",
} /* End m (molecule) loop */
for (total_q=0.0,k=0; k < total_no_atoms; k++)
total_q += atoms[k].q;
if (pflag > 1) {
fprintf(stderr," There are %d atoms in %d molecules in this file\n",
fprintf(stderr," The total charge in the system is %7.3f.\n\n",total_q);
/* Search coordinates to find lowest and highest for x, y, and z */
if (periodic == 0) {
for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
lowest = atoms[0].x[k];
highest = atoms[0].x[k];
for ( m = 1; m < total_no_atoms; m++) {
if (atoms[m].x[k] < lowest) lowest = atoms[m].x[k];
if (atoms[m].x[k] > highest) highest = atoms[m].x[k];
pbc[k] = lowest;
pbc[k+3] = highest;
else {
for (k=0; k < 3; k++) {
pbc[k+3] = pbc[k];
pbc[k] = 0.0;
/* Close .car file */
if (fclose(CarF) !=0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error closing\n", rootname);
/* End ReadCarFile() */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* This routine reads the data from a .frc forcefield file and stores it in
* dynamically allocated memory. This allows for fast searches of the
* file.
#define FF_MAIN
#include "Forcefield.h"
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
void ReadFrcFile(void)
extern void InitializeItems(void);
extern void SearchAndFill(struct FrcFieldItem *item);
/* Open Forcefield File */
if ( (FrcF = fopen(FrcFileName,"r")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n", FrcFileName);
InitializeItems(); /* sets keywords, number of members and number of
parameters for each structure */
/* allocate memory to and search and fill each structure */
if (forcefield != 1) { /* Skip cross terms for class I */
if (pflag > 1) {
fprintf(stderr,"\n Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
if (forcefield > 1) {
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
if (forcefield > 1) {
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",
if (forcefield > 1) {
fprintf(stderr," Item %s has %d entries\n",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
* This function opens the .mdf file and extracts connectivity information
* into the atoms Atom structure. It also updates the charge from the .car
* file because the charge in the .mdf file has more significant figures.
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
/* Prototype for function to process a single atom
Returns int that flags end of data file */
int get_molecule(char line[], int connect_col_no,
int q_col_no, int *counter);
/* Prototype for function that takes connectivty record as stated in
.mdf file and fills in any default values */
void MakeConnectFullForm(int *counter);
/* prototype for function to clean strange characters out of strings */
void clean_string(char *);
void ReadMdfFile(void)
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; /* Temporary storage for reading lines */
char *col_no; /* Pointer to column number stored as char */
char *col_name; /* Pointer to column name */
int connect_col_no = 0; /* Column number where connection info begins */
int q_col_no = 0; /* Column number containg charge information */
int column_flag=0; /* Flag for finding connect and q col no */
int atom_counter=0; /* Keeps track of current atom number */
int p_flag = 1; /* return value from ProcessConnections() */
int i,j,k,kk,l,n,match,match2,status;
char *temp_string;
char *temp_residue;
char *temp_atom_name;
char *sptr;
char *molecule_name;
unsigned char at_end = 0;
/* Open .mdf file for reading */
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr," Reading mdf file: %s\n",line);
if ((MdfF = fopen(line,"r")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",line);
while (!at_end) {
sptr = fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,MdfF);
if (sptr != NULL) {
if (strncmp(line,"#end",4) == 0) {
at_end = 1;
else if (strncmp(line,"@column",7) == 0) {
temp_string = strtok(line," ");
col_no = strtok(NULL," ");
col_name = strtok(NULL," ");
if (strncmp(col_name,"charge",6) == 0) {
if (strlen(col_name) < 8) {
q_col_no = atoi(col_no);
else if (strncmp(col_name,"connect",7) == 0) {
connect_col_no = atoi(col_no);
else if (strncmp(line,"@molecule",9) == 0) {
temp_string = strtok(line," ");
molecule_name = strtok(NULL," ");
if ((q_col_no == 0) | (connect_col_no == 0)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to process molecule without knowing charge\n");
fprintf(stderr,"and connections columns\n");
sptr = fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,MdfF);
status = get_molecule(line,connect_col_no,q_col_no,&atom_counter);
if (status == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Trouble reading molecule - exiting\n");
else {
else {
fprintf(stderr,"End of File found or error reading line\n");
at_end = 1;
/* Next build list of residues for each molecule This will
facilitate assigning connections numbers as well as figuring
out bonds, angles, etc. This first loop just figures out the
number of residues in each molecule and allocates memory to
store information for each residue. The second loop fills
in starting and ending atom positions for each residue
temp_string = calloc(16,sizeof(char));
temp_string[15] = '\0';
for (n=0; n < no_molecules; n++) {
molecule[n].no_residues = 1;
for (i=molecule[n].start+1; i < molecule[n].end; i++) {
if (strncmp(temp_string,atoms[i].residue_string,16) != 0) {
molecule[n].residue = (struct ResidueList *)
calloc(molecule[n].no_residues, sizeof(struct ResidueList));
if (molecule[n].residue == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for residue list - molecule %d\n",
for (n=0; n < no_molecules; n++) {
j = 0;
molecule[n].residue[j].start = molecule[n].start;
for (i=molecule[n].start+1; i < molecule[n].end; i++) {
if (strncmp(molecule[n].residue[j].name,
atoms[i].residue_string,16) != 0) {
molecule[n].residue[j].end = i;
molecule[n].residue[++j].start = i;
molecule[n].residue[j].end = molecule[n].end;
fprintf(stderr,"Molecule %d has %d residues",n,molecule[n].no_residues);
for (i=0; i < molecule[n].no_residues; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," %s",molecule[n].residue[i].name);
for (i=molecule[n].start; i < molecule[n].end; i++) {
fprintf(stderr," atom %d residue %s\n",i,atoms[i].residue_string);
fprintf(stderr," residue %s start %d end %d\n",molecule[n].residue[i].name,
/* Assign atom names in connections[] to corresponding atom numbers */
for (n=0; n < no_molecules; n++) {
for (j=0; j < molecule[n].no_residues; j++) {
for (i=molecule[n].residue[j].start; i < molecule[n].residue[j].end;
i++) {
for (l=0; l < atoms[i].no_connect; l++) {
temp_residue = strtok(temp_string,":");
temp_atom_name = strtok(NULL,"%");
if (strcmp(temp_residue,molecule[n].residue[j].name) == 0) {
/* atom and connection are part of same residue
Search names on just that residue */
k = molecule[n].residue[j].start;
match = 0;
while (!match && (k < molecule[n].residue[j].end)) {
if (strcmp(atoms[k].name,temp_atom_name) == 0) {
atoms[i].conn_no[l] = k;
match = 1;
if (match == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to resolve atom number of atom %d conn %d string %s:%s\n Something is wrong in the MDF file\n",
else {
/* atom and connection are on different residues
First find the residue that the connection is
on then loop over its atoms
match = 0;
while (!match && (k < molecule[n].no_residues)) {
if (strcmp(temp_residue,molecule[n].residue[k].name) == 0) {
kk = molecule[n].residue[k].start;
match2 = 0;
while (!match2 && (kk < molecule[n].residue[k].end)) {
if (strcmp(atoms[kk].name,temp_atom_name) == 0) {
atoms[i].conn_no[l] = kk;
match2 = 1;
if (match2 == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to resolve atom number of atom %d conn %d string %s\n Something is wrong in the MDF file\n",
match = 1;
if (match == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Unable to find residue associated with conn %d %s on atom %d\n Something is wrong in the MDF file\n", l,atoms[i].connections[l],i);
} /* end if */
} /* l - loop over connections on atom i */
} /* i - loop on atoms in residue j molecule n */
} /* j - loop on residues in molecule n */
} /* n - loop over molecules */
for (n=0; n < no_molecules; n++) {
fprintf(stderr,"Molecule %d has %d residues\n",n,molecule[n].no_residues);
for (j=0; j < molecule[n].no_residues; j++) {
fprintf(stderr," Residue %d named %s\n",j,molecule[n].residue[j].name);
for (i=molecule[n].residue[j].start; i < molecule[n].residue[j].end;
i++) {
fprintf(stderr," Atom %d type %s connected to ",i,atoms[i].potential);
for (l=0; l < atoms[i].no_connect; l++) fprintf(stderr," %d ",
/* Close .mdf file */
if (fclose(MdfF) !=0) {
printf("Error closing\n", rootname);
} /* End ReadMdfFile function */
/*--------------------- get_molecule Function-----------------------*/
int get_molecule(char *line, int connect_col_no, int q_col_no,
int *counter)
char *cur_field; /* For storing current string token */
int i; /* Used in loop counters */
int connect_no; /* Connection number within atom */
int r_val = 1; /* Return value. 1 = successful
0 = EOF encountered */
/* Loop over atoms */
/* blank line signals end of molecule*/
while(!blank_line(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,MdfF))) {
/* while(strlen(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,MdfF)) > 2) { */
/* Get atom name */
cur_field = strtok(line,":");
sscanf(cur_field, "%s", atoms[*counter].residue_string);
cur_field = strtok(NULL," ");
/* Compare atom name with that in .car file */
if (strcmp(atoms[*counter].name, cur_field)) {
fprintf(stderr,"Names %s from .car file and %s from .mdf file do not match\n",
atoms[*counter].name, cur_field);
fprintf(stderr,"counter = %d\n",*counter);
fprintf(stderr,"Program Terminating\n");
/* Skip unwanted fields until charge column, then update charge */
for (i=1; i < q_col_no; i++) strtok(NULL," ");
cur_field = strtok(NULL, " ");
atoms[*counter].q = atof(cur_field);
/* Continue skipping unwanted fields until connectivity records begin */
for ( i = (q_col_no + 1); i < connect_col_no; i++) strtok(NULL," ");
/* Process connections */
connect_no = 0; /* reset connections counter */
while ((cur_field = strtok(NULL," ")) && (connect_no < MAX_CONNECTIONS)) {
sscanf(cur_field, "%s", atoms[*counter].connections[connect_no++]);
atoms[*counter].no_connect = connect_no;
} /* End atom processing loop */
return r_val;
} /* End get_molecule function */
/*------------------------MakeConnectFullForm Function--------------------*/
void MakeConnectFullForm(int *counter) {
/* This function processes the connection names after all connections
for an atom have been read in.
It replaces any short forms that use implied default values
with the full form connectivity record */
int i; /* Counter for character array */
int j; /* loop counter */
char tempname[MAX_STRING]; /* name of connection */
char tempcell[10]; /* Values from connectivity record */
char tempsym[5]; /* " " */
char tempbo[6]; /* " " */
char *charptr;
for ( j = 0; j < atoms[*counter].no_connect; j++) {
/* If not full name, make name full */
if (strchr(atoms[*counter].connections[j],':') == NULL) {
sscanf(tempname, "%s",
sscanf(atoms[*counter].connections[j], "%s", tempname);
/* Set cell variables */
charptr = (strchr(tempname,'%'));
if (charptr != NULL) {
while ( *charptr!='#' && *charptr!='/' && *charptr!='\000')
tempcell[i++] = *(charptr++);
tempcell[i] = '\000';
strcpy(tempcell, "%000");
/* Set symmetry variables
-- If not 1, cannot handle at this time */
i = 0;
charptr = (strchr(tempname,'#'));
if (charptr != NULL) {
while (*charptr != '/' && *charptr !='\000') {
tempsym[i++] = *(charptr++);
if ((i==2) && (tempsym[1] != '1')) {
fprintf(stderr,"Msi2LMP is not equipped to handle symmetry operations\n");
tempsym[i] = '\000';
strcpy(tempsym, "#1");
/* Set bond order and record in data structure */
i = 0;
charptr = strchr(tempname,'/');
if (charptr != NULL) {
while (*charptr != '\000')
tempbo[i++] = *(charptr++);
tempbo[i] = '\000';
strcpy(tempbo, "1.0");
atoms[*counter].bond_order[j] = atof(tempbo);
/* Build connection name and store in atoms data structure */
strtok( tempname, "%#/");
strcat( tempname, tempcell);
strcat( tempname, tempsym);
strcat( tempname, "/");
strcat( tempname, tempbo);
if (strlen(tempname) > 25) fprintf(stderr,"tempname overrun %s\n",tempname);
sscanf( tempname, "%s", atoms[*counter].connections[j]);
}/*End for loop*/
}/* End function MakeNameLong
void clean_string(char *string) {
int i,n;
short k;
n = strlen(string);
for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
k = (short)string[i];
if ((k<32) | (k>127)) string[i] = '\0';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
* This function first allocates memory to the forcefield item
* structures and then reads parameters from the forcefield file into the
* allocated memory
#include "Forcefield.h"
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
unsigned char string_match(char *,char *);
void SearchAndFill(struct FrcFieldItem *item)
int i,j; /* counters */
int got_it = 0;
int ctr = 0;
long file_pos;
char line[MAX_LINE] = "empty";
char *charptr,*status;
extern FILE *FrcF;
/***********************ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR STRUCTURE ********************/
/* Read and discard lines until keyword is found */
while ((got_it == 0)) {
status = fgets( line, MAX_LINE, FrcF );
if (status == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr," Unable to find forcefield keyword %s\n",item->keyword);
fprintf(stderr," Check consistency of forcefield name and class \n");
fprintf(stderr," Exiting....\n");
if (line[0] == '#') {
if (string_match(strtok(line," '\t'("),item->keyword)) got_it = 1;
/* if (strncmp(line, item->keyword,strlen(item->keyword))==0) got_it = 1; */
file_pos = ftell(FrcF);
/* Count the number of lines until next item is found */
while( strncmp(fgets(line,MAX_LINE,FrcF), "#", 1) != 0 )
/* Allocate the memory using calloc */
item->data = calloc(ctr, sizeof(struct FrcFieldData));
if (item->data == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate memory to %s\n", item->keyword);
/********************FILL PARAMETERS AND EQUIVALENCES ********************/
/* Read lines until keyword is found */
/* Read lines until data starts (when !--- is found) */
ctr = 0;
while ( strncmp(line,"!---", 4) != 0 ) {
fgets(line, MAX_LINE, FrcF);
/* Get first line of data that isn't commented out */
fgets(line, MAX_LINE, FrcF);
while (strncmp(line,"!",1) == 0) {
fgets( line, MAX_LINE, FrcF);
/* Read data into structure */
while( strncmp( line, "#", 1 ) != 0 ) {
float version;
int reference,replace;
char atom_types[5][5];
double parameters[8];
/* version number and reference number */
version = atof(strtok(line, " "));
reference = atoi(strtok(NULL, " "));
/* equivalences */
for(i = 0; i < item->number_of_members; i++ ) {
sscanf(strtok(NULL, " "), "%s", atom_types[i]);
/* parameters -- Because of symmetrical terms, bonang, angtor, and
endbontor have to be treated carefully */
for( i = 0; i < item->number_of_parameters; i++ ) {
charptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
if(charptr == NULL) {
for ( j = i; j < item->number_of_parameters; j++ )
parameters[j] = parameters[j-i];
else {
parameters[i] = atof(charptr);
/* Search for matching sets of atom types.
If found and the version number is greater, substitute
the current set of parameters in place of the found set.
Otherwise, add the current set of parameters to the
replace = ctr;
for (j=0; j < ctr; j++) {
int k=0;
int match = 1;
while (match && (k < item->number_of_members)) {
if (strncmp(item->data[j].ff_types[k],atom_types[k],5) == 0)
match = 0;
if (match == 1) {
replace = j;
if (replace != ctr) {
if (version > item->data[replace].ver) {
if (pflag > 1) {
fprintf(stderr," Using higher version of parameters for");
fprintf(stderr," %s ",item->keyword);
for (i=0; i < item->number_of_members; i++)
fprintf(stderr,"%s ",atom_types[i]);
fprintf(stderr," version %3.2f\n",version);
item->data[replace].ver = version;
item->data[replace].ref = reference;
for (i=0; i < item->number_of_members; i++) {
for (i=0; i < item->number_of_parameters; i++) {
item->data[replace].ff_param[i] = parameters[i];
else {
if (pflag > 1) {
fprintf(stderr," Using higher version of parameters for");
fprintf(stderr," %s ",item->keyword);
for (i=0; i < item->number_of_members; i++)
fprintf(stderr,"%s ",item->data[replace].ff_types[i]);
fprintf(stderr," version %3.2f\n",item->data[replace].ver);
else {
item->data[ctr].ver = version;
item->data[ctr].ref = reference;
for (i=0; i < item->number_of_members; i++) {
for (i=0; i < item->number_of_parameters; i++) {
item->data[ctr].ff_param[i] = parameters[i];
fgets( line, MAX_LINE, FrcF);
/*if blank line encountered, get next */
while((blank_line(line)) ||
(strncmp(line,"!",1) == 0)) {
fgets( line, MAX_LINE, FrcF);
item->entries = ctr;
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n", item->keyword);
for(i=0;i<ctr;i++) {
fprintf(stderr,"%3s ", item->data[i].ff_equiv[j]);
fprintf(stderr," ");
fprintf(stderr,"%10.5f ",item->data[i].ff_param[j]);
unsigned char string_match(char *string1,char *string2)
int len1,len2;
len1 = strlen(string1);
len2 = strlen(string2);
if (len1 != len2) {
return 0;
else {
if (strncmp(string1,string2,len1) == 0) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
* This function creates and writes the data file to be used with LAMMPS
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
#include "Forcefield.h"
void WriteDataFile(FILE *DatF,char *nameroot,int forcefield)
int i,j,k,m;
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
if (forcefield == 1) total_no_angle_angles = 0;
fprintf(DatF, "LAMMPS data file for %s\n\n", nameroot);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d atoms\n", total_no_atoms);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d bonds\n", total_no_bonds);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d angles\n",total_no_angles);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d dihedrals\n", total_no_dihedrals);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d impropers\n", total_no_oops+total_no_angle_angles);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, " %3d atom types\n", no_atom_types);
if (no_bond_types > 0)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d bond types\n", no_bond_types);
if (no_angle_types> 0)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d angle types\n", no_angle_types);
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) fprintf (DatF," %3d dihedral types\n",
if (forcefield > 1) {
if ((no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types) > 0)
fprintf (DatF, " %3d improper types\n",
no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types);
else {
if (no_oop_types > 0)
fprintf (DatF, " %3d improper types\n", no_oop_types);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f xlo xhi\n", pbc[0], pbc[3]);
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f ylo yhi\n", pbc[1], pbc[4]);
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f zlo zhi\n", pbc[2], pbc[5]);
/* MASSES */
fprintf(DatF, "\nMasses\n\n");
for(k=0; k < no_atom_types; k++)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d %10.6f\n",k+1,atomtypes[k].mass);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"Nonbond Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_atom_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, " %3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%14.10f ", atomtypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_bond_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 2;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 4;
fprintf(DatF,"Bond Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_bond_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", bondtypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_angle_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 2;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 4;
fprintf(DatF,"Angle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angletypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 3;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 6;
fprintf(DatF,"Dihedral Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", dihedraltypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (forcefield == 1) {
if (no_oop_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"Improper Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
else if (forcefield == 2) {
if ((no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types) > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"Improper Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angleangle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+no_oop_types+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", 0.0);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (forcefield == 2) {
if (no_angle_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"BondBond Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angletypes[i].bondbond_cross_term[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"BondAngle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",angletypes[i].bondangle_cross_term[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if ((no_oop_types+no_angleangle_types) > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"AngleAngle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].angleangle_params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angleangle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+no_oop_types+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angleangletypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF,"%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"EndBondTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++)
fprintf(DatF,"%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"BondBond13 Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"AngleTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/* ATOMS */
fprintf(DatF, "Atoms\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_atoms; k++) {
fprintf(DatF, " %6i %6i %3i %9.6f %15.9f %15.9f %15.9f\n",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** BONDS *****/
if (total_no_bonds > 0) {
fprintf(DatF, "Bonds\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_bonds; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
/***** ANGLES *****/
if (total_no_angles > 0) {
fprintf(DatF, "Angles\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_angles; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** TORSIONS *****/
if (total_no_dihedrals > 0) {
for(k=0; k < total_no_dihedrals; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** OUT-OF-PLANES *****/
if (total_no_oops+total_no_angle_angles > 0) {
for (k=0; k < total_no_oops; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i \n", k+1,
if (forcefield == 2) {
for (k=0; k < total_no_angle_angles; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i \n",k+total_no_oops+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
* This function creates and writes the data file to be used with LAMMPS
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
#include "Forcefield.h"
void WriteDataFile01(char *nameroot,int forcefield)
int i,j,k,m;
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
/* Open data file */
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr," Writing LAMMPS 2001 data file: %s\n",line);
if( (DatF = fopen(line,"w")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",line);
if (forcefield == 1) total_no_angle_angles = 0;
fprintf(DatF, "LAMMPS data file for %s\n\n", nameroot);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d atoms\n", total_no_atoms);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d bonds\n", total_no_bonds);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d angles\n",total_no_angles);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d dihedrals\n", total_no_dihedrals);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d impropers\n", total_no_oops+total_no_angle_angles);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, " %3d atom types\n", no_atom_types);
if (no_bond_types > 0)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d bond types\n", no_bond_types);
if (no_angle_types> 0)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d angle types\n", no_angle_types);
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) fprintf (DatF," %3d dihedral types\n",
if (forcefield > 1) {
if ((no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types) > 0)
fprintf (DatF, " %3d improper types\n",
no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types);
else {
if (no_oop_types > 0)
fprintf (DatF, " %3d improper types\n", no_oop_types);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f xlo xhi\n", pbc[0], pbc[3]);
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f ylo yhi\n", pbc[1], pbc[4]);
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f zlo zhi\n", pbc[2], pbc[5]);
/* MASSES */
fprintf(DatF, "\nMasses\n\n");
for(k=0; k < no_atom_types; k++)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d %10.6f\n",k+1,atomtypes[k].mass);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"Nonbond Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_atom_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, " %3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%14.10f ", atomtypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_bond_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 2;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 4;
fprintf(DatF,"Bond Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_bond_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", bondtypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_angle_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 2;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 4;
fprintf(DatF,"Angle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angletypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 3;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 6;
fprintf(DatF,"Dihedral Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", dihedraltypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (forcefield == 1) {
if (no_oop_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"Improper Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
else if (forcefield == 2) {
if ((no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types) > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"Improper Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angleangle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+no_oop_types+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", 0.0);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (forcefield == 2) {
if (no_angle_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"BondBond Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angletypes[i].bondbond_cross_term[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"BondAngle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",angletypes[i].bondangle_cross_term[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if ((no_oop_types+no_angleangle_types) > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"AngleAngle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].angleangle_params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angleangle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+no_oop_types+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angleangletypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF,"%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"EndBondTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++)
fprintf(DatF,"%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"BondBond13 Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"AngleTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/* ATOMS */
fprintf(DatF, "Atoms\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_atoms; k++) {
fprintf(DatF, " %6i %6i %3i %9.6f %15.9f %15.9f %15.9f\n",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** BONDS *****/
if (total_no_bonds > 0) {
fprintf(DatF, "Bonds\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_bonds; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
/***** ANGLES *****/
if (total_no_angles > 0) {
fprintf(DatF, "Angles\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_angles; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** TORSIONS *****/
if (total_no_dihedrals > 0) {
for(k=0; k < total_no_dihedrals; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** OUT-OF-PLANES *****/
if (total_no_oops+total_no_angle_angles > 0) {
for (k=0; k < total_no_oops; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i \n", k+1,
if (forcefield == 2) {
for (k=0; k < total_no_angle_angles; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i \n",k+total_no_oops+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/* Close data file */
if (fclose(DatF) !=0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error closing %s.lammps01\n", rootname);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
* This function creates and writes the data file to be used with LAMMPS
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
#include "Forcefield.h"
void WriteDataFile05(char *nameroot,int forcefield)
int i,j,k,m;
char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
/* Open data file */
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr," Writing LAMMPS 2005 data file: %s\n",line);
if( (DatF = fopen(line,"w")) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",line);
if (forcefield == 1) total_no_angle_angles = 0;
fprintf(DatF, "LAMMPS 2005 data file for %s\n\n", nameroot);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d atoms\n", total_no_atoms);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d bonds\n", total_no_bonds);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d angles\n",total_no_angles);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d dihedrals\n", total_no_dihedrals);
fprintf(DatF, " %6d impropers\n", total_no_oops+total_no_angle_angles);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, " %3d atom types\n", no_atom_types);
if (no_bond_types > 0)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d bond types\n", no_bond_types);
if (no_angle_types> 0)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d angle types\n", no_angle_types);
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) fprintf (DatF," %3d dihedral types\n",
if (forcefield > 1) {
if ((no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types) > 0)
fprintf (DatF, " %3d improper types\n",
no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types);
else {
if (no_oop_types > 0)
fprintf (DatF, " %3d improper types\n", no_oop_types);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f xlo xhi\n", pbc[0], pbc[3]);
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f ylo yhi\n", pbc[1], pbc[4]);
fprintf(DatF, " %15.9f %15.9f zlo zhi\n", pbc[2], pbc[5]);
/* MASSES */
fprintf(DatF, "\nMasses\n\n");
for(k=0; k < no_atom_types; k++)
fprintf(DatF, " %3d %10.6f\n",k+1,atomtypes[k].mass);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"Pair Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_atom_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, " %3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%14.10f ", atomtypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_bond_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 2;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 4;
fprintf(DatF,"Bond Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_bond_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", bondtypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_angle_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 2;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 4;
fprintf(DatF,"Angle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angletypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) {
if (forcefield == 1) m = 3;
if (forcefield == 2) m = 6;
fprintf(DatF,"Dihedral Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < m; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", dihedraltypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (forcefield == 1) {
if (no_oop_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"Improper Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
else if (forcefield == 2) {
if ((no_oop_types + no_angleangle_types) > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"Improper Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angleangle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+no_oop_types+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", 0.0);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (forcefield == 2) {
if (no_angle_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"BondBond Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angletypes[i].bondbond_cross_term[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"BondAngle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",angletypes[i].bondangle_cross_term[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if ((no_oop_types+no_angleangle_types) > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"AngleAngle Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_oop_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", ooptypes[i].angleangle_params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
for (i=0; i < no_angleangle_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+no_oop_types+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ", angleangletypes[i].params[j]);
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
if (no_dihedral_types > 0) {
fprintf(DatF,"AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF,"%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"EndBondTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++)
fprintf(DatF,"%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"BondBond13 Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF,"AngleTorsion Coeffs\n\n");
for (i=0; i < no_dihedral_types; i++) {
fprintf(DatF, "%3i ", i+1);
for ( j = 0; j < 8; j++)
fprintf(DatF, "%10.4f ",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/* ATOMS */
fprintf(DatF, "Atoms\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_atoms; k++) {
fprintf(DatF, " %6i %6i %3i %9.6f %15.9f %15.9f %15.9f\n",
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** BONDS *****/
if (total_no_bonds > 0) {
fprintf(DatF, "Bonds\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_bonds; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
/***** ANGLES *****/
if (total_no_angles > 0) {
fprintf(DatF, "Angles\n\n");
for(k=0; k < total_no_angles; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** TORSIONS *****/
if (total_no_dihedrals > 0) {
for(k=0; k < total_no_dihedrals; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i\n",k+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/***** OUT-OF-PLANES *****/
if (total_no_oops+total_no_angle_angles > 0) {
for (k=0; k < total_no_oops; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i \n", k+1,
if (forcefield == 2) {
for (k=0; k < total_no_angle_angles; k++)
fprintf(DatF, "%6i %3i %6i %6i %6i %6i \n",k+total_no_oops+1,
fprintf(DatF, "\n");
/* Close data file */
if (fclose(DatF) !=0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error closing %s.lammps05\n", rootname);

tools/msi2lmp/src/msi2lmp.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
* msi2lmp.exe V3.6
* v3.6 KLA - Changes to output to either lammps 2001 (F90 version) or to
* lammps 2005 (C++ version)
* v3.4 JEC - a number of minor changes due to way newline and EOF are generated
* on Materials Studio generated .car and .mdf files as well as odd
* behavior out of newer Linux IO libraries. ReadMdfFile was restructured
* in the process.
* v3.1 JEC - changed IO interface to standard in/out, forcefield file
* location can be indicated by environmental variable; added
* printing options, consistency checks and forcefield
* parameter versions sensitivity (highest one used)
* v3.0 JEC - program substantially rewritten to reduce execution time
* and be 98 % dynamic in memory use (still fixed limits on
* number of parameter types for different internal coordinate
* sets)
* v2.0 MDP - got internal coordinate information from mdf file and
* forcefield parameters from frc file thus eliminating
* need for Discover
* V1.0 SL - original version. Used .car file and internal coordinate
* information from Discover to produce LAMMPS data file.
* This program uses the .car and .mdf files from MSI/Biosyms's INSIGHT
* program to produce a LAMMPS data file.
* The program is started by supplying information at the command prompt
* according to the usage described below.
* USAGE: msi2lmp3 ROOTNAME {-print #} {-class #} {-frc FRC_FILE} -2001
* -- msi2lmp3 is the name of the executable
* -- ROOTNAME is the base name of the .car and .mdf files
* -- -print
* # is the print level: 0 - silent except for errors
* 1 - minimal (default)
* 2 - more verbose
* -- -class
* # is the class of forcefield to use (I = Class I e.g., CVFF)
* (II = Class II e.g., CFFx )
* default is -class I
* -- -frc - specifies name of the forcefield file (e.g., cff91)
* If the name includes a hard wired directory (i.e., if the name
* starts with . or /), then the name is used alone. Otherwise,
* the program looks for the forcefield file in $BIOSYM_LIBRARY.
* If $BIOSYM_LIBRARY is not set, then the current directory is
* used.
* If the file name does not include a dot after the first
* character, then .frc is appended to the name.
* For example, -frc cvff (assumes cvff.frc is in $BIOSYM_LIBRARY
* or .)
* -frc cff/cff91 (assumes cff91.frc is in
* $BIOSYM_LIBRARY/cff or ./cff)
* -frc /usr/local/biosym/forcefields/cff95 (absolute
* location)
* By default, the program uses $BIOSYM_LIBRARY/cvff.frc
* -- -2001 will output a data file for the FORTRAN 90 version of LAMMPS (2001)
* By default, the program will output for the C++ version of LAMMPS.
* -- output is written to a file called ROOTNAME.lammps{01/05}
* Msi2lmp3
* This is the third version of a program that generates a LAMMPS
* data file based on the information in a MSI car file (atom
* coordinates) and mdf file (molecular topology). A key part of
* the program looks up forcefield parameters from an MSI frc file.
* The first version was written by Steve Lustig at Dupont, but
* required using Discover to derive internal coordinates and
* forcefield parameters
* The second version was written by Michael Peachey while an
* in intern in the Cray Chemistry Applications Group managed
* by John Carpenter. This version derived internal coordinates
* from the mdf file and looked up parameters in the frc file
* thus eliminating the need for Discover.
* The third version was written by John Carpenter to optimize
* the performance of the program for large molecular systems
* (the original code for deriving atom numbers was quadratic in time)
* and to make the program fully dynamic. The second version used
* fixed dimension arrays for the internal coordinates.
* John Carpenter can be contacted by sending email to
* November 2000
#define MAIN
#include "Msi2LMP2.h"
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int n,i,found_dot; /* Counter */
int outv;
char *string;
char *frc_dir_name;
char *frc_file_name;
/* Functions called from within main */
/* All code is located in .c file with function name */
extern void FrcMenu();
extern void ReadCarFile();
extern void ReadMdfFile();
extern void ReadFrcFile();
extern void MakeLists();
extern void GetParameters(int);
extern void CheckLists();
extern void WriteDataFile(FILE *,char *,int);
outv = 2005;
pflag = 1;
forcefield = 1; /* Variable that identifies forcefield to use */
frc_file_name = (char *) calloc(160,sizeof(char));
frc_dir_name = (char *) calloc(160,sizeof(char));
frc_dir_name = getenv("BIOSYM_LIBRARY");
if (frc_dir_name == NULL) {
frc_file_name = strcpy(frc_file_name,"./cvff.frc");
else {
for (i=0; i < strlen(frc_dir_name); i++)
frc_file_name[i] = frc_dir_name[i];
frc_file_name = strcat(frc_file_name,"/cvff.frc");
if (argc < 2) { /* If no rootname was supplied, prompt for it */
fprintf(stderr,"The rootname of the .car and .mdf files must be entered\n");
else /* rootname was supplied as first argument, copy to rootname */
n = 2;
while (n < argc) {
if (strcmp(argv[n],"-class") == 0) {
if (strcmp(argv[n+1],"I") == 0) {
forcefield = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[n+1],"II") == 0) {
forcefield = 2;
else {
fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized Forcefield class: %s\n",
else if (strcmp(argv[n],"-2001") == 0) {
outv = 2001;
else if (strcmp(argv[n],"-frc") == 0) {
if ((frc_dir_name != NULL) && (argv[n+1][0] != '.')) {
for (i=0; i < strlen(frc_dir_name); i++) {
frc_file_name[i] = frc_dir_name[i];
frc_file_name[strlen(frc_dir_name)] = '\0';
frc_file_name = strcat(frc_file_name,"/");
frc_file_name = strcat(frc_file_name,argv[n+1]);
else {
frc_file_name = strcpy(frc_file_name,argv[n+1]);
found_dot = 0;
for (i=1; i < strlen(frc_file_name); i++) {
if (frc_file_name[i] == '.') found_dot = 1;
if (found_dot == 0)
frc_file_name = strcat(frc_file_name,".frc");
else if (strstr(argv[n],"-p") != NULL) {
pflag = atoi(argv[n+1]);
else {
fprintf(stderr,"Unrecognized option: %s\n",argv[n]);
for (i=0; i < strlen(frc_file_name); i++)
FrcFileName[i] = frc_file_name[i];
if (pflag > 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"\nRunning Msi2lmp.....\n\n");
fprintf(stderr," Forcefield file name: %s\n",FrcFileName);
fprintf(stderr," Forcefield class: %d\n\n",forcefield);
if (((forcefield == 1) && (strstr(FrcFileName,"cff") != NULL) ||
(forcefield == 2) && (strstr(FrcFileName,"cvff") != NULL))) {
fprintf(stderr," WARNING - forcefield name and class appear to\n");
fprintf(stderr," be inconsistent - Errors may result\n\n");
/* Read in .car file */
/*Read in .mdf file */
/* Define bonds, angles, etc...*/
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n Building internal coordinate lists \n");
/* Read .frc file into memory */
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n Reading forcefield file \n");
/* Get forcefield parameters */
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n Get parameters for this molecular system\n");
/* Do internal check of internal coordinate lists */
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr,"\n Check parameters for internal consistency\n");
if (outv == 2001) { fprintf(stderr,"\n Writing LAMMPS 2001 data file\n");
else if (outv == 2005) {fprintf(stderr,"\n Writing LAMMPS 2005 data file\n");
if (pflag > 0) fprintf(stderr,"\nNormal program termination\n");
#include <ctype.h>
int blank_line(char *line)
int i,n;
for (i=0,n=0; i < strlen(line); i++) {
if (isalnum((unsigned char)line[i])) n++;
if (n > 0) {
else {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
LAMMPS data file for nylon
117 atoms
116 bonds
219 angles
311 dihedrals
11 impropers
8 atom types
10 bond types
19 angle types
25 dihedral types
3 improper types
-2.085999966 11.720000267 xlo xhi
3.098999977 22.469999313 ylo yhi
-1.845999956 35.515998840 zlo zhi
1 12.011150
2 14.006700
3 12.011150
4 15.999400
5 1.007970
6 1.007970
7 15.999400
8 14.006700
Nonbond Coeffs
1 0.0389999952 3.8754094636
2 0.1669999743 3.5012320066
3 0.1479999981 3.6170487995
4 0.2280000124 2.8597848722
5 0.0380000011 2.4499714540
6 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
7 0.2280000124 2.8597848722
8 0.1669999743 3.5012320066
Bond Coeffs
1 322.7158 1.5260
2 340.6175 1.1050
3 356.5988 1.4700
4 377.5752 1.4600
5 388.0000 1.3200
6 483.4512 1.0260
7 615.3220 1.2300
8 283.0924 1.5200
9 540.0000 1.2500
10 457.4592 1.0260
Angle Coeffs
1 44.4000 110.0000
2 50.0000 109.5000
3 39.5000 106.4000
4 57.3000 109.5000
5 46.6000 110.5000
6 50.0000 109.5000
7 51.5000 109.5000
8 111.0000 118.0000
9 35.0000 122.0000
10 37.5000 115.0000
11 68.0000 120.0000
12 53.5000 114.1000
13 68.0000 120.0000
14 46.6000 110.5000
15 45.0000 109.5000
16 68.0000 120.0000
17 145.0000 123.0000
18 41.6000 110.0000
19 36.0000 105.5000
Dihedral Coeffs
1 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
2 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
3 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
4 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
5 0.0889 1.0000 3.0000
6 0.0889 1.0000 3.0000
7 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
8 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
9 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
10 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
11 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
12 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
13 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
14 3.8000 -1.0000 2.0000
15 3.2000 -1.0000 2.0000
16 1.8000 -1.0000 2.0000
17 1.2000 -1.0000 2.0000
18 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
19 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
20 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
21 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
22 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
23 0.1581 1.0000 3.0000
24 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
25 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
Improper Coeffs
1 10.0000 -1.0000 2.0000
2 10.0000 -1.0000 2.0000
3 11.6000 -1.0000 2.0000
1 0 1 0.220000 1.493000031 20.593999863 -0.449999988
2 0 1 -0.200000 2.328000069 19.871000290 0.623000026
3 0 1 -0.200000 2.887000084 20.902999878 1.621000051
4 0 1 -0.200000 3.533999920 20.169000626 2.809999943
5 0 1 -0.200000 4.085000038 21.201000214 3.812999964
6 0 1 0.020000 4.731999874 20.466999054 5.001999855
7 0 2 -0.500000 5.270999908 21.479000092 5.985000134
8 0 3 0.380000 6.477000237 21.142000198 6.829999924
9 0 4 -0.380000 7.435999870 22.232000351 7.244999886
10 0 1 -0.200000 6.728000164 19.687000275 7.267000198
11 0 1 -0.200000 7.763999939 19.665000916 8.406999588
12 0 1 -0.200000 7.464000225 18.486000061 9.350999832
13 0 1 -0.200000 8.416000366 18.541000366 10.560999870
14 0 3 0.380000 8.112999916 17.364999771 11.506999969
15 0 4 -0.380000 6.711999893 16.809000015 11.597000122
16 0 5 0.100000 2.111000061 20.704999924 -1.401000023
17 0 5 0.100000 1.195999980 21.625999451 -0.067000002
18 0 5 0.100000 3.191999912 19.319000244 0.125000000
19 0 5 0.100000 1.669999957 19.124000549 1.179000020
20 0 5 0.100000 3.670000076 21.548999786 1.101999998
21 0 5 0.100000 2.039000034 21.563999176 1.998999953
22 0 5 0.100000 4.388000011 19.513999939 2.434000015
23 0 5 0.100000 2.753999949 19.517999649 3.325999975
24 0 5 0.100000 4.866000175 21.853000641 3.298000097
25 0 5 0.100000 3.232000113 21.857000351 4.190000057
26 0 5 0.100000 5.585000038 19.811000824 4.625999928
27 0 5 0.100000 3.951999903 19.815999985 5.518000126
28 0 6 0.280000 4.782000065 22.469999313 6.085999966
29 0 5 0.100000 7.124000072 19.086999893 6.382999897
30 0 5 0.100000 5.751999855 19.225000381 7.632999897
31 0 5 0.100000 8.809000015 19.542999268 7.967999935
32 0 5 0.100000 7.709000111 20.642000198 8.989999771
33 0 5 0.100000 7.614999771 17.503000259 8.793999672
34 0 5 0.100000 6.385000229 18.555000305 9.713999748
35 0 5 0.100000 9.494999886 18.468999863 10.199000359
36 0 5 0.100000 8.267000198 19.524000168 11.118000031
37 0 2 -0.500000 9.217000008 16.766000748 12.345000267
38 0 1 0.020000 8.902999878 16.179000854 13.701000214
39 0 1 -0.200000 9.892000198 15.039999962 14.008999825
40 0 1 -0.200000 9.138999939 13.871000290 14.671999931
41 0 1 -0.200000 10.074000359 12.652999878 14.779999733
42 0 1 -0.200000 9.317999840 11.480999947 15.434000015
43 0 1 0.020000 10.253000259 10.262000084 15.543000221
44 0 2 -0.500000 9.512000084 9.114000320 16.184000015
45 0 3 0.380000 10.263999939 8.095999718 17.007999420
46 0 4 -0.380000 11.720000267 8.319999695 17.337999344
47 0 1 -0.200000 9.545000076 6.831999779 17.513000488
48 0 1 -0.200000 10.385999680 6.170000076 18.621000290
49 0 1 -0.200000 9.451999664 5.482999802 19.634000778
50 0 1 -0.200000 10.281999588 4.934999943 20.809999466
51 0 5 0.100000 10.808575630 5.755126953 21.298067093
52 0 5 0.100000 11.006152153 4.209916592 20.438573837
53 0 3 0.380000 9.347999573 4.250999928 21.825000763
54 0 4 -0.380000 9.854000092 3.098999977 22.659999847
55 0 6 0.280000 10.260000229 16.757999420 11.965000153
56 0 5 0.100000 8.998000145 16.989000320 14.496999741
57 0 5 0.100000 7.839000225 15.769000053 13.699999809
58 0 5 0.100000 10.701999664 15.418999672 14.715999603
59 0 5 0.100000 10.373000145 14.680000305 13.039999962
60 0 5 0.100000 8.796999931 14.180999756 15.713999748
61 0 5 0.100000 8.229999542 13.597000122 14.039999962
62 0 5 0.100000 10.979000092 12.923000336 15.418000221
63 0 5 0.100000 10.421999931 12.345999718 13.739000320
64 0 5 0.100000 8.970999718 11.786999702 16.475999832
65 0 5 0.100000 8.413000107 11.208999634 14.796999931
66 0 5 0.100000 11.159000397 10.532999992 16.180000305
67 0 5 0.100000 10.600999832 9.956000328 14.501000404
68 0 6 0.280000 8.413999557 9.017000198 16.048999786
69 0 5 0.100000 9.411000252 6.098999977 16.649999619
70 0 5 0.100000 8.522999763 7.116000175 17.930999756
71 0 5 0.100000 11.081000328 5.394000053 18.159000397
72 0 5 0.100000 11.005000114 6.965000153 19.155000687
73 0 5 0.100000 8.904000282 4.623000145 19.124000549
74 0 5 0.100000 8.692000389 6.237999916 20.024999619
75 0 2 -0.500000 7.925000191 4.731999874 21.985000610
76 0 1 0.020000 7.053999901 4.160999775 23.077999115
77 0 1 -0.200000 6.034999847 5.223000050 23.531999588
78 0 1 -0.200000 5.895999908 5.179999828 25.065000534
79 0 1 -0.200000 5.052000046 6.377999783 25.538000107
80 0 1 -0.200000 4.921000004 6.340000153 27.072000504
81 0 1 0.020000 4.077000141 7.538000107 27.545999527
82 0 2 -0.500000 3.948999882 7.500999928 29.049999237
83 0 3 0.380000 2.717999935 8.065999985 29.716999054
84 0 4 -0.380000 1.600000024 8.638999939 28.878000259
85 0 1 -0.200000 2.601000071 8.059000015 31.252000809
86 0 1 -0.200000 1.139000058 8.319000244 31.658000946
87 0 1 -0.200000 0.828000009 7.570000172 32.967998505
88 0 1 -0.200000 -0.667999983 7.721000195 33.304000854
89 0 3 0.450000 -0.978999972 6.969999790 34.611000061
90 0 7 -0.500000 -2.085999966 7.455999851 35.515998840
91 0 6 0.280000 7.519999981 5.506000042 21.299999237
92 0 5 0.100000 6.498000145 3.246999979 22.683000565
93 0 5 0.100000 7.703999996 3.855999947 23.962999344
94 0 5 0.100000 5.022999763 5.008999825 23.052999496
95 0 5 0.100000 6.395999908 6.256000042 23.211999893
96 0 5 0.100000 5.383999825 4.209000111 25.372999191
97 0 5 0.100000 6.929999828 5.231999874 25.541999817
98 0 5 0.100000 4.014999866 6.322000027 25.068000793
99 0 5 0.100000 5.559999943 7.348999977 25.224000931
100 0 5 0.100000 4.413000107 5.369999886 27.386999130
101 0 5 0.100000 5.958000183 6.395999908 27.544000626
102 0 5 0.100000 3.039999962 7.482999802 27.075000763
103 0 5 0.100000 4.585000038 8.508999825 27.232000351
104 0 6 0.280000 4.760000229 7.059000015 29.665000916
105 0 5 0.100000 3.266999960 8.875000000 31.687999725
106 0 5 0.100000 2.931999922 7.044000149 31.653999329
107 0 5 0.100000 0.980000019 9.437000275 31.813999176
108 0 5 0.100000 0.442999989 7.947999954 30.834999084
109 0 5 0.100000 1.452999949 8.008000374 33.813999176
110 0 5 0.100000 1.078999996 6.465000153 32.842998505
111 0 5 0.100000 -0.919000030 8.826000214 33.431999207
112 0 5 0.100000 -1.294000030 7.285999775 32.457000732
113 0 7 -0.500000 -0.179000005 5.745999813 34.987998962
114 0 8 -0.500000 0.250000000 19.790000916 -0.746999979
115 0 6 0.360000 0.118000001 19.704999924 -1.845999956
116 0 6 0.360000 -0.634000003 20.298000336 -0.307000011
117 0 6 0.360000 0.349999994 18.775999069 -0.307000011
1 1 1 2
2 2 1 16
3 2 1 17
4 3 1 114
5 1 2 3
6 2 2 18
7 2 2 19
8 1 3 4
9 2 3 20
10 2 3 21
11 1 4 5
12 2 4 22
13 2 4 23
14 1 5 6
15 2 5 24
16 2 5 25
17 4 6 7
18 2 6 26
19 2 6 27
20 5 7 8
21 6 7 28
22 7 8 9
23 8 10 8
24 1 10 11
25 2 10 29
26 2 10 30
27 1 11 12
28 2 11 31
29 2 11 32
30 1 12 13
31 2 12 33
32 2 12 34
33 8 13 14
34 2 13 35
35 2 13 36
36 7 14 15
37 5 37 14
38 4 38 37
39 6 37 55
40 1 38 39
41 2 38 56
42 2 38 57
43 1 39 40
44 2 39 58
45 2 39 59
46 1 40 41
47 2 40 60
48 2 40 61
49 1 41 42
50 2 41 62
51 2 41 63
52 1 42 43
53 2 42 64
54 2 42 65
55 4 43 44
56 2 43 66
57 2 43 67
58 5 44 45
59 6 44 68
60 7 45 46
61 8 47 45
62 1 47 48
63 2 47 69
64 2 47 70
65 1 48 49
66 2 48 71
67 2 48 72
68 1 49 50
69 2 49 73
70 2 49 74
71 8 50 53
72 2 50 51
73 2 50 52
74 7 53 54
75 5 75 53
76 4 76 75
77 6 75 91
78 1 76 77
79 2 76 92
80 2 76 93
81 1 77 78
82 2 77 94
83 2 77 95
84 1 78 79
85 2 78 96
86 2 78 97
87 1 79 80
88 2 79 98
89 2 79 99
90 1 80 81
91 2 80 100
92 2 80 101
93 4 81 82
94 2 81 102
95 2 81 103
96 5 82 83
97 6 82 104
98 7 83 84
99 8 85 83
100 1 85 86
101 2 85 105
102 2 85 106
103 1 86 87
104 2 86 107
105 2 86 108
106 1 87 88
107 2 87 109
108 2 87 110
109 8 88 89
110 2 88 111
111 2 88 112
112 9 89 90
113 9 89 113
114 10 115 114
115 10 116 114
116 10 117 114
1 1 2 1 16
2 1 2 1 17
3 2 2 1 114
4 3 16 1 17
5 4 16 1 114
6 4 17 1 114
7 5 1 2 3
8 1 1 2 18
9 1 1 2 19
10 1 3 2 18
11 1 3 2 19
12 3 18 2 19
13 5 2 3 4
14 1 2 3 20
15 1 2 3 21
16 1 4 3 20
17 1 4 3 21
18 3 20 3 21
19 5 3 4 5
20 1 3 4 22
21 1 3 4 23
22 1 5 4 22
23 1 5 4 23
24 3 22 4 23
25 5 4 5 6
26 1 4 5 24
27 1 4 5 25
28 1 6 5 24
29 1 6 5 25
30 3 24 5 25
31 6 5 6 7
32 1 5 6 26
33 1 5 6 27
34 7 7 6 26
35 7 7 6 27
36 3 26 6 27
37 8 6 7 8
38 9 6 7 28
39 10 8 7 28
40 11 7 8 9
41 12 10 8 7
42 13 10 8 9
43 14 11 10 8
44 15 8 10 29
45 15 8 10 30
46 1 11 10 29
47 1 11 10 30
48 3 29 10 30
49 5 10 11 12
50 1 10 11 31
51 1 10 11 32
52 1 12 11 31
53 1 12 11 32
54 3 31 11 32
55 5 11 12 13
56 1 11 12 33
57 1 11 12 34
58 1 13 12 33
59 1 13 12 34
60 3 33 12 34
61 14 12 13 14
62 1 12 13 35
63 1 12 13 36
64 15 14 13 35
65 15 14 13 36
66 3 35 13 36
67 13 13 14 15
68 12 13 14 37
69 11 37 14 15
70 8 38 37 14
71 10 14 37 55
72 9 38 37 55
73 6 39 38 37
74 7 37 38 56
75 7 37 38 57
76 1 39 38 56
77 1 39 38 57
78 3 56 38 57
79 5 38 39 40
80 1 38 39 58
81 1 38 39 59
82 1 40 39 58
83 1 40 39 59
84 3 58 39 59
85 5 39 40 41
86 1 39 40 60
87 1 39 40 61
88 1 41 40 60
89 1 41 40 61
90 3 60 40 61
91 5 40 41 42
92 1 40 41 62
93 1 40 41 63
94 1 42 41 62
95 1 42 41 63
96 3 62 41 63
97 5 41 42 43
98 1 41 42 64
99 1 41 42 65
100 1 43 42 64
101 1 43 42 65
102 3 64 42 65
103 6 42 43 44
104 1 42 43 66
105 1 42 43 67
106 7 44 43 66
107 7 44 43 67
108 3 66 43 67
109 8 43 44 45
110 9 43 44 68
111 10 45 44 68
112 11 44 45 46
113 12 47 45 44
114 13 47 45 46
115 14 48 47 45
116 15 45 47 69
117 15 45 47 70
118 1 48 47 69
119 1 48 47 70
120 3 69 47 70
121 5 47 48 49
122 1 47 48 71
123 1 47 48 72
124 1 49 48 71
125 1 49 48 72
126 3 71 48 72
127 5 48 49 50
128 1 48 49 73
129 1 48 49 74
130 1 50 49 73
131 1 50 49 74
132 3 73 49 74
133 14 49 50 53
134 1 49 50 51
135 1 49 50 52
136 15 53 50 51
137 15 53 50 52
138 3 51 50 52
139 13 50 53 54
140 12 50 53 75
141 11 75 53 54
142 8 76 75 53
143 10 53 75 91
144 9 76 75 91
145 6 77 76 75
146 7 75 76 92
147 7 75 76 93
148 1 77 76 92
149 1 77 76 93
150 3 92 76 93
151 5 76 77 78
152 1 76 77 94
153 1 76 77 95
154 1 78 77 94
155 1 78 77 95
156 3 94 77 95
157 5 77 78 79
158 1 77 78 96
159 1 77 78 97
160 1 79 78 96
161 1 79 78 97
162 3 96 78 97
163 5 78 79 80
164 1 78 79 98
165 1 78 79 99
166 1 80 79 98
167 1 80 79 99
168 3 98 79 99
169 5 79 80 81
170 1 79 80 100
171 1 79 80 101
172 1 81 80 100
173 1 81 80 101
174 3 100 80 101
175 6 80 81 82
176 1 80 81 102
177 1 80 81 103
178 7 82 81 102
179 7 82 81 103
180 3 102 81 103
181 8 81 82 83
182 9 81 82 104
183 10 83 82 104
184 11 82 83 84
185 12 85 83 82
186 13 85 83 84
187 14 86 85 83
188 15 83 85 105
189 15 83 85 106
190 1 86 85 105
191 1 86 85 106
192 3 105 85 106
193 5 85 86 87
194 1 85 86 107
195 1 85 86 108
196 1 87 86 107
197 1 87 86 108
198 3 107 86 108
199 5 86 87 88
200 1 86 87 109
201 1 86 87 110
202 1 88 87 109
203 1 88 87 110
204 3 109 87 110
205 14 87 88 89
206 1 87 88 111
207 1 87 88 112
208 15 89 88 111
209 15 89 88 112
210 3 111 88 112
211 16 88 89 90
212 16 88 89 113
213 17 90 89 113
214 18 1 114 115
215 18 1 114 116
216 18 1 114 117
217 19 115 114 116
218 19 115 114 117
219 19 116 114 117
1 1 3 2 1 16
2 2 16 1 2 18
3 2 16 1 2 19
4 1 3 2 1 17
5 2 17 1 2 18
6 2 17 1 2 19
7 3 3 2 1 114
8 4 18 2 1 114
9 4 19 2 1 114
10 5 2 1 114 115
11 5 2 1 114 116
12 5 2 1 114 117
13 6 16 1 114 115
14 6 16 1 114 116
15 6 16 1 114 117
16 6 17 1 114 115
17 6 17 1 114 116
18 6 17 1 114 117
19 7 1 2 3 4
20 1 1 2 3 20
21 1 1 2 3 21
22 1 4 3 2 18
23 2 18 2 3 20
24 2 18 2 3 21
25 1 4 3 2 19
26 2 19 2 3 20
27 2 19 2 3 21
28 7 2 3 4 5
29 1 2 3 4 22
30 1 2 3 4 23
31 1 5 4 3 20
32 2 20 3 4 22
33 2 20 3 4 23
34 1 5 4 3 21
35 2 21 3 4 22
36 2 21 3 4 23
37 7 3 4 5 6
38 1 3 4 5 24
39 1 3 4 5 25
40 1 6 5 4 22
41 2 22 4 5 24
42 2 22 4 5 25
43 1 6 5 4 23
44 2 23 4 5 24
45 2 23 4 5 25
46 8 4 5 6 7
47 1 4 5 6 26
48 1 4 5 6 27
49 9 7 6 5 24
50 2 24 5 6 26
51 2 24 5 6 27
52 9 7 6 5 25
53 2 25 5 6 26
54 2 25 5 6 27
55 10 5 6 7 8
56 11 5 6 7 28
57 12 26 6 7 8
58 13 26 6 7 28
59 12 27 6 7 8
60 13 27 6 7 28
61 14 6 7 8 9
62 15 6 7 8 10
63 16 28 7 8 9
64 17 28 7 8 10
65 18 11 10 8 7
66 19 29 10 8 7
67 19 30 10 8 7
68 20 11 10 8 9
69 21 29 10 8 9
70 21 30 10 8 9
71 22 12 11 10 8
72 23 8 10 11 31
73 23 8 10 11 32
74 1 12 11 10 29
75 2 29 10 11 31
76 2 29 10 11 32
77 1 12 11 10 30
78 2 30 10 11 31
79 2 30 10 11 32
80 7 10 11 12 13
81 1 10 11 12 33
82 1 10 11 12 34
83 1 13 12 11 31
84 2 31 11 12 33
85 2 31 11 12 34
86 1 13 12 11 32
87 2 32 11 12 33
88 2 32 11 12 34
89 22 11 12 13 14
90 1 11 12 13 35
91 1 11 12 13 36
92 23 14 13 12 33
93 2 33 12 13 35
94 2 33 12 13 36
95 23 14 13 12 34
96 2 34 12 13 35
97 2 34 12 13 36
98 20 12 13 14 15
99 18 12 13 14 37
100 21 35 13 14 15
101 19 35 13 14 37
102 21 36 13 14 15
103 19 36 13 14 37
104 15 38 37 14 13
105 17 55 37 14 13
106 14 38 37 14 15
107 16 55 37 14 15
108 10 39 38 37 14
109 12 56 38 37 14
110 12 57 38 37 14
111 11 39 38 37 55
112 13 56 38 37 55
113 13 57 38 37 55
114 8 40 39 38 37
115 9 37 38 39 58
116 9 37 38 39 59
117 1 40 39 38 56
118 2 56 38 39 58
119 2 56 38 39 59
120 1 40 39 38 57
121 2 57 38 39 58
122 2 57 38 39 59
123 7 38 39 40 41
124 1 38 39 40 60
125 1 38 39 40 61
126 1 41 40 39 58
127 2 58 39 40 60
128 2 58 39 40 61
129 1 41 40 39 59
130 2 59 39 40 60
131 2 59 39 40 61
132 7 39 40 41 42
133 1 39 40 41 62
134 1 39 40 41 63
135 1 42 41 40 60
136 2 60 40 41 62
137 2 60 40 41 63
138 1 42 41 40 61
139 2 61 40 41 62
140 2 61 40 41 63
141 7 40 41 42 43
142 1 40 41 42 64
143 1 40 41 42 65
144 1 43 42 41 62
145 2 62 41 42 64
146 2 62 41 42 65
147 1 43 42 41 63
148 2 63 41 42 64
149 2 63 41 42 65
150 8 41 42 43 44
151 1 41 42 43 66
152 1 41 42 43 67
153 9 44 43 42 64
154 2 64 42 43 66
155 2 64 42 43 67
156 9 44 43 42 65
157 2 65 42 43 66
158 2 65 42 43 67
159 10 42 43 44 45
160 11 42 43 44 68
161 12 66 43 44 45
162 13 66 43 44 68
163 12 67 43 44 45
164 13 67 43 44 68
165 14 43 44 45 46
166 15 43 44 45 47
167 16 68 44 45 46
168 17 68 44 45 47
169 18 48 47 45 44
170 19 69 47 45 44
171 19 70 47 45 44
172 20 48 47 45 46
173 21 69 47 45 46
174 21 70 47 45 46
175 22 49 48 47 45
176 23 45 47 48 71
177 23 45 47 48 72
178 1 49 48 47 69
179 2 69 47 48 71
180 2 69 47 48 72
181 1 49 48 47 70
182 2 70 47 48 71
183 2 70 47 48 72
184 7 47 48 49 50
185 1 47 48 49 73
186 1 47 48 49 74
187 1 50 49 48 71
188 2 71 48 49 73
189 2 71 48 49 74
190 1 50 49 48 72
191 2 72 48 49 73
192 2 72 48 49 74
193 22 48 49 50 53
194 1 48 49 50 51
195 1 48 49 50 52
196 23 53 50 49 73
197 2 73 49 50 51
198 2 73 49 50 52
199 23 53 50 49 74
200 2 74 49 50 51
201 2 74 49 50 52
202 20 49 50 53 54
203 18 49 50 53 75
204 21 51 50 53 54
205 19 51 50 53 75
206 21 52 50 53 54
207 19 52 50 53 75
208 15 76 75 53 50
209 17 91 75 53 50
210 14 76 75 53 54
211 16 91 75 53 54
212 10 77 76 75 53
213 12 92 76 75 53
214 12 93 76 75 53
215 11 77 76 75 91
216 13 92 76 75 91
217 13 93 76 75 91
218 8 78 77 76 75
219 9 75 76 77 94
220 9 75 76 77 95
221 1 78 77 76 92
222 2 92 76 77 94
223 2 92 76 77 95
224 1 78 77 76 93
225 2 93 76 77 94
226 2 93 76 77 95
227 7 76 77 78 79
228 1 76 77 78 96
229 1 76 77 78 97
230 1 79 78 77 94
231 2 94 77 78 96
232 2 94 77 78 97
233 1 79 78 77 95
234 2 95 77 78 96
235 2 95 77 78 97
236 7 77 78 79 80
237 1 77 78 79 98
238 1 77 78 79 99
239 1 80 79 78 96
240 2 96 78 79 98
241 2 96 78 79 99
242 1 80 79 78 97
243 2 97 78 79 98
244 2 97 78 79 99
245 7 78 79 80 81
246 1 78 79 80 100
247 1 78 79 80 101
248 1 81 80 79 98
249 2 98 79 80 100
250 2 98 79 80 101
251 1 81 80 79 99
252 2 99 79 80 100
253 2 99 79 80 101
254 8 79 80 81 82
255 1 79 80 81 102
256 1 79 80 81 103
257 9 82 81 80 100
258 2 100 80 81 102
259 2 100 80 81 103
260 9 82 81 80 101
261 2 101 80 81 102
262 2 101 80 81 103
263 10 80 81 82 83
264 11 80 81 82 104
265 12 102 81 82 83
266 13 102 81 82 104
267 12 103 81 82 83
268 13 103 81 82 104
269 14 81 82 83 84
270 15 81 82 83 85
271 16 104 82 83 84
272 17 104 82 83 85
273 18 86 85 83 82
274 19 105 85 83 82
275 19 106 85 83 82
276 20 86 85 83 84
277 21 105 85 83 84
278 21 106 85 83 84
279 22 87 86 85 83
280 23 83 85 86 107
281 23 83 85 86 108
282 1 87 86 85 105
283 2 105 85 86 107
284 2 105 85 86 108
285 1 87 86 85 106
286 2 106 85 86 107
287 2 106 85 86 108
288 7 85 86 87 88
289 1 85 86 87 109
290 1 85 86 87 110
291 1 88 87 86 107
292 2 107 86 87 109
293 2 107 86 87 110
294 1 88 87 86 108
295 2 108 86 87 109
296 2 108 86 87 110
297 22 86 87 88 89
298 1 86 87 88 111
299 1 86 87 88 112
300 23 89 88 87 109
301 2 109 87 88 111
302 2 109 87 88 112
303 23 89 88 87 110
304 2 110 87 88 111
305 2 110 87 88 112
306 24 87 88 89 90
307 24 87 88 89 113
308 25 111 88 89 90
309 25 111 88 89 113
310 25 112 88 89 90
311 25 112 88 89 113
1 1 28 7 6 8
2 2 10 8 7 9
3 2 13 14 37 15
4 1 55 37 38 14
5 1 68 44 43 45
6 2 47 45 44 46
7 2 50 53 75 54
8 1 91 75 76 53
9 1 104 82 81 83
10 2 85 83 82 84
11 3 88 89 90 113

View File

@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
LAMMPS data file for phen3_cff97
23 atoms
23 bonds
39 angles
54 dihedrals
19 impropers
7 atom types
9 bond types
16 angle types
19 dihedral types
12 improper types
-0.483345032 3.619415522 xlo xhi
-5.980008125 2.346019268 ylo yhi
-2.715474367 0.916701555 zlo zhi
1 14.006700
2 1.007970
3 12.011150
4 1.007970
5 12.011150
6 15.999400
7 12.011150
Nonbond Coeffs
1 0.0650000000 3.2620000000
2 0.0130000000 1.0980000000
3 0.0540000000 4.0100000000
4 0.0200000000 2.9950000000
5 0.1200000000 3.9080000000
6 0.1670000000 3.5960000000
7 0.0640000000 4.0100000000
Bond Coeffs
1 1.5185 293.1700 -603.7882 629.6900
2 1.0119 448.6300 -963.1917 1248.4000
3 1.1010 341.0000 -691.8900 844.6000
4 1.5483 253.0800 -449.0300 457.3200
5 1.5330 299.6700 -501.7700 679.8100
6 1.2339 711.3500 -1543.9000 1858.6000
7 1.5010 321.9021 -521.8208 572.1628
8 1.4314 356.0904 -627.6179 1327.6345
9 1.0862 377.7644 -803.4526 894.3173
Angle Coeffs
1 110.5100 49.2170 -12.2153 -18.9667
2 106.1100 45.3280 -14.0474 1.9350
3 105.8500 72.2630 -28.1923 0.0000
4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
5 112.1300 66.4520 4.8694 37.7860
6 109.6700 37.9190 -7.3877 -8.0694
7 110.7700 41.4530 -10.6040 5.1290
8 104.4900 31.3750 -4.4023 -6.5271
9 115.0600 59.0960 -15.1430 -12.9820
10 130.0100 111.2900 -52.3390 -28.1070
11 108.4000 43.9594 -8.3924 -9.3379
12 107.6600 39.6410 -12.9210 -2.4318
13 111.0000 44.3234 -9.4454 0.0000
14 120.0500 44.7148 -22.7352 0.0000
15 118.9000 61.0226 -34.9931 0.0000
16 117.9400 35.1558 -12.4682 0.0000
Dihedral Coeffs
1 -0.2458 0.0000 -0.2789 0.0000 -0.0294 0.0000
2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
3 -0.8792 0.0000 -0.5978 0.0000 -0.3242 0.0000
4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
5 -2.5999 0.0000 1.0488 0.0000 -0.2089 0.0000
6 1.7311 0.0000 1.8510 0.0000 -0.1933 0.0000
7 -0.2179 0.0000 -0.4127 0.0000 -0.1252 0.0000
8 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
9 -0.2432 0.0000 0.0617 0.0000 -0.1383 0.0000
10 -0.0228 0.0000 0.0280 0.0000 -0.1863 0.0000
11 -1.2767 0.0000 0.5949 0.0000 0.2379 0.0000
12 0.0972 0.0000 0.0722 0.0000 -0.2581 0.0000
13 -0.2802 0.0000 -0.0678 0.0000 -0.0122 0.0000
14 -0.2802 0.0000 -0.0678 0.0000 -0.0122 0.0000
15 0.0000 0.0000 1.5590 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
16 0.0000 0.0000 4.4072 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
17 0.0000 0.0000 3.9661 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
18 8.3667 0.0000 1.1932 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
19 0.0000 0.0000 1.8769 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Improper Coeffs
1 44.1500 0.0000
2 6.9644 0.0000
3 7.6012 0.0000
4 0.0000 0.0000
5 0.0000 0.0000
6 0.0000 0.0000
7 0.0000 0.0000
8 0.0000 0.0000
9 0.0000 0.0000
10 0.0000 0.0000
11 0.0000 0.0000
12 0.0000 0.0000
BondBond Coeffs
1 8.6951 1.0119 1.5185
2 2.8266 1.0119 1.0119
3 -1.4797 1.5185 1.1010
4 0.0000 1.5185 1.5483
5 16.4280 1.5185 1.5330
6 -1.1701 1.1010 1.5483
7 3.3872 1.5330 1.1010
8 16.4650 1.5330 1.5483
9 57.8750 1.5483 1.2339
10 166.5900 1.2339 1.2339
11 0.0000 1.5330 1.5010
12 5.3316 1.1010 1.1010
13 2.9168 1.1010 1.5010
14 12.0676 1.5010 1.4314
15 68.2856 1.4314 1.4314
16 1.0795 1.0862 1.4314
BondAngle Coeffs
1 6.2182 27.8810 1.0119 1.5185
2 10.1080 10.1080 1.0119 1.0119
3 50.0180 15.8820 1.5185 1.1010
4 0.0000 0.0000 1.5185 1.5483
5 49.7730 14.0620 1.5185 1.5330
6 14.9650 11.8650 1.1010 1.5483
7 20.7540 11.4210 1.5330 1.1010
8 23.0840 19.1590 1.5330 1.5483
9 51.5840 62.0560 1.5483 1.2339
10 73.3500 73.3500 1.2339 1.2339
11 0.0000 0.0000 1.5330 1.5010
12 18.1030 18.1030 1.1010 1.1010
13 11.7717 26.4608 1.1010 1.5010
14 47.0579 31.0771 1.5010 1.4314
15 28.8708 28.8708 1.4314 1.4314
16 24.2183 20.0033 1.0862 1.4314
AngleAngle Coeffs
1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 115.0600 130.0100 115.0600
2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 120.0500 118.9000 120.0500
3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 117.9400 118.9000 117.9400
4 -2.0310 -2.0310 -3.6257 106.1100 110.5100 110.5100
5 -1.9852 -1.9852 -1.9852 106.1100 106.1100 106.1100
6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 105.8500 109.6700 0.0000
7 6.0274 7.0292 4.2440 112.1300 110.7700 105.8500
8 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 112.1300 104.4900 0.0000
9 2.4594 -1.0033 -0.0414 110.7700 109.6700 104.4900
10 0.2738 -0.4825 0.2738 110.7700 107.6600 110.7700
11 1.0827 -1.8202 2.0403 110.7700 111.0000 108.4000
12 2.3794 2.3794 3.0118 107.6600 111.0000 111.0000
AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs
1 -9.0674 110.5100 105.8500
2 0.0000 110.5100 0.0000
3 -15.9511 110.5100 112.1300
4 0.0000 0.0000 115.0600
5 -19.4570 109.6700 115.0600
6 -28.7420 104.4900 115.0600
7 -18.9263 112.1300 110.7700
8 0.0000 112.1300 108.4000
9 -12.5640 110.7700 110.7700
10 0.0000 110.7700 108.4000
11 -15.6070 110.7700 104.4900
12 0.0000 104.4900 108.4000
13 0.0000 108.4000 120.0500
14 -5.8888 111.0000 120.0500
15 4.4444 120.0500 117.9400
16 -14.4097 120.0500 118.9000
17 -4.8141 117.9400 118.9000
18 0.0000 118.9000 118.9000
19 0.3598 117.9400 117.9400
EndBondTorsion Coeffs
1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0119 1.1010
2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0119 1.5483
3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0119 1.5330
4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5185 1.2339
5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1010 1.2339
6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5330 1.2339
7 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5185 1.1010
8 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5185 1.5010
9 0.2130 0.3120 0.0777 0.2130 0.3120 0.0777 1.1010 1.1010
10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1010 1.5010
11 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1010 1.5483
12 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5483 1.5010
13 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5330 1.4314
14 1.3997 0.7756 0.0000 -0.5835 1.1220 0.3978 1.1010 1.4314
15 0.0000 -1.7970 0.0000 0.0000 -0.4879 0.0000 1.5010 1.0862
16 0.0000 0.2421 0.0000 0.0000 -0.6918 0.0000 1.5010 1.4314
17 0.0000 -0.4669 0.0000 0.0000 -6.8958 0.0000 1.0862 1.4314
18 -0.1185 6.3204 0.0000 -0.1185 6.3204 0.0000 1.4314 1.4314
19 0.0000 -0.6890 0.0000 0.0000 -0.6890 0.0000 1.0862 1.0862
MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs
1 -0.6980 0.8910 -0.1895 1.5185
2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5185
3 -0.5922 -1.2262 0.4264 1.5185
4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5483
5 -5.7009 0.7758 -0.4090 1.5483
6 0.6798 0.9388 -1.8478 1.5483
7 -9.8826 -3.7138 -0.1022 1.5330
8 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5330
9 -14.2610 -0.5322 -0.4864 1.5330
10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5330
11 -13.6420 -0.8843 0.2118 1.5330
12 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5330
13 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5010
14 -5.5679 1.4083 0.3010 1.5010
15 0.0000 3.9421 0.0000 1.4314
16 0.0000 9.1792 0.0000 1.4314
17 0.0000 -1.1521 0.0000 1.4314
18 27.5989 -2.3120 0.0000 1.4314
19 0.0000 4.8228 0.0000 1.4314
BondBond13 Coeffs
1 0.0000 1.0119 1.1010
2 0.0000 1.0119 1.5483
3 0.0000 1.0119 1.5330
4 0.0000 1.5185 1.2339
5 0.0000 1.1010 1.2339
6 0.0000 1.5330 1.2339
7 0.0000 1.5185 1.1010
8 0.0000 1.5185 1.5010
9 0.0000 1.1010 1.1010
10 0.0000 1.1010 1.5010
11 0.0000 1.1010 1.5483
12 0.0000 1.5483 1.5010
13 0.0000 1.5330 1.4314
14 -3.4826 1.1010 1.4314
15 0.8743 1.5010 1.0862
16 2.5085 1.5010 1.4314
17 -6.2741 1.0862 1.4314
18 -73.6169 1.4314 1.4314
19 -1.7077 1.0862 1.0862
AngleTorsion Coeffs
1 -1.7705 -0.8407 -0.2881 -2.4112 -0.4658 -0.0738 110.5100 105.8500
2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 110.5100 0.0000
3 -2.1025 -0.9363 0.4381 -3.5237 -0.3880 -0.4954 110.5100 112.1300
4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 115.0600
5 12.0720 0.2388 -0.0426 -4.2825 1.1254 -0.1481 109.6700 115.0600
6 13.2220 1.3271 -0.3941 2.9333 2.2593 -0.5573 104.4900 115.0600
7 -2.8694 1.6172 -1.4627 -3.4109 0.6476 -0.9584 112.1300 110.7700
8 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 112.1300 108.4000
9 -0.8085 0.5569 -0.2466 -0.8085 0.5569 -0.2466 110.7700 110.7700
10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 110.7700 108.4000
11 3.9318 2.2235 0.3670 1.6575 -0.4577 0.3610 110.7700 104.4900
12 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 104.4900 108.4000
13 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 108.4000 120.0500
14 4.6266 0.1632 0.0461 0.2251 0.6548 0.1237 111.0000 120.0500
15 0.0000 -0.1242 0.0000 0.0000 3.4601 0.0000 120.0500 117.9400
16 0.0000 -4.4683 0.0000 0.0000 3.8987 0.0000 120.0500 118.9000
17 0.0000 2.7147 0.0000 0.0000 2.5014 0.0000 117.9400 118.9000
18 1.9767 1.0239 0.0000 1.9767 1.0239 0.0000 118.9000 118.9000
19 0.0000 2.4501 0.0000 0.0000 2.4501 0.0000 117.9400 117.9400
1 0 1 -0.045000 0.109592088 -0.199880913 0.000000478
2 0 2 0.280000 -0.124733858 -1.202872038 -0.000001981
3 0 2 0.280000 -0.285811990 0.244572327 0.840843439
4 0 2 0.280000 -0.285812497 0.244576558 -0.840839982
5 0 3 -0.078000 1.560634732 -0.038402185 0.000000465
6 0 4 0.053000 1.972637177 -0.500293911 0.916701555
7 0 5 0.297400 1.942531705 1.422506809 0.000000450
8 0 6 -0.533700 3.187694550 1.672445178 0.000000438
9 0 6 -0.533700 1.070737839 2.346019268 0.000000449
10 0 3 -0.106000 2.174581766 -0.718786478 -1.261021852
11 0 4 0.053000 1.839982390 -0.182426706 -2.172762394
12 0 4 0.053000 3.272250891 -0.569177628 -1.261509657
13 0 7 0.000000 1.889680982 -2.218492746 -1.435816169
14 0 7 -0.130530 0.737977445 -2.629161119 -2.116767168
15 0 4 0.130530 0.061427273 -1.894254208 -2.533302307
16 0 7 -0.130530 0.424228579 -3.980331659 -2.214080095
17 0 4 0.130530 -0.483345032 -4.285143852 -2.715474367
18 0 7 -0.130530 1.268485427 -4.931880474 -1.646431088
19 0 4 0.130530 1.020345688 -5.980008125 -1.718327641
20 0 7 -0.130530 2.423752546 -4.531005859 -0.977356374
21 0 4 0.130530 3.074717045 -5.268786907 -0.531340718
22 0 7 -0.130530 2.733307123 -3.177516222 -0.869901538
23 0 4 0.130530 3.619415522 -2.873045444 -0.331384182
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
input file for discover
!DATE Mon Jul 14 13:41:23 1997
N 17.047000885 14.098999977 3.625000000 THRN 1 n4 N -0.500
HN3 16.238992691 14.681707382 3.886676073 THRN 1 hn H 0.360
HN1 17.917675018 14.581335068 3.889913321 THRN 1 hn H 0.360
HN2 17.039421082 13.939416885 2.607465982 THRN 1 hn H 0.360
CA 16.966999054 12.784000397 4.337999821 THRN 1 ca C 0.320
HA 16.972635269 11.928232193 3.662923098 THRN 1 h H 0.100
C 15.685000420 12.755000114 5.132999897 THRN 1 c' C 0.380
O 15.267999649 13.824999809 5.593999863 THRN 1 o' O -0.380
CB 18.170000076 12.703000069 5.336999893 THRN 1 c1 C -0.070
HB 18.120826721 13.621001244 5.922624588 THRN 1 h H 0.100
OG1 19.333999634 12.829000473 4.462999821 THRN 1 oh O -0.380
HG1 19.691650391 13.794054985 4.503693104 THRN 1 ho H 0.350
CG2 18.149999619 11.545999527 6.303999901 THRN 1 c3 C -0.300
HG21 19.007284164 11.616475105 6.973474979 THRN 1 h H 0.100
HG22 17.230155945 11.575787544 6.888035774 THRN 1 h H 0.100
HG23 18.198083878 10.608263016 5.750428200 THRN 1 h H 0.100
N 15.114999771 11.555000305 5.264999866 THR 2 n N -0.500
HN 15.528337479 10.717791557 4.830105782 THR 2 hn H 0.280
CA 13.855999947 11.468999863 6.065999985 THR 2 ca C 0.120
HA 13.508913994 12.491562843 6.214313030 THR 2 h H 0.100
C 14.163999557 10.784999847 7.379000187 THR 2 c' C 0.380
O 14.993000031 9.862000465 7.442999840 THR 2 o' O -0.380
CB 12.732000351 10.711000443 5.261000156 THR 2 c1 C -0.070
HB 11.753349304 10.621357918 5.732493877 THR 2 h H 0.100
OG1 13.307999611 9.439000130 4.926000118 THR 2 oh O -0.380
HG1 12.585855484 8.833214760 4.510751247 THR 2 ho H 0.350
CG2 12.484000206 11.442000389 3.894999981 THR 2 c3 C -0.300
HG21 11.803796768 10.849267006 3.283370495 THR 2 h H 0.100
HG22 12.044157028 12.421771049 4.081242085 THR 2 h H 0.100
HG23 13.431519508 11.563512802 3.370076180 THR 2 h H 0.100
N 13.487999916 11.241000175 8.416999817 CYS 3 n N -0.500
HN 12.810626030 12.002311707 8.267102242 CYS 3 hn H 0.280
CA 13.659999847 10.706999779 9.786999702 CYS 3 ca C 0.120
HA 14.238283157 9.783084869 9.778588295 CYS 3 h H 0.100
C 12.269000053 10.430999756 10.322999954 CYS 3 c' C 0.380
O 11.392999649 11.307999611 10.185000420 CYS 3 o' O -0.380
CB 14.368000031 11.748000145 10.690999985 CYS 3 c2 C -0.300
HB1 13.670405388 12.570071220 10.851186752 CYS 3 h H 0.100
HB2 14.606354713 11.254445076 11.633172989 CYS 3 h H 0.100
SG 15.885000229 12.425999641 10.015999794 CYS 3 s1 S 0.100
N 12.019000053 9.272000313 10.928000450 CYS 4 n N -0.500
HN 12.770128250 8.579818726 11.060630798 CYS 4 hn H 0.280
CA 10.645999908 8.991000175 11.407999992 CYS 4 ca C 0.120
HA 10.045209885 9.855814934 11.126492500 CYS 4 h H 0.100
C 10.654000282 8.793000221 12.918999672 CYS 4 c' C 0.380
O 11.659000397 8.295999527 13.491000175 CYS 4 o' O -0.380
CB 10.057000160 7.751999855 10.682000160 CYS 4 c2 C -0.300
HB1 10.731808662 6.925758839 10.905740738 CYS 4 h H 0.100
HB2 9.122684479 7.521792412 11.194015503 CYS 4 h H 0.100
SG 9.836999893 8.017999649 8.904000282 CYS 4 s1 S 0.100
N 9.560999870 9.107999802 13.562999725 PRO 5 n N -0.420
CA 9.447999954 9.034000397 15.012000084 PRO 5 ca C 0.060
HA 10.341467857 9.534400940 15.385380745 PRO 5 h H 0.100
CD 8.366000175 9.803999901 12.958000183 PRO 5 c2 C 0.060
HD1 8.002507210 9.270477295 12.079748154 PRO 5 h H 0.100
HD2 8.616027832 10.819077492 12.649448395 PRO 5 h H 0.100
C 9.288000107 7.670000076 15.605999947 PRO 5 c' C 0.380
O 9.489999771 7.519000053 16.819000244 PRO 5 o' O -0.380
CB 8.229999542 9.956999779 15.345000267 PRO 5 c2 C -0.200
HB1 7.714309216 9.644173622 16.252912521 PRO 5 h H 0.100
HB2 8.527364731 10.997467041 15.475772858 PRO 5 h H 0.100
CG 7.337999821 9.786000252 14.114000320 PRO 5 c2 C -0.200
HG1 6.782078266 8.848659515 14.135046959 PRO 5 h H 0.100
HG2 6.614880562 10.595389366 14.013560295 PRO 5 h H 0.100
N 8.875000000 6.685999870 14.795999527 SER 6 n N -0.500
HN 8.693690300 6.898229599 13.804543495 SER 6 hn H 0.280
CA 8.673000336 5.314000130 15.279000282 SER 6 ca C 0.120
HA 9.487320900 5.098019123 15.970617294 SER 6 h H 0.100
C 8.753000259 4.375999928 14.083000183 SER 6 c' C 0.380
O 8.725999832 4.857999802 12.923000336 SER 6 o' O -0.380
CB 7.340000153 5.120999813 15.996000290 SER 6 c2 C -0.170
HB1 7.303732872 4.135610104 16.460533142 SER 6 h H 0.100
HB2 7.204785347 5.896010399 16.750438690 SER 6 h H 0.100
OG 6.274000168 5.219999790 15.031000137 SER 6 oh O -0.380
HG 6.086399078 6.211903572 14.826469421 SER 6 ho H 0.350
N 8.880999565 3.075000048 14.357999802 ILE 7 n N -0.500
HN 8.958233833 2.761164188 15.335978508 ILE 7 hn H 0.280
CA 8.911999702 2.082999945 13.258000374 ILE 7 ca C 0.120
HA 9.752125740 2.304961205 12.599957466 ILE 7 h H 0.100
C 7.580999851 2.089999914 12.505999565 ILE 7 c' C 0.380
O 7.670000076 2.030999899 11.244999886 ILE 7 o' O -0.380
CB 9.206999779 0.676999986 13.923999786 ILE 7 c1 C -0.100
HB 8.631069183 0.572530746 14.843504906 ILE 7 h H 0.100
CG1 10.713999748 0.702000022 14.312000275 ILE 7 c2 C -0.200
HG11 11.291265488 0.728613675 13.387794495 ILE 7 h H 0.100
HG12 10.887344360 1.603095889 14.900283813 ILE 7 h H 0.100
CG2 8.810999870 -0.476999998 12.968999863 ILE 7 c3 C -0.300
HG21 9.032923698 -1.433422685 13.442394257 ILE 7 h H 0.100
HG22 7.744652271 -0.418968171 12.750744820 ILE 7 h H 0.100
HG23 9.376438141 -0.391609550 12.041049957 ILE 7 h H 0.100
CD1 11.185000420 -0.515999973 15.142000198 ILE 7 c3 C -0.300
HD11 11.020709038 -1.430322766 14.571805000 ILE 7 h H 0.100
HD12 12.246717453 -0.414458960 15.366830826 ILE 7 h H 0.100
HD13 10.619837761 -0.562440276 16.072879791 ILE 7 h H 0.100
N 6.458000183 2.161999941 13.159000397 VAL 8 n N -0.500
HN 6.476118088 2.187154531 14.188533783 VAL 8 hn H 0.280
CA 5.144999981 2.209000111 12.453000069 VAL 8 ca C 0.120
HA 5.026936531 1.265246391 11.920561790 VAL 8 h H 0.100
C 5.114999771 3.378999949 11.461000443 VAL 8 c' C 0.380
O 4.664000034 3.267999887 10.343000412 VAL 8 o' O -0.380
CB 3.994999886 2.354000092 13.477999687 VAL 8 c1 C -0.100
HB 4.418568611 3.051678419 14.200449944 VAL 8 h H 0.100
CG1 2.716000080 2.891000032 12.869000435 VAL 8 c3 C -0.300
HG11 1.981043458 3.059607983 13.656088829 VAL 8 h H 0.100
HG12 2.923026085 3.831490993 12.358395576 VAL 8 h H 0.100
HG13 2.322393417 2.168816090 12.153719902 VAL 8 h H 0.100
CG2 3.757999897 1.031999946 14.208000183 VAL 8 c3 C -0.300
HG21 3.374393702 0.292122275 13.505486488 VAL 8 h H 0.100
HG22 4.697329521 0.676970363 14.631930351 VAL 8 h H 0.100
HG23 3.033046246 1.182916164 15.007855415 VAL 8 h H 0.100
N 5.605999947 4.546000004 11.940999985 ALA 9 n N -0.500
HN 5.984637260 4.591287613 12.897809029 ALA 9 hn H 0.280
CA 5.598000050 5.767000198 11.081999779 ALA 9 ca C 0.120
HA 4.565777779 5.921326160 10.767674446 ALA 9 h H 0.100
C 6.440999985 5.526999950 9.850000381 ALA 9 c' C 0.380
O 6.052000046 5.933000088 8.744000435 ALA 9 o' O -0.380
CB 6.021999836 6.977000237 11.890999794 ALA 9 c3 C -0.300
HB1 5.950239658 7.871601582 11.272420883 ALA 9 h H 0.100
HB2 5.369528770 7.081964016 12.757813454 ALA 9 h H 0.100
HB3 7.051515102 6.848640919 12.225253105 ALA 9 h H 0.100
N 7.646999836 4.908999920 10.005000114 ARG 10 n N -0.500
HN 7.968383789 4.648912430 10.948380470 ARG 10 hn H 0.280
CA 8.496000290 4.609000206 8.836999893 ARG 10 ca C 0.120
HA 8.672454834 5.551135063 8.318015099 ARG 10 h H 0.100
C 7.797999859 3.608999968 7.875999928 ARG 10 c' C 0.380
O 7.877999783 3.778000116 6.651000023 ARG 10 o' O -0.380
CB 9.847000122 4.019999981 9.305000305 ARG 10 c2 C -0.200
HB1 10.292553902 4.780714035 9.946011543 ARG 10 h H 0.110
HB2 9.592742920 3.191395044 9.965959549 ARG 10 h H 0.110
CG 10.751999855 3.607000113 8.149000168 ARG 10 c2 C -0.200
HG1 11.631093979 3.136696339 8.589575768 ARG 10 h H 0.130
HG2 10.187005997 2.897431850 7.544521332 ARG 10 h H 0.130
CD 11.225999832 4.698999882 7.243999958 ARG 10 c2 C -0.160
HD1 11.795847893 4.300052166 6.404825211 ARG 10 h H 0.130
HD2 10.397437096 5.319350719 6.902313709 ARG 10 h H 0.130
NE 12.142999649 5.571000099 8.034999847 ARG 10 n N -0.560
CZ 12.758000374 6.609000206 7.442999840 ARG 10 cr C 0.380
NH1 12.538999557 6.932000160 6.157999992 ARG 10 n2 N -0.560
HH11 11.887275696 6.371951103 5.590105534 ARG 10 hn H 0.280
HH12 13.022671700 7.739827156 5.740416050 ARG 10 hn H 0.280
NH2 13.600999832 7.322000027 8.201999664 ARG 10 n2 N -0.560
HH21 13.756224632 7.059009075 9.185687065 ARG 10 hn H 0.280
HH22 14.093895912 8.133021355 7.801752567 ARG 10 hn H 0.280
N 7.185999870 2.582000017 8.444999695 SER 11 n N -0.500
HN 7.181996822 2.472300768 9.469133377 SER 11 hn H 0.280
CA 6.500000000 1.583999991 7.565000057 SER 11 ca C 0.120
HA 7.232992172 1.158654571 6.879504681 SER 11 h H 0.100
C 5.381999969 2.312999964 6.772999763 SER 11 c' C 0.380
O 5.212999821 2.016000032 5.557000160 SER 11 o' O -0.380
CB 5.907999992 0.462000012 8.399999619 SER 11 c2 C -0.170
HB1 5.275885105 0.867496729 9.190001488 SER 11 h H 0.100
HB2 5.339412212 -0.222457558 7.770455360 SER 11 h H 0.100
OG 6.989999771 -0.272000015 9.012000084 SER 11 oh O -0.380
HG 6.754035950 -0.477917194 9.993233681 SER 11 ho H 0.350
N 4.647999763 3.181999922 7.446000099 ASN 12 n N -0.500
HN 4.830713749 3.344167471 8.446608543 ASN 12 hn H 0.280
CA 3.545000076 3.934999943 6.750999928 ASN 12 ca C 0.120
HA 2.931945086 3.139469147 6.327450275 ASN 12 h H 0.100
C 4.106999874 4.850999832 5.690999985 ASN 12 c' C 0.380
O 3.536000013 5.000999928 4.617000103 ASN 12 o' O -0.380
CB 2.663000107 4.677000046 7.748000145 ASN 12 c2 C -0.200
HB1 3.340831280 5.294844151 8.336993217 ASN 12 h H 0.100
HB2 2.070847750 5.373784065 7.154748440 ASN 12 h H 0.100
CG 1.802000046 3.734999895 8.609999657 ASN 12 c' C 0.380
OD1 1.567000031 2.612999916 8.164999962 ASN 12 o' O -0.380
ND2 1.394000053 4.251999855 9.767000198 ASN 12 n2 N -0.560
HD21 1.661958218 5.212530613 10.024837494 ASN 12 hn H 0.280
HD22 0.810311615 3.691485643 10.404206276 ASN 12 hn H 0.280
N 5.258999825 5.498000145 6.005000114 PHE 13 n N -0.500
HN 5.665558815 5.373039246 6.943080425 PHE 13 hn H 0.280
CA 5.928999901 6.357999802 5.054999828 PHE 13 ca C 0.120
HA 5.242126465 7.176824093 4.840915680 PHE 13 h H 0.100
C 6.303999901 5.578000069 3.799000025 PHE 13 c' C 0.380
O 6.136000156 6.072000027 2.653000116 PHE 13 o' O -0.380
CB 7.183000088 6.993999958 5.754000187 PHE 13 c2 C -0.200
HB1 6.822110653 7.422051907 6.689217091 PHE 13 h H 0.100
HB2 7.827757359 6.160566807 6.032885551 PHE 13 h H 0.100
CG 7.883999825 8.005999565 4.882999897 PHE 13 cp C 0.000
CD1 8.906000137 7.585999966 4.026999950 PHE 13 cp C -0.100
HD1 9.200509071 6.536970615 3.996972561 PHE 13 h H 0.100
CD2 7.532000065 9.373000145 4.982999802 PHE 13 cp C -0.100
HD2 6.777885437 9.706417084 5.695912361 PHE 13 h H 0.100
CE1 9.560000420 8.538999557 3.194000006 PHE 13 cp C -0.100
HE1 10.356478691 8.246096611 2.509945869 PHE 13 h H 0.100
CE2 8.175999641 10.281000137 4.144999981 PHE 13 cp C -0.100
HE2 7.907211304 11.336964607 4.173122406 PHE 13 h H 0.100
CZ 9.140999794 9.845000267 3.292000055 PHE 13 cp C -0.100
HZ 9.614526749 10.580624580 2.641823530 PHE 13 h H 0.100
N 6.900000095 4.389999866 3.989000082 ASN 14 n N -0.500
HN 7.056817055 4.026083469 4.939722538 ASN 14 hn H 0.280
CA 7.330999851 3.607000113 2.790999889 ASN 14 ca C 0.120
HA 8.025202751 4.266238213 2.269859314 ASN 14 h H 0.100
C 6.116000175 3.210000038 1.914999962 ASN 14 c' C 0.380
O 6.239999771 3.144000053 0.684000015 ASN 14 o' O -0.380
CB 8.145000458 2.404000044 3.240000010 ASN 14 c2 C -0.200
HB1 7.607684612 1.901341796 4.044192791 ASN 14 h H 0.100
HB2 8.238607407 1.714848042 2.400710344 ASN 14 h H 0.100
CG 9.555000305 2.855999947 3.730000019 ASN 14 c' C 0.380
OD1 10.012999535 3.894999981 3.322999954 ASN 14 o' O -0.380
ND2 10.119999886 1.955999970 4.539000034 ASN 14 n2 N -0.560
HD21 9.602790833 1.105753064 4.804471970 ASN 14 hn H 0.280
HD22 11.072957993 2.112127066 4.897321224 ASN 14 hn H 0.280
N 4.993000031 2.927000046 2.571000099 VAL 15 n N -0.500
HN 4.955123901 2.932416916 3.600289106 VAL 15 hn H 0.280
CA 3.782000065 2.598999977 1.741999984 VAL 15 ca C 0.120
HA 4.121348858 1.813766837 1.066462040 VAL 15 h H 0.100
C 3.296000004 3.871000051 1.003999949 VAL 15 c' C 0.380
O 2.947000027 3.816999912 -0.188999996 VAL 15 o' O -0.380
CB 2.697999954 1.952999949 2.608000040 VAL 15 c1 C -0.100
HB 2.505213737 2.550559521 3.498986244 VAL 15 h H 0.100
CG1 1.383999944 1.825999975 1.805999994 VAL 15 c3 C -0.300
HG11 0.627347350 1.339950681 2.421900034 VAL 15 h H 0.100
HG12 1.035640240 2.818121433 1.518877268 VAL 15 h H 0.100
HG13 1.560454965 1.230180860 0.910475850 VAL 15 h H 0.100
CG2 3.174000025 0.532999992 3.005000114 VAL 15 c3 C -0.300
HG21 3.344338417 -0.058414809 2.105381727 VAL 15 h H 0.100
HG22 4.101772785 0.605659664 3.572501659 VAL 15 h H 0.100
HG23 2.411232710 0.051358268 3.616807222 VAL 15 h H 0.100
N 3.321000099 4.986999989 1.720000029 CYS 16 n N -0.500
HN 3.642014980 4.956790447 2.698231459 CYS 16 hn H 0.280
CA 2.890000105 6.284999847 1.126000047 CYS 16 ca C 0.120
HA 1.819724441 6.204565048 0.935894310 CYS 16 h H 0.100
C 3.687000036 6.597000122 -0.111000001 CYS 16 c' C 0.380
O 3.200000048 7.146999836 -1.103000045 CYS 16 o' O -0.380
CB 3.039000034 7.368999958 2.240000010 CYS 16 c2 C -0.300
HB1 2.427302361 7.046223164 3.082461596 CYS 16 h H 0.100
HB2 4.076938152 7.344151497 2.571914196 CYS 16 h H 0.100
SG 2.559000015 9.013999939 1.649000049 CYS 16 s1 S 0.100
N 4.997000217 6.227000237 -0.100000001 ARG 17 n N -0.500
HN 5.366806507 5.742030144 0.730028629 ARG 17 hn H 0.280
CA 5.894999981 6.488999844 -1.213000059 ARG 17 ca C 0.120
HA 5.606140137 7.505477905 -1.480268955 ARG 17 h H 0.100
C 5.737999916 5.559999943 -2.408999920 ARG 17 c' C 0.380
O 6.228000164 5.901000023 -3.506999969 ARG 17 o' O -0.380
CB 7.369999886 6.506999969 -0.731000006 ARG 17 c2 C -0.200
HB1 7.554117680 5.576966763 -0.193190947 ARG 17 h H 0.110
HB2 8.006169319 6.572014809 -1.613701701 ARG 17 h H 0.110
CG 7.717000008 7.686999798 0.206000000 ARG 17 c2 C -0.200
HG1 6.892404079 7.845237732 0.901055515 ARG 17 h H 0.130
HG2 8.617112160 7.442208767 0.769892812 ARG 17 h H 0.130
CD 7.948999882 8.946999550 -0.615000010 ARG 17 c2 C -0.160
HD1 7.120620728 9.063755989 -1.313753128 ARG 17 h H 0.130
HD2 7.958537579 9.803778648 0.058749799 ARG 17 h H 0.130
NE 9.211999893 8.855999947 -1.337000012 ARG 17 n N -0.560
CZ 9.536999702 9.532999992 -2.430999994 ARG 17 cr C 0.380
NH1 8.659000397 10.350000381 -3.032000065 ARG 17 n2 N -0.560
HH11 7.687877178 10.401560783 -2.692646742 ARG 17 hn H 0.280
HH12 8.956042290 10.925786018 -3.832710981 ARG 17 hn H 0.280
NH2 10.793000221 9.491000175 -2.898999929 ARG 17 n2 N -0.560
HH21 11.487204552 8.872345924 -2.456000090 ARG 17 hn H 0.280
HH22 11.063426018 10.077307701 -3.701504469 ARG 17 hn H 0.280
N 5.051000118 4.410999775 -2.203999996 LEU 18 n N -0.500
HN 4.617259026 4.215945244 -1.290368676 LEU 18 hn H 0.280
CA 4.933000088 3.430999994 -3.325999975 LEU 18 ca C 0.120
HA 5.980045319 3.132587433 -3.378404140 LEU 18 h H 0.100
C 4.396999836 4.013999939 -4.619999886 LEU 18 c' C 0.380
O 4.987999916 3.755000114 -5.686999798 LEU 18 o' O -0.380
CB 4.196000099 2.184000015 -2.862999916 LEU 18 c2 C -0.200
HB1 3.339328766 2.530950308 -2.285211325 LEU 18 h H 0.100
HB2 3.882649422 1.660040379 -3.765982628 LEU 18 h H 0.100
CG 4.960000038 1.177999973 -1.991000056 LEU 18 c1 C -0.100
HG 5.379372120 1.654240489 -1.104759574 LEU 18 h H 0.100
CD1 3.907000065 0.097000003 -1.633999944 LEU 18 c3 C -0.300
HD11 4.372385025 -0.676563323 -1.023166656 LEU 18 h H 0.100
HD12 3.089181185 0.555318415 -1.077927470 LEU 18 h H 0.100
HD13 3.518241882 -0.348654836 -2.549619913 LEU 18 h H 0.100
CD2 6.129000187 0.606000006 -2.767999887 LEU 18 c3 C -0.300
HD21 5.767732143 0.166402578 -3.697698832 LEU 18 h H 0.100
HD22 6.839241505 1.401178122 -2.994605541 LEU 18 h H 0.100
HD23 6.621874809 -0.161501810 -2.171245098 LEU 18 h H 0.100
N 3.328999996 4.795000076 -4.543000221 PRO 19 n N -0.420
CA 2.792000055 5.375999928 -5.796999931 PRO 19 ca C 0.060
HA 2.750592709 4.562232971 -6.520994663 PRO 19 h H 0.100
CD 2.421000004 4.940999985 -3.407999992 PRO 19 c2 C 0.060
HD1 2.893075705 5.502179623 -2.601574659 PRO 19 h H 0.100
HD2 2.129873276 3.967023134 -3.014662504 PRO 19 h H 0.100
C 3.572999954 6.539999962 -6.322000027 PRO 19 c' C 0.380
O 3.259999990 7.045000076 -7.421999931 PRO 19 o' O -0.380
CB 1.358000040 5.765999794 -5.472000122 PRO 19 c2 C -0.200
HB1 1.137144327 6.795158386 -5.755116940 PRO 19 h H 0.100
HB2 0.636163235 5.061525822 -5.885241508 PRO 19 h H 0.100
CG 1.223000050 5.693999767 -3.993000031 PRO 19 c2 C -0.200
HG1 1.192069173 6.702612400 -3.580879211 PRO 19 h H 0.100
HG2 0.303467065 5.167813301 -3.736705542 PRO 19 h H 0.100
N 4.565000057 7.046999931 -5.559000015 GLY 20 n N -0.500
HN 4.763685703 6.625352859 -4.640502453 GLY 20 hn H 0.280
CA 5.366000175 8.190999985 -6.018000126 GLY 20 cg C 0.020
HA1 6.411324024 7.914688587 -5.879978657 GLY 20 h H 0.100
HA2 5.204787731 8.272821426 -7.092902660 GLY 20 h H 0.100
C 5.006999969 9.480999947 -5.280000210 GLY 20 c' C 0.380
O 5.534999847 10.510000229 -5.730000019 GLY 20 o' O -0.380
N 4.181000233 9.437999725 -4.262000084 THR 21 n N -0.500
HN 3.805485964 8.521671295 -3.978747845 THR 21 hn H 0.280
CA 3.766999960 10.609000206 -3.513000011 THR 21 ca C 0.120
HA 3.186850548 11.287978172 -4.137912750 THR 21 h H 0.100
C 5.017000198 11.397000313 -3.042000055 THR 21 c' C 0.380
O 5.947000027 10.756999969 -2.523000002 THR 21 o' O -0.380
CB 2.992000103 10.187999725 -2.224999905 THR 21 c1 C -0.070
HB 3.722551346 9.746408463 -1.547215223 THR 21 h H 0.100
OG1 2.051000118 9.144000053 -2.622999907 THR 21 oh O -0.380
HG1 1.135602355 9.567562103 -2.831667185 THR 21 ho H 0.350
CG2 2.259999990 11.348999977 -1.550999999 THR 21 c3 C -0.300
HG21 1.741620898 10.986124992 -0.663473487 THR 21 h H 0.100
HG22 2.980043650 12.114913940 -1.262877345 THR 21 h H 0.100
HG23 1.535783529 11.774766922 -2.245502472 THR 21 h H 0.100
N 4.971000195 12.703000069 -3.176000118 PRO 22 n N -0.420
CA 6.143000126 13.512999535 -2.696000099 PRO 22 ca C 0.060
HA 7.038496494 13.344851494 -3.294257641 PRO 22 h H 0.100
CD 3.963999987 13.567000389 -3.811000109 PRO 22 c2 C 0.060
HD1 3.145355940 13.595741272 -3.091906309 PRO 22 h H 0.100
HD2 3.722736835 13.055393219 -4.742746353 PRO 22 h H 0.100
C 6.400000095 13.232999802 -1.225000024 PRO 22 c' C 0.380
O 5.485000134 13.060999870 -0.381999999 PRO 22 o' O -0.380
CB 5.703000069 14.968999863 -2.920000076 PRO 22 c2 C -0.200
HB1 5.180837631 15.406009674 -2.068842649 PRO 22 h H 0.100
HB2 6.486554623 15.606681824 -3.329272270 PRO 22 h H 0.100
CG 4.676000118 14.892999649 -3.996000051 PRO 22 c2 C -0.200
HG1 3.913127184 15.665482521 -3.899067879 PRO 22 h H 0.100
HG2 5.117558002 14.866248131 -4.992198467 PRO 22 h H 0.100
N 7.728000164 13.296999931 -0.921000004 GLU 23 n N -0.500
HN 8.435604095 13.473001480 -1.648475647 GLU 23 hn H 0.280
CA 8.114000320 13.102999687 0.500000000 GLU 23 ca C 0.120
HA 7.816065788 12.094260216 0.785972416 GLU 23 h H 0.100
C 7.427000046 14.072999954 1.409999967 GLU 23 c' C 0.380
O 7.035999775 13.682000160 2.539999962 GLU 23 o' O -0.380
CB 9.647999763 13.284999847 0.660000026 GLU 23 c2 C -0.200
HB1 9.905550957 14.228507996 0.178793058 GLU 23 h H 0.100
HB2 9.841214180 13.411215782 1.725287557 GLU 23 h H 0.100
CG 10.439999580 12.093000412 0.063000001 GLU 23 c2 C -0.200
HG1 9.979146957 11.185737610 0.453625947 GLU 23 h H 0.100
HG2 10.252198219 12.100539207 -1.010673165 GLU 23 h H 0.100
CD 11.940999985 12.170000076 0.391000003 GLU 23 c' C 0.380
OE1 12.416000366 13.225000381 0.680999994 GLU 23 o' O -0.350
OE2 12.538999557 11.069999695 0.291999996 GLU 23 oh O -0.380
HE2 11.852339745 10.318097115 0.136945918 GLU 23 ho H 0.350
N 7.211999893 15.333999634 0.966000021 ALA 24 n N -0.500
HN 7.454528332 15.605654716 0.002525384 ALA 24 hn H 0.280
CA 6.613999844 16.316999435 1.912999988 ALA 24 ca C 0.120
HA 7.281579018 16.350204468 2.774008274 ALA 24 h H 0.100
C 5.211999893 15.935999870 2.349999905 ALA 24 c' C 0.380
O 4.782000065 16.166000366 3.494999886 ALA 24 o' O -0.380
CB 6.605000019 17.694999695 1.246000051 ALA 24 c3 C -0.300
HB1 6.237848759 18.439016342 1.952922821 ALA 24 h H 0.100
HB2 7.617130280 17.956361771 0.937162876 ALA 24 h H 0.100
HB3 5.953601360 17.672107697 0.372354269 ALA 24 h H 0.100
N 4.445000172 15.317999840 1.404999971 ILE 25 n N -0.500
HN 4.817237854 15.149471283 0.459517360 ILE 25 hn H 0.280
CA 3.073999882 14.894000053 1.756000042 ILE 25 ca C 0.120
HA 2.651019573 15.738821983 2.299565554 ILE 25 h H 0.100
C 3.085000038 13.642999649 2.644999981 ILE 25 c' C 0.380
O 2.315000057 13.522999763 3.578000069 ILE 25 o' O -0.380
CB 2.203999996 14.637000084 0.462000012 ILE 25 c1 C -0.100
HB 2.766484499 14.064008713 -0.275151134 ILE 25 h H 0.100
CG1 1.815000057 16.048000336 -0.128999993 ILE 25 c2 C -0.200
HG11 2.730222702 16.635150909 -0.204643890 ILE 25 h H 0.100
HG12 1.443681121 15.888158798 -1.141261339 ILE 25 h H 0.100
CG2 0.902999997 13.864000320 0.810999990 ILE 25 c3 C -0.300
HG21 0.304098606 13.734000206 -0.090398379 ILE 25 h H 0.100
HG22 1.159095764 12.886850357 1.220502138 ILE 25 h H 0.100
HG23 0.331401974 14.427850723 1.548189402 ILE 25 h H 0.100
CD1 0.755999982 16.760999680 0.757000029 ILE 25 c3 C -0.300
HD11 1.158126354 16.905153275 1.759802103 ILE 25 h H 0.100
HD12 0.510290921 17.729721069 0.321907312 ILE 25 h H 0.100
HD13 -0.144283146 16.148948669 0.811632454 ILE 25 h H 0.100
N 4.032000065 12.763999939 2.312999964 CYS 26 n N -0.500
HN 4.636651039 12.911288261 1.492266655 CYS 26 hn H 0.280
CA 4.179999828 11.548999786 3.187000036 CYS 26 ca C 0.120
HA 3.168948889 11.146821976 3.251257181 CYS 26 h H 0.100
C 4.631999969 11.944000244 4.596000195 CYS 26 c' C 0.380
O 4.227000237 11.251999855 5.546999931 CYS 26 o' O -0.380
CB 5.038000107 10.517999649 2.539000034 CYS 26 c2 C -0.300
HB1 5.986673355 10.992624283 2.288298368 CYS 26 h H 0.100
HB2 5.186637402 9.715300560 3.261275530 CYS 26 h H 0.100
SG 4.348999977 9.793999672 1.021999955 CYS 26 s1 S 0.100
N 5.407999992 13.012000084 4.693999767 ALA 27 n N -0.500
HN 5.691634178 13.513016701 3.839930773 ALA 27 hn H 0.280
CA 5.879000187 13.501999855 6.026000023 ALA 27 ca C 0.120
HA 6.445541859 12.670074463 6.444367886 ALA 27 h H 0.100
C 4.696000099 13.907999992 6.881999969 ALA 27 c' C 0.380
O 4.527999878 13.421999931 8.024999619 ALA 27 o' O -0.380
CB 6.880000114 14.614999771 5.829999924 ALA 27 c3 C -0.300
HB1 7.267490864 14.930619240 6.798676968 ALA 27 h H 0.100
HB2 7.702079296 14.259757042 5.208639622 ALA 27 h H 0.100
HB3 6.394177914 15.459349632 5.340969563 ALA 27 h H 0.100
N 3.826999903 14.802000046 6.357999802 THR 28 n N -0.500
HN 3.955853701 15.176399231 5.407146454 THR 28 hn H 0.280
CA 2.690999985 15.220999718 7.193999767 THR 28 ca C 0.120
HA 3.191283464 15.484881401 8.125762939 THR 28 h H 0.100
C 1.672000051 14.131999969 7.434000015 THR 28 c' C 0.380
O 0.947000027 14.112000465 8.468000412 THR 28 o' O -0.380
CB 1.985999942 16.520000458 6.613999844 THR 28 c1 C -0.070
HB 1.055821180 16.708566666 7.150013447 THR 28 h H 0.100
OG1 1.664000034 16.221000671 5.230000019 THR 28 oh O -0.380
HG1 1.387834191 17.087430954 4.746335030 THR 28 ho H 0.350
CG2 2.914000034 17.739000320 6.699999809 THR 28 c3 C -0.300
HG21 2.420290470 18.604087830 6.257310867 THR 28 h H 0.100
HG22 3.144372940 17.947925568 7.744690895 THR 28 h H 0.100
HG23 3.837480545 17.532133102 6.159175873 THR 28 h H 0.100
N 1.621000051 13.189999580 6.511000156 TYR 29 n N -0.500
HN 2.223951578 13.259345055 5.678810120 TYR 29 hn H 0.280
CA 0.714999974 12.045000076 6.657000065 TYR 29 ca C 0.120
HA -0.294524491 12.413607597 6.838903904 TYR 29 h H 0.100
C 1.125000000 11.125000000 7.815000057 TYR 29 c' C 0.380
O 0.286000013 10.631999969 8.545000076 TYR 29 o' O -0.380
CB 0.754999995 11.229000092 5.322000027 TYR 29 c2 C -0.200
HB1 0.514248192 11.922528267 4.516296864 TYR 29 h H 0.100
HB2 1.786919236 10.911371231 5.172484398 TYR 29 h H 0.100
CG -0.202999994 10.043999672 5.354000092 TYR 29 cp C 0.000
CD1 -1.547000051 10.336999893 5.644999981 TYR 29 cp C -0.100
HD1 -1.844175816 11.365451813 5.850120068 TYR 29 h H 0.100
CD2 0.193000004 8.750000000 5.099999905 TYR 29 cp C -0.100
HD2 1.231727839 8.520407677 4.862445831 TYR 29 h H 0.100
CE1 -2.496000051 9.329000473 5.672999859 TYR 29 cp C -0.100
HE1 -3.542724609 9.551148415 5.880649567 TYR 29 h H 0.100
CE2 -0.800999999 7.704999924 5.156000137 TYR 29 cp C -0.100
HE2 -0.521442473 6.666428089 4.979036331 TYR 29 h H 0.100
CZ -2.078999996 8.031000137 5.429999828 TYR 29 cp C 0.030
OH -3.096999884 7.057000160 5.458000183 TYR 29 oh O -0.380
HH -4.016462326 7.520978928 5.472573757 TYR 29 ho H 0.350
N 2.470000029 10.984000206 7.994999886 THR 30 n N -0.500
HN 3.124760151 11.572608948 7.460463524 THR 30 hn H 0.280
CA 2.986000061 9.994000435 8.949999809 THR 30 ca C 0.120
HA 2.109365702 9.410336494 9.230978012 THR 30 h H 0.100
C 3.608999968 10.505000114 10.229999542 THR 30 c' C 0.380
O 3.766000032 9.715000153 11.185999870 THR 30 o' O -0.380
CB 4.076000214 9.102999687 8.225000381 THR 30 c1 C -0.070
HB 4.516047001 8.447491646 8.976511002 THR 30 h H 0.100
OG1 5.125000000 10.027000427 7.823999882 THR 30 oh O -0.380
HG1 5.989885330 9.809993744 8.339540482 THR 30 ho H 0.350
CG2 3.493000031 8.324000359 7.034999847 THR 30 c3 C -0.300
HG21 4.283595562 7.746788025 6.555538177 THR 30 h H 0.100
HG22 2.714145184 7.648486614 7.388787270 THR 30 h H 0.100
HG23 3.067262888 9.023551941 6.315641403 THR 30 h H 0.100
N 3.983999968 11.763999939 10.241000175 GLY 31 n N -0.500
HN 3.725119591 12.370410919 9.449706078 GLY 31 hn H 0.280
CA 4.769000053 12.336000443 11.359999657 GLY 31 cg C 0.020
HA1 4.444449425 13.369131088 11.484130859 GLY 31 h H 0.100
HA2 4.479221344 11.798232079 12.262736320 GLY 31 h H 0.100
C 6.255000114 12.243000031 11.105999947 GLY 31 c' C 0.380
O 7.037000179 12.750000000 11.954000473 GLY 31 o' O -0.380
N 6.710000038 11.630999565 9.991999626 CYS 32 n N -0.500
HN 6.054100990 11.116460800 9.387064934 CYS 32 hn H 0.280
CA 8.140000343 11.694000244 9.635000229 CYS 32 ca C 0.120
HA 8.678412437 11.410507202 10.539347649 CYS 32 h H 0.100
C 8.500000000 13.140999794 9.206000328 CYS 32 c' C 0.380
O 7.580999851 13.949000359 8.944000244 CYS 32 o' O -0.380
CB 8.503999710 10.685999870 8.529999733 CYS 32 c2 C -0.300
HB1 7.987734795 10.995699883 7.621343136 CYS 32 h H 0.100
HB2 9.584586143 10.726516724 8.392916679 CYS 32 h H 0.100
SG 8.048000336 8.987000465 8.880999565 CYS 32 s1 S 0.100
N 9.793000221 13.409999847 9.173000336 ILE 33 n N -0.500
HN 10.471553802 12.667460442 9.394585609 ILE 33 hn H 0.280
CA 10.279999733 14.760000229 8.822999954 ILE 33 ca C 0.120
HA 9.389740944 15.283022881 8.473735809 ILE 33 h H 0.100
C 11.345999718 14.657999992 7.743000031 ILE 33 c' C 0.380
O 11.970999718 13.583000183 7.552000046 ILE 33 o' O -0.380
CB 10.789999962 15.534999847 10.085000038 ILE 33 c1 C -0.100
HB 11.123229027 16.501873016 9.707884789 ILE 33 h H 0.100
CG1 12.059000015 14.803000450 10.670999527 ILE 33 c2 C -0.200
HG11 11.743847847 13.842393875 11.078448296 ILE 33 h H 0.100
HG12 12.756343842 14.617484093 9.854057312 ILE 33 h H 0.100
CG2 9.684000015 15.685999870 11.137999535 ILE 33 c3 C -0.300
HG21 10.058896065 16.270494461 11.978191376 ILE 33 h H 0.100
HG22 8.827452660 16.194667816 10.695638657 ILE 33 h H 0.100
HG23 9.378940582 14.700247765 11.489184380 ILE 33 h H 0.100
CD1 12.732999802 15.675999641 11.781000137 ILE 33 c3 C -0.300
HD11 12.021772385 15.850844383 12.588270187 ILE 33 h H 0.100
HD12 13.606328964 15.155009270 12.173381805 ILE 33 h H 0.100
HD13 13.041068077 16.631135941 11.355658531 ILE 33 h H 0.100
N 11.489999771 15.772999763 7.038000107 ILE 34 n N -0.500
HN 10.853153229 16.566915512 7.196191311 ILE 34 hn H 0.280
CA 12.552000046 15.876999855 6.035999775 ILE 34 ca C 0.120
HA 13.043725967 14.912866592 5.906565666 ILE 34 h H 0.100
C 13.590000153 16.916999817 6.559999943 ILE 34 c' C 0.380
O 13.168000221 18.006000519 6.945000172 ILE 34 o' O -0.380
CB 11.987000465 16.360000610 4.681000233 ILE 34 c1 C -0.100
HB 11.502662659 17.321004868 4.854168892 ILE 34 h H 0.100
CG1 10.913999557 15.338000298 4.163000107 ILE 34 c2 C -0.200
HG11 11.380437851 14.426782608 3.788544178 ILE 34 h H 0.100
HG12 10.170696259 15.118617058 4.929467201 ILE 34 h H 0.100
CG2 13.130999565 16.517000198 3.628999949 ILE 34 c3 C -0.300
HG21 12.714348793 16.881505966 2.690041304 ILE 34 h H 0.100
HG22 13.869889259 17.228136063 3.998366594 ILE 34 h H 0.100
HG23 13.608166695 15.551076889 3.463472128 ILE 34 h H 0.100
CD1 10.151000023 16.024000168 2.937999964 ILE 34 c3 C -0.300
HD11 10.865941048 16.258329391 2.149300337 ILE 34 h H 0.100
HD12 9.395269394 15.340338707 2.551244020 ILE 34 h H 0.100
HD13 9.670580864 16.941936493 3.276658058 ILE 34 h H 0.100
N 14.855999947 16.493000031 6.535999775 ILE 35 n N -0.500
HN 15.087069511 15.531770706 6.246958256 ILE 35 hn H 0.280
CA 15.930000305 17.454000473 6.940999985 ILE 35 ca C 0.120
HA 15.448633194 18.412040710 7.137327194 ILE 35 h H 0.100
C 16.913000107 17.549999237 5.818999767 ILE 35 c' C 0.380
O 17.097000122 16.659999847 4.969999790 ILE 35 o' O -0.380
CB 16.621999741 16.995000839 8.284999847 ILE 35 c1 C -0.100
HB 17.372821808 17.751832962 8.512095451 ILE 35 h H 0.100
CG1 17.360000610 15.651000023 8.067000389 ILE 35 c2 C -0.200
HG11 16.597890854 14.882443428 7.938127518 ILE 35 h H 0.100
HG12 17.962522507 15.757192612 7.164896488 ILE 35 h H 0.100
CG2 15.592000008 16.974000931 9.434000015 ILE 35 c3 C -0.300
HG21 16.095645905 16.731447220 10.369737625 ILE 35 h H 0.100
HG22 15.121275902 17.953468323 9.518616676 ILE 35 h H 0.100
HG23 14.830537796 16.222230911 9.226348877 ILE 35 h H 0.100
CD1 18.298000336 15.206000328 9.218999863 ILE 35 c3 C -0.300
HD11 17.719526291 15.091951370 10.135765076 ILE 35 h H 0.100
HD12 18.762899399 14.254055977 8.962544441 ILE 35 h H 0.100
HD13 19.071800232 15.958778381 9.369535446 ILE 35 h H 0.100
N 17.663999557 18.669000626 5.806000233 PRO 36 n N -0.420
CA 18.635000229 18.861000061 4.737999916 PRO 36 ca C 0.060
HA 18.191711426 18.625682831 3.770414352 PRO 36 h H 0.100
CD 17.371000290 19.899999619 6.596000195 PRO 36 c2 C 0.060
HD1 17.637220383 19.770334244 7.645006180 PRO 36 h H 0.100
HD2 16.312007904 20.154773712 6.554459572 PRO 36 h H 0.100
C 19.924999237 18.041999817 4.948999882 PRO 36 c' C 0.380
O 20.593000412 17.742000580 3.944999933 PRO 36 o' O -0.380
CB 18.944999695 20.364000320 4.782999992 PRO 36 c2 C -0.200
HB1 20.011636734 20.533958435 4.929625034 PRO 36 h H 0.100
HB2 18.596609116 20.857370377 3.875635624 PRO 36 h H 0.100
CG 18.238000870 20.937000275 5.907999992 PRO 36 c2 C -0.200
HG1 18.980670929 21.346309662 6.592840672 PRO 36 h H 0.100
HG2 17.637973785 21.766929626 5.534794807 PRO 36 h H 0.100
N 20.172000885 17.729999542 6.217000008 GLY 37 n N -0.500
HN 19.520402908 17.994186401 6.969678879 GLY 37 hn H 0.280
CA 21.451999664 16.968999863 6.513000011 GLY 37 cg C 0.020
HA1 22.220170975 17.196077347 5.773777485 GLY 37 h H 0.100
HA2 21.806970596 17.180898666 7.521560192 GLY 37 h H 0.100
C 21.142999649 15.477999687 6.427000046 GLY 37 c' C 0.380
O 20.138000488 15.022999763 5.877999783 GLY 37 o' O -0.380
N 22.055000305 14.701000214 7.032000065 ALA 38 n N -0.500
HN 22.826601028 15.162067413 7.534940720 ALA 38 hn H 0.280
CA 22.018999100 13.241999626 7.019999981 ALA 38 ca C 0.120
HA 21.118928909 12.994981766 6.457010269 ALA 38 h H 0.100
C 21.944000244 12.628000259 8.395999908 ALA 38 c' C 0.380
O 21.868999481 11.387000084 8.435000420 ALA 38 o' O -0.380
CB 23.246000290 12.696999550 6.275000095 ALA 38 c3 C -0.300
HB1 23.164216995 11.613998413 6.182674408 ALA 38 h H 0.100
HB2 23.296331406 13.143034935 5.281710148 ALA 38 h H 0.100
HB3 24.149721146 12.946521759 6.830985546 ALA 38 h H 0.100
N 21.893999100 13.435000420 9.435999870 THR 39 n N -0.500
HN 21.824220657 14.451409340 9.284524918 THR 39 hn H 0.280
CA 21.936000824 12.911000252 10.809000015 THR 39 ca C 0.120
HA 22.114582062 11.836632729 10.764920235 THR 39 h H 0.100
C 20.614999771 13.190999985 11.520999908 THR 39 c' C 0.380
O 20.357000351 14.317000389 11.947999954 THR 39 o' O -0.380
CB 23.131000519 13.600999832 11.593000412 THR 39 c1 C -0.070
HB 22.981323242 14.676721573 11.685302734 THR 39 h H 0.100
OG1 24.284000397 13.401000023 10.708999634 THR 39 oh O -0.380
HG1 24.421899796 14.240586281 10.128500938 THR 39 ho H 0.350
CG2 23.340000153 12.935000420 12.961999893 THR 39 c3 C -0.300
HG21 24.219049454 13.362584114 13.444229126 THR 39 h H 0.100
HG22 22.463815689 13.106077194 13.587406158 THR 39 h H 0.100
HG23 23.485591888 11.863260269 12.826802254 THR 39 h H 0.100
N 19.826999664 12.109999657 11.642000198 CYS 40 n N -0.500
HN 20.122940063 11.185415268 11.297814369 CYS 40 hn H 0.280
CA 18.503999710 12.312000275 12.298000336 CYS 40 ca C 0.120
HA 18.057098389 13.220839500 11.895023346 CYS 40 h H 0.100
C 18.684000015 12.451000214 13.784000397 CYS 40 c' C 0.380
O 19.533000946 11.718000412 14.362000465 CYS 40 o' O -0.380
CB 17.582000732 11.116999626 11.996000290 CYS 40 c2 C -0.300
HB1 18.086227417 10.251184464 12.425209045 CYS 40 h H 0.100
HB2 16.700305939 11.271791458 12.617895126 CYS 40 h H 0.100
SG 17.198999405 10.928999901 10.237000465 CYS 40 s1 S 0.100
N 17.879999161 13.265999794 14.425999641 PRO 41 n N -0.420
CA 17.923999786 13.420999527 15.876999855 PRO 41 ca C 0.060
HA 18.941534042 13.662834167 16.183986664 PRO 41 h H 0.100
CD 16.858999252 14.149999619 13.779000282 PRO 41 c2 C 0.060
HD1 16.215919495 13.587250710 13.102345467 PRO 41 h H 0.100
HD2 17.329374313 14.943244934 13.197958946 PRO 41 h H 0.100
C 17.392000198 12.206000328 16.593999863 PRO 41 c' C 0.380
O 16.652000427 11.368000031 16.033000946 PRO 41 o' O -0.380
CB 17.076000214 14.657999992 16.145000458 PRO 41 c2 C -0.200
HB1 16.444255829 14.584781647 17.030233383 PRO 41 h H 0.100
HB2 17.617696762 15.599854469 16.057970047 PRO 41 h H 0.100
CG 16.097999573 14.689000130 14.996999741 PRO 41 c2 C -0.200
HG1 15.253420830 14.016077042 15.145191193 PRO 41 h H 0.100
HG2 15.789084435 15.700772285 14.734343529 PRO 41 h H 0.100
N 17.728000641 12.123999596 17.884000778 GLY 42 n N -0.500
HN 18.268247604 12.885299683 18.319267273 GLY 42 hn H 0.280
CA 17.333999634 10.956000328 18.690999985 GLY 42 cg C 0.020
HA1 17.766984940 10.084270477 18.200376511 GLY 42 h H 0.100
HA2 17.761390686 11.109748840 19.681858063 GLY 42 h H 0.100
C 15.875000000 10.687999725 18.871000290 GLY 42 c' C 0.380
O 15.434000015 9.550000191 19.166000366 GLY 42 o' O -0.380
N 15.036000252 11.746999741 18.715000153 ASP 43 n N -0.500
HN 15.424054146 12.679033279 18.510971069 ASP 43 hn H 0.280
CA 13.564000130 11.572999954 18.836000443 ASP 43 ca C 0.120
HA 13.474464417 10.696401596 19.477605820 ASP 43 h H 0.100
C 12.935999870 11.227000237 17.469999313 ASP 43 c' C 0.380
O 11.720000267 11.039999962 17.427999496 ASP 43 o' O -0.380
CB 12.932999611 12.737000465 19.579999924 ASP 43 c2 C -0.200
HB1 11.860553741 12.547567368 19.625556946 ASP 43 h H 0.100
HB2 13.367670059 12.754883766 20.579420090 ASP 43 h H 0.100
CG 13.140000343 14.093999863 18.958000183 ASP 43 c' C 0.380
OD1 14.109000206 14.303000450 18.211999893 ASP 43 o' O -0.350
OD2 12.267000198 14.963000298 19.264999390 ASP 43 oh O -0.380
HD2 12.695192337 15.899699211 19.252908707 ASP 43 ho H 0.350
N 13.725000381 11.173999786 16.424999237 TYR 44 n N -0.500
HN 14.713005066 11.441411018 16.540052414 TYR 44 hn H 0.280
CA 13.256999969 10.744999886 15.081000328 TYR 44 ca C 0.120
HA 12.264418602 10.301728249 15.160951614 TYR 44 h H 0.100
C 14.274999619 9.687000275 14.612000465 TYR 44 c' C 0.380
O 14.930000305 9.862000465 13.567999840 TYR 44 o' O -0.380
CB 13.199999809 11.913999557 14.071000099 TYR 44 c2 C -0.200
HB1 14.121270180 12.493051529 14.134719849 TYR 44 h H 0.100
HB2 13.091276169 11.516075134 13.062071800 TYR 44 h H 0.100
CG 12.000000000 12.819000244 14.399000168 TYR 44 cp C 0.000
CD1 12.119000435 13.852999687 15.331999779 TYR 44 cp C -0.100
HD1 13.067806244 14.011770248 15.844503403 TYR 44 h H 0.100
CD2 10.774999619 12.616999626 13.762000084 TYR 44 cp C -0.100
HD2 10.673528671 11.813380241 13.032616615 TYR 44 h H 0.100
CE1 11.045000076 14.675000191 15.609999657 TYR 44 cp C -0.100
HE1 11.163392067 15.500525475 16.311847687 TYR 44 h H 0.100
CE2 9.675999641 13.432999611 14.048000336 TYR 44 cp C -0.100
HE2 8.726944923 13.273748398 13.536108017 TYR 44 h H 0.100
CZ 9.802000046 14.456000328 14.996000290 TYR 44 cp C 0.030
OH 8.739999771 15.265000343 15.269000053 TYR 44 oh O -0.380
HH 9.048466682 16.247716904 15.272980690 TYR 44 ho H 0.350
N 14.342000008 8.640000343 15.421999931 ALA 45 n N -0.500
HN 13.638368607 8.505084991 16.162000656 ALA 45 hn H 0.280
CA 15.444999695 7.666999817 15.246000290 ALA 45 ca C 0.120
HA 16.332574844 8.216528893 14.932426453 ALA 45 h H 0.100
C 15.170999527 6.532999992 14.279999733 ALA 45 c' C 0.380
O 16.093000412 5.704999924 14.038999557 ALA 45 o' O -0.380
CB 15.680000305 7.098999977 16.681999207 ALA 45 c3 C -0.300
HB1 16.535034180 6.423069000 16.670495987 ALA 45 h H 0.100
HB2 15.876356125 7.920741558 17.370683670 ALA 45 h H 0.100
HB3 14.792826653 6.556271553 17.008296967 ALA 45 h H 0.100
N 13.965999603 6.501999855 13.739000320 ASNC 46 n N -0.500
HN 13.318986893 7.281283855 13.926057816 ASNC 46 hn H 0.280
CA 13.512000084 5.394999981 12.878000259 ASNC 46 ca C 0.120
HA 14.292015076 4.641647816 12.988171577 ASNC 46 h H 0.100
C 13.310999870 5.853000164 11.454999924 ASNC 46 c- C 0.140
O 13.732999802 6.928999901 11.026000023 ASNC 46 o- O -0.570
OXT 12.703000069 4.973000050 10.746000290 ASNC 46 o- O -0.570
CB 12.265999794 4.769000053 13.501000404 ASNC 46 c2 C -0.200
HB1 11.471806526 5.515164375 13.476576805 ASNC 46 h H 0.100
HB2 11.959742546 3.937092304 12.866779327 ASNC 46 h H 0.100
CG 12.538000107 4.303999901 14.921999931 ASNC 46 c' C 0.380
OD1 11.982000351 4.848999977 15.885999680 ASNC 46 o' O -0.380
ND2 13.406999588 3.298000097 15.015000343 ASNC 46 n2 N -0.560
HD21 13.826193810 2.899175167 14.162875175 ASNC 46 hn H 0.280
HD22 13.659525871 2.919377804 15.938999176 ASNC 46 hn H 0.280

View File

@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
!BIOSYM molecular_data 4
!DATE: Mon Jul 14 13:41:24 1997 INSIGHT generated molecular data file
@column 1 element
@column 2 atom_type cvff
@column 3 charge_group cvff
@column 4 isotope
@column 5 formal_charge
@column 6 charge cvff
@column 7 switching_atom cvff
@column 8 oop_flag cvff
@column 9 chirality_flag
@column 10 occupancy
@column 11 xray_temp_factor
@column 12 connections
@molecule CRAMBIN
THRN_1:N N n4 pep+ 0 0 -0.5000 1 0 8 1.0000 13.7900 CA HN1 HN2 HN3
THRN_1:HN3 H hn pep+ 0 0 0.3600 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
THRN_1:HN1 H hn pep+ 0 0 0.3600 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
THRN_1:HN2 H hn pep+ 0 0 0.3600 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
THRN_1:CA C ca pep+ 0 0 0.3200 0 0 8 1.0000 10.8000 C CB N HA
THRN_1:HA H h pep+ 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
THRN_1:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 9.1900 O/2.0 CA THR_2:N/1.5
THRN_1:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 9.8500 C/2.0
THRN_1:CB C c1 cBoh 0 0 -0.0700 0 0 8 1.0000 13.0200 CG2 OG1 CA HB
THRN_1:HB H h cBoh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
THRN_1:OG1 O oh cBoh 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 15.0600 CB HG1
THRN_1:HG1 H ho cBoh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OG1
THRN_1:CG2 C c3 meG 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 14.2300 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
THRN_1:HG21 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THRN_1:HG22 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THRN_1:HG23 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_2:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 7.8100 CA THRN_1:C/1.5 HN
THR_2:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
THR_2:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 8.3100 C CB N HA
THR_2:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
THR_2:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 5.8000 O/2.0 CA CYS_3:N/1.5
THR_2:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 6.9400 C/2.0
THR_2:CB C c1 cBoh 0 0 -0.0700 0 0 8 1.0000 10.3200 CG2 OG1 CA HB
THR_2:HB H h cBoh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
THR_2:OG1 O oh cBoh 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 12.8100 CB HG1
THR_2:HG1 H ho cBoh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OG1
THR_2:CG2 C c3 meG 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 11.9000 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
THR_2:HG21 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_2:HG22 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_2:HG23 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
CYS_3:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.2400 CA THR_2:C/1.5 HN
CYS_3:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
CYS_3:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.3900 C CB N HA
CYS_3:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
CYS_3:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.4500 O/2.0 CA CYS_4:N/1.5
CYS_3:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 6.5400 C/2.0
CYS_3:CB C c2 cs 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.9900 SG CA HB1 HB2
CYS_3:HB1 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_3:HB2 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_3:SG S s1 cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 7.0100 CB CYS_40:SG
CYS_4:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.9000 CA CYS_3:C/1.5 HN
CYS_4:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
CYS_4:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.2400 C CB N HA
CYS_4:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
CYS_4:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.7200 O/2.0 CA PRO_5:N/1.5
CYS_4:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.3000 C/2.0
CYS_4:CB C c2 cs 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 4.4100 SG CA HB1 HB2
CYS_4:HB1 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_4:HB2 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_4:SG S s1 cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 4.7200 CB CYS_32:SG
PRO_5:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.4200 1 1 8 1.0000 3.9600 CA CD CYS_4:C/1.5
PRO_5:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 4.2500 C CB N HA
PRO_5:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
PRO_5:CD C c2 pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 5.2000 N CG HD1 HD2
PRO_5:HD1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_5:HD2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_5:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.9600 O/2.0 CA SER_6:N/1.5
PRO_5:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 7.4400 C/2.0
PRO_5:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.1100 CG CA HB1 HB2
PRO_5:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_5:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_5:CG C c2 meG 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.2400 CD CB HG1 HG2
PRO_5:HG1 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
PRO_5:HG2 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
SER_6:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.8300 CA PRO_5:C/1.5 HN
SER_6:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
SER_6:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.4500 C CB N HA
SER_6:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
SER_6:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.9900 O/2.0 CA ILE_7:N/1.5
SER_6:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.6100 C/2.0
SER_6:CB C c2 coh 0 0 -0.1700 0 0 8 1.0000 5.0500 OG CA HB1 HB2
SER_6:HB1 H h coh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
SER_6:HB2 H h coh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
SER_6:OG O oh coh 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 6.3900 CB HG
SER_6:HG H ho coh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OG
ILE_7:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.9400 CA SER_6:C/1.5 HN
ILE_7:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ILE_7:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 6.3300 C CB N HA
ILE_7:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ILE_7:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 5.3200 O/2.0 CA VAL_8:N/1.5
ILE_7:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 6.8500 C/2.0
ILE_7:CB C c1 meB 0 0 -0.1000 1 0 8 1.0000 8.4300 CG2 CG1 CA HB
ILE_7:HB H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ILE_7:CG1 C c2 meG1 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.7800 CD1 CB HG11 HG12
ILE_7:HG11 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_7:HG12 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_7:CG2 C c3 meG2 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 11.7000 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
ILE_7:HG21 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_7:HG22 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_7:HG23 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_7:CD1 C c3 meD1 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.9200 CG1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_7:HD11 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_7:HD12 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_7:HD13 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
VAL_8:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.0200 CA ILE_7:C/1.5 HN
VAL_8:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
VAL_8:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 6.9300 C CB N HA
VAL_8:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
VAL_8:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 5.3900 O/2.0 CA ALA_9:N/1.5
VAL_8:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 6.3000 C/2.0
VAL_8:CB C c1 meB 0 0 -0.1000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.6400 CG1 CG2 CA HB
VAL_8:HB H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
VAL_8:CG1 C c3 meG1 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 13.8500 CB HG11 HG12 HG13
VAL_8:HG11 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
VAL_8:HG12 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
VAL_8:HG13 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
VAL_8:CG2 C c3 meG2 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 11.9700 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
VAL_8:HG21 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
VAL_8:HG22 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
VAL_8:HG23 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ALA_9:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.7300 CA VAL_8:C/1.5 HN
ALA_9:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ALA_9:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 3.5600 C CB N HA
ALA_9:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ALA_9:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.1300 O/2.0 CA ARG_10:N/1.5
ALA_9:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.3600 C/2.0
ALA_9:CB C c3 meB 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 4.8000 CA HB1 HB2 HB3
ALA_9:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_9:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_9:HB3 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ARG_10:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.7300 CA ALA_9:C/1.5 HN
ARG_10:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ARG_10:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 3.3800 C CB N HA
ARG_10:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ARG_10:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.4700 O/2.0 CA SER_11:N/1.5
ARG_10:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.6700 C/2.0
ARG_10:CB C c2 c3nc 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 3.9500 CG CA HB1 HB2
ARG_10:HB1 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1100 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ARG_10:HB2 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1100 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ARG_10:CG C c2 c3nc 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 4.5500 CD CB HG1 HG2
ARG_10:HG1 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1300 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
ARG_10:HG2 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1300 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
ARG_10:CD C c2 c3nc 0 0 -0.1600 1 0 8 1.0000 5.8900 NE CG HD1 HD2
ARG_10:HD1 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1300 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
ARG_10:HD2 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1300 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
ARG_10:NE N n c3nc 0 0 -0.5600 0 0 8 1.0000 6.2000 CZ/2.0 CD
ARG_10:CZ C cr c3nc 0 0 0.3800 0 1 8 1.0000 7.5200 NH1 NH2 NE/2.0
ARG_10:NH1 N n2 am1 0 0 -0.5600 1 1 8 1.0000 10.6800 CZ HH11 HH12
ARG_10:HH11 H hn am1 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 NH1
ARG_10:HH12 H hn am1 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 NH1
ARG_10:NH2 N n2 am2 0 0 -0.5600 1 1 8 1.0000 9.4800 CZ HH21 HH22
ARG_10:HH21 H hn am2 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 NH2
ARG_10:HH22 H hn am2 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 NH2
SER_11:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.1900 CA ARG_10:C/1.5 HN
SER_11:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
SER_11:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.6000 C CB N HA
SER_11:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
SER_11:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.8400 O/2.0 CA ASN_12:N/1.5
SER_11:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.8400 C/2.0
SER_11:CB C c2 coh 0 0 -0.1700 0 0 8 1.0000 5.9100 OG CA HB1 HB2
SER_11:HB1 H h coh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
SER_11:HB2 H h coh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
SER_11:OG O oh coh 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 8.3800 CB HG
SER_11:HG H ho coh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OG
ASN_12:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.5400 CA SER_11:C/1.5 HN
ASN_12:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ASN_12:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.5700 C CB N HA
ASN_12:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ASN_12:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.1400 O/2.0 CA PHE_13:N/1.5
ASN_12:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.5200 C/2.0
ASN_12:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.4200 CG CA HB1 HB2
ASN_12:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASN_12:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASN_12:CG C c' coG 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 8.2500 OD1/2.0 ND2/1.5 CB
ASN_12:OD1 O o' coG 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 12.7200 CG/2.0
ASN_12:ND2 N n2 amD 0 0 -0.5600 1 1 8 1.0000 9.9200 CG/1.5 HD21 HD22
ASN_12:HD21 H hn amD 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 ND2
ASN_12:HD22 H hn amD 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 ND2
PHE_13:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.4300 CA ASN_12:C/1.5 HN
PHE_13:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
PHE_13:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 3.4900 C CB N HA
PHE_13:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
PHE_13:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.4000 O/2.0 CA ASN_14:N/1.5
PHE_13:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.0700 C/2.0
PHE_13:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.4800 CG CA HB1 HB2
PHE_13:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PHE_13:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PHE_13:CG C cp arG 0 0 0.0000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.5700 CD1/1.5 CD2/1.5 CB
PHE_13:CD1 C cp arD1 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 6.9900 CE1/1.5 CG/1.5 HD1
PHE_13:HD1 H h arD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
PHE_13:CD2 C cp arD2 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 6.5200 CG/1.5 CE2/1.5 HD2
PHE_13:HD2 H h arD2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD2
PHE_13:CE1 C cp arE1 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 8.2000 CZ/1.5 CD1/1.5 HE1
PHE_13:HE1 H h arE1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CE1
PHE_13:CE2 C cp arE2 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 6.3400 CD2/1.5 CZ/1.5 HE2
PHE_13:HE2 H h arE2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CE2
PHE_13:CZ C cp arZ 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 6.8400 CE2/1.5 CE1/1.5 HZ
PHE_13:HZ H h arZ 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CZ
ASN_14:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.6400 CA PHE_13:C/1.5 HN
ASN_14:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ASN_14:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.3100 C CB N HA
ASN_14:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ASN_14:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.9800 O/2.0 CA VAL_15:N/1.5
ASN_14:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 6.2200 C/2.0
ASN_14:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.8100 CG CA HB1 HB2
ASN_14:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASN_14:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASN_14:CG C c' coG 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 6.8200 OD1/2.0 ND2/1.5 CB
ASN_14:OD1 O o' coG 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 9.4300 CG/2.0
ASN_14:ND2 N n2 amD 0 0 -0.5600 1 1 8 1.0000 8.2100 CG/1.5 HD21 HD22
ASN_14:HD21 H hn amD 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 ND2
ASN_14:HD22 H hn amD 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 ND2
VAL_15:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.7600 CA ASN_14:C/1.5 HN
VAL_15:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
VAL_15:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 3.9800 C CB N HA
VAL_15:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
VAL_15:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.8000 O/2.0 CA CYS_16:N/1.5
VAL_15:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.8500 C/2.0
VAL_15:CB C c1 meB 0 0 -0.1000 1 0 8 1.0000 4.7100 CG1 CG2 CA HB
VAL_15:HB H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
VAL_15:CG1 C c3 meG1 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.6700 CB HG11 HG12 HG13
VAL_15:HG11 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
VAL_15:HG12 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
VAL_15:HG13 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
VAL_15:CG2 C c3 meG2 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.2600 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
VAL_15:HG21 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
VAL_15:HG22 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
VAL_15:HG23 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
CYS_16:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.7900 CA VAL_15:C/1.5 HN
CYS_16:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
CYS_16:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 3.5400 C CB N HA
CYS_16:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
CYS_16:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.4800 O/2.0 CA ARG_17:N/1.5
CYS_16:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.6300 C/2.0
CYS_16:CB C c2 cs 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 4.5800 SG CA HB1 HB2
CYS_16:HB1 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_16:HB2 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_16:SG S s1 cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 5.6600 CB CYS_26:SG
ARG_17:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.9900 CA CYS_16:C/1.5 HN
ARG_17:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ARG_17:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 3.8300 C CB N HA
ARG_17:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ARG_17:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.7900 O/2.0 CA LEU_18:N/1.5
ARG_17:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.3900 C/2.0
ARG_17:CB C c2 c3nc 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 4.1100 CG CA HB1 HB2
ARG_17:HB1 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1100 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ARG_17:HB2 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1100 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ARG_17:CG C c2 c3nc 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 4.6900 CD CB HG1 HG2
ARG_17:HG1 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1300 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
ARG_17:HG2 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1300 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
ARG_17:CD C c2 c3nc 0 0 -0.1600 1 0 8 1.0000 5.1000 NE CG HD1 HD2
ARG_17:HD1 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1300 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
ARG_17:HD2 H h c3nc 0 0 0.1300 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
ARG_17:NE N n c3nc 0 0 -0.5600 0 0 8 1.0000 4.7100 CZ/2.0 CD
ARG_17:CZ C cr c3nc 0 0 0.3800 0 1 8 1.0000 5.2800 NH1 NH2 NE/2.0
ARG_17:NH1 N n2 am1 0 0 -0.5600 1 1 8 1.0000 6.6700 CZ HH11 HH12
ARG_17:HH11 H hn am1 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 NH1
ARG_17:HH12 H hn am1 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 NH1
ARG_17:NH2 N n2 am2 0 0 -0.5600 1 1 8 1.0000 6.4100 CZ HH21 HH22
ARG_17:HH21 H hn am2 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 NH2
ARG_17:HH22 H hn am2 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 NH2
LEU_18:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.7000 CA ARG_17:C/1.5 HN
LEU_18:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
LEU_18:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.4600 C CB N HA
LEU_18:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
LEU_18:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 5.1300 O/2.0 CA PRO_19:N/1.5
LEU_18:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.5500 C/2.0
LEU_18:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.4700 CG CA HB1 HB2
LEU_18:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
LEU_18:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
LEU_18:CG C c1 meG 0 0 -0.1000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.4300 CD1 CD2 CB HG
LEU_18:HG H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
LEU_18:CD1 C c3 meD1 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 8.7000 CG HD11 HD12 HD13
LEU_18:HD11 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
LEU_18:HD12 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
LEU_18:HD13 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
LEU_18:CD2 C c3 meD2 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.3900 CG HD21 HD22 HD23
LEU_18:HD21 H h meD2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD2
LEU_18:HD22 H h meD2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD2
LEU_18:HD23 H h meD2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD2
PRO_19:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.4200 1 1 8 1.0000 4.2800 CA CD LEU_18:C/1.5
PRO_19:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 5.3800 C CB N HA
PRO_19:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
PRO_19:CD C c2 pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 6.4500 N CG HD1 HD2
PRO_19:HD1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_19:HD2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_19:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 6.3000 O/2.0 CA GLY_20:N/1.5
PRO_19:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 9.6200 C/2.0
PRO_19:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.8700 CG CA HB1 HB2
PRO_19:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_19:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_19:CG C c2 meG 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.4700 CD CB HG1 HG2
PRO_19:HG1 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
PRO_19:HG2 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
GLY_20:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.9400 CA PRO_19:C/1.5 HN
GLY_20:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
GLY_20:CA C cg pepN 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.3900 C N HA1 HA2
GLY_20:HA1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLY_20:HA2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLY_20:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 5.0300 O/2.0 CA THR_21:N/1.5
GLY_20:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 7.3400 C/2.0
THR_21:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.1000 CA GLY_20:C/1.5 HN
THR_21:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
THR_21:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 3.9400 C CB N HA
THR_21:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
THR_21:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.9600 O/2.0 CA PRO_22:N/1.5
THR_21:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.8200 C/2.0
THR_21:CB C c1 cBoh 0 0 -0.0700 0 0 8 1.0000 4.1300 CG2 OG1 CA HB
THR_21:HB H h cBoh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
THR_21:OG1 O oh cBoh 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 5.4500 CB HG1
THR_21:HG1 H ho cBoh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OG1
THR_21:CG2 C c3 meG 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.4100 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
THR_21:HG21 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_21:HG22 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_21:HG23 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
PRO_22:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.4200 1 1 8 1.0000 5.0400 CA CD THR_21:C/1.5
PRO_22:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 4.6900 C CB N HA
PRO_22:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
PRO_22:CD C c2 pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 4.9000 N CG HD1 HD2
PRO_22:HD1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_22:HD2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_22:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.1900 O/2.0 CA GLU_23:N/1.5
PRO_22:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.4700 C/2.0
PRO_22:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.1200 CG CA HB1 HB2
PRO_22:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_22:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_22:CG C c2 meG 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.0300 CD CB HG1 HG2
PRO_22:HG1 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
PRO_22:HG2 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
GLU_23:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.1600 CA PRO_22:C/1.5 HN
GLU_23:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
GLU_23:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.3100 C CB N HA
GLU_23:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLU_23:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.1100 O/2.0 CA ALA_24:N/1.5
GLU_23:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.1100 C/2.0
GLU_23:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.1600 CG CA HB1 HB2
GLU_23:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
GLU_23:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
GLU_23:CG C c2 meG 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.4800 CD CB HG1 HG2
GLU_23:HG1 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
GLU_23:HG2 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
GLU_23:CD C c' cooh 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 9.4000 OE1/2.0 OE2 CG
GLU_23:OE1 O o' cooh 0 0 -0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 10.4000 CD/2.0
GLU_23:OE2 O oh cooh 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 13.3200 CD HE2
GLU_23:HE2 H ho cooh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OE2
ALA_24:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.5600 CA GLU_23:C/1.5 HN
ALA_24:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ALA_24:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.4900 C CB N HA
ALA_24:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ALA_24:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.1000 O/2.0 CA ILE_25:N/1.5
ALA_24:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.6400 C/2.0
ALA_24:CB C c3 meB 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.8000 CA HB1 HB2 HB3
ALA_24:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_24:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_24:HB3 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ILE_25:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.3700 CA ALA_24:C/1.5 HN
ILE_25:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ILE_25:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.4400 C CB N HA
ILE_25:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ILE_25:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.3200 O/2.0 CA CYS_26:N/1.5
ILE_25:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.7200 C/2.0
ILE_25:CB C c1 meB 0 0 -0.1000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.4200 CG2 CG1 CA HB
ILE_25:HB H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ILE_25:CG1 C c2 meG1 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.5000 CD1 CB HG11 HG12
ILE_25:HG11 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_25:HG12 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_25:CG2 C c3 meG2 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.6500 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
ILE_25:HG21 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_25:HG22 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_25:HG23 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_25:CD1 C c3 meD1 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.8000 CG1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_25:HD11 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_25:HD12 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_25:HD13 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
CYS_26:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.9200 CA ILE_25:C/1.5 HN
CYS_26:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
CYS_26:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.3700 C CB N HA
CYS_26:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
CYS_26:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 3.9500 O/2.0 CA ALA_27:N/1.5
CYS_26:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 4.7400 C/2.0
CYS_26:CB C c2 cs 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 4.6300 SG CA HB1 HB2
CYS_26:HB1 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_26:HB2 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_26:SG S s1 cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 5.6100 CB CYS_16:SG
ALA_27:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 3.8900 CA CYS_26:C/1.5 HN
ALA_27:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ALA_27:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.4300 C CB N HA
ALA_27:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ALA_27:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.2600 O/2.0 CA THR_28:N/1.5
ALA_27:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.4400 C/2.0
ALA_27:CB C c3 meB 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.3600 CA HB1 HB2 HB3
ALA_27:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_27:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_27:HB3 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
THR_28:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.5300 CA ALA_27:C/1.5 HN
THR_28:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
THR_28:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.0800 C CB N HA
THR_28:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
THR_28:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.6200 O/2.0 CA TYR_29:N/1.5
THR_28:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 7.8000 C/2.0
THR_28:CB C c1 cBoh 0 0 -0.0700 0 0 8 1.0000 6.0300 CG2 OG1 CA HB
THR_28:HB H h cBoh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
THR_28:OG1 O oh cBoh 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 7.1900 CB HG1
THR_28:HG1 H ho cBoh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OG1
THR_28:CG2 C c3 meG 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.3400 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
THR_28:HG21 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_28:HG22 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_28:HG23 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
TYR_29:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.0100 CA THR_28:C/1.5 HN
TYR_29:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
TYR_29:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 6.6000 C CB N HA
TYR_29:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
TYR_29:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.9200 O/2.0 CA THR_30:N/1.5
TYR_29:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 7.1300 C/2.0
TYR_29:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.6600 CG CA HB1 HB2
TYR_29:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
TYR_29:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
TYR_29:CG C cp arG 0 0 0.0000 1 1 8 1.0000 11.5600 CD1/1.5 CD2/1.5 CB
TYR_29:CD1 C cp arD1 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 12.8500 CE1/1.5 CG/1.5 HD1
TYR_29:HD1 H h arD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
TYR_29:CD2 C cp arD2 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 14.4400 CG/1.5 CE2/1.5 HD2
TYR_29:HD2 H h arD2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD2
TYR_29:CE1 C cp arE1 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 16.6100 CZ/1.5 CD1/1.5 HE1
TYR_29:HE1 H h arE1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CE1
TYR_29:CE2 C cp arE2 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 17.1100 CD2/1.5 CZ/1.5 HE2
TYR_29:HE2 H h arE2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CE2
TYR_29:CZ C cp phol 0 0 0.0300 0 1 8 1.0000 19.9900 OH CE2/1.5 CE1/1.5
TYR_29:OH O oh phol 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 28.9800 CZ HH
TYR_29:HH H ho phol 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OH
THR_30:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.3100 CA TYR_29:C/1.5 HN
THR_30:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
THR_30:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.7000 C CB N HA
THR_30:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
THR_30:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 6.2800 O/2.0 CA GLY_31:N/1.5
THR_30:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 8.7700 C/2.0
THR_30:CB C c1 cBoh 0 0 -0.0700 0 0 8 1.0000 6.5500 CG2 OG1 CA HB
THR_30:HB H h cBoh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
THR_30:OG1 O oh cBoh 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 6.5700 CB HG1
THR_30:HG1 H ho cBoh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OG1
THR_30:CG2 C c3 meG 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.2900 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
THR_30:HG21 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_30:HG22 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_30:HG23 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
GLY_31:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.9900 CA THR_30:C/1.5 HN
GLY_31:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
GLY_31:CA C cg pepN 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.5000 C N HA1 HA2
GLY_31:HA1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLY_31:HA2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLY_31:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.1900 O/2.0 CA CYS_32:N/1.5
GLY_31:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 6.1200 C/2.0
CYS_32:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.3000 CA GLY_31:C/1.5 HN
CYS_32:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
CYS_32:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 4.8900 C CB N HA
CYS_32:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
CYS_32:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 5.5000 O/2.0 CA ILE_33:N/1.5
CYS_32:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 5.8200 C/2.0
CYS_32:CB C c2 cs 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 4.6600 SG CA HB1 HB2
CYS_32:HB1 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_32:HB2 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_32:SG S s1 cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 5.3300 CB CYS_4:SG
ILE_33:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 6.0200 CA CYS_32:C/1.5 HN
ILE_33:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ILE_33:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.2400 C CB N HA
ILE_33:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ILE_33:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 5.1600 O/2.0 CA ILE_34:N/1.5
ILE_33:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 7.1900 C/2.0
ILE_33:CB C c1 meB 0 0 -0.1000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.4900 CG2 CG1 CA HB
ILE_33:HB H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ILE_33:CG1 C c2 meG1 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.8500 CD1 CB HG11 HG12
ILE_33:HG11 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_33:HG12 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_33:CG2 C c3 meG2 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.4500 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
ILE_33:HG21 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_33:HG22 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_33:HG23 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_33:CD1 C c3 meD1 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 8.9400 CG1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_33:HD11 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_33:HD12 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_33:HD13 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_34:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.5200 CA ILE_33:C/1.5 HN
ILE_34:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ILE_34:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 6.8200 C CB N HA
ILE_34:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ILE_34:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 6.9200 O/2.0 CA ILE_35:N/1.5
ILE_34:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 9.2200 C/2.0
ILE_34:CB C c1 meB 0 0 -0.1000 1 0 8 1.0000 8.1100 CG2 CG1 CA HB
ILE_34:HB H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ILE_34:CG1 C c2 meG1 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.5900 CD1 CB HG11 HG12
ILE_34:HG11 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_34:HG12 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_34:CG2 C c3 meG2 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.7300 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
ILE_34:HG21 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_34:HG22 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_34:HG23 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_34:CD1 C c3 meD1 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 13.4100 CG1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_34:HD11 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_34:HD12 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_34:HD13 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_35:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 7.0600 CA ILE_34:C/1.5 HN
ILE_35:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ILE_35:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 7.5200 C CB N HA
ILE_35:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ILE_35:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 6.6300 O/2.0 CA PRO_36:N/1.5
ILE_35:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 7.9000 C/2.0
ILE_35:CB C c1 meB 0 0 -0.1000 1 0 8 1.0000 8.0700 CG2 CG1 CA HB
ILE_35:HB H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ILE_35:CG1 C c2 meG1 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.4100 CD1 CB HG11 HG12
ILE_35:HG11 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_35:HG12 H h meG1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG1
ILE_35:CG2 C c3 meG2 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.4600 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
ILE_35:HG21 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_35:HG22 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_35:HG23 H h meG2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
ILE_35:CD1 C c3 meD1 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.8500 CG1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_35:HD11 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_35:HD12 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
ILE_35:HD13 H h meD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
PRO_36:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.4200 1 1 8 1.0000 8.0700 CA CD ILE_35:C/1.5
PRO_36:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 8.7800 C CB N HA
PRO_36:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
PRO_36:CD C c2 pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 9.5300 N CG HD1 HD2
PRO_36:HD1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_36:HD2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_36:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 8.3100 O/2.0 CA GLY_37:N/1.5
PRO_36:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 9.0900 C/2.0
PRO_36:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 9.6700 CG CA HB1 HB2
PRO_36:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_36:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_36:CG C c2 meG 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 10.1500 CD CB HG1 HG2
PRO_36:HG1 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
PRO_36:HG2 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
GLY_37:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 8.4800 CA PRO_36:C/1.5 HN
GLY_37:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
GLY_37:CA C cg pepN 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 9.2000 C N HA1 HA2
GLY_37:HA1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLY_37:HA2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLY_37:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 10.4100 O/2.0 CA ALA_38:N/1.5
GLY_37:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 12.0600 C/2.0
ALA_38:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 9.2400 CA GLY_37:C/1.5 HN
ALA_38:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ALA_38:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 9.2400 C CB N HA
ALA_38:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ALA_38:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 9.6000 O/2.0 CA THR_39:N/1.5
ALA_38:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 13.6500 C/2.0
ALA_38:CB C c3 meB 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 10.4300 CA HB1 HB2 HB3
ALA_38:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_38:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_38:HB3 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
THR_39:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 8.7000 CA ALA_38:C/1.5 HN
THR_39:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
THR_39:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 9.4600 C CB N HA
THR_39:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
THR_39:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 8.3200 O/2.0 CA CYS_40:N/1.5
THR_39:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 9.8900 C/2.0
THR_39:CB C c1 cBoh 0 0 -0.0700 0 0 8 1.0000 10.7200 CG2 OG1 CA HB
THR_39:HB H h cBoh 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
THR_39:OG1 O oh cBoh 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 11.6600 CB HG1
THR_39:HG1 H ho cBoh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OG1
THR_39:CG2 C c3 meG 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 11.8100 CB HG21 HG22 HG23
THR_39:HG21 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_39:HG22 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
THR_39:HG23 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG2
CYS_40:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 7.6400 CA THR_39:C/1.5 HN
CYS_40:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
CYS_40:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 8.0500 C CB N HA
CYS_40:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
CYS_40:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 7.6300 O/2.0 CA PRO_41:N/1.5
CYS_40:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 9.6400 C/2.0
CYS_40:CB C c2 cs 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.8000 SG CA HB1 HB2
CYS_40:HB1 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_40:HB2 H h cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
CYS_40:SG S s1 cs 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 7.3000 CB CYS_3:SG
PRO_41:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.4200 1 1 8 1.0000 8.0000 CA CD CYS_40:C/1.5
PRO_41:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 8.9600 C CB N HA
PRO_41:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
PRO_41:CD C c2 pepN 0 0 0.0600 0 0 8 1.0000 10.4900 N CG HD1 HD2
PRO_41:HD1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_41:HD2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD
PRO_41:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 9.0600 O/2.0 CA GLY_42:N/1.5
PRO_41:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 8.8200 C/2.0
PRO_41:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 10.3900 CG CA HB1 HB2
PRO_41:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_41:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
PRO_41:CG C c2 meG 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 10.9900 CD CB HG1 HG2
PRO_41:HG1 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
PRO_41:HG2 H h meG 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CG
GLY_42:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 7.5500 CA PRO_41:C/1.5 HN
GLY_42:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
GLY_42:CA C cg pepN 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 8.0000 C N HA1 HA2
GLY_42:HA1 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLY_42:HA2 H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
GLY_42:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 7.2200 O/2.0 CA ASP_43:N/1.5
GLY_42:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 8.4100 C/2.0
ASP_43:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.5400 CA GLY_42:C/1.5 HN
ASP_43:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ASP_43:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.8500 C CB N HA
ASP_43:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ASP_43:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 5.8700 O/2.0 CA TYR_44:N/1.5
ASP_43:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 7.2900 C/2.0
ASP_43:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.7200 CG CA HB1 HB2
ASP_43:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASP_43:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASP_43:CG C c' cooh 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 8.5900 OD1/2.0 OD2 CB
ASP_43:OD1 O o' cooh 0 0 -0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 9.5900 CG/2.0
ASP_43:OD2 O oh cooh 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 11.4500 CG HD2
ASP_43:HD2 H ho cooh 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OD2
TYR_44:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.2200 CA ASP_43:C/1.5 HN
TYR_44:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
TYR_44:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.5600 C CB N HA
TYR_44:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
TYR_44:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 4.6100 O/2.0 CA ALA_45:N/1.5
TYR_44:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 6.0400 C/2.0
TYR_44:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 5.4100 CG CA HB1 HB2
TYR_44:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
TYR_44:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
TYR_44:CG C cp arG 0 0 0.0000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.3400 CD1/1.5 CD2/1.5 CB
TYR_44:CD1 C cp arD1 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 6.5900 CE1/1.5 CG/1.5 HD1
TYR_44:HD1 H h arD1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD1
TYR_44:CD2 C cp arD2 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.9400 CG/1.5 CE2/1.5 HD2
TYR_44:HD2 H h arD2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CD2
TYR_44:CE1 C cp arE1 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.9700 CZ/1.5 CD1/1.5 HE1
TYR_44:HE1 H h arE1 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CE1
TYR_44:CE2 C cp arE2 0 0 -0.1000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.1700 CD2/1.5 CZ/1.5 HE2
TYR_44:HE2 H h arE2 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CE2
TYR_44:CZ C cp phol 0 0 0.0300 0 1 8 1.0000 5.9600 OH CE2/1.5 CE1/1.5
TYR_44:OH O oh phol 0 0 -0.3800 1 0 8 1.0000 8.6000 CZ HH
TYR_44:HH H ho phol 0 0 0.3500 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 OH
ALA_45:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 4.7600 CA TYR_44:C/1.5 HN
ALA_45:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ALA_45:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 5.8900 C CB N HA
ALA_45:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ALA_45:C C c' pepC 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 6.6700 O/2.0 CA ASNC_46:N/1.5
ALA_45:O O o' pepC 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 7.5600 C/2.0
ALA_45:CB C c3 meB 0 0 -0.3000 1 0 8 1.0000 6.8200 CA HB1 HB2 HB3
ALA_45:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_45:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ALA_45:HB3 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASNC_46:N N n pepN 0 0 -0.5000 1 1 8 1.0000 5.8000 CA ALA_45:C/1.5 HN
ASNC_46:HN H hn pepN 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
ASNC_46:CA C ca pepN 0 0 0.1200 0 0 8 1.0000 6.1500 C CB N HA
ASNC_46:HA H h pepN 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CA
ASNC_46:C C c- pep- 0 0 0.1400 1 1 8 1.0000 6.6100 O/1.5 OXT/1.5 CA
ASNC_46:O O o- pep- 0 0 -0.5700 0 0 8 1.0000 7.1800 C/1.5
ASNC_46:OXT O o- pep- 0 0 -0.5700 0 0 8 1.0000 7.8600 C/1.5
ASNC_46:CB C c2 meB 0 0 -0.2000 1 0 8 1.0000 7.2700 CG CA HB1 HB2
ASNC_46:HB1 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASNC_46:HB2 H h meB 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 CB
ASNC_46:CG C c' coG 0 0 0.3800 1 1 8 1.0000 7.9800 OD1/2.0 ND2/1.5 CB
ASNC_46:OD1 O o' coG 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 11.0000 CG/2.0
ASNC_46:ND2 N n2 amD 0 0 -0.5600 1 1 8 1.0000 10.3200 CG/1.5 HD21 HD22
ASNC_46:HD21 H hn amD 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 ND2
ASNC_46:HD22 H hn amD 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 ND2
@quartet torsion *:*_*:chi1
@quartet torsion *:*_*:chi2
@quartet torsion *:*_*:ch2'
@quartet torsion *:*_*:psi
N CA C *:N
@quartet torsion *:*_*:omeg
CA C *:N *:CA
@quartet torsion *:*_*:phi
*:C N CA C
@quartet torsion *:CYS_*:chi1
@quartet torsion *:*_*:chi1
@quartet torsion *:SER_*:chi1
@quartet torsion *:SER_*:chi2
@quartet torsion *:*_*:chi1
@quartet torsion *:ILE_*:chi2
@quartet torsion *:ILE_*:chi3
@quartet torsion *:VAL_*:chi2
@quartet torsion *:ALA_*:chi1
@quartet torsion *:*_*:chi2
@quartet torsion *:ARG_*:chi3
@quartet torsion *:ARG_*:chi4
@quartet torsion *:ARG_*:chi5
@quartet torsion *:*_*:chi2
@quartet torsion *:*_*:chi3
@quartet torsion *:*_*:chi2
@quartet torsion *:LEU_18:chi3
@quartet torsion *:LEU_18:ch2'
@quartet torsion *:LEU_18:ch3'
@quartet torsion *:GLU_23:chi3
@quartet torsion *:GLU_23:chi4
@quartet torsion *:TYR_*:chi3
@quartet torsion *:ASP_43:chi2
@quartet torsion *:ASP_43:chi3
@list subset CRN$TURNT1
@list subset CRN$TURN
@list subset CRN$SHEETS1
ILE_33:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23 CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_34:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23 CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_35:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23 CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13
@list subset CRN$SHEET
ILE_33:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23 CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_34:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23 CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13
ILE_35:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23 CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13
@list subset CRN$HELIXH2
ILE_25:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23 CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13
@list subset CRN$HELIXH1
VAL_8:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 HG13 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23
VAL_15:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 HG13 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23
LEU_18:N HN CA HA C O CB HB1 HB2 CG HG CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13 CD2 HD21 HD22 HD23
@list subset CRN$HELIX
VAL_8:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 HG13 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23
VAL_15:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 HG13 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23
LEU_18:N HN CA HA C O CB HB1 HB2 CG HG CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13 CD2 HD21 HD22 HD23
ILE_25:N HN CA HA C O CB HB CG1 HG11 HG12 CG2 HG21 HG22 HG23 CD1 HD11 HD12 HD13

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
input file for discover
!DATE Mon Jul 14 17:01:24 1997
C 1.493000031 20.593999863 -0.449999988 MOL 1 c2 C 0.220
C1 2.328000069 19.871000290 0.623000026 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C2 2.887000084 20.902999878 1.621000051 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C3 3.533999920 20.169000626 2.809999943 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C4 4.085000038 21.201000214 3.812999964 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C5 4.731999874 20.466999054 5.001999855 MOL 1 c2 C 0.020
N 5.270999908 21.479000092 5.985000134 MOL 1 n N -0.500
C6 6.477000237 21.142000198 6.829999924 MOL 1 c' C 0.380
O 7.435999870 22.232000351 7.244999886 MOL 1 o' O -0.380
C7 6.728000164 19.687000275 7.267000198 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C8 7.763999939 19.665000916 8.406999588 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C9 7.464000225 18.486000061 9.350999832 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C10 8.416000366 18.541000366 10.560999870 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C11 8.112999916 17.364999771 11.506999969 MOL 1 c' C 0.380
O1 6.711999893 16.809000015 11.597000122 MOL 1 o' O -0.380
HC1 2.111000061 20.704999924 -1.401000023 MOL 1 h H 0.100
HC2 1.195999980 21.625999451 -0.067000002 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H11 3.191999912 19.319000244 0.125000000 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H12 1.669999957 19.124000549 1.179000020 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H21 3.670000076 21.548999786 1.101999998 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H22 2.039000034 21.563999176 1.998999953 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H31 4.388000011 19.513999939 2.434000015 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H32 2.753999949 19.517999649 3.325999975 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H41 4.866000175 21.853000641 3.298000097 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H42 3.232000113 21.857000351 4.190000057 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H51 5.585000038 19.811000824 4.625999928 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H52 3.951999903 19.815999985 5.518000126 MOL 1 h H 0.100
HN 4.782000065 22.469999313 6.085999966 MOL 1 hn H 0.280
H71 7.124000072 19.086999893 6.382999897 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H72 5.751999855 19.225000381 7.632999897 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H81 8.809000015 19.542999268 7.967999935 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H82 7.709000111 20.642000198 8.989999771 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H91 7.614999771 17.503000259 8.793999672 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H92 6.385000229 18.555000305 9.713999748 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H101 9.494999886 18.468999863 10.199000359 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H102 8.267000198 19.524000168 11.118000031 MOL 1 h H 0.100
N1 9.217000008 16.766000748 12.345000267 MOL 1 n N -0.500
C12 8.902999878 16.179000854 13.701000214 MOL 1 c2 C 0.020
C13 9.892000198 15.039999962 14.008999825 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C14 9.138999939 13.871000290 14.671999931 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C15 10.074000359 12.652999878 14.779999733 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C16 9.317999840 11.480999947 15.434000015 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C17 10.253000259 10.262000084 15.543000221 MOL 1 c2 C 0.020
N2 9.512000084 9.114000320 16.184000015 MOL 1 n N -0.500
C18 10.263999939 8.095999718 17.007999420 MOL 1 c' C 0.380
O2 11.720000267 8.319999695 17.337999344 MOL 1 o' O -0.380
C19 9.545000076 6.831999779 17.513000488 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C20 10.385999680 6.170000076 18.621000290 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C21 9.451999664 5.482999802 19.634000778 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C22 10.281999588 4.934999943 20.809999466 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
H221 10.808575630 5.755126953 21.298067093 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H222 11.006152153 4.209916592 20.438573837 MOL 1 h H 0.100
C23 9.347999573 4.250999928 21.825000763 MOL 1 c' C 0.380
O3 9.854000092 3.098999977 22.659999847 MOL 1 o' O -0.380
H1 10.260000229 16.757999420 11.965000153 MOL 1 hn H 0.280
H121 8.998000145 16.989000320 14.496999741 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H122 7.839000225 15.769000053 13.699999809 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H131 10.701999664 15.418999672 14.715999603 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H132 10.373000145 14.680000305 13.039999962 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H141 8.796999931 14.180999756 15.713999748 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H142 8.229999542 13.597000122 14.039999962 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H151 10.979000092 12.923000336 15.418000221 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H152 10.421999931 12.345999718 13.739000320 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H161 8.970999718 11.786999702 16.475999832 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H162 8.413000107 11.208999634 14.796999931 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H171 11.159000397 10.532999992 16.180000305 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H172 10.600999832 9.956000328 14.501000404 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H2 8.413999557 9.017000198 16.048999786 MOL 1 hn H 0.280
H191 9.411000252 6.098999977 16.649999619 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H192 8.522999763 7.116000175 17.930999756 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H201 11.081000328 5.394000053 18.159000397 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H202 11.005000114 6.965000153 19.155000687 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H211 8.904000282 4.623000145 19.124000549 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H212 8.692000389 6.237999916 20.024999619 MOL 1 h H 0.100
N3 7.925000191 4.731999874 21.985000610 MOL 1 n N -0.500
C24 7.053999901 4.160999775 23.077999115 MOL 1 c2 C 0.020
C25 6.034999847 5.223000050 23.531999588 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C26 5.895999908 5.179999828 25.065000534 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C27 5.052000046 6.377999783 25.538000107 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C28 4.921000004 6.340000153 27.072000504 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C29 4.077000141 7.538000107 27.545999527 MOL 1 c2 C 0.020
N4 3.948999882 7.500999928 29.049999237 MOL 1 n N -0.500
C30 2.717999935 8.065999985 29.716999054 MOL 1 c' C 0.380
O4 1.600000024 8.638999939 28.878000259 MOL 1 o' O -0.380
C31 2.601000071 8.059000015 31.252000809 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C32 1.139000058 8.319000244 31.658000946 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C33 0.828000009 7.570000172 32.967998505 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C34 -0.667999983 7.721000195 33.304000854 MOL 1 c2 C -0.200
C35 -0.978999972 6.969999790 34.611000061 MOL 1 c' C 0.450
O5 -2.085999966 7.455999851 35.515998840 MOL 1 o- O -0.500
H3 7.519999981 5.506000042 21.299999237 MOL 1 hn H 0.280
H241 6.498000145 3.246999979 22.683000565 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H242 7.703999996 3.855999947 23.962999344 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H251 5.022999763 5.008999825 23.052999496 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H252 6.395999908 6.256000042 23.211999893 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H261 5.383999825 4.209000111 25.372999191 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H262 6.929999828 5.231999874 25.541999817 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H271 4.014999866 6.322000027 25.068000793 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H272 5.559999943 7.348999977 25.224000931 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H281 4.413000107 5.369999886 27.386999130 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H282 5.958000183 6.395999908 27.544000626 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H291 3.039999962 7.482999802 27.075000763 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H292 4.585000038 8.508999825 27.232000351 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H4 4.760000229 7.059000015 29.665000916 MOL 1 hn H 0.280
H311 3.266999960 8.875000000 31.687999725 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H312 2.931999922 7.044000149 31.653999329 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H321 0.980000019 9.437000275 31.813999176 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H322 0.442999989 7.947999954 30.834999084 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H331 1.452999949 8.008000374 33.813999176 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H332 1.078999996 6.465000153 32.842998505 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H341 -0.919000030 8.826000214 33.431999207 MOL 1 h H 0.100
H342 -1.294000030 7.285999775 32.457000732 MOL 1 h H 0.100
O6 -0.179000005 5.745999813 34.987998962 MOL 1 o- O -0.500
N5 0.250000000 19.790000916 -0.746999979 MOL 1 n4 N -0.500
HN51 0.118000001 19.704999924 -1.845999956 MOL 1 hn H 0.360
HN52 -0.634000003 20.298000336 -0.307000011 MOL 1 hn H 0.360
H53 0.349999994 18.775999069 -0.307000011 MOL 1 hn H 0.360

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
!BIOSYM molecular_data 4
!DATE: Mon Jul 14 17:01:24 1997 INSIGHT generated molecular data file
@column 1 element
@column 2 atom_type cvff
@column 3 charge_group cvff
@column 4 isotope
@column 5 formal_charge
@column 6 charge cvff
@column 7 switching_atom cvff
@column 8 oop_flag cvff
@column 9 chirality_flag
@column 10 occupancy
@column 11 xray_temp_factor
@column 12 connections
@molecule NYLON2
MOL_1:C C c2 MOL 0 0 0.2200 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C1 HC1 HC2 N5
MOL_1:C1 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C C2 H11 H12
MOL_1:C2 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C1 C3 H21 H22
MOL_1:C3 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C2 C4 H31 H32
MOL_1:C4 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C3 C5 H41 H42
MOL_1:C5 C c2 MOL 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C4 N H51 H52
MOL_1:N N n MOL 0 0 -0.5000 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 C5 C6 HN
MOL_1:C6 C c' MOL 0 0 0.3800 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 N O/2.0 C7
MOL_1:O O o' MOL 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C6/2.0
MOL_1:C7 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C6 C8 H71 H72
MOL_1:C8 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C7 C9 H81 H82
MOL_1:C9 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C8 C10 H91 H92
MOL_1:C10 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C9 C11 H101 H102
MOL_1:C11 C c' MOL 0 0 0.3800 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 C10 O1/2.0 N1/1.5
MOL_1:O1 O o' MOL 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C11/2.0
MOL_1:HC1 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C
MOL_1:HC2 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C
MOL_1:H11 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C1
MOL_1:H12 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C1
MOL_1:H21 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C2
MOL_1:H22 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C2
MOL_1:H31 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C3
MOL_1:H32 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C3
MOL_1:H41 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C4
MOL_1:H42 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C4
MOL_1:H51 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C5
MOL_1:H52 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C5
MOL_1:HN H hn MOL 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N
MOL_1:H71 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C7
MOL_1:H72 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C7
MOL_1:H81 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C8
MOL_1:H82 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C8
MOL_1:H91 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C9
MOL_1:H92 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C9
MOL_1:H101 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C10
MOL_1:H102 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C10
MOL_1:N1 N n MOL 0 0 -0.5000 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 C11/1.5 C12 H1
MOL_1:C12 C c2 MOL 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N1 C13 H121 H122
MOL_1:C13 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C12 C14 H131 H132
MOL_1:C14 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C13 C15 H141 H142
MOL_1:C15 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C14 C16 H151 H152
MOL_1:C16 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C15 C17 H161 H162
MOL_1:C17 C c2 MOL 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C16 N2 H171 H172
MOL_1:N2 N n MOL 0 0 -0.5000 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 C17 C18 H2
MOL_1:C18 C c' MOL 0 0 0.3800 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 N2 O2/2.0 C19
MOL_1:O2 O o' MOL 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C18/2.0
MOL_1:C19 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C18 C20 H191 H192
MOL_1:C20 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C19 C21 H201 H202
MOL_1:C21 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C20 C22 H211 H212
MOL_1:C22 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C21 C23 H221 H222
MOL_1:H221 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C22
MOL_1:H222 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C22
MOL_1:C23 C c' MOL 0 0 0.3800 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 C22 O3/2.0 N3/1.5
MOL_1:O3 O o' MOL 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C23/2.0
MOL_1:H1 H hn MOL 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N1
MOL_1:H121 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C12
MOL_1:H122 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C12
MOL_1:H131 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C13
MOL_1:H132 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C13
MOL_1:H141 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C14
MOL_1:H142 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C14
MOL_1:H151 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C15
MOL_1:H152 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C15
MOL_1:H161 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C16
MOL_1:H162 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C16
MOL_1:H171 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C17
MOL_1:H172 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C17
MOL_1:H2 H hn MOL 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N2
MOL_1:H191 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C19
MOL_1:H192 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C19
MOL_1:H201 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C20
MOL_1:H202 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C20
MOL_1:H211 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C21
MOL_1:H212 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C21
MOL_1:N3 N n MOL 0 0 -0.5000 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 C23/1.5 C24 H3
MOL_1:C24 C c2 MOL 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N3 C25 H241 H242
MOL_1:C25 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C24 C26 H251 H252
MOL_1:C26 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C25 C27 H261 H262
MOL_1:C27 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C26 C28 H271 H272
MOL_1:C28 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C27 C29 H281 H282
MOL_1:C29 C c2 MOL 0 0 0.0200 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C28 N4 H291 H292
MOL_1:N4 N n MOL 0 0 -0.5000 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 C29 C30 H4
MOL_1:C30 C c' MOL 0 0 0.3800 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 N4 O4/2.0 C31
MOL_1:O4 O o' MOL 0 0 -0.3800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C30/2.0
MOL_1:C31 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C30 C32 H311 H312
MOL_1:C32 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C31 C33 H321 H322
MOL_1:C33 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C32 C34 H331 H332
MOL_1:C34 C c2 MOL 0 0 -0.2000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C33 C35 H341 H342
MOL_1:C35 C c' MOL 0 0 0.4500 0 1 8 1.0000 0.0000 C34 O5 O6/2.0
MOL_1:O5 O o- MOL 0 1- -0.5000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C35
MOL_1:H3 H hn MOL 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N3
MOL_1:H241 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C24
MOL_1:H242 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C24
MOL_1:H251 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C25
MOL_1:H252 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C25
MOL_1:H261 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C26
MOL_1:H262 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C26
MOL_1:H271 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C27
MOL_1:H272 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C27
MOL_1:H281 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C28
MOL_1:H282 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C28
MOL_1:H291 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C29
MOL_1:H292 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C29
MOL_1:H4 H hn MOL 0 0 0.2800 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N4
MOL_1:H311 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C31
MOL_1:H312 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C31
MOL_1:H321 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C32
MOL_1:H322 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C32
MOL_1:H331 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C33
MOL_1:H332 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C33
MOL_1:H341 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C34
MOL_1:H342 H h MOL 0 0 0.1000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C34
MOL_1:O6 O o- MOL 0 0 -0.5000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C35/2.0
MOL_1:N5 N n4 MOL 0 1+ -0.5000 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 C HN51 HN52 H53
MOL_1:HN51 H hn MOL 0 0 0.3600 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N5
MOL_1:HN52 H hn MOL 0 0 0.3600 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N5
MOL_1:H53 H hn MOL 0 0 0.3600 0 0 8 1.0000 0.0000 N5

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
!BIOSYM archive 3
input file for discover
!DATE Tue Jul 15 15:14:54 1997
N 0.109592088 -0.199880913 0.000000478 PHEN 1 n+ N -0.0450
HN1 -0.124733858 -1.202872038 -0.000001981 PHEN 1 h+ H 0.2800
HN2 -0.285811990 0.244572327 0.840843439 PHEN 1 h+ H 0.2800
HN3 -0.285812497 0.244576558 -0.840839982 PHEN 1 h+ H 0.2800
CA 1.560634732 -0.038402185 0.000000465 PHEN 1 c C -0.0780
HA 1.972637177 -0.500293911 0.916701555 PHEN 1 h H 0.0530
C 1.942531705 1.422506809 0.000000450 PHEN 1 c- C 0.2974
OXT 3.187694550 1.672445178 0.000000438 PHEN 1 o- O -0.5337
O 1.070737839 2.346019268 0.000000449 PHEN 1 o- O -0.5337
CB 2.174581766 -0.718786478 -1.261021852 PHEN 1 c C -0.1060
HB1 1.839982390 -0.182426706 -2.172762394 PHEN 1 h H 0.0530
HB2 3.272250891 -0.569177628 -1.261509657 PHEN 1 h H 0.0530
CG 1.889680982 -2.218492746 -1.435816169 PHEN 1 cp C 0.0000
CD1 0.737977445 -2.629161119 -2.116767168 PHEN 1 cp C -0.1305
HD1 0.061427273 -1.894254208 -2.533302307 PHEN 1 h H 0.1305
CE1 0.424228579 -3.980331659 -2.214080095 PHEN 1 cp C -0.1305
HE1 -0.483345032 -4.285143852 -2.715474367 PHEN 1 h H 0.1305
CZ 1.268485427 -4.931880474 -1.646431088 PHEN 1 cp C -0.1305
HZ 1.020345688 -5.980008125 -1.718327641 PHEN 1 h H 0.1305
CE2 2.423752546 -4.531005859 -0.977356374 PHEN 1 cp C -0.1305
HE2 3.074717045 -5.268786907 -0.531340718 PHEN 1 h H 0.1305
CD2 2.733307123 -3.177516222 -0.869901538 PHEN 1 cp C -0.1305
HD2 3.619415522 -2.873045444 -0.331384182 PHEN 1 h H 0.1305

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