forked from lijiext/lammps
git-svn-id: svn:// f3b2605a-c512-4ea7-a41b-209d697bcdaa
This commit is contained in:
@ -639,10 +639,14 @@ void FixRigid::init()
step_respa = ((Respa *) update->integrate)->step;
// one-time initialization of rigid body attributes
// extended flags, masstotal, COM, inertia tensor
// setup_bodies_static = extended flags, masstotal, COM, inertia tensor
// setup_bodies_dynamic = vcm and angmom
if (firstflag) setup_bodies();
firstflag = 0;
if (firstflag) {
firstflag = 0;
// temperature scale factor
@ -655,20 +659,19 @@ void FixRigid::init()
else tfactor = 0.0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute initial fcm and torque on bodies, also initial virial
reset all particle velocities to be consistent with vcm and omega
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigid::setup(int vflag)
int i,n,ibody;
double massone,radone;
// vcm = velocity of center-of-mass of each rigid body
// fcm = force on center-of-mass of each rigid body
double **v = atom->v;
double **f = atom->f;
double *rmass = atom->rmass;
double *mass = atom->mass;
int *type = atom->type;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
@ -678,29 +681,19 @@ void FixRigid::setup(int vflag)
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
sum[ibody][0] += v[i][0] * massone;
sum[ibody][1] += v[i][1] * massone;
sum[ibody][2] += v[i][2] * massone;
sum[ibody][3] += f[i][0];
sum[ibody][4] += f[i][1];
sum[ibody][5] += f[i][2];
sum[ibody][0] += f[i][0];
sum[ibody][1] += f[i][1];
sum[ibody][2] += f[i][2];
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {
vcm[ibody][0] = all[ibody][0]/masstotal[ibody];
vcm[ibody][1] = all[ibody][1]/masstotal[ibody];
vcm[ibody][2] = all[ibody][2]/masstotal[ibody];
fcm[ibody][0] = all[ibody][3];
fcm[ibody][1] = all[ibody][4];
fcm[ibody][2] = all[ibody][5];
fcm[ibody][0] = all[ibody][0];
fcm[ibody][1] = all[ibody][1];
fcm[ibody][2] = all[ibody][2];
// angmom = angular momentum of each rigid body
// torque = torque on each rigid body
tagint *image = atom->image;
@ -721,52 +714,23 @@ void FixRigid::setup(int vflag)
dy = unwrap[1] - xcm[ibody][1];
dz = unwrap[2] - xcm[ibody][2];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
sum[ibody][0] += dy * massone*v[i][2] - dz * massone*v[i][1];
sum[ibody][1] += dz * massone*v[i][0] - dx * massone*v[i][2];
sum[ibody][2] += dx * massone*v[i][1] - dy * massone*v[i][0];
sum[ibody][3] += dy * f[i][2] - dz * f[i][1];
sum[ibody][4] += dz * f[i][0] - dx * f[i][2];
sum[ibody][5] += dx * f[i][1] - dy * f[i][0];
sum[ibody][0] += dy * f[i][2] - dz * f[i][1];
sum[ibody][1] += dz * f[i][0] - dx * f[i][2];
sum[ibody][2] += dx * f[i][1] - dy * f[i][0];
// extended particles add their rotation/torque to angmom/torque of body
// extended particles add their torque to torque of body
if (extended) {
AtomVecLine::Bonus *lbonus;
if (avec_line) lbonus = avec_line->bonus;
double **omega_one = atom->omega;
double **angmom_one = atom->angmom;
double **torque_one = atom->torque;
double *radius = atom->radius;
int *line = atom->line;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
if (eflags[i] & OMEGA) {
if (eflags[i] & SPHERE) {
radone = radius[i];
sum[ibody][0] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][0];
sum[ibody][1] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][1];
sum[ibody][2] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][2];
} else if (eflags[i] & LINE) {
radone = lbonus[line[i]].length;
sum[ibody][2] += LINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][2];
if (eflags[i] & ANGMOM) {
sum[ibody][0] += angmom_one[i][0];
sum[ibody][1] += angmom_one[i][1];
sum[ibody][2] += angmom_one[i][2];
if (eflags[i] & TORQUE) {
sum[ibody][3] += torque_one[i][0];
sum[ibody][4] += torque_one[i][1];
sum[ibody][5] += torque_one[i][2];
sum[ibody][0] += torque_one[i][0];
sum[ibody][1] += torque_one[i][1];
sum[ibody][2] += torque_one[i][2];
@ -774,12 +738,9 @@ void FixRigid::setup(int vflag)
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {
angmom[ibody][0] = all[ibody][0];
angmom[ibody][1] = all[ibody][1];
angmom[ibody][2] = all[ibody][2];
torque[ibody][0] = all[ibody][3];
torque[ibody][1] = all[ibody][4];
torque[ibody][2] = all[ibody][5];
torque[ibody][0] = all[ibody][0];
torque[ibody][1] = all[ibody][1];
torque[ibody][2] = all[ibody][2];
// zero langextra in case Langevin thermostat not used
@ -1150,7 +1111,7 @@ void FixRigid::pre_neighbor()
int FixRigid::dof(int tgroup)
// cannot count DOF correctly unless setup_bodies() has been called
// cannot count DOF correctly unless setup_bodies_static() has been called
if (firstflag) {
if (comm->me == 0)
@ -1561,13 +1522,13 @@ void FixRigid::set_v()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
one-time initialization of rigid body attributes
one-time initialization of static rigid body attributes
extended flags, masstotal, center-of-mass
Cartesian and diagonalized inertia tensor
read per-body attributes from infile if specified
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigid::setup_bodies()
void FixRigid::setup_bodies_static()
int i,ibody;
@ -2059,6 +2020,104 @@ void FixRigid::setup_bodies()
if (infile) memory->destroy(inbody);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
one-time initialization of dynamic rigid body attributes
Vcm and angmom, computed explicitly from constituent particles
even if wrong for overlapping particles, is OK,
since is just setting initial time=0 Vcm and angmom of the body
which can be estimated value
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigid::setup_bodies_dynamic()
int i,n,ibody;
double massone,radone;
// vcm = velocity of center-of-mass of each rigid body
// angmom = angular momentum of each rigid body
double **x = atom->x;
double **v = atom->v;
double *rmass = atom->rmass;
double *mass = atom->mass;
tagint *image = atom->image;
int *type = atom->type;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double dx,dy,dz;
double unwrap[3];
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++)
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) sum[ibody][i] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
sum[ibody][0] += v[i][0] * massone;
sum[ibody][1] += v[i][1] * massone;
sum[ibody][2] += v[i][2] * massone;
dx = unwrap[0] - xcm[ibody][0];
dy = unwrap[1] - xcm[ibody][1];
dz = unwrap[2] - xcm[ibody][2];
sum[ibody][3] += dy * massone*v[i][2] - dz * massone*v[i][1];
sum[ibody][4] += dz * massone*v[i][0] - dx * massone*v[i][2];
sum[ibody][5] += dx * massone*v[i][1] - dy * massone*v[i][0];
// extended particles add their rotation to angmom of body
if (extended) {
AtomVecLine::Bonus *lbonus;
if (avec_line) lbonus = avec_line->bonus;
double **omega_one = atom->omega;
double **angmom_one = atom->angmom;
double *radius = atom->radius;
int *line = atom->line;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
if (eflags[i] & OMEGA) {
if (eflags[i] & SPHERE) {
radone = radius[i];
sum[ibody][3] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][0];
sum[ibody][4] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][1];
sum[ibody][5] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][2];
} else if (eflags[i] & LINE) {
radone = lbonus[line[i]].length;
sum[ibody][5] += LINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][2];
if (eflags[i] & ANGMOM) {
sum[ibody][3] += angmom_one[i][0];
sum[ibody][4] += angmom_one[i][1];
sum[ibody][5] += angmom_one[i][2];
// normalize velocity of COM
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {
vcm[ibody][0] = all[ibody][0]/masstotal[ibody];
vcm[ibody][1] = all[ibody][1]/masstotal[ibody];
vcm[ibody][2] = all[ibody][2]/masstotal[ibody];
angmom[ibody][0] = all[ibody][3];
angmom[ibody][1] = all[ibody][4];
angmom[ibody][2] = all[ibody][5];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
read per rigid body info from user-provided file
which = 0 to read total mass and center-of-mass, store in vec and array
@ -2341,200 +2400,32 @@ void FixRigid::reset_dt()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
zero linear momentum of each rigid body
called by velocity zero linear command with its vgroup
only atoms in velocity command group contribute to vcm of body,
and only their velocities are adjusted, odd if partial bodies specified
set Vcm to 0.0, then reset velocities of particles via set_v()
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigid::zero_momentum(int vgroup)
void FixRigid::zero_momentum()
int i,ibody;
double massone;
for (int ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++)
vcm[ibody][0] = vcm[ibody][1] = vcm[ibody][2] = 0.0;
int vgroupbit = group->bitmask[vgroup];
// vcm = velocity of center-of-mass of each rigid body
double **v = atom->v;
double *rmass = atom->rmass;
double *mass = atom->mass;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *type = atom->type;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++)
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) sum[ibody][i] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
sum[ibody][0] += v[i][0] * massone;
sum[ibody][1] += v[i][1] * massone;
sum[ibody][2] += v[i][2] * massone;
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {
vcm[ibody][0] = all[ibody][0]/masstotal[ibody];
vcm[ibody][1] = all[ibody][1]/masstotal[ibody];
vcm[ibody][2] = all[ibody][2]/masstotal[ibody];
// adjust velocities by vcm to zero linear momentum
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
v[i][0] -= vcm[ibody][0];
v[i][1] -= vcm[ibody][1];
v[i][2] -= vcm[ibody][2];
evflag = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
zero angular momentum of each rigid body
called by velocity zero linear command with its vgroup
only atoms in velocity command group contribute to angmom/omega of body,
and only their velocities are adjusted, odd if partial bodies specified
set angmom/omega to 0.0, then reset velocities of particles via set_v()
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigid::zero_rotation(int vgroup)
void FixRigid::zero_rotation()
int i,ibody;
double massone,radone;
int vgroupbit = group->bitmask[vgroup];
// angmom = angular momentum of each rigid body
double **x = atom->x;
double **v = atom->v;
double *rmass = atom->rmass;
double *mass = atom->mass;
tagint *image = atom->image;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *type = atom->type;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double dx,dy,dz;
double unwrap[3];
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++)
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) sum[ibody][i] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
dx = unwrap[0] - xcm[ibody][0];
dy = unwrap[1] - xcm[ibody][1];
dz = unwrap[2] - xcm[ibody][2];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
sum[ibody][0] += dy * massone*v[i][2] - dz * massone*v[i][1];
sum[ibody][1] += dz * massone*v[i][0] - dx * massone*v[i][2];
sum[ibody][2] += dx * massone*v[i][1] - dy * massone*v[i][0];
for (int ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {
angmom[ibody][0] = angmom[ibody][1] = angmom[ibody][2] = 0.0;
omega[ibody][0] = omega[ibody][1] = omega[ibody][2] = 0.0;
// extended particles add their rotation to angmom of body
if (extended) {
AtomVecLine::Bonus *lbonus;
if (avec_line) lbonus = avec_line->bonus;
double **omega_one = atom->omega;
double **angmom_one = atom->angmom;
double *radius = atom->radius;
int *line = atom->line;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
if (eflags[i] & OMEGA) {
if (eflags[i] & SPHERE) {
radone = radius[i];
sum[ibody][0] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][0];
sum[ibody][1] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][1];
sum[ibody][2] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][2];
} else if (eflags[i] & LINE) {
radone = lbonus[line[i]].length;
sum[ibody][2] += LINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega_one[i][2];
if (eflags[i] & ANGMOM) {
sum[ibody][0] += angmom_one[i][0];
sum[ibody][1] += angmom_one[i][1];
sum[ibody][2] += angmom_one[i][2];
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++) {
angmom[ibody][0] = all[ibody][0];
angmom[ibody][1] = all[ibody][1];
angmom[ibody][2] = all[ibody][2];
// convert angmom to omega
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nbody; ibody++)
// adjust velocities to zero omega
// vnew_i = v_i - w x r_i
// must use unwrapped coords to compute r_i correctly
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
ibody = body[i];
dx = unwrap[0] - xcm[ibody][0];
dy = unwrap[1] - xcm[ibody][1];
dz = unwrap[2] - xcm[ibody][2];
v[i][0] -= omega[ibody][1]*dz - omega[ibody][2]*dy;
v[i][1] -= omega[ibody][2]*dx - omega[ibody][0]*dz;
v[i][2] -= omega[ibody][0]*dy - omega[ibody][1]*dx;
// also explicitly zero omega and angmom of extended particles
if (extended) {
double **omega_one = atom->omega;
double **angmom_one = atom->angmom;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (body[i] < 0) continue;
if (eflags[i] & OMEGA) {
if (eflags[i] & SPHERE) {
omega_one[i][0] = 0.0;
omega_one[i][1] = 0.0;
omega_one[i][2] = 0.0;
} else if (eflags[i] & LINE) omega_one[i][2] = 0.0;
if (eflags[i] & ANGMOM) {
angmom_one[i][0] = 0.0;
angmom_one[i][1] = 0.0;
angmom_one[i][2] = 0.0;
evflag = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ class FixRigid : public Fix {
int dof(int);
void deform(int);
void reset_dt();
void zero_momentum(int);
void zero_rotation(int);
void zero_momentum();
void zero_rotation();
virtual void *extract(const char*, int &);
double extract_ke();
double extract_erotational();
@ -136,7 +136,8 @@ class FixRigid : public Fix {
void no_squish_rotate(int, double *, double *, double *, double) const;
void set_xv();
void set_v();
void setup_bodies();
void setup_bodies_static();
void setup_bodies_dynamic();
void readfile(int, double *, double **, int *);
@ -345,11 +345,15 @@ void FixRigidSmall::setup_pre_neighbor()
if (firstflag) {
firstflag = 0;
} else pre_neighbor();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute initial fcm and torque on bodies, also initial virial
reset all particle velocities to be consistent with vcm and omega
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigidSmall::setup(int vflag)
@ -358,32 +362,23 @@ void FixRigidSmall::setup(int vflag)
// sum vcm, fcm, angmom, torque across all rigid bodies
// vcm = velocity of COM
// sum fcm, torque across all rigid bodies
// fcm = force on COM
// angmom = angular momentum around COM
// torque = torque around COM
double **x = atom->x;
double **v = atom->v;
double **f = atom->f;
double *rmass = atom->rmass;
double *mass = atom->mass;
int *type = atom->type;
int *image = atom->image;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double *xcm,*vcm,*fcm,*acm,*tcm;
double *xcm,*fcm,*tcm;
double dx,dy,dz;
double unwrap[3];
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body+nghost_body; ibody++) {
vcm = body[ibody].vcm;
vcm[0] = vcm[1] = vcm[2] = 0.0;
fcm = body[ibody].fcm;
fcm[0] = fcm[1] = fcm[2] = 0.0;
acm = body[ibody].angmom;
acm[0] = acm[1] = acm[2] = 0.0;
tcm = body[ibody].torque;
tcm[0] = tcm[1] = tcm[2] = 0.0;
@ -392,13 +387,6 @@ void FixRigidSmall::setup(int vflag)
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
vcm = b->vcm;
vcm[0] += v[i][0] * massone;
vcm[1] += v[i][1] * massone;
vcm[2] += v[i][2] * massone;
fcm = b->fcm;
fcm[0] += f[i][0];
fcm[1] += f[i][1];
@ -410,10 +398,6 @@ void FixRigidSmall::setup(int vflag)
dy = unwrap[1] - xcm[1];
dz = unwrap[2] - xcm[2];
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += dy * massone*v[i][2] - dz * massone*v[i][1];
acm[1] += dz * massone*v[i][0] - dx * massone*v[i][2];
acm[2] += dx * massone*v[i][1] - dy * massone*v[i][0];
tcm = b->torque;
tcm[0] += dy * f[i][2] - dz * f[i][1];
tcm[1] += dz * f[i][0] - dx * f[i][2];
@ -423,36 +407,11 @@ void FixRigidSmall::setup(int vflag)
// extended particles add their rotation/torque to angmom/torque of body
if (extended) {
AtomVecLine::Bonus *lbonus;
if (avec_line) lbonus = avec_line->bonus;
double **omega = atom->omega;
double **angmom = atom->angmom;
double **torque = atom->torque;
double *radius = atom->radius;
int *line = atom->line;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
if (eflags[i] & OMEGA) {
if (eflags[i] & SPHERE) {
radone = radius[i];
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][0];
acm[1] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][1];
acm[2] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][2];
} else if (eflags[i] & LINE) {
radone = lbonus[line[i]].length;
b->angmom[2] += LINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][2];
if (eflags[i] & ANGMOM) {
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += angmom[i][0];
acm[1] += angmom[i][1];
acm[2] += angmom[i][2];
if (eflags[i] & TORQUE) {
tcm = b->torque;
tcm[0] += torque[i][0];
@ -462,28 +421,17 @@ void FixRigidSmall::setup(int vflag)
// reverse communicate vcm, fcm, angmom, torque of all bodies
// reverse communicate fcm, torque of all bodies
commflag = VCM_ANGMOM;
commflag = FORCE_TORQUE;
// normalize velocity of COM
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body; ibody++) {
vcm = body[ibody].vcm;
vcm[0] /= body[ibody].mass;
vcm[1] /= body[ibody].mass;
vcm[2] /= body[ibody].mass;
// virial setup before call to set_v
if (vflag) v_setup(vflag);
else evflag = 0;
// compute and forward communicate updated info of all bodies
// compute and forward communicate vcm and omega of all bodies
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body; ibody++) {
Body *b = &body[ibody];
@ -855,7 +803,7 @@ int FixRigidSmall::dof(int tgroup)
int i,j;
// cannot count DOF correctly unless setup_bodies() has been called
// cannot count DOF correctly unless setup_bodies_static() has been called
if (firstflag) {
if (comm->me == 0)
@ -1559,7 +1507,7 @@ void FixRigidSmall::ring_farthest(int n, char *cbuf)
read per-body attributes from infile if specified
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigidSmall::setup_bodies()
void FixRigidSmall::setup_bodies_static()
int i,itype,ibody;
@ -2047,6 +1995,116 @@ void FixRigidSmall::setup_bodies()
if (infile) memory->destroy(inbody);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
one-time initialization of dynamic rigid body attributes
Vcm and angmom, computed explicitly from constituent particles
even if wrong for overlapping particles, is OK,
since is just setting initial time=0 Vcm and angmom of the body
which can be estimated value
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigidSmall::setup_bodies_dynamic()
int i,n,ibody;
double massone,radone;
// sum vcm, angmom across all rigid bodies
// vcm = velocity of COM
// angmom = angular momentum around COM
double **x = atom->x;
double **v = atom->v;
double *rmass = atom->rmass;
double *mass = atom->mass;
int *type = atom->type;
int *image = atom->image;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double *xcm,*vcm,*acm;
double dx,dy,dz;
double unwrap[3];
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body+nghost_body; ibody++) {
vcm = body[ibody].vcm;
vcm[0] = vcm[1] = vcm[2] = 0.0;
acm = body[ibody].angmom;
acm[0] = acm[1] = acm[2] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
vcm = b->vcm;
vcm[0] += v[i][0] * massone;
vcm[1] += v[i][1] * massone;
vcm[2] += v[i][2] * massone;
xcm = b->xcm;
dx = unwrap[0] - xcm[0];
dy = unwrap[1] - xcm[1];
dz = unwrap[2] - xcm[2];
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += dy * massone*v[i][2] - dz * massone*v[i][1];
acm[1] += dz * massone*v[i][0] - dx * massone*v[i][2];
acm[2] += dx * massone*v[i][1] - dy * massone*v[i][0];
// extended particles add their rotation to angmom of body
if (extended) {
AtomVecLine::Bonus *lbonus;
if (avec_line) lbonus = avec_line->bonus;
double **omega = atom->omega;
double **angmom = atom->angmom;
double *radius = atom->radius;
int *line = atom->line;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
if (eflags[i] & OMEGA) {
if (eflags[i] & SPHERE) {
radone = radius[i];
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][0];
acm[1] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][1];
acm[2] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][2];
} else if (eflags[i] & LINE) {
radone = lbonus[line[i]].length;
b->angmom[2] += LINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][2];
if (eflags[i] & ANGMOM) {
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += angmom[i][0];
acm[1] += angmom[i][1];
acm[2] += angmom[i][2];
// reverse communicate vcm, angmom of all bodies
commflag = VCM_ANGMOM;
// normalize velocity of COM
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body; ibody++) {
vcm = body[ibody].vcm;
vcm[0] /= body[ibody].mass;
vcm[1] /= body[ibody].mass;
vcm[2] /= body[ibody].mass;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
read per rigid body info from user-provided file
which = 0 to read total mass and center-of-mass
@ -2800,234 +2858,52 @@ void FixRigidSmall::reset_dt()
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
zero linear momentum of each rigid body
called by velocity zero linear command with its vgroup
only atoms in velocity command group contribute to vcm of body,
and only their velocities are adjusted, odd if partial bodies specified
set Vcm to 0.0, then reset velocities of particles via set_v()
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigidSmall::zero_momentum(int vgroup)
void FixRigidSmall::zero_momentum()
int i,ibody;
double massone;
int vgroupbit = group->bitmask[vgroup];
// sum vcm across all rigid bodies
double **v = atom->v;
double *rmass = atom->rmass;
double *mass = atom->mass;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int *type = atom->type;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double *vcm,*acm;
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body+nghost_body; ibody++) {
double *vcm;
for (int ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body+nghost_body; ibody++) {
vcm = body[ibody].vcm;
vcm[0] = vcm[1] = vcm[2] = 0.0;
acm = body[ibody].angmom;
acm[0] = acm[1] = acm[2] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
vcm = b->vcm;
vcm[0] += v[i][0] * massone;
vcm[1] += v[i][1] * massone;
vcm[2] += v[i][2] * massone;
// reverse communicate vcm (and angmom) of all bodies
commflag = VCM_ANGMOM;
// normalize velocity of COM
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body; ibody++) {
vcm = body[ibody].vcm;
vcm[0] /= body[ibody].mass;
vcm[1] /= body[ibody].mass;
vcm[2] /= body[ibody].mass;
// adjust velocities by vcm to zero linear momentum
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
vcm = b->vcm;
v[i][0] -= vcm[0];
v[i][1] -= vcm[1];
v[i][2] -= vcm[2];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
zero angular momentum of each rigid body
called by velocity zero linear command with its vgroup
only atoms in velocity command group contribute to angmom/omega of body,
and only their velocities are adjusted, odd if partial bodies specified
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixRigidSmall::zero_rotation(int vgroup)
int i,ibody;
double massone,radone;
int vgroupbit = group->bitmask[vgroup];
// sum angmom across all rigid bodies
double **x = atom->x;
double **v = atom->v;
double *rmass = atom->rmass;
double *mass = atom->mass;
int *type = atom->type;
int *image = atom->image;
int *mask = atom->mask;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double *xcm,*vcm,*acm;
double dx,dy,dz;
double unwrap[3];
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body+nghost_body; ibody++) {
vcm = body[ibody].vcm;
vcm[0] = vcm[1] = vcm[2] = 0.0;
acm = body[ibody].angmom;
acm[0] = acm[1] = acm[2] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
xcm = b->xcm;
dx = unwrap[0] - xcm[0];
dy = unwrap[1] - xcm[1];
dz = unwrap[2] - xcm[2];
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += dy * massone*v[i][2] - dz * massone*v[i][1];
acm[1] += dz * massone*v[i][0] - dx * massone*v[i][2];
acm[2] += dx * massone*v[i][1] - dy * massone*v[i][0];
// extended particles add their rotation to angmom of body
if (extended) {
AtomVecLine::Bonus *lbonus;
if (avec_line) lbonus = avec_line->bonus;
double **omega = atom->omega;
double **angmom = atom->angmom;
double **torque = atom->torque;
double *radius = atom->radius;
int *line = atom->line;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
if (eflags[i] & OMEGA) {
if (eflags[i] & SPHERE) {
radone = radius[i];
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][0];
acm[1] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][1];
acm[2] += SINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][2];
} else if (eflags[i] & LINE) {
radone = lbonus[line[i]].length;
b->angmom[2] += LINERTIA*rmass[i] * radone*radone * omega[i][2];
if (eflags[i] & ANGMOM) {
acm = b->angmom;
acm[0] += angmom[i][0];
acm[1] += angmom[i][1];
acm[2] += angmom[i][2];
// reverse communicate angmom (and vcm) of all bodies
commflag = VCM_ANGMOM;
// convert angmom to omega and communicate it
for (ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body; ibody++) {
Body *b = &body[ibody];
// forward communicate of vcm to all ghost copies
commflag = FINAL;
// adjust velocities to zero omega
// vnew_i = v_i - w x r_i
// must use unwrapped coords to compute r_i correctly
// set velocity of atoms in rigid bodues
double *omega;
evflag = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
Body *b = &body[atom2body[i]];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
zero angular momentum of each rigid body
set angmom/omega to 0.0, then reset velocities of particles via set_v()
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (rmass) massone = rmass[i];
else massone = mass[type[i]];
xcm = b->xcm;
dx = unwrap[0] - xcm[0];
dy = unwrap[1] - xcm[1];
dz = unwrap[2] - xcm[2];
omega = b->omega;
v[i][0] -= omega[1]*dz - omega[2]*dy;
v[i][1] -= omega[2]*dx - omega[0]*dz;
v[i][2] -= omega[0]*dy - omega[1]*dx;
void FixRigidSmall::zero_rotation()
double *angmom,*omega;
for (int ibody = 0; ibody < nlocal_body+nghost_body; ibody++) {
angmom = body[ibody].angmom;
angmom[0] = angmom[1] = angmom[2] = 0.0;
omega = body[ibody].omega;
omega[0] = omega[1] = omega[2] = 0.0;
// also explicitly zero omega and angmom of extended particles
// forward communicate of omega to all ghost copies
if (extended) {
double **omega_one = atom->omega;
double **angmom_one = atom->angmom;
commflag = FINAL;
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (!(mask[i] & vgroupbit)) continue;
if (atom2body[i] < 0) continue;
// set velocity of atoms in rigid bodues
if (eflags[i] & OMEGA) {
if (eflags[i] & SPHERE) {
omega_one[i][0] = 0.0;
omega_one[i][1] = 0.0;
omega_one[i][2] = 0.0;
} else if (eflags[i] & LINE) omega_one[i][2] = 0.0;
if (eflags[i] & ANGMOM) {
angmom_one[i][0] = 0.0;
angmom_one[i][1] = 0.0;
angmom_one[i][2] = 0.0;
evflag = 0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ class FixRigidSmall : public Fix {
int dof(int);
void deform(int);
void reset_dt();
void zero_momentum(int);
void zero_rotation(int);
void zero_momentum();
void zero_rotation();
void *extract(const char*, int &);
double extract_ke();
double extract_erotational();
@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ class FixRigidSmall : public Fix {
void set_xv();
void set_v();
void create_bodies();
void setup_bodies();
void setup_bodies_static();
void setup_bodies_dynamic();
void readfile(int, double **, int *);
void grow_body();
void reset_atom2body();
@ -635,9 +635,9 @@ void Velocity::zero(int narg, char **arg)
if (strcmp(modify->fix[rfix]->style,"rigid/small") == 0) {
((FixRigidSmall *) modify->fix[rfix])->setup_pre_neighbor();
((FixRigidSmall *) modify->fix[rfix])->zero_momentum(igroup);
((FixRigidSmall *) modify->fix[rfix])->zero_momentum();
} else if (strstr(modify->fix[rfix]->style,"rigid")) {
((FixRigid *) modify->fix[rfix])->zero_momentum(igroup);
((FixRigid *) modify->fix[rfix])->zero_momentum();
} else error->all(FLERR,"Velocity rigid used with non-rigid fix-ID");
@ -647,9 +647,9 @@ void Velocity::zero(int narg, char **arg)
if (strcmp(modify->fix[rfix]->style,"rigid/small") == 0) {
((FixRigidSmall *) modify->fix[rfix])->setup_pre_neighbor();
((FixRigidSmall *) modify->fix[rfix])->zero_rotation(igroup);
((FixRigidSmall *) modify->fix[rfix])->zero_rotation();
} else if (strstr(modify->fix[rfix]->style,"rigid")) {
((FixRigid *) modify->fix[rfix])->zero_rotation(igroup);
((FixRigid *) modify->fix[rfix])->zero_rotation();
} else error->all(FLERR,"Velocity rigid used with non-rigid fix-ID");
Reference in New Issue