forked from lijiext/lammps
convert to use LAMMPS' tokenizer and potential file reader classes
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "memory.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "text_file_reader.h"
#include "update.h"
#include <cmath>
@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ using namespace MathSpecial;
#define PGDELTA 1
#define MAXNEIGH 24
static constexpr char SMTBQ_SEPARATORS[] = "' \t\n\r";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PairSMTBQ::PairSMTBQ(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pair(lmp)
@ -130,6 +133,12 @@ PairSMTBQ::PairSMTBQ(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pair(lmp)
Nevery = 0.0;
Neverypot = 0.0;
QEqMode = nullptr;
Bavard = nullptr;
QInitMode = nullptr;
writepot = nullptr;
writeenerg = nullptr;
fct = nullptr;
maxpage = 0;
@ -148,16 +157,16 @@ PairSMTBQ::~PairSMTBQ()
int i;
if (elements) {
for (i = 0; i < atom->ntypes ; i++ ) free( params[i].nom);
for (i = 1; i <= maxintparam ; i++ ) free( intparams[i].typepot);
for (i = 1; i <= maxintparam ; i++ ) free( intparams[i].mode);
for (i = 0; i < atom->ntypes ; i++ ) delete[] params[i].nom;
for (i = 1; i <= maxintparam ; i++ ) delete[] intparams[i].typepot;
for (i = 1; i <= maxintparam ; i++ ) delete[] intparams[i].mode;
delete[] QEqMode;
delete[] Bavard;
delete[] QInitMode;
delete[] writepot;
delete[] writeenerg;
@ -307,7 +316,17 @@ double PairSMTBQ::init_one(int i, int j)
void PairSMTBQ::read_file(char *file)
int num_atom_types,i,k,m,test,j,verbose;
char **words;
if (params) {
for (i = 0; i < atom->ntypes ; i++ ) delete[] params[i].nom;
for (i = 1; i <= maxintparam ; i++ ) delete[] intparams[i].typepot;
for (i = 1; i <= maxintparam ; i++ ) delete[] intparams[i].mode;
delete[] QEqMode;
delete[] Bavard;
delete[] QInitMode;
delete[] writepot;
delete[] writeenerg;
params = nullptr;
@ -325,444 +344,462 @@ void PairSMTBQ::read_file(char *file)
coordOxSurf = 0.0;
ROxBB = 0.0;
ROxSurf = 0.0;
QEqMode = nullptr;
Bavard = nullptr;
QInitMode = nullptr;
writepot = nullptr;
writeenerg = nullptr;
// open file on all processors
FILE *fp;
fp = utils::open_potential(file,lmp,nullptr);
if (fp == nullptr) {
char str[128];
snprintf(str,128,"Cannot open SMTBQ potential file %s",file);
// open file on all processors
auto potfile = utils::get_potential_file_path(file);
if (!potfile.empty()) {
auto date = utils::get_potential_date(potfile, "SMTBQ");
auto units = utils::get_potential_units(potfile, "SMTBQ");
if (!date.empty() && (comm->me == 0))
utils::logmesg(lmp, "Reader SMTBQ potential file {} with DATE: {}\n",potfile,date);
if (!units.empty() && (units != update->unit_style) && (comm->me == 0))
error->one(FLERR, "Potential file {} requires {} units but {} units are in use",
potfile, units, update->unit_style);
} else {
error->all(FLERR, "Cannot open SMTBQ potential file {}", file);
TextFileReader reader(potfile, "SMTBQ");
// read each line out of file, skipping blank lines or leading '#'
// store line of params if all 3 element tags are in element list
try {
char *ptr;
// Nombre d'atome different dans la structure
// ===============================================
const char *line = reader.next_line();
auto values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
auto label = values.next_string();
num_atom_types = values.next_int();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose) utils::logmesg(lmp," {} {}\n",label,num_atom_types);
ptr = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXLINE);
words = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)*MAXTOKENS);
for (i=0; i < MAXTOKENS; i++)
words[i] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXTOKENS);
/* strip comment, skip line if blank */
if (verbose) printf ("\n");
while (strchr(ptr,'#')) {
if (verbose) printf ("%s",ptr);
// Nombre d'atome different dans la structure
// ===============================================
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
num_atom_types = atoi(words[1]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %d\n", words[0], num_atom_types);
m = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_atom_types; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < num_atom_types; j++) {
if (j < i) { intype[i][j] = intype[j][i];}
else { intype[i][j] = 0;
m = m + 1; }
if (verbose) printf ("i %d, j %d, intype %d - nb pair %d\n",i,j,intype[i][j],m);
// load up parameter settings and error check their values
nparams = maxparam = num_atom_types;
params = (Param *) memory->create(params,maxparam*sizeof(Param),
maxintparam = m;
intparams = (Intparam *) memory->create(intparams,(maxintparam+1)*sizeof(Intparam),
for (i=0; i < num_atom_types; i++)
params[i].nom = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*3);
for (i=1; i <= maxintparam; i++)
intparams[i].typepot = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*15);
for (i=1; i <= maxintparam; i++)
intparams[i].mode = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*6);
QEqMode = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*19);
Bavard = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*6);
QInitMode = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*19);
writepot = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*6);
writeenerg = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*6);
// Little loop for ion's parameters
// ================================================
for (i=0; i<num_atom_types; i++) {
fgets(ptr,MAXLINE,fp); if (verbose) printf ("%s",ptr);
// Line 2 - Al
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
strcpy(params[i].nom , words[1]);
params[i].sto = atof(words[2]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %s %f\n", words[0],params[i].nom,params[i].sto);
//Line 3 - Charges
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
params[i].qform = atof(words[1]);
params[i].masse = atof(words[2]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f \n", words[0],params[i].qform, params[i].masse);
// Line 4 - Parametres QEq
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize ( ptr, &words );
params[i].ne = atof(words[1]) ;
params[i].chi = atof(words[2]) ;
params[i].dj = atof(words[3]) ;
if (strcmp(params[i].nom,"O")!=0) {
params[i].R = atof(words[4]) ;
if (verbose) printf(" %s %f %f %f %f\n",words[0],params[i].ne,params[i].chi,
} else {
if (verbose) printf(" %s %f %f %f\n",words[0],params[i].ne,params[i].chi,params[i].dj);
m = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_atom_types; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < num_atom_types; j++) {
if (j < i) { intype[i][j] = intype[j][i]; }
else { intype[i][j] = 0; m = m + 1; }
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, "i {}, j {}, intype {} - nb pair {}\n",i,j,intype[i][j],m);
// load up parameter settings and error check their values
nparams = maxparam = num_atom_types;
maxintparam = m;
params = (Param *) memory->create(params,maxparam*sizeof(Param),"pair:params");
intparams = (Intparam *) memory->create(intparams,(maxintparam+1)*sizeof(Intparam),
// Line 4bis - Coordinance et rayon pour Ox
if (strcmp(params[i].nom,"O")==0) {
for (i=0; i < num_atom_types; i++)
params[i].nom = nullptr;
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize ( ptr, &words );
for (i=1; i <= maxintparam; i++)
intparams[i].typepot = nullptr;
coordOxBB= atof(words[1]) ;
coordOxBulk= atof(words[2]) ;
coordOxSurf= atof(words[3]) ;
ROxBB = atof(words[4]) ;
params[i].R = atof(words[5]) ;
ROxSurf = atof(words[6]) ;
if (verbose) printf(" %s %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",words[0],coordOxBB,coordOxBulk,coordOxSurf,ROxBB,params[i].R,ROxSurf);
for (i=1; i <= maxintparam; i++)
intparams[i].mode = nullptr;
// Ligne 5 - Nombre d'etats partages
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize ( ptr, &words );
params[i].n0 = atof(words[1]);
if (verbose) printf(" %s %f\n",words[0],params[i].n0);
QEqMode = nullptr;
Bavard = nullptr;
QInitMode = nullptr;
writepot = nullptr;
writeenerg = nullptr;
// Parametres de Slater
params[i].dzeta = (2.0*params[i].ne + 1.0)/(4.0*params[i].R);
if (verbose) printf (" Parametre dzeta (Slater) : %f\n",params[i].dzeta);
} // Fin elements i
// Little loop for ion's parameters
// ================================================
for (i=0; i<num_atom_types; i++) {
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose) utils::logmesg(lmp, label+"\n");
/* =====================================================================
reading the interaction's parameters
===================================================================== */
// Line 2 - Al
m = 0; maxintsm = 0; //
for (k=0 ; k<=maxintparam ; k++) {intparams[k].intsm = 0;}
// ---------------------------------
for (k = 0; k < maxintparam; k++) {
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
params[i].nom = utils::strdup(values.next_string());
params[i].sto = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n", label,params[i].nom,params[i].sto);
//Line 3 - Charges
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
params[i].qform = values.next_double();
params[i].masse = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n", label,params[i].qform,params[i].masse);
// Line 4 - Parametres QEq
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
params[i].ne = values.next_double();
params[i].chi = values.next_double();
params[i].dj = values.next_double();
if (strcmp(params[i].nom, "O") !=0) {
params[i].R = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {} {} {}\n",label,params[i].ne,params[i].chi,
} else {
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp," {} {} {} {}\n",label,params[i].ne,params[i].chi,params[i].dj);
// Line 4bis - Coordinance et rayon pour Ox
if (strcmp(params[i].nom,"O") == 0) {
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
coordOxBB = values.next_double();
coordOxBulk = values.next_double();
coordOxSurf = values.next_double();
ROxBB = values.next_double();
params[i].R = values.next_double();
ROxSurf = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n",
// Ligne 5 - Nombre d'etats partages
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
params[i].n0 = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose) utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {}\n",label,params[i].n0);
// Parametres de Slater
params[i].dzeta = (2.0*params[i].ne + 1.0)/(4.0*params[i].R);
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " Parametre dzeta (Slater) : {}\n",params[i].dzeta);
} // Fin elements i
/* =====================================================================
reading the interaction's parameters
===================================================================== */
m = 0; maxintsm = 0; //
for (k=0 ; k<=maxintparam ; k++) {intparams[k].intsm = 0;}
// ---------------------------------
m += 1;
for (k = 0; k < maxintparam; k++) {
// ---------------------------------
m += 1;
// Ligne 5 - parametre des potentials
fgets(ptr,MAXLINE,fp); if (verbose) printf ("%s",ptr);
// Ligne 5 - parametre des potentials
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose) utils::logmesg(lmp, label+"\n");
// Lecture des protagonistes
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
// Lecture des protagonistes
test = 0;
auto words = Tokenizer(reader.next_line(), SMTBQ_SEPARATORS).as_vector();
if (words.size() < 3) test = 1;
test = 0;
for (i = 0; i <num_atom_types; i++)
if (strcmp(params[i].nom,words[1])==0) break;
for (i = 0; (i < num_atom_types) && (test == 0); i++) {
if (words[1] == params[i].nom) break;
if (i == num_atom_types - 1) test = 1;
// if (test == 0) printf (" on a %s -> %d = %s\n",words[1],i,params[i].nom);
for (j = 0; j <num_atom_types; j++)
if (strcmp(params[j].nom,words[2])==0) break;
for (j = 0; (j <num_atom_types) && (test == 0); j++) {
if (words[2] == params[j].nom) break;
if (j == num_atom_types - 1) test = 1;
// if (test == 0) printf (" on a %s -> %d = %s\n",words[2],j,params[j].nom);
if (test == 1) {
if (verbose) printf ("========== fin des interaction ==========\n");
break ; }
intype[i][j] = m;
intype[j][i] = intype[i][j];
strcpy( intparams[m].typepot , words[3] );
intparams[m].intsm = 0;
if (verbose) printf (" itype %d jtype %d - intype %d\n",i,j,intype[i][j]);
if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"second_moment") !=0 &&
strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"buck") != 0 &&
strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"buckPlusAttr") != 0) {
error->all(FLERR,"the potential other than second_moment or buckingham have not treated here\n");}
// On detemrine le type d'interaction
// -----------------------------------
if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"second_moment") == 0) {
maxintsm += 1;
strcpy( intparams[m].mode , words[4] );
intparams[m].intsm = maxintsm;
if (strcmp(intparams[m].mode,"oxide") != 0 &&
strcmp(intparams[m].mode,"metal") != 0) {
error->all(FLERR,"needs mode to second moment interaction : oxide or metal"); }
// if (strcmp(intparams[m].mode,"oxide") == 0)
// intparams[m].ncov = min((params[i].sto)*(params[i].n0),(params[j].sto)*(params[j].n0));
if (verbose) printf(" %s %s %s %s %s \n",words[0],words[1],words[2],
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
intparams[m].a = atof(words[1]) ;
intparams[m].p = atof(words[2]) ;
intparams[m].ksi = atof(words[3]) ;
intparams[m].q = atof(words[4]) ;
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f %f %f\n",words[0],
// Ligne 6 - rayon de coupure potential SM
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
intparams[m].dc1 = atof(words[1]) ;
intparams[m].dc2 = atof(words[2]) ;
intparams[m].r0 = atof(words[3]) ;
if (strcmp(intparams[m].mode,"metal") == 0) {
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f %f\n",words[0],
} else {
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f %f\n",words[0],
if (test == 1) {
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, "========== fin des interaction ==========\n");
break ;
intype[i][j] = m;
intype[j][i] = intype[i][j];
intparams[m].typepot = utils::strdup(words[3]);
intparams[m].intsm = 0;
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp," itype {} jtype {} - intype {}\n",i,j,intype[i][j]);
} else if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"buck") == 0) {
if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"second_moment") != 0 &&
strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"buck") != 0 &&
strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"buckPlusAttr") != 0) {
error->all(FLERR,"Potential must be 'second_moment' or 'buckingham'\n");
if (verbose) printf(" %s %s %s %s\n",words[0],words[1],words[2],
// On detemrine le type d'interaction
// -----------------------------------
if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"second_moment") == 0) {
maxintsm += 1;
intparams[m].mode = utils::strdup(words[4]);
intparams[m].intsm = maxintsm;
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
if (strcmp(intparams[m].mode,"oxide") != 0 &&
strcmp(intparams[m].mode,"metal") != 0) {
error->all(FLERR,"Mode of second moment interaction must be 'oxide' or 'metal'");
intparams[m].abuck = atof(words[1]) ; intparams[m].rhobuck = atof(words[2]) ;
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f\n",words[0],intparams[m].abuck,intparams[m].rhobuck);
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {} {} {}\n",words[0],words[1],words[2],
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
intparams[m].a = values.next_double();
intparams[m].p = values.next_double();
intparams[m].ksi = values.next_double();
intparams[m].q = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {} {} {}\n",label,intparams[m].a,
// Ligne 6 - rayon de coupure potential SM
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
intparams[m].dc1 = values.next_double();
intparams[m].dc2 = values.next_double();
intparams[m].r0 = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {} {}\n",label, intparams[m].dc1,
} else if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"buck") == 0) {
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {} {}\n",words[0],words[1],words[2],intparams[m].typepot);
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
intparams[m].abuck = values.next_double();
intparams[m].rhobuck = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label,intparams[m].abuck,intparams[m].rhobuck);
} else if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"buckPlusAttr") == 0) {
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {} {}\n",words[0],words[1],words[2],intparams[m].typepot);
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
intparams[m].abuck = values.next_double();
intparams[m].rhobuck = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label,intparams[m].abuck,intparams[m].rhobuck);
line = reader.next_line();
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
intparams[m].aOO = values.next_double();
intparams[m].bOO = values.next_double();
intparams[m].r1OO = values.next_double();
intparams[m].r2OO = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {} {} {}\n",label,intparams[m].aOO,
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " intsm {} \n",intparams[m].intsm);
} // for maxintparam
/* ====================================================================
tables Parameters
==================================================================== */
// Ligne 9 - rayon de coupure Electrostatique
if (test == 0) {
line = reader.next_line();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, line);
line = reader.next_line();
else if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"buckPlusAttr") == 0) {
values = ValueTokenizer(line, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
cutmax = values.next_double();
for (i=0 ; i<num_atom_types; i++) { params[i].cutsq = cutmax; }
if (verbose) printf(" %s %s %s %s\n",words[0],words[1],words[2],
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} \n",label,cutmax);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
// Ligne 9 - parametre pour les tableaux
intparams[m].abuck = atof(words[1]) ; intparams[m].rhobuck = atof(words[2]) ;
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f\n",words[0],intparams[m].abuck,intparams[m].rhobuck);
values = reader.next_values(0,SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
rmin = values.next_double();
dr = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label, rmin, dr);
kmax = int(cutmax*cutmax/(2.0*dr*rmin));
ds = cutmax*cutmax/static_cast<double>(kmax) ;
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " kmax {} et ds {}\n",kmax,ds);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
/* ======================================================== */
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, reader.next_line());
else reader.skip_line();
intparams[m].aOO = atof(words[1]) ; intparams[m].bOO = atof(words[2]) ;
intparams[m].r1OO = atof(words[3]) ;intparams[m].r2OO = atof(words[4]) ;
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f %f %f \n",words[0],intparams[m].aOO,
values = reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
Qstep = values.next_bigint();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {}\n",label, Qstep);
values = reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
loopmax = values.next_int();
precision = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label, loopmax, precision);
/* Param de coordination ============================================= */
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS).next_string()+"\n");
else reader.skip_line();
values = reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
r1Coord = values.next_double();
r2Coord = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label,r1Coord,r2Coord);
/* Mode for QInit============================================= */
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS).next_string()+"\n");
else reader.skip_line();
values = reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
QInitMode = utils::strdup(values.next_string());
if (strcmp(QInitMode,"true") == 0) QOxInit= values.next_double();
else QOxInit = 0.0;
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label,QInitMode,QOxInit);
/* Mode for QEq============================================= */
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS).next_string()+"\n");
else reader.skip_line();
values = reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
QEqMode = utils::strdup(values.next_string());
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {}\n",label,QEqMode);
if (strcmp(QEqMode,"BulkFromSlab") == 0) {
zlim1QEq = values.next_double();
zlim2QEq = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label,zlim1QEq,zlim2QEq);
} else if (strcmp(QEqMode,"Surface") == 0) {
zlim1QEq = values.next_double();
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {}\n",label,zlim1QEq);
} else if (strcmp(QEqMode,"QEqAll") != 0 &&
strcmp(QEqMode,"QEqAllParallel") != 0 &&
strcmp(QEqMode,"Surface") != 0) {
error->all(FLERR,"The QEq Mode is not known. QEq mode should be :\n"
" Possible QEq modes | parameters\n"
" QEqAll | no parameters\n"
" QEqAllParallel | no parameters\n"
" Surface | zlim (QEq only for z>zlim)\n"
" BulkFromSlab | zlim1 zlim2 (QEq only for zlim1<z<zlim2)\n");
if (verbose) printf (" intsm %d \n",intparams[m].intsm);
} // for maxintparam
/* Bavard============================================= */
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS).next_string()+"\n");
else reader.skip_line();
/* ====================================================================
tables Parameters
==================================================================== */
values = reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
Bavard = utils::strdup(values.next_string());
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {}\n",label,Bavard);
// Ligne 9 - rayon de coupure Electrostatique
if (test == 0) {
if (verbose) printf ("%s\n",ptr);
// ---------------------------------------
// Writing the energy component.
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
values = reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
writeenerg = utils::strdup(values.next_string());
if (strcmp(writeenerg,"true") == 0) Nevery = values.next_double();
else Nevery = 0.0;
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label,writeenerg,Nevery);
for (i=0 ; i<num_atom_types; i++) { params[i].cutsq = atof(words[1]); }
cutmax = atof(words[1]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f\n",words[0],params[0].cutsq);
// ---------------------------------------
// Writing the chimical electronic potential.
// Ligne 9 - parametre pour les tableaux
values = reader.next_values(0, SMTBQ_SEPARATORS);
label = values.next_string();
writepot = utils::strdup(values.next_string());
if (strcmp(writepot,"true") == 0) Neverypot = values.next_double();
else Neverypot = 0.0;
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " {} {} {}\n",label,writepot,Neverypot);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
// === Rayon de coupure premier voisins : 1,2*r0
for (i=0 ; i<num_atom_types ; i++) {
for (j=0 ; j<=i ; j++) {
m = intype[i][j];
if (m == 0) continue;
if (intparams[m].intsm == 0) continue;
rmin = atof(words[1]) ; dr = atof(words[2]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f\n",words[0],rmin,dr);
kmax = int(cutmax*cutmax/(2.0*dr*rmin));
ds = cutmax*cutmax/static_cast<double>(kmax) ;
if (verbose) printf (" kmax %d et ds %f\n",kmax,ds);
/* ======================================================== */
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
if (verbose) printf ("%s",ptr);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
Qstep = atoi(words[1]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s " BIGINT_FORMAT "\n",words[0],Qstep);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
loopmax = atoi(words[1]);
precision = atof(words[2]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %d %f\n",words[0],loopmax,precision);
/* Param de coordination ============================================= */
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
if (verbose) printf ("%s",ptr);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
r1Coord = atof(words[1]);
r2Coord = atof(words[2]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f\n",words[0],r1Coord,r2Coord);
/* Mode for QInit============================================= */
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
if (verbose) printf ("%s",ptr);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
strcpy( QInitMode , words[1] );
if (strcmp(QInitMode,"true") == 0) QOxInit= atof(words[2]);
else QOxInit = 0.0;
if (verbose) printf (" %s %s %f\n",words[0],QInitMode,QOxInit);
/* Mode for QEq============================================= */
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
if (verbose) printf ("%s",ptr);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
strcpy( QEqMode , words[1] );
if (verbose) printf (" %s %s\n",words[0],QEqMode);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
if (strcmp(QEqMode,"BulkFromSlab") == 0) {
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
zlim1QEq = atof(words[1]);
zlim2QEq = atof(words[2]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f %f\n",words[0],zlim1QEq,zlim2QEq);
} else if (strcmp(QEqMode,"Surface") == 0) {
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
zlim1QEq = atof(words[1]);
if (verbose) printf (" %s %f \n",words[0],zlim1QEq);
} else if (strcmp(QEqMode,"QEqAll") != 0 &&
strcmp(QEqMode,"QEqAllParallel") != 0 &&
strcmp(QEqMode,"Surface") != 0) {
error->all(FLERR,"The QEq Mode is not known. QEq mode should be :\n"
" Possible QEq modes | parameters\n"
" QEqAll | no parameters\n"
" QEqAllParallel | no parameters\n"
" Surface | zlim (QEq only for z>zlim)\n"
" BulkFromSlab | zlim1 zlim2 (QEq only for zlim1<z<zlim2)\n");
/* Bavard============================================= */
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
if (verbose) printf ("%s",ptr);
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
strcpy( Bavard , words[1] );
if (verbose) printf (" %s %s\n",words[0],Bavard);
// ---------------------------------------
// Writing the energy component.
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
strcpy( writeenerg, words[1] );
if (strcmp (writeenerg,"true") == 0) { Nevery = atof(words[2]); }
else { Nevery = 0.0; }
if (verbose) printf (" %s %s %f\n",words[0],writeenerg,Nevery);
// ---------------------------------------
// Writing the chimical electronic potential.
fgets( ptr, MAXLINE, fp);
Tokenize( ptr, &words );
strcpy( writepot, words[1] );
if (strcmp (writepot,"true") == 0) { Neverypot = atof(words[2]); }
else { Neverypot = 0.0; }
if (verbose) printf (" %s %s %f\n",words[0],writepot,Neverypot);
/* ======================================================== */
/* deallocate helper storage */
for (i = 0; i < MAXTOKENS ; i++ ) free( words[i]);
free( words );
free( ptr );
// === Rayon de coupure premier voisins : 1,2*r0
for (i=0 ; i<num_atom_types ; i++) {
for (j=0 ; j<=i ; j++) {
m = intype[i][j];
if (m == 0) continue;
if (intparams[m].intsm == 0) continue;
intparams[m].neig_cut = 1.2*intparams[m].r0;
if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"second_moment") == 0 )
if (verbose) printf (" Rc 1er voisin, typepot %s -> %f Ang\n",
intparams[m].neig_cut = 1.2*intparams[m].r0;
if (strcmp(intparams[m].typepot,"second_moment") == 0 )
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " Rc 1er voisin, typepot {} -> {} Ang\n",
//A adapter au STO
for (i=1,ncov=params[0].sto*params[0].n0; i < nparams; ++i)
ncov = min(ncov,(params[1].sto)*(params[1].n0));
if ((comm->me == 0) && verbose)
utils::logmesg(lmp, " Parametre ncov = {}\n"
" ********************************************* \n",ncov);
} catch (std::exception &e) {
error->all(FLERR, "Error parsing SMTBQ parameter file: {}", e.what());
//A adapter au STO
for (i=1,ncov=params[0].sto*params[0].n0; i < nparams; ++i)
ncov = min(ncov,(params[1].sto)*(params[1].n0));
if (verbose) printf (" Parametre ncov = %f\n",ncov);
if (verbose) printf (" ********************************************* \n");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1113,7 +1150,7 @@ void PairSMTBQ::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
if (me == 0&& strcmp(Bavard,"false") != 0) {
printf ("A la fin de Compute\n");
printf ("Nemton_pair : %d, evflag %d, tail_flag %d,vflag_fdotr %d\n",
printf ("Newton_pair : %d, evflag %d, tail_flag %d,vflag_fdotr %d\n",
printf ("neighbor->includegroup %d\n",neighbor->includegroup);
@ -3473,28 +3510,6 @@ void PairSMTBQ::add_pages(int howmany)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int PairSMTBQ::Tokenize( char* s, char*** tok )
char test[MAXLINE];
const char *sep = "' ";
char *mot;
int count=0;
mot = nullptr;
strncpy( test, s, MAXLINE-1 );
for (mot = strtok(test, sep); mot; mot = strtok(nullptr, sep)) {
strncpy( (*tok)[count], mot, MAXLINE );
return count;
void PairSMTBQ::CheckEnergyVSForce()
double drL,iq,jq,rsq,evdwlCoul,fpairCoul,eflag=0,ErepR,frepR,fpair,evdwl;
@ -149,8 +149,6 @@ class PairSMTBQ : public Pair {
void forward_int(int *);
void reverse_int(int *);
int Tokenize(char *, char ***);
template <class T> const T &min(const T &a, const T &b)
return !(b < a) ? a : b; // or: return !comp(b,a)?a:b; for the comp version
Reference in New Issue